Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 12

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Calendar Between How and Easter it
' Pretty Well Tilled.
rmr lilnMlu Yeaaa
. Wn Ar Urn wlili rw
jrx Sparklers Three tm Vd
Vsaag Mew-
Announce Engagement Today
intendent at the Juvenile PTotectrre
elation, of Chicago, who to coming to at
tend the Sebrssk Conference ( Cbsrltje
and Corrections, will addrew the college
eelal Calendar.'
MON'PAT-Mr. Insula hull, luncheon at
Omaha club (or Miss Kiohardeon. Mr.
and Mr. Mother CoipMr. .imr and
Orr-heasi party for Mr. and Mra K.
Grove; Mra. Walter Fag, tea lor Mis
ITindevtlle: Mr. Cuthbert Potter,
Orpheom party tor Mm Hewitt : Mis
Ruin Hammer, afternoon bridge for
Miss Hewitt: Miss Irnia tderman.
theater party at the fcrandeta for th
Mlea ft'tora: Mr. Jona itaugncrty.
Orpheum party.
ri EMUAV - Mm. Mosher Polpetaer.
bridge-luncheon for Uiaa tlk aardson;
j Miss Katherine Heeioo. thcsler party
and supper for Mlas Hewitt: Mra, l.
t M. Vinsonhaler. atleroon bridge (or
' MM Mildred Butler. Mr. and Mra.
Frank U Hoelm. dinner lor lr. and
Mra. W. K. Urwe ! New Tor: Mra.
John l W rosier and Mra. George Print,
luncheon at Omaha ciuo; Mr. and Mra.
Joaeph ftaldrlge. dinner; Mra. O. U
Hart, . meeting of Dundee Bridge
Luncheon rlub: Mra. Carl Book and
1m J. r. Anson, dinner and Orpheum
party (or toe Muxes Ktorx and Mies
Krug. -
W BD.BHrAT-Mr. Harry Cummlngs.
tra for Mm Russell; Mra. Ben Cottun,
afternoon bridge for Mlaa Klchardsvn.
Mra. T. V. Vox. Beulah Whist club.
THLRHDAT-Mre. Jeroma M-ee.
luncheon at Omaha club for l:lch.
erdson: Mr. and Mra. Forreat Ilk-herd-on.
dinner and theater party for MM
IMndevllle; Mlra Marie Ho Inner,
luncheon at Omaha club for Mm Hay
den: Mr. U F. Crofoot. luncheon; Mra.
t'fcarlea Everssa. Cnnu club: Mra H.
Jarbsoa. Clever l-eaf card club-. Mra.
Albert Krug. theater party at the
Krandel for the Ml IStorx and Mlra
Krug. . .
FWliAT Mr. Eva Wallace, a'ternoon
brldae (or Miaa Illchardson; Mra. T. b.
I 'avis, afternaoa bridge (or 11 Is I Rus
sell; M-aeekly danca at Fort Crook;
hiah aehool junior prom at thambr,
ATl'RUAY-Mra, laiige of Council
Muffs, luncheon for Mlaa Ruaaell: Mra.
Harry Ttikey, afternoon brldae fnr MIM
Richardson; Aaeociatlon of Colleglste
Alumnae, luncheon at the Hamilton:
Kappa Kappa Gamma aorortty. lunch
eon at toe Hamilton.
t The time between now and Alb. Wcdnet
' nay. February n. wll ibe crowded with
metal (ratlsttlva. lata and amall. before
, society goes Into Ha forty day a' faat,
I ending with tauter, April 7. Aatateur
theatrical, dances, courerta, benefit at
! (aire, wedding and lea a, dinner. ;luneh
j eona. bridge and the-iter parti fer via-
Itlng woman all klnde of entertainment
-I Vlll fill tha day and evenlnga of o
' tiety durli g tha next aix a cel. a.
Among the larger pra-Lenteq affairs will
" JMuly! performance riven by tha Players'
club at ahe Brardela. probably Monday
evening. rhruary l. The naal evening,
, HhroTe Tttef Jay. the tNjiner Danca club
will have aWnce al the Country dub.
j which probe Sly will be preceded by amall
dtnnera la tha komei of aome of tha mem
here, aa wheh tha club gave It large
danca at tha) Metropolitan lat month.
Tha junior dub wilt live Ike large! and
moat elaborate of It dancae thta aeaaon
Monday nvenlng,- Vebruary It. Tha even
ing of February ft will be aoclety night
at tha automobile' rftow al the Audi-
' tortum.
T'.ie Omaha lilch aeliodl ()unkr prom
will U'neil Frtday nlglit it Chamber'
and the eedet ottloent" hop. Vh largeet
'-Vw-t of the artiooj 7?. w b tVtdey,
February . it. Tha tralghlon College Ola
cl'ib cotcert .1111 came oa Bt. Vahm
tliw aiglii, Pebruarj M. ,.
Tha Axeocktkm of Collegiate Alumna
will glv lt larg gucial affair of th yor
next aatyrdar a. Hamlluan oaf. Tna,
data for !h bejieflt rondln by Mr. )
Iiew.Allen for the aoehil ttlmnt at!
' s uulijr Women' mrhrtlas aeaoeiatlon i
been art far rrtdw. February it at
1 1
V ' - J:- W
11 St- .
Tha eonunlttea In charge of Um affair
ar Mlaa Zola Del lacker, chairman; lalaaaa
Helen Davia. Edna. Cole. Ellxabrth Sweet.
Mary Herbert, gaekett and Mra. Samuel
Reea. Jr. ' 4
Pleasures Past
Mra. Ella J. Baulre entertained U
formally at luncheon Saturday at th
Omaha club In honor of har daughter.
Mrs. Iloxl Clark of New Tork.
Mr. John A. Cavera gave a dlnnac party
at th Country club Thuraday evening.
Thoaa nreeent were:
Meaara. Meeara.
L. . -.1 . k- L-AKMAj..
i rieiiK , , . - . ..... . ,
I u 1 JvraiM Maaee.
A. V. Klnaler. J. U Paxton.
J.. A. Kuhn. J. A. Cavera.
Mra. Slenn C. 'Wharton entertained In
formally at bridge faturday afterneon
at her home in honor of Mlaa flraee
lilchardwo of Erl. Penn., gueat or Mr.
Jeroma Mage, and (or Mr. M. K. Or
of Nw York. Kour tables of player
werw rreeent.
Mlea Lule Dinning entertained at a
kitchen ahowtr yesterday at her nam In
honor of Mra. Kdwerd O'Brien, a recent
bride who will Mart housekeeping at
their new apartment February L Tha
afternoon waa (pent playing bridge and
twenty guenta wr preaent.
Mhn Jean Foley entertained th Tod
man club at her horn Friday evening.
Progreaalv high flva waa played and
pita won ky Mia Ma McCalmn. Tkoaa
prerent were: 1
On rude Flynn,
Florence Dudley.
Mary Be. I.
Anna Deltman,
Kate Oranviile, .
May beadle.
The engagement wa announi rd yeeter
day of Mia Ruth Claire Bubal, daughter
of Mr. Hattle C. Rubel. and Mr. Jay
Kate, on of Mr. and Mr. Samuel KaU.
Mr. Kati I well-known In Omaha,, hav-
ma Heed here all hi Ufe. while Mlaa
Rubel ha but recently moved her from
Peoria. III. The wedding will be one of
the largo June nuptial. Thla afternoon
and evening. Mra Rubel I at horn in
honor of her daughter and Mr. Kata. .
bar' Friday evening nnrn about on
hundred couple ar expected to be pres
ent. Ther ha been conquerable consterna
tion among th member of th clan bei
eatiae of the fail that the mid-term ram-!
mencement rxerdeea will bo held on th ; (eitoonetl alth Khuol ixnninti. A dim
am evening and the prohibitory hand , gray lighting effect Will be ctrrlcd out
ef th faculty begin in shak agalnat durlnj two.uf th rlt avtmucrai il
having any aoclal function then. It haa The grand march will be led by. Frank
relented, however, and the dance will be , Hlxeubaugh, th elaaa pratldant and Hla
given aa previously arranged.,. . .- UUiabatb Floley. Jamoa Jjuika nd
Plana are belna made to make this thai Wayne Belby will have charge of the
meat elaborate dancing party. of the whole affair. . ... , . . v
i-hool year and as thr ts no school next ......
week with 4h exception ot examinations.
kbg bomtxltteej In charge will have empla
time to decorate tna nail, ivenoer ana
the-cla colon, will
Louise Khumake.
Catherine Hh.eiua,
May McCallan.
CarllD. .
Jean Foley.
Mlaa Blanche busk entertained al lunch'
eon Saturday at her horn for a number
of her friend In th junior elaaa of th
high school. Pint and white decoration
were used and covera wer placed for:
Mle- '
Helen Johnson.
Elisabeth FmJr.
Doris Duncen,
Dorothy Weiler,
l.udll Dennte,
tiertrude Aiken,
Blanche Busk.
Dr. and Mra. Charles A. Hull ntr-
talned Informally at bridge last evening
In honor of Miss Katherine Haeaon and
har gueat. Mlsa Margaret Hewitt, of De
Mirtnes. Their guet Included.
F.llsabeth Pavl.
Helen Inrweraea,
Dorothy Merer.
Helen Gal. -Naomi
Ruth Fltageraid.
Herbert Da1a.
Ralph Campbell,
Robert Edwarda.
Ollbert Kennedy,
norac fHak.
Fay Porter.
Captain and Mrs.
France Barnhart.
lAiella Peierwn,
Anna Nelbe, . ,
t'eclila Feller.
Hannah Kopaid,
Helen Garvin.
Etta Meular.
Katherine Beeaon,
Margaret Hewitt
Mildred Butler,
Huth Hammer.
Wlllsrd Butler,
Jack Baldwin, ,
Hal Brady,
John Daugherty,
Mr. and Mr.
. EJIxabeth Bruce.
Iiorothy tevns.
Marl Holllnger.
Jsck Webster. ,
William Taylor,
Ravmond lxw.
Harold Prltchett. '
I. other Konntse enter-
Alnsaaa Laacka.
the January meeting of th Association
of the Volleglat Alumna win hera social
draped afralr a hiix heun at the HsMlnoO cafe.
the balcony and th chandelier next. Saturday at I o'clock. FolloaW th th favor at' earH' BUt.' Ctnr wer
Vf tk ball aad faa cosy corner will bJ luncheen. Mr. Jstnc A. Brllion. uor- jptaoed for lfi gtwata, Drtsdert vase
tslned at dinner Friday evening In honor
ut Mis Cera rrlndevlll of ' Chicago.
gueat of Mr. George Palmer ami for Mr.
and Mr. Iloxl Clerk ' ef New Tork.
Cavr were placed for
Mil Prlndvlll.
tin ;lla mmree,
i Mra lleorg Palmer.
I Mrj HartTt McCbrwilclt. :r
! 1 Jettrejiant Raynoad Bmlla. , I
! Mrt-K. M. Andreeaon. , 11 i
Dr. and Mra, J. K. Summer,
.Me.ttd MMJale Clark, 1
Mr. aad, Mra, V-oW,JenU., ,
Mr. O. atora and the Ml Bter en
tertained at a beautifully appointed din
nef partv l?t evening lo ' celebration of
the sixtieth birthday ef Mr. mora. A buge
mound t red rwers -rbrmesl Ma eenter
plec for the' tm and Ted rnaea were
tilled with American Beauty roars fartMd
th decoraciooa far tk partora. Following
"flnner. tbe evenisf ana sweast with music
od dausclng. The ball room wa ale
Kru4 with red rosea.
Tha' Normacdt Dancing xlub ot the
Omaha High aehool h! th third of a
erica of weekly dancing parties at the
.Normaadio apartments last evening. The
lueau wer chaperoned by Ml Jn
Oahaa. Thla present were:
Misses- Ml e
Helen Hear, e
CaUiertae Crocker.
Marlon Towle.
Ruth Henrtchs.
June Gahsn.
Phillip Ol! mere.
Frederick Bur hoi.
Ellsworth Moaer. -Perry
Herman Jb.
William Nit m
Fort Creek gave two dinner parties last
week la honor of Mra. Nesblta parent.
Mr. aad Mra. Charlea Spencer ef Cleve
land, o. Thoae present t the dinner
Friday evening were Mr. and Mr.
Charlea Speacer. Captain and Mra. John
Singleton Swltxer. Captain and Mra.
Derey, Lieutenant and Mia. John Butb.
Saturday th guests were Mr. nd Mra.
Charlea Spencer. Co'ooel and Mrs. Allaire,
Captain and Mr. I.nul Nuttman. Cap
tain and Mr. Rlfrnbertck. Captain and
Mrs. Nesblt.
Mlea Helen Howe and Mlsa Margaret
McFarian entertained at a abating party
at Hanecea park Friday evmtng. Th
latter part of the evening cupper waa
served at th horn of Mis McFarlcne.
Thoee preaent were:
Ml Mlsae
Harrtet Parmele. Mlnnl Joimon.
nn Fogg. Mbel Klewltt.
Mary Tsvlor. Kllrabeth 3ould.
Sue Baatman. Minerva Fuller,
Mildred Collins, Helen Howe,
Mann Burchanor.
Mrgaret McFarlane,
Meaar. Men
Henry Howe. John McFrln.
Robert lnkster. Howard Wilson,
Harold Langdon, park Larmon.
Fred Klewltt. Lemarr fcherrer, '
Jiomer Phillip, Howaid connaa.
lav Ariasea I
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Leach entertained
Friday evening for thdr so. Hunter, and
hi elaaa graduate ot Bancroft cheol
and their teachers. Th room Were dec
orated In the class color, lavender and
liver. The menu' wa carried out la
the earn color. Glfte were presented
ha nrtnelDal. Mlsa Brown, and the
teaeher. Mlaa lUckey, by th clasa. The
boat waa a saluted by Mra. Marietta.
Ml Doily Marietta and Master lit,'
Learn. Tho present were
Miss Misses--
Maml Hvnek. Myrtle Rlcket,
Mamie Mathaueer, May Kamett.
nophla Matcha,
Meaara Mes-rs
Frsnk Sletser. W. H. Leach.
Auld Olaen, W. Hunter Leach.
John Hambek.
Miaa Kata Mcllugh will entertain the
twenty members of the mid-term grad
uating clasa of th Omaha High aehool
at her bom. Z2 Dodge (treet. Tuesday
vnlDg. Th room will be decorated In
maroon and whit, th class color, and
th evening will be spent In talking over
remembrance of rhoo day. Prof. J.
F. Woolery and Ml Jeaale B. Town
of the faculty will assist In th enter
tainment of the guesta Those present
will be:
Misses- ' ' :. Ml
Mlnnl Malcbien. ' 'r' Huntley,
Kthal Pcdnwre, , Corey.
Olady Ellis. Jna Pearson.
Marlon Marowllt,
Lynn eJackelt.
Albert F'sasser.
Joeph Rosenberg,
;t'ari Hariton,
Mors Olander. . .
Paul Wlglugton..
Julius Karhman, 1
Mr. Lyl Nr Hoffman entertained a
large party ot fries d Thursday evening
'lctor Oslbrlth,
Bma Turk,
Louts Kowalwitl.
Arthur Podolsk, ,
Arthur Robinson,
f-Jvr jceecwTeveeC-
January a. WC-Rev. Robert B. 11. Belt.
then rector of th Good Shepherd s
church, and Miss Helen Peck, daughter
of Mr. and Mra. Ed P. Pack, solemnised
thdr tsarriag at Trinity cathedral. It
a just a gutet wedding. Mia Loula
Peck attended tbe bride -and Bishop
William tied th knot. Messrs., Lyme
Peck and Hamilton were tna usher and
Rev. rranci Whit acted aa ben mas.
January's. IMSFrank M. Bliab,
ager tor th K. O. Dun Co hail tram
llllnok. aa does hi wife. Louise a. Joe.
tin. They were married at Rnekford. II U
at hi home. 4r Eraklne street.
areeent were:
Mildred rVvttt,
Ijk-11 Hcott.
Oarnet I'nderwood,
Jeen Carey.
Ktnel VoetHirgh.
Josephine Ousler,
Claire rtgafooe,
Klolse Chamber.
Margaret &hepard,
Catherine HadHekt.
Charles A'eaburgh,
Fred la vine.
K. O. Campbell.
r. L. Ballev.
Herbert Voaburgh.
V. K. Smith.
Leonard Lavldg.
Porter ttpaulding.
Wayne Hoffman.
Willard Hoffman.
Lyle Hoffman.
Mary Klelv,
Ruby Munaon.
Pearl McManus,
Uretrhen Hill.
Haael Morrison.
Clair McAneney,
Uoldie I'pdise.
Hallle I'pdike.
Haael Carpenter,
Avla Nk-hola,
Ivy Nichols,
A. P. Clllgn.
Fred FV,
Oeorge Bussev.
Irvin Ellsworth.
Hen Wright.
Sam Crpenter,
Ted Brynt.
Hubert Dili.
Charles Bremner,
Cheater Welle.
Theodore Nelson,
Benson Rowley.
Mr. nd Mrs. George Brown.
Mr. nd Mrs. J. J. Hadfleld.
Mr. and Mra. If. H. Hoffman.
Mra. A. H. Voaburgh.
Mrs. 1. L. Ellsworth.
Omaha Cearde Daaee.
The Omaha Ouarda held their mid
winter daacing party at Chamber' Fri
day evening. Those preaent were:
Tne Oundntrora,
Klaa r,
Iorothy Thomas,
Blanche Belli.
Muriel Jeffena.
U. E, Jailers.
l.lnd. '
Rllsaneth Blrghoff.
An Bock,
J. TV. Bagaa.
W. Nelson.
Roy Nactng.
Boy Frank urn.
U O. Miller.
Robart Martin.
Fred Haanlgan,
W. Mattacks,
Fred Hey a. . .
U. O. Toong.
K. Campbell,
V. Kearney.
J. T. De Barry.
R. Melchoir.
II. Harris,
H. W. smith.
A. E. Bruce.
T. Klrchner.
T. R. Kerechner.
M. E. Weber..
R. E. Buaarl.
W. A. Fellers,
It. S. Elrod.
H. J. Weeth.
W. Behm.
A. IX Luckeu. ' ; .
J. R. Bros a.
R. E. Oavtrara. .
J. W, Wllliajn
- W. shrum. '
R. O. lngneckr.
H. Rodgers,
J. V. Veil. .
C. Mumaugh, ;
F. J. Byer. -
Geo. Morris.
II. C. Wells. "V
Thomas Mos. 2- .
P. Driebu. , v
F. W. Vapor.
An engagement of local Interest is that
of Mr. Edward Rousseau, ion ot Mr.
Napoleon Houaeeatt, t Ml Mary Lyons,
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Ccorge L
Lyona, ot Twodot, Mont.
Mlsa Lyons attended school at Notre
Dame. Inc. and at an unusually ac
complished young woman. She I also
quit an athlete, drive and repair her
wn motor car, a well a being an ex
pert horsewoman. Mis Lyona father la
th owner of tbe 0. L. ranch, one ot the
largest In Montana. ' ' " '
Mr. Rousseau, who attended the Omaha.
High school and the University of Ne
braska, is a member of the Phi Delta
Theta fraternity. He la now with the
Roundup Coal Mining company ot Mon- .
tana. Mr. Rousseau I a nephew at Mr.
K. W. Nash aad Mrs. J. I. Woodard.
The wedding will take plgc next au
tumn. v -
Claire Chadwlck,
Marie Kagsn,
T. Johnston,
Cecil Vihlthnell,
Ksilirl Oust.
Elisabeth Race,
Ethel Killgan.
Violet Mann.
Nettle Malhew,
C McMullln,
Ruth Held.
Fori Bengle.
Virginia latloo.
Margaret Past
Edna Campbell,
Alice McCoy,
Irene McCoy.
Blanche Kerachaer, Griffith,
Ma Jones.
Ethel Bailey,
I me Clifton,
M. Slstek.
B, Sherwood,
K. K'ug.
J. Jensen.
W. F. Leary.
Thompson, .
K, J. Nisei.
E. K. Bterrlcker,
O. ItTich.'
Shlelos, F. P Barry, Capt. Eiaaaaer,
H. H. Hacker. O. Llexeny,
Cpt. E. E. Stdr- B. F. Steven,
rieker, v : ri O.' Steven .."
J. T. Bliler, Geo. K. Thompaon.
W. J. Oeary, M, D.. A. S. Kenworthy,
Roy Swanson, ' O. A. Clark-.'
J. Darby. "1 .. O. Franke.
Geo. 1L Heint. . H. B. Moore.
biayme Walsh,
r. :oie.
Beg ley,
Urace Kacancy,
Mane Walk) a
Meears. '
F. Mpangenberg.
C. W. Spepanek.
T. J. Nlssea,
W. W. Kreps.
Morrl Hansen,
E. W. Hood,
O. Anderson.
C. J. Shrum,
T. Jansen.
C. H. Howard.
J. F. MoOaughlln.
D. Sullivan.
W. W. Weeth.
u. n. vteetb.
Mrs. Haul C. Rubel announce tha
engagement of her daughter, Ruth Cla!re.
to Mr. Jay B. Kata, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Kat.
Mis Rubel. with her mother and lter.
recently moved to Omaha from Peoria.
111., but during her short residence here .
has mads many friend and I much ad
mired tor her beauty and winning per
sonality. , .
Mr. Kats la the Junior member of the
Kata Construction company and a mem
ber of one of Omaha's old and prominent
families, hi mottr Mrs.. Kats, being
th Will known IpiaoM. Mr. Kats at
tended school at Washington Military
academy, Lincoln, and at Wentwortii,
Lexington. Mo.
The wedding will take place la early
June and will be one of th social vents
of th .mania. .The young couple, on
their return from their wedding Journey,
will occupy the new home being built on
Thirty-eighth street, which la to b pre-
tented to them a a wedding gift by Hie
groom' fathr. . ...
Mr. Hattle C. Rub-I will be at home,
Ssni Farnam street. Informally on Sunday.
at!rnoon. from 1 until o'clock. In honor
f In ngagmat of he daughter. Ruth
Clair, to Mr. Jy B. Kits.
'(Continued on . Page Three.)
p. m.
Among th ore-1 an ten wedding
k that of Mi Cecelia McCaffrey
" JuWMurphy, the morning of Februsry
Min Edith Istrtik and Mr. Myl Fund
l.h. St. Vahmtln' Bight) Mls tve
Uould and Mr. Edgar OarVood Poller
of Mlssula. Mont., February li.
In addition to the -formal affaire tlitr
will b a round ot gsletle at all kind
for th many attractive young women
who are visiting her. Tha calendar hi
filled with laformal' entertainment tor
Mis Mrgart Hewitt ot D Moines,
guest of Mis Kathetin Beeaon; Ml
Cera Prlndevltl of Chicago, visiting Mr.
Oeorge Palmer: Ml Dorothy RtiMell Of
Kansa City, with Mr, Harry Cummlng:
Miss Orace Richardson ot Brie, Pa.,
guest of Mrs. Jerome Mage; Mr. Hoxle
CUtk ot Nef Tork, who la visiting her
mother, Mr. Ella Sduliea; Mi Clara
Hayden of Washington. D. C, who ha
arrived to visit Ml Ophelia Hvden;
' Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Grove ot New Tork.
who ar guest of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
latrreatlaa Kaent.
Four wen kaewa aad popular young
womea are wearing sparkler on the
third finger ef th left hand nd letting
It In knew among their friends that th
Wadding ring la toon to fotlw. AH at
tht young worsen st'.l marry Omaha
yeung men, except one, who Pane I
ngaged la business In Montana. Thla
)ing ma I a Canadian and a mining
, engineer. The yoang woman I the c
ond ot three beautiful suiter, th first
at wlieat married ene of Omaha wealthy
eligible and kt a vivacious and petit
blonde ot the Titian type. The young
wemea In question I herself Is a striking
Another of these engaged young women
Is a tall blonde of classic features, the
eoty daughter ef ene of Omaha s old 1
families living In the Berth of town.
Mnee attending Mlee Burn ham s school
at Northampton, Ma., rh has acted
aa attendant la everal weddings and
plana t celebrate her on a wedding next
Jan. Th young man I a bronett,
rising yoang buslnae man engaged In
the cotajalartoa business In foulb Omaha
and a member ef th Field club.
The third young woman wore her di
meed at an ef th large bridge parties
last week and wa th object of much
Interest and well-wlahlng. She rays thai
th marrauja.wUl.h tu April. Bite Is
brown-eyed yeung woman ef a!et m.en.
wa reside In th north part ef th city
waa a member of th Junior Brldae
dub which broke p thta eeaeo. The
flaw m this case Is a taH blonde, sale
manager for a local cigar firm and
singer veil known la Omaba heirs.
The ether uf the engaged girts
her ring (or several mor.ths. but
i tett when the wedding wUI be. She
a tan auburn-balled Ueode. ah reddest
in th Field dub aMtrtet, She la a gradu.
cf WeMeU-y eailege and active mem-)
bar in the Association of Celteta'
alsmnaa Th young maa kt a blonde, a
o iayr at tlMt Fle d club aad satatant
oeaMer a see ef lb large Oxaalia banks
All our
cloth coats
at jusiy.
half price I
South 16 th.
All our
dresses at
just half
' price
Plush and
Velour Coats
. . ....'
bra H a
s baa wore 1 1
but refuses ! II
be. 8h I ! s
Altliougli there is a great tloniunJ for coats
of tbe character of these, but we have an euor
lnous stock of fine plush and velour coats and
they must be disposed of, so alt these beautiful
and practical coats are just price.
V Hf. eaalor fJep. ,
Tbe Junior elaaa of th Omaha high
' atbael will give ua annual Buy at Cham.
Velour Coats
$T5.00 V-lour Coats t. . . . ' $37.50
$69.50 Velour Coats at .$34.75
Wij.GO Velour Uats at. .$33.50
S59.50 Velour Coats at $29.75
$33.00 Velour Ctwts ut $27.50
"ft.(!0 Velour Coats at $25.00
Plush Coats
$G5.00 PlusU Coats at.
9.50 Plush Coats at.
$55.00 Plush Coats at.
$50 00 Plush Coats t.
$.19.50 Pi ush Coats at.
$35.00 Plush Coats at.
, . at a: ' .
Reliable Store
What a wonderful opportunity to buy furs.
Not nlone that this great clearance sale offers
n saving of just about one-half on every fur gar
ment you may wish to purchase, but when buy
ing at thia reliable specialty store you can rest
assured that vou will purchase furs made of fin-
est selected skins bv exjert furriers.
i i
Fur Coate
ftOO.OO Hudson Seal'
Coats ... $225.00
$300.00 Hudson Sea'l
Coats ... $175.00
$200.00 Hudson Seal
Coats ... $110.00
$300.00 Persian Lamb
Coats ... $165.00
$150.00 Russian Pony
Coats $79.50
$95.00 Ku.s.sinn Pony.
Coats .... $50.00
$75.00 Kussinu Pour
Coats .... $39.50
$100.00 Near Seal : '
Coats .... $55.00
$95.00 River Mink
Coats .... $50.00
$6a00 French Coney
Coats .... S32.50
7ftr Sets
at $165.00
$2-'5.00 Mink Sets,
at $i25.00
$150.00 Mink Sets,
at ........$85.00
$125.00 Fox Sets, '
at .'.......$69.50
$100.00 Fox Sets,
at ,......'.$55.00
$75.00 Fox Sets,
at ...j... . $39.50
$35.00 AVolf Sets,
at $19.50
$370 Jap Mink Sets
at $19.50
$25.00 French Coney
Sets $15.00
Wonderful Clear
ance Sale of all
our Exclusive
Tailored Suits
All the wise women of Omaha and vicinity
have learned to wait for this event, because they
have been taught by past experience that the
great clearance at Orkin Bros.' exclusive store
h a bona fide iile of bur owfi'liigh class gai
ments and not merchandise bought for special
sales. " "
All our Exclusive Suits
I Whether the price was
$39.50, $45 $59.50,
$65, $75 or even $95
Choose (J
assy as
at the
One Price..
- .
j 1 1 ffl j ' ' '
.; m I' i?r I 7-- . i
Theater Fames
Mr. and Mrs. Moaner Colpetser will
entertain at dinner Monday crenlng, tol
lowed by an Orpheum party for Mr. and
Mrs. William K. Grove ot New Tork,
who arrived friday to be the guest of
Mr. and Mr, plan Wharton. Tueaday
A-mW Mr.- and Mrs. Frank Wll helm
will gtv a small dinner for the same
visitor. i .
Mis. C. E. Walraih will giv a small
matin party at th Orpheum Moaday
afternoon for Mr. William Unsleker, who
leave February t for California to Pnd
the remainder o-(he winter with her
mother, Mr. May Auld.-'. ;' i, ': .
Mr. and Mrs. De Forest Richards -will