Desperate Desmond sJHow the Villain Holds a Central Position ia' the Great Gibraltar Tog of War. Copyright DU. National News Aaocia Ui ByHershfield . '- I KaJ I 1 -VIIIII"I1!1HI'II!'I- - Wl'Hlimm - m Till IT P ir- IB 1 .M'T , ,Yyhr a- m All to quickly (or Desmond th ihlp (nn near to tb Rock of Olbrilter. Claud and Rosamond rejoice to think that la a lew minutes mora th scoundrsl 111 ba in tha hand ofvtba garrison, when ha Till ba treated with military swiftness. QtbraJter haa aeea many crooks, but no rock acorploo sver equalled Desmjnd to utter vlilalnly or Innata Al had been arranged by wireless, Eng Uh aoldier an wsltlng on tha top of the rick to pull the scoundrel oft tha steamer. A Tommy Atklna lowers a rope, and when Desmond Is tied fast ba sins to haul him up. It does not look as It any mora or less slow-tblnkln' English soldiers could cop with tha quick-witted TlllaJn, even If the lattar Is bound. But .lumbers are ugciy to uu. Clbralter Is a great place for Chefs tourists. Being tha fs.e of the Medi terranean, all tha personally conducted stop there to look over the rock. 8o It happens that a number of Americans who are seeing Europe first observe Desmond In tha power of the English soldiers, and on 'tha principle of my countryman, right or wrong, they deter mine to aid Desmond, and to see at least that he gets a regular trial. So, Just as Desmond la about to be hauled Into tha bands of th soldiers, he feels th cotls of a lariat settl around him In regular frontier style, and the villain knows that ha now stands soma slight chance of escape from military Justice. It Is too bad that the tourists do not know Desmond's true eharacttr, but to them ha Is merely an unfortunate fellow countryman. And now on top of the rock ensues a contest such as that old promotory has never seen before. The English soldiers on one rope, the tourists on another, en gag In a terrific tug-of-war for the pos- ' session of Desmond. If Desmond does not crack under the strain the pull should show which nation Is superior. If Desmond does stretch, the ends of Justice will be satisfied In any case. So pull, boys, pall Tm the boy!" cries Desperate Des mond, "but I feel like a Christmas cracker." From the deck of the steamer Don Frljole, Claude and Rosamond breathlessly watch the struggle, Claude, of course, cannot aid Desmond, and yet he will not assist th English soldiers against the American tourtsta So be has simply to abide th result. For the story of this extraordinary struggle you must e to-morrow's pictures. I . ' ' . I . ... wc. v, . 1 1' . . r,vrv t mis I mn.-FKEl) KOR KENT ' .nwxi.nnnc-a HLHIMD4M I'fc KMJ.V4.Lrl BLSlXkSS FKKSU.'iALe. . nra,r n,uii,ii-.iLr, , .v, . ,, Llaars Meet, , .--.- I I . - WANT ADS Want ads received at any l'"e. but to Insure proper classification nasi be presented brfora 12 o'clock n, for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. Bt f or morning; and Sunday edl lions. Waal ads received alter such boars will have their first I user on Cder the beading "loo tat to Classify." CASH RATES KOR WANT AD8. tUXilLAK CLABSinCATIOS One Insertion 1 cent per word and 1 cent per word (or .each subsequent insrrtioa. Each Insertion maile oa odd day 1 i cent per word. 91.60 per Uue per taonUt. Want ads for The Bee May be left at any of tiie following drug stores one Is your "corner druggint" tfocl are all branch offlcca for 7be Bee and your ad will be inserted just as promptly aad oa the same rate aa at S the mala office la The Bee building, VeveateetUh aad farnam street 1 Albeob. W. C . sfrth and Farnam. Bsum Drug Co., SOI N. Hth St. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bonus Park Pharmacy, lid and Cuming. Dsraoek, S. A., lee u. Mb SL Blake-Brandish, tu Sherman Ave, Caughan, C. K., 4721 Leavenworth BL Cermak, Emll, UM-4 8. 13th fit. CUitoa Hill Pharmacy. ll Military At. Coo Boy Pharmacy, XXH A Win at. t'rtssey Fhartnaey, S4th and Lake Bts, Khler A Co., ft UavcnworUi at. Foster A Arnoldl, ml N. tsth Bt. Freytag, J. J., lsL4 N. Mtb (M. Kraciur Drug Co.. IWI N. ltth Bt. Flerenc Drug Co., Klorraoe, Neu. Ureen's Pharm'y, Park Ae. and Pacific Ortwnougti Co., luth and H.ckory, OoiOman Pharro y. Mlh and Uayenwth. Jobaasoa Drug Ca., Mth and epauidlog. Jo&rwon Pliarmscy. atD rsrnain BW Ilaiwcom paik Pbarm y, IWI th Av. )luuriung Drug Co., list Ave. aad Far. Hoist. Jut, U4 N. Itui 81. Huff, A. U ao Leavenworth U King. ri. b. i r - - Kounts Place Pharmacy, ad N. 14th. LaUrop Pharmacy, Hih and Hanultos. Maraa, Fred, L. 1 Central Blvd. kionmauth Pharmacy. M and Ames AV. . "fi.i JLt; Ava ZSSSti 7cZ Pr.-ca7 Mai eweag V". P; (l. ta ua-atlas AU PtJaAs. " . A . - A t jtiuarv ft. mt, m by her nvoiner. Mrs. . . aba SWA t ff AfSk aUlQ jaui Mweisaw. mi.. rtancA. IWI UBJ aurwsj w.v - . nwed Heart church at ft inlarment Holy aepuicnw. H0NK3S.H0NK SRE8 THE BEST PLACE IN OMAIU DRUMMOND QMATIA MACHLNE VORKS Fairmont Diadem butter. Always good. Qeneral machine and automobile repair ing. Pattern making; special rosoniiierv deigned- Espert die work, patent draw ings, en b. hi n m. uou. mi. ORE DOOUS." ,iK Douglas wn. rreiner carrng n oras. Cerair aad Steel CelUaa. hlkk la your chanc to get a big t- pasaenger 4 H. P. Overland oar very M fT'nait WIT SSlCAHTEK SHEET metsl works, Omaha 4rn mal.nrM ara Much that 1 must sell It within th next few day a Car la fully equipped and in first class shaps and I tires are an new. ii you wm a I ntn mmm or ubnn ma at one. J. 4.1 ulvlhlli. 43 uranaets Bisg. rnom Douglas Bit. MOETGAGES, 6fo ON GOOD tST& 12 lessiiiis jkun. or Fri. s p. m., at Mo- a.-t w j. .... h. ..t... I rand a uuiies, n. gentlemen, mt sad our capital and surplus of taio.oua private lessons during me day, w. Bonds for Una. IBM and nn. as suits roar I n.h . ui. A.t avinsa. mua jur mvu,j VIH I bonded. 4-S fSItOn BIK. U, Ull, A-131S goou income, ask ior parucuiars. vein S AI.K Oarana in town of l.KW. I Address Mathew H. Faber, ttemsen, ta. 1 KdaTlvE'g BANKKUPTC1 HALE. Motloe la hereby given that o January 111. la at I o'clock p. m- at th store oi in reopies veparimant utora eomuany. at Norfolk. Nebraska, will otter tor sal at puouo venau to th blghMt bidder for oash, a stock of goods, nwrcbandls and natures, as toi. lows: Flaiurtm and beatlns rltnt MOW; greuertea, foi.oe. notions, KovOO; ladles' furalshiugs, tl.: ladies' suits and cloaas, l.o; eorwts, mv.00; millinery, KW.0; dry goods, 13.710.00. glassware, ehlnawar and ijueensware. gent furnishings and clothing, twae; those,; total. I12.&1U.OO. bclna a atoca ok soooa, mer- oliandiae and tlxturea formerly owned bv Peonica Denartment ttlore company of Norfolk, Nebraska, and Peoples Mer- cantlle company 01 wakeneia, neorasaa. bankrupts. Tha Durchaser mar perfect arrange ments to continue tit business, if de sired, at th aam place. Dated January a iU- W. K. M TAKLAHP, i rostra. cako or iHAHitfc W hereby pres t our friends and i . . ...- ihanka aiMI ak(- preciaiion lor the many tokens of love and expressions ot wmpstiiy received by us In the recent bereavement of our M Tu. W I LliSliK R EUaH NELBON, WllJJAat F. KRtlal-K. OltiUiUik. F. KKK1.UC, W. Kfc.D JOttvLLE. mtj DAT.B Hootxr Bottling work I Dtaoount given If taken before Jaiv L I ' Hooper, Men. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, mbaitmr. Ini4 wuaagj nt. P. B-lfek VivVs or. c. tlL'UL"iKT L'M)h.M- IIUIjCX. Ov attiXi TAKEHA K S Hth bu Doug. 122. A-2MS. Moved to U Faruam. A-Mi, H. .iintr e T , , T ivtn Tvlar 171 M. K- kloiru,. ciuna twint. a"Erandels IB. BAKKEIi BROS. PAINT CO. leOV r imim aL Doug. 4Ta0. Ind. A.R21. A beautlloJ aseortnut ol stencil out fits and bnerwtn-wuitauns goods, W do giasing aad pictur tramlng at modems pricr. C pholsterjig. pano, furu. rep. 24 Far. V, suuiri( mwiuuTiuam, avua. . .a. wasity per cent less than Omaha pricea MllUK K1HMT1 RK CO.. Twenty-tourth and L gts.. Booth Omabrf KORTHRL'P Letter Duelkating Co-. M paiton pllw etrcuiar letters, any uaa tlty; oldest established company, aspens of MuKiinaiih at d eoetrte. Ed Barrlck. gravel, tar roots, ltth A Lata a H. Cole 8 :gn Co. P. rL Ul Farasm. vntri.l. alaata be bauoy If your sea dlnr ring somes from Brodegaard s, lit 8 l'h 6 Al the slm of the crow. GOLD lettering on book a purse, leather , good fc. A. iryen lo.. uie rarnam Neb. Seed Co., 1st Jones. Both pbooea Maginud Van A dtorsga Pack, move. Store and snip n. H. goods, u. l. b-hkv GET your diamonds at Brodegaard'a MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rata la sub uL tu Bee Bids. Phone Doug. Sot vmon LOAN CO. MOVING picture machine and suppUea iNeorasta rum vo., i.ia rarnam bu REUOVAL aaie of diamonds. Jewelry. ekxtuuc aire's aad ladM Cur overcoats. cans and doves. Bow a aaJ at FrMd- mas's Loan Bank. Uth aad Douglas. VtiU msv to Ull Douglas Ja m UU. Auc tion sal at p. m. ELASTIC stock, nss. autiporters bamlaces: stock ai Mays new. because sell so many. Trusses fitted. Everything guaranteed. W. O. Cleveland Drug Co.. tbe largest eurclcal supply boas. lt.U iisreev et.- BOILER, sboet rroa and task work. Omatia Structural Bteel V, orxa. OT';! A! Prinilns Co. Tel Doug. (It. o -a-v or fhfee. t't S. st. So. Ota. r for i fine MR. Hl'SBAND. If you are looking .met tun to take home for an extra tWt-tn. vtep into Daisell's. If William ; Ma haway. Ml CaUlnrnia Ht a HI eom 1 The Bee otrVce witoiu three days mi l c.v aim aa order for a quart brick ot mm line to crea-a THE Banltary Crown Pip, lit 8. Mth. Ctatbiaa Maaataetarer. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. B. Bmlth Co. ltnh and Hamey Bts Ireaaserlea, Dairies and applies. teal Dealers. Murphy 1' J , , HbfAiHlA. I JIH 1IPA NT NO. nrkT, foeclsl prices by ton. t bu. tor VAAJJ n Tel. D. 14T1. B-SX3. - I f inmmii"J. , Auis iaui rvpslrd. Omaha Sliver Co. C. 8 Johnwn, coal, luth a Isaid. 1 pnunva Sutter Feed at t-oui Co.. iJ Far. H. Mi. KKEUKll FURNACE COAL. D. Ua. Charles A. Westerfield. A-15SL Clerk Cafe, home cooking. Kit Dodge. GET the habit, eat at Cneeda. Cap. Ave MOKKlb Cai. hunie cooking its B. loth. 'laa.derwlsta, Aulsbsugh, 1TW Leavenworth. Poug. tm. Teats aad Awataga. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. Bl Douglaa Iraaka aad bait Case. Frellng A Btelnle. 1 Famam Bt, Wig iUaeafaetarers. D. 8. Orifflth. wig mfg. It Frenser Blk. COAL anu ainulin. Wagner, l N. Is. IMallats. Bailey, th dentist. City Nst'l. D. 231 Mach A Macn. ta tl. paxton. D. HnA Bl'SINESS CHANCES DaaeiMS Aeadeailea. I Mackte's Dancing Academy, 1SU Harney. I Dally classes Mon.. Thurs., Bat, evenlnga MIKS MTHBK ROSSITKR cbool ot .. ti V JLeSAiStllViX 1 CO. 11th and Famam Rta, Omaha, Neb. L. W. Longnerker. (IT Karbscb block. JAMES ALLAN, Neville Blk. Tyler 113a sklag. Terry" Dreesmaklng collega It tt Far. WANTED Sewing to do at 23A B. Uth . Mis Usher. DHKHNMAK'.NU Kit Harney. H. IMS. Feed Mllla aad Sterea. Feed, all klnda Olencoe Mills, B31 I sard. klverythlaa aueetrlaal. - Burgess-firenden Co., 1511 Howard. D GR1. Electrlo lighting fix., wholesale and retail. glassware, oninaware ana i secuNU-HAfiu fcbKUilllc FANS. 0; gent furnishings snd I dynamo. Igniting dynamos, motors, Je- pairs. Lm pron. au n. mn m. uoug. Ii t. Wlaee aad Ltqaera. MAT A CO,, family lienors. 13M Douglas. WILLOW borings ber. liquor, cigar, andwlchei. A.'ex Jetes. 1.102 Douglaa Loitman. s-yi-o d why. 10c drink. 14 A Har. bpertia Ueeds. NEW shopworn guns at low price. Townsend Oun Co., iai4 rarnam. llsaavrlss aad ktstleriag. CtTRKD Julia Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. tteaearapbera aad Ceart iteperter. Myrtle A. Kel'iy. 70S Bran. The. D. KM. teel Tank and Calvert Campania. NEBRASKA and lows Bt el Tank Com- pany, i4fh and Nicholas. D. ana. lallorlag. R. A. Williams, clothes altered, M A take. FINNEY TsI.o.Iiik Co., Web. 94. Out-of-dste garments ex. for new. W. 1030. WANTED A- young man between S and M years of age, aingle, sober and reliable, to take charge of th-Phllomon Sculptors on th road; salary first year tTJ per month and expenses; must have too bond; salary duriug nan Francisco exposition IliO per month. Address H llitt, Hee ottlce. "CANO Hign-grade positions. eiQ0 flee. Fastery aad Trade. Drug store (snaps) jobs. Knlest. Be Bldg AUecelftaaeoea. . WANTED Mora people to raise pouul try with th Old Trusty Incubator. Writ for fro catalogue. AL At. Jonnsun, Clay center. Neb, uoou money-making moving picture show In Omaha, international Moving Picture School. Call at lis rl-e Hum. WANTED Man and wife to work on a ranch; Cierman. bwede or Dane, pre ferred. D low Bee. ABLE-BODIED men wanted lor the U. B. Marine Corps between the ages of U and IS. Must be native born or have Ural paper. Monthly pay, (la to Pa Addi tional compensation possible. Komi, clothing. Quarters and medical attend ance free. Alter year service can re tire with Tt per cent of pay and allow ance. Service on board ship ana on shore In all parts of th world. Apply at U. S. Marin Corps Kecruulng OIIlc. It. Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. SHE naturally Is looking for a dessert that needs but little preparation. Tell her of Dalsell's Ire cream. If Mrs. William Salisbury, 4S2? ITnderwood Av., will com to Th Be omce witnin tnrea oays w will give her an order for a quart brick of this fin lc cream. WANTED fun TUK U. S. AHMT Able-bodied unmarried men between the ages of 1 and at; clUicns of United States, ot good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write tha Enilish lanauaxe. ror iniormaiion apply to recruiting officer, 13th and Doug las streets, unuuia, isee.; wi sourtn bl Sioux City, Iowa; Ull N. Tenth HI., Lin coln, Neb. KDICATIONAL Flertata, BENNBTTB cut flower Doug. IV. A. Donahue, lew Famam. D. 1001. A -1001. IIKHS SVS tiBODA, Hit Famam St. - BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL 'ALL THE YEAR Complsts courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. Ttie catalogue a Ire tor th asking, csu, writ or noon for It at once. Address H. B. Borlrs. President. . Boyle . Collage, Omaha. Neb. - Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL Stewart's, Florist A Seedsmen, lit N. It PACLRKN. florist, 1713 Brown 8L BRANHKIS FLORIST, Brandels Bldg. L. HtNliKKON, 11 Famam. D. UM. BATH'S FLOKiSrs. twyd Tlieater B'dg. FOR HAI.K-Hulldins and stock of cigars, conlectlonery aaa iuncn counter. near a. sa, aepot. urww i, Address Tony Ballet to. Feaadrlee. McDonald brass and brons foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings, ltth A Jackson. M.e studants received In all cli Personal help given new student. Ha hanrilran hv starting now. niiwn.sHk term In comnon branch. eommercl! and business sunjecra J. w. Miller, Srfiucaiionai euvnrr. Phone Tyler l. Haraeaa, Saudlery, Leather Weeds, Wtchert, harness, leather good a gtttg.ll THE VAN SANT SCHOOL Complete coarse for Stenographer., vMm nt IIIMalL Ion C. Dufiy. prop., Kiixabetn van sani, rrua vwuar wtn and rarnam bis. Heaplula. WI1B MEMORIAL. Hth and Harney. laaaraaee. KAI.K Thrws-chalr barber shop in town of l.Mi; good payer. Addr Mathew R. Kaber, Remsen, I. WHY" NOT INVESTIGATE our Florida ?"7 " ';, . Alt.A n V A Fir A Tor- iwubni c ifnvtDnwiT as via, i ijaittjvt j, axcuiitjuvf nado Inur- -, . . , i. n i , n,ha Walk I l-lis. ..Ml. M. mu. wvua. ' mm in, iii. na. piug. u, - i . T( 1 a! in or out of busine call on OANOESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 147T. ' Hhouee-MotiUomviy Co. lna Bamge Blk. notion nii'tura machine and f Im bar I galna Ore. Film Each,. Hth A Doug. Bis, Iron aad Wire Fraelag. Anchor Fence Co, 107 N. IT. Tel. Red tit Miss E. MILLER, nubile stenographer. 152 tlty Nat I Hk. lioug. or a-iiui. Laaadrlv. FRENCH Hand Liundry. Tel. H. tJBl urA."HL'rvlieM .aat la I. taHI u fisn. lory space. Address or cali a Jensen, -fanersoq laundry, lfd N. Hth. Both phones sandtora Hotel. A rtl'HINESS chance. General mer fhandlse atore. sood utab.lshed traue. ov rent and long leas it desired, sou can double your money on th proposi tion . Address Biun, car nee. utiAKAiMEs, tiuudry. work. Douglas S37S. High grad iron w... ilnlv Hverv buslnesa town of 1M0. Address Mattiew n. Faber, Kemaen, la, H. Cross Lumber Wrecking Ca Bar gains in lumber, plumbing, machinery and la I steam xittins. sisi snu ram. ivh. FOH SALE. A manev-maklna variety store: In a new country! doing a good all cash business, big territory ; best variety stor within a I radius of MO miles; owner won a claim In a recent lan-l drawing ana must taxe ossefiion Boon: Invoice about 1 Owner cleared tt Ow in I yeara C. A. Patch, tiregory, S V. . Maeareat Maaetaetarcra Sklnn-r'e macaroni snd spsghettl. He pkg kssssiestl aad MaaaviiteawM. J. F. Bloom A Co.. I7th and Cuming 8ta WHAT Is home without a nic box of th famou candy made by D. J. O'Brien? ir rkUiLa Rroc. x-a urano Ave,, wiu com to Th Be office within three days we trill give her an order lor a sv-cent box of O Brleo candy. Moviaa. kioraae aad liraala. FXPRKSSMEN'8 Delivery Co. Moving. furniture packing, fireproof storage, Ctty oftlre. Tit 8. I7th. Doug. M. Ind. B-124. ' Ei.tes. ,,4 ,iu a.d. Ho,n iei Fuinlture mov., 1 m,n tl per nr. W. 274s. Masle. Art aad Laaaaagee. PIANO Studio, tm Howard. Doug. 4.1-4. BrSlSESS pFRSIONAia Artvelaa Well. U B. KEBEROALU Wll-H City Nat'V Optu-laes. B. T. Worn, fitting A rerg. 443 Brandela ED HOWE. Well boring. Benson 345. Oslrepalky, Arte Johnson. b- Brandels Th. Bldg. A4(raya. Q. W, Shields, attorney. CI B. of Trade I , s ii.ryn, a4-t Hrandcls Theater. Oystera. LI8TON L. HALL. LAWYER 4H Bea David Pole Oyster Co. Wholeeal eoly. teslsis aad Teat. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. t3 Douglaa aa aasalatiirrra BKMI8 OMAHA BAG CO, Omaha. Neb. Petrel. HIRAM A STURGES, patent lawyer. V. S. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights; A year' experience. 4 Brnu ts Theater ritag. t el. iipu. sews t aa.ou is.k. Tel. Ked Tl',7. Baasage aad la ilea be, THS ONLY WAT. Raaeaae checked to destination, Tajcl- eaba and tounng cars. TeL Douglaa tu. Wlllard Eddy. ItA City Nat. Bank Bidg. Pbeteara pbvr. Rlneban, phjtogiai'her. tfth A Famam. Boa aad -faekaa MaaaiaetareVM. Weodea Box A Package Co, Kit N. Mth i'beaearwpba. I Pd'son rorioTapr shnlta Broa, Hot Far Carayrta. Base aad Diaper. i - r' k tf m Fluff ruga, rag ear- carpet cleaning, u e. M. u. zm. A-U4. Ptatlag. OMAHA 8TLVER t SH A Utb. Careeater aad Ceatraeteea. W P. Deveren e- n'tactor. Ramge Bldg I nrv Lew W. Baber, Printer,!;;00? BW TSLDO EVTRANCB ON COCRT. NOW OPEN. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEOB "HKST IN TUB WEST." Day and svenlng sessions sll ths year. Bhorthana, Typewriting. rooipin. Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship, E. A. Zartman, Prea, Mtb and rarnam. for fl ALE A acholarshio on Omaha Commercial college. 15 per cent discount If taken now. Address I n, ue TUTORING. 1st to tth grad H. IMA ANY connoisseur of confectionery will readily tell you that there are no candle wnich cn outsnine vrunen in punu nr daintiness. If Csrl Steive SOS 8. lth St., will com to Th Be omce wit n in three day w will glv him sn order for a to-eent box or O unen i canuy. HELP WANTED FKMAI.B Factory and Trade. Annrentlc girls to learn halrdrtsslng. Oppenneim, as city fat i nana mag. w A NTED Neat sirl for nlaln cooking at th crecne, 1K.'4 Harney, uougia uku Meeeeavvpere aad Usaestles, GIRL or middle-aged woman tor gen eral housework. 1514 N. mn. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Heln Wanted ad FREE until Vou get the dealred resulta Bring your ad to Th Be omce or telephone Tyier ivwa WANTED Girl for general housework. Tel. Benson 7 J. or Hi Reed SL Benson, WANTED Men to send fur our Illus trated catalogue mailed free showing how we teach the barber trade In short time. Whether or not you desire to be come a barber, you will be Interested in this Innovation. You msy have a friend or aoiuslntanoe who will want to learn. Tou win know wno to recom mend. Our system t cache by free clinic, giving practical ezp- rtence and expert In structions, saving rs ot apprenticeship. Tools given. Pos'.tlutis waiting. Call or wnie tooay. aauisr uw vwik. w So. Mtb St. ' STOP Right here U yon are looking for tbe best place to borrow money. looe: The city ever and you can do no batter, no matter bow cheap others adtcrtisc LISTEN We will loan you all the READY CASH you need on your FURNITURE, PIANO, WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, AL'IO. REAL ESTATE or ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE, It steadily employed. Such loan are I'l-ocured in a tew hours' notice, pri vately, confidentially and In a way pleas ii.g to all. W hy take chances of having your busi ness peddled about the city when you nan get the money promptly of us. THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST SELLABLE CREDIT CO, ii Floor, SM Paxton Block, 117 S. Utb SL Phones Douglas 1411 snd A -1111. ttwniiniiwniniiiiiittiTTittfiHTTfTiiiitiiTti VOU A HE WANTED for government IaK tssoi month. Bend postal for list o( positions open. Franklin Institute, Dep t fit L.. Hoches-er, N. Y. MONEY FOR H EVERYBODY g $i0 TO $100 I.OANS ON FURNITURE. PI- M ANOS. SALARIES, ETC., 13 at rhsraes you can afford, and il It without in reo tape sou oeiay you u experience vnu viiwr wniiwntea. U ESTABLISH TOUR CREDIT It HERE. It's ss GOOD AS A BANK M tt AlVUl 1 1 inc. vr riccu. sa a WHAT IT COSTS: It Tou get HOW. Pay I1Z.W. Tou get tl&oo. Pay 117.6. You get Pay 128.50. You get 160.00. Pay IM.00. NO OTHFJt CHARGES. Weekly or Monthly Payments. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. u m-ta Brown B.k. Opposite Bran. u dels, 8. B. Cor. ltth and Douglas. U u Phone Douglas ans. , , t Heteia aad Apartment. Dewey European HoteL Utb A Famam. xiir-Kt.v ri RNiSHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 H. 13th St. Hub Hotel, steam-heated. 1308 Doug. St. Excellent meals, m N. Mth. Bo. Omaha, llowardHotcl. elegant rma. 10M Howard. HOTEL Flomar, Hth and Capitol Ave. Burlington, nice room. 1 block to depoL OXFORD and Arcade, special Wkly rat. rAi.irviRNiA hotel, uth A California. team best, bot and cold water. Special weekly rates. DODGE HOTEL, running hot and cold water; telephones In every room prices the same. Apertaaenta aad Fiat. STEAM HEATED, Fine 4-room, hardwood finish, thor oughly mod., tiled bath. In Central apart ment. tJi 8. 1Mb St.; very good, price HO. Apartment can be seen any Urn by call ing t th Central or D. V. Sholea Co., U City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tl. Doug, i-ROOM apartment In th Uintah. Ap ply 418 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg..-orphon DougtasjsBs. s-rootn flat on Sherman Ave. Web. i'M. tiiiii.:k and 4-room flats; walking dis tance, ail modem, except heat, water included for 113, and flAM per irontn. A snap for smaU taniily. CaU at am Dewey Ave. See Mrs. King. NEW building, Just completed, coutstn lng two elegant 6-room apartments, hard wood finish throughout; gas, range, shades and curtain rods furnished. Splen did location, st 2Hh Ava and Harney.. . ERNEST SWEET. OX City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas lfit lialarnUhed Hoaa THREE - unfurnished noma Douglas 6110. steam-heated Haas aad Cottage. FOR RENT Six-room coltags, 1429 N. 19th St A. E. Merrltt, car Myars-Dilloa Drug Co. VERY desirable (-room modern cottage. 11 Bo. Uth. Red 7828. UO Hl MONTH AUTOI.NU, S AUTO SCHOOU OMAHA, NEB Wa iuarantMaa more actual repairing than any three other school. Com see. TELKORAPH noeition cuaranteed you by both Union Paclflo and Illinois Cen tral railroads if vou cain your training la our school. Practice on R. R. wlrsa Ad dress for particular. H. B. Boyle. Pra Boy lea college, Omaha weo. STOPlRtAD! Get into a paying nrofesslon. Learn automobu engineering In our large training hop. Hundred ot suooflsaful graduatea Complete equipment of auto mobiles snd machinery. Addres Nation, Auto Train. Assn., u Biandets 1 beater Bldg . Omaha, Neb. AMATEURS of ability for dramatic show. Apply director, 1811 Harney, be tween M a m. and I p. m. ..(Ml UOVLKNMiCM' loos oweo. Write for free list. Franklin instltui. Dp't 1U Rochester. N. Y. Ut UtLA. Al to 40 year old. wanted st one fur electric railway motormsn and conductor: t9 to 110 a mouth; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike Write 'mmedlately fur application blank. Address Y w. car or Bee. $1) TO $100 LOANED TO ANYONE Wa will brtH.wi on lor ny aa body who jwns furniture, piano. It borsea. wagona or anyone holding H a steady position at th moat res- M aonabl chars as. All w ask Is your if oiouilse to pay. No red tape No U 4 delay. Quickly, privately, cheaply. It U ii In Installments at tl.. If II tii In Installment of else. M u wo In nstaiimeuta oi w 4a. M si Loans maa from on montn to II sn year. Term to suit you. VI GUARANTEE LOAN CO, II (bma.1 Loan Deitut.nnL HW llb.,el. Blk. over Neu. cyel Co. U It H. E. Cor. 1SU and Harney. Dougiaa sob; bid. A-lavs. M tt MONEY on turniture, pianos, at very low rale of interest. Nebraska Loan Co. ZD BEE BLDG. DO you want a steady jiaylng position? Call at Intl. M. P. School; 218 Be Bldg. V ANT.D Lng.neer experienced witb lc machine and boilers for night en gineer In packing bouse. Address I si care Bee. EVKUY HOUSEWIFE desirous of a nice dessert should try Dalsell pur Ice cream. If Mr W. S. Tempieton. M Chicago St, will come to Th Be office within three day we wUl give her an order for a quart brick of thi fin lc cream. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harm aad Vrbletee. SLFIGH-Cheap. Frost. 14W LesvenWth. (KX1D delivery horse, a set ot harness and wagon- Phone Doug. US. SOUND bay mare, weight LlvU lbs.; can be seen at Graven' barn. Call Benson rat WANTED A airl tor seneral house work. M8 8. 29th SL GIRL lor plain cooking and general housework, very small family, good waxea bring reference Phone Doug. ft!. Mrs. stebbens, li Park Wild ava WANTED A aovd whit cook. Refer. nee required; . ihi North Btb St, Harney WANT a good cook. Apply M & Sd 8L or 'phone Harney 1647. Attaeeliaaeeae. TOTJNO women coming to Omaha a stringer are Invited to visit tbe Young Women Christian association building, at St Mary' Ave, and 17th St. wner they will b directed to sultsble boarding piece or otherwise assisted. LAoa ior our travelers- guide at the Union : - v. . l-teu.e tu eaia the , buslne-s Call 818 Dougla St AMAicCKd ot abulty for dramatic show. Apply director, iai uamay i tweea Nam. and ika HELP WAVTFD MALE iss. aatvejaMra aaai seHvitevrsk LOCAL' salesmaa to sett Is, x and 4, acr tracts aad upwards of Columbia county, Florida land. Produce splendid crop. A first-dais proposition that will atand th closes, investigation. HOBT. C. DRUESLOvv A CtX M Omaha Nat Bank Bidg Omaha. Neb. M.ierauu. oJw.w, corn, ooiu puoun. ijnKStad I ilntlnit Co.. ltth A Cawtol ave '. Cktswpadlata. DR. BOT. m Farnam. Doug's MJT. I AV. Ptfr.Ur.s C.i. SM Cumin. D. Utt. Rl. -l!ll Ptg. Co.. 1 S. It. ..Ind. A SBit ; , Pboo lad. A-asSM for good prluUnA. WANTED A young man In our Cloak and Suit department aa assistant, on who has baa experience m cloak busi ness. Na other need apply. Apply to A Oreenbtatt Nebraska Clourng to. WANTED Experienced grocery cialty alsmu for aa eaiablisbed line on stmg ni salary. Slat xienenc. Auures x ne. LOST AND POVND PF.RSliNS having ioat some rucl would do wed to call up the o...ce of lb rimaha A Council Blulfa blrrvt itaiiway tompany to ascertain whether they left 11 in the street cars. Many article each day arc turned In and tns company ta ansioua to restor ihem to lbs iianttui owner, tail ueug la. IS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLt'FFS STREET KAlttAAX 1. 1 ri t-A.- i . DOST-8S WORTH OF STAMPA OF It.:. BAlu4.Ntr ej axsu iw.. ur. TWEEN BRAM'EIS' POSTOFFICB AND 8W FAILS AM ST. LIUKRAL RE WARD. WIXTEIU t:u Kit tu. LOST A woman light blue silk scarf. tt-Mlnefdsv evening about 8 o'clock, be tmn i j.val hntatl and the Bovd theater. Return tor reward to ueaneus oooa ae- partment MONEY TO IAIAS .kuati aad Caatlela, DIAMOND LOANS at Vit and S per cent H. AVAIL L.14 Douce. Tet Med ml. MONEY loaned salaried people, aomea keeping house ana otuers, wuaoui se curity ; easy payments, oiticee in ! pnn clial c.tiea Toi man. W8 Omaha Nat'i Bank Bhig.. formeily N. T. Lite nrog. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates. aslant terms. See other, then see and be convinced that we will aave you money. Hut Bi-.nt ui iaia v i.. . Cor. Mth A Doug. 8ta D. 420, lad. A-fcil . w . r i ,u - r I n bi Star Leas Co C4 Paxtoa Blk. ts to k a it boat recur ty: to sun you. FOR WESTERN LAND LOAN A Wen us aa mlirht ba able to hell you. 8. E. Wait A Co.. Mortgag Brokers, 817 Bee Bldg., Omaha." OFFERED FOB RENT Hoard aaa Ataxias. O. M. E. haul trunka. D. til. A-W1L lAi.l.e. BuAIILi by tue week, horn cooking; S.W per week. 717 So. 19th St. roako and room with uri.ale family; two rooms, light and well heated; walk, ing distance; reasonable. 817 N. tlst. Faralaaed Mvoaas. mn bp.nt Tea furnished narlor room with heat and gas. j,H B. Cd st HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, fer ariMt: eheao freiaht rates: moving nd storing. Expressmen s Delivery Co. TeL Douglas sos, ' A.ity Quae, J o, aiua eu Bee Bldg. " - " T-ROOM. modem. Douglas MT7. walking ' dlstanca s.e house. Hanscom nark district, in fin repslr, Kit A 29tb St Only WO. l-r cottage, mouern, eauepi ueai, ws Elm St. with barn, 120. FLATS AND ROOMS. -r close In, 131 8. ltth St, 87 M. -r close in, 708 8. !Tth St, 8S.O0. 8-r flats, 2918 Dewey Ave, enly HS.S0. STORES. 1701 N. Mth 8t, lrg room, only Rft.OH. '711 & l?lh St., smsll stor room, 118.80. N. P. DODGE A CO, 15th an Harney. T-ROOM bouse. 824; 8-room, 8U Han scom park; modern. Phon Harney 16 For Rent Brick House . Four bedrooms, bath and toilet on sec ond floor; large family room, dining room, buttery, kitchen, refrigerator room, hall and vestibule on first floor: full cement basement, witb toilet; furnace heat; everything first etase and strictly modern. Located st UU Georgia Ave. See th owner at U0) Georgia Ava. or phon Harney 1508. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN On block to car; full 8-story, square; complete basement, heating and plumb ing. Special offer on this. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. I01 Omaha Nat'l. Douglaa or A-8152. iiniiLTMN m,i heated, comfortable room: remal reasonable. &1 So. fcmd Bt WANTED GOOD TENANTS. Will make most liberal concession toe Immediate occupancy. ' Make us offer. 8-r mod., new flat, 1418 Vinton t'S 4-r., mod., new flat 1417 Vinton til s-r., city wat tfor colored), 1623 Martha. II i 4- r.. large, mod., elec It, 1&08 N. Jlt.ll3 -r., newly papered, mod., 1608 Corby.llJ 5- r., city water, 724 Bancroft 18 S-r., part modern, an 8 Hamilton t8 ?-r., furnace, barn, 89)1 Parkr .Ill 4-r., city water. 1414 Phelpa...... .1 4-r., 2T7 s. Zlst I 6-r., part mod., (for colored). J40 Graat(lt Ht Mbuu c m iviirtita, 432 Ramge Bldg. Uth and Harney. MllOhK.V wil n.ateu, cosy, iraui room. inKle or oouble. Tt Ho. 19th St. IP toi: aant a eomiortaole and home like room, call at mi7 Jone St ON E large I runt fine heat, close In. pat lor, sa sll modern. So. 20th St k-irr nee. modern room in private family. 120 So. th 8t Harney 475L DESIRABLE funiined room, private family. 26t N. 20th, Phon Webster ig.A NICK, new modern room, pr.v. fam ily. ISO f. 3Mh St. Hamey 47jl. TWO front rooms, private fsmlly wb. hot aatsr. heat. TWO nealy luinlshed room, close la Phone Do 171. u'vsi' Farnsm district, near 35th and Dewey, for lady on.y. large, comfortable, well furnished, front room, all modern, small private family; ctos to Farnam car. 'Phone Harney 4543. TOrNt! lady can have real nice fur nished warm room in new flat with home comforts In private family. F. Roseraoo, 2017 Chicago St Famished Boasekeepiac Bee aaa. THE MANUEL Two- room apartment 83.0. Tbe Howard. 2-room, private bath. 8e."9- t a no Mowsro. ROOMS Cor light houaekeepioax Sa) Harney TWO or three bousekeping rooms, K18 Davenport 3 LARGE, furnished, comfortab e. aa.Ki ern exceot tent: 1 Hr v 211 A 2.TH St.: oai.ii lovnra. guua home cooking. Douglas 318s. Close In. ft rat tk,e,i Ussars. 7-ROOM strictly trodern, doe nicely furnlh-. Tall D 8477. THE more you eat the more yod want of D. J. O Brien's candy. teiicious and tasty. IT & A toxsroi su bo t-. will come te The Bee otrice within three days we will giv elm an order for a -cat baa f O Brien's candy. FOR SA LK 1- oom new apartment ntceiv fum'-hed tfv So Mth. Doug. 7e) A MODERN five-room furnished apart ment Hanscom Park district Call Har ney ISC FURNISHED bouse for rent In West Farnam disuict. TeL Hamey 8TM. H woo m an part or in city. ' "' Crelgh Son A Co.. Be Bldg. MOD. S-mom cottat-e: fine rep r. H. 8844. 2509 MAPLE ST 8 room a. modern ex cept fumsc. 82a Hall, AS Ha ruga D. Houses. Ina Rings alt Brandels Th. Bldg. FOR BENT Th Thallan. 838 A Xth Ave.. 8-room suite: first Door; bot water heat: best Janitor service; new and up- to-fiat": 8J7.W. 8-ROOM strictly all modern bouse. 27.ia. 22 PortPlefon Ava NINE-ROOM houee. modern Har. 847. SEVEN room mcdern flat heat and water furnls'ied. 83S. Web. IA 4-room lower fiat tsla Dor cas St. bath, gas, electric light half block to car, close to Hanscom park. IU. R. H. Landei you, m Bd. of Trad B dg. Deugias 215L A-215L OMAHA EXP. CO, moving van and storage. Trunk baggage dL D. Sis, til N. 17th. 172 A 28TH ST.. I room, completely srocern, SS-va. Hslt 438 Hams. D. Hva, A-4. KOi, RriXT NV I-room modern trick house, 23t Harney; ready Jaa. L 312 Hot water heat Inquire T, I. O'Brien, Benahaw hotel. Phone. D. 1218, IL MS. FIVE-ROOM bunga,ow, 2?M Blnney; completely modern. Haft Distributing t o. 43 Ramge Hide: . D. 798. A -4408. ALL MODERN 8 room house, hot water beat Ilia) Arbor St Douglas FOR RENT-Modern t-roorn house, well located: furnace, electric light on two ear lines. Phone Harney Na 2&2 for fit-her Information. MOVING, packing and storing ot house hold goods and pianos I our busine. Omaha Van A Storage Co.. fireproof storage. DM S. ltth, by the viaduct. Branch office. S. ITth St Tel. D. 41. A-LoA. FIVK-ROuM cottage with water and gas. Las South Uth bt Phon Bed 8KL