Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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hti Kaot frill It-
Owti for.rsl Mospnal. Done-
oh bim. riztaiM, Bnr-oma.
Vcial We are sUins; the Durham
1 -:iKtnMriiur rar Willi one Durham
tl'Jtx I lad? fur iV. Jfc'. Mirton A 1km Co.
Tae is Some Better chief of 1-i-
ii(-s John II. Sixt. who eufrered a
: ietuniMV and has bfn confined
t ! bed sine is rtporuj to be slUrluly
.'.i! :,,vt() uiis mornins. His condition.
: er. is stilt otv-idVreU dJr.giTous.
nupibe:. ol thv l-wlice J carnnrnt
: im-rninc fenl a large Ux of Ainer
.u Hiaulv rtw to the ft;ck eartil'.r..
Kimball Laandrj at Waterloo One of
t! liln.-l dud l-t t-iu.pped ;atindntd :n
lie nuiiUle ! i oihii lavt Thum
at Waterloo. J.i.. by the Kimball
Laundry cvtmpany. Tlie biitldins is made
f i.tlrel)- of concrete ard brick and It
-.Uipoed from office to enpine room with
"! ' latest and mo.t modern devtcee.
-re ! ho cotil burned In the enicinen
the ' 'itldin?. oil being ued in it
J lice.
Btudeats Oet Vtw Machine A new
'iiultiteraph maehine. complete with all
is necessary equipment, was Installed In
H commercial ileartntit at the Mi:h
!-. iiuol ye.-tenlay. Beginning today
the students will be alveti so;-arale In-
ruction at worklns the machine under
the direction of Prof. I. '. li'ismlsol.
h ail of the commercial department. The
niat-hine was purchased for the school by
1h- Itoan of Education at a cost of sT.v
But BroucM ob irate Hull to recover
tl.WS has been stirtnl In the federal
Ustikt court by the Omaha branch of
:'ie Joint Ie ie J'iuw company .gainst
J. dm Alam and Nicholas Ooeriton of Win-u.-hagu,
Neh. Alam and t-iocraon are
i.nrdwsre luile- in Winnebago and It
! !-et forth that they save promissory
n. les in payment for a larue shipment
f f:irni implements and that they now
:efuse to reeoKiilx - the notes.
Hear Arrum.nts la Wick k Moore
Caee llrsnnif of arguinents In the mal
let of John J. Mahoney s appeal from the
a. Hon of the Hoard of l ire and I'olice
"uminisfloner In granting a license to
.ivin Mek to conduct a saloon at the
lovallou formerly oivuplcd with a saloon
nd d.inee hall by Wick Moore, was
t oinpleted by Judjle Kennedy yesterday
and the caae was taken under advlse-ni-
nt. The matter merely Is a question
f law and hinges on whether or not cer
ium evidence that the consent signers
were resident freeholders, is competent.
More Auditorium
Stock is Given to
City of Omaha
shareholders In the Auditorium have to
.:ale contributed' l.;'i shares to the city
. nd certificates are held In the office of
!. cliy clerk, nimy-elght lieople have
turn all their holdings and about a
ne of others have written that as soon
a majority or a large )ier cent of the
M". k Is In they will also donate. Few
have refused to give. Following Is a
lii-t of tlie lutest donors:
Name of 1 onor. Shares.
Mary J. Heedlc 3
William 1 1. Balicker 1
l'avld uleun
Kamiic Arnold '
I. Homers..,.
V. ! Omnia
K. K. Ilowell - W
Ilnw.ird Kennedy
;eirge V. Craig 3
W olfe Kle. tdc Co M
flh.toii Miller !
letters have been sent by City Clerk
Iwu Untler to all Kliareholdcrs whose ad
dresses are known. During the lapse of
time since the construction of the Audi
torium many of those who took stock
have left the city, some havo died and
others cannot be located, but those who
have riciived the request for the dona
tion tme generally answered and the
mijoriiy of the answers have been ac
companied with certificates.
Ad Club Leaders
Announced by Gale
Irolirnt A. U (.alt of the Omalia Ad
( lult announce', lila selection ft commit
t ehrtirmrn at the. mpollni? of the ftec'i-ci-nimltlcp
at the Paxton hotel.
.mnt: other matter of IntPrest fH-tu-?td
ms tlx rotoittion if tiohllng
tuh int-etingji weekly timtfad of monthly.
Tht- .x.T!itiv commltteo rosolved to pro-tin-
liojilin of wekly ineetins.s tit
t! e neit i lub afa niMace. President .ial a
i.iiiiouiicvtiiftit of committee chairmen In
as fulltiwh:
puW.rit.v. fharlcf A. AlOeti; public af
!.iif. Tti'inas B. Coleman; membership,
A. Sct l : finance, George Iray; el-
atlonal, tVnn P. F"lrea; entertainment,
i , yt c'unc; pr sis representative,
l uink HuilU; alitor of Ad t'lub HUml
K. II. ilanley; t-anquct. Lr. Z. L.
Site Offered for the j
Community Plant
Oulrman Harry A. Tvikey of the real'
rwtate Cf-minittee of the Commercial club
!lor!"i t" the executive committee that j
a man owning an ldval laotr" lte in the
tMiuthca-tern portion of the city, had !
..ffered It for the club pronwd com- ;
nninHv factory building for small tndu-
.srrrfnr lO tftk- StiCk ill the bulW- I
ii;g company In exchange for the eround.
Jui.lor and senior vtudent. at the Omaha
HiK-. school will 1- ffided the oppoi
tun.;y thin ar of uhnilttinj, work for
th annual prize eway contest of the Na
tional Municipal bague. whi-h !ta head
i :arter at Pl iladelphia. Tlie subject of
iMs year's essay mus be on 'Street
t Waning in My City." and should b
aMut 1.5' words in length.
.sufficient data on the subjm for the
entranu to vtudy and examine has been
. the hign c;too! oint-e. i r,e con-
iiees on l-ebruary J, aftr wh:cb
:tirts of for the h?t essav and
jH for the serxjnd best one submitted win
lee made.
Indies' and children fur ffets at a
.-etUl discount of 5: ier cent during
lur clearance sale thw week, ("noon?
, jr' tomorrow. Benaon aV Thorne Co..
l.d-3P Famarn street.
Messages of economy for people who want to save
Just a glimpse at the richest inhabitants of the furniture world
j j 1EMMED indoors by the wrath of Winter, Humanity comes to see new comfort,
1 i)ew beauty, new joy in pieces of furniture that before may have spoken only softly
fr- their messages of cheer and restfulness. The roomy rocker by the fireside, or near
v a radiater, expresses a new measure or aeiint ior us occuupani. 1 ne nig seuee, wnereon prauie ana
sprawl children, again strongly tells the worth of good furniture. At the table, the dining board seems to throw
more sparks into the conversation and make the meal a better one. The large, roomy beds surely everyone hears
their message on these cold winter nights, when the north wind howls at the window and scares some to place
their heads under cover.
Yes, it is just such furniture that is included in this greatest of January sales furniture with a message of com
fort and restfulness. Yet, above all words, this furniture flashes across the nind of every visitor the message of
Economies well worth considering. Here has been made a clean sweep of the whole stock of furniture
and prices have gone down to a base never before struck by us. It is
An economy sale for people of economy mind. Read the economy messages in the following figures;
In the land of brass beds
I'arliiular attention is due our brass beil section. The collection of these articles is so extensive we fee I confidence in pie
dieting that any home-furnisher will find in it a bod that will not simply satisfy, but will even delight. Among the slock are
some of the best American makes. They are lacquered by the best process in this country. They will stand tests of wear,
and exposure to atmosphere. Some are iu satin and polish finish; some with colonial and continuous posts. The prices
well glance at these few:
$18.00 Brass Bed -Satin finish; '2 inch continuous
posts; ." three-quarter inch fillers $15.00
$16.00 Brass Bungalow Bed Excellent quality;
strongly made $14.00
$25.00 Brass Post Bed Handsome model, 2 inch
post, 7 one-inch fillers; full size $20.00
-Martin finish; full
$10.00 Steel Bed-Vernis
and three-quarter sizes
$39.00 Brass Bed--Satin and polish finish; 2 inch
tubing; seven one inch fillers
$32.00 Brass Bed l our poster; full size; strong
pillars $20.00
$20.00 Dressing Tablo-Beautiful mahogany;
every department finely finished; roomy com
partments; large plate mirror (like cut) $14.00
$15.00 Fumed Oak Chair All-over Spanish
leather seat; strong legs and high back $10.00
$36.00 Fumed Oak Hall Clock-Accurately
timed; masterfully built, and finely finished. .$18.00
$45.00 Fumed Oak Clock Kvery part is the re
sult of thorough workmanship; accurately
timed, for $22.50
$22.00 Mahogany Ladies' Desk Two large
drawers; several compartments; size of writ
ing bed 28x30 inches $17.00
$200.00 Mahogany Clock-Queen Anne period;
staunch, majestic article, with every part de
tailed to perfection; handsome; 7 feet, (i inches
high for $100.00
$55.00 Mahoghany Library Table Beautiful
construction, heavy lines; 54 inches iu oval $42.00
$48.00 Gentleman's Auto Valet Beautiful oak;
eight commodious drawers; n8x21 inches; five
feet high for $43.00
00 DOOn Q0
V Sri
$55.00 Pineapple Post Bed Made of selerted.
solid mahogauy; graceful in every detail; full
of fine workmanship; all sizes (like cut) .... $50.00
$75.00 Bed Crenni enamel, Ixiuis XVI period;
double cane foot and head; full size, handsome
replica of an ancient bed $45.00
$25.50 Dresser (lohlen oak; size iMx-Mi inches;
four largedrawers; French plate mirror, -Cx32
inches for $23.00
$75.00 Dresser Cream enamel; Ixmis XVI icr-
iod; French beveled plate mirror, .'M).4n inches $45.00
$10.75 Fumed Oak Chair Spanish leather seat;
made to endure for years $7.50
$25.00 Ladies' Writing Dcsk Mnhoimnv:
heavy writing bed, with newly patented tup-
porting rods; neatly n pointed (like cut) .... $20.00
$40.00 Table Desk-diipindale; five drawers;
four compartmentalize, 21x40 inches $30.00
$40.00 Parlor Suite -Three pieces, settee, roeker
nnd chair; beautiful oak; leather seats and
backs; roomy nnd massive
$13.60 Oak Rocker leather scat nnd back;
strongly built; very comfortable
$104.00 Fumed Oak Buffet Four drawers and
two compartments; size, 24x(i() inches; very ex
cellent quality
$32.00 Fumed Oak Serving Table -Very linnd
.some; size, 24x4t inches; one largo drawer....
$25.00 China Cabinet-Fumed Oak; scroll col
onial model; size, 15x33 inches $14.50
$35.00 Bed Bird's eye maple; full size; one
created for servico and beauty, full size $21.00
$30.00 Poster Bed Imitation mahogany;
btrongly made; very pretty model $20.00
$23.50 Rocker-One of the most substantially ' "
erected rockers iu the store; filled with the com
fort idea (like cut) $23.50
$16.50 Table Desk-Mfrhoghany; 32x24; disap
pearing writing bed and drawer $14.50
$80.00 Mahoghany Parlor Suite Three pieces,
rocker, chair and settee; leather seats and backs $65.00
$32.00 Golden Oak Dresser Serpentine front;
French plate mirror, 23x30 inches $20.00
$26.00 Princess Dresser-Quarter sawed oak;
size 21x4i inches; three large drawers; French
plate mirror with beveled edges, 24x40 inches $23.00
$60.00 Gentleman's Valet Mahoghany; double
doors; size. 44x22 inches; seven spacious draw
ers; sliding mirror; large suit section, with
hangers; necktie and whislcbroom attachment $54.00
$16.00 Settee Imitation mahogany; leather
seat: four feet long $9.00
$21.50 Mahogany Serving Table Scroll C'olan-
ial design; one large drawer; size, 17x34 inches, $19.50
$25.00 Serving Table Mahogany; size, I8x3fi
inches; graceful legs $16.00
$110.00 China Cabinet -Double doors; Colonial
model; mirror back; mullion doors; size, 14x3ti
inches; height, 4 feet, 11 inches $65.00
$25.00 Library Table-Pretty golden oak; mas
sive scrolls; possessed of that substantial,
giant appearances (like cut)
$105.00 Buffet Mahogany; three small draw
ers; size, 23x54 inches; one linen drawer; large
lower compartment; beveled French plate mir
ror, !i!.x4S inches
$63.00 China Cabinet-Solid mahogany, mul
lion doors; glass sides; Colonial style
$47.00 Davenport Peep-seated; oak frame;
green demin upholstery
$60.00 Chiffonier Ueantiful crotch mahogany;
six drawers; size of chiffonier, 21x34 inches;
Jenny Lind style
$80.00 Chiffonier White enamel, six drawers;
size of chiffonier, 20x25 inches; French plate
mirror, 21x34 inches
$100.00 Davenport Mahogany frame; deep
seated; upholstered in panne pluh; five fret,
length, OH inches
$38.00 Settee Solid mahoghany; green demin
upholstery; 4S inches long; very fine article. . . .
$31.00 Table Desk-Sheraton design; solid ma
hogany; size, 20x3ti inches; four large drawers;
four compartments
$63.00 Serving Table-Solid mahogany; size,
21x48 inches; four spacious drawers; scroll Col
onial model
$58.00 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier Beauti
ful Chippendale mode; with seven large draw
ers; size, 40x21 inches
$10.00 Rocker Quarter-sawed oak; Spanish
leather seat; restful (like cut)
$37.00 Dresser Circassian walnut, beveled
French plate mirror, 20x25 inches; sise of dres
ser, 21x3(i inches
$65.00 Circassian Walnut Dressing Table
Scroll colonial model; size, 21x2(1 inches;
French plate mirror, 24x25 inches
$65.00 Sheraton Bed Solid mahogany; full
size; the acme of beauty and durability
$90.00 Sheraton Dresser Solid, selected ma
hogany; six large drawers; size of dresser, 23
x4i inches; French plate mirror, 30x3(1 inches
$66.00 High-Boy Solid mahogany; Sheraton
model; nine large drawers; size of high-boy, 20
x34 inches
$40.00 Gentleman's Valet Mahogany; seven
spacious drawers; colonial pattern
$12.50 Chiffonier White enamel; five large
drawers; size, 17x31 inches
$34.00 Dining Table Fumed oak ; diameter, 54
inches; six foot extension
$30.00 Dining Table Fumed oak ; diameter, 4S
inches; eight-foot extension
Remember, good furniture may be cheap, but "cheaq" furniture cannot be good.
Miller, Stewart (Si Beaton Co.
Established 1884. "The Tag Policy House." 413-16-17 South Sixteenth Street.