Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Receives All the Commissioners
Votes Except His Own.
comxitth: chaiexes kamxd
gBaanl Xlkn II ApaolBlssrats tar
t tkr (assise Xrmr .
i TaoaaaMB Haa IW-
(ratios llBBir.
County ('ommissfcwier John C. Lynch
Saras flectwi chairman of the Hoard uf
County Commire-iorwrs for IMS when II
J net and oranUnl ylfrday morning "
vole of Jour to Mr. Lynch votlns
1 for Commissioner lUrto A a mait'r i f
tcurlMy to hit democratic i oilcan-,
Titut K. K:sasr, Coroniistonr OCt
"nor aomlnattd him for chairman.
2 Commutes iliairm-n cre nanml a
;fo1o: Klsasarr. cliarliy and fnunci .
2 If arte construction, roads and Lrldset.,
yO'Ciinoor. Judiciary aud claims; Ljnii.
"court bouse an.l Jail; lieet,,
noma, hospital and whole.
i Araointmrau aa folloas were made:
i Kffrctlv January 1-J. M. Calabiia.
itunerlnteodent court hou; Martin Tibkr.
i ntKht walcaman court house; Harry Wl.--der.
fuperiniendent county store; V. H.
CBianst, ausilstant S4.pertntndenl county
-atore; Henry Peterson, superintendent
South Omaha a unty rtore; Jajnes Hyatt,
" day watchman county hospital; eorc
Stephens, night watchman county hua
. pltal.
; Effectiv r'ehrujry I Mr. and Mrs. K.
M. RoUnaoa. superintendent and matron
! county bospiUI; William Bi llion, engin
eer county hospital; WHHam l. Kier-
. atead, day fireman county hutplul; IV II-
llam Keuman, nishl fireman county hos
pital; Frank Johnson, undertaker; Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Thompson, superintendent
. and matron at Detention lioma; W. H
Chrlaman, court houaa engineer; John
: lArses, court bouaa carpenter; Vr. F. J.
Bthller, county physician; lr. W. M.
liavls, aasl.lfnt county physician.
No Important chanfea will be mads in
salaries when they are fixed by tha board,
which probably will be seat Katurday. .
is the force that keeps
the nerves well poised
and controls firm, strong
Men and women who
do the world's work can
avoid Brain' fag and
guard their health by feed
ing brain and body with
Scott's Emulsion
all oauosvsra
Fugitive Rearrested
V for -Horse Stealng
. Chester Mitchell' of Valentine, 8. l
wanted there for steallni government
) horses frosa lb Itosebud Mtncy, waa ar
. rested sear Loup City Monday afternoon
by. Deputy Marshal Hayes and brought
to Una dty He was placed In lha Bounty
- jail pending the return of t'nlted state
Commissioner II. 8. Daniel, who la In
,. Lincoln. Mitchell waa arrested last Oc-
, tuber by government officials In Loup
City, but In some manner ha escaped
ad It waa not until several days ago
that be waa located
t'poa the return of the commissioner an
order for his removal will be granted Iht
"Dakota officials.
1 Tha railroad paasenger trains have all
-weathered tl) storm and most, of them
are getiiag a to J heir old Schedules.
lVhHs sobm are ttilng In.r tlttla.laie
Lrencrallv the are on time. .' r ' ,
I KoaaBaast at'the- river are saw having
mora if' trail Uioa weaeV due; H la
aid, to mora caution betas taken by the
managers. On the roads west of tha river
all passenger trains srs equipped with
anowDlow sad tha drifts Interfere but
little with their movements. : Tha plan
has not bean followed to any aatenl by
tha aaajuuiera of tba Unas east, and oonae-
quently when there haa been any snow
bucking R has been don by tha engine
Tha Commercial dub haa decided to
raise tlx price of the noonday luncheon
at the club from cents, tha figure that
baa obtained tor many .years. . to 10 oanls.
and promise thai "radical Imurovamem
will b mad In quantity, quality and
aervtc. Many, member hav not aalea
at tha dub. It la said, because the
luncheon "waa not good enough fur
Coincident with raising prloa. the club
la taking radical measures to compel
delinquent members to pay up. A last of
seventy men, delinquent 5 to fti each.
baa been posted on tha club bulletin
board. It Includes bankers, grain m
judge, lawyers, doctors, editors and
Kountze Bros.
in New Quarters!;;
r T K.uiitM urvl L I. Kountze of iht
I'lrt-t Natlonul 1-anK rt Omaha, with the
otli-r coiis uf the late llrrman Kounti.
ar tneiiihfrs of the firm of Kountze llns.
of Nt w York, wlime banktnjc hune waa
In llic Kqultattte building, dpstruyed by
fire yctttcrday.
The only iiiiormUlon m-etved ry them I're
from tfie .Vew York house was the fact
that new iuarter had ben H,ureI at
1U Iiroday. It U prrumed that ftll
tmwr and iw.rda of the firm were eaveoi
from the f!re by fireproof vaults.
I aa carritl out he fainted and I think
he must be dead by this um'
I Mr. Giblin ki then taittn 1 1 the Hud
; son Street hopiial. ! maa ery weak.
but in do ininu-diate danRt-r.
The office of the Harnman linca.
which were in th bt:i!d!r.s ere belnc
moved to 1 Broadway. Kverythinc had
been moved save the panem in the IrgaJ
department. Majiy valuable record, in
cluding the aaitohloeraphy of K. 11. 11 ar
rintan, was there, and it was bel:-v-d that
theae and other vaiuaMe revurda were
itaalnraa Halted for Tine.
Banking and brokerage busi iters lis
halted for a time by the fire and the
Sjvernuia of the Stock uxrhanKe met to
determine what a lion should be taken
with rfp''t ti UfiiVtrlts of wur:tie
purchased yesterday. The Jet t.n
rfachd was that tran'frs may sus
pended fT a, dv by Cineut.
The clfaniiB? houte in the Chae Na
tional bank was losrd and teniporary
quarters wr opentd at the Chamber of
Cummer . lH-posiiors and bank cus
tomers uf the burnrd out trust companies.
as will as thuae of financial Institutions
I lucated in the nMghbf.rhood of the
j burned buildthir. were unable to rea h
til- ir banks, being held back by the police
I An officer of the Equitable lMfe Aur
I ancsj soi itty said that tht .rclty had
j diiplhatea of every record, which were
stored in a buiidtnc several blocks away
j iiuiii me uuiuni nfuuurc 1 ne nre, ne
siiu wijuia ni'i auet i me rom.-iny i
business with It? j-oliey holders through
out the country.
Offb-ers of the Mercantile Safe !Kpu-lt
company raid the vaulta wrie Intact and
nut a cent would be lost.
(Continued from Iaga One.)
"Just a few lines from a man who
owes his esistenc lu you. This writing
Is a bsppy anniversary as It Is now one
year inat I la not lost a day duo to
my old trouble. 1 am feeling fine and
tue . ,.i)Bi. i t '
utter an appreciation suitable. Wishing
ou unlimited sbccbsb"
, Sis alam street
Middletuwn, Mass.
Two years ago on hrlettns bay.
rhandlar was alven up in t:lav. N. T.. by
bla ham physicians. II had dropsy to
tba burslni, tisarly & albuiueii and
early deata waa lked upon aa certain. 1
The fauiiiy was In despair. They hoard
one of the
maaa of flamra ana tha firemen working
from tha tops of akyscrapers and from the
streets below wer trying to prevent the
rismes from sprrsdlng to Ih buildings
on the opposite sides of the street.
Tba Kqultabl building occupies the
block between Broadway and .Nassau
street and line and Cedar atreeta. The
fir waa first discovered on the ground
floor In a store room of tha Cafe Havarin
and, carried by a draught of air. shot
upward through an elevator shaft, act
ting Ih firs to the upper floors.
A general alarm was turned In, and
when th firs department reached the
teen the flames wer bursting from the
wlndowa In tha southeast corner of th
Vala Causes flew to Spread.
A gala sweeping through the streets
drove th flams through th building
Irnm end to nd. Firemen dragged their
hose to th tops of tba Chas National
bank on Tin street and tha Kounn
riattonat bank on Nassau street, while
other lines of hose were run up on a
sky scraper opposite tha burning bulgi
ng on Broadway, from which streams ut
watsr were directed an th flames.
Five alarms wer turned In and fire
tugs from th North and Uist rivers
grouped themselves at a convanlent doct
sow pumped . volume of water In the
building. I
Tbrea watchmen In th" building hero
ically remained to fight the flames with
firs titlnguli)ur, but they warn driven
finally to th roof. Firemen made a
berolo attempt to save them and aoallng
ladders were run up.
Rescuers got aa far at tha fourth floor
when th watchmen, their forms outlined
against tha glare of th flames, were
seen to kneel and pray and then, aa tlx
corner of th building on which they
were standing (ell. they Jumped lo th
treat ' Th firemen on tha scaling
ladxlera bad difficulty In making thair
way to lha streets.
Oepaty chief Walsh Mlralaa.
Deputy Fire Chief William Walsh and
five riremen were caught when a section
of th floor In an upper etory gav way.
Th firemen manag,-d to reach a window
ledge, from which they were rracued by
means uf a Ills Una, but when they
looked back Chief Walsh bad disappeared
In the amoklng ruins. Kfforts were mad
to reach the siot where he was burled,
but tha firemen could not find him.
Two porter In tit safa di posit com
pany war rescued front tba baeeuivnt of
tha building , when Ih aide walk In front
of I ho structure caved In. They were
Injured, and removed to a r.otplul.
The fir waa finally, confined to th
Kiiultabl building, thouglt for a time U
seemed as If th flamtfs would ecp
across th street and set fire i the
American Exchanke National bank at
Cedar street Itroadwsy, on which
the sparks wera falling In a shower. This
uulldtng was kit wet down by streams
of water from tha skyscraper on all
Isallavel Is available SJalldlBSj.
Tha !lamea bad tn inten-ly or a blast
furnace. Tu heavy floors if the bu:IJ
ing buckhd under th wblta heat ot ih
fir and fell In jsbue the walls. crumbkil
ard drorped plcct-weal Into the streets
Business In the financial section
brought practically to a rundstill. Thou
HarrluMla Loss Small.
l(iit lovett of the lUrrlman lines
says thut ull of tha I'nlon and Southern
1'aciric sccuiillcs held In the treasurey
acre kept the city; that the mone
tary loas tu ll,o railroads was umall. Mr.
I-ovett said that the extent of Inconveni
ence suffered becsutie of the lows o.
records will, of course, depend on wh th.
the vaults have been destroyed. Tht
records referred lo Include thom of th.
comptroller d-partinent, the treasurer a
office and the transfer department.
Tha offices of th Kuultahle Trust com
pany escaped the flames, but were dam
aged by water, aa were the offlcea o.
August llcimsut, whose, offices wen
practically untouched by the flames.
Four men sro known lo be dead and
sons are missing. Including llattslio,.
Chief Walsh whose body haa nut v.
been found, foii-ervathe estimates of the
damage place the loss In tha neighbor
hood of Iio.iiui.ooi. while others says tht
loaa will run aa high aa tlS.Uio.otn.
According to an officer of the KquitabW
th great aafety deposit vaults In th.
building contained last night accurltla.
aggregating between and tuiu,-
tatemrat by I'realdeal Hay.
'resident Day of (he Equitable Issued
the following statement.
"The burning of th homa office at 12b
Broadway will cause but temporary In
convenience. Securities and important
rccc.rla aro protected by fire proof vault
which are Intact."
Oag Tarhell, a former vie presides.
of the Kiiultnhla, said that th compan,
carried its own Insurance.
Many of the large New York bunks an
nounced today that owing lo the fire they
would not exercise their prerogative oi
railing loana today. Tha money market
waa practically at a alainlstlll.
Oratorical Contest Will lie Held
the rreehytrrlaa t'barirtl
Friday Mabt.
John Uloomqulst, who haa been at lha
General hospital In Omaha for treatment
returned to resume hla college work a
few clays ago, but was compelled to re
turn to tho hospital for further treat'
Hev. llr. Joseph N. Cochran, secretary
of the Hoard ot Kduratlon, Is co-operating
with Lr. Btookey in arranging a series of
addresses In connection with Ih day of
prayer for colleges, which occur on Feb
ruary J.
The Clarke oruturlcal contest will be
held on Friday evening In the Preby
terlan church. Henry T. Clark of Omaha
offer II - prite for thl contest, which Is
preliminary to the state oratorical con
test. The contestants will be Earl J.
Fowler, Paul C. Johnson. Paul Kamanskl,
It. L. lihnisn. Herbert Curtis. Joe II.
Mrs. Frailer. Ih matron of tha college,
has been offered the position of assistant
to IT. Clark at the Child Raving Institute
In Omaha. 8he haa the matter now
under consideration.
A boosters' club for tha purpose of ad.
vancing the general activities ot the col
lege is being organised among the students.
up the heating account
While taking annual in
ventory, don't overlook sum
ming up your household
account on heating expense.
If your business is one of
making or selling the usual
staple lines., you will find it
does not yield you as big a
percentage of profit per dol
lar as would an equal sum
invested in an outfit of
t. a. J a 1
American Ideal
il Radiators IBoilers
domestic economy, these heating
In the countries of Europe where
every penny counts in the practice of
outfits are finding enormous sale. If
Americans were not so wasteful, no inhabited building of any kind in this country would be
without an outfit of IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators.
They save so much in fuel, need so little care, protect the family health, do away with repair
bills, give vastly longer life to the furnishings and decorations of the rooms because of absence of
ash-dust and coal-gases, will wear as long as the building stands, and finally enable one to sell
or rent his property quicker, at higher price get your money back. One of the
big features of AMERICAN Radiators which makes them the pride of the
world's great construction engineers is their marvelous, yet simple, right- and
left-hand threaded nipple connections, making the
tightest joint known to radiator mechanics.
A Ne. l-n-W IDEAL Boiler end am ft f JS
In. AMEklCAN Rsdlstarscesungtheowner
t BO, were used to heat tht. cottsge. At
this Bf ic lb goods can b boucht of sny
rsputabi. competent Fitter, This did not
Include costs of Isbor, pipe, valves, fretfhi,
ste., which sresxtrs end vary according to
cumaue and tbr asndittors.
AMERICAN Radiators are always dependably tight and alike
in quality, whether placed on the 40th floor of the Metropolitan
Life Company's tower or to warm the tents of the tuberculosis
hospital patients on the alkali sands of Arizona.
AMERICAN Radiators are not only the best known but they are known as
the best all over the world -for tightness, strength, full water-way openings,
safe shipments, ease in taking apart and tightly reassembling, and for many,
many years of perfect service.
Sum as al one four he tin expense and th result you srs retting- therefrom. Deal pat on actio)
until jrou build tomfort yosr frnsat Beaut at one ttasemii sew by making tb right tn vestment.
Writs to-day lor ir book, Prlta an as shmI anractiM.
I ; Mm j
Sold by all dealers.
No txcluejvs agents.
IDEAL Boittar IS aw m ptrtt
t burn Mt, rivu t
loo en, ao this, metal to
warp, no repair tulte.
WriU Dpartmnt N-SO
413-417 South Tenth St,
Publla Shewrooma M Chlcif. New Yort, Boat on, Pro-Hdcnc, Philadelphia. Buffalo, Pltttborsh, ClrwUnd. Dttroit, Cincinnati. Atlanta, Birmrnrham, New Orleana, tDtUaDapoUa,
MiawaulM,OmaaatM.BMapota KanaaaCity,Dntr.8eatik, Portland, 8roBaaocaa FraasUaca, Bcaatiord (Ont.
rr llank Dalldlaa: Opeaed..
WI8NKH. Neh.. Jan. . (Special) Th
new buildlns f th First National bank
aa opened Saturday wl'li B reception
to the friends and of the insil
tutlon. Coffee and sandal-bra re aened
lo HO vttiots and earh B'aa irlven a
souvenler. The new building Is one of the uf Us class in this section of the
RellrlB; Jrtferaoa I'ountr orrirlals
Presratrd siltk til ft bjr Those
H i. HratalB.
rAiniirRT. Jan. .-8peclal.)-The
ofriilals In the Jefferron county court
hous preaentvd tho retiring members
with gifts aa remembrancea of their ser
vices. Jamea Chirnslde retiring rherlff,
and K. A. Iloustan. rerlrlng county clerk,
wera presented aith yold harnld unihrel-
liuf, Wllaoii fctlioctiothan, the rcttrlns;
deputy sheriff, was given a pair of gold
cu'f links. These were presented by the
officers whq remained tn the county
court house. The county commissioner,
including t". W. Rohrbaugb, J. Jarxhow
and Iule Nlder, presented Mr. Houstan
with a leather upholstered rocking chair. I
The ladtea of the Catholic church are
preparing for a boa aupper and dance to
be given In Tondre s bnll on Tuesday
Tho Kalrbury band and conryrt com
pany gav It third concert and enter
tainment In the opera hoiaje, Monday i
evening. Pruf. J. Chlarlnl. director of the
Kalrbury band, had charge of the enter
tainment. County Judge C. C. Boyle married Annie
Kelson and Onke Frasen. a well known
couple living near Illler In this county.
He ports were brouitht In by farmers,
Monday, of the sutferlng among live
stock and poultry diinmr tho recent
storm. Many farmers loft rhl' ken, young
pigs and calves that frote to death In the
Key to the 8ituatioo-Be Advertising.
j W So that these spices may b
I t b the best you can bay,
(w telect tb hnett tocg uw
world offers, grind snd pack it 1
ourselves. W k h yoo 1
get fulleit ralue in s Tone Box. I
10c oi Your Grocer I
Or send 10c for full-she packafB f
n kind. Ask for "Tone s
L Tilt free. I
X. Tuat OS, wm ,ss, m
bv BVtKVn ot the timess t
ouustaea Cades. -
went to i
i about It. They
learned that Ik recovery -waa affected
by J- ulion'e ltuai.t'Oiiipouiid, and Chand
ler waa out n it on that day. It was a
ery liar case and recovery was slow,
but about B year thereafter he waa aid
t return to tti.ployment. Th above an
niversary tell th rest.
Wona-r what physician think ot alt
this wio are weilded to nitru
digitalis and Baenum'a Mixture, under
which failure Is certain.
"rihermaa a Mot on ne 1 1 IM-Ug Co., Cor.
ltth Bad Uodge. owl lrug Co.. Cor. Uth
and Harae; Harvard Pharrna'.-y. Cur
;tth and Karnam.- Loyal 1'harnia.y
:T- Nv. 1t!i XL. Omaha, local agents.
Aak for rampulaL
I - i.Vy&jvTU .lb -lik 1
-f all varieties eared ia
B few day without
ass or loss of rime. No
ay wfil be accepted ea
J. Use wtiest ered.
Writ or call.
-isliT tstbrs Care
Fast N. Slrsi. SI. S.
i aauds of clcrka In lianklng and broke.
age bouses, railroad and industrial co.
l-irsliun. were held back by poile line
termed two- block! north jt the fire on.
traflio of every kind In ttw streets ncarti
the burning builuins was forbidden b
the poo-
Thrce employes of lh buinjing iraiKo
I ronl III Ihlld floor to th street. Tn,
tvn taKca to tha hot pltal seriously in
jured. .
After the firs had been checked auu
th firemen were able to get closer t.
tle buildlm: It was discovered that tu.
rJclmont building on .Nassau atreet, w hleu
J uc)uum the burned uuti iing, hao ic:t
saved, though tl otlices oi August uei
i.:ont Co. had been flooded with wbui
rmiarsl u.mkim Will kresirf.
Aft-" I'reiRlent Uiblln waa raacued fiou.
in fir he was carri-d to I lie bone.
,oom of the Trinity bunding. Ambulancv
.(.rgeons Ml'lppea off In cunning an
arauuod him ia heavy bianaeu. etiinu-
ointa were aouiunsiere-. Aim
uitcrval of ml Jr, Uibtin said:
X was up last nigbt with mv
wife, who bad ueen very 14. worn an m
Bloye of tn hovel tnfvmed me that uu
aiuUBbla buibiiLg was on tire. When .
arrived at th burning there waa a
llamea. but pienty ot smoke. I hurrie.
inus one ot the vaulta to get some value
Me capers, followed by on of Ike nigh.
watenmeB. The vault bad a spring joe
and I left my papers outside.
-When tha man and 1 started to lea
th door swung thut
prisoners. The smoke
screamed and shouted,
were aoontea. in oi u- kmbii .u inw . - - - , - m.
ub to halt aa hour ago. Sut Just before ! CTAaBBsaaBsaB
1 and, we were both ft
ke was awful. We ' J I
d, but It seemed we Y
itberBnan was alive i JJf
New Home Sewing Machine
Mr. P. J. Bullis of New York will visit Omebn next week-. While here Mr. Bullis
will derr.onstraU the great poesibilities of the
Sowing Machine. He will illustrate just how easy and what a great saving it is to make
useful and ornamental things with the "New Home."
Duriug Mr. Bullis' visit we will have a grand clearing sale on all makes of machines.
Oor Prx s aad Terms Will Suit You Oor to hhej Plem All Rod These Prices:
Wheeler & Wilson 12.00 ! Duplex (Drop Head) SZZ.50
Singer (Cabinet).....' ...S8.00
Domestis (Drop Head) $9.00
Goodrich A (Drop Head) S15.50
Goodrich B (Drop Head) $15.50
Duplex (Cabinet) $30.00
New Home, Box Top, Used $8.00
New Home,v5-drawer $35.50
New Home, Rotary $40.00
Aviator (Drop Head) $25.00,1 New Home, Automatic $o0.00
Special Demonstration Is In Piano Department Douglas Street Entrance.
ihtvkrx, which is somettifufi I couM
nev?r ay before.
"My old friends who have been usel
to swinK ma with a thin, long face,
uy that iam Iook in better than they
have ever seen me before, and father
and n. other are so pleased to think L
have got to lok so well and weigh so
heavy 'for me.' '
"Please tsend me another ten-0H
treatment. 1 am well p leaned witu
Hargol. It has been the liKht of niv
life. I am Renin back to my proper
wetKht asrain. When 1 heRan to Uk
Karol I only welirhed W pounds, and
nw, four weeks later, J am weiKhliiir
153 pounds and feel in it fine. I don't
have that stupid feeling every morn
ing that I used to have. I feel good
all the time, I want to put on about
live poumlH of fleaU and that will he
all I want."
F. OAOVOsT wrHes:
line is my report ulnce taking tiie
Parcoi treatment. I am a man 67 year
of ae and wai all run down to tiie
rery bottmn. I had to quit work, as I
was so weak. Now, thanks to Barg 1.
1 look like a new man. I gainei 2m;
pounds with S3 day s treatment. l
cannot tell you how happy I feel. All
i: v clothes aro setting too tight. My
faVe has a Rod color and I never wai
on haprv in mv lif'
"aSargol :a certainly the grandest
trratn.ent 1 ever used. It has helptd
n.e greatly. I could hardly eat anv
il 'ng and was not able to alt up threo
Java out ot a weeW. with alnma-h
trouble. I took only two boxes of Sar
gol and can eat anything and It don't
hurt me and 1 have no mora headache.
My weight was 1-0 pounds and now
weigh Md and feel better than I have
for five years. I am now as fleshy
aa I want to be. and shall certainly
recommend Sargol. for It does just ex
actly what yois eay it will do."
You may know some of these people
or know somebody who knows them.
We will seni you their full address If
vou wish, so that you can find out all
about Srrgol and the wonders it has
Prohablv you are now thinking
whether all this can be true. Stop it:
Write us at once and we will send yon
absolutely free a package of tho
mot wonderful tablets you have ever
seen. No matter what the cause of your
thinness i from. Sareol n-aes th'n
folks fat hut we don't ask you to take
our word for it. Stmoly cut the coupon
below and inclose 10c stamps to help
cover the distribution expenses aid
I'ncle Sans mall will bring you tha
mnet valuable package you ever received
Thin Is an Invitation that no thin man
or woman can a fiord to Ignore. We ll
tell you why. We are going to give you
a wonderful Jiscuvery that helps digest
the foous you eat tiul puts good, solid
flesh tin people who are thin and under
weight, no matter what the cause may
be ii, at niMhea brain in five hours and
blood in tour tnat put tue red cor
puscles in i lie blood which every thin
man or woman ho sadly needs. How can
we do this? We will tell you. Kcience .as
discovered a remarkable concentrated
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'1 have gained immense! v since I
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