THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10. 1912. Boys' Suits and Overcoats 25 Discount The scores of boys suits and ovr-mwits which have boon sold during this sale is the highest kind of indorse ment of the quality and values of Benson A: Thorne clothing. yothsri know that t!io good clothes sell wear longer, look beUer sal art bettf r than the ordinarr kinds tbe present very jentrous reductions plare these handsome auita and overcoats within east rtach o( even the most economical purchasers. Bejs Mi1 Russian or Sailor Suits, now $3.37 Foys tt.0) Russian or Sailor Suits, now 83.75 Hoys' iC.OO Runian or Sailor Suits, now $4.50 t oys' (7.50 Rast'an or Sailor Suits, now 85.63 Beys' t ( Russian or Sillor Suits, now 86.37 Smai. aoyi OvtrcoaH-3 t3 10 Ytrs Boys' J3.S5 Overcoats 82.07 Boys' $7.5J Overcoats 85.63 Bon- H.JO Overcosu 83.37 Hoy' 5 Oiercoats 86.37 Boys' $5.00 Overcoats 83.75 Bo'rs' ' Overcoats 87.50 Boys' $6.00 Overcoats 84.50 ,J' ,u Overcoats 89.00 fljyi' OvercMti-10 to 17 Years $7.50 Junior OCoats, 85.63 112 Junior O'Coats. 80.00 $8.50 Junior OCoats. 86.37 . Junior O'Coats, $11.25 $10 Junior O'Coats, 87.50 Uoya' Norf jik and Double Breasted Suits Boys' $5.00 Suits ....S3.75 Boys' IS.SO Suits ...-86.37 Boys' $-00 Suits ... 81.50 ' '0 00 Rulu 87.50 Boys' $7.50 Suits ...85.63 r ,'-uu BUll y.UU rtt tdbm norm 15184520 FARNAM STREET m COAL WAGONS STOP CARS I Mgr. Ryan of Dubuque is Dead loo Many on Dei Moines Streets to Permit Making Schedules. PBOBE FOE JUSTICES OF PEACE J arise Braaa latrac-ta Craad Jarr t laveatlftale c RwhH aa ta.artl with Thow Tararri la. (From a Staff Correspondent.) J IjKs MOINES. U.. Jan. -.8peci.t. Tel- j fgram.) Too many coal wagon on crr tala atrta of Ih-m Moines has Ca.ud the mret-t car company to atandun temporar ily the crow-town nrvi-e of earn on two trading line, the management larin that o many waKuim on the atnt tnt?. fere with thv handling of the tare an., malt.n time Owing to the snow and cold weatht-r the vat wrvic has oaurd all but ojw-n violence from the patron-. Will iNidliisC Jaatlrea. IL"Hrw'K. la. Jan. S -Monino; ; Roifur Kyan. vicar generjl of itie Catholic arch tllftrwe of Dubuque. d;er" ; here today. His death was the result of a fall on an Icy pavement several weekj ; agj. In which he sustained ftacturvs In the aide and limbs. MonsiRiior Ryan was 75 years old and a native of Ireland. H had been prominently mentioned fi. : an hblsnop m former years, j Wives Can Preserve Joys of Couitshi Hut fa" In Women's Kealm Kvery liiarrieti woman rhouM pay the Nitue attention to her pe moral ai pear-am-e that t-he did in her sweetheart uaya. Men admire well kept hair. Yours will BASK' ROBBER CONFESSES Frank Holloway Says He Helped Pull Off Montreal Job. TJHDEE ABEEST IS CHICAGO II. AIm Sara Ha rr T Mrn at Ot rasala - Aaatarr rrl aa la I .tasrlra. ' OI1CAOO. Jao. tV-Trans llolloaay. 8. no la alao saosra unJfr different nanws, cvnfKMd ts th pollca today that ha was lom.rnad la two bank rohh1ra. mw at l'anama ami om at Ni Waatmlnalsr. a C. In which ITV,os was atolrti. Ha also al4 P wsntrd for two mur . irs ana lur" many rohborlra la osia lioma. Tha roan was artrtl Ut nlsht on auspfclon of balnc a ptrkparkat. To ln pwtor Hunt h aill his frlnwa, my Ins that with companions ht klw the aaa In tha bank of tha Panama City Hankin company In Panama City and .raraprd with .; took part In tha rob. bary of tha Uank of MontnaU In Nw Wrtmlnatar. B. C. last "ptmbr, In 'whlcs tm. stolen: shot and killed a man named Sehaefer In Panama City 'In a quarrel oear tha dtvkilnn af poll"; 'shot Edwara U. Weat, a railroad man, ln In hoota. Colombia, and for 'r.urf a bond mi Texas, whsra bs tinder arrest. Ilollowsy said M of his shsre of the robberies was hidden In a Chicago hotel, but declined io make Its whereabouts known. Tl LrlA. Okl.. Jsn. .-Krank Hollowsy. held In Chicago, was welt known to tha pultre of Tessa and Oklahoma cltlee. In a resort oaeratcd by Holloway he killed a man. but was not arreeted as the nolle .coiwldared the kllllnf Justified. ' - Woaiaa la tha faee. i W A.NOKUkW. CaU. Jsn. .-lt a Irarned today that a woman, said to bear Ue name of Minnie Urlffin of Tscoma, Wut, waa connected with tha arrest here of Charles Hoffman, alias lnn. .alias Hswsrd, alleged member of the .sans which dynamited tha raults of the ;Haok of Montreal at New Westminster, j C. Xrptrrober la, 1ML It ss listed jihst this wootan was used to usee the ' iman credited wtln havlns been one of the ;hrea who secured IMMOS In ch and iaaeurlllea from the bank. KAN rilANCIHfO. Jan. .-Lo.'l police 'brll-a that amen those whe aided John blc.Namara, arreeted In New fork chafed with havtnf robbed a branch of tbe Bank of Montreal of were three e- convicts, ona of whom Is known as '"Mickey" Uleaeon. now believed to be In dermany. Tha others are "md" Tamy. recently released from tha state penlten tlary ta Maryland, and Billy Barrett, re reued tram San Qoentin In California. ' Girls' slunh. caracul and eloth coals all o at a discount of H Per oent thM week. Ucoson A Thome Co, U1S-J0 Far nam street. Two Torpedo Boat Destroyers Missing WAmtlNOTOX, Jan. Alt but two. (h Uyrant and -art's 11. of the fourteen I nit ad Htatet torpedo boat de trovers caught In the t err I Mo storm at sea last week while entaclnx In war fame en roll ta to Guantanamo, Cuha, are ac counted (or, according to a dispatch frtim Hear Admiral Win-tlow, eonvnandtnit the tevond division of .the Atlantic fleet, which has been sweeping the seas in search of the little vessels. Information has been Riven to thet made light, fluffy and heauti fii,l v Judnea of the distrk-t court that justices ! lumroua by dry ahampwlng. which l 'of the peace in I'olk county are with-1 far ittiler ttmn ho.(i und watf,r. .ut a holdini. hundreds of d-illars of fees and cuifuI of t0rnmeal In a fruit Jar. ad.i as a result of It mrmbera of the granl j )e rontenU of a n aU 0nKinal rackago jury were asxci to invengaie ine mauer by Judge llrennan. The request waa made In the regular Inntructions real by the court to the Jury when It mas uiwm bJed for the Jnnusry term of court. Justices of the peat e are supposed to turn over all of their f e to tne county treasury. They receive a regular salary and ore not entllU-d to one cent extra money, but the information that came lo the judgi-a. Is that some of the Justices have been withholding $.') per year for of fl c expt niH'!. Ilell leel Hettldeace. Piceident II 1H M. Ke of Prke univer- slty today deeded h' residence near the university, valued at $.Wt to the endow- ' ment fund of the untvejslty. Maalrlana Protral. The Ix-s Moines union of mnlciant to day made f.irmal complaint to the re 1 former of lrn Alotnea who hae made lar on the dance hulls and declare that the ordinance paiteed restraining; dance, halls is an unnecessary hardship. Hiey claim that It will close a great many t places and throw miiNlcians out of em ployment, while the evil complained of ffet'tfd only one houst-. of thfrox, and hake well together. Jut sprinkle a little on the heu-1 and Itusu thoroughly through the hair. l"se face owder aiarlngly. If at all. To keep tne ekin soft and lovely and rowth of hair, gently masnage the face. nek and arms with a solution made by dissolving an original paKage of mayatone in half a pint of witch hazel. "Mothers often lose tlielr good looks through worry. If you hare croupy' (hildren. or if they suffer from voids :it-lrr. utaa. U..thi.r'at Sale. YiU ! thoultl have it ready for accidents, am -,4r how, for It is a truly wonderful healer W of cuts. burn, .-ore.-, jcir.iin. alns and !.,h.-A..v . aij rfc ifSt-tn'S- e 'q- tiv 'iv - '--i: 1HURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Brandeis Great Shoe Sale I Two Immense Special Purchases ofT ; Men's and Women's High Class I At a Big Sacrifice 0 Also Our Annual Clearance of Every Pair of Men's - Women's Winter Shoes in osr Entire Stock At About y , e- y-' t 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 hi I. 1 r " ' i 1 '- . Their Actual Values $ Watch Wednesday Evening Papers FIRE RECORD. Warehaaeea lo Boston. HOHT-JN. Jan. S-FIre indsy which tsited In tha aiobe-Wernlcke building and extended lo the warehmtse of Caatr, Idea Co. and l)ie llenrr K. Barns com nanr's leather bell Ins and mill supply roume, dreireyed properly valued at ua,0. James Hyikey. a Janitor, ass killed. lart-Parr Mas Klre. CHAKI.fl CITY, la., Jan. S.-4Hperlal Telearam. I-The Hart-Fsrr Traction Kn line company of thin city suffered a I1O.0M Mrs In the sower room last night. i'LOOD AND WILSON WILL ASK CHANGE OF VENUE Mt'BCATlVE, la.. Jan. I.-Kminet Flood of Chicago and o. ('. Wilhon, labor leaders recently Indictrd here on I lie chares of connplrary to deetruy prop erty during the button workers' strike, will k for a change of vrnue from the local courts, according to an announce ment today. In support of the petition It will he slimed that a fair trial In this county In unobtainable because of the I preludlce arouaed by the labor controversy. tract Mistake Is lo neglect a did or cough. Dr. King New Discovery cures them , and may prevent consumption. Mc end ft . For sale, by IVaton Drug Co. . j t. DEATH RECORD Jaakaai Gara. ' BEATrtlCE. .Nek.. Jan. s.-8pecial.V-Joskaa Oara, aa old resident of Beatrice. K4 yesteroay at Claraaon huspltsl In Omaha. He went to that plats before tha holidays to visit with his suiter, Mrs. Tinkler, and tut week suffered a stroke af apoplexy, from tha effects of which he never recovered. He waa years of axe and leaves aa fsoaly except his widow. The body wsi brought here today for lu ll ment. He. Peter Weealase. AXTKLU Jan. . 8perlaJ.-Mr. Peter V.eedlure died this morning after aa 111- Less of eleven months from cancer. She kaves a husband and four children, all af whom are residents of this community. The body will be buried st tha Bethany Lutheran church Thursday. Jasesib, i. leeak. " IOWA C1TT. la.. Jsn. .-!pectsl Tete-nsm-l Joseph J. .a". reputed the wealthiest Bohetnlaa In Iowa City, cne vf tha city's teramoet Business men, capi talist and exteaaiva realty holder, died bera today. ratswel Eaaaaauaael Wiley. PSORIA, UL, Jsa. S I'oionH tin ma n tiel Wiley, at years oM. veteran of tne civil war. and lor tha Wet eight yean aa assistant doorkeeper af Um bailee of ntnaeataUvaa at toe national capltol died today mt paralata. HYMENEAL. IOWA CITY HIGH SCHOOL j TEAM BREAKS RIFLE RECORD IOWA CITV. la.. Jsn. .-The lows City High school, shooting ssslnat the Morris High school of New Vork City, ! has broken the Interacholaatlc rifle record of tha t'nlted States, according to an an nouncement here today. The local team made W out of a powlble l.'", or fodr points above the record which It ealab llahed In the contest for the Aator cup la at spring. Malelaa-Bersaai. PONCA, Neb.. Jan. fc-lHnerlal.r-O. II. rUlelsh, proprietor of tha Northern Ne braska Journal, and Mlaa Alma Josephine Bergum were married last week at the home of the bride's parents at Uraet-1 linger, la. They are now at home to their friends In Pones. After the Age of Fifty You will find that druggists everywhere apeak well of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. They know from long experience In tha sals of II thst In esses of coughs and colds It can always be depended upon, and that It Is pleasant and sals lo take. For asls by all dealers. r-lsht far atarakalltswa Plaas. MAU.-IUIXTOWN. la. Jan. S.-iHpe-rlal V-A contest will undoubtedly develoue for tha Marshslltown poatufflce. con gressman James W. Oood today tele graphed that hs had recommended the appointment of Dr. W. 8. Devlne. Friend of M. 8. Mcr'arland, saslatsnt poalmas ter. Joined In a petition to the postmaster general to hold up the appointment until a petition could be circulated In Mr. Mc Ksrland a behalf. AsaBaWadaaSsadaSaSwSaSsSa Front thU ftff the human ftVdtm 1 raduallv tl('llniri aiitl the acruinuUttHl pulsion In th bluod t-aiiM rheumntlmu In Join in, muwlon ami back. 'J'htnt wartilnic shmild be promptly rfllfvet and wrloua lllnem. avolilM hy ualn the followtnn preMTiptlnn wiilrn comes from a noted doctor and la aald to have no equal li rurlnj rheunmUaii.' and rentorlna; phyalclal vliror. UimhI reeulia rotne after the flrat doae. "hVoTn your tlruKKiat get one uuare of Tort, com pound 4 hi orlKlntti aealed parkaxe) and one ounce of ayrup of araaparill rum pound. Take theae two InKretllenta home and put them Into a half pint of food whtakey. tihake the bottla and take a tablenpoonful before each meal and at bed t tine." If your riruicjrlit doea not have Torla compound tn.jitmk he will Ret It for you In a few houra from hla wltoleaale hou.e. Ion t be Influenced to take a patent methclne Inatead nf ti Ik. Inalat on barlnit the genuine Torla compound In the original one ounce aealed, yellow package. Adv. om MAM me III ( I j EVEKT IECOsTO J j 1 When you are r C S taken away do you III f . know that your III I I i property will so a ... .. a-..., I Ml ar BB 6 I ;;; ;:;n;w,.., I Mi; 1 1 I I llli ' ' "" name us Fill' fa! I I i i:e..,,t..r In vo... Ill I ! I I rle.n"o.a'i'o 'Tie'" li I IL'I ter and ro,n..- 1 I I IN it ally and hone"' 1 1 I W. draw Wis t I without eh ergs i fi where named Bz- i II .9 ecntor or Trostaa. I I f- f tsTaaLiancD 1886 ViH I Vy sncosimuiu) IS 07 , 7w I I ss7aaswsfssjssssss (T4 i ilr !3 I Four days of Oriental rug sale remain Taminosiau a slock of high grade rugs, which are being disponed of nt r.iucli-leas-ihan-ueual-pricca -some- just half the original figures must be soli brier? Saturday night, when the gale ends. .New prices en some of these rugs ws. Ill surely sell tbent. They are tbe beet Oriental rugs In Omaha at prices never beforu of fere J here. A few of the rugs and prices follow: Morrell's Ereikhst Eacon and Fried Mush Home Made Hausage and lltirkwheat Cakes Delicious Waffles Hot of fee .Made With Care. Drop In for breakfast some morning. Belmont Restaurant IHI DodKe Ht. C. -V Hall, I'rop. 1 2.110 Suirran Door Mat $7.00 HW.YIIO Hawaiian, 12xS-3 8 1.U0 -9.M hit man. ;i-Jx2-2 aSaCo.OO 9IJV.IHI HelurhisUn, 2-9x1-0 a.Ot ;tn.O(i Antique lamut, S-o.OO aan.iMt Antique Mosul, 3-8x3-10 18.00 ll.OO Slurvao IKuor Mat $6.50 10.00 Camel s Trapping, 5x1 Iti.OO 10.110 Camel's Trapping, 4-3x1 $5.00 SH.fMC Camel's Trapping, 3-4x1-3 $5.00 VI 1.00 Anatolia, 3-7x1-8 $J.OO 1 1.00 llelurhlslan, 2-lUxl-S fclll.OO Motiil. 6-SX3-S $28.00 30.0l) .Mosul. u-lx3- S2S.0O V-i.VOO llokhara, 4-:ix3-3 $3 l.OO f. t.i.110 Modern Ssraliaml, Cx3-2 $25.00 I l.OO Kine llrlurhlstau. C-Cx3-4 $32.00 :I0.00 Itelurhlklan, C-1x7-10 531.00 Sl.t.lM) Antique Hamadan, 6-10x3-5 $33.00 1(1.00 Antique Hauiailan, 6x3-4 $35.00 trr.i.00 Antique Camel's Hair Hug. 6-Sx;l-o at S35.00 MIMIO Dnghistau. 5-8x3-10 $3(i.00 M.00 Mosul, 5-8x3-7 $31.00 43.00 lliikhara, 3-6x-4 $30.00 IH.00 Antique Hainadan, U-8x:'.-3 S3 1.00 ami kmi:nts. PILKS f IBKU l TO Id DVS. Your drtisslat will refund monev If PAZO OIKVMKNT falla to rure snv rax of Itchlns. Hlind. Hieedtng or frolruding files In lo l daya. iuc. A Dea Molnea ssaa Bad aa attack at tnarrular rbeumatlara la his shoulder. A Irlsod adelssd Dim to (o ts Hot Bpriaxs Tkat mas nt aa expense of SU ar saora. Its sssbtM sor a euKker and cheaper way ta rare at and found It la Chamberlains Jjninent Tbrea ears after the first as liUrattoa at tsia llniawat as wss wail, t srsls sy an de-lera. - "Beautiful Enough to Wear a Pearl Necklace" If you thiuk Unit, why not give lior one! For "oiiit'wluit loss tliau a tliousiind dollars you csn buy a bt-autiful string of finest jieurls. For tea times that niueh you would still prefer tlie single strand though the pearls would be mueli larger. It's not the price but th sentiment that she will appreciate. Ijet us submit a string of fine pearls at the figure you would be willing to pay. It's the lifetime gift. Albert Edholm Jeweler. Sixteenth and Harney. ri'IValldT, BOYD'S IKE Wednesday, Jan. 10? B0UO. iSU. A 4033. Mat. om. ouiresuo;, wan. IV fltura JOXsT COST aaaoaaess LAVliSCI O'OBSAT tha aotad XarUsh eomedlaa, la tii il or riWTdtiiii. 2 IX Frida, Jan. 12, jossra BCBH1K Atnerua'a iirisitfat ienor snd Ksnoui. Cant In I.0TB Tax.Es or xorrstABB. Friday Msht and Saturday Mat. IX. TBOTaTOBB. NStuniav NiKitt. The Tuesday Morning Musical club Presents Mrs. Ma belle Crawford Welpton In Song Iteeilal Tuesday Kvening, January 16th, at V. W. C. A. Al lllTOKIl'M KeXTTttl Keats $1.00 On Sale at A. liorpo Co. after January 10. IMiunes: 1ouIji9 4U4; hid. A-Ul4 Mmt, Xrmrf JJtxy g:lS; Kwmrj might :lft ADTstvJICKO TAUOj-VIUsX Mary Nonnjtn, tilcrisj) ttrp;r V Com-P-iny, Vn flovfi.; Vrnn & Lynch: Ths tour KI'khIm; Harry I.i-mii; Internatton- I l'olo Teams. KinfttotK-'M1; Orpheum oiuf rt ort hsira. PrlcsM, Hight 10e, lie, boe. T5c. MdatlUt. 10C bsMt tMta 86c. txcpt atvrd&j and aaaday. ill Wat. Se to SI Toalfht. 4e ta 11 50 The aeaaaUoaal Musical Comedy "ALMS. WH1I BO TOnLnir Thtusdsy, a Bays Mat. Saturday 1KB feMABT B ISc to o Matlaea S5e and See "OMABA'S TVM CBBTEB.- i The iitr. 'lfv Hurrah Show. I SOCIAL MAIDS! 3XTBATAOABIA AID VAOSBTIXXsl ti.-o. ,..iie u.i ...Anl ol via Uu,, j P-tlte Jnnl Aullln. Kleelrlr ttty r'our, Wl hur ! t ls and a Xl-rry Klfty. X,sdles Dime Matinee Beery Wees Bay. Than Is Only One "Bromo Qulnlno" That la Laxative Bromo Quinine rm imnkjb a3f re cms a oold m on oat. AMERICAN THEATER Tsalfat. Matav Toss, Tbbtb, Bat, MIS BTA XtABfe and taa WOODWABO STOCK C0KPA1TT ta WMBB WB Will II." Nest WecS- raa Maa af tne r." JUtrsTf renember Uv full asmd. Look for tbil sifiAiura oa tTcrj Vox. Sic SWA seat KRdJ 1 HEATER.. Vat T-'-r V eht 1" Bast Beata 60a. xirzosri bio bxttiw and Fraakie Xeata- eautiful aouvenit. io lauea at da!t . $80.00 . . SaO.Ou . . l.0O ...JO.0O S39.00 . 85.00 SJ4.00 3 1.00 . S29.00 ... 15.00 870.00 875.00 .839.00 831.00 833.00 .849.00 845.00 838.00 (III. mi Sfiirsan l'r Mat 80.50 S-.MI.IK) t'tmel) Trapping, Cxl-3 $12.00 Sltl.lHI ('anirl's Trappiim. oxl .....-8U.0O BIO.IMI i amel'M TrappliiK, 4-3x1 S5.00 Sll.ino I I are. t Ib-ttli Ills all, ti-Gxil-lU . . . .gTQ.Oit Sn.on Camel's Trapplns. 3-4xl-o $5.0ft $11.00 Anatolia, 2-Txl-9 , 80.00 IIS.1.0O lUrr Ispnltun, 6x4-3 IO.y0O lsalian, 7x4-6 Sar-kh.M. 5-7x4-4 S.YI.OO Antique lielurhistan, 6x3-6 . Kino Itoluohlstan, 6-10x3-3 . Anatolian Killini. &-6x3-S . . Modern Maraliand, 6x3-3 . . . Farachan, 6-1 (1x3-7 ....... Mosul. 5-1UX3-8 r.eliM'hlstan, 6-ix2-6 Antiue Hourlibulak, 0-7x3-5 Hourhbulak, 9x4-5 Afaliar, 7x4-6 a.VI.oo IS.tK.tMl S4-.0O f.M.OO fl.l.(ll) $l;l.tM .stta.iHi IW.0O II0.IM M.OO Mosul. 6-8x3-9 4.1.IHI Antique llrlurliistan, 5-6x3-1 94H.IMI liamulan. 5x3-5 S7.IM) Antique Irnn. 9-4x1-10 $70.00 I In k u. 5-4x3-8 .VI.IMI Slilran Klllim, 8x6-6 1808 We Invite a visit hart to loot ovsr tha mis, avtn though yoj ds not with to buy. I. TAVII1MOSIA1M COMPANY Omaha'a Lar(st Retail Orisntal Rug House. '. '" i Farnam Street. Omaha, Nebraska. "ft fel I sis. l Lontidence mspiring ability THIS phrase adequately ex presses the impression made by the Oldsmobile on its owner. The fact that the car is practically emer-' gency-proof; the fact that wherever you go, you are relieved of nerve strain and worry by the sheer ability of the car itself, makes Oldsmobile ownership a pleasure without flaws or "come-backs.' Such ability cannot be measured by rated horse-power or a printed list of specifications, however impressive. For example: While retaining' all the manifest advan tages of a long-stroke motor such as the persistent application of power over varying grades and smoothness of opera tion the Oldsmobile will accelerate under full load; is "quick on its feet" and marvelously responsive to the throttle. D. E. FORD, Special Factory Representative 2418 Farnam St., Omaha, Ntb. Autocrat, 4-Cylinder 5 inch bore; 6 inch stroke. Comfveiiion release. 4-speeJ transmission with ojiet gears. ?4 elliptic rear springs. Comp ete shock-absorber equipment. 39 by 5 inch Tires on Demountable Rims. .Ventilators in fore doors an exclusive fea ture. NickelandBlackenamel finish on metal parts. Absolutely complete touring equipment of highest quality without any extra charge. Price $3,500.