Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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The Only Thing Jeff Could Have Enjoyed Would Have Been an Ant, Raoe
By "Bud" Fisher
tm.s todo-coc TT ' I f '
' - ;t J
' '
Capital City Hen Planning to Put
Ball Team on Feet Again. .
Omtb r. Trnssaa, friar I pal Mala-
t, Willing; 4a Take Stork la
Hew Orarsalsatlsa la Assaenl
' ml HI Hsldlag.
LINCOLN. Nab.. Jan. I.-No definite ic
Uon was taken at tha special meeting of
lha Osmmercial club today looking to the
financing at Iho IJncoln Bom Ball rlub.
Kb committee ot all said It had nothing
definite to report, but It waa stated nego
tlatlona war coins on looking to a poa
albla transfer of tha franchise to a stork
company headed by Oeorgn r. Truman,
who la tha principal claimant against tha
present ownership.
In district court the raorlvrmhlp null
brought by Truman aa ponlciponed until
yrtday. 1). C. Dwpaln, tha uwiw of tha
Lincoln franchise, mada a ahowlng to
tha court of tha value of the property, In
whlen be was sastalnrd by W. A, Rourkr
of tha Omaha club. Jack Holland of the
Hi. Jaaeph club and others.
B. Thompson
to Superintend
Detention Home
Mi B. Thompson, fnrmrr deputy sheriff
under former Sheriff Krtwln F. Hralley.
will be appolntea superintendent of the
Douglas county detention home at the
first meeting of tba new Board of County
Commissioners, which will be beld to
' T. sirs. Thompson will be appointed
matron of tha home. Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson will snowed Mrs. Kllxabeth
Byra and her hue band. Dexter L. Byrn.
who bars beea la charge of tba home for
year. Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. Lcldy, who
wars named to sueceea the Itvma MfiiMj
tbs position. Mr. Leldy desiring to re
enter we cunlstry and accepting a cnarg
at Bancroft. Neb,
Appointments of Mr. and Mrs Thonv
aoa were decided upon yeeterday after
aaoa at a conference of County Commte
sletMrs John C. Lynch. Krank C. Beet snd
Aj C Harts. They are considered wall
titled for the arork. Mr. Thompson Is a
graduat of Bellerua oollrgs and other
schools and Is a man of broad experience.
Mrs. Thompson Is a graduate of tba stats
normal arbool at rem and la considered
aa able woman.
In ttie Metropolltsn league the Derby
Woolen Mills took to out of three from
the Drummers on the Hssrment alley
last night. Hollo of Iho Derby's took
everything In sight, vetting high single,
M, and totals Ot. . Hoores:
1st. tel. M. Total
Amsdea 1M m Iki 4.i
Hollo I6K 17:' Jlrj M7
Lemon ISO 1W m H
Totals .'..471 4W t4 1.611)
. 1st. l. 1(1. Total.
Snynleh 179 IM 14 it
Hartns 174 IU im 47:
Baustlan 1M IM in M4
Totals M Vi 174 ).u
In the Crescent leagiw the American
Printing company took three In a row
from the Brandels Jewelers on the Bsss-
ment alleys. Tonight V. Cleaners against
Crrlghton Dentals. Scores:
t'nrKon I(U 140 146 Jft
Palma 147 m 410
I'arelwusa 11 ll IS 471
' Toisls l 441 2
B. Cllllen T7 11 IM 3M
W. Cllllen 110- 117 IK X
Bradehaw I4 147 134 Ul
Totals f.lrT Hn "Jw lTitM
CHICAGO. Jan. .-Fred Conklln. the
International amateur U-l champion, de
feated Calvin Den-arrst, the former IS-:
profrknal rhsmplon. MT to 3H7 In the
first blwk of their hsndlcap billiard
match here tonight. Conklln Is playing
LSJ5 points to :,ON by Demsrest. Iemar
est hsd runs of IM and . averaging
34 Ml Conklln got 44 (unfinished), la and
36, aversglng 14 11-17.
Tba ease against William Crutchfleld
and Jack BloomfieM and tha fourteen In
mates who were arrested la too raid oa
tbs Midway Saturday night was coo-
tlaued la police court tor the second time
yestsraay BBaralag. Tba raaa will be
beard Tkarsday morning.
Give Dealers Time
to Agree to Close
The Omaha Woman's club, which la
campaigning for tha adoption of a
dork Saturday night closing rule by
Omaha retail merchants, for two weeks
will suspend Judgment on the four mer
chants who refuse to sign the agreement
Then their names will be made pubUo In
ths club.
Tbs campaign committee, of which
Mrs. C. W. Hayes la chairman, did not
advocate a boycott ot tbs merchants whs
bold out against tbs proposition, but ad
vised ths women to scan carefully tbs
list of signers when shopping.
Of the stjty-alx merchant! visited, fifty-
nine signed, four refused, and three sig
nified wUttngnsas to tan la Una later.
DarM Cole, president of the Commer
cial club. In a letter to tha committee
advised that all merchants who .signed
ths petition should carry out ths
'clock Saturday c toeing- rule, regardless
ot ths tact that tha agreement stated
that the signers would be bound only
In case all tbs merchants should sign.
Letters from Thompson, Beldaa Co..
and Hayden Bros., encouraging the
Woman's dub. wera read at a meeting
of the dub yesterday afternoon, when the
committee reported tha results of Its
crusade for early closing.
Tha club voted ta aadorss the federal
ehlM labor Mil, now before tbs national
senate, and to write Nabraska senators
to vots for tba MIL
S 1 .
Jem DrlscolL one ot ths greatest little
fellows that over flew the colors of John
Bull la the roped squsre, who, accord
ing to report from London, Is about to
make his second visit to the United
Htatea. Ths Impulse for his coming Is
aatd to be In the fact that the Kngllsh
officials have prohibited hla meeting
Owen Moran for the supremacy of the
British lairs every lima the two have
been matched. If tha report Is tnn
there will be some real activity among
promoters in N w York ami other centers
of ftstlcraft U Jil the plum. Dnscoll's
visit might als nean another scrap with
Abe Attell. who was shaded by the shifty
Britisher two years ago.
Your Stilsrt Opportunity
In aplta ot tba severe weather ths first dajr ot oar semi-annual
Shirt amlo wts e hammer.
On our 'counters voo will And such celebrated make aa E.
L V, Msnluitisn and Lloa Braad In variety ot patterns and
coiora, exM-K.leaal values, some bavins sold aa high as (4.00. Tha
early conx-rs ret the beat selection.
tl.i cUlru jmw
:.0 end ttf Shlru Iivi
c3.t. f.60 and 14.00 8hlrt lX
This ante strictly rash.
5 tnn.rU 18TH STREET
ijoaa Kellrr. Jack JrQuiJJrm.
Denver and Cripple Creek Hen Are
Figurine; on Buying Pueblo Team.
Judge Carpenter Bales Against Mo
' tion Made by-Pickers.
Coart Holda that Aaytblas ahoerlna
Baalaeas Mrlhoda of tbe Ie
feadaata la Caeapeleat at
This Time.
CHICAGO, Jan. .-A determined effort
to have excluded from th record all
documentary evidence Identified by wit
ness Jerome H. Tratt and Involving sev
eral letters alleged to contain pencil no
tations by J. Ogden Armour, Arthur
Meeker snd Thomas J. Connors wss
mads by counsel for the defanee when the
trial of the ten Chicago puckers was re
sumed loilay.
The motion was madcaot the opening
of court snd csme at a moment when Dis
trict Attorney Wtlkereon wss preparing
to PAsit in the lurv a number ot the docu
mentary exhibits. The Jury wss
used snd the entire morning session
waa taken up with ' arguments on the
subject. After counsel hsd concluded
their argument. Judge Carpenter suld:
My view Is that all the clrcumstantlsl
evidence should be put In even If It doee
not at the time offered seem slgnlflcsnt.
Tou are ssklnir me to weigh this evi
dence ss It comes In. It appears cer
tain that the proof of conspiracy In lhl
case will not be by a- document, signed
and sealed by these defendants. The con
spiracy will have to be proven by the
circumstances. These documents tend to
prove the methods used by the alleged
combination In the conduct of Its busi
ness and may be an Important circum
stance from tha government's point of
"I think snythlng that jrtiowj the
method of conducting the business of
these corporatlona which Is controlled
by these defendants In comietent at this
Owner of Houseboat
Has Perjury Charge
Asking that the courV direct the county
attorney to prosecute L. B. Norrls, an
employe of the II. F. Csdy Lumber com
pany, for false swearing. Robert Mitchell
has filed an answer to the lumber com
pany action against himself fos 1138
tor lumber. The answer Is accompanied
by a counterclaim for damages for
S3.UM. 1
The trouble Is the outgrowth of the
r houseboat by Mitchell. The
lumber used for the boat waa sold by
the Cady jompany. When the company
began to fear Mitchell would sail away
(n his boat without paying, tt started an
attachment action and rot aa injunction
restraining Mitchell from taking away
the boat. When the attachment suit was
started ffbrrla filed sa affidavit that
Mitchell was a non-reawent w ins
state. Lster be Bled an amoavii inai
he ha- secured service en Mitchell "at
his permanent residence in .nnana.
xi.k.n v he baa been damaged by lawsuits which in view of the
fact that he intended to pay were need
less. He also wants Norrls prosecuted.
This request will be denied for the reason
that Norrls acted la good faith and at
the time be made tha non-residence
affidavit he believed it to be true.
Pa Has New Second
Baseman With Fine
.Record Back of Him
Pa Hourke. owner of the Omaha bae
ball rlub. announces that he has pur
chased outright from the F.lmlra club of
the New York State' league "Johnny''
Wanner, the greatest second baseman
In minor league base ball today. The new
second sacker has been sent a contract
and ordered to report for practice at Jop
lln on March IS.
Wanner was not In the game lat year,
having contracted malarial fever while
playing with the Memphis team of the
Southern association In 1910. lie, how
ever, has entirely recovered, and It Is pre
dlrted by critics that he will put In the
best yesr of his career as a professional
player next season. Wanner has been In
the game about five years. In l'.KB he
was a team mate with Justice, the new
shortstop secured by Pa. in 1907 Wanner
led the Three-Eye league second basemen
while playing with Hoik Island. , He fin
ished the season with a fielding average
of .Ms. In 1908 he played with Jnplln In
the Southern association.- That year he
also led the second basemen and fielded
.93. In 1909, his best .year, he played
with Ha(tford of the Connecticut league
and led the second basemen for the year.
Hla fielding average for that year1 waa
.;. In 191 he played with Memphis ot
the Southern association, and, as In the
three years past, he finished at the head
ot the second basemen with a . fielding
average of .971.
Bellevue college five Is getting Into
form for Saturday's game with Cretghton
by practicing at South Omaha, where the
collegians have srrlmmSKc work with the
Paekle Baslaesa Mew Will Pat l a
Six Thawsaasl Dollars ta. Krrp
the Franchise la Smelter
DENVER Jan. .-$pecial Telegram.)
T. J. Ounthorpe. formerly secretary ot
the Denver Western league dub, went
own to Pueblo today to open newotla-
, inn, l,r ,K. m w-K K . . k I
oiw. sir. iumnorpv is representing
Denver and C. lints Creek capitalists and
1 at prepared to meet any reasonable offer
, mads by Prank IsbelL the present owner.
lsken has named a price of tli.00U. The
, Pueblo fans have expressed their wlltmg-
' neas to give a bonus ot KM to tbe m
j 'fee keeps tbe franchise In tbe smelter
dty. which-will' bring the actual price
' dowa to t.0. aa unusually low figure In
the estimation ot local tana. Quick ecLon
lai looked toa .
high school and Toung Men's Christian
association teams.
The basket ball game between Crelth
ton university and Bellevue, which was
scheduled for this evening, has been post
poned until Saturday evening on account
of changes In the Trl-Clty league sched
ule which arose through South Omaha
High school's protest against praying
around, the circuit twice. The Soutu
Omaha management considered that one
game with each of the league teams was
heavy enough and as a consequence the
schedule had to be rearranged.
ftedaasad aad . Trott Matched.
-MILWAUKEE, Jan. 9. -Jack Redmond,
local lightweight, was today matched to
meet' Sammy Trott 'of Columbus fur a
twelv.-roUnd bout at Columbus, within
the' n xt two weeks. The weight agreed
on was IS pound at J o'clock.
SYRACUSE. N. T.. Jan. 9-iIissEdna
Lannlng, a years old. a student at the
Oswego State Normal school, mysteri
ously disappeared from her boarding
house in that city late last night or early
this morning. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Lannlng. prom
inent residents of Liverpool, near this
Sunday evening; she complained of a
the last seea ot her. She must have
left the bouse scantily clothed, for prac
tically all of her clothes were la her
room. The girl's parents asked the
headache and retired early. That was
police te search for her. ; f
A Ear to th Sltuatioa-See Advertlsvaa.
is your old
jimmy pipe
v t . . 1 1 3 I Im t maftsr Vt nw 1 rvn rf
standintf your kick or how much you ve misused or abused it, dig oat that
. . i : l,.L ttie flwi-nrr linsil Tam in a bunch Of
r VrtTl 11 laVu vtu wv. auuas uuvi a1"' '
jimmy pipe!
Orifice Albeut
and hook it up to a match I Whf the amver ?
Why, it'll just about wise you up as to why Prince
Albert leads the band can't bit your tongu !
That's why it's man-famed aa the "joy smoke" tar
noagh; tobacco that's fint aid for a pipe trouch; that
throw a jolt into any notion you or anybody else
ever had about itun, bitten, nipped, broiled tonguetl
Now, don't muff this one: Butt riht into the spirit
of 1912 Everybody else win oe turning over a new
leaf. Lead 'em to it! Make your font NOW! Which
means change year brand: Smoke Prince Albert
and let a 99 year lease on some real copper
riveted pipe joy. Go to it!
At all tobacco-riea. 10 cents in the tidy ted tia; 5 cents ia a pro
tected baf that keep the tobacco fresh and tweet for cigarette
sssokers. Pound sad hilf-pooad tin kc sudors. and pound flan
h nan dors. Just yon ask year delict about that Prince Albert
humidor with sponge ia top. It'll make a corking Xmu gift.
Winston-Salem, N. C