THK HKK: OMAHA, MONDAY. .TANTARY S. l:MJ. JJecg jne yaga z i rp f)ajfe 1' HARRY'S WEDDING BALKED AGAIN Copt -right, I 'll, N ut. n-il p .oelitl n s ... T R sut'! sutte' iait hat h-arav vwa. to tc : TL tEE- r - .. Twes ERt torn P& H Sr.WJKXS'J i?iSfl (STJ ?Rgy i&EM v'r, giNggggv. opr. S, s--rr. ? i vt &3E& i-, By "Bud" Fisher A,M FAU-IMO :::t4-. J ' 1 " 1 Wf ,'hH ! lb;; Dinkelspiel on Dinners Uy tiKOIJGK V. UOBAUT. Und I set to SplcKel: "You know. Mux, I vas going to Invitation you und Mrs. Svilogel around to dr, Iiouso to hnf tlrtstmas dlnnfr riilt us, l)Ut I frit dot tier friendship of years miglit be lnter ruptlonod because ve haf a new und un rerta:n conk in dcr kitchen dlt you get me. Max?"' "Sure," set Spiegel. Tnd I set to Spiegel: "Ier name of der new cook vas Olfta. She vas half Svede und der. rest pf Jver vas deaf. Ven she came, to our house tny vlfo asked for her Terommendationlog. Olga set dot her face ;va her only reeommendallonment, but ahe va ould late der night before und broke her recomtnendatlonment yust above her chin.. Anyway, my "vlfe en gaged Olga, because, you know, Max, vot Is der. goot pf a. hearty appetite ven der kitchen vas empty." VSure,", set Spiegel. . I'nd I set to Spiegel: "Ve. have invlta tloned Frtta und Mrs. Peerhaben und drir loedle daughter, Cutey; Oscar Pickle- sauer'and his latest vlfe; Mr. und Mrs. Blnglebnuer under deir niece, Cassanova, Mr. und Mrs. OoowdlppiT, vich Is wlslt ing hei-e fim Michigan as long aa detr relatives hold ould, und also Helney Hchmala, der floorvalker In Kalaer'a dell catepsen store on Slxt" afenue. I doan'il vlsh to ffet' personal. Mar. but you know It in 'der heart dot any vun of dose men tioned con make a, fool ould of a home made dinner, and't it?" "Sure," sot Sptegl. fnd I set to- plegel: "Veil, anyhow, my vife vaa sa. worried aboiild der new c ok dot before dor dinner time arrived she hat an attackt of nervous postpone ment, nd ehe vaa vaJklng around der house mlt her fingers crossed und mur muring leedle prayers to herself because she vaa afraid dot Olsa vould send a 1'otato salad from dar kitchen und be fore it reached der taiilo It vould become a chop suey. Veil, enyvay, Max, der guests arrived demsetfs promptfully, und I could see from delr faces dut dey would fight dot dinner to a finish. You know, Mux, It aln'd no sign of a ehentlemans to invitation peoples to a Ciirlstmas dinner und den speak bltterfully abould dem after dey go, but ven dare comes to der kitchen a wlsltatlon like Olga der milk of human kindness becomes condensed und sour, und va lose our prospectus." "Sure," set Spleriel. I nd I set to Spiegel: "Vel, der laides began to chat pleasantly vile dey sired up our furniture ould of der corner of delr eye, und der men glanced care lessly around to see dlt I haf a box of seegars vich vould .require attention after dinner. Pretty soon der dinner vas an nounced und eferybody chumpetV to delr feet like dey hat stepped on der third rail. I belief In being thrifty, but der vay some of doso peoples Baved up deir' hunger for our dinner vaa too penurious for me. Der fairst round vas oyster cocktails, und eferbody drew cards. Pis vas Olgan's first attempt to make oyster cocktail und she hat orlrhlual Ideas aboud dem vich contested bf salad oil instead if tomato ketchup. Der salad oil came from Italy, so der oysters vas eggs tremely foreign to der taste. After eat ing der cocktail Mrs. Beerhaben inkvlred politely If ve raised our own oystexs, but yust den leedle Cutey upset a glass of vater und ve hat to change der subject und part of der tablecloth. Der next round vaa mock turtle soup, und nobody unter der blue canopy of heafen vlll efe know vare Olga found der mock. I t'ink I may haf surprised her secret because later ven I rent to put on my rubber hoots vun of dem vas missing. Hlmmel! der Idea to half a cook In dese modern days vot dan'd know vot a mock Is! Aln'd such a discouragement?" "Sure"' set Spiegel. Vnd I sed to Spiegel: Veil, any vay, den ve came to der Christmas turkey, und din vas vare Olga, vun der blue ribbon. My vlfe ' hat , tolt Olga to stuff tt mlt chestnuts, but Olga t'ough dot chestnuts vaa an olt choke, ao she stuffed It mlt peanut brittle. Olga hat noticed some udder dings around der kitchen vich looked lonesome, so she put dem la der turkey, vun of vich vas der corkscrew. Ven I vent to carve der turkey der fairst ding I struck vas a horseshoe rich Olga hat put In for luck. i made my vlfe eggstremely nerfous to see der can opener, a pair of scissors und nine clothespins come ould of dot turkey, but Mrs. Heerhaben set dot delr last cook tried to stuff delr last turkey mlt der garden hose, so my vlfe felt better. Der next round vas some salad vich Olga hat dressed In der kitchen, but her dress vas such a bad fit dot nobody vould speak to It. Den ve hat some home-made Ice cream for desert. Der ice vas very goot, but Olga forgot to add der cream, so It tasted rather Insipid. Anyway, der din ner came to a finish mltould anybody fainting, und der guests vent home, a leedle hungry, but unpnlsoned. Der next morning my vife spoke bitterly to Olga und she left us, followed by der Christ mas prayers of all dose present. Der only dings abould der house dot luffed Olga vas a pair of earrings belonging to my vlfe, und dey vent mlt her.. So, you seo It, Max, mehbe it is yust as veil 1 doan'd csk you to dinner, because efen der friendship of a lifetime aln'd proof against a brass key-ring in der stomach, vich Hes dare restlessly for vecks und veks, mebbe!" "Sure!" set Spiegel. D. DINKKI-SPIEU Ter George V. Hohart. Make All the Noise You Like Fy Tad Little Bobbie's Pa j By WILLIAM F. KIRK. Wife. Bed Ta to Ma wen he calm in lant nlte, here is a card for you, wlch I cant malk out. Who is tho Shakepeer Sisters? sed I'd. Doan't you beelong to enuff of them fool societies already? I wIhIi you wud pick, yure langwidge a lltt'.e moar careful, sed Ma, the Shakes per Sisters is anything but a fool society. Tliay are a let of great & poable women wlch is dulni; thaie best to show that that wonderful baoh the bard of Avon beelongs In a cIukh by hlsself. All I ask you to do, :vd Ma, Is to hlay here until o'clock thU eevnlng & then you will see the kinds o minds with wlch 1 cum In dally contuijk. Well, K'd Pa. to tell you the truth, I was going ts be In a turnament at the bilaid par'ur tonlte, but Jest to show you that 1 am gjuim 1 will hung around hero ins-.ed. Kvtn littel Hobble will show that he Is a chi utt the old block. You will Mk'k too, l ml you. Hobble, sed l'a. I was thinJUrig I wud rather go out & play inarbel I tuald Pa, but If you want to fctay it om, my place Is at yure side. Thar you go, sed Ma to me, you are Jet like yure father, he wants to play Itllyards 4k. you want to play marbels. Neether of you wants to see these butl ful & lerned wlmmen wen they cum here to talk aboin wundrful thing wlch he rote. Thay was going to talk about Othello, Ma ed, Othello the Moor. You meeu the fellow that clinked tils wife with a pillow? sud Pa. Yes, aed . Bla. tho brute. Now 1 am sure I will stay, d l'a. A: Jest thu the ladles calm In, the .-hakepeer f inters. Moast of them a kind of old maidy, there was tin of them & only (1) of them was fat & nhe wan married. Thar waa a awful tall & : m furl thare, her nalm waa Miss liludao. Ma Vaaser In the old days. She wss the toaxtmaster the mlnlt she got In her seet at the lied of the tabel she sed Ladles, ets., we are lieer to dlxcuss the grateat gaenyus that waa ewer on the face of the earth. I refer to William Shakespeer. Now, ladles, etc., sed MIm Bludso, we are confronted with one ques tun: Was Hamlet Inxane? Sure he was a bug, sed Pa. Pardon me, sed Mias Kludso, what did you tay he was? I said Hamlet was a nut, sed Pa, meen Ing that he was balmy in the bean. Any body that ever heard his ravings of John McCullogh to the Gladiators in the grate chariot race scene wud know that, sed pu. Of course he win crasy, sed Pa. lie should have been locked up long before ihay took the step. Thare is a lot of peepul outside the In side, sed Miss ilii'iso. that ought to be inside out of the outside. Now, sisters, we will talk up the subject of the eevln itig, was Othello out of his mind wen he put a pllinw oaver hi wife's face? What do you think, sir, she asked pa. Well, sed Pa, kind of caroful, maybe fche was talking too much at the time. 1 don't think he meant no real harm. Dut the woman pcriuhtd, aid Mihv Minds". Now, sisters. I Mis '" mi we will ai!i lift up n sparking fclaxs of could water tt drtnk to t..u ku.. ......... peer, the only man that tvvcr had the currage to show up Man in IiIh true culuis. Wont you drink thai toast with u? ahe asked Pa. No thank you, sed Pa, 1 altit thlifty. tan ltau l'm BUI. "I hear your sun at colli ge dlplajs much ability in his sports." "He doeH, and the bent proof of It Is tltA tt'AV li fun rim im u ttl 1 1 ' lluUI oald Fa that h was a gradooate of j America i AmO AJ TH6S Jav I f HSrANi Any A 5MCG MS VWA VNAknN Auoeo STATS Sr And HCvVAS (n a HcKftV. OmH Pun tried to vor tm Bae on wm fk A-TfM jut- M6C(PwT EVEN S9 TDJA-, N. HE. NAUKCT AMtNr FUA-THCR AmO AnOTVtCTB ftXtOW APtROACHEO, 'PONT T?V TOPUT TH6 KB ON MS 00Ni.EX OVR HOO I'M A f CAT, AS A. PAhCCkG. ZoJ TlPEOTMt CTrrER- I TJOnT vmAKT TO lytAtceT A.TOWCK MEJtEJ-W vWiJM TO ASri VOU A 9uEiTI0H Swoor:.' tt?ZT 0U M0 . veu. AJero Tr. srn.An frcp IFWOU OCCUfCD Af AkPTMEhTS 6 (m A Swell kotQ. wou-d wou Call it Suite Syte&h ? TaK6 W0UIFEET0UT0F7WE OVN HA I 60TTA 5vAfELU.-jD8 NOVH DOIMN OH THE fROPwCE whaw. i 6erPM 3a m down to me m ARicer ano fcY TrtE 600t)i PACKfTOW THEN TJAtlf TB TH6 XTOS-S THCtmn-CR AND THE VICrrMANS 0AOrvrrtrR V4EX6 vOin o THC ftffc- -0fVN TrTIM. C0MIH6 POVNM TW6 LAKejepoNT- THCVMERO TME C-ATTET OT0H.SEi HOOTJ NOT MOfte TrWXri J-MlLi AvmA-V-TrtV O . trfcTO THGlf HOiKJ TO TOP SPEED, RTH MAl Pi NAr 5TVmBlCT An0 jju . ton.) n ft OuTmj G-AT SV,TM Trre I RATS TiWrHTi CAME, IMT5 ViEVN BfAsiE- fMiU-if WAVED IT HIM Ahu ?E0. IF COCOA 15 7AW (i HOT CH?COUKT? MkKE ALLTttE NOISE 0U MfCE. AL0y$iu$ SOU CANT VXAri-HX WOUF-ATHG'R-rtfc'f A FOt-CEAAM 5wce? r. fvrrwe to AmO RAffei-S OtT. Fr-uPTME rVUnftt-e AHTJ TMEN CHELX Up TMS 6coo Bought- neup fH-0AP NEW OltpSP-i TrteriMAutTtME ACTOR. CAME OUT AcA in. HI 5AIU . 5TOpPE- ATTHC can? STAho in the uftjNrv "Ai. VNHClte sou Bov It. PJMCtS Voft AOMR AMO MiiJ TrtE CAHK.b THE. 04 OiOrtr Ml Si MAW Wftli I VA4TrrCRe fOR MS UjCfC wf) Sao amo i ovweo hi rA to t bvt DidnT HAve tr. Calx. A(tPmn he iAIO V0V1L6 (poiTC A inEP-' i oj Ctht td tn. liAio roR. ivwAi J El-TDM AT THE CHURCH AMO ICNBN AU.THE 3EU-ES. "TOt-tEO 5AtO HP A J IBLEVJ AT THS-3LNt.TU1l6 TMt FUTE. ftAWCX S(PE0 OvT iuTt-y. ,FTHE MIVSSj(pi 1$ CHOcrKO IS THff EHRtfiCr STJtfiniT " ' ; ,.(. 1HM'5 HAPSH NCKDS MU. J P-iMfiT NNS PotfTi, AT HlfrHr I MfeT-P T Book tencrre Arm THAT I tPtNt iht ME K MuTTTTAl ANO AT ' A l-UCKV NOTH'r' TD DO TJtU Sherlocko the Monk The Strange Case of the Shoeless Horse. IJjr CIS MAtiKIt. Copyright, 1911, National News Assn. Mt BARM HA BEEN BRnk-ru INTO-COMe QUIC : ' 1 S N. I ll. . I I -IHii I I I I i rurnic J ,y-J3 I o K WMF 'JC&Zr S'jr- I tf ( PA DOOK AND NOT . ! ( YOU AT THEftE IS rJoTVllrtL ''Y r:J l i ' tSNt TAKfcN vj T' N4? XOU Alt MlSTAjJe?" 3,11 TB WTKUCC-t, A TMetf PI I ip (E I - ' -4-Sl.' l'7H z2 VATSO. A MAKl AjAMTlAJr I - - - - - v . a MORie 5Moe Fo uucg. -UULD ONIT TARE ONE. TOU AKC "JOfiRiKi eJMAT me Man' RjRPoie vxa , IN TAjtini. mm id COME TA TUrr iu, i rlELD AND 1 vwiL SHOW cox work , NLRVO ) - ,IJ luun - . 60' RAj TO e i4Ar- ArAf or Uf II Urt, . m IM Aki jg&BACK. on h4 House'. i T,r:S fiATAE- OP t I i i 1 1 i I i i.i . I'TTn THE TWENTYGREATEST Three Notable Enfliahmen Fraderio Harrison, TJr. Alfred Kusscl Wallace and Israel Zanjwill In,prove on Andrew Carnegie's List and Send Their Own Selection of Greatest Men. Vj T. hti:.i. 11NDON. Jan. O.-The IlKt of the twenty greatest men, which Tha Amer ican published us Mr. Andrew farnegle'a selection from all those who havo lived on thla planet, has provoked a very keen and Interesting dlMcusalon on this Hide of the Atlantic. To begin with, no two per sons agree aa to what Is tha real test of greatness. Every man has hla own list of those whom he regards as supremely worthy of reverence, and the compiling of such a list affords an index to the character of the compiler which Is prolm bly as illuminating a any that can be devised. On this subject there Is no greater au thority than Mr. Frederic. Harrison, ths octogenarian, man of many letters, who has devoted himself for yours to the study of those who nro most worthy In history. Mr. Harrison sent the following list of his twenty greatest men with a personal statement as to why lie rejected aome and accepted others: MO8K8 Early theocratlo civilisation. HOMER Ancient poetry. ' ' ARISTOTI.1K A nclent philosophy. i.ARCHIMEIKS-Anclent science. 'jri,tt:8 CAKRAR-Tho Rom," nip I re. ST. PAI'l-Apoatle of Christianity. CII A ill jEM AON 13 Founder of Euro pean state. rANTE Fnthrr of modern poetry. GL'TENRKRO Inventor of printing. rOM'MUl'B Discoverer of America. WIM,IAM THE BIUEJ-IT Founder of Holland. HHAKESPEARE Greatest of modern poets. RICHEI.JEL' Founder of modern France. NEWTON Founder of modern astron omy. FltANiiLJN-Dlsroverer of electric forces. FREDERICK THE GREAT Founder of Prussian Btnte. WATT Inventor of steam machines. WABHINOTON. COMTK Founder of the Positive Philos ophy. DARWIN Author of "Origin of Species. " i In the letter accompanying this list Mr. I Unison says: "We must start with Moses, Homer, Aristotle and Archlinodea I. the ohvlous types of early priestly civilization, ancient poetry, ancient phil osophy, science, logic and sociology, ancient geometry and mochanlos. "The effect of these fo ir founders' teachings lives und works still. Tho most creative spirit of the ancient world, the founder of the mighty empire of Rome, out of which all medieval civilisation rose, wss Julius Caesar, and ro Charles the Gnat was the primeval founder of modern Europe. "As Jesus Christ Is obviously hors con coiirs, St. Paul Is the true founder of UirlFtlHnlty as a doctrine. And as truly I'auto Is the foumler of European liter ii lure. Why Mr. Carnegie In no ma the (hiKpel ami br.'ftrs Hums to Dante and und Milton we cannot understand. The next two name Gutenberg and Sbakes peaie are In his list, and, of course, In everybody else's list. "Columbus must stand for the liepln. liln of the vast American new world. W illiam the Hllent, Richelieu and Fred erick the Great represent the creators of three nations. Cromwell was a great a man, but he was a revolutionist, rr.tlier than a found. -r, mill 1 will not Inert our own hero, "Newton will be everywhere accepted La the type of all modern physical sci ence, -ind Franklin Is, perhaps, the earli est and best know.t name In the enormous lunge of electrical Invention. "With more than one-seventh of our twenty names already devoted to modern mechanical Inventions, I am not prepared to folio wour inultl-nilllionaire -Iron lord !n adding more Inventors." The xreeteHt man f science Is Dr. Al lied RusHcll WalU'e, who almost tied a. tl'. Darwin in the discovery of the rreal principle whlili lias been the lil Mratlon of science. lie noes not enter into the subject at the same length aa Frederick Harrison, out he msaes the very practical sugges tion tliHt tu compiling Hots of great men (hey tihould ti" uriunaed in Chronological order, if this is done It will bo tound I hat eleven out of Mr. Carnegie's list ..f twenty men were Do in in the eighteenth century and none was born otivie lue tltteuiilli. VSailacM a)s; "iir. Caruegle'a Uat , of the twenty greatest men Is the inofcl , preposterous 1 have .er seen! I can only retain one of them -namely, rhakepeare. I dare say I rhould alter mine a good deal If I had morn time-to give to it. I take 'greatness' to apply to character mere than to any one or more striking or use ful dlKcoverles which have often been mado by very small and what a Yankee might call-a 'one-horso' man. The great difficulty Is that around any one su premely great man there la a cluster of others almost an great, who might almost monopollie the whole twenty, as In the case of Kooratea and Michael Angeln. "I think my list fairly shows the differ ent fypea of greatness, Scott. Dickens and R. Owen will he most objected to, but I could give very true reasons for In- eluding each of them. I think Jennfcr in Mr. Carnegie's list la perhaps the very smallest of overestimated men." Homer,. Newton, P-udrihn. Swedcnhnrg, Pericles, Washington, Phidias. Walter Scott, ; Hot-rate. Robert Owen, Alexander tho Great, Faraday, Archimedes. Darwin, Alfred the Great, Charles Dickens. Michael Angeln, . Tolstoi. Hhakespeare, Mr. Israel ZangwIU found himself la agreement with Mr. Carnegie In only two names Khakespears and Lincoln. Mr. Zangwlll says: "No doubt hla inventors have had great Influence on civilisation, but to have a great influence is not tha same thing aa to be a great man. In deed, I should not put Mr. Carnegie him self with his work of peace and literature before quite a number of his twenty." Moses, Homer, Confucius, Ituildha, Julius Caesar, Jesua of Nasareth, Hoc rates, Mahomet, Dante, Michael Angelo, Phakeepeare, Velasquez, Voltaire, Washington, Goethe, Napoleon. Hacthovsii, Emerson, Lincoln, Urownlng. Judicial Somersault Rroadway hoard with some surprise that H. A. Du Houchet, the author of Ths Man From Mexico, Is a candidate for Jus tine of the peace in the 'hamlet In which he pays taxes in New Jersey. Why- hs should want to be a Jersey Justice ha ths big street guessing. Tho obverse of the proposition Is the wonder why Jersey should want him to bo a Justice. "Awsy back In 1H78." said one of the old-timers, "Du Houchet was a Justice of the peace down on the New Mexico line. In those days tarantulas and Indians were the chief native products .of that region. Residents wore their guns handy, and train robbery was considered a profitabla and not discreditable form of speculation. One day the Chlco Kid being very drunk. Insisted on being arrested. The marshal didn't want to arrest Mr, Kid, but th latter Insisted. " 'I wanna plead guilty to drunkenness und dlsturbln' thuh peace,' said the Kid to Justice Du houchet. " 'I will have to fine ' began TJu Bouchet. " 'What.' howled the Kid. 'Fine me? Why, you pin-eared, yaller-llvered, plgbn toed old maverick, there ain't enough jus tices In New Mexico tt make me pay a fine. I 1 "Hut Justice Du Houchet Interrupted him urbanely. " 'I was about to say," said he, 'that I will have to find time to get real well acquainted with you, Mr Kid. In the meantime, suppore v.o i:o and have a drink.' "Cincinnati T'.iuea-Star. r The Tip J RY TERCY BHAW. (Tho Yt'ultirV union wants to abolish tips) I've heurd of heroes who dashed in Where flame und smoke meant death; I've read of martyrs who defied Their foes with dying brvutlt; I've seen a woman, with a lgh, put ntf a shopping trip, 1 Bot whoever fcaw a waiter lufui-o to take a tip? What U the psychologic power That's brtd within your bone. Whereby they place you at a glanea And let you fume alone? How do they know you gave a dims ' When Jenkins gives a half? Why does he get their soothing cars And you theUf client laugh? Thev say that happy days wm com When we ran calmly faee These kings of dietary peace . With smiles of tlpleaa grate. When they with ChrMerflcMlau bow Will laugh at all our quips, Will accept our kindest wishes, ' I Hut scorn to take our tips. "