Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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More Dealers Want to Show Than'
Can Be Accommodated.
Itnseiuent I to lit ftltrn Our o
the l.nrge lHaplity of ("mnier
rliil Vehicles ov oil
Sale Here.
"'he Omaha Automobile hnw the middle
f-f next month promises t. ecllpsj nil for
m i- efforts of tho t imahu automobile
:in ii In diplayinn their cars. There will
U1 it hast fifty more c.irs on exhibition
1 1. an last yeor. Fo far fifty exhibitors
lnvc beon sinntctl epaco, which menns
Ihnt there will at least be WO cars on.tho
J'loor during the show. Thce car range
in price ftotn SIX) to ),H.
A meeting of the association will hj
l.tll tomorrow afternoon ami will pass
m dialers fur membership. The draw
ing for spare will r.lso take place. The
-Nlif-Tlum will lie divided Into sections.
A many numbers n3 there ore exhibitors
will be put Into n hot and drawn out by
tho exhibitor?. The dealer drawing num
ber one will p. t firt choice of theso sec
tions, the one drawing two, second choice,
i.rnl so nn.
There will bo thirty tloaloia on the
I !i-l:i floor nnd stnue and twenty exhibi
tor.! of oommerehil vehicles in the bate
rient. All the aoem-ry In th basement
v :M bo removed, niakins the room for dis
play twleo OS largo r.s It has been in the
pa-it. There will be about Vi,t.H) In care
nt tile Fhow this year. The show will
j. t only I attended by the dealers in
t!ie Htute. but also by thovo in lawa,
K.irsan, Mis.-ourl nndBouth lwkotiv. The
Kansas "'lly show clones two day before
tiio Omaha show opens and consequently
many of tho exhibits there will be
lnoupht to omaha and from hero to Djs
Concerts both afternoon and evening
will bo given by a large orchestra during
the show.
Cargo, of Maxwells
. Sent to 'Australia
Constitute a Record
Loaded with automobiles until !t woa
Impossible to get apother ono aboard, the
Australian steamer Behocnfels sailed from
New York Deoember 1!0 for Adelaide,
South Australia, carrying tho largest
single cargo of mbtor cars ever Shipped
abroad by art American automobile manu
faeturer und leaving a big overload on
the dock' tj follow on the next steamer.
All the ears Were Maxwells, shipped by
the l'n:ted Motor Kxport eomonny, the
foreign division of the United States
: Jfrtor company. They were sold to the
runners' and Producers' Supply company,
one of the largest companies of Its kind
in rtu&ll mitt. , ' , j
In addition to carrying a record cargo,!
the captain of the Fchoenreis unanowinsiy
s partlcSnatrng- in what may be a record
,'for speeB In the .delivery, of automobile
export orders. The shipment was made
i, rounit of a cable order received less
than one week after American newspapers
nnd trade -journals reacnea flumraiu wmi
account pf-(he Maxwell victory In the
" Hidden tour. Incidentally it Bhowed that
Ji.o merchandising power of gTeat Amerl-
i nn newspapers extends to the remote
H arts of the lob - ' : f ,- t
h Forty Cars In one shipment wererde'
r" inanded by he table order and this do
'inand Was in addition to art ordinary ship-'
jnent of thirty-five Maxwells which had
.'.been previously put aboard the steamship,
-m Bs. v hnthiiiK of tho usual export ehlp-
, 'ments of Columblas, Stoddard-Daytons'
nnd Brtit'h runabouts. One or the largeRt
automobile dealers In Australia long ago
i.ino,i il etnndlnsr order for Brush run
abouts and these cars are going to the
Antipodes by every steamer leaving iNew
' York. '
Automobile trado with other foreign
countries shows a proportionate Increase
f.n.1 Mrh week f-nda the products of the
United 'Gtatea Motor company reaching
out into new fields. ' The British Isles
and continental Kurope are supplied by a
lireet lirnrtrh located In London, but the
trade of ull other countries Is handled by
the United Motor Export company In
New York.
I tegular shipments are being made to
: nearly every country on the map. The
distribution of shipments by tho last few
1 (.-learners showed cars for Japan, Manila,
New Zealand, South Africa, Montevideo,
. Jtuenos Ayres, Para, Uraill, Guatemala
lnd Santiago de Chile,
Along the
Automobile Row
I iM troit line i.4 ii H.rnns one f U' 11M.', and
i tbcv time inlilnl nil I lie new features,
j sueh self unrtrr. rleetrif llpbt. rto ,
land soil at a prle- i hat Is templliiH.
Mi", nnd Mis. A. y: Mowrey of Port
land, On... urc fipeiiiUng the holidays at
their home, Imvln recentlv arrived
from a tour of California. They hove
put in a consldf ruble portion of the lust
two yours tourlm the I'nlted Plate mid
Cansda ln their E-M-F ";" which,
driven and cured f r by Mr. Mowry, lias
colored marly 4!,oen mlhs.
W, I Huffman and C. W Bhoberg
drove two llupniohlle roadsters to Kioux
t"1ty Tuesday, and report that they had
some difficulty In breaking through tho
snowdrifts In different places. They ar
rived at Sioux City safely and without
a mishap of any kind to the cars.
Will K. Ilollen, saios manager of the
W. I Huffman Auto company, reports
that he has already contracted over 301
Hupmubllr for 112. Mr. tlellen now
expects to devote a great deal of his
time to the Abbott-Detroit line, as they
havo just contracted for a large terri
tory cn tliB popular car. Tho Abbott-
Malinger I.-f Huff of the Omaha branch
of the Nebraska ltulek company has been
nolificd that the Hulck Motor company
of Flint, Mich., has been clven tho posi
tion i of honor at tho Madison "Hquari
Harden show, which oenod In New Ycri;
yesterday. This honor, wlih the allot
ment of fiit place, h always given to
tho factory having the tanrest value of
annuiil output, and has been awarded to
the Hulok peoplo for n number of years.
P. C. Pour,l. tnanigrr of the Sioux
City branch of the Nebraska tlulck com
pany, visited tho Omaha branch last
Mrs. I.e. Huff, office manager of the
Omaha branch of the Hulck company, re
turned last week from a vhdt with friends
at Orand Island.
Tho Hulck company is booking orders
for January and February shipments to
agents In their territory.
IT. R Fredrlokson re-elved a carload of
Chalmers 'Sfi" Inst we. k, all of which are
equipped with the latest devices.
Mi, and Mrs. Ii Huff are in Lincoln
eonferrlMK with Uoncrnl Munnjier Sidle'
In re(.ard to the shipment of imis ti tlicir
The l'-M-F Omaha conipanv has
phaiiged the firm name to The Hunle
baker Corporation of Anieilen. Oiiin'iu
branch. The change Is In title only, the
officers and organisation remaining thc
samn as before
Manager V. 1.. Huffman of the Huff
man Auto company t up in Hakota look
ing over tho business mi.l se urlnir orders
for the 1!'12 models f tho liupnioblle.
1'. V. Whitney, fornu rly In tbe employ
of the gaa eomnn.v. hasi ncceptid the
position of city saleMiiaii for the . n.
Kimball Automobile company.
T. V. Oraves, manager of tbe.Cini'iha
branch of tho tVx'dyear Tlrd and Hub. I
her company, paid a visit to the factories
last Week.
The tloodyear Tire and I'tubbrr eom
pary received a carload of tires last
Manager (!. F. Iteani of tint Cadillac
company, who has been visiting In tho
rast for the last two weeks, returned
Mason 11. Hatch baa taken over the us- K nU;li I at ucy in lluff.'lii
it.! will install a lal-,ab lie
N. V
A working model of the Columbia
KuIkIii motor will It (Xhihited at the
into fliim' next itiontli. Tl-e motor has
never bi fore been displned hete,
A for, e of .""'rt mei has completed
an Inventory of the Packard shops In
Oetroli. The emmt showed about '.t .'
In material ard unfinished ears.
In line lth an Important movement
I n Inereiise faeiory of flcleiici , a Vear
rabgement of machine! y Is belli made
In the Packard shops In IVit-Mt. I'mler
tho new system of factory routing, the
line-up of machines Conforms t thn so
nuenre of operatl uis on ImiKirtant pails.
Tills savejs much eC lht time formerly
consumed in uwviim pails from one room
to anfther.
Tlio Y. 1.. Huffman campany lias or
dered two carloads of Abbolt-Oetrolt ears,
Pt2 niiMlels. It Is the Intention of Mr.
Hoffman to exhibit these ura at the
show next month
Tho Marlon Automobile company has a
goes supply on hand of the I'lesta self
sturters for gas ears, for Wbleh they
guarantee first-class performance ui any
car they place ono on. In two hours' time
after you put your cur In their garage II
w.ll be fur eii. nlth tierr am
more crnnkiiiK to he tloiie. and the prh e 1
Is only i.''i In.itnllel i n the ear and guar-I
indeed In opeiiil - r a t is f net all v. This In'
much less thnn mest people think must i
be paid for self stai ti ! I
tluy 1 Pinlth has Just reetived some in
teresting Information from Howard II.
Coffin of the Hudson factory. Mr. Coff.n
wnls: "Foreign motor car manufac
turers arc coming around to American
Ideas. America once looked to Kurope
fvr automobile Advice, but this condition
lias been conspicuously turned around. At
the inorters show In New York the
ttenault. Napier, Flat, lnila and others
arc emphasising ench sed valves. The
Mercedes, I.nnrla, Flat. Iterliet, Oalmler
and Marllnl have the fan In the flywheel.
The multiple disc clutch has at Inst come
Into grneinl Kuropean use. Nuniorous
other changes point out the paving of the
way by Americans.-' tiny says
that Mr. Coffin Is evidently too modest
tn take credit for most of these improve
ments, but tho fact remains that all these
features are embodied In his Hudson "3.1 '
nun h t i own. That this new 'I.lttle Six'
FtiitiMIn fllla the bill Is proven by tho
number of demonstrations I am making
and the enthusiasm displayed by every
one who sees the ear. Yes, nnd by t'm
onlets am booking. I tell you tt is wonderful."
"Can you beat It 7" snld tluy I.. Hmlth
as he proudly pointed to hlK new Franklin
Model M "Little Hlx." "Tills seems to be
Just the car that scores of people have
been waiting for. It's an Actual fact that
doseiis of Omaha men have been on a
(pilot search for a slx-iylltider car that
was not ao biff It would cost them too
W. S. Weaver, who for the hist seven
Veais has occupied the position hf Omaha,
bianeh manager tif the Seager F.nglno
works of Irfinslng, Mich., lias recently
resigned and accepted a position with
the Interstate Automobile companv, Mv.
Weaver was In the automobile huslnesd
here in Omaha In Its early dsvs and has
constantly kept In loue'i with It even
while enRsgcd In other lines.
One eommendahle thing I have noticed
recently Is the lowering of the charge for
fitting extra llrhous'lne or roujie body to
motor cars. For n long while tho eharg i
for such work was nothing short of ex
orbitant Several mufaeturers started
a crusade for the reduction of extra body
charts and. through their agents, mn
.nird to have about a third taken off tho
oi l rharne.
if W. MontgTiiiiery, manager of the
- r-ttt brnneh, ha' Inst returned from
a trip to the factory. Ho reports the out-
. . ,u .. nn the new modeli
much better than any year In the com
pany's history.
Packard Company
Has Unique Method
of Showing Its Cars
In order to display to the btst advan
tage a representative ear from lb) ei-tiu-ivo
line of open on! enclosed styles,
thu Packard Motor Cur company Is ex
hibiUug uniy one vehicle, a 1M2 "Six"
phaeton. In tho motor carriage division
of tho New York, Automobile how in
Madison Souaia ardr:i.
; The phaeton Is set within a iilh'fr rail
in the mlddlo of the Packnrd space on
t ho muin floor of tho got din and the
arrangement permits scores f persons
t i obtain a good view &t una time. This
p!an was prompted by the- fart that tho
arena is Jammed during every session of
ti.o chow.
. Uiirii B tho week of tho show, a large
tpccinl display of Packard curs, with all
Ms!".-; of open and eiiclomd bodies, will
1m inadu st the store of tliw Packard
Mi t r Car company of New York, Proud
we 7 and Plxty-fli rt street. This permits
p,is. 'Us interested to viewat their leisure
a group (if on-! that will represent the
intiru Packard line. Included in this dls-1-iay
is a polished chassis which Is about
.tho laut wold in lilnh!y finished motor
lar nuuiiincry. This offirs n exceptional
o)p..'it unity to examine in detail the
i ii.i: avteriftie ftatmes of the distinctive
Packard chassis construction.
TliQ car at the garden, ha been
i.l 1 1 libid as about tho handsomest thin
ou wheels. It is paimed in Mark and
, e; derby led. YVhlle it embodies nd
ai:io features In open car finishing,
i:iiu Is notuiBK to offend tho most
i! -i rimluatinir crltli. Tho car is re
i ir'.-d ius a trlymph of good taste In
i.r ; tic cmbeill'htnent.
i-ii '.'out j,ats are upholetered In
lYrhy red bond buffed leather and the
i ijicuu i led brosdeioth to match. The
0- :t lit part of thu equipment aie nickel
P uied. 'i'ho car has a whotl b;ui of 1
li.. hes ai d an exceptionally short turn
Ivi.' raUliii. The front tires are W by 4ij
!:r l os ar.d the Jfais 37 by 6 Inches. The
c indeis l:ao a bore of four and one
i, , r mrlics and a atruko of five aud oi,e
;.H.; inclii.
j-.ty n.en from the faoturjr will
.efire-ent the Packard company at the
New York show and there will be
delegations representing Packard dealers
tutu ull iiarta vt the United States.
1 1
And Announcement of the
A M o
HHE Gray Bonnet Taxi Line "Tyler 1-2-3" is a
rpnrtlnnintinn ant onl'irrlpinnnt rf f It o rTronlrlin
Taxicab Service Co. It is a bigger and stronger concern which has absorbed and added all the
rranklin equipment to its service and placed an order for eleven more cars of the colonial type,
two of which are now on the road, The old concern established not much more than a year ago by
G. E. Douglas and H. H. Hawks has had such a phenomenal growth and success that today It is the largest concern of Its kind in the west offering to the public
tho service of a dozen beautiful cars. By giving superior and efficient service at fair rates and by skillful management this concern has assumed the leader,
ship in this line of business in Omaha and now handles the greater part of the Taxicab business of this city. Upon its books will be found the names of nearly
all of Omaha's foremost families. At the debuts' parties its cars are the ones carrying the guests to and from the functions. At social affairs, both afternoon
and evening, its cars are the ones the guests employ. At the country clubs and the down town clubs and theaters this company's taxis are the ones in evidence.
Perhaps part of this success is due to the fact that this company, to a large degree, chooses its patronage. By this is meant that It is not its policy to accommo
date any character that may produce the fare. A respectable woman or family ordering taxicabs from "Tyler 1-2-3" runs no chance of getting cars that have
- become notorious for the characters they haul. Neither does one run tho risk of getting a driver who drinks or in In any way irresponsible. If the hood of the
car is painted gray you run no risk; you know the driver is experienved and competent and that he is sober as well as (Courteous. When you call "Tyler 1-2-3"
you deal with a concern that does not pander for the dollars from questionable characters nor, parade them through the town In its cars just because their dol
lars are dollars. No auto livery concern or individual rental car owner in Omaha doing a "fly by night" street corner business or pretending to do a legitimate
taxicab business can substantiate such a statement. ' It is a big thing to be able to conduct this business on such a high plane but it is a source of satisfaction that
the public appreciates the effort and calls "Tyler 1-2-3" for taxis when all other cars stand idle.
To distinguish these cars from the other son that chug, and wheeze up and down the streets, the hood of each one has been painted a beautiful gray. In addi
tion, the old firm name, J'The Franklin Taxicab Service Co." was dropped with the old year and hereafter. the concern will be known as tho "Gray Bonnet Taxi
Line." The old telephone number "Douglas 1602" has been changed to a simpler one, "Tyler 1-2-3." The present quarters are too small and when the new
"bungalows" arrive would be inadequate so tho building now occupied by tho Electric Garage at 2214-16 Farnara Street has been leased and will be used after
February 1st. The same young men who founded the business a year ago continue as its proprietors and the same policies' that have made success for them will
I aPPIv t0 ihe Grav Bonnet Taxi Line "Tyler 1-2-3." When you desire a perfect car, good service and do not want to run chances of being "held up" just call
"Tyler 1-2-3" and do business with a concern that appreciates your business sufficiently to live up to policies that will warrant it.
TRANSPORTATION by taxicab has progressed to
sueh an extent that the individual operating one,
two or three cars in an irresponsible haphazard
way from rnrb stones npd street corners cannot hope
to ron lnue to profitably apply his. vocation. Until Hate this
trade haa bn In tho hand of ex-horse cab drivers forced by
modem conditions to Rive up their horses, scraping together a
few hundred dollars and securing an old second hand car of
ancient vintane. Bom wefe enabled to eke out an existence
while others by charffinu outlandish rates and "soaking" every
one conilng within their grasp accumulated neat sums. The
latter still ply their trade and take advantage of every one
thoy can. You will find them on street cor
ners here, there and everywhere. To dis
tingulsh our cars from this sort we keep
mem wen painted and I.i
perfect order. In adlltion
we havo painted the hood
of each a beautiful irray.
You an see them on tho
streets everywhere and by
Ktenpinfr to any phone and
talllmr "Tyler l-a-S'1 one will
call for you anywhere day or
Having sn many enra at
our command wb can prompt
ly ta''e care of all ralH day
or.nlnht and because of tbW
our xervlce hai bf"i termini
"Instantaneous Taxi- Ker
vice." t the theaters and luriri
nodal affairs, where there la
iiNiially a lonfumou of tiafflo
and ons waits by private car
i-wi en, an well na otherx, we
always have a nan who han
dles our tniah u"d 'H ei
for our ciiHtoinerH Heelntr to
It that their lax cabs rone op
flrMt aud that t'ney are "omi
fortahly Inalde and whizzed
away ahead of others That'H
tost one of the featun of
Grey honret aervhe.
v huvo irwire than "1 em
rloveen n cur ray roll. .,11
taxlra'" a'e daily Inspected,
cleaned ul kept In perfect
rowUfiw. When tl,e cse Re
ports In It Is searched fur
lost articles Wh'ch nre re
Htored to their owners as
rinlil'ly as pnsslbln. The
drivers are neat, courteous
firwl roirretent. Tliev know
fbe ellv thoroughly. Just try
"Tyler ;;2-S."
- J.,., if.'"
ft.) H '
' ' U AB 'j
Ob of the popular ears style a "bungalow" belonging
to the Gray Bouts Taxi tine whoa equipment includes a
laiuoer of ears of tkla style with asrerai mora dua to ar
rive January IB. For a "bungalow" call "Tjrlar 1-3-3."
Cr y Bsnnal Lire
Taxi? vf
' y'er 1-2-3
(At UC J
h bpi i
ates ior
a d C l!in
t . ....II.. .....I U.....I.... .! .. ... .. v. . .. .r l..ll.lhi,u f, ., , ,
II. llim i ..ii:i,ijr ,,- i mi, it'i" h iivini... , lieil I'UIK'IIIFr UiailHHNPII IIJ0 inn (Ull
within one mile of tne poiiu at wntrii !" eu tun lavnab mm inn miio.iiil vt aervlce amountit u
S.()ii or n ore ror each iumi iiiuoii., trip, a re im tiou im iiiuue or .' per cent. A continuous trip Is under.
mood to mean tho tine Itml olnlMiuu toiiKiiined btlwrii first eiitiTum uml f I nrtlly" Jlamltiliig the taxieuu.
O. E. UO0QLAB rrealdeat
it. H. UbWKil Sscrstaty and Trsasior
Affiliated With Frabklln Taxloab Berv.ce Co.
Office aud Central nation, 8214-lt Tar nam
St., ,
Cars always, Honshu., and Merchants' Hotel
For On to l'our Fasstngers.
AppllnK lo iiiiialm, hujm iiioiilia and
Council muffs. Hr due toll paid by ; a ,tnc.
ior rales to other place call Tyler 1-2-3.
JUl.rur are ti, ..i,., t .( with sealed taxi
meters. luivei'M tunioe tamper altli tho
lueier without hrt-aniiiK the aeal. A hrokeii
seal n cans the driver s dlaehargq.
For the fliHt hair inllu oi fraction 600
! or earli uiiarlui'-iiille or i' t ) then-after,
pliro will Ipo 100
For every fyjr i.i.u..i.. 10a
Flve-pa songer iai, per iiour 13X)3
MeVen-pafi."(-uiii-r, per bour.i
For 1 additional,,-r over I passenger-
limit, 'H ler cent extra.
Fur t additional pastieiiKers over 4 paasenger
Jlioll. un per rnt extra.
In call ng or diHialhalng a taxicab over IS
blocks and not more than 3 t lm ka. from Hill
and Faruiiiii Streets the inlnlmun" rharge for
Mirvlce rendered Hill be fl.00.
In culling or flNnilMHlnif h car more than
3D blocks from I Sth and I'arjiam Klreets an
extra cliarKe lit made of 2!i cants per mile o
libi tlnn mat the empty car travela outtdde
linn au-bloi k radius.
SUamer Trunks esoa too
i or lach plure of baggugu tarried outHlde 90o
U'uxuengers are reiiuealcd to carry buguaje
Ins de toe car whenuwr pouHlbie.)
lirlvers are not,l to open new ae
counts and terms are cuh uniaai prevlouxly
ariunued or customer Is supplied with a spe
cial loentlfli-aiioii turd, which may be ob
tained at the i ti w t ii office.
HK taxicab business is tho
result of the progress nnd
invention of tho last few
years. It is tho' demand of the
tlm. It Is quicker transportation In a .
field hitherto not Invaded. We called
for the railroad and we have It; we
callod for the steamboat and we have It;
we called for the telephone and tele
graph and we hava them. Their bene
fits are enjoyed by all. Tho present
age demands the taxicab as a rupid
and economical means of city transpor
tation and In Omaha we have the
"Gray Lion net Tasi Line, Tyler 1-2-3".
Through the aid of Invention all these
; things have been -pitted within the
means of man in ull walks or life. The
latest Is the Tavimeter, placed on motor
cars for economically tram porting the pub
lie. The taxln eter ba phfeil the taxicab
business upon a solid basis. Hiitoumt'ciilly
measuring the time and distance anil thus
establishing a hai.1 for computing Mlund
ard ralea In Seeming with the pervlca
flven. All tnxlcnh of the Oray Itonnet
Taxi IJne "Tyler are equipped
with taxlmetts which automatically
make the charge for eurh trip. Driv
ers cannot tamper wlih meter, for each
meter Is eabd a broken aeal means the
driver's dlscbsrne.
Xsducsa Bates.
For thn advuntakie of persona (.hopping
or culling we have special rales In effect
dally snd .Sunday excepting holiday.-, up to
b 1. Al.
Tne reduced rates are gov
erned by the tollowlng con
illtion..: KxieplltiK on holi
days and before U I'. M.
It l ne tHxIiao when finally
dlHiiilsHed is within one mile
of tiie point where cuutomer
first entered the cur und the
churs,) for it oiiiIihio.ih trip,
ut the regular printed rates,
umounta to $.1 00 or more a
Induction la made of 25.
' A continuous trip Is under
jtood to mean all the time
and distance consumed be
tween first entering the car
and final illsmlHual ordering
the csr back to its stand re
Kurdlest of further Instruc
tions bt coimlcJnr.l final d -iiiln
ul on any one trip.
2C9 North Fifteenth Street..
Cars with the hood painted gray, also always in front of Henshaw and Merchants Hotels,
after February 1st, Office and Garage, 2214-16 Farnam Street.
( s
Gray i'.o net iae
Taxi? Vt4
Tyler 1-2-3 Vi
i I
k -a. -i I