Till; OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: .TANTAKV 7, 10V. THREE THREE BARGAIN EUEflTS M J BAM AM EUEflTS make Monday a day of keenest economical interest to buyers at Hay den's. In addition to our Great January Clearance and Sile of Linens and White Goods continued, we begin next Monday our January Sale of Muslin yimderaeair W m? Ml w Always a sale of pronounced money saving this season's event is one that surpasses in point of quality at any price, in point of assortment at every price, any previous showing. The world's best manufacturers have contributed to this great display and no matter how simple or fastidious your tastes you'll find most pleasing selections and prices here in Monday's sale. Here's a Few Extraordinary Bargains in the Medium and Cheaper Numbers. I4UIIcV 75c Muslin Gown, made long and full, on sale Monday at 35 (8 for $1.00.) IjadlfN' (I. fM) Muslin Gowns, beau tifully trimmed, 66 Inches long, cut extra full, on sale Monday, t 40 VI.OO and $2.00 .Muslin Skirts, with 2, 3 and 4 rows of Inser tion and lace, on sale In 2 lots lit 00 and 49 Muslin Corset Covers, 60c values, lace and embroidery trimmed, at S3 Ladles' Muslin Drawers, embroid ery trimmed and hemstitched, well made, splendidly finished, 4t -25 Ladles' $2.00 Combination Suits, Gowns, Skirts and Slips, lace and embroidery trimmed, on sale Rt' lholce 08 January Clearance Embroideries We're beginning Monday a GENERAL CLEARANCE SALE of our entire stock of Fine Embroideries Very special bargains offered in all broken sets und drop pat terns in eumbric, swiss, nainsook and long cloth embroideries. y Every yard of Embroidery in the house Monday at deeply cut prices lif s Sweeping Reductions on Njpklns, Toweling$ and Bed Spreads. High Grade Linen Dept. Mtnday High Grade Dinner Napkins $1.60 value, dosen . 11.00 High Grade Dinner Napkins, $1.75 value. dozen ' - 91.15 High Grade Dinner Napkin. $2.60 values, doxen , 91.60 High Grade Dinner Napkins, $1.00 value. doxen S9.00 High Grade Dinner Napkins, $4.00 value. dosen .....93.50 High Grade Dinner Napkins. 5.00 value. dosen 93.90 HlKli Grade Dinner Napkins, $6.80 value. iluacen -. 94.99 HiKh Grade Dinner Napkins, $9.00 value. doien .98.88 All our 7Hc Toweling, yard so All our 10c Toweling, yard 7Wo All our 15c Toweling, yard.,..,.,,, l&o All our lOo Toweling, yard 18l0 All our 25o Toweling, yard 14o All our lo Toweling, yard ......ISO Full site lied Hpreadn, (3.00 value, each 91.1a Full (Us lied Npreads, $2.21 value. each 91 JO Full le lied Spreads, $1.59 values, each 91.S8 Full else Bed Hpreada, $4.00 values, each 99.99 Full slie lied Spreads, $5.00 values, each 99.79 Full alse lied Spread. $8.00 value, earn 94.96 Full alio lied Hpreada, $10.00 value, each , 99.90 White Goods Sale-High Grade Department FAXC1KS All $1.00 Fancies 5f) All 85c Fancies 5J All 76c Fancies , 48 All 65c Fancies. .. , ......... .43 All 69c Fancies... 38 All 60c Fancies ...33 All 39c Fancies 20 All 26c Fancies -gj FRENCH LAWNS All $1.50 French Lawns flfl $1.25 French 1-awns sh Grand Silk Clearance Bargains 3,000 Yards of Beautiful Silks Broken lines of the season's very best sellers; 75e, $1.00 and $1.'J3 a yard values, in cluding oC-ineh messaliues, 27-incli plain and novelty mes- ; salines, 122-inch high class fancy silks, striped and checked Chiffon Taffeta Satin Barred plaids, Persian Silks;- all; Silk crepe de Chines etc., in two lots, 00 n (tQn tiuc-vui; at. Black Silk Specials. 36-in. all silk Messaline; $1 yard -value, at, yard:.78c 85c Chiffon Dress Taffeta, 30 inches 'wide1 on aale..58 $1.25 -Satin Duchess, heavy quality,' 3r5-in. wide, at 88c Lining Sateens. 10 piews'of good quality lining Satin; uG-in. wide and comes in black, white, grey, brown and tan; while it lasts, Monday Jfif at, yard ... Ot v mm Ladles' Marcel la Drawers and Combination Suits, worth to $2.00, In two lots Monday, choice, at 08 and 40 Muslin Drawers and Corset Cov ers, all kinds, $1.00 values, choice 40 Fine Muslin Skirts, values up to $5.00, all beautifully trimmed, are slightly soiled, on sale, choice S1.08 and S1.50 "iS? Wool Dress Goods Bargains Sweeping price reductions throughout the stock in our Jan uary Clearance Sales Monday. $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 Tailored Suitings at $1.25 Twenty pieces of beautiful Tailor Suitings, 54 and 56 inches wide, in Scotch mixtures and mannish stripe effects; patterns and weaves that sold freely earlier in the season $)r at $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 a yard; all marked at. . . .vluD 10 Pieces of the Popular Vi cuna and Venetian Cloths in rose, taupe, brown, wine, dahlia, wisteria, kingfisher, blue and black; Beautiful Chiffon Broad cloths 56-inch French serges; stylish self color stripes, etc.. $1.50 a yard values in a splendid llnenn of colors; unequaled nfiC "bargains at, yard JW $1.50 yard values, at. 50 PIECES Or WOOL DRESS GOODS, 36 to 54 In. WIDE Serges, Pana mas, Woo Taffetas, Pop lins; values up to $1.00.. :28c-48c-68c Henriettas, Cas slmeres, Diag onals, etc., are regular values to $1.00. Clearance Saie Bargains in Vfomen'sChildren9s Outer Garments Monday and all next week surpassing any ever known in the history of Omaha merchandising All winter stocks must move quickly. Here's the prices that will insure a clean sweep sale. V - '- V Your Choice of Any Ladies9 Cloth Coat In the House Monday $10.00 An offer that means just 'what it says An offer you cannot afford to miss. Plushes and velvets not included. Your Choice of 500 Tailored Suits that would sell regularly at from $25 to $45, all at one price Monday. $12.50 Nothing to equal the values ever before offered in Omaha. ; Scores of other matchless bargains in Monday's sale, of which only a few can be mentioned here. Furs, Coats, Suits, Dresses All priced far below tneir actual worth. i All All $1.00 French Lawns KNGLISII NAINSOOKS 15. 18. 23. 30 and 50 ENUL1SH IA1XU CLOTHS All 10c Long Cloths All 12 Me Long Cloths All 15c Long Cloths. . . All 18c Long Cloths. . , All 20c Long Cloths All 25c Long Cloths....,.,. All 30c I,ong Cloths rEKSIAW UWII All BOo Peralan I. awn ,, All asto l'eralan Ijtwna .am no t-eraian l-an. . . . .. , ,....19o Ait i'frsiait uwnn ...ltVto wxztb ooosa is sonino boom Kam-iea So, loo, 180, ISO, ISO 1-oiis t'lotli So, rUe, mo, loo, 19io lnJIa Unona To, Slc loo, ltUe, lo Ilinltle 1 . 100, IS So, lio, ISO luttel 8wIh TSo, S So, lOo, lSUo JOtt different Hilda nut aJvrtled. GO 7H .. 10 12H 14 l(Pr 18 33o ao ALL FURS AT HALF AND LESS THAN HALF. $2 American Beaver Coats; 36 inches long; your choice 111 Monday's sale, while they last, at $95.00 Boautiful Marten Fur Sets, $175 values; Monday's sale, at, each $79.00 52-inch Natural Pony Fur Coats; regular $150.00 quality, on sale, at ; $69.00 Elegant Fox Sets, that sold at $125.00, on sale Mon day, at, set $62.50 Ladies' One-Piece Silk or Wool Dresses, made to sell up to $25.00; big assortment of styles and colors, on sale, choice $8.95 1 A IB as Long Caracul Cloth Coats; $15 values; ladies' and mis-, ses' sizes; on sale Monday, at $6.95 $1.25 Percale Wrappers, in all 6tyles and good colors at, each 59c Ladies' Wool Blanket Robes; all colors; $5.00 values now at $2.50 " values, at SI. 45 , J All Wool Breakfast Shawls; values to $1.50; on sale, at, each , 45c Children's Galatea Cloth Dresses; values up to $:5; all sizes from 6 to 14 years; splendid for school dresses, great snap, at $1.45 Flour Takes a Big Jump an Advance of 5c a sack nl" JO days Extra Hardware Bargains iorfflondai No. 7 Heavy Copper Bottom Vanh Holler, at 91.lt No. Heavy Copper Dot torn anli Holler, at .91.8 No. Heavy Copper liottom Vai Holler, at 91.3S No. H Heavy Oalvanlioil Holler. So No. y Heavy Ualvanlseil Hollers, SSo 1'i-qu (Salvanlxod 1'alU, at lee 12-gt. OalvanUel filla, at Soo 14-qt. lialvanlaed 1'alU, at toe -4t. tlalvanlsed 1'alU, at 3O0 No. I Ualvanlaed Tulia. at 3 No. Z (alvanlzel Tuba, at o No. OalvanUMd Tuba, at SSo Lars Clothe Haakeu, at tto We have stored about 10 carloads for the advance, and do not Intend to advance the price until we have to. We advise our customers to buy now. Monday, per 48-lb. tack llest Diamond 11 Flour, per sack.. 31,25 I.arr bottles pure Tomato Catsup, Worcester Sauce or Pickle, bottle lo Keit bulk l'eanut Hutter, lb, at 16 OoKlen Santo Coffee, lb..a5o The Heat Cieuinery Hutter, carton or bulk, per lb...38o Good Country Creamery Hut ter. lb 30e Fancy No. 1 lalry Hutter, lb 380 2 lb, good Dutterlue afto J liree-year guarantee. Novelty Hall Hearlnii W'rlnuer. at 9J.8S Five-year suarantee lloyal Hall Har- IliH Wrlnser, at 93.M Two-tub folding wringer atuud and bench, t 91.4S l-'.iiu KoldlnK Ironlns Hoard, 91.85 Small Clothe Haxket. at Too Medium Clothe Haekvta, at SSo 0 Clothe Tine, at lOo Mre. 1'ottit' &-plee Mad Iron, at Tto No. i Weatern Waahuif Machine Tk Old KoUable, at ta.SS No. 1 Weatern Waahlni Machine The Old Kellable, at 93.60 I10.UU .. K. Waahlns Machine. 9S-SS 17 lbs. Heet Granulated Sugar $1.00 10 bars of BVat-'Em-AU or Diamond C Soap for 25 ITesh Teretablee and rrult Frio the Talk of Omaha. 3 bunches Freah Beets, Car rot or Turnip lOo l"ancy shallots, bunch. .. .SaO 2 head Fresh I.oaf Lettuce, at So 3 bunches freh Parsley ... .to Fancy Hlpe Tomatoes, lb., Tlo Fancy Cauliflower, lb.... 70 Hruiael& Sprouts, lb Ito 9 lbs. Uest White or Yel low Cornmeal R5 6 lbs. good Japan rice, 25 4 cans Condensed Milk, 16-oz. cans 25 Fresh Cabbage, lb H40 Fancy Sweet Potatoea, 1 lbs. for lOo Ou Tamou aTlfalaad VaTele, dosea 15o, too, 9to, 300 The Best Idled Hots. IV. ISO Special Xmoa Male. Extra Large. Fancy, Julry l.emona, 10, 210 and 270 slxe, per dosen too 300 and 10 size, per dos.. Ito 1'or case, any alse 93. St 1- lb. cans Assorted Soups, at 7H Corn Flakes, pkg...$ 2- lb. pkg. Self Rising Pan cake Flour 25 Try IHJAYOEPJ'S First 10c Underwear Laces 3c A. splendid assortment of Zion City Laces Quaker Laces Elyria Laces Linen Laces . Torchon Laces 1 Point de Paris Laces Val Laces Regular retail worth from Gc to 10c yard; all at one price Monday; vour choice Jill JVs fcVS 3ic Special Inducements in Our High Grade White Goods Dept. All our 15c oft ilnished Long Cloth, yard lOo All our 18c soft Untuned Long Cloth, yard 19o All our 25c soft finished Long; Cloth, yard ISo All our 30c soft finished Long; Cloth, yard l8o All our 40c soft finished Long Cloth, , yard 85c A'iI Jf.r (So floft finishes Lierf Cloth, yard 39o Fine sheer India Linens, 18c values, . yard la,o Fine sheer India I.inona, 25c vail s, yard l&C Fine sheer India Linons, 30c values, yard 19o Fine flieer India Llnon. 35c value, yard 95o Fine sheer India Linons, 69c values, yard . . 33o Fine heer India Llnous, 0So values, yard 99o Checked or striped 15e Dlmltie. yard lOo Checked or etrlped 25c Dlmltlcj, yard 12H Checked or striped 35c Dimities, yard 15c Checked or striped 40c Dimities. yard 95o Checked or striped 45c Dimities, vard 35 Checked or striped 75c Dimities, yard V-- 150 fheer 45-Inch Persian Lawns, 18c values, yard laVio Sheer 45-Inch Persian Lawns, 36c values, yard 19o Sheer 45-Inch Persian Lawn. 50c values, yard 5o Rousing Specials in Our High Grade linen Dept. Monday bleached Table Damask, worth .io. bleached Table Damask, worth blenched Table 1 ami. 9j Grasn yard GrasH yard Grans yard Grass Hleached yard Grans bleuuhed yard worth .85c 39o Tr,c, . &OC Table Damask, worth, ll.no, 69o Table Damask, worth $1.7 5, 91.00 Gran bleached Table Damask, worth 92.25. yard 1-B Grass Weached Table DamasU. worth J 3.00. yard 1.98 Regular $1.50 Pattern Tableclotiib, each. .880 Regular $2.00 Pattern TableclotfiH. each, 91.23 Regular $2.50 Pattern Tablecloths, each, 91.60 Regular $3.00 Pattern Tablecloths, each, 91.75 Regular $3.50 Pattern Tublecloths, each, 91.98 Regular $4.00 Pattern Tablecloths, each, 93.75 Regular $5 00 Pattern Tablecloths, each. 9335 Regular $6.00 Pattern Tablecloths, each, 93.98 Regular $8.50 Pattern Tabloclotiis, each, 94.95 Hemmed Huck Towel. 17c values, each..lOo Hemmed Hurk Towels. 20c values, each. 12Ho Hemmed Huck Towels, ' 22 4c values, each, 16o Hemmed Huck Towels, 30c value.', each.. Ito Cream anil white 19c Hath Towels. each..lOo Cream and white 15c Hath Towels, each.. 15c Crean- and white 39c Hath Towel, each.. 950 Cream and white 50c Hath Towels. eaeh..89o HEAVY DO 'ESI ICS, 'LWENS, SHEETS. SHEETINGS, Ciood. etc., in our Funious noiuesiu- itwm 180 I 32-Inch Ginftl an s. rine styles, wort! '::Nle " 16C. ISC and 2 5c. all 19 Muslins, Flannels, White 9-4 Peppeiel Hleached 9-4 Aurora 19o 9-4 Lock wood ...19Vo Fruit of the Loom , 840 Lonsdale 540 Hope 640 IEITI 72x90 Sheets at 38 o, 45c, 480, 65c, 69o and 85o $lx0 Sheet at 4 So, 48o, 660, 69o, 850, 750, 85o I'illow Sll 9 10, 10c, ISHe, 150, 180, 900, 950, 300 Red ripreads 750, 91, 9145, 91-60, 91-76, 91 98, 93.50 h 0 8WO 74o . .60 12 4c tinting Flannel luo (luting riuiinci Remnants Outing Flannel.. BLANKET BALX All 9 l.tiO lilaukeij. 75o All $1.25 Hlanket 890 All $1.50 Hlanket - 960 All J2.0U plankets 5 All 2.50 Hlanket-J 81.68 All Wool Hlankets. $6.50. $7.50. $8.5u, $10 00, $12.50. will go at 93.95, 84 95, 95.95, 98.95, 97 50 All Comfortable 33' OTT i BEWARE THE SILENT SPOTTER Remarkable - Ntw lavratlvai at Ha Altel la Krat hw tloaal Cmm. sullen wall should they more. " 'TU true the yield no ho. Hit vails have eaj-t nay. havu 10114UUI. Lyion. when be put these words Into Co BMHit of too Dose of ViiUoe, in I is pluy. "Marino Fallerl." Iial nerer lieard of tho dictograph; neither had hi xi. If the Doges had been familiar vim it. the fa no us "Council of Ten" vuOll 'Lave been a tar tuois ferocious and far-lnrptrtng body than It was. Hut even If they had no dictographs, they had tho Idea. They fixed' up all sorts of cunning traps for tha aid of the gentle ait of eavesdropping. It remained, however for modern science, aided by the constant ef forte of year of one man, who nad only. hi. brains and his energy to. aid him in his r.se to an invtntor. to work out the won derful Utile Instrument which has had such a tit'incnd.mn inlluenre In public ml private atfaire In the last year or so. K. M. Turner, formerly of Terre Haute, Inl , now living st Jamaica. L. I., is the inventoi. The contrivance i so )Ua.'l U it fafe ble of concealment In ways that laugh at detection, and with Its aid even a dullard can make the achievements of Sherlock Holmes, or Lupin, the pattern from which he was drawn, look Insig nificant. For Lupin and Holmes had 10 rtarh their concliulons by deduction, wherein there was tho possibility of er ror. The dictograph gives results di rect. Uut the dictograph cujmot bo described by oonipaj-lhon with any human trait or n.uulity, foe Its powers seem superhuman. F.veiy uttered woid, even when spoken In a .whisper by one wlthlu range of It tiansmitter. is carried Infallibly to who- .sv.tva tuo I4 1 iUa vlkr.col ut U wire leading from it. It has been used to Ruin evidence in a conspicuous divorce case; it has been used to make legislative grafters convict themselves: it has spied uon the mayor of Gary, Ind., In a little side enterprise for which he was put under Indictment; It gave up revelation In the Illinois Central grafting cases so conclusive that l:i ten minutes the tolls fastened around tho susiiected ones, and it gave an. un auxiHt'ted ear to the wiles of election workers w ho sought, by bribery, to keep Imisvllle 'negro, s frm.the' polls. Iw adaptability to scientific study has been recognised by the vulcanotogtat and eels luic ec't, rrof. reiret, who predicted the Messina earthquake to the day. Mr. Turner is now hard at work trying to have 'the machine register the sound of the heartbeat. This sound Is peculiar. Inasmuch as It does not lend itself to transmission. The idea Is. of course, that In a clinical operation the operating sur geon and all the medical students view ing the operation, by having connected car pieces attached to the transmitter, can hear the beat of the patient's heart and thereby know his actual condition at every stage of his ordeal. But the ex periments thus far have not leu satis factory. cThe-mass of flesh between' the heart and skin is not sensitive enough of vibration to carry the sound to the will ing ears of the dlrtotivaph. The dictograph haa been famoue so far only as a detective, lta use Jn the boodle case in Columbus and Indiana by I elec tive Burns first brought the attention of the world at large to the fact there was such a machine. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 1 One Perfect Womaa. At a meeting of the Fortnightly club, when, follnwinir a general rule, a syin posium was held on a standard topic, a paper upon "The Perfect Woman" had been read. There was open discusaion and the widest range of opinion had been expressed. The last word had been said. It would sem. w hen a little woman of retiring manner arose. "Ladies," she said, ''there seems to be little to add to your conclusions. Yet many of you are of one opinion and many of the opposite. There are others who do not believe trat 'the perfect woman' evr existed. I wish to settle every doubt in the minds of all of you. fur I know who ,h.,, p,,ect oman' ls-.r, rather, was. 8h was my husbands first wife. t-hli ago Vont. Cans of the Mlxap. Police Justice-Jonas Snookev. jou are charged with assault and battery on aa Inoffensive cltixen. What have you ta eay for yourrelf? eil'n 8?.LerYour honor' 1 arsl"1 'im. as civil like a imui can be how did r, pronounce "McNeme, a?" ' He told n, It was accented on the peanut. 'Makii" fun of me. are )?"! L,, r chugged him one.-Cuicag0 Tribune.