r. Til!- OMAHA SUNDAY UK.'.: .JANUARY ii I in. i n i ii.m iii ioc.ii i mi ii imhii wm-mt. rir,n kmi nntni iiiiim i - ..- -.. .... .. it ?., ) -r.'. wvtu W ... u .-ihiCyiriiini Ktwtoii.W... run mn fc- ? V4 fc. 1 11 Mitatn . MONDAY AND COfTENUENGi THROUGHOUT TOE WEEK 5) 7 . H.U11J ANNOUNCE THE MOST SENSATIONAL EVENT IN THE HBSTORY OF OMAHA S0" " l' jf" ... i in mccx.. iiimnn i i. .... hi f When Brandeis Announces a Sale it is a Genuine Sale In this sale Monday we asert positively that everv bovs' suit and overcont ns well ns every man's suit and f v overcoat in our entire stock will be sold at V Former Price. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits and Russian Overcoats Have been Rolling at $2.50 halt price sale $1.25 Choice of all Our BOYS SUITS AND OVERCOTS The Biiita are knickerbock ers, KusKlans and liloiiHes, $3.98 values at , $1.98 14 Choice of Boys' Suits Tweed and cheviot, kntcker-ho-ker styles. $.".00 vuluea, tin J Il-nys' Overcoats Russian styles, aires 3 to S, and School Overcoats, ages to its; t EVERY BOYS' OVERCOAT EVERY BOYS' SUIT EVERY MAN'S OVERCOAT EVERY MAN'S SUiT V?$ Is Included In This Sensational Sale Sr'X AT EXACTLY ONE-HALF THE ORIGINAL PRICE . Ji J 1 1- On Sale Old vitore, Main Floor and Second Floor. Monday and Every Djy Ths Week ffljffjO'; J I V: n ( pfiMii .. 1 Wis i m 11 ilia m jr . -.tr i . . r . r fluk r -w mm yv.jK v.-ter.j. w r - , - i Fes Mlli swiMjit. iii: rimnmamiiiiaiira a Hill ' ' -' W"1V1S tvA"- t r-"-i -"33 H ' H H Vaiip TTnraotrirtnn friAiciA f Ali Oni. n H - y Your Choice of All Our K M ..w- IB B fl U:l 4. r I- U J T.11...4 iS. This sale is totally DIFFERENT, frjbm any other sale held here or elsewhere. It' is a GENUINE half price sale where ALL our boys' and men's cloth-, ing'is sacrificed at ex actly ONE-HALF the former prices. "(Fur and ,Fun Lined Coats are exceptjecl;). Choice of our Men's extra heavy ( $5 Suit3 and , Overcoats . $2150 B.a.m.nt M.w Stor. X values, mi nr. BOYS' SUITS OVERCOATS and of highest grade HAVE BEEN SELLING at $10 FOR HEN'S OVERCOAT and SUITS $30, $35 and $40 Values at.., A This sale iositivclv inchulcs ovirv liiujli class Overcoat and our stock, all the Kojrors-lVot, all the Jlirsh-Wickwiro, jill Hie wald and Weil makes, all the blue suits, black suits, full dress, actually worth up to $40.00. mwml I tui jijMUlAWAfu 'mmmnm. l u lint, i mummy .m.L imm hi mrxmmm& I i, Choice of $10 Over- . coat,3 arid ' Suits at Half Price. our (Men's Suit in Koseu- etc. Your Choice o! All cur MEN'S SUITS ui OVERCOATS High Class I'and Tailored Tweeds and Vtcrstcd rmtn u, ai. .Choice, of all our Men's . Overcoats (f! pa 'A and Suits vj. "jll): ,. worth $15' ffb ft Half Priced u MVS 1 C F ulaa .Ol'Il years have tHKixnl over the music column of The l!ee, Ince Mr. Kelly viy klmlly unrt appreciatively acknowl edged the work of one Mury l'itrneil, ami took upon hlm- M-lf otu e more the ta.sk of fiKhtlnx for jjnod muBic In Omaha. It Is far from a Riatrful labor to hitch one's waKon to a star and try to keep thHt humlnary perpetually In slKht. The chief reward Is In work well and faithfully done. As the door of l.12 Minns open, and 1 taku my place aj;aln ainoiiK tlie music crllii-s, I doff my hat Id the Ideals which Mr. Kelly has served mi well: and bid him ivtresh anil re ehaiKi; himself that he may at Home fu ture day receive from me ukuIu the spirit f this column. May Its flame horn true, and ever stand for what is best and most progressive. There Is to he a slight chaim.- In the manners in which musical criticisms are in be presented. Instead of wrltinK up t ho proKrams at nitfht directly after they are (iiven. for the morning edition of the paper, the criticisms will all appear In the Sunday columns. In Uermany it is The highest joint of woman 's hap. piness is reached only through molh rrhood, in the clasping of her child within her arms. Vet the mother-to-le is ofteu feaiful of nature's ordeal and shrinks from the suffering inci dent to its con.surnuiatiim. lJut fur nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies, and in Mother's l'i iend is to be found a medicine of ; i tat value to every expectant mother. It is an oily emulsion fur external application, composed of ingredients which act wilii beneficial and sooth ing effect on those portions of the rystein Involved. It is intended to j u pare the syj,L-.n fur the crisis, nnd thus relieve, in preat part, the euffer through which the raotherusua'.ly asses. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay any mother in the comfort it affords before, and the help ful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes. Mother's Friend Write lor our fiee liook for expectant moth ers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful nature. BKADFILLD PECULATOR CO., Atlanta, C frequently munaRcd In this way, o we are following n perfectly good and sane precedent. It also stands to reason that criticisms written with some time In which to welsh words und phrases and not to mention opinions, would bo fairer, and of fiienter value, than the ones dashed off, with the Jaws of the press yawnlmr, and a messciiKer boy twiddling his hat on u chair wriKKltnt; for his copy at midnight. I understand that there was once a very nlfl'd theatrical critic du The l:ee who shut himself up at night after a performance, nnd sometimes kept tho paper waiting until o'clock while he hunted for the very exact ilht words tho ones ho really wanted to use. Think t the various frazzled nerves! The ob ject of this new plan is to relieve c cin K stion. I shall to the best of my ability attend professional concerts, l'upils' re citals 1 shall not attempt to attend or I criticize. Programs will be printed at j Mr. Mefullouah's discretion. Matte r that should ko to the advertising de partment will not be printed In the musical col umns. Any and all news of local pro fessional wot ks and our home! musical people will be most welcome. There? Is so much that Is Interesting fcoing on here nowadays so much more public work Is belnK done; the studio life Is chanBinn. In other words we're KettlnK to he more metropolitan. You don't have to catch every person w ho kocs to a musb al af fair with a lassoo. Omaha people ate KeUillK the lee tare habit. That Is a K"1 sltrn, for one can't hear about K""d plays and (tood music und nooel pie tines, with out wanting to experiment with the en ulne rryntallxed thlnn when opportunity presents itself. Our standard are- intelligent anil blub. The home artists who have worked to instruct u have bee-n fine-lv edueated and persistent. I'll venture to -ay that three-foul ths of the audience w ho heard Maud 1'owell play the Krahm's Sonata would have gladly siaied the lltht en cores. It wa a shock after that mas terly tend miraculous performance of "Sound an Alarm" bv Kan Willlama to hear him come out and slnn "Abse-nt." Kindly sreetlnss end rery best wishes to all my musical friends anil the readers of this column. Hay the New Year brlnn you nine h Joy and happiness. Tue-sday aftci noeMi at 4 ej'e len k at the Young Wome n s t'hiltlan a-.-oe iatl.in build. iiiJ Mi. Kuine mi.I lc his tliiid lecture befoie the Oinahu Seicb-ty of the Fine Arts and the Tui-.-cla .M .ruing Musi cal club. Ills ribjce t will be- "Th- Rela tion of Classical Art to MiiM'"' Ml. Kanu i' Ice tuits l ave pioved m ist inter esting anil full of xihiiii.iiv cblail. lie Is Well up on literature and painting as weft us inns. i , and bis synilu'lls-ii in comparing ll.ej tble'. gits und we-lding tin in togethe r is new tee many pe-opb: heue, and ha caught their farcy and siaite l them to thinking on their own ace-mint. Mr. i:an;e is (irluiailly an int.-j piet, r. He l- in tie s hi.-' Il.-tenc.i s the late and fe-e nib- art of appreciation. He Is very sensitive himself; temperamental without being at all extreme, nnd his manner of speaking Is natural and pleasant. Ills playing Is thoroughly enjoyable. During Lent Mr. Kames will give a series of lectures upon "The Instruments of the Modern Symphony Orchestra," ex plaining each Instrument and us far as possible- Illustrating practically the use of each. Almost all the Instruments can he found nnd are played In Oinah.l or near by. This series of talks has a civic Intere st as well as an artistic one; if we're, ever going to have a symphony orchestra here we must embrace every opportunity to arouse Interest and gradually h-ail up to the time when an orchestra shall Ire an accomplished fact. Mis. W. F. I'.axtejr Is managing this Lenten series. She will gladly give any further Information which may be desired. , Tuesday evening Miss Sorenson pre sents Mine. IKrville lteuche lit the Firm Methodist church In song lcoitnl. This artist is a contralto, one of Oscar Ilam- mcrsle In s finds during his opera reign In New- York. She has Just niacin Home won derfully successful appearance!, in Chi cago in "dumpson ujid Delilah." On the evening of January lei tlie Tues day M. .inlng Musical club prese-nts Ma. belle Crawford W'elpton In song re-cital at the Young Women's Christian associa tion auditorium. This Is the n; en meeting of the club. Kvery member is privileged to Invito one guest (not paying f'ir said guest's tlc-ke-O ami there will also he tickets for sale. Mrs. We-lpton Is very popular In Omaha, both as a singer and a woman. It Is safe to predict a good audi ence. The Tuesday c lub has done considerable branching out this neuson. Mis. WUheim is to be congraiulateet i poii her very suc cessful work. She has ability ami courage and Is putting the club on a better artistic and business basis. Mme. llorgluni will be the uccoinpanlsl for Mis. Welpton. Her work is ulway. warm, temperamental end lnle-restlng. It Is borne In upon mi- that I his town fs dividing Itself Into two distinct clus ti the more I talk with various people: th more deeply I am convinced via!., th Impersonal, Intellectual minds and th Intensely pe-isonnl, emitloiKil minds. 1 Is a olg Mibje e t and a vastly luVrostin; one. Some- day I shall bin e n g od ileal t" say about II, as It beais particularly upon music. M A It Y I.liAUNKD. Mmelftll NoIhx. ' Omaha miisle- lovers aie- promised a treat in the ai'p' ii a ne'e of the famous: giand opera e-nntralto. .Maelaiiie Jeanne lie rville--lie aeiie in ic- ital ne xt Tucsiluv evening nt tie First Met hied ist chinch, under the management of .V s. IMiincbe s'.o: e nscii. Her career has been oin- con tinuous triumph since the- mcuioru'ile- clay In n she- made, he r debut in Paris. I' Ve l y V-he 1 1- she has appealed she l.a.t , iiea'.ecl a M iisHllin in lor nvmuri'ii i voire, exceptional urainatie- ability ami ' WILL SIJJO lit . ;,',..,...,.;.- ,; 1 II Imperial Concert Co. a Hit ; J vr ii"' ':''"''', 0 j 1 f X f 1 MMi: .IKANNi: (JKItVIIJ.K-ItEAClli:. I 'j -frrTY 1 ! ! 'r l J I l hi-uitv and the it ties l,u.- ae-eorebil l.er T . . ,'J ' I I f -J the- Clelil.sl .-:iim-. ee.mpilllIlK ll.T With; it fi t '" j 1 . ...-i.i.inrii ii ll.ii.k. fi.-al. hi m.i.I Alb..--I Mie I I' rV I m X ' ' f I I I , e le.ll to In- the g I en I est living I tiler- 1 : m'T ' J 1-1 I"'" f O' il'ai, In s.iii:-.iii mill 1 . ?T' Vs I if Ii.:.1.' ei d wii c .!m i ml v e-ngag) el t- V ',. . I ! ii Ibe- io . mi I -era se ieen In I 1.iil V ei Jfc . V , mi,,,, ,,m,mj J tins oil.i S is hie li e.u:iilv sucs... 1 it 1 iii ' ' i ei i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ' I .n N.uiiiia! I A .II ' l.:l, "II I I I Ii I of e . llllieliS, Tho Imperial quartette, one of Omaha of the quartet we re- tendeieel a lunch1 on ' . . i .i . the eii.e .n m I'.li.as and lW n hlirinonc HTL':inl V.At iitnu rleliehfeel tin I.e. M..v. ..f et.u ei....l.u . 1 .!-... ..i . le . - : i 1 1 1 1 tin- toolhcl in ' lie i'lllici .H' 1 IN OMAHA NIGHT. TTIFSnAV i(b t'hanson Slave I'hamlnRde lUtOXFill i ,( u, Anmil4U ,,. ftI.gl,nt Ciismlnade nil Hill lull tjoquurd If.-) Ii' une Prison lUvualdo Ha.hu Mr. Adams Hm-ll nt thee 1'lano. . rai H - IS H I V JN f I - , Jr .-f;vr''., 'v At the Theaters (Continued from Page Rlx.) Anna Mulls, laiclla Temple, J'.ttu Plllard, Flunk Hayes. Wilbur Dohbrt, Jimmy Con nets and levernl others equally well known. Thirty young women of exc-e.-p-tlonnl beauty who will show their be witching fines to greatest inlviintagix In thee score or more of musical anil danc ing ensembles will form an Important feature In the offering of the "isiiclal Maids." Oentge. Ktone will be remem bered us the chiming trump with "Tho. dinner dliis" e-oinpany last season In with I-M Ia-h Wrothe. starting there will be a ladles' dime dally dinner di enmpyiv ' tOIIIOl low nuillm di OMAHA BOY TO READ DICKENS CHEISTMAS CAROL. I'civa, the fiirnous Water Ijtieen, will he at tin- liipheum the week of January II nnd will give a unique iK-inonstratlon of swimming and elixlng. Odlva carries with lo-r twi-ntv tons of baggage In which a huge steel and glass tank Is not to be overlooked. Amid beautiful stage s l tlnns, tins beautiful girl frejm far off Hmiioit cllvis fr tin- wings uereiss a real w t 1:i 1 1 hit e the lank where fish urn swl'ojitn ,i!,etil!y areiiti'l. peneath the iiiiil.i-i- she disrobes, me-uils her eloiiies, eats and 1 1 -. t goes to sleep. Odlva was case up on the- shore of tin' Samoan aiehinibmo frnpi a shipwreck and was neb. pin by the unlives. It Is el ilnied j that dm lot! I, or einlv gliTutod she wrestesl fioiii the biiltciu of the I'acllli- pearls to the value of f'.i..iHi. As a nick swim mer, sin- eailv niitswam the export na tives and soon bicaine the talk of the stands. U Vflf : '4- 4 ' IL M ISN ICR. . 'HI' Hi t I;' .v v EUNKHT l'rnest It. M sue "l hrlstiuus Carol" r will at the Tho Imperial quartette, one of Omaha own harmony organizations, dcln-'hte-d an audience: of local music lovers who were willing to brave the zero weather m the Young Women's Christian as-o.iat Ion auditorium Friday evening. Tlifclr rendi tion of difficult nice lions was full of ex pression, tone and volume arid their will-Ingne-ss to respond to numerous eneeues WuS warmly received and appreciated j The following are members of this iiiar-jte-tte: M O. deible, fiist tenor; W. C. Humes, econil tenor; Hay Overman, bari tone, ami W. J. Lambert basso. 'J hey we re assisted by Master Harry Dubolf, one of the. ciiuiitiy's f ueniost buy violin:sis, and Miss I.iur- lla. Spencer, Pianist. Master Xubuff has appeared In Omaha be tine und iitii many admirers here. Pi lor t. the concert the- four members of the quartet We re tendeled a lunch' on I ty son ml of the Inn ilea vocal Ian nt I the I'nversllv eillb, tolloweel bv el lr e p- t le en at ltn- sjtue place iii the aftiriioon. On in count of lis reeogul.t'd ability all over the- miildle-We-st (Iroaha nia , be e-on-sidi'ied somewhat lie ky that the- chance of he-.iilug such an excellent e.iiiij, of songsters should be tifrord. il tlniu. Man. prominent voc.el Instructors and inns:, ai i lille H have pi onoiiuce el the work of the Impeilal since is as among tlie be st in the west, both as e their abiht to. bundle heavy ise he tions und to eariv tin n puns cluiihg a iwo-hoiii i m eit, wlili a tare- t'eiie h eif oc.el i iiiuiance, Tlnir retiditleeii of "Annie I-iuil' " and "Night Wllcbery" have ere. led wide spreruel apple eiuilon, for tlu v' a r.- abb- to so iuipie-.-s the ir sti-ne r.i that the i i I . i nf these niece. I.i always t In n t ho;,,. I) viepl le I'll 1 1 li y. Miser, loes louiiauv, iiiid is ulways il l I I' III III g. ltlllC It. Mull', a man Mice is always talking about hut a 1 ol be use I to be- Isn't very old iiie-ri- me tin e s iii-n every man has to take- a eo lain amount of bac k talk I from I Is Ciill'ee le ncH. "i iekee a lei e,. or your size U a good niol'o. but the trouble Is the average man eloesiii realize how small he- i tally Is. New Yoik Times. read Dickens' ' t'nlted H'retli- " ren chinch, ."-lni-te, mh and I.othro i tre-ets. Tuesday cM tilng, January 9. Mr. Winner Is an Omaha boy, has spent three '' years In the 1, eland Powers' school of Poston and Is making his first appear- mice before an au lli nee In his homo towt,. He Hill return ufter his lecture here' in ::' n Shine his work with the Hedpath Ia - i-eiiin bureuu. He has made close study v,, of tlm works of Dle-ke-ns und Is consul-"' end one of the best Interpreters of his work, mi that his re ailing will be partleu larly Interesting. ' ,'f . la. The jule. ';. The latest aelvlce to persons who wish v to live to be Hi years old Is this: "l.oe pc-oplc- and make the-ni love eiu. Don't worry and forget ubout your v nerves." WcM, people who practice" that sort tt , think' may reach PHI. but they'll havo . ri k lity luili' money when they get there. Cleviiuinl littiu Dealer. ' ' 1 1 .1 ei Kl 1 1 s o. i.e e is I Ml n.l.e I . til. in ,1 I" i in I i A.:, e loi 1 1 ! HI I i l'i I H- s li.r I. uli. i d.O be Ui olli lob ibi c.iv.inti : pie us und I lUIHul I a r Ti i M I il 1. .S hub. ..SrliiiK e-te.ll.l e V i la Addl- i ii.' .1! !.. I.e l o P iclil. Ill I 'le l elll i to M a ' e i - ' Ii N-i Nod iirin- iaielilellii . Mr A . lie iii. I I i . I 1 SI 'i in b l .- no I ,..'. e- e i i 1 1 1 . 1 s . . It. I. ill ul.V P..1 ! ,r el' A il . I- l.iszt I . I 1 1 s l y i I .i rrii t W .1 1 i- . I I le Kom o e i ti mh- pons Mai tint If the blood it poor and filled with the poitum from ditestcd kidae or inactive liver, the heart in not only starved ti- poikoned at well, liiere are many coo Unions due to impure blood such is dropny, iintiiiji spells, nervous debility or the many u rolulous conditions, ulcers, "fever-sores," white swellings, CM. All ' can be oercome and cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery This supplies pure blood by siding digestion, increasing assimilation and in, parting tone to the whole circulatory system. Its a heart toiuo and great deal more, having an Iterative action on the liver and kidneys, it helps to eliminate -the poisons from the blood. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, thereby feeding the nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irritability, Uk Dr. 1'ierce's (..olden Medical Discovery and do not permit dishonest desler to iusult your intelligence with the " just as good kind." The "Discover.) " ' has 10 years of cnrti behind it and contains no alcohol or narcotic. Ingredi ents plainly printed on wrapper. . Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent frt on receipt of. stamps to pay expeute of wrapping and mailing esy. Send 31 one-cent stamp for the trench cloth-bound book. Address: Dr. K.V, I'icroc, Buffalo, N. V. it M : rmei i if s '-el I I