Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Quality. Assortments. Prices Insure Saving and Satisfaction
In TT 1 . iT Tl j TT TT n
the uianuary oaies at iniayaen s
Quality for quality, price for price, you'll find our offerings Superior; better quality at equal price-equal quality at Less
Price has for many years been and always will be our motto, backed in every instance by our guarantee of satisfaction. Jan.
1912 finds us in a better position to serve you and save you money than ever before. Don't miss Saturday's Splendid Offerings.
January Sales in Our Ladies' Cloak and Suit Department offer Qual
ity, Assortment and Price Inducements More Attractive Than Ever Before Known in Omaha.
Several big shipments just received from our New York resident buyer will add greatly to the
bargain interest in Saturday s sales. Many will profit by these matchless offerings. Be one of them
V THE v - v v?ri
.... , .uii i- Jt ,
II I r I""
n in r
Towels and
In Our High Grade
Linen Department
15c ' Linen Iluck
All our
All our 19c Linen Huck
All our 2 5c Linen Huck
each ..15
All our 30c Linen Huck Towela,
each 19
All our 40c Linen Huck Towela,
each 25
All our 60c Linen Huck Towels,
each 29j
All our 69c Linen Huck Towels,
each ., 35
All our 17c Bath Towels, each, 10 C
All our 22!c Bath Towels,
each 12HJ
All our 25c Bath Towels, each,
at 15
All our 29c Bath Towels, each,
at 19
All our 40c Bath Towels, each,
at 25t
All our 00c Bath Towels, each,
at 200
All our 95c Bath Towels, each,
at 50
All our $1.25 Bath Towels, each,
at v 75
All our $1.60 Hemmed Bedspreads,
ch Sl.OU
All our $1.75 Fringed Bed Spreads,
each 81.25
All our $2.00 Fringed Bed Spreads,
each 81.50
All our $3.00 Hemmed Bedspreads,
each 81.08
All our $4.00 Hemmed Bed Spreads,
each 82.50
Manufacturer's Stock of Silk and Wool
Dresses Beautiful designs in niOBsaliiu1?,
taffetas, serges, fancy mixed fabrics, all
colors, very newest style ideas made to
sell to $23, as shown in win- QC
dow, choice
A Splendid Line of Tailored Suits Very
newest styles, good assortment of laiu
and fancy mixed wool fabrics. Suits that
wonld sell regularly at $20.00, ' (fTT Cf
your choice P J 1
Two Grand Bargain Lots Saturday in our
Big Children's Garment Dept.
Children's Warm Winter Coats, values up
to $12.00, in all colors and materials,
sizes from 8 to 14 years, nctual $7.50,
$10.00 and $12.00 values, on fl 2 QC
sale, choice 4
Children's All Wool Serge Dresses Values
to $7.50, all sizes 0 to 14 years, very latest'
styles, on sale & AC t"Z QC
Saturday 49?Jm$Jyj
All Infants' Wear at Bargain trices, in
. Our Baby Bazar, 2d Floor.
Women's Blanket Robes, all colors, values up
to $7.50, on sale $3.95
Mot . w
300 Handsome Now Coats just received
from our Now York buyer, l'lushes, Cara
culs, etc.; worth $20.00; those in addition
to our own stock of $1S.OO and $20.00
values, on sale Saturday, :it
Women's and Misses' Novelty Coats $15.oo
values, in black and fancies, biir .line for
your selection, choicest line of coat
bargains offered in Omaha, at . . . .
Long Flannelette Kimonos, worth $1.50, on
sale at, choice 89c
Secured from BONIS & CO., N. Y.
At y3 to y2 Regular Wholesalo Prices
will bo placed on sale Saturday at equal
price reductions, together with our own
entire stock of Fur Garments.
$10.00 Pur Sots, choice $5.00
$15.00 Fur Sets, choice $7.50
$20.00 Fur Sets, choice .$10.00
Pine Astrakhan and Marmot Fur Coats,
on sale Saturday $49.00
All Other Fur Coats, Sets, Scarfs and
Muffs at Half and Less.
Lansdowne and Flannelette Kimonos $3.50
values, long, all colors, on saje Saturday,
choice ........ $1.95
mil a r
ruitd wkii
u rood iMt.
Vast as soon
as your ordor
Is raoalvaft aa
p 1 1 aaoad
hopper will do
yon b r i b K
Just as oara
lully as U boy
ins; for borsslf.
Savings of Half and More on Winter Underwear and Furnishings
A Big Manufacturer's Surplus Stock Purchase adds greatly to the assortment for your selection. Don't fail to take advan
tage of these splendid bargain offerings Saturday.
Seven Grand Bargain
Lots for Saturday
50c Embroideries, are 18 and 27 inches
wide, at 25(5
10c Ladies Handkerchiefs 4VaC
$2.00 Silk Auto Scarfs 98c
$1.00 Hand Bags ,49c
$1.50 Velvet Bags 75c
35c Cord Shopping Bags 19c
25c Silk Ribbons, yard 10c
Pearl Buttons, dozen .2V2C
Monday We Begin Our An
nual January Sale of
Watch Sunday papers for Prices, com
pare the quality of our offerings with of
ferings elsewhere.
Men's Outing Flannel Pyjamas,
11.60 and $2.00 qualities, on
sale at, choice. . -81,45. 08
fl.00 Outing Flannel Gowns,
men or boys, at 49
Fine Bath Itobes at Half Price
Men's All Wool Union Suits, regu
lar $5.00 values, a splendid line
"t S3.00
Men's Heavy Fleeced
Shirts or Drawers, 50o
quality, on sale Satur
day, at . . .25c
Men's $1.50 Union Suits,
all kinds on sale, Satur
day, choice at 75c
Men's $3.50 Wool Union
suits, choice $1.98
iieavy wool snirts or
Drawers, all sizes, on
j sale Saturday, at. ,49c
$1.00 Lamb's Wool Fleeced
Shirts or DrawerB, now, at
per garment 49
.Men's California Flannel I'n-
tier wear, shirts or drawers.
to $2.00 values
at 81.25 98
Men's SuxpeiidorH, all kinds, regu
lar values to $1.00
at 49S 35S 25c
Silk Four-ln-liand Tien, to $1.00
values, all new colon
t 45c. 35c- 25c
Men's California 1 lunnel Blilrts,
$2.00 to $3.50 values, in plain
.blue, grey or neat stripes, on
sale 81.45 and 08c
Women's Heavy Fleeced Vests or Pants,
39c values, nil sizes, choice 19c
Women's $1.50 Wool Vests or Pants,
Harvard 'Mills brand, white or grey,
at 75c
Women's $1.00 and $1.50 Union Suits,
white or grey in regular or extra sizes,
on sale at 75c and 49c
Women's Jersey Ribbed Vests or Pants,
$1.00 values in white or cream ..49c
Women's Black Wool Vests, $1.00 and
$1.50 values, at 49c
Women's Finest Union Suits, all wool
or silk and wool, values up to $7.50.
t $3.50, $1.98, $1.50
umiaren's fleeced Vests and , 75c Knit
Pants, to 50 values, on sale,
at, per garment, only 25c
nnd 10c
Kail orders for
rrsb rmtts
and Vcg-atabU
wlU t shipped
only by as
prss and t
risk. Wi
that thty lasvs
her In first
class condition
White Goods and
High Grade Linen Dept. Saturday
All cur $!.:.() pattern Tablocloths.
"ach SSc
All our ?2.!S pattern Tublpiloths,
All our $1.50 pattern TablciiHlis.
ench Sil.75
All our $t'.,00 puttern TaliU-niotiiB,
eaih 83.25
All our $7.00 pattern Tablecloths,
fHi $3.98
All our $8.00 pattern Tablecloths,
" S4.95
All our $12.00 pattern Tablecloths,
d 80.95
All our $20.00 Scalloped Table
cloth, each 810.50
All our $1.50 Dinner Napkins,
dozen 81.00
All our $2.00 Dinner Napkins,
doen 81.25
All our $2.50 Dinner Napkins,
dozen 81.50
All our $3.00 Dinner Napkins,
dozen 82.00
All our $5.00 Dinner Napkins,
dozen S2.G8
All our $5.60 Dinner Napkins,
dozen 83.50
All our $6.00 Dinner Napkins,
dozen . . . : 84.50
All our $0.00 Dinner Napkins.
dozen 85.00
All our $1.73 Hemstitched Cloths.
each 81.00
All our $2.00 Hemstitched Cloths,
each 81.25
All our $3.25 Hemstitched Cloths,
each S1.9S
All our $4.00 Hemstitched Cloths,
,,arh 2.25
All our $5.00 Hemstitched YTo'ths.
each $2.98
All our $1.75 Satin Dnmask, yard,
at 81.00
All our $2.50 Satin Damask, yard,
nt 81.50
All our $3.50 Satin Damask, yard,
at 81.93
Women's and Children's
Hosiery, 25c quality wool
in black, grey or black, with
grey feet, at 12V4C
Corset Covers.
double breasted silk fin
ished, on sale at 25c
Children's Black Sateen
Bloomers, 75c values. .25c
Men's hats $I25
To ii.50 Values J
Over 1,000 Hats in the lot, including Ve
lours, Serateh-urs, lieavers, Mixed and
Finished Felts. Greatest bargains in
seasonable hats ever $1.25
Men's Winter Caps, big line, values to
$1.50, including many plush caps,
at 69c
Men's and Boys' Caps, Velvets, Plushes,
plain and fancy goods, worth to $1.00,
at, choice 39c
Outing Flannel Gowns and
Pyjamas that sold up to
$2.50, at . . . .98c and 49c
Some Remarkable January Sale Bar
gains in Knit Goods and
Ladies'. Men's and Children's Jersey Sweat,
ers and Sweater Coata at Less Than Half.
Ladles' ijll.OO Aviation Caps 49
Ladles' IW.OO Auto Hoods JM 45
Ladies' .$2.00 Wool Scarfs..,. jy
J.uilies' .$1.00 Shawls, black and colors, choice,
t 25
l adies' 50c Wool Hose 'JO A
lWCA I-adics' Kid (.lores, Founts', Derby, Hauler,
"V T Vil hi. elc" at sl,w,'l fcwBaln Price.
ii $7.50 on aale in 3 lots, at $3.08, 92.98, 81.98
f..; Me' and lioys' Glove that sold to $2.00, at,
choice OQ a onH r .
.................... m;
len's Llnpu Handkerchiefs, values to 50c, ilaln
or Initialed, sneclsl haniin
WiV t 250. 17c. 12 M. lOd
't ,len" i-ai"ierel Milrta, values up to $3.00, fine
r VI 1 Jino oc coiorj ana patterns, matchless values.
-tAU -A at 81.45 and f)S
J th ' - - - " - . - ..... luuiu lljlCU, ,U.UU 1A1UKI,
on sala 00
: uoc
Scores of other Splendid Ilarnlns for you Saturday.
Clearing Sale on
Gas Burners and
25 Per (A'nt Discount on
all gas ami electric lamp.
25 Per ('cut Discount on
all g;is jiiid electric portables.
Inverted ma Imruer, con.. lets
ultii fe'.obo onl mantle. Sjie-
,c al r.'Je
linfried and upright gas niantlts.
.-' for, 1 15i
In vetted ;.as triune?, 2 for. .'JiZtt
1 iirlg) t. tnu t !. Im neve. 2 fur lhc
Smoiu- I cliJ, 2 for 15c
Sled Sale
A splendid line of Children's
Jleds which were delayed
in shipment, jiit received.
Splendifl bargains in our
January Clearance sale,
Saturday at ....35c UP
Special Shoe Sale Saturday
Inventory found us with several broken lines of Women's Shoes and Boys and Little
Men's Shoes, also some Misses' and Child's Shoes. The prices on these shoes, which we
will closo out at less than cost to clean up quickly, follow:
Women's $4.00 Shoes, gun metal ft PA
and patent button sayles, now. . . .VsDU
Men's Tan Calf button and blucher
1 AO
Shoes, $4.00 values, sizes broken. . VltvO
Misses' and Child's Shoes, values (Pf AA
up to $1.75 $1.IU
Little Gents' Shoes, values
up to $2.25, in 2 big lots. .
$1.50 i $1
Women's $1.25 Crochet
Women's nnd Men's felt, warm lined Slip
pers, leather, felt and CAf QQ
carpet soles; 2 lots WVL J 6vC
All kinds of warm shoes for this (M aa
cold weather up from vlaUil
This Sale is For Salurda in Groceries
The l;st and Freshest Goods, at a
17 His. Best Granulated Sugar,
t 81.00
48-lb. parks Boat Diamond II.
high craae Family Flour, notli
iim like it, per rack 31.25
9 lbs. best white or yellow Curn
nit'l 15
C lbs. best hand picked Navy
Ueans 25
10 bars Hoat-'Em-AIl or Diamond
C Boap 25
9 Its. Best Uolled Hreakfast Odt-
ineal 25 f-
The beet t'ornsiarih, pka;....p
Gallon cans flold-n Table Syruu.
I'ure lkavy rim Mason Jars,
Saving of 23 to RO. Ilayden's (
Qt. bottle Canadian Maple Sugar
fcyui' 5
Ft. bottlo Canadian Maple S.mur
SyruP 200
Hulk Cocoa, cheaper than cutlew,
lt 250
Hulk leanut Uuttc-r, lb 15
1 -lb. cans assorted Soups. . .71
3 p!6B. Self ltleing l'aixaka
Flour .... ; 25r
C cans I.u L11 Polish 25?
0 rakes Silver I'cllHh 20
C cans I.avallno Scouring Soap,
at 20
l'resh WKetnMes and Fruit I'rln-t
I ho Talk of Omaha.
.1 hunrhes Fresh Heels, Carrots or
Turnips 1
ater to the people, Not the Trust.
Fancy Shallots, bunch 8S
2 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce.. 5
2 bunches Fresh Parsley .... 5
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb...7.t
Fancy Cauhf lower, lb 74
HrusHela Sprouts, lb 15
Fresn Cabbage, lb 1
Fancy Hweet I'otatoes. 3 lbs., 1J
Our Famous llixliluiid Navels,
dozen, 15. OC- 25. li()C
llie Jlest .Mixed .ut, lb. . . .15
Special lienion Sale.
Kxtra Large, Fancy, Juicy Lem
ons, 210, 240 and 270 aize, per
dozen '2.0 1
:mu and SCO size, per dot... ft,
I or case, any size 83.25
Why Pay More
for Drugs and
Toilet Goods?
Bay Thtra at Oar Dnif xtpt. ana
Bav as to 60.
60c bottle Hind u lluuuy and Al
mond Creum for 29o
6o bottle of Roh Cream fur loo
2tc film KuhUiihm's Henioln Al
mond J. 01 km for ise
tl I'l-roxldo liyJi ukpii sso
hour liars of Ivory Knap for 18a
ljc pBiiKasa 20-Mule-'i'am llora
for so
iOf. Jap lto or Palm OUva Soap
at 2 bars for lt
SSo 8anltol tooth powder or pax in
for 13io
Tbro-oumo bottlu bay rum, ly
irln a ml ronawatur 160
On big lot of $1.00 and $1 r,0
hair bruNhoN ni at 75o
J Be can Manmm'a or ColKatfl'a
Talcum pownYr for ISo
$1.00 box of Anuria or 1m. Trciln
fara powilor for ...79o
On hundred Dr. Hlnkle'a C'aarnra
tubleiH for a So
ll.ou HyrliiKe or Hot Water bot
tl for s9o
$1.50 Kyrlnits or boltlo (red rub
ber) for tl.00
13 no WflllnKlon Pvrlnire and bot
lln, guaranteed for five vrari,
ff,r '.a.oo
Is ns always drawing thousands to Ilay
den's. You'll find matchless values all
along tho linos Saturday and all next week.
Wonderful Corsets!
The New Nemo
This new Nemo invention not only
produces extrema figure-reduction of
once, but performs actual massage
automatically, caun
ing the surplus fat
to be absorbed and
removed, thus mak
ing the figura pr
manentli tmalUr.
Two models
No. 354 f O
a -he
The acme of com
fort and perfect
style; a scientific
device, warmly en
dorsed by physi
cians. Of vital in
tereat to every wom
an of full figure.
Come and see this
wonderful new
comet. '
Saturday Specials h our Up-to-Date Hardware
2-qt. gray Enamel Coffee Pota
2-ot. gray Knamel Hlee Hollers
't W
No. 8 gray Enamel Teakettles
lo-qt. gray Knamel DiKhpaug
t 29
4-Mt. gray Enamel Pudding Pans,
" 150
2iic Cracker Jac k Corn Poppeia
t 100
TiOc nickel plated Kango Tea
kettles, at 25?
Frying Pans, any size, at. . . . !()
I1.E0 Climax Food Choppers
11.50 Waffle Iron, high
ball bearing
12-gal. covered Garbage
worth 11.25, at
10-gal. covered Garbage
worth 11.00. at
20-gal. size extra heavy Garbage
Ca" 81.1)8
lr.c Japaned Coal Hods....J5j
7.00 Oak Heaters with 13-lncn
Kratl? SI. OS
20 long handled Fire Shovels
at lOe
10c nice Hoot Scrubbing Brushes.
on sale at 54
15c Ideal Flour Sieves, on sale
for It