1 Desperate Desmond: By Hershf ield All Hand.i Join in the Gladsome Task of Making Good Resolutions J'- Copyright, I'M 1. National News A"no'ailon I , BEAUT1RJL HEROINS? , I, DESPERATE DESMOND, 15 MEW VCARJ fHt SAMARA PMSURANCB- CO ART CrCIKft TtJ PROMISE AND SWEAR., re. BUTWTiMOWn m li rrvrrr? W Mrt A BAD'Sk- ANOTMfcK. C.I4rr: i ic "TO tVE QOVICfTZ ALU HS BACK PAY HASk BROKEN I CAVHt HU PI-EIwe.f T Tl 'I TWM MY MAT 1 i h 41 L ACCORDING TO 7JW 1 1, 7 nJ rJIL L I90.DICTAT8S V j ff-3 r F FASH,0'J' With the villainous De-mond In their power, Claude and Rosamond yet relent somewhat In view of the New Year. They agree that If Desmond will promise faithfully to chForve some good resolutions they will grant him a, reprieve. Clnuda should know by this time that Desmond's word Is as bad as his bond, but heroes are notoriously snft-lienrted, and as fjr heroines well, they have hearts a tender a a cream puff. Above you ran see Claude's resolutions, am) Flcsamond's r solve to trim the bat she has worn so long. WANT ADS Want ads rvrlvel at any tlmf, but to Insure proper clanifiratlon must l presented before 1- o'clot k m., for Ue evening edition and Ik-fore 7:30 p. in. for morning and Hunday edi tions. Want ada reeelved after nuch hours will have their first insertion under the heading "Too Lftto to Classify." CASH KATES I'OIt WANT ADS. KKtil'LAH CLASSIFICATION One Insert ion 1 i rent per word and 1 rent er word for eacli subsequent Insertion. Kaeh insertion made on odd days 154 eent per word. 91 -AO per line kt month. Want ads for The liee May be left at any of the following drug stores one is your "corner druggist" they are all branch offices for The Uee and your ad will Ins Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rate as at the main office In The lioe building, Seventeenth and i'arnam streets: lbach, W. C, f.h and Farnam. liaum Drug Co., 2uJl N. 16th St. lienson I'liarmacy, iienson, Neb. Ilemis Park J'liirniacy, 3-U and Cuming. Meranek, M. A.. )ri K.-lth Ht. Elake-lirandlsh, iv Hherman Ave. CaiiKhan, C. 11., ti'itt leuvnwortb Bt. CVrmak, F.inll. 1304-ti H. liith Ht. Chiton Hill I'hurmacy. 113 Military Ave. Cooncy l'hannacy, M. btn Ht. Crlssey IMiarmacy, L4th and Dake Pts. Khler & Co.. &ll 1-favrnwoi t li Ht. Foster & Arnoliil. H'i S. 'Mh Ht. Freytag. J. Ji, 1HI4 N. 24th Ht. Fregger Drug Co., 1W2 N. Kith St. Florence !rug Co., Florence, Neb. Urwn'i I'liaim'y, i'ark Ave. and i'aciria Urechough t Co., loth and Hickory. Uoldman l'liurm f, 24th and Deavanw'th. JubanMin Drug Co., 24th and Hpauldlng. Johnmin I'haruiHcy, 2iK Farnam Ht. Hanac-um I'ark Pharm'y, W)l A. ilUth Av. liinterlung Drug Co., list Ave. and Far. Hoist, Jake, 624 N. l'Hn Ht. liutf, A. 1.. 2424 Iavenworth St. King. H. H. 24th and rarnam Hta. Kountse l'lace rharmacy, 23(4 N. 24th. Daiiuup Phurmicy, 24th and HamiltoS. Mr.'S, K:ed. D. Jul Central Mlvd. iiouiuouih J'Uarmai'y, V3d and Ames Av. I'atriok Drug Co., 1W2 N. 24th Ht. Maratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. He 1 1 l it's Cut JTIfn, liith and Chicago. Vachal. P. J.. 602 Pierce Ht. Walton Pharmacy, SMh and Orace Bts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4vth and Cuming DUATI1S AND FLNMRAL NOTICES. BEINDOFIKF Emellne W age 45 years, Wife ot the lai Charles F. Ii4ndurtf ana baugnter of 11. W. Hmr, did 'inurauay arternoon, I o'clock. Funerai at o ciock Hsturday afternoon. Services at roxldt-nce, Jtumi Mason street. and interment at Prospect Hill cemetery. CLARKE Matt le A., Jan. 4, 1912. aged years montlia and 10 days, beloved wile of Ueorge Clarke. Funeral services will be held from Braitey Dorrance chapel Hunday, Jan uary 7, at 1 o cock p. in. Interment. For est Dawn cemetery. Friends Invited. LODGE KOTICES. Brethren of Nebraska lodge No. 1, A. T. St A. M.. will meet at Aiaaonlo hail to alteud the funeral ot sojourning brother Maiuuel lieatty at 1 p. m. Halurday, Jan. e. bervicea Irom Dodder's chapel at 1 p. m. William 8. Howe. Acting Master; V. C. MvDean, secretary. AXXOUXCKMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, lnEr. emhalmer. 1S14 Ch'c"'2. 8t' lX lSj9, u-1,kJ- IlUUSElilEPEN, Tot B. lMh Ht. Doug. 122ti. A-2Jwi. UEAEEV & 11EAFEY, TlANKR8: l4ovtoniFarnam1A-3J65,H. '&. rTrMorrlli. china paint. 8:13 Urandela Th HARKElt BROS. PAINT CO. It04 F'arnam 8t. Doug. 47M, Ind. A-SS.n. A beautiful assortment of stencil out fits and Hher in-Williams goods. We do glaaing and picture framing at moderate prices. I'pholvteruig, piano, furn. rep. 24 Far. Wedding announcements. Doug, Ptg. Co, ILEll GRAND Turkish Baths Finest in the west. Iai? 8. Pith street. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. ltuMK Fl HN1TUUK CO., Twenty. fourth and L Bts Houth Omaha. NORTH UL'P letter Duplicating Co., ( Pasion Hlk.. c-iicular Irttrre. any quan tlty; oldeatt establt!hed company; experts of MiHUgiepn ano iseostyie. F.d Karrlck. gravel, tar roof. Ibth M.uke 8. H. Cole Hlsn Co. D. 37iw. Ultl Farnam. YO!"l.I. alwava be haiuty If your el ding ring comes from Urodegaai d a, lii B. ltith Ht. At tlie sin or tne crown. ci'jLD lller ns on books, purses, leather goods. K. A. tron Co., l.ne l-arnam Neb. Heed Co., 13 Joints. lioth phones. MagKard Van & Htoiage. pa k, move, store and ship H. it. goods, D. Hui. U-:'4:s 'GET your dUnmnds at Urodegaard's. MONEY s TO LOAN LoW rate, in sums to suit. S10 Hee Kids I'hone Doug. 21j4. IN ION LOAN C. Htorrn susli and doors. Welrlch. Web. 2677 "ilOVl.NO picture inarhinea and supplies Nebraska Mini o , h arnam m. REMOVAL sale of diamonds. Jewelry Clothing, nun's and ladies' fur overcoats. ats and Kloves. now on sale at I re tnan'S Loan Hank. 1 ih und DoiiKlaa. Will rnovs to i-11 Douglas Jau. 16, il Auc two a le St C M p m ROiLKK. hlieet iion und lank. tuifc. On alia Ktructural Steel Works. "DOI';LA i Pi iiiiI n K Tel. I .mit. 041 . J. V. O I arv lor ehue 1.1 N. 24. Ho. Om' hvt ,l I.. -in coiiihliiics. 17iJ 1,-avenwth WHAT U home without a u.ce box of the f,uioua candy made by H. J O'Urlen? If Mrs. Harry Johnson, isilO W ebster M , will come to Tile liee uff.ee witniii three d. wilt mm kei tii order tor a eu tleul box cf O tJrten candy. AUTOMOIULKS honk: Mnunn HUlu, :, HONK tear t"i. smafth wheel. HERirS THE UKHT 1'DACK IN OMAHA DRUMMOND 1th and Harney Pts. OMAHA MACHINE WOKKS General machine and automobile repair ing. Tnttern making; speclnl machinery designed. Kxpert die Work, patent draw ings, til 3 8. 14th Ht. Doug. Murphy Did It KKHAIKINO l'AINTINi i. THIMUIMi. FOHK DOORS "" bodies, tops, L vjixn lJtJlo pniH.ovT9i ,, Hinting. Douglas era, Tfelffer Currlage Works. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. UUSINEKS CHANOKH MOKTUAUES, 6 ON GOOD FARMS Havings bonds secured by first mortgages and our capital and surplus of $4),iiW. i0 SAr'EK INVESTMENT Honda for tioo. ti.i snd up, aa suits your savings. Make your money bring you a goud Income. Ask for particulars. i'Ai'NE INVESTMENT CO. ir,th and Farnam Kts., Omaha. Neb. KOR 8AI.R Hooper Rot t ling works. Discount given If taken before .Ian. 1. MONNTCH A DKNBLOW, , ' Hooper, Neb. WANTKD A gentleman of means to act as secretary of a I'ifiO.nOO corporation; rnuet be able o Invest from fXUOO to f..orw. K. Hogerson. W17 Chicago Ht.. Omaha, Neb. TO get In or out of business call on OANOKHTAD, 404 Hee Rldg. Tel. D. 8477. WHY NOT INVEHTIUATE our Florida proiMisltlnn7 It Is good. JIOBKKT C. DRUK8EDOW CO., (Pales Agents.) Mo Om. Nat. Ilk. llldg. Omaha, Neb. Oil, D.NI AND STOCK IN AN 1CX IHTlNtJ ullj KIIODD IN WYOMINO Jrt t'KKKHKK TO IN VKSTORS. ABSOU'TU TITDfcl ill VKN AND HIXOK IN COM PANY. YOl'R ADDHKMrt AND i WiUL CALL. U-lolU, bKU, Motion picture machine and film bar gains. Om. Film Eich., ,14th St lKiug. tits. nVK8TOR WANTKD Prosperous and ProgreBsive Western Ice and Refriger ating Machine Factory having extended Cupltallieation from tl.'i.OOU.OI to f76,flM.0 wuh object of cheapening and enlarging output, buying staples to betted ad vantage, taking rare of growing trade and carrying larger stocks with agents, seeks active Inventor of llO.tiOO.UO, II2.U00.0U. or 1&,0uO(K. Product an estahlluhed success. Thirty-two machines bought by the three largest packers In the North west; plant modern; trade not overdone; wide territory, fine real estate holding, beautiful, hxalthy, growing city. Kx perlenced refrigerating engineer, sales man or office man preferred. Only one active stock holder at present. Apply K. Mayall, 821 East Riverside Avenue, Hpnkane, Wash. 81! K naturally Is looking for a dessert that needs but little preparation. Tell her of Daliell's lee eream. If Mrs. A. K. Klopp. 4927 Davenport Ht.. will come to The Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fins Ice cream. DU8INE8S PF.nSONAIJi Arteelaa Wells. Ia K. NEBF.ROAI.U 1011-li City Nat l. i:i 1IOWK, Well boring. Benson 24u. Allurneys. O. W. Shields, attorney. 327 H. of Trade. TiHHTON I. HA LI LAWVKR j Heel Anslsn aad Teats. OMAHA TFNT CO. Tel. S3 Douglaa. Usg Maaiifaetarrrs. PFMI8 OMAHA RAO CO., Omaha, Neb. and 'I'aateaba, THE ONDT WAY. Ttaggage chwkad to destination. Taxl- rabe and touring cara. Tel. touglas 2. Ulrd Stores. RTT?nS5 gold fish, rages. Max JJ1IAL0 Uet,. i,lr(1 ,,,,, Karnam. Uot aad fsrkigt ManaCaetarere. Wooden Ro A Package Co. 1514 N. 1th. turprts, Huge and Draprrlea. roLCAii&co.Prf :rr carpet cleaning. Ks m. S4. Ii. tfi. A-424.").' tarpeutrra aad toalraclors. W. P. Deverell, oontrartor. Ram re Rldg. Hteventoii. ci .einei . i um, otliphuiieaT t'btrusdlsta. DR. lior, Fajiiam Douglas 4f7. tlgara and 'lobart-o, JTHR Hanltary Crown Pip..-. 115 ft. ith lloihtna Maanfaelarera. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M p Smith Co t Ml Dealer. Powers-Heafy Coal Co. Tel I), v ('0l. Hpechil prices by tun, 5 Tel. D. S47. H-2SS J bu. for Hotter Feed Coal Co., 2.2 Far. H. t4.' C. K. Johnnon. coalJdth A Itard t 'piioinu R K K 1 1 E R Fl'RN AC Kci 'ii' D. l.".S2. hsrle A. eslerfleld A-1.A1. COAL a. id kluailiut. Wavn. r. Soi Nli C ornier and klrel rlllaa. CARTER SHEET meial works. Omalia 4 rrasirrln, lulr4eu and Supplies. I'alrmoeCa IMadetii butler. Alw.iye good. DAVID 7iLE CRlTlvrEHTT'riMTXxT! Dvutlals. ' Bsllev, the dentist. Clry N il l. l. ala'h 4k Uach, d fi. -aioa, D. IUm II . .J- -v. W"VIff lb.i. F4st.l" S lT 7 SYV iVrH'zVA' V. JCViXBWWVIvrir ntSIXESS IKHS()NAUH i Jantnsc Academies. Mackle's Dancing Academy, 1H0 Harney. Dslly clusxe Mon.. Tliuif., .-st. evenliiK". 1 ) IcnMoiiH Alon or Fi I. 8 p. in., lit Mo rand's. I. .idles, 5,'t; gentlemen, j; prlv.ne lessons during the day, II. Deter! I vra. Omnha serrret service del. ncenoy. Inc., bonded. 4WK Paxton Hlk. D. Dlfl. A-1SI3. Is. W. LonKiiecker, 517 Karlmrh block. JAM KS ALLKN. Neville Hlk. Tyler 1I3H. DrrMinalilnt, Terry's Dressmaking college. 20 A Far. WANTKD Hewing to do ut 2S21 H. 12tli Pt. Ml8 Mahcr. DHKHSMAKINO. I2 Harney. H. l4i. Urnaalsts, DRl'OS at cut prices; freight paid on $Hi orders; catalogue free. Hherman & McConnell Drug Co., Onviha. Neb. Hvrrilhlai for Women. THH IDEAL PLKATINO CO, dress pleatings, buttons covered, all sizes and stvles. 200 Doug. Hlk. Doug. l!'i. A-Ul.lS. K verylalnit llect rlcal. Purgens-riranden Co., 1.111 Howard. D. ffll. Klfctrlc lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Hi;tND-HAND KLIJCTRIO FANS, dynamos, Igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs. Ln Hrnn, S. 12lh HI. Doug, 3175. Feed Mllla and Mores. Feed, all kinds. Olencoe Mills, 2..2 Izard. Florists. RF.NNKTT'H cut flowers. Doug. l.TT. . Dnnshue. 11)07 Farnum. D. 1001. A-1001, ili.hri fit HVVOHODA, Ulf. Farnam Ht. Hlewart'a. FloriHt A HeeUamen. IVJ N. 1. PAULHKN, florist, 1712 Itrown Ht. HHANDKIH FLORIST. Hrandels HU1. L. HKNDKRHON, lrilH Farnam. D. 12iw. HATH'H KlAHtlBTH, Hoyd Theater RIcIb. , V'oundrlee. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings, lfith A Jackson. Furnace and Store Repairs. Olson Pros., furnace repairs. 2T.70 Leav. Harness, Haddlerr, Leather Goods. Wlchiirt. harness, leather goods. S.13. IIAUNKfiH, saddiea and traveling goods. Alfred Cornish A Co., 1210 Farnam Hi. Hospitals, WI8K MKMOR1AL, 24th and Harney. Inanraarr. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Ramge Hlk. Iron aad Wire Feurlag. Anchor Fence Co , 207 N. 17. Tel. Red 814. Laundries. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. II. &U4. KMKHHUN Laundry. im N. 2ith Ht. Both phones. Curtains laundered, 2bc per pair. D. 732. UUARAN'IKK Laundry. High grade work. Douglas 837)1. Limbtr, H. Gross Lumber ft Wrecking Co. Bar- galna In lumber, plumbing, machinery and stnam fitting. 21at and Paul. Web. 2SS4. Macaroni Maaafaetarers Bklnner's macaroni and spaghetti, 10c pkg Monuments and Mausoleums, J. F. Bloom Co., 17th and Cuming Sis. Mvrlsg, Storuae aad Cleaalug. KXPRKHSMRN'H Delivery Co.-Movlnir. furniture I'acklnii. flrenroof storaue. City office, g H. 17lli. lHiug. 3S4, Ind. R-124. OMAHA Van and Storage Co. cleans your carpets on your floors: electric vacuum cleanera. KH H. pith, 3u9 H. 17ih. IxiiiKlss 4liil. 'l'wln City F.xpreaa. 1314 Howard, lloth Tel Furniture mov.; S men 11 per hr. W. ;74'. Optlclaus. n. F. Winn, fitting ft rep'g, 443 Hrandels. I Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. JUf.-'J Rrandeia The. Hldg. Ivuthi ryu Nikolas, IkvI-5 Hrandels Tliean r. Oysters. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale onlv I'a tents. HIRAM A. STI'KUKS, patent lawyer, 1'. H. :md foreign patenlit, tnidemarks and copyriKhts; ycaia eici ien. ii4 Hrand-ln Theoler Hldg. Tel. Doug. Ziii). D. u, llMineil, Paxton Uik- Tel. Red '.117. Wlllard Kddy. I.VW City Nat'l. Ha. T. l.. Photogru phera. Rlnehnrt. phologiapher, lSih & Karnsm. hanubrrg s r-toolu, H'7 H. Ii'th. Take rle. PhuMugrapha. Kdlson phonographs. Hlnilts Hro , n4 Far plumbrra. T. I. Haifa, pluiubung and healing, 10"7 Howard t. Tel. 1. 7U, Ind. A-2.41. Plating. OMAHA SU.VEn CO.. 314 B. 13th. Prlattus- Lew W.Raber, Printer, Uo1l!K,ho,rf UKE H1.10. ENTRANCE ON COURT. l.yiosittd Piintiug v'i., 1Mb ft Cui'llol u AM. Iilmlns Co., 2.H Cumins. 1 '. i.iTT. T.Ts-itHii pig. ci..ji a. iTind. JT-:V'Tl Plolie Inil. I for good IM lllllllK. Itealuuraata. KAT CAFE. Eveiybody eats wub nie. U;.e Capitol Ave. north side pot-iuf flee tlerk l afe, home cooKina. h'lH lA'de. i'.KT Die habit: eat at I'neeilM. Cup. Ave. MuKKIS Cafe, home oouking 51 S. -tn. sportlua tisvil. NEW liiporn guns at low Tnud 4iuu cu. Uit Fai aaia, pilots. I1LK1 N KSS 1'EHM JN'A I J Miimiiieriiiii and M ill terliiK. Cl'Rim. Julia Vnimhn. Rnmge Hldg. Stenoarnpbers and t'onrt Reporters. Myrtle A. Kel' ;y. TUB Dran. The. n. r2. teel 'lank und 1 olvert Companies. NEBRASKA anil Iowa Steel Tnnk Com Pny, 14th and Nicholas. D. SvSll. 'lallorlna;. R. A. Wllllnms. clothes altered, 21 & Lake. F1NNKY Tailoring Co.. Web. 2.V.I4. Out-of-date garments ex. for new. W. 30-'0. Taxidermists. AuIhIihiicIi. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 3221. '1'riits uiul Awnlaits. OMAHA Tent Co, Tel. S22 Douglas. 'franks and Suit i'ases. Frellng Ptelnle. 1rt.1 Farnam Pt. W lit .iuniifMct orern. D, S. r.rlffilh. wlir mfg. 12 Ftenzer Blk. Wines aad Liquors. MAY CO., fumlly liquors. 1.K11 Oouglas. WILLOW Fnrinvu h... II i ........... - ' - n - iuiiui, IIKUI3, iiiin nii.. yiex jeies. iTWi Douglas. I. liftman, 6-yr-o d why, 10o drink. 14 & Hur. THli more you eat the more voti want of I. J. O'Hrlen's randy. lellclous and tasty. If Mrs. O. P. Urooks, M N. 4l(h Ave., will come to The Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Hrlen's candy. EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM' of B0YLES COLLEGE Opens Tuesday, January. In thu day seBslona. Night school Wednesday evening. Jun Uary a, 7 p. m. , Complete courses In Business. Qook keeplnc. Iteiioirranhv. T.lr.n.v . m. i Service and Salesmanship. The cat'aloguu a reuuy ami iroo lor the axking. Call. y.'rlte or phone for It at once. Address H. ii. Uoyles, President, Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. V. M. O. A. NICJIIT SCHOOL NOW OPEN. New students received Jn all rlawses. . 1 ersonal help given new students. No handicap by starting now. Hlxteen-week term in mnu ion hrinrhu commercial und hualtiess subjects. minor, r.Ju.vHiioniu Hecrttary,. . Phone Tyler 1600. FOR HALE A xrlw.l,,r.hln r.. Oommerclal college. 2i per cent discount u taaen now. Address Y 84, Bee. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." . Day and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand. TVDeWrltlmr. Ttnnkkaanlna. Agriculture, Civil Service. Salesmanship. E. A. Z.i rl man. Pres . lath and Farnuin. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL Complete courses for Stenographers Twenty years of success. lone C. Duffy. Prop., Elizabeth Van Sunt, Prln. Corner loin mii 14 r arnam Kts. TrTORlNoTTst-to 8th grade. H. 3U44: H HP WAXTKD FE.MA LK Llrrleul and Olficr. SALESLADY, experienced in dry goods. Salary depends. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. h'16-bi City National Hank Hldg. W A NT Kl Experienced drug woman; must lie realatwred. Apply Bennett Co. Fuctory and Trades. Apprentice girls to learn halrdresslng. 'I'cnJmlty Nat I Bank Bldg. OIRL wanted at Omaha, paper Stock Co. Cull Douglas lTfl. Housekeepers and Domestics. THE SERVANT OIRL PRORLKM SOLVED The Hee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the deelred results. Hilng your ail to The lice office or telephone Tyler 10i0. W A NT ED Expei lenced cook at onco, references reiiuhed. 4'Jii N. SMh 8t. WANTKD A gill for general house oi kjio laundry work. Tel. Harney I4iy. COM I'ETENT cookw-anted. Call-'.' V. Kirkendall. 3?27 Jucksnn St. Harney 227. J1RL for general housework; no laun dry; small family; good wages. Should be koikI. cook. 311 S. 3 '.d Ht. W A NTi-.D Oil I tor general housework, family of fnur. 113 H. ilili St. I'hone Harnev 22u:. SAY: If you want something good, come and see the unfurnished rooms that Fisli, t'.ie piano tuner, lias lor rent at 1H14 Rurdette. WANTED A cook; references required. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 1M 8. kill St. Tel. lKlllg. i'.'rto. WANT El A girl for kienerul houae- wo-k smihII family. LHi S. 31th Ave. Harney 2:sM. WANTK1 An experiencel girl for gen eral housework: goud references; small family; titrman preferred; good waes paid; position can be taken at once. 713 l ark Ave. Phone Harney KZ. WAN'TE1 A young girl to work morn ings and evenings for room and board. 621 Park Ave. WANTED lllrl for aeuerul housework for family of two; in amall compart ment. Apply 504 South SMh HL WILL Uollie Kumi pleuse cull Harnev 1734 HlwellBsrvii, YOl'NO women coming to Omaha as str.inn'eis are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association budding, at St. Mary's Ave., and lTlli St., where they will e directed to suitable boarding places or oilier me avvigted. Iook for our travelers' guide at the I'nlon station. ANTE1 Ladies to leurn the hair boMnes Call '! Douglaa St. WANTED Oood amateuru and fi form er in ail lines (or musical road show. Also chorus gH-la. Atily to IHievtor, lalii llaruey l., g a a, to 4 p. w. HKL1 WANTKD MALK Agents, Mllcsmrii and Solid toes, LOCAL rulesman to well 10, 20 and 40 acrc tracts and upwards of Columbia county, Florida land. Produces splendid crops. A flrsl-ciatis proposition that will stand tiio cIosom Investigation. 1 HOHT. C. DRL'LSDOW & CO., MM Oiimha Nat. Hank KldK.. OmahH, Neb. THRkLlS or four first-class salesmen, for cUywork.Call at 222U Burt Ht. WANTED Halesiiian to retail our unique Wall Map of Nebraska, mil) Cen sus; every Township named; distunce be tween all Townships. Hize, atixIK. Retail price 52.00. Oooil alcsman clenr tz.(fl per day. Send i0 cents for complete sales man s outfit, in) can he had In your home County. THE KKNYON COM l'ANY, Map Maker. Des Moines, la. AtlKNTS Steady employment and good pay for three nu'nih to a few reliable men. Write nt onco for purt.culars. Chas. K. ong, K10 Michigan Ave., Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED An exporlenced traveling salesman at once to sell ciothing, boots and shoes. In good territory, to work from Omaha to southern Nebraska or northern Kansas towns; state age, whether married or single; give refer ence. Address 12 1032, cure Hee. WAN TE1 (SALESMEN OH MEN OF EDl'C'ATION 1 0 BELL sSECt RITIES. A FIRST-CLASS, CLEAN PROPOSI TION. ONLY MEN OF ABILITY NEED APPLY. F 10.13, CAR K B E K. Clerical and Office. ARE YOU QUALIFIED to hold any of the following positions? - Accountant, must be a systemallzer, SIM. Rookkeeper, M'fg. firm. 57.1. Bookkeeper, bank experience. $70. Stenographer, lumber firm. $70. Salesman, must be "live-wire." balesman, ISO and commission. GET BL'HY If you wlint to consider nny of these. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCJ-1 CO. HI15-1H City National Hank Itjdg. "CANO" Hlgn-grade positions. tiOO Bee. Factory and Trades. Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg Miscellaneous. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you -y both I'nlon Pacific and Illinois Cen .iul railroads If you gain your training In jur school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. 11. Boyles, l'res. Boyles College. Omaha. Neb ABLE-BODIED men -wanted for the IT. . Marine Corps between tiio ages of ID and 2b. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay, 515 to i'i.: Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quurtera and medical attend ance free. After 30 years service can re tire with 73 per cent of pay and allow ances.. Service on board ehip and on shore In all parts of tha-world. Apply at V. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 140i F'arnam St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED More people to raise pouul try with th'o Old Trusty Incubator. Write lor free catalogue. M. M. Johnson, Clay Center, Neb Un 5100 MONTH AL'TOINU. AUT-O SCHOOL, OMAHA. NEB. Juaranlees more actual repair. ng than any three other schools. Come see. WANTED FOR THUS L S. ARMY Able-bodied unmarried men between the awes of IS and 36; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hubits, who can epeuk, read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer, 13th and Doug las streets, omana, ieo.; nui ruuiui dl. Sioux City, Iowa; 130 N. Tenth St., Lin. coin. Neb. ;ui M K.N. 20 to 40 vears old. w anted at once lor electric railway tnotortnen and conductors; to 100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike. Write Immediately for application blank. Address V K2. care of Hee. TAKE instructions in massage and Swedish movement cure. H Ware Block. 570.00 MONTHLY for man to manage branch olfice. Eastern Nebraska. Small Investment tor fixtures. Address Capl tal Collection Co., Dcs Moines. !; va mti.'IV tliiuil amateurs and iierform rn in oil lines lor musical road snow Also chorus men. Apply t Director. 1S14 Harney St., 9 a. m. to p. m. STOP! READ! Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundreds of 'successi ul giaduates. Complete equipment of autu inohlles and machinery. Address National Auto Train. Assn., 0-3 Hranueis ineaier Hldg., Omaha, eo, ,!,u l'IKMI,"MT iiOiM i.i.en WiitA for tree list. Franklin Institute, Dep't 213 L., Iloriiester, .'n. . Vol' ARE WANTED for government job. 50.01) month. Si'iid postal for list of positions oprn. Flunk. in Institute, Dep't !1 L.. Rochester, N. Y. EVERV housewife Oe.-iious of a nice dissert should try DalzeU'a I'ttre Ice cream.- If Mrs. J. F. Swenso.'i, boul faj Ht , will come to Tho Bi-e office wltliin three days we will give her an order tor a yuan brick of this fine Ice cream. LIVK STOCK FOIl SALE llorsra und Vealclea. YOl'NO Jsck fur sale. E. C. Danker. Riverton, Neb. l.'. .1 k: s. I u 1 if..ful h.veAr-.iiil delivery horse, agon and hurness. Tel. D. Piuti. liOsr and rorxi LOST Fraternity pin, Thursday, down town; reward. I'hone Webster 'MH. PERSONS having lost some srtlcle would do well to call up ihe ofuce of the omaha & Council Blulfs Htrtct Railway I'ompany to ascertain whether they left It 111 the street cars. Many ertlc.es each day are turned ln nnd me company la anxious to restore th.-ni to the rightful owner. Call Doug- O.MAHA & COI'NOIL BLl'FFS STREET 1-t.Ml.MAl lOAll-rtril. IF PARrfllS who lost good vision will cu'l at COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. JOil-11 ro, inin, aam win ie rf iru IJci Vjoio uruutii, ai Saturday afterm ion, phon e H a rn e y 3-4. lT6sT A gold heart sh.iped loiket set with a small diamond; lint litis M. L. L.; 510 reward. Call Webster JUll- MEDICAL BEST bearer lor men. Gray a Nerve Food Pills. II per box, prepaid. Sherman ec McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. And you have noticed the Rosamond calendar? The heroine Is beginning to get the notice she deserves. However, to turn to a less pleasant character, observe Desmond resolving to smoke no more cigarettes. Only villains smoko cigarettes, anyway. Also does the scoundrel Bay that he will give hl hench man, the untamed Gomgotz, the back pay that is due him. And the cele brated suit of evening togs Desmond wears that Is to be returned. But the villain was only bluffing. He has no sooner flgncd than he lights a cigarette. His punishment will be shown tomorrow. MOMOV TO LOAN' Salary nnd Chattels, STOP night here If you artj looking for the bc?t place to borrow money, i LOOK The city over and you can do no better, no natter how cheap others advei Use. LISTEN We will lonn you alt the READY CASH you need on your Fl'RN ITT'Rli PIANO, WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, AUTO, REAL ESTATE or ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE. If steadily employed. Such loans are procured In a tew hours' nonce, prl vutely, conlidentlnlly and ln a way pleas li.g to all. w hy take chances of having your busi ness peddled about the city wnen you can get the money promptly of us. THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST KELLY 13 LE CREDIT CO., Cd Floor. 308 Paxton Block, 217 S. Wth St. 'Phones Douglas Hll and A-1411. ttWWWWWeM 5VM4m4meW4 MONEY FOR EVERYBODY $ 10 TO 510D LOAiNS ON FUltNi i UKE, PI ANOS, HALAUlEn, ElC, at cuarges you can aftord, and without the red tape and deiay you experience witli omer companies. ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT HEBE, it s as GOOD AS A BANK ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED. WHAT IT COSTS: You get 10.u0 Fay 12.00. You get 5laf. Pay 17.oi. You get u.00. Pay 2.u0. You get 'XjU.uo. Pay .u.uo. NO OTHER CHARGES. Weekly or Monthly Payments. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 309-U Brown Blk. Opposite Hran dels. S. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. Phone Douglaa 203G. t5aiitamitf:t.K;??KKt55 I 510 TO $100 I S LOANED il 8 TO ANYONE S it We will piocu:o u lurni tor any body who jwns furniture, planus horses, wagons, or anyone Holding 44 a steady position at tiie most ran- sunaoie charges. All we ask is your 4t piouilse to pay. No red tape. No ft delay, vluickly, privately, cueupiy. ln installmeiiia of 41.ii5. 44 sj in insiulinicnis oi i.ixj. W0 In lnetailinei.ts ot 42 4j. 4 Loans muue trom one rnunin to 4 cue car. Teinis to suit you. 4 UU ARAN ! EE LOAN CO., 44 t l&muii Loan Department.; ' 4 e 204 W tinned Blk. Over Neo. Cyoie Co. 44 55 N. E. Cur. l&tli and Hatuey. 55 Dougius iiOia, lna. a-Ujj. 54 5 54 .uomttuKtt;m;uiuutu5vuuji MONEY on furniture, pianos, at very low rale ot Interest. Nebraska Loan Co, 2-t HEE BLD4L GET IT OF Miss rnow, C. L. B., at Star Loan Co., M Paxton Blk. j to 51u0, without security; to suit you. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates, easiest terms. See others, then see us and be convinced that we will save you money. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO., N. E. Cor. It'll h & Doug. Sts. D. 42X ,lnd. A-3512. MONEY loaned salaried people, women ke ping Iiouhu and others, without se curity; easy payments, offices In 67 prin cipal cities. Tolinan, M Oinnhu Nat'l Hank Hldg.. formerly N. V. Lite Hldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and5 perTent. FLATAU, ir.ll Dodge. Tel. Red UVt. IF you have ii sweet toot 11 be sure to try a box of D. J. O'Brien's candy. Al ways fresh and pleasing to candy lovers. If R. A. Krebbs, UOS N. Zr.tli St., South 'Omaha, will come to The Bee office Wltliin three days we will give him an order t r a w-cciit box of O'Brien's candy. OFFERED FOR KENT Hoard and lloouis. O.M.K hauls trunks. D. fill. A-;611. St. Jame. mod. 51. & dny: wok 5." up. TALl.i'J HOARlf by lh week, home cooking; 5I per week. 71" So. llth St. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Two furn'shed parlor rooms with heat and gas. S. 22d St. MODERN, well ht ated, comfortable ct'oin; leiual ravonatile So. "-'nd St. MODERN, well luated, cosy, front room, enisle or doiiblt. 7 S. liith St. W'ELL heated rooms. W St. Mary's IK nU want a comiortaMe and hume llke room, call at L'L7 Junta St. LARGE front room and smaller room. Private famliv. Douglas 1I2. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; modern; --I1 heated and cheerful. (M S. J.Mh Ave. FURNISHED rooms; netv. modern flat. L'lO Fiirnam. MODERN, well heated, light house keeping rooms; also sleeping rooms; re.ital reaeon.ible. am S. ttih St. MODERN, tur mailed rooms; 51 U sad tin. tun S. 17tn. MODERN, well heated and cheerful room, walking distance from town. ZXM Howard Ht. ONE large front parlor, all modern, fine heat, close In. S"S So. s h St. NICE, new. modern room In private, f.pnlly. 1 So. Jt'th St. Harney 4751. "LARGE front bedroom, with alcove; fitinuce beat; best car Hue in city. Tel. lkouKla - s. ONE pleasant, ilriclly modern, newly fiirninhed front room, close In. 1814 Dav-eni-ort H lulJ Chicago St.. modern sleeping room. WANTED Gentleman or man and wife for nealy furnished, strictly modern front parlor. Phone lKiuglaa 6337. DESIRABLE furnished room, private family. Wis N. itUh. Phone Webster btfTS. G0C1D rooms, furnlrhed or unf urniahed, with or without board. Webster k.u OFFEh'EI) I OK KENT Furnished Rooms. 400! IZARD ST., modern rooms, cloe to car. Harney 447. NO NEED ot worrying about dessert when Dalzell Is ln town. If Mrs. H. C. Hell. 4!1J California St., will come to Tho Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. Furnished Housekeeping; Itooata. THE MANUEL Two- room apartment, 523.00. The Howard, 5-room, private bath, $3o.. 21st and Howard. MODERN, well heated, cheerful room. Hot and cold water. Rentals reasonable. 710 80. 18th St. TWO furnished rooms for tiht house keeping: new, mod?rn flat. 2210 Farnam. GOOD rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with or without hoard. Webster FOUR newly furnished, all modern, steam heated housekeeping rooms. Suit able for two couples. 11)7 S. 17th St.. National Hotel. ) Untarnished Rooms. TWO cozy connecting rooms, con venient to toilet and bath, Jti.iO per month. N. 19th St. Furnished Houses. - 7-ROOM strictly modern, closa ln; nicely furnished. Call I). 3477. Hotels and Apartments. Dewey European Hotel. 13th & Farnam. "niCeLfT'RNISII E D ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 H. 13th St. Huh Hotel, steam-heated. 1308 Doug. Ht. Excellent meals, 203 N. iiith. So. Omaha. "llow'ard HotelTTlegant rrrm. 10OJ Howsrd. "HOTEL-Flornar, 17tii and Capitol Ave. Burlington, nice rooms. 1 block to depot. Ca1T8HOT EL. nice rooms, 17tiS Cass S U TfXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. CALIFORNIA hotel. Kith & California, steam heat, hot and cold water. Special weekly rates. Apartments and Flats. CLOSE-IN FLAT. T.ook at 611 S. lttth St., u brand new, 5-room, strictly modern "St. Louis" flat. Reduced from 540 to 4):w. PAYNE SLATER CO.. 8ole Agents, 6th Floor, Omaha Nat. Bank. 540.00 First class 4 rooms, hard wool finish, tiled bath, steam heated. Is Central Apartment, tJ5 S. lMh Su Janitor service, strictly up-to-datu. Immediate possession. D. V. WHOLES COMPANY. 913 City Nat'l Hank Bldg. Tel. D 49- 5-ROOM apartment In the Ulntan. Ap ply 418 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. or phone Doiiglun 1X. 6-room flat on Sherman Ave. Web. 57iw. Houses and Cottages, 2127 DOUGLAS 8 rooms, modern except heat. 530 per month. Tel. Douglas Uj'JS. Scom park; modern. Phone Harney lUii. . $25 MODERN One blk. to N. 24th line, full two story 7-r.; new, compact, up-to-date. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug, or A-2152. Evenings, II. 2842 or 11. 5134. .2428 Templeton, 5 room cottage, strictly modern. A W13, Rich. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Kxpresemen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 3W. City office, 38 S. 17th St. Bee Hldg. THINK Central, cheapest 7-room house with bath, basement, ln city. Apply 230 N. 23d. Central, steum heal; all mod.; 7-r., h.; hall, bathroom, basement. IM N. 23d. 7-ROOM, modern, walking distance. Douglas 3477. II ah o a in ull parts ot the city xioucvo. crelgh Sons fc Co., Hee Hide. For Kent Brick House F'our bedrooms, balli and toilet on sec ond floor; large family room, dining room, buttery, kitchen, refrigerator room, hall and vestibule on first floor; full cement basement, with toilet; furuacu heat; everything first ciuss and strictly modern. Located at l.'ill Georgia Ave. Hee the owner at loC9 Georgia Ave., or Phone Harney 1V0H. S-KOOM new brick house all modern, large attic, full basement, quarter-sawed oak downstairs, mahogany finish up stairs; sleeping porch; corner Georgia, Ave. and Poppleton Ave. Enquire next door, I Hi Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney IMi. 4-R. brick, mod.. 1112 N. 22d. lit.. MoD. i-rutiiii ciiIIiikc line rep r. II :M'44. 2:"iUV MAPLE HI.. rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 5-0. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 71";: A-4M. 5-. t.ll Jones, s-r., all mod., tM. 2iz:i I'aiUwe 1. 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 516. V12 No. 47th Ave., 5-r, mod. ex. heat, 4H. 371.'. No. ZM. k-r., mod. ex. heat, 5-1. 3117 Olno, 0-r., mod. ex. heat, 517. 2 ..10 Hprague, 5-r.. moil. ex. heat, 515. 2321 Rces. &-r., mod. ex. heut, 51. Rees, 4-r.. part mod., 513. 2um Mason, -r., all mod., 4.". 4J ,2 Haines , 8-r., all mod., V-i- So. 3th, 7-r., all mod., 32.r.O. 2!vi Chicago. 6-r.. new, all moil., 5'. H. W. Cor. 2Sih and Sahler, 7-r., mod. ev. heat. tin. 2kv l arker. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 518. 713 I.eaenworth, 4-r., 513. W. tJii Harney, t-r , all mod., 51. HIRKLTT &, TEliBE.NS, 425 Ree Hld. 1 1. 47;4, A-17..4. 572 S. fTH ST., rooms, completely modern, fcij.'O. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 74u. A-44ti FOR RENT New 10-room modern brick house, 2t2J Harney; ready Jan. i. 1312. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Ilenrl.aw hotel. 'Phones. D. 121t.. '.I. 'M. O MAHA tX P. lrC. moving vans und storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. 3J-4. 4It N. 17th. OMAHA Van and Storage Co. packs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof storage. 4 S. P.th. lhanch 309 S. lllh. Tel. lKu?iaa 4163 A-lli. FOR RENT Four-room cotlaKa on tti Ave., between Di-dge and Douglas streets. See Dexter L 7ome, 4IJ Bldg. It 7"