iilh Ithh: 1 KM A II A, lllliliMI.W, .IA.M 4, - I . $ Fjor the WOMEN FOLK Novel Wager At a recent dinner party, where a number of colJetce men were prevent there was quite a heated discussion between tl.e alumni members of Harvard and Oberlln us to the relative merits of the respective glee clubs this reaoti. A well known sncloty woman who was rrenetit at the dinner has been chosen as referee and following the conceit Thursday even Inn will sive her op'.nl.in, which will de cide who Is the winner of the bet. The Obrlin man argue that there should be some good musicians from the music department of his college. Tho Har vard man thinks that his tilma mater has a larger nimber of students from which to select the men of the Glee club, and, therefore, the club from his college should be the better. For Oberlln tiler ( Ink. Plans for the entertainment of the club had to be lifted to meet the change In time of arrivil. The University club, deprived of their presence at the noon luncheon has extended their greetings In the form of u souvenir card to each Individual member of the Glee club. After the concert an lnformnl reception will be held In the church parlors for the alumni and friends of Oberlln. Assisting at the reception will pe: M IMPS Kate Moorhead, Kthel Tiikoy, Matlle HIiks. Beilha (.'lark, Meadatnes George HHrkef. Jr. t G. McDonald. Harley Moorhead, U. W". Noble, Misses Kilna I'luik Helen Clark, Klizabeth Mitchell. Mesdames J. I. Palmer. Walter llllams, Harry Tukey, Pleasures Past : Jlr. and Mrs. A. C. Heed entertained at dinner Tuesday evening for the house guests of Mrs. 11. V. Reed. Those pres ent were Misses I.uelle Krapfl, Helena Trimble Mpmpto. Ralph Wilson, Kenneth Reed, L'irlch Krapfl, Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Reed. Mr. W, K. Bingham entertained at an afternoon tea at'home Tuesday for Mrs. George Marples of Chicago, formerly of this city. Tho rooms were decorated with holly and Christmas green. On the tea table were clusters of poinpettas. Invita tions were Issued to sixty guests. Assist ing tho hostess were: Mesdames MeBdames W. P. Harford, V. T. Rouse, A. B. SomerK, G. K. Bryson. George YV. I.oomis, W. L. Shearer. Miss Charlotte Callahan gave a mat inee party Monday at the Brandels, when "School Dish" was tho attraction and her guests occupied boxes. Mrs. Ward Burgess chaperoned tho party and those present were: 51 lssea Harriet mlth, Kenlu Connell, Helen Eastman, Gertrude Motz, t'laire Daugherty, Misses Imclle Bacon, Gertrude McCarthy, Chicago; MarloiL. HJwe, Grace Allison, Katherlne baum, ICsther WUhelm, .Mrs. Ward Burgess. Miss Ella M. Kennedy of South Omaha entertained a few friends at a New Year's arvv. Misses Emma Kissllng and Mar jiret Kennedy contributed several musl lil selections. A number of out-of-town ,jHts were present. Including Mrs. M. I..-Scott of Chloago, .Misses Zell Ridge ray of Indlanola. la.-, Helen Grebner of South I'akota. The other guests were: Misses Misses Emma KlssllnK, Bess Ktssling, Ktoia Kennedy, Margaret Kennedy, Iraco Dross, Mayme Vanderhaven, Messrs. Messrs. Henry lross, Allen Kennedy, Thomas Ham, Floyd Walton, Arlo McLarnun, M. R- Hannah. James PUley, The II Trovatorc club gave a leap year bob slelgli party last evening and, after sleighing, a light luncheon was served at the home of one of the members. Those present were. Misses Misses Irene Riley, Ros Kuns. l.lnnea Pearson, Georgia Howe, llattle Kunz, Hulda Armhrust. Gertrude Garock. Esther C. Nelson. WillielmUia Armbrust. Mnr. Messrs. Ray Travis. Edward Shuiig, l'".mory Netfcon, Certer Melcen, Peri y Nelson, Swenson. Percy Meleen, Wilbur Chrlstensen, Roy Pearson, Charles Lohrman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lansing entertained last evening at their home. 3.117 Howard street. In honor of Prof, and Mrs. Robert C. Lansjng of St. Paul. Forty guests were present. Miss Kate Gi anvil le enterlalned the inembera of the Yednam club at her home last evening. Progressive high five was played and prlzo won by Miss Florence Dudley. Those present were: Misses Gertrude Flynn. .lean Foley, Catherine Shields, Mary McCabe, Florence Dudley, Louise Shumate, Misses Muv Beadle, Mary Bell. Marie Ruland Anna Dettman, Kate Gramille. Mae McCallan, lilt and llnu Club. .The HU and Run club, which in com posed of sit young golfers of the Happy Hollow club, gave an elaborate and en joyable dinner party New Year's eve at the homo of Mr. A. I. Creigh. Mr. Ed avard Leary was master of ceremonies and Mr. Arthur McShane made the ar rangements for the dinner. Those pres ent were: Misses- Misses Grace Callan, Josephine Murphy. Mary Duffy, ' Marguerite Prentiss, Marian Funkhouser, ( Messrs. Messrs. A. I. Crelgn, Arthur McShane. Bert Leary, Harold Thompson, Edward Leary. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rees, Jr. At the Omaha Club Mrs. Harry Jordan was hostess at luncheon today at the Omaha club In honor of Miss Helen Scoble, Miss Bertha Ilcky and Miss Daphne. Peters. Rpd carnations formed the decorations and covers were placed for: M'.ssea Daptine Peters, Berth Dickey, Helen S'-oble. Gladys Peters,' Marv Burkley, Kutli Hammer, Mildred Butler, Violet Joslyn, Nina I ietz. Mesdames J. J. Dickey, M. C. Peters, Misses Elizabeth Davis, Dorothy Hall, Kalhcilne Tnummel, 1'cta lloldree, Kiilberliit! Becson, I'.nzaueHi itruce. Kmuwult, M , ill, t iu vis J inei Hall. .lames It. Scoble, lla Jul Oall. For the Future. The class of 1911-1912 of the Omaha High bchuol wiil give a dancing party at Chambers' tomorrow eve-ilns. Miss Ethel l aimore and Mr. Arthur Robinson have iliarso of tl.e affair. The January meeting of the Temple liiuel Sisterhood will lie It-Id Friday aft ernoon in the parlors of lite Uiniil. Th. January 3, lw-Jolin !'. Reed, United States revenue Jgent. is thirteen years to the good today since bis marriage to Emily Oakes at Nevada, Is. afternoon will be spent playing bridKe. The Sisterhood meets the first Friday afternoon of each month. Mrs. C. It. Brown will give a matinee party at the American theater Thursday for her daughter Marlon, with refresh ments afterward at the Delft Tea room. Twenty-eight little girls will be present, chaperoned by Mrs. Brown. Mrs. B. G, , McGilton will be t home Informally Saturday afternoon at her homo from 3 to 8 o'clock for her guestr, Mrs. Walter Williams of Humo, Colo., and for Miss Charlotte Williams, both of whom formerly resided here. There will bo no cards Issued. Mr. and Mrs. K. Se'.igsohn will enter tain at a dinner party and family reunion this evening at their apartments at the Hamilton In celebration of the seventy fifth birthday of Mr. Sellgsohn. There will be eighteen guests at the dinner this evening and the out-of-town guetit UI be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sellgsohn of Kan sas City, Mr. and Mrs. George Landsherg of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sellg sohn of Minneapolis. Wedding Bells The wedding of Miss Cecilia McCaffrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen McCaf frey, to Mr. John Murphy of Sioux City, formerly of Omaha, will take place on Wednesday morning, February 7, at iO o'clock at St. Peter's church. A wedding breakfast will follow at the home of Mr. anif Mrs. McCaffrey. The wedding of Miss Olle Gertrude Aron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Aron, of Crete, Neb., to Mr. Frank Joseph Sadi Iek, was celebrated January 1 at the bride's homo In Crete. Mr. and Mrs. Sadrlek will reside at -VJl F street, South Omaha. Personal Gossip Miss Edna Bartjett left Monday for the east to resume her studies at Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Beach Taylor have re moved to their former home at 2021 How ard street. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Van Court have returned to Omaha, after spending the holidays In Chicago. Mrs. A. L. Reed and daughter, Eliza beth, leave today for California to spend two or three months. ' A son was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Creigh of Chicago, formerly of this city. Byron Oberst, who has spent the holi days In Omaha with his parents, has re turend to Northwesteril university, where he is. a. law student. . .. Mrs. luls Allen of New York arrived last evening to visit at tho home of her mother and sister, Mrs. B. II. Qoldgraber and Mrs. Frank Splgle. Mr. Roscoe Thomas left Tuesday for Lincoln, after spending. Christmas vaca tion with his mother, Mrs. I. J.'IL At kinson, and Dr. Atkinson. Miss Edltha Kearney, who has been the guest of Miss Blanche Corley Welch for the last two weeks, will leave Friday for her home In Jackson, s'eb. Miss Charlotte Williams .of Barnes, Kan., and her sister, Mrs. Walter Wil liams, of Hugo, Colo., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McGilton. Miss Ada XIqpp, who has been spend ing the holidays in Omaha, guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Klopp, will return to Evanston, III., within a few days to resume her studios at Northwest ern university. Miss Grace Richardson of Erie, Penn.. will arrive Friday to spend the month of January as the guest of Mrs. Jerome Magee, Miss Richardson has visited In Omaha several times and has a large circle at friends here. Mrs. A. L. Mohler and Miss Marie Mohler left last evening for New York and will sail Saturday on the Amerlcka for Paris, where Miss Mohler will re sume her musical studies. They ex pect to remain In Europe indefinitely. During the holiday season four alumni classes of the Omaha High school have held reunions and elected officers for 1912. The following class presidents have been elected: Class of 1908, Hawthorne Daniel; Class of im, Max Flothow; Class of 1910, William Wentwotth; Class of 1911, Henry. Howes. Must Wopderful Healing After suffering many years with a sore, Amos King, Port Byron, N. Y., was cured by Bueklen's Arnica Salve. Sic. For sale by Beaton Drug CoN Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. FASHION HINTS In it .tunning purple velvet suit U lion lierr. 1'lie otlil, souure revere it a sfieei'i' feature, a!o the hort liell sleeve. kunk for is iim-1 a trimming. The fur hi U iiite the latent o' iuia OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING STORE Announcing the Beginning of a Series of Genuine Bargain Sales Thursday Morning, January 4th Wo will start our bifj winter cleanup by offering broken lots of OVERC HALF $10 to $60 Overcoats for $500 to $30.00 The reason for selling overcoats in advance of the suit sale Every one knows how great have been tho crowds iu former yeara on the first Sat urday of our great Half Vrlce Sale. Such great crowds have always miulo It Impossible to give each customer the high class service for which this store Is famous. Last year we tried an experiment. We started our sales by selling Overcoats on Thursday. VK thus served about 2,000 customers, who would otherwise have been compelled to come on Saturday. They got better attention. So did those who came on Saturday. Snt urday shoppers lost nothing In way of assortment owing to tho thousands of overcoats Included. The experiment was so satisfactory to all that we propose to follow tho same course this year. If you need an overcoat, want to save half and have the time, buy it here on Thursday or Friday. We point to our past performances as suf ficient reason why It is not necessary now, and here, to dwell upon the fact that this is a Sale you can patronize, fully confident that you are getting the newest and brfst garment at an honest reduction of one-half. No specially purchased "Job" lots. No inflated "original" prices. No expert knowledge necessary to pick a "prize" bargain. Every garment has stood a reduction equal to any other garment. A fair and square sale that will warm you up to this greatest of clothing stores. InterestingClearance Our entire exclusive stock at just one-half price. Now, Is it any wonder that the women of Omaha and vicinity wait for this sale. Annua! The greatest sale $125.00 Imported Suits clearing Bale price $62.50 $97.50 Imported Suits clearing sale price. .. .$48.75 $85.00 Tailored Suits clearing sale price... .$42.50 $125.00 Imp. Velour Coats clearing sale price $62.50 $95.00 Imp. Velour Coats clearing sale price $47.50 $75.00 Coats clearing sale price $37.50 $175.00 Evening Gowns clearing sale price. .. .$87.50 $145.00 Evening Gowns clearing sale price $72.50 $125.00 Evening Gowns clearing sale price $62.50 $500.00 Fancy Hudson Seal Coats clearing sale price. $275. 00 $300.00 Hudson Seal Coats ciearing sale price. . .$175.00 $200.00 Hudson Seal Coats clearing sale price. . .$125.00 All Our $300.00 Mink Sets-cleariug sale price $185.00 $225.00 Mink Sets clearing t-ale price $145.00 $195.00 Mink Sets-clearing sale price $105.00 Tho Homo of Quality Clothes OA AT PRICE BKSSM 318-320 South 16th. St. January (Clearance in our history Our All Our Tailored Suits at Just Half Price $75.00 Tailored Suits- clearing Kale price $37.50 $69.50 Tailored Suits clearing sale price $34.75 $05.00 Tailored Suits clearing sale price... $32.50 $59.50 Tailored Suits clearing sale price $29.75 All Our Evening and Street $09.50 Coats clearing sale price $34.75 $05.00 Coats clearing sale price $32.50 $59.50 Coats clearing sale price $29.75 $55.00 Coats clearing sale price $27.50 All Our Evening and Street $95.00 Even ins Gowns clearing sale price $47.50 $75.00 Evening Gowns clearing sale price $37.50 $05.00 Evening Gowns clearing bale price $32.50 $50.00 Dresses clearing sale prico S25.00 All Our Fur Coats $400.00 Persian Lamb Coats clearing bale prico. . .$225.00 $300.00 Persian Lamb Coats clearing sale price. . .$175.00 $300.00 Ueaver Coats clearing sale price. ..$175.00 $100.00 Near Seal Coats clearing sale price $55.00 Fur Sets and Separate Scarfs and Muffs at Nearly Half Price. $150.00 Mink Sets clearing Kale price $85.00 $125.00 Fox Sets clearing sale price $72.50 $100.00 Fox Sets-clearing sale price $62.50 $75.00 Fox Sets flouring le pri' e $33.50 IT'S s4' L tffahzM Blotters entire high class $50.00 Tailored Suits clearing sale prieo. .. .$25.00 $45.00 Tailored Suits clearing sale price. .. .$22.50 $39.50 Tailored Suits clearing sale price. .. .$10.75 $35.00 Tailored Suits clearing sale price... .$17.50 Coats at Just Half Price $50.00 Coats clearing sale price $25.00 $45.00 Coats-clearing sale price $22.50 $39.50 Coats clearing nale price $19.75 $35.00 Coats clearing sale prico $17.50 Dresses at Just Half Price $39.50 Dresses clearincr sale prico $19.75 $35.00 Dresses clearing sale prico $17.50 $29.75 Dresses clearing sale prico $14.75 $27.50 Dresses clearing sale price $13.75 at Nearly Half Price $95.00 Near Seal Coats- clearing sale price. .. .$50.00 $150.00 Russian Pony Coats clearing salo price $85.00 $100.00 Russian Pony Coats clearing sale price. .. .$59.50 $85.00 Russian Pony Coats clearing sale price. .. .$47.50 $50.00 Fox Sets clearing le price $29.50 $45.00 Fox Sets clearing ulo price $25.00 $35.00 Wolf Sets clearing lo price $19.50 $27.50 Wolf Sets clearing wile price $15.00 Don't Overlook This Voc have a tight to be skeptical of Sales but we ask you to withhold Judgment con cerning ours until you have visited our store. We have the goods we say we hava and make the reduction wo say we make. If. when you look at these overcoats, they don't look good to you, If you think we've "faked" you, don't buy Wo are mora anx ious for yoni satisfaction than your money. And I'lease don't make jsanastio remarkM to our snlcsmen. They're a good humored set of gentlemen but It provokes them to hear people express lack or appreciation of our values. When they get provoked they ran t administer our superb store service as we desire. Men's and Young Men's SUITS 1-2 Price Beginning Saturday, January 6th. Kce Friday ICvenlnK'n Papers. Over $100,000 worth of high class, stylish wear ing apparel for Women and Misses at lower prices than ever offered during any previous clearance. stock at halt price $29.75 Tailored Suits clearing sale price. .. .$14.75 $27.50 Tailored Suits clearing salo price. . . .$13.75 $25.00 Tailored Suits clearing salo price. .. .$12.50 $19.50 Tailored Suits clearing sale price $9.75 $29.75 Coats clearing sale prico $14.75 $27.50 Coats clearing sale price $13.75 $25.00 Coats clearing sale prico $12.50 $19.50 Coats clearing sale price $9.75 $25.00 Dresses clearing ' sale prico $12.50 $22.50 Dresses clearing sale price ..$11.25 $19.50 Dresses clearing salo price $9.75 $17.50 Dresses clearing sale prico .$8.75 $75.00 Russian Pony Coats ' clearing sale prico. .. .$42.50 $59.50 Russiau Pony Coats clearing sale prico. .. .$35.00 ' $95.00 Marmot Coats clearing sale price. .. .$50.00 $00.00 French Coney Coats clearing sale price $32.50 $35.00 Jap Mink Sets clearing sale price. .. .$19.50 $27.50 Jap Mink Sets clearing salo price... $15.00 $25.00 French Coney Sets clearing sale price. .. .$15.00 $15.00 French Coney Sets -clearing sale price.. $8.75 umv"