Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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TUK P.KK: OMAHA. TlirttSDAY. .TAXUAKY 4, 1912.
- m
Worth 20c to 25c yd.,
in our basem't, 12l2c
Prandds cash fecitred these
surplus stock of waist
. and dresa lengths of em
broidered white batiste.
checked dimity, lace atrlpe
batiste, striped swiss, mus
lin, broken striped lawns.
etc. Kverjr length in
fresh and new. Actually
worth up to
35c yard, at,
Erery Item in Thh Ad is to Extra Special
and Means in Actual Saying ol Money
WOMEN'S $15 and
$20 Cloaks at $8.93
A new group which w
have j list assembled of
corps of smart, pinch,
plain cloths, heavy mix
ture coats, etc.; all the
newest, most popular
winter features extra
special for CO QQ
Thursday at. .$0.yQ
Scores and Scores of Remarkable Bargains for Thursday Are Brought
Forward For Selling in Our
Jamary Oeariii;
It is just such vjonJerful bargains as thee that have made Brandeis January sale
knswn all over the west as the most important b'irqain events of each year. 2hee val
ves cannot be duplicated anywhere else in the United S ates. ,
Your Choice
Any Woman's Su t
in our Entire Stock
(Many have been
selling at $30 and
12 c Nurse tripe
ginghams, perfect
dress lengths; Janu
ary sale m.
price, base- oP
ment, yd. . .
Beautiful white cam
bric and lingerie
lawns, the quality Is
exceptionally fine
basement, 1
at yard vl
Yard wide bleached
and unbleached mus
lins, well known
brands, soft finished
muslin remnants
basement, C
at yard vC
Beautiful floral crepe
for kimono and dress
ing aacuuea; also Jap
designs i, 8, 8, and
.10 yard patterns. The
price la 18a regularly;
January sale
price In base
ment, at yd. ,
Sale of Linens
is the Greatest Linen Event Ever Known in
Omaha's History Greater Varieties Better
Qualities More Wonderful Bargains
Every day we bring new lots to our coun
ters and squtres- We state positively that
Brandsis nor any other western heme has
ever had such bargains to offer.
Pattern Table Cloths at$3'J
These cloths are the finest grade of hand loom linen,
made of pure Irish flax and never sold over any
counter in America for less than $10 n no
pedal at )va"5
Hand Loom Flemish Linen Banquet Cloths
Exquisite cloths of the rich Flemish linen, with those
exclusive and artistic French patterns; 2x3 to
2Vix5 yard sizes; $18 to $20 are the regular prices
extra special, r WC.4)
dliU W.VO
$4.00 Pattern Table Cloths at ; $1.98
High Quality IrUli "Linen Natln Damask "Table Cloth
Pure linen extra weight table cloths, In 2x2 ft
sizes. Never sold anywhere at less than fr no
$4 each special, at....
$3 Fine Hemstitched, Table Cloths at $1.69
Two and one-halt yards and made of extra fine Aus
trian damask, all pure linen, $3 t a
values, at ,
Full standard prints tn
I'erfclan Cliallle de
signs suitable for cov
ering comfort- i
era basement, loL.
at yard
January Sale
and Draperies in
We start each new
' lesson with a complete
new stock. To clear
everything before new
iprlng goods arrlva we
give some wonuertul
bargains. ,
All the Lace Curtains,
that have been sell-
lug up to $2.50 pair,
go at, pair . .$1.51!
All tne LiBCe Curiam,
that have been sell
ing up to $3.60 pair,
go at, pair . .$2.5U
All the Lace Curiaius,
that have been sell
ing up to $5 a pair
go at. pair . .$3.50
All the Lace Curiams,
that have been sell
ing up to $C.oo pair
go at. pair . .4.50
All our fine Cretouues,
taffetas. Ivory cloih,
worth up to 60c yd.,
go dl, yard "...30
All our fine ' Imported
colored Scotch Madras
worth up to 11.00. at,
arJ 3
All our Filet and Bunga
low Nets, worth up to
76c yard, at yd. . .3o
All the Figured Ktatnine
that aolj a high aa
3ic, so at yard ISo
and 85a
1. 000 fin In.porteJ
Samples of C'ur
talns. aa lone aa they
laat. at each 85o
All the Ml-inch Bunga
low Cloth, worth up to
tiOc, so at, yd. , ...lo
tied Spread Specials
Largest 8Ue Scalloped Edge or Crochet Bed Spread)
Without corners: fine MarallIoa ...
patterns; regular $3.60 spreads, V W
Extra WclKht and Extra Quality Imported Satin Mar
settles Bedspreads PrtnKed or hemmed 4 f ,
In rich, beautiful patterns;; $4 values, SI Ml
very special, at VwW
Imported Satin Marseilles- Bedspreads Plain, hem
stitched or scolloped edge or fringed borders, in
. all sizes; same bedspreads which Am n t
you usually pay up to $15 for JWS II i I
Two Specials in Fine Napkins
lixtra large pur linen dou
ble satin damask napklna;
regular 14.60 quality.
will go in this
January aale,
t, dozen
Very fine quality pure
linen aaun uamasK lap
klna. good size, worth
up to 13.00 a
dozen, at, per
Towels and Crashes
Extra sice all pure linen, pin buck towels, hemstitched
or scalloped borders; all guaranteed perfect. Often
sold at 60o never sold less than 40c fC
special, at. each...... IOC
Extra large alae trlah or i Choice of thousand of
Auatrlan Huck Towela I flue Uuck and liamaak
you renulurly pav ll.QjJ i Towels, worth up to li 1,0
to 11.26 special at ,.4o I at, each ..:0
The largest size, full bleached double thread Turkish
towels large assortment; 60c values, each..25
18-lnch all linen Drown Crash, extra weight, blue
borders; 8c grade, at, yard 3i
Fine Linen Table Damask
7 2 -Inch extra weight dou
ble Hatln liamaak. In a
beautiful range uf pat
terns, that la regularly
or 111 11.69
a yard, at, per
yard .'. .
'"-Inch all ure linen Sil
ver Bleached Damask,
adapted for hotels board
ing houses, etc.:
II value, at fiilP
yard vv
18-in. . Swiss, Nain
sook and Cambric
AIbo corset coverings
in English eyelet and
blind effects, etc.;
thousands of yards.
Actually worth up to
I! 5c yard; big spe
cial bargain, 1Q
yard... i 7 1
BROIDERIES at 59c yd.
27-lnch fine Swiss, ba
tiste and Nainsook
flounclngs, waist
frontlngs; also all
overs and b a b
founcings in Kngllsh
eyelet, floral, bllnu
and combination
many worth CA.
$1. at yard UvC
Boys' and Olrls'
Kleece Lined
HultH, irrey and
we to 14 yra.;
worth up to
"fo at, ca he .
Infants' All Wool Cush Hose black.
pink and blue; worth
zoo a pair.
,t. per
Women's, children's
and Men's sizes, plain
white heniatltched
borders and fancy
prints; worth O ,
up to 10c, aJ3C
Ttlack. whltn and col- IV
ors iu one and two
clasp effects; some
are slightly mussed.
Many are worth up
to $1 pair, iQ.
at, pair.
Women's, Chil
dren's and Infants'
Golf Gloves'
Cashmere Gloves
and Mittens
Hilli lined, unllned and
wool lined: black, red,
brown, navr and white
actually worth .
ip to 6oc, at l.iP
Clearing Sale
. NOiiOxiS
Darning cotton, 45-yd.
spoois, oorcn . . . .
Tape, 24-yd. rou,
white or black.. 5
Chadwick'a six- cord
machine throaa,
white or black, all
numbers, 3 spools
Big lot of yarn, German
town, icepliyr, guxouy,
Shetland loHf.x, etc.;
worth, up to aoc at,
skttiit 6o
Bouthdown Yam, Just
like eiderdown; f.iie lor
toq.irs, worth iio a
skoin, at lOo
New wash trtinmlmca
and eii.broldery edg
IngM, big line of colors,
worth up to 74c yard,
at yard 3Vao
(00 yard Fpoula Basting
Thread, at spool .,3a
(safety 1'lnn, all sues, at
4 carda for So
Best Bras Pins, paper,
at So
Hose Supportera. the
Princess Chic, at 39o
Ntckla- plated Folding
Coat Hangers at ..So
l W M rl A as h, -
Yak r. -71 t ' A W "
k-T . 74w ?'J
YAH l NTi vn
ly.-s-yi? ?t'.
The Bargains Will Bo Wonderful
turday We Begin Our Half Price Sale
the Entire Stock of Men's Clothing.
Stronger and better each season,
the Annual January Linen Sale con
tinues to add to the reputation of
this store for value-giving.
Jiluo giving, with us, moans, first of all, the keening
. A
out oi inicnor goods. jecondly, value-giving means proper
i p.()ods at" fair prices. Thirdly, value-giving means
111,1 showing of satisfying variety. You'll find all of
these things in our Annual Januarv Sale of Linens.
In the sale are
Pattern Clothe, worth from $3.25
to $10.00, at $1.98 to $5.00.
' Napkinn, worth from $1.10 to
$7'Dthedozen, at 89c to $1179 fT
$1.25 the yard, at 39c to 98c.
jg Towels for All Uses
l ic large size bleached huck
towuis with red borders, sale
1 nrice tUo each.
3Hc 2d.xa6-lnch all linen hm k tow
els, purchated enpeclally for our
January sale; choice of rod, white,
anil blue borders, 85e en h.
2Hc ltix6-lnch all linen hemstitched
huck towels, of an extra heavy
weight; none better for wear, Janu
ary sale price, 16o each.
Hf.c large alae bleached ba(h towela,
hemn.ed and all ready for use, ISO
Pillow Cases and Sheeting
15c 42x.16-lnch pillow cases of an
extra weight, made especially for
wear, sale price, lOo each.
lHc 45x3t-inch pillow cases, made
from a very superior quality muslin,
sale price, 13VfeO each.
6fic 72xi0-lnch seamed bed sheets,
made especially for rooming house
and hotel unc, while they last, 390
SOc 9-4 bleached sheeting of an
extra good weight, S4o the yard.
Site RlxDO-lnch seamless bed sheets
of a brand known the world over for
Its wearing qualities, sale price, 65o
28c 8-t t leached sheeting, for he
January sale, 83a the yard.
82c 10-4 bleached sheeting, for the
January sale, S6c the yard.
Bed Spreads
12.75 12-4 extra heavy weight bed
spreads with scalloped edes and cut
corners, sae price,' $1.88 each.
$S. 00 13-4 satin bed spreads with
embroidered edges, sale price, 83. 8
$3.25 12-4 good weight fringed bed
spreads with cut corners, January
sale price, $8.38 each.
Blankets Blankets
St. 00 wool blankets In all of the
wanted colorings, extra heavy, Janu
ary Hale price, $4.86 the pair. '
$7.00 all wool blankets for large
beds, coma In all colors of checks
and plaids, sale price, 8S.BB the pair.
$1.26 good size cotton bed blankets.
In grays and tans only, have colored
borders, salevpiice, 98o the pair.
(The Entire Stock of Pyrography Goods on
Sale Thursday Nothing Reserved.
This fctoek is divided in four lots and displayed on
special tables set aside for this purpose.
Table No. One Values Up to
$:i.HO at "TJ.V. Consisting of
tabourettes, plate racks, stein
racks, cigar sets, etc.
Table No. Two Values Up to
$1.00 at 13c. Consisting of
handkerchief boxes, stein racks,
placques, etc., etc.
Table No. Three-Values Up to
BOc at 10c.,. Consisting, of very
large and complete lines 6f nov
elties of various kinds.-,.
Table No. Four Values Up to
25c at 5c. Consisting of boxes,
placques suitable . for children,
photo frames, novelties, etc.
Concerning the January Clearance
of Women's Garments
Never did we have so many garments for clearance, never did we
find it expedient to force prices bo low throughout our entire lines,
and never has any clearance sale we ever held attracted such throngs.
The advantage of buying now, while stocks are practically un
limited, is readily apparent. These few items will give you an Idea
of the pricing.
Women's Coats at $9.50-
This price is for your choice of
every woman 's and misses ' polo
coat, reversible coat and fancy
mixture coat in the store that
formerly sold up to $23.50,
Browns, grays, navy '
and fancy patterns pij,5J
Separate Skirts at $5.00
A big lot of serge, panama and worsted
sklrta in a wide variety of'atylea and plain
black, navy and gray colors; thaj, sold at
$7.60 to $12.50. will be placed on sale
Thursday at $5.00. All aires tn the as
sortment. Children's Coats at $5.00
Choice of the entire stock of girls' coata
that sold up to $12 60, Thursday and while
they last, $5.00. There are plain tailored
and trimmed styles In blues, reda, grays,
browns and novelty effects. Made of win
ter weight materials and warmly lined.
Ages from six to fourteen years.
All Fur Sets and
Separate Fur Pieces at
This is for your unrestricted
choice of the entire stock
and includes sets and separate
pieces of the finest mink,
fox, lynx, coney, hare, etc.
Positively none reserved.
Make the New Year a Musical Year f
The new year will be full of genuine Joy and entertainment for him who
plates the RIGHT musical Instrument In hla home. A piano, piano-player
ard Victor Victrola are Instruments that make home, for no household Is -filled
with the true atmcaphere of home unless It has a high claaa musical'
Instrument. ,
The Hoape store carries the largest stack of high grade pianos and
musical Inatrumenta In the city and one of the largest In the west. This
fact Insures the selection of the beat lnatrumeot at the exact price one Is
Mason Hamlin, Krealrh tt Bach, Rash A Lane, Cable-Nelson,
I'ryor & Oo Kremlin Son, Hallet-Havis avad Hoep..
Ilrancb Store -407 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Matchless Saving Opportunities in the
January Clearing Sales
You're sure
of depend
able qual
ity at least
price. .
I f Y-HKL1ABLE stoke,
r- r- '-- i-biii i i i-si r -
It's the
quality of
our offer
ings that at
tract most.
Better Bargains Than Ever in Our
Great January Clearance Sole of
Women's Garments
Long Coney Fur Coats
-That sold to $40 to
close at, choice .$20.00
Long Hudson Seal Coat3
$175 values, in this salo
at, choice $87.50
Long XXXX Hudson Seal
Coats $250 vnlues, per
fect beauties, while, they hist,
choice $100
All Ladies' Dress Skirts at Half.
The most complete stock showu
in Omaha here for your selection,
air sizes, all kinds.
$3.09 Skirts at $1.50
$3.03 Skirts at $2.50
$7.50' Skirts at -. . . . .. . .$3.75
$10.00 Skirts at $5.00
$12.50 and $15.00 Skirts, Thursday at. .$6.25, $7.50
1 "
7 mi
1 mi&
Tailored Suits 200 of
them that sold up to $15,
on sale in Domestic Room
at '...$4.95
Long Novelty Coats that
sold up to $35, newest
styles, most wanted fab
rics, at ........$10.00
Other Interesting Specials for Thursday.
Long Flannelette and
Crepe Kimonos $2.00 to
to $3.00 values, while
they last, at $1.45
Women's Percale Wrap
pers In all sizes, regu
lar values to $1.25, your
choice ; 59c
Ladies Blanket Robes
Wool and eiderdown, $5
' value, choice $2.95
Ladies' Silk Underskirts
Messaline or Inffoins, 5
to $7.50 values, . .$2.05
Ladies' Flannelette Drcs.
values, on sale . . , , ,49c
ing Sacques Regular $1
Children's Wool Serge
Dresses All sizes, 4 to
14 years, to $5.00 values,
choice $1.95
Rousing Bargains in Furnishing Goods
Splencjid savings throughout the ontlre '.stock.'' Values of
fered that are brin&inir rrnvrii avArv itj
Tli a.... -mm . "
Ladies' Auto Hoods, 2.50 val
ues, an colors 81.45
Ladies' Union Suits, all kinds,
$1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 valuas.
, Ba.,e : v 08. 75. 40
Ladles' Fleeced Underwear,
heavy quality, vests or pants,
values to $1.00; on sale at,
choice 49 3f) and 25
Men's or Ladies' Wool or Cash
mere Hose, regular 25c anu
50c values; on sale at, per
pair 25 and 13 H
All Ladles' Outtns Taiin!
Gowns, that sold up to to
$2.50; choice 98 and 49
Men's or Ladles' Cnlou Huita,
$3.00 and $3.60 valuea, all
kinds, all wool - or silk and
wool; on Bale $1.08
Children's' Fleeced Union Suit.
$1.00 values, all sizes up to
10 years, at 49
Children's Fleeced Vesta or
I'ants, to BOc values; on sale
at...',..;... 25 and 15
Grand Linen and White Goods Sale
The createst ouanMMa the
finest importations, the pro
ducts of the best mills in the
India Linons, 5c, 7tc, lOo,
12 He, 15c 18c and 25c
English Longcloth, 7Jic, 10c,
lawc, 15o, 18c and 25c
Persian Lawns, 10c, 12 Jc, 15c,
18c, 25c, 39c and 5th.
French Lawns, 15c, 20c, 25c,
39c, 50c, 75c, 1.00 and $1.25
Irish Dimities, 12 4 c 15c, lKc,
and 5c
Fancy White Goods, 10c, 12 c,
15c, 18c and 25c
High Grade White Goods, 25c,
35c, 39c, 45c, SOc and.., 75c
72x90 88c, 45c, 50c, 55c, SOc,
65c, 75c and $1.00
81x90 43c 48c, 55c, 65c, 75c,
$1.00 and $1.25
Bed Spreads, 75c, $1.00, $1.25,
$1.50, $1.08, $2.50, $2.08,
$3.5o and $;t.u
9-4 Bleached Sheeting, 15 He,"
18MC 20c, 22c and... 25c
IxmsJale .v .5ic
Fruit of the' Loom. 5 34c
Hope 554
All other brands reduced ac
cordingly. Linen Crash Toweling, 5c, 74c,
10c, 12 He, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25o
Cotton Crash Toweling, yard.
2Hc, 8Hc, and ,5c
NOTE Opening up spring
wash goods now.
Table Linens
Pattern Cloths, size 8-4, worth
$1.75, each 8
Pattern Cloths, size 8-4, worm
$3.50, each i
Pattern Cloths. 8-1 0 size,' all
linen, worth $4.75, ea. 2 50
Pattern Cloths., 8-10 size, ail
linen, worth $0.00, ea. S3 2"
Pattern Cloths, 8-12 size,' aU
linen, wortji $8.00. ea. S3.98
Napkins, dinner size, puie lin
en, worth $2.75.
Napkins, dinner size, pure lin
en worth $7.00. doz.$3.50
Napkins, dinner size, pure lin
en, worth $10, doz...S4.95
Start the How Year Right
Buy jour Groceries t Haj (Jen's. Get the best,
cash and save from 25 per cent to 50 per cent.
Buy for
17 lbs. bent emulated Sugur 91.00
IS lb. sai'ka best lilKh grade Dia
mond Hi Family Hour, nuthing
like It, per Hack 81.35
10 bars Beat 'iCm All or Diuinomt
C aoap S5o
( can I,u l.u Scouring aoap B5o
I rails Lav'allne 1'ollabing 1'owJi-r
for 95o
( cakes 8HI1-011 Kuourlng aoap S60
t lba. beat whit or yellow corn
1 meal 1 So
lba. food Japan rice S60
4 lb, tancy head rice, ISHc qual
ity 850
Gallon can' Golden Table yrui.
af 35o
3 pkga. Selfrlslug l'ancake Flour.
at 85o
Jellvcon or Jello. pkg ?Ho
tlrape Nuts, pkg lOo
I'orn Flakes Ho
1 lb. cans assorted aoupa ....TVtO
yaart bottles Canadian Maple and
Sugar Byrupa . . 85o
I1 or Aiuftianl Sardines, can 3Vo
l'lnt Lcttlea CaiiHtllan Maple and
Sugar byrups 85o
The l.ont I'reamery Iiutter, 11. Stio
I'eanut Uutter, lb is0
irab Teg-stabla and Trait
Prioes Xtxm Talk of Omaha.
I bumtiea Fresh Heels, Carrots
or Turnips joo
Fancy snmU ts. bunch 3 So
I heaila Fresh Leaf Lettuce ..60
t bunches Fresli Farslev 60
Fancy lUpe Tomatoes, lb.,..THo
Kaucy Cauliflower, lb 7V40
Piussels Sprouts, lb 15o
FreJ. Cabbage, lb lo
Fancy sweet Potatoes. 3 lha..l0o
Oar rtmoni Etghlaud Navela,
per doaea . ...15o, 80o, 85o, 300
peclal limoi Bala,
Extra large, fancy Juicy Lemon,
210. 240, 270 size, dozen ...80a
800 and 560 size 15o
I'er rose, any size 93.33
Try HA YD EN'S First
To Do
It you loss your pocketbook,
umbrella, watchor some other
article of value, the thing to
do la to follow tha example of
many other people and aJver
tlsa without delay In the Ixst
and Found colnma of The Bee.
' That Is what most people do
when they lose articles of value.
Telephone us and tell your loss
to all Omaba la a tint'O afternoon.
Dw Tj.
1 Ul 11
The Bee