i 12 Bv Hershiield znJJ Something Doing in the Narrow Streets Desperate Desiinond; of Tripoli Come On and See Copyright. l'Ml, Natlomil New ' fc":, '-27 iV X I l - : - --3CWt';M I 1 XV I r.T- - -V " : . . ' ' ' TL A - 'TV. V 1 l T' ' 1 ' " Claude Eotalre. hero, ami the American Fallr.r are J n hot pursuit or Desmond, who ha. the beautiful Rosamond In hi rower. They . h wldly through the nar row streets after the villain, whose bicycle gives him a Rfeat advantage over his pursuers However, In Tripoli, where the atreeta are so. I larrow a bicyclist In likely to be .topped bv noma obstacle or another. Neighbors -a o rloe In Tripoli that when anyone. wishes to borrow a dish or a few cup.. Ih V Juat reach a-ros the Ftieet tor what they want- Thl. la. of course, convex nt for the housekeepers, but embarrassing for pedestrian or other passenger. Naturally the villain Desmond does not pause In his mad career, no matter what splendid home-baked cake la being handed across hla pathway. The scoundrel (trailer dishes and their content with an utter disregard of the feeling of the pop' i hire And an the female of the Arab la deadlier than the male, .there la trouble In .tore for Mr. Desmond. However, that notorious scouridrel dashes through everything, helter-skelter. Pots and pans go flying through the air; the cake baked by the lady Arab goes with the reft, and Desmond's course la like a cyclone's. . .. ... ., ,. .. iihcuf dishes have been Ana men ine iii' ii uu.o vutvra uavs w ... . . -- broken. Join In with the sailors In a mad chase for vengeance. If Desmond falls Into the clutches of the Trlpolltan housewives. It Is good night for Desmond. But the scoundrel keeps on going, no matter what happens-what does he care for cakes or chlnaware? And yet even that hardened scoundrel hesitates when ha sees before him a mirror. Seven years of bad luck, he superstitious!? believe! will follow Its breakage. For result see to-morrow's pictures. WANT ADS Want receive,! "li I to In!,! proper clai cation , must be presented before 12 n clock ni.. for the evening edition mii1 before 7.- p. m. Cor morning und tions. Want ad retoivc.l ntter mtn hour, will h.v. their mat Insertion under tbe heading "Too I.ftto to Clasalfy." rimi R4TES Ft)H WANT. AI; One inaertlon 1 , cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent .uo End. im-rtlon nt.de o odd (lay. 1H cent per word. 1.B0 per line per month. Vnt nda for The eo may be left at any of the following "f"J?n one la your "comer druggist they re all branch offlcea tor The Me and your ad will be innerted Juat as promptly and on the aanie rate aa at tho main office in Uio Bee building Seventeenth and Farnam streetn Albach, W. C , hnd raxnarn. , Baum brug Co.. iWSl N. lth . H.. Henaon pharmacy. H"ii"h. Nrt S':.:orIn:- Cermak. Emll. 1204-8 8. )3th Ht Clifton 1 fill I'harmacy. 22U M'b lTV A7' CrlMy Pharmacy iHth bjuI I,ak. . Khler' Co.. itWI '""iUV . At-iiifli. 213 N. Join M. FreytaaTi- J . N- ,h WV ,. rri"!' Drug Co.. 13 N. Ulh Ft . AN N'OUN'CKM Ei 'S KI.AHTli: stocking., a rlera and bRndage.; stock alwaya new, because we rll an mntiy. 1 rushes imi. , avri,uiiiij uaraiiteeil. . u. t leveicuin i'rug i... i largest surgical supply liJ i"e. lav-it arney ft. I lHi;iLAri i'rtniing i'o T.-l. l-ouK. U FrM Floret Green Flornco..uruk,'-. -.-if m. f narm. r. "J'"-.71ir;: OriSouih V Co . nd rvw Goldman PharnVv. 'V'Sdlng. Johanaon Drug Co, Johnson Tharmacy. W nn.. .. Hanacom Park '"'" fjtlS-. hy , Hlnterlong Drug Co., 3iat. Ave. ana ' Hol.t. Jake. 4 N. 16th 8t. K Inc. H. nl1 FttrrJ!rV ti.k . lSmacyndAtne-AV ,latga Drug Co Mth and Av.. . crhimiiir'i Cut Price, lath and Vn'cago. Vachal. P. J . G Pierce Bt. wlinut um jgawwr. ii n CumlnB " (AHD OP" THANKS. .-. .i.k ihmv mir many friends. neighbor, the Noonday club and e.pa tVlally the Elks' lodK6 for the many kl.ul- K. Leaiy lor shots. 412 is. -M. J4"!. fwit.Tiii irmn coiiib n. U ' "wtn. KV'EKY hnTisexvife ilelioui of a nice de.seft should try Dalsell a pt ire ic.o ream. ji ..i i n. .w III oome to The jlee ocrice wnnni inree nys w will give ner an oru'r mr a. uart nncK ot tnis una n. crrwu. IlL'SINKKS PIOKSONALS. t.rf auierles, Uutrles uul hupitltra. Kalrmont's Diadem hotter. Always good. DAVID CODK CHKAMKItY COMPANY. AUTO.MCTAILK9 HONK,Hf;HONK IEUE 8 THE DEBT I'LACH in umaiia DRUMMOND ' 18th and Harney Bb EI J 0l LT STODDARD DAYtrONS 7-pa.sener , 9 F, 7-pa.nker l.ifO , F, Limousine - 2.1 i A fi-nfl.Henurer HOft SEVEHAD OTIPKR MAKES P CAH8 AT V10KY !W 1'KICri. .1. J. DEKIOIIT COM PAN Tf, 1S1H l''arnam Ht. Omnh a, Neb DuiiWnii AcaUr mir.. Hackle's Danc.ng Academy, 1SJC Harney. DHlly rla.iM Mun., Tliur... Sat, evenlon.. lOlevaons M"n. or Frl. H p. in., Bt M L"" ranl . I.adUs, Z. gentlemen 6i private lessons during t lie flay. $1. HI SIX ksh ri;uso.Ai.H i'lnllntf. OMAHA SIDVKR CO. 314 S. 13th. Dontlsta. Palley. the dentlwt. VH CHy Nat l. D. Wacli t Much, Sd fl. laxtor.. O. loho. UCtfctlvra. Oniah; .ocret service det. agency. Ino., bonded. 4Jh- Paxton lk. 1. iai!. A-Vil'J. LTrXonHim l.er, BU Karbach block. KrstanrHula. EAT CAFE. Everybody cat with me. KilO Capitol Ave., north side postofflce. Cierk Cafe, homo cooking. lblH Dodge. TTETThe TTatilt; eal at L'needa. Cap. Av. MOHRI8 Cafe, home cooking. 1 8. 2"lh. Maiiimennii and Stuttfrlnaj. CURED. Julia Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE M lice I la uco us. WANTED One chambermaid and ona Janitor; jinltor preferred who Uvea at home. Apply nt Neb. School for the Deaf, Omaha. Telephone Web. ir. YOUR husband and on are looking for ward to dewsert time they know that viiii have ordered some of DuUell'a Ice cream. If Mrs. W. A. Kddy, 4210 Fai nom St.. will come to The Uee oi'flce within three days we will give her an order for a quart bricK oi mis hub ice cream. HELP WANTED MALE Mficeilmttoun. YOU ARE WANTED for government Job. JfcO.OO month. Send posul for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dep't 21H-D, Rochester, N. Y. JAMKU A1.I.A.V Nevuln Uik. Tyler 11. 1 numakl n . Terry's Drewsmaking college, to & Far. ""WANTED Hf-wing to do at ZUl B. 12tli Bt. M1h Maher. WANTED Sewing to do at 25.11 H. 12th St. Miss Maher. OMAHA MACHINE VYjliKS. General machine and automoblbl repair ing. Pattern making; special miicninery designed. Expert die work, patent draw ing.. l 8. 14th Bt. Doug. BSa7. tea i T-v J T. KEPAJRINU, Murphy Did It FORE DOORS ftrveW. jn.ffi Douglas !22- I'felffer Carriage Work. Auto lamp, repaired. Omaha Sllvar Co. "lil'KINEHH CHANCES. MORTGAGES,' (i ON GOOD FARMS ! Savings bond secured by first mort (age and our capital and surplua of I- o.OoO. NO SAFER INVESTMENT Bond tor $100, $260 and up, aa ult your savings. Make your money bring' you a aood Income. Aak for partloulara. PAYNE IN VESTMENT UO., lith and Farnam 8t... Omah.i. Neb. DruMK'at. t DRUGS at out pr'ee-t; freight p.ilil 410 order., catalogue free. Hhtrmao jicConnrll Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. i;vrr)iuin( bivrtrlcal. Burgess-Granden Co., 1CU Howard. D. 6SI. Electric lighting fix., wluilejmle and retail. BKCONU-iiAiTLl KLkiCTlUC ANo, dynamos, igmimg dynaittos, motors, ie pairs. La hron. al3 ri. Uili t?t. Ooug. 31.4. 'tjra jlliia nuU store. Feed, all kind. Oleneoe Mills. 2233 Izard. lurl.l.. BENNETT'H, cut flowers. Doug. 137. A. Donahue, W07 Farnam. D. lOiq, A -1001. II E8H Hl H4 OhdD V. 14 16 Farnam til. 8tewart'a, eiorint k sceilsmeii. ill N. 1. PAUL8KN, tiorlBt, 171i lirown St. BRAND E1S FUKWT, Biandels Uldg. Sliurtinar Ooods. NEW shopworn guns at low prices. Townsend Gun Co.. lt.l 4 Farnam. atruoitruiihvra ana Court llrportera. Myrtl A. Kelley. 700 Bran. The. D. BfJl bti-ii In ilk. muu Cunrrt Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Etecl Tank Company. 14th and Nicholas. D. 3S89. 'taliorlnit. R. A. Williams, clothe altered, 24 & Dake. FINNEY lallorlng Co., Web. 2u8l. Oui-ot-dale gaiiiieius ex. for new. W.KUi) 'I axlilermlati. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. S22L 1 vuia uua AnKiugi, OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. 823 Douglas. Tranka and Suit Ca.es. Frellng & Bte!nle. 1SC3 farnam 8L Uih dtMuuiitvturrra. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., iS Frenzer Blk, Wluea uutl Lliuur. MAY fc CO., family liquors. 1303 Douglaa. WILLOW tipringa beer, liquor, cigars, .anuwicne. Alex Jetes, iwri uougias. Lofmian, b-yr-oid why, 10c dilnk. 14 c liar. GET your Xmaa wines and liquor ai uiuiiin c bcniiuut. capttoi av. L. HENDfc.Rt.oN. U11 fc'aruaju. L). Mb. 3ATH B FlAiKlS'l tJ, Hoyd Th.ater Bldg- li HUMAN eut ilowers. SHh & Dorona. MR. HUSBAND. If you are looking for something to take home for an extra fine dessert step In Dalxell's. It O. Nau, 4j41 Nortn Korty-nrst 8t., win come to The Bee office within three daya we win lve him an order for a auart brick of hi fine Ice cream. THREE managers, travel; salary and expenses; five solicitors, men or women; guarantee salary. Call forenoon .'iua r ar- nam. . HELP WANTED MALE Agenli, galcauien nil Solicitor.. TOCAT. salesman to sell 10. id and 40- acre tracts and upwards of Columbia county, Florida, land, froauoe spiemuu crops. A first-class proposition that will stand the closest Investigation. nnHT C. DRUESEDOW & CO.. f60 Omaha Nafl Bank Uldg.. Omaha. Neb. CAPABLE saleman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions; $100 monthly advance and permanent position to right party. Jes8 H. Smith Co., De troit, Mich. WANTED 3 first-cluss. wide-awake solicitors, men of ability; good proposition to good men. Address A MO, care Bee. FIVE city salesmen, 5 salesladies in cty, 3 days only. 2441 Plnkney. AGENTS Steady employment and go..rt pay for three months to a few reliable men. Write at once ror particulars, 'ii G. learner, Lecompton, Kan. AGENTS Free illustrated catalogue of big money makers ready. Write for It and free sample of latest patented neces sity. Rose City Supply Co., 606 East 56th street, north, Portland, Ore, SALESMAN to call on the medical pro fession! and represent old established tiade. 'Good income guaranteed to suc cessful man. Also one for central Nebraska and Iowa. P. O. Box 121, Phil adelphtu. ' PROsPKCT Hill Florist.- W. 449L ....... ,hrn during th Illness funeral of my hBXSS3k. M A It H I A ti E MCEXSEB. Marriage license were granted the fol lowing couple inuay: Name and Residence. Olaf Madsen, Cushlng. Neb Christina Petersen, Omaha Thomas II, Scott. Blair, Neb....... Hamantha E. Bilyune. Blair, Neb... Allen Robert Morfnrd. Omaha...... Suretta Watklns, On.aha Merten W. Jonea, Warren, Wyo..,. Emma A. Osborne, Omaha Herbert O. Pearson, Syracuse, Neb. Lydla Benocke, Avoca, Neb John Kudrna, Omaha, over Mary K. fair. Omaha, over John L. Walker. Glenwood, la Cynthia Jaquier, uienwoou, i ANNOUNCEMENTS Age. ... 34 ... 2a ... 49 ... 6 ... 21 ... 10 ... 46 ... 80 ... 24 ... IB ... 21 ... 21 ... 40 ... V) foundries. MeDonal.1 brass and broni foundry, alu- FOR SALE-Ilooper ' Bottling work. I mlnum. tin, lead casting. 16th Jackaon. Discount given If taken beiose Jan. i. MONNICH Sl DKNSLuW. Hooiier. Neb. 1'uru.g .il ovb Hrpairs. Olson Bros., furnace repaira. Si70 Leav. WANTED A gentleman of ineana to ct a secretary of a $460,000 corporation; must be able to Invest from 3,UV0 to $6.JO0. K. Rog.tson. 'AM Chicago St.. Oruviia, Neb. FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS lo fit your .tovB or heater. New furnace, laundry tank heaters, gas heaters, ther mostat and continuation warm air ana not water heuilng. Omaha Stove Jriepair TO get In or out of bustheas call on I Works. 120S-UMH Douglas St. Tl. Douglaa GANGKriTAD, 4o4 Bee Bldg. Tol. D. 84J7. I two; lnd. A-3621. Will NOT INVESTIGATES our Florida proposition? It 1 good. ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW CO., (Salea Agent.) t Cm. Nat, bk. Bldg.. Omaha, Nb. VOH SALl--Patent No. SW2l. Improve ment In self feeders for threshing ma chine: send for circular and prints. Jo seph Kaimann, Jr., Stunton, Neb.. R. 1. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Good. Wlchert.harne, leather goods. CIO S. 13. HARNESS. sauuit'U ami traveling gooua. Alfred Cornish & Co.. 1210 Farnam St. THE MID-WINTER TERM of BOYLES COLLEGE Opens Tuesday, January 2 In the day session. Night school Wednesday evening, Jan. uary 3. 7 p. in. Complete course In Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil bervlce and Salesmanship. The catalog u la ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address II. B. Boyles, President, Boyle Culleg. umahu, Neb. Hospitals. WIRE MEMORIAL 24th and Harney J. A. GENTLEMAN, un5Rer. embalmer. 1614 Chicago St. D. 16T-. B-166. $l,6oo first mortgage for sale at a reasonable discount. Doug. 1063 or 6W Hiandels Bldg. WHAT I horn without a nice box of the famous candv made by D. J. O'Brien? If Mr. V. Mcl.ucas, 426 8. 42d St.. will come to The Bee office within three day we will give her an order for a 0-cent box of O'Brien' candy. la.uraac. Rhodea-M ntgatnery Co. ITU. Ramp:. Blk. Iron aad Wire Fencing. Anchor Fence Co.. 207 N. 17. Tel. Red .14. itousalu li.nHi fur ! Lauudrira. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. H24. HEAFEY & 11EAFEY, Moved to Wli Karnam. A-3205. U. tta. fiTETMorrlll. cliina paint. M3 Brandels Th. I1ITI CI' A'. IJIVPU'V UNDER- UUliWlviuiii Lii'i TAKERS. T0 60. 16th St. Doug. 122C. A-2200. BAltKEIl BROS. PAINT CO. ItXfrVfc Farnam St. Doug. 470, lnd. A-Skil. A beautiful a.Mrtment of .tencil out fit, and Kherwin-William, goods. We do glasiiig and picture framing at moderate price.. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. dr pleating", buttons covcr.d, all sua. and style.. iiO Doug. Blk. Doug. IDM; A-lyja, Lphulataring. piano, turn. reu. 1304 Fr. Safety rasor. sliarpenexl, 3J lUmm Bid. 3S-ROOM ateam heated, flrat cla I EMERSUN Laundry. 1303 N. 24th St. rooming and boarding house doing a good I Both phones. paying business: must be sold this week; hlv barcaln. . GANGESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. Curtains laundered. fcc per pair. D. 2731. GUARANTEE Laifndry. work. Douglas 3373. High grada 1IU8INE8S PEnsONALS Lumber Architects. C. J. Bowell. architect. Bldg. II. Gross Lumbar ft Wrecking Co Bar calns In lumber, plumbing, machinery and $71 Brandalt .team rlttliia. l't and Paul. Web. Arlralan Wells. -, I F. NFBERG ALL. 1011-11 City Nat'l. Macaroni Manufacturer.. i Pklnner's macaroni and spsahettl. lOo pkg ED Hum b, Vei: boring. Benson 143. Attoraeya. O. W. Shield, attorney. 127 B. of Trad. Mnaic, Art and l.ananage.. Orchestra, pianist for dances. D. 4375. Monuments null Muaauieaius. LIS TON L. HALL. LAWYER. i'M Be. J. F Bloom ft Co. 17th and Cuming St Wedding Announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. 1LER GRAND Turkish Baths FlneKt In th west 607 H. lth itre.t 'iwenty per cent lea. than Omaha piles. iiiiir. i iu.Mani tu., Twenty-fourth and L Bt... South Omaha, NORTUKUP Letter Duplicating Co., M Paxton lliock, cucalar letters, any yuan It. y. oldest utabllshed company ; ex- erla of Multigrjpb and to.lyln. I d Barm k. xravrl. tar toofs. U.th ft Lake. Awulug au4 tenia. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. KS Douglaa. Hag Mauufaciurera. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Neb. Baggage and Tastcub. THE ONLV WAT. Baatase checked to destination. Taxi- cabs and touring car. T.l. Douglaa M. Moving, ktoraae nud tleaulug. F.XPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Movln, furniture packing, fireproof storage. City office. 31H s. nth. uoug. sh, ina. a-ui. OMAHA Vau and Storage Co. clean your carpet on your Hours; eiecuia vacuum cleaners. W4 S. 16th, 3U 8. lith. Douglaa 4161. Twin City Exprrs. 1314 Hoaard. Both Tal Furniture mov.; 2 men $1 per hr. W. 2TIK. Ulrd Btorea. e. H. Cole S ravei. lar ioois. inn w uiit. i TflirvQ doS, iiiii Co. D.376. UltaTnanT. I ijlitUO QfniVi gold fish, eages. Max r Mild Co.. Itii Karnam. OBtlclaua. I B. F. Wurn, fitting ft rep'g. 443 Brandel. YOC'LL always be happy If your wed- fling ring cornea from Brudegaard's, 111 H. 16th Sl. At the sjgn of the crown. uoid ieilrug on book., puree., lealh.r ;oo0k. E. A. 1 n on Co., I3i Karnam. 6ouOAoi Li. NCti tS HOT la out beautiful down. '.air lunch and roua water room at loin and lx.I we are rlng dainty lunches and" but and Cold iirmka. 'iry tiiem! SHEHMAN ft UcCONNELL. DRUG CO. Five Good Drug Store In imalia. Neb. Seed Co., 12uti Jonea. Both Phones. llaaaatd Van &. silako. Pack, move, kloie und ship H. II. goo.l. D. 14". U-Ui. tiet your diainunua at liroiWgaard a. an litxuon s hoi, dug boapiial K10 N. ii. Una and Pacaag. Man utacinrera. Wooden Box ft Pai kage Co. 1511 N ttltb. t-aruvta, Una and Draperies. Ualeouain r. Alice Johnson. 30H-9 Brandela The. Bldg. EDUCATIONAL wanted Salesmen to retail our untnuH wall man of Nebraska. 1910 cen sub; every township named; distances between nil tnwnshlllS. St?.0 36X48. lie tail orice $2.0J. Good salesmen clear tnnn tier Auv Send 40 cents for com plete ealesman' outfit. 600 can be sold In your home county. The Kenyon Co., Map Makers, Ies Moines, la II ELI WANTED MAI. R R V H THE MORE you eat the more J'ou want of D. J. O'Brien's candy. Delicious ana tasty. If Mrs. T. W. Jacox, uranu Ave., will come to ine nee oimu mim... three days wo will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy. LIVE STOCK Fun SALE Horses ami chicle.. YOUNQ Jack for sale. E. C. Danker, Rlverton, Neb. . iviii ditiv iroort 6-vear-old delivery horse, wagon and Harness. iei. i. LOST AND FOUND. PERSONS having lost some article would do well tc call up the office of the n.h. s. council Bluffs Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left 11 in me nrwi -mio. Manv articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Cull uoug OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY cu-vifArs l. iip pahtiks who lost good vision will call at COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 2C9-U 6o. 16th, same will be restoreu. l.i mT silver bag. between 25th and Hamilton and lath and Cass; reward. Re turn to 2625 Hamilton. iiis rHoi l of currency between lilt I and South Central Blvd. and 12th and Farnam: liberal reward. Douglas 10 or Douglas 3968. MEDICAL BEST bracer for men, Gray's Nerv Food Pill. $1 per box, prepaid. Sherman de weeonneu i-tuk vu.. umnimi w iKTKruflAI.KSMKN OR MEN OF EDUCATION TO SELL SI0CURITIES, a irmsiT-i'T.AHM. CLEAN PROPOSI TION. ONLY MEN OF ABILITV NEED AI'PLY. F 1033, CARE UKK . Clerical and Office, . "CANO" High-grade pn:tlon. 000 Be. NO MATTER WHAT YOI R TROUBLE von WHO KAID.YOU WERE INCUR ABLE, BOHEMIAN ADJUSTMENTS WILL PROBABLY DO THE WORK. WHY NOT TRY? CALL OR WRITE "BOHEMIAN INSTITUTE," 329 NE VILLE BLOCK. OFFERED FOH KENT Board and Room. 0.M . E. hauls tru n k s. P. 611. A-2611. St. James, mod. $1.26 day; week $6 up. Furnished Itoom. FOR RENT Two furnished parlor rooms with heat and gas. 633 S. 22d St. T'f II i'Vf ll Newlv furnished rooms; l Uinuii.1 reasonable. 2i Harney. LARGE front room and smaller room. Private family. Dnuglna 5122. MODERN, furnished rooms; $1.50 and up. 609 8. 17th. NICE. new. modern room In rtrlvata family, 120 8o. 30th St. Harney 4761. LARGE front bedroom, with alcove: furnaco heat; best car line In city. Tel. Douglas 29. ONE nieAKunt. srriotlv modern, newlv furnished front room, cfose In. 1814 Dav enport St. 1915 Chicago St., modern sleeping rooms. WANTED-r-Gentleman or man and wifa for newly furnished, strictly modern front parlor. Phone Douglas 5337. Furnished Housekeeping Itoom. THE MANUEL Two- room apartment. $23.00. j Tho Howard, 2-room, private bath, $vS.W. 21st and Howard. GOOD rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board. Webster 6206. FOUR newly furnished, all modern, steam heated houHekeeplnR rooms. Suit able for two couples. 1"7 S. 17th St., National Hotel. ) 1'urnlsbeil Houses. 7-ROOM strictly modern, close ln nicely furnished. Call D. 3477. Hotel nnd Apartments. Dewey European Hotel. 13th & Farnam. Cicely fuun ish e'drooms for gen- tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 S. 13th St. Hub Hotel, steam-heated. 1308 Doug. SU Excellent meals, 2C3 N. 2uth, So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant rms. 1002 Howard. "hOTEI Flomar, 17th and Capitol Ave. Burlington, nice rooms. 1 block to depot. CASS HOT E I j. nice rooms, 17( Cass fit. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. FIRST-CLASS drug clerk, one only who can give reference from former employ ers and who ha had good experience; first-claa wage for first-class man.. G 1015. Bee. Factory and Trade. Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. CANDY niaker one who Is good at making taffy. Apply 1517 Burt St. Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL REOPENS TUESDAY, JANUARY 2. Inatructlon given In advertising, arch. and mech. dlawlng, art, bookkeeping, arithmetic, correspondence, English, com, law, penmanship, public speaking. Bales manship, shorthand, typewriting, spell ing, mu.lc, Spanish. Tiiorough teaching dv male expert, w leave out the nonessential. J. W. MILLER. EDUCATIONAL SECRETARY. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening session ail the year. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping. Agriculture. Civil Service, Salesmanship. K A. z.arunan. 1'rea.. itn ana rarnam. TIIE VAN SANT SCHOOL Complete courses for Stenograi avra. Twenty years of success, lono c uuiiy. Prop., Elizabeth Van Sant. l'rln. Corner lhth ami r arnam sia. Mlacrllaneoua. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by both Union Paclflo and lulnoia Cen tral railroad if you gain your training in our achool. Piactlce on R. It. wire. Ad dies for particular, H. B. Boyies, Pie, bovlea College. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Muslciuns tor ihe l.Mh Inf. band; must be single. Address all let ter to Emanuel Klein, chief musician, Fort Maclvennle, Wyo. MONEY TO LOAN, Axii.ir iw,i.ri i, .en wanted for the U. 8. Marine Corps between the age of 1 and 36 Must be native born or have tirst paper. Monthly pay, $16 to $6. Addi tional compensation possible. Ijood. clothing, quarters and meulcai attend ance free. After 30 year service can re tire with '5 per cent of pay and allow ances. Serlce on board ship and asnoi j in all part of ine wona. jm'p? ,i u. B. Marine Corpa Recruiting Ollice. D0j Farnam St., umana, meo. TUTORING. 1st lo bth grade. 11. UM4. II ELI WANTED FEMALE Agent and Saleswomen. WANTED Young woman for advertl. Ing solicitor; exierience not esssentlal; .alary. Address G 1034. care Bee. BRIGHT young lady who lives with parents for aemonstrator and saleslady Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., 16ih and 1 lodge Sts. . Factory and Trade. Apprentice girl to learn halrdresslng. Opiieiiheim, 226 City Nat l Han. li.u. Kalheryn Nikulu. 631-6 Brand.-! Theater. I'lumlter.a POLCAJl & CO.""" .X "'.y; Omaha Plumbing Co.. , Ph.rm.n Ave. rarr.t el.anlna l&tf 14 2L U I'l T. F. Balfe. plumblni; and heating. 1607 carpet ci.aning. 164. a. Z4. D. .1.1. A-4to. 1Iuw(r( 8, u 7U ,nd A.2741. larprutvra aud t-oatraelar. W. P. Deverell. contractor. Rams Bldg. Sitveuaon. carpenter, cont. llih paon.a. Oyatrra. David Col Oy.ter Co. Wholeaal only. , V krwid.ata, DR. ROY. 1603 Farnam. Douglas U37. Llgara and liib.ee., THE fanltary Crown Pip. 11$ S. Kth. fLtuiatntf Maaalaelnrer. l-alrata. HIRAM A STURGK3. patent lawyer. U. S. and forelati patent,, trademark and copyrights; vi year' experience. 644 Biandel. Theater Bid '. Tel. iwutf. Ill D. oT Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Rwl7H7r Wilfard Eddy-1V'S CltyNafl. Bk. T. 1530. iluuar keeper aud UimitalUi, THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Ihe Bee will run your Domes- tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED A competent girl for general housework ' 210 S. 3.th ht. . WANTED-A gin for general houae work: must be a good cook; bring ret erence.. Apply Llo-Jt. Bowman, Ft. Crook. w ntki i Morn neoKle to raise poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write for free catalogue. M. M. Jolinson, Clay Center, Neb. mam WANTED WITH RIG TO TAKE CHARGE of ale of our medicines, ex tracts, spices, soaps, periumes. tonci .nin.i yinrk. and uoulirv preparations, etc.. in" your county. One man made $W one weeK. meauy in -i- Work healthful, pleasant, very printa ble. Reierences required. Write us. We mean business. Shores-Mueller Company, Dept. 19, Tripoli, Iowa. MEN of Ideas and Inventive ability, write Greeley ft Mclntlre. patent attor neys, Waaiiington, i. ... iur mnr ni of inventions wanted and prlies offered by leaalng manufacturers. Salary nnd Chattels. STOP Right her If you ara Looking for the Best Place to Borrow Money. LOOK The city over and you can do no better, no mutter how cheap other advertise. LISTEN We will loan you all the READY CASH you need on your FURNITURE. PIANO, WAREHOUSE RECEIPT AUTO, REAL ESTATE or ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE, It steadily employed. Such loans aro procured In a few hours' notice, pri vately, confidentially and in a way pleas ing to all. Why take chances of having your busi ness peddled about the city when you can aet the money promptly of us, TUJ OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST RELIABLE CREDIT CO., !d Floor, 308 Paxton Block, 217 S. Kill SL 'Phones Douglaa 1411 and A-1411. CALIFORNIA hotel, 16th & California, ateam heat, hot and cold water. Special weekly rutes. ' ' ' " 1 1 ' 1 Apartment and Flat. THE STANDARD . STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS High grade, S-r.. full modern, prlvato halls, baths, pantrios, closcls, shades, gas range. Janitor; tree hot water al year. One left at $33 winter; $10 less summer. Why pay $50 for not aa good? References required. PAYNE ft SLATER CO., . Sole Agents, 6th Floor Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. $$$$$$$$mw KHjawiiittttrtHwi $$ rt i K ($ It ft It tl LOAN a ON FURNltCRE U ANOS. SALARIES, ETC Vf at charge you can afford MONEY FOR EVERYBODY ilu TO $10U tt ti tt tt si M t) tt M and $$ 1515 VIN'TUN St. 4-ioorn brick flats, modern except heat; water free; $13.50. $18.50 per month. Phone Doug. 3474. NEW 4-room modern suite In the Tha llan, opposite Clarkson hospital; also an other suite March 1. Write W. Sedgley. 2644 Chicago St. 5-ROOM apartment In the Uintah. Ap ply 418 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg., or phone Douglas KsXOj G-room flat on Sherman Ave. Web. 5765. 3 and4-r. mod, anartmenta. 816 S. 22d. PERFECT 6-room flat on one floor; fine basement; 41st and - Farnam. In qulre 4)02 Farnam. Tel. Harney 772. FOR RENT. - : A 4-room. steam-heated apartment thoroughly modern, new. In the Central, 025 S. 18th St. Vacant Jan. 1, $40. D. V. SHOLES CO.. 913 City National Hank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. Pi tt without the red tape and delay you a 14 experience with other companies, xl ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT U HERE. It's as GOOD AS A HANK TAKE Instructions In massage and Swedish movement cure. 401 W are Block. BALL PLAYERS wishing tryouta In minor leagues register now. 8end stamp National Base Ball Registration Bureau. lnuittiiapoli. lnd. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. SVe have the Jobs waiting. Few weeks complete by our system. ,, Free Bhavea affords steady practice. Expert Instructions qualifies you for top wages. Everything In the business taught prac tically. Tool given. Diplomas granted. nulling in country or city shops. Hundreds of graduate send to us for help. Write at once iroin aiaiaui. " from xtty. Molcr Barber College. 110 8. 14th Si. $IU0 MONTH AUToiNG. I I V Ai-To SCHUUL. OMAHA. NEB. KJt wUuarKntees more actual repairing than any three other school, t-om W ANTKI A cook; references required. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 15u5 S. 8th St. Tei. Doug. Sa. W A N T El S Cond girl. 116 8. 38th St. TO LOAN LOW Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Fmlth Co. te. In lunn 310 Be Bldg i'hotia Lauic. Zjim. UNION IX) AS CO. I Power. Heafev Cral Co. Tel. D. is. MONEY Coal Dealers, PhatoarauUer. Rlnebart. photographer. lth ft Farnam. Sandlwi g Studio. 107 S. 16th. Take lv. Sturm aanli and door. Welrich. W l. fail I 4 t I A I . Spcil price by ton. 6 bu. for -ifr-.iTT., ., : ' $i. Tel. d. st:, u-2a. Nebraaka Film Co.. 1J1 Farnam at. r BolLJIR. .n.at Iron and lank work. , limal-.a (itructural Stel v orka. KKMoVAL sal of diamonds, jewelry. clothing, men' and Udlea' fur overcoat. caps and gloves now on al at Fried- iiuii IXHin Bank, 11th and Douglaa, will may to I-H Dougia Jaa. 16, Dil Auo- tioa -i p. uu Sutter Feed i Coal Co.. tii Far. H. Ui. C. B. John.on. col. loth Izard. 1 'ptionea HktHtH ituNACi; COAL. D. 1183. Ch.rle. A. Wa.t.rfia.d. A-1VU CO A L and ku.ui.i.g. vanr, 1 n7 17 loralr aad aii cetaa Phaaoaraph. Kdlmin phnnoar.ph. Shult Bros . 1408 Far l-rlatlaa. Lew W. RaberTlVinter 31 BEE BIJ'G ENTRANCE ON COURT. Lyng.tad Printing Co., 16th Capitol Ave, AM. Printing Co., Hot Cuming. D. ii 17. BUs-Hall Pig. Co. 10 8. 14. lnd. A-1..24. VANTE1 A young girl to work utorn Ing and evening for room and board. 621 Park Ave. ""WANTED vltrl for general housework for family of two; In small compart menr Apply ant South 3tli St. A NT ED An axptr.encrd grl for gen eral housework; good refHrencea; amall family; German preferred; good wage paid; position can be taken at once. 715 lark Ave. Phone Harney VMl. CARTER SHEET n.etal woVk. Omaha, '""phou ind. x-26i) for good printing: MIKrIUuctiai. YOUNG wom.n coming to Omaha a trangeia are Invited to vt.it th Young W omen s ChrUtian association building, t bt. Mary Av. and lith St., her thy will b directed te sultabl boarding place or otherwise aa.isied. Look tor our travelers' guide at tbe I nion station. Y.ouo GOVERNMENT Job open. W rito for free list. Franklin Institute, J-ep i IS L, Rochester. N. t vi i. v -ja I.. Mt veara old. wanted at .... , - ., a, t,1 once lor electric runway conductor; $"0 to $W0 a month; no ex-pei-ience neceasary; fine upportun ty, no ktrlke. write inimeaiaieiy mr mJirami. blank. Address Y W, care of Bee. ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED. WHAT IT COSTS; You get $10.00 1'ay $12.00. You get 115.00. Pay tl7.5'l. You get $?o.00. 1'ay $28.60. You gt t $50.00. Pay $.5.00. NO OTHER CHARGES. Weekly or Monthly Payments. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. tt 309-10 Brown Blk. Opposite Bran- $$ dels. 8. E. Cor. 18th and louglas. t Phone Douglas 2"36. It $10 TO $100 LOANED TO ANYONE Houses and Cottage. THINK Central, cheapest 7-room house with bath, boaement, In city. Apply 220 N. 23d. HOUSEHOLD GtXJDS packed, for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas m. City office, 218 S. 17th SL Bee Bldg. , Central, steam heat; all mod.; 7-r., h.; hall, bathroom, basement. 120 N. 23d "T-ItOOM house. $24; 8-room, $.12. Han seom park; modern. Phone Harney 1505. 7-ROOM, modern, Douglas 3477. walking distance. OMAHA EXP. CO., moving vans and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. 3354. 416 N. 17th. ilnncnc ln a" Part of the city. HUUSLS. Oeigi, sns & Co., Bee Bldir. WANTED FOR THE U. S. AIU11-Ablebod-eU unmarried men between the uges of IS and 3i; cltliens of I nlted btates, of good character and temperate liablt. who can speak, read and write the English language. For Inlormailou apply to recruiting officer. Uth und Doug las streets. Omaha.. N.t'0!'!"'" Sioux City. Iowa; 130 N. Tenth St., Lin coln, Neb. We wlil procure a iuuo for any body who jwn. furniture, planus. $i homes, wagons, or anyone holding $t a steady position at the most tea- bonabie charge. All we ask Is your t pioiiilse to pay. No red tape. No $1 delay. Quickly, privately, cheaply, u io In installuier.ts of $1.15. io In Installment of l.o. j0 In liiHtallmeut of 2.4o. Loan made from one mouth to $ t$ one year. term to suit you. f UUAKAJliLCi lAJAsi CO., tamail Loan Department.) n l 204 W tiUnell Bik. Over Neb. Cycle Co. ! 1 N. E. cor utn ana .uai ney. t ,i Duu..aa 5'.io, lnd. Jl-IUjv. $$ W GET IT OF Mis Suow. C. L. B-. ai Star Loan Co., 614 Paxton Block, li to $100. without security; to suit you. STOP! READ! LADIES, learn ctiiiia painting la spar tln.e; experience unnecessary: large profit mad, our famous horn study course of lesson given absolutely free lo tho.a purchasing supplle from ua. Writs for particular. Institute of Ap putd Art, Dp't E. Rochester, ... Y. Collars, 2c. Carey Laundry, tl S. bin. Get Into a paying croft Jl'n. Learn automobll engineering in our laige training ahop. Hundreds of auc ceasful graduate. Complete equipment of automobile and machinery. Address National Auto Tralo Aa.n.. Broaalri l neaier Hdg.. Ouiaba, NS AN T connoisseur of confectionery will readily tell you that there are no candle which can outshine O'Brien' ln purity or daintiness. If Mrs. J. Mattox. 314 Foa ler Ave., will come to The Be office within three days we will give her an order for a 0-cut box of o urtena canay, j k-RoO.M housu, modern except heat, 1413 N. 24th St., $20. 7-room house, modern except heat, 2313 Charles St., $19. . 0 rooms, 2d floor, 1106 N. 20th St., mod ern except heat, $14. 6-room cottage, modern except heat, 3Ki4 N. ad St.. $20. 0-roiiin house, modern except heat, 1613 Corby St., $1!. 6- room, 1st floor, 1301 N. SCtli St., partly modern, $16. -iooni, I'd floor, 1902 N. 26th St., toilet $13. 7- room house, modern except heat, 29 Izard St., $20. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming Sts. 21-7 DOUGLAS & rooms, modern except heat, $10 per month. Tel. Douslas 15W. MuNEY on furniture, pianos, at very low rale of Intereat. Neb. Loan Co. ZJU BEE BLUU. Doug. 1.150. A-1366. NO NEED of worrying about dessert when Daixell Is In loan. If Mrs. J. Peterson. 4'bu Douglas St., will come to The Bee office within three day we will give her an order tor a quart brick ut this fine Ice cieain. " CHATTEL LOANS Loaea1 rales, easiest terms. See other, tlieu aee u and be convinced that will save yriu money. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.. N. E. Cor. ltand Doifla 8f. D. 4W, lnd. A-ii.ll. MONEY loned aalar-aa opie, women keeping hous and others, without se curity; eay payn ent. Office In 67 prin e pal cities. Tclman. 5o3 Omaha Nail Lank bldg... formerly N. Y. Lite Bldg DIAMOND LOANS at 2S and $ per rant, FLATAU. 16U Dodg. Tel. Red 6l$. For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and toilet on sec ond floor; large family room, dining room, buttery, kitchen, refrigerator room, hall and vestibule on firm floor; full cement basement, with toilet; furnuca heat; everything first class and strictly modern. Located at 1511 Georgia Ave. t-ee the owner at loo!) Georgia Ave., or phone Harney 1509. 26th and California, 9-R., hot water heat, roomers, $50. 21st and Wilt. Kountze Place, $-R., gar age, $ri0. 19th and Hamilton, 7-R., new, square, all modern, $40. 1341 8. 31st., face Hanseom Park, 6-R., bath, $.. 45th, near Webster, opposite Cathedral, 8-R , $;. . 2M6 N. 2oth. i-R , sij., all mod., only $2T.. U1X Charles. k-R. and hall, all modern, one-half block to cur, $25. 2Si Leavenworth. 6-R., and bath, $22.5 .OJ Corby, 6-R., cottage, bath, new, t lots, 20. 972 N. 2Mh Ave., 7-R., water, gas, cistern, three l xs. O I.FK REAL ESTATE CO. 101$ On i. i Nat l Bank. Doug, or A-Jl'i Evenings: H. irM2 or H. 6134. MOP. 6-room cottage; tine rep r. H. $644.