f'JIK 15KK: OMAHA. 1 UUh'SIUY, J ANT All V 4. n TVT 9 Menu 0 The Final Cut Thursday Less Than One-Half Price The Culp-Langworthy ClotSies Shop amkrapt Stock The best wholesale tailors in the U. S. are. represented in this stock such as Sturm-Mayer, Chicago; Garson-Meyer & Co., Rochester; the "L" System; Adler's Collegian and Brandegee, Kinkaid & Co., Utica, N. Y. OVERCOATS that Culp- T -a-.tAUt soU for $37.30 and Langwortny 540.0, at $17.46 OVERCOATS 11 A. 95 That Culp-Lang-worthy sold as high aa $35.00 at OVERCOATS That Culp-Lang- mrfl tfy, AC worthv sold as V " JJ high as $27.50 at 11 OVERCOATS that Cu!p- T MM(c.A1.w soldashijhas $22.J0 jUUIlH W Ul IU Tnursday at Culp-Langworthy Clothes Shop was known to handle only the best and most stylish clothes, and think of buying them at LESS THAN ONE-HALF PRICE Location: S. E. Corner 16th and Harney Sts. Ground Floor City National Bank building ROAD OVERWORKS TRAINMEN Burlington is Sued for Seven Al leged Violations of Law. FULL PENALTY IS DEMANDED .Two Instances of Violation Said to Have Occnrred Between Lincoln ad Slonx City and Others on Ashland Kan. Upon Information furnished by the In terstate Commerce Commission, United Btates Attorney Howell has tiled suits in federal district court against ' the IJurllngton, alleging seven violations of the act of congress, providing for the regulation of working hours of train crews. The full penalty of $300 for each violation Is nfked for. The allegations are that on h'eptember 8 on the run between Sioux City and Afhlar.d, Neb., Engineer C.-V. O'Grady .was on duty eighteen hours, and that on the name run Fireman C. L. Bhaw, Con-i ' ductor 3. M. Oldham, and Brakemen ' It. Vaughn and' ft J. Herring were com pelled to rema'n on duty the came length of time, ' . Other Instances In which the law was violated are said to have been on Sep ' tember 2. when engineer F. A. Lewis ' worked "eighteen hours on the run be--tween Lincoln and Sioux City, and on TPeptember 26 v:he Engineer W. A. Smith -was forced to do exactly as Lewis had. : Apartment House Managers Elect The Apartment HoXise Managers' asso ciation of 0maha held its annual meeting 'Tuesday ulifht and elected n. C. Sti'ehlow president, V. H. M2cfur:and vice presi 'dunt and Htlward Klntor arcr.-tary and . treasurer. Argentine Wants y Omaha Statistics The fame of Omaha Is not confined to tho United States. City Clerk Dan B. Butler has received a letter from Juan Alvero, director of Uosarla, Argentine, asking for more Information about the city. The letter follows: .'To the Town Clerk of Omaha: "Sir: In behalf of the Bibliotexa Ar gentine, I have the honor to address you, requesting the official reports, census, statistical data, bylaws and general regu lations of your town, which may be ob tained. "I hope you will kindly attend to this request. The circulating of works of such description Is advantageous, as they give full Information about those cities with whom we maintain relations of the high est Importance for our progress. "I avail myself of this, occasion to offer, you the' assurance of my , moat distin guished consideration." Thieves Choose the "Big Plymouth Rocks A. Kelson, 2S17 Blondo street. Is look lug for eight I'lyinouth Rock chickens which were stolen from a coop In his back yard. Tjre coop was entored by burglars, who broke the lock. WRECK YICTIMCOMES HOME F. F. Roar Literally Blows' Into Town with Few Clothes On. SAVES WIFE AND HIS PANTS 0BERLIN CLUB DINES IN ITS PRIVATE CAR The Oberlln College Glee club will give a --concert this evening at 8 o'clock at the First Congregational church, Nine teenth and Davenport streets. The club arrives at 6:30 In the evening from Kan sas City in a private car. According to custom the boys will dine, on their car at i o'clock. Omnlia Man and Hta Spouse Occupy Wabash Coach Which Is Wrecked and Darned In- l.lMle- t'aa- ry Town In Missouri. . t Oarbed only in a pair of breeches, a coat and a handkerchief, about all ha saved out of a railroad wreck In Mis souri, F. F. Itohr, fciO . Krsklno street, literally blew Into town Tuesday night. Itohr, who was accompanied by his wifo, was on the Wubuah train that was wrecked Monday night at a little town In Missouri about twenty-five miles out of St. Louis. The car In which they were riding, was thrown across a country town depot and the couch was consumed by flames. Itohr grabbed , his trousers and his wife and escaped. Later he recov ered his overcoat, but that was all. He managed to secure an old pair ot shoes, and with a handkerchief to keen his ears warm he took the first opportunity to get home. Mrs. Rohr also left some of her clothing In the wreckage In the flight. Rohr is a lithograph transferer In the employ of the Omaha Printing company. The story of his return leaked out yester day, when he showed up nt the ofice to get money enough to buy some clothes. Ha had $."9 which was burned up In the wreck. CITY ELECTRICIAN HAS ISSUED MANY PERMITS Purine the year 1111 City Electrician Mlchaelsen Issued 2,453 permits for InBlde wiring, 4.7 Inspections and collected I.",S-1C.03 In foes. The work of tho year was one of the heaviest recorded. Ice Cutting Starts at Carter Lake f V...... tlr "'eii --- . F ' ". . M i J i - ' ental rag prices slaiigEiSered Best stock of genuine Orientals in Omaha, arrived too late for Christmas trade, gees at amazinbargain prices The Taminosian stock of Orientals the most complete and beautiful in Omaha is now offered at the greatest reduction ever given in this city on genuine Orientals. These prices last but a few da's. Taminosian is the only Oriental rug expert in Omaha. He has bqen here for thirteen years. All his rugs are imported. You are protected against imitation Orientals, for Taminosiaji knows Orientals as nobody in the city does. Taminosian rugs, aside from their artistic standard of color and design, possess the UTMOST WEARING QUALITIES. Every one of them was caVefuUy and judiciously chosen. NOWHERE IN OMAHA CAN YOU GET SUCH ORIENTALS AT SUCH PRICES. We challenge competition to show such bargains. These are genuine rugs, every one, and we guarantee them. They have the beauty, the design and the wearing qualities that will make them last for use by your grandchildren. The collection and variety is very large. Read these prices, and you will marvel at the big cuts: Visit this storo today at 1000 Farnam Street Greatest Oriental Rug Event In Omaha's History , i $:W.OO Mosul, 5-Sx3-6 , :.00 Mosul, 6-4x3-4 $13.00 ltoklinra, 4-3x3-3 ... $:?.YO0 Modem Siiralmnd, Cx3-2 fSli.tM) Flno I'abiNtan, 0-6x3-9 94I.OO Fine lirlm hlstun, 6-6x3-4 HMK Finn Antiiiup HannMlii, 6-5x3-2 ftiU.OO ll.l(nhMiiii, 6-4x2-10 $00.00 Anthjuo Cniiielhalr Hun, 7-2x3-1 SB SBJBt mm I tit a IUI2.00 Slnna, 4-Sx:y4 94.V(M Antiiie HaiiiHtlan. 6-10x3-5 ... VIO.OO nlliif llniimdiui, 6x3-4 $5:1. (M) Antiiiue CaimUlmlr Hug, 6-8x3-5 $10.00 lHnhlian, R-8X3-10 f.lH.OO 11, luchlstn, 5-8x3-3 . fOo.OO llukhaii lrayer Hur, 4-Cx3-10 ... I5.0 llukliara,- 3-6x3-4 $4M.OO Antique llumadan, 6-8x3-3 $121.00 lUro Ispahan. 6x4-2 $105.00 iNpnhatt, 7x4-6 $00.00 Kai-akhM, 5-7x4-4 $17..00 Haro Antique (iuliston. 6-6x4 $n:t.(M) Antlquo lUluchlsUn, 6x3-6 . , $5i.00 Fine llelm lilNtan, 5-10x3-3 ... $38.00 Anatolian Kllllm, 5-6x3-S $4.00 Modern Saraband, 6x3-3 . . . . $13.00 Moaul, 5-10x3-S 943.0O lleluehlstan, 5-6x2-6 ............ $U2.00 Antlquo Houclibulak, 6-7x3-5 $170.00 Fine llijar, 9-8x5-7 M $03.00 Botichbulak, 9x4-5 $110.00 Afslior, 7x4-6 $.-.YOO MohiiI, 6-8x3-9 $t:l.OO Anuqufi llclu lilwtan, G-Gx3-1 $18.00 Hamndan, 5x3-5 $150.00 lUkhtlarl, 6x4-8 $1.'S.OO Fine lairiMtan, 6-9x5 DiiriN.oo Antlquo lH.ar, -KX4-i $107.00 lHpahan, 6-4x4-6 $10:1.00 Afslinr, 7x5 . . $12..00 Afshar, 11x4-8 . : $17S.OO Antique Shlrnz. 11-3x6 $130.00 Fine Tabriz, 6-5x4-6 . $lHft.00 Fluent Haruk, 6-8x4-4 $80.00 llaku, 6-4x4-2 . $10A.OO Antique Afuliar, 6x5 $123.00 Finest Herman, 5-2x4 $73.00 Antique Cashmere, 6-1x4-4 $47.04) Cashmere, 6x4-7 . . .' . $110.00 Aullque Komliliulak, 6-8x4-3 ... $113.00 Antique Afsbar, 9-10x4-10 . . . $120.00 Fine Saraband, 6-6x5-5 ......... $5.00 Houchbulak, 6-5x4-2 ........... $100.00 LnrlHtan, 6-6x5-3, .............. $125.00 Ispahan, 6x4-6 , $103.00 Tabriz, 6x4-2 .... .......... . $11.00 Camera TrapplnR. .4x1 $850.00 Fine Havalan, 16-6x11 $925.00 Mahal, 12-4x9 $103.00 Fine Lurlstan, 7x4-10 Un LJn LI LLiVU U u Vi t S2S.CH) sn-t.uo sur.oo 944.00 &S2.00 930.00 93.1.00 S47.00 S 46.00 933.00 93r.oo 935.00 930.00 .931.00 93J.C0 9ro.o( 930.0O 934.00 9S0.00 97O.00 940.OO 9125.00 930.00 9311.00 925.00 92S.00 934.04 931.00 920.00 915.00 9125.00 970.0O 975.00 930.00 931.00 -933.00 9120.00 91OO.00 9110.00 975.00 . 975.00 9H5.00 S125.00 900.00 $125.00 SIO.OO 975.00 "900.00 94H.OO .-.9:53.00 ....97H.00 985.00 987.00 ........ .905.00 900.00 . . . m . . 980.00 $71.00, ...... 90.50 1 - 9500.00! 9175.00 ..........877.00 asi i 1 tm 1 1 ft mm $73.00 Antique Iran. 9-4x4-10 $70.00 llaku, 5-4x3-S $.-.(. 0 Shit-van Kllllm, 8x6-6 , $1IH.00 AfKbunlNtan, 9-Sx7-3 , $11.00 CiuneU Trapping, 4-.1xt $773.00 Flmut lM.ir, 15-2x9-3 . $223.(H) llerlx, 14x11 $:(0O.O0 Finest AfuliiinUmn, 11-8x8-8 .. $18.00 Anatolliin Kllllm, old. 14-6x5 ... $1200.00 Fine Mei.bnd, 12-9x8-10 U.OO Nhlrvan Door Mat $20.00 camera Trapping, 6x1-3 $10.00 Cn mel's Trapping, 5x1 , 1W23.00 Mahal Mlit I Hue, 12-4x8-7 ... $78.00 Hare Antique Anatolian, 5-18x3-4 $330.00 Fine Klrinan, 12-2x9 $10.00 (Vimel'H Trapping, 4-xl $03.00 Flurit llfUuehistan, 6-6x3-10 .... $0.tH Camel'H Trapping, 3-4x1-3 $H.OO AnaollA, 2-7x1-9 . . . , $3.1.00 Naruk, 5-1x3-6 $.150.00 Vainiit lUire, 11x7-6 . , $'173.00 lluluk. 14x11 $: 3.110 Flue llexhir, 13x5-2 $03.00 AfNbar. 6-4x4-4 .... $473.00 l.lr, 12x7-7 $73.00 Hiirakhft, 5-6x4-6 $:23.(M) JomhaKban, 12x9 $.1.00 Shlraa, 6-6x5 WI.WI AlOfllll, 1X2-9 $3 l.Oo Antique DaghUtan, 5-6x3-7 $130.00 Fine Afghanistan. 9-4x5-9 a. ..a . 1 . a 1 1 ... ii n t 1 Witii.w rine niKiwniHuui, o-u-i ......... $N3.0( Antique Kazak, 6-4x4 $12.(M) lleluchltanM 2-7x1-9 , S3l25.nO Fine Malia(l. 11x8 $110.00 Fine Haralmnd. 7x4-6 $130.00 Antlquo Afglianlstan, 9-3x6-10 $78.00 Klrinan,. 6x3 $400.00 Klrinan, 10x7 $30.00 MonuI, 8x3-3 ...... $;.oo MonuI, 8-2x3-7 . . . . lln IHl h'lnn Nlnnm. HYI.X ........ $115rOO Fine Haralmnd, 6-3x5 ............. $70.00 Fine Soruk, 5-6x3-5 $11. 0O lleluchlMftn, 2-10x1-0 ...... J. .... , $:i(H).00 lluluk, 12x9 . . . $:i(M.00 lluluk, 12-6x8-8 ................... $700.00 Finest Haruk, 12x8-8 ?irt.m nnariz, 1111.11 II tflO IHI Rare HhUxM. 17xS-4 $1:13.00 Finest Antique Iran, 13-10x3 $87.O0 Camel's lUmndan, 10-7x3-7 $(13.00 Hantadan, 12-6x3-8 ................. $113. OO India,, 11x8 $223.00 Mahal, 12-1X9-1 .................... $073.00 Finest Haruk, 12-6x9 .............. . $:50.00 Fine Uorovan, ' 12-6x9 $79.00 Bhlras. 1 1 x3-7 .................... . $800.00 Fine Klrnutn. 14x10 ................ $13.00 Hughai-a, 6-2x3-2 . ,......,......,..,. ... 82115. (H) C'Milunore, 12x9-2 $83.0O Antique Houclibulak, 11-6x3-8 I.... ....... I ... . ... .. k . mm . .. . ... 1 . . . ... . . .910.00 S I5.00 -934S.OO 91 IO.OO 9S.OO 9500.00 .HI 50.00 S2O0.OO -930.00 $210.00 -90.5O - 912.0O .90.00 9235.00 952.0 l 9385JX) 95 .00 970.00 ?i.OO 'O.OO -rto.oo 9415.00 fty.55.00 W220.00 -900.00 3350.00 950.00 - 922O.0O 902.00 91 1.00 935.00 9 KM). OO -900.00 -900.00 98.00 82 1O.00 985.00 905.00 955.00 8285.00 930.00 927.00 .980.00 .978.00 857.00 --80.00 9220.0O 9220.0O 8475.00 945.00 8725.00 -9O5.0O 900.00 945.00 9135.0O 9175.00 9475.00 9275.00 -948.00 S500.00 ..933.OO 81 50.00 800.00 i 1 DOT Oinatia's Largest Oriental Rug House I8O8 Farnam Street Omaha Sheep Men Buying Corn m Nebraska Krnebt Nordstrom of the Nordstrom Qruin company reports a lively demand for Nebraska corn among Wyoming sheep men. Large quuntltles have bem sola Dy Omaha giuin men to Wyoming and west ern Nebraska within tho last few days. It is not shipped from Omaha, but direot from the tracks In central Nebraska. He dttolares that he owns nearly $4,104 worth ot stock In the Btar and Orescent creamery at Colorado Springs, and thut the stock la valueless. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WANTS CITY BEAUTIFUL A comprehensive plan for the future development of Omaha as a city beautiful was submitted In a report by chairman E. T. Heyden of the city planning com mittee of the Ileal Kstate exchange at yeeterduy's meeting of tha evchunge. "We ought to employ men who make a study and bunlness of Hcientlflc city plan ning to oine hero ami Htudy our city and make the plan," Raid the report. "It will take months of study of our present city as a bafls and of physical aavantages and the needs of the present population and prospective future growth." As a basis for work in this line the committee recommended that the city en gineer's office prepare a relief map of tho city. MRS. DELANEY DISPOSES OF THE ST. JAMES HOTEL The St. Jamim hotel. 4U South Thir teenth street, has panned from the own ership of Mre. I'auline lielnrx y, who has operated it for the last five years, to V. E. Hterrlcaer and Walter Jardlne. The nw owners will take possession St ones and continue the operation of the hotel along tha saino lines as in the past. In tho spring they Intend to spend between U and $10,000 for repairs. Mrs. Delaney will rloe up all of her I,U:!ii-sj urfaii-J -here at once and she i :or Knoxvllle, Tend., w!ih h'-r son, !!ward, and daughter, , a.:d m.Ka ner iiome with hur i.v. tl'lct ton, James and Charles, wlio ate operatimt a hotel there. LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE NAMES NEW OFFICERS Thomas H. McPherson has been re elected president of the Live Htoclc Kx change, and Jay LAverty has been chosen vice president. Directors hava been elected as follows. J. It. Itoot, J. F, Sullivan, W. 11. Taag. Tha following committees are announced: Arbitration James llurnx, O. J. Kyte, E. W. Hose, F. K. Scott and Hamuel Werthelmer. Grievance C. 11. Bogue, Jr.. J. If. Bulla, Byron Clow, J. M. Flynii anl F. F. A, YVellman. OMAHA TEACHERS MEET WITH SCHOOLMAS I ERS' CLUB Tha Nebraska 8choolmattors' club, which meets in Lincoln February I, wl'l to iif.enCed by several Omana le.'iclien,, Invitations have been received and ac ceptances sent. Dr. William E. Hcliell of York col lego will deliver the address and Chancellor C. A. Fulmer of Wesleyan university and E. H. Harbour of the stats university will lead tha discussion. The Invitations were sent by F. M. Hunter, president, and Ciuorgo L. Tow ne, secre tary, to every member of tho organization. TRIES TO THAW PIPE, SETS FIRE TO HIS HOME TRAVELING MAN RESORTS TO BANKRUPTCY COURT Thornaa T. l'lnkerton, a traveling salej ma.i employed by the Nebraska-Mollne l"oy company, has filed a petition In bankruptcy In federal court, lie sched- .vi mu. ANNCAii liAXWii O- iCJJ t'Olt OMAHA AN u VICiNiTlf. i uli - hi debts at $'Jii and Bays he iiyai no assets nnat are not exempt. Accoru lns; to the petition, an unlucky Invesi n.ci.t was th cauee of t'lnkertoa'a failure. Frank Fryson. 1213 Cuss slreel, exsayed to thaw out the pipes In Ills house yes terday. After the firemen had finished the chief estimated ruughly that Fryson Is out about $H) for fir damage. He conceived the Idea of building a little blase under the froz'-n pipes In the cellar und after touching a match to th kindling he went upstairs to ;ct some more fuel. The entire floor above the cellar was damaged and other destruction waa perpetrated by the flames. Tha ad joining house, occupied by Mrs. Fannia King, waa slightly damaged. FIVE MORE WOULD BE CITY COMMISSIONERS Flvo mora aspirants for commissioner- chip are circulating petitions. - Three blanks were, taken from tha city clerk's office by Hilly Nort m. t La circulated for Vred B.unlng, rx-cusUxllan of the court Rouse; Henry tiHtrom, clerk of tne board of county eomm!sn!rr,ers; a. id Chris Petersen, saloon-keeper at Thlrteentri am! Chi'atio. fcam Rothwcli and John A, Hliio have also taken oi.t blanks, sup posedly to be circulated In their own behalf. DIRECTORS ANNOUNCED FOR OMAHA AD CLUB Tha work of counting ballots for di rectors of the Ad club has been com pleted, and tha successful ones an nounced. The officers were announced In yesterday's Bee. Following ara tha new directors: C. C. Rosewater, ('has. A. Alden, win. tr. uaxter, H. II. Manlay, Victor While, ft. E. Hunderland, Penn P. Forirea, C. C. Oeorge, A. t Hcotl. T. B. Coleman, Geo. 11. I'ruy, O. R. McCune, Chas. K. Black, D. J. O Urien. Harry U. Kelly. Walter A. Mandelberg, f. L,. HuDDer. Chun. K. Uherman, K. A. H tgg ins, N. J. Baker, Frank M. Bllsh, 1L B. Wallace. A. W. Carpenter, W. . Cleveland, Arinur aieiz, BUSINESS MEN ATTEND , PAPILLION CORN SHOW About twenty-five members of tha Com mercial club went to Papllllon yesterday afternoon to attend tha Sarpy county Farmers' Institute and Corn show. WANTS DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF HIS TEETH Five teeth which Onle Kchoonover lost In a fight with Michael and William Ford aJid hamuel Itper In the saloon of Patrick Ford are valued by him at ll.OU) each. He blames tha saloon keeper for linn and hla aa. LalAUU tike .lOftS bucUSM litf toul sallanU the liquor that caused the fight! He asks $0,000 damages In a petition filed In district court. LINCOLN WOMAN HAS WRITTEN OF GOLDENROD Emma J. tt Vine of 138 R street, I.ln ooln, la In Omaha visiting friends. Bhe has brought with her her latest portfolios of poems In neat form which she prepared for the holiday season. Of tha poems W. J. Bryan wrote Miss De Vine that she writes "In well chosen and graceful lan guage, and I believe the effect produced by these poems will be helpful." Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses were granted the fol lowing couples today: Name and Residence. Age. Charles Frey, Omaha 2 Marie Weber, Omaha 18 Jesse C. Sutton, Omaha 1! J Margaret Bhook, Omaha 43 flalvatnre Casacio, Omaha ,3l lisquala Dlrnauro, Omaha 24 Joseph W. Beckman, Omaha 4i i'earl Fulcher, Omaha 2i Allison Hournn, Lake City, la.. 35 Opal Heed, Omaha K7 Nathan W. Andersen, Omaha, over.... 21 Edna M. Love, Omaha, over 21 Frank Kbellng, Grand Junction, la..... M Edith Ebelliig, Oiand Junction, la H.1 F.dward W. Maurer, Plattsmouth, Neb. 15 Efflo Benedict. Afton. la llnlldliiai I'eniills. Harrison & Morton, 115 North Thlrtv flfth street, frame dwelling, $S.O00; K. l. Hmlth, North Twenty-third street, frame dwelling, J.'.'HUt; K. P.. Smith, r.'6 Emmet, frame dwelling, $4,0e0. Woman s Power Over Man t- ' : li: Womaa'a asoet floriou eodownent is the power to awskea and hold the pore aad hooeet love oi worthy man. Wbea she loses it aad still love on, no oae in the wide world can kaow the heart sony he endures. The womaa who suffer from weak neis aad deraacement of her system, soon loses her personal saaliietiaa. liar feaeral heallh suSsrs and she loses her food looks, bar amis ;lUy and womanly oharra. Dr. K. V. Pierce, ef liuilalo, N. Y., with the assisUooa of his staff of sble physicians, has preeonbed for and eured many the as aad of women, lie bee deviaed aaooeselul 'emedy lor wemaa' ailanea. It is kaowa as Dr. Fie roe' Favorita f reacrvtioa. It ia positive- specino for Ua weaknessea aad diaordara paeuliar to women, ft pariies, regulates, atraairhea aad heals. Medicine dealer ; tell it. No IhaI dealer will advise oa Ut eooept a substitute ia order to ins Li s littW larger preat. IT MA1TES "WEAK VOMEIT STXlOXrO, D Pltrm't faass (fsns wgnfsni assJ .frsagiftsst aar 4