Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daiia' Hkk
f 'HM KI HT k" W A hT" H S K A TKli
VITOU Hi'S K AT I ."i f !. 1 1 in I
'tK HI lTTil.V i Ta I : AA t A N 1 1 1 i i II
F.ntered at Onmha imui I ice as second
rises mstter
Fundar Hee. one yrsr $1 M
FafurrJay Hee. ore year .11 S
ally Bee (without Sunday), one year 4 0)
i'any Hee inn Minriav. one if ir .l
Fvening lire (with Sunday, per mi...;V
l.Jljr ee l inrlndimt Sum'.ay). .t r inoAc
lllv Bee (without S-ni.mvi, lirr mo . . 4 c
Address ail i "Mii'l aiM' it In 'gularltles
In deltvety to I'.tv ' ,r il.ilinn Dept.
Remit by drill. ex;. res or poslal order,'
ryi'lt to Tlic IV" Piihll'hing company.
Only 2-cent M.imi s received tn psvment
of srrad H'thuiii? Cir'nial rtierks, ex
cept on Omaha and rnMorn exchange, not
Omnha- Tho lire I'.'i ". II-?.
Smith Omaha Mil N. St
Council muffs S.-r,'! St.
Uncolii 2 Little liLi'ldintr
Chicago l.'-f. Marinette Hulldini?.
Kansas Itv Rol;,ti -e Building.
F?ew York M West TMrtv-thlrd.
Washington- TJ. Fourteenth St.. N. W.
Crrmmunlr atlnns relating to new" n1
Mltorlal mutter should ho addressed
Omnh Be. I 'ennrtment.
FlUe of Nebraska. County or Douglas, as:
Dwlght Williams, ctrriilntlnn manaxer
of the Pro Publishing company, being
duly sworn, s.lys thrtt tho average dally
circulation. lee spoiled, unused and r
turned copies, for the month of Novem
ber. :U. was M.fiTJ.
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In mv presence and aworn to
tfore me this Gth (lay of December. 1911.
Notary I'nM't
llanscrlbrra leaving tle Hty
trmpomrll v should btre The
Ree mailed to (hem. Address
will br chanced ftea
Did jrou eet a running start?
And in a month the ball players
win be gathering.
Which would you rather do, shovel
enow or dig dandelions?
You Just ran't lose Yelser while
printer's Ink Is so cheap.
What would old King Cyrus say
about hl dear Persia now?
Who would have guessed last July
lhatfit ever could get thla cold?
All things considered, Omaha's rec
ord for 1911 showa up tolerably well.
Attorney Veeder as a feeder of
packing trust information Is not so
Falling off the water wagon might
be funny If It were not so often
No wonder the meat trust was
caught, It had thirteen companies in
its tentacles.
Mr. Underwood is slightly Indis
posed, but not at all so toward the
Eight murders in Omaha recorded
on the police blotter for 1911. More
than our share.
One can hardly blame Persia for
not giving Mr. Shuster's Job to an
other American.
Colonels Jloosevelt and Wutterson
go at this peace talk In much the
same tone of voire.
The colonel's refusal to attend the
peace banquet does not meau refusal
to argue the question.
A physician says that Journalists
ldom lose their minds. Now, how
vbout newspapermen?
Happy should be the man who gets
by Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
.Year's without the gout.
That 8 o'clock closing law Inter
feres sadly with established usage in
welcoming the advent of the new
A prisoner escaped from (iov
ernor's Island because he had to eat
beans for Christ mas. What a slam
on Boston. .
Those three so-called labor leaders
Indicted at Los Angeles talk a good
deal, as did tbe McNumaras some
months bko.
Send your friends copies of Tbe
Bee containing the btatlstlcul review
of the year's bufclnesx. That is one
good way to boost for Omaha.
Tbe question hu-i been raised, and
not without provocation,- "What
makes a man a colonel.'" At the
very outset, here's our surrender.
Still we would udvlse most of those
tberubs iu the ph lures portraying
the ushering in of tbe new year to
put on a few more clothes to avoid
catching cold.
The process of elimination might
prove best iu solving this candidate
problem, therefore the next time one
says he Is not a candidate, take him
Ht bis word.
The former wife of the man hoin
Ulllan Kussell Is to marry obtained
her divorce on tbe grounds of lncom
ratability, but she wishes Lillian all
kinds of good luck.
The Camorra trial over tn Italy
Las ben going on for nearly nine
months, and Is not yet concluded.
Presumably, tbe law's delays are not
encountered exclusively on this side
lf the Atlantic
Suburban Wastes and Cost of Livin?
Residents of nearly every city In
i the land know that Secretary Wilson
was talking about a live subject when
he called attention to the great
amount of waste land lying around
the larger population center?, and
urged their cultivation ns a partial
solution of the problem of the high
living cost. Some of the effete might
ohjerl to cornfields and potato
patches nt the very door of the town,
but they would be Just as attractive
and ornamental and a thousand times
more useful than Idle land covered
only with weeds and renl estate
signs. ' Lots for sale" Is about all
that grows on many of these sub
urban tracts. Some boomer has
"platted" them and advertised them
as highly desirable residence sites
and In many cases they are and even
Ihat would not keep them from being
also highly desirable for garden
patches and grain fields. But much
of thla waste territory Is not properly
situated for Immediate occupancy ns
dwelling places and could be turned
Into more profitable service If culti
vated by the plow and drill and con
verted Into productive soil. Standing
Idle It eats up taxes, while cultivated,
It would be Just as salable and at
the same lime contribute to the out
put of agricultural wealth. Utilizing
waste la economy and If this sugges
tion of the secretary of agriculture
were acted upon generally, It would
have a very vital effect upon some
one's Income and com of living.
To Autograph Collectors.
, Under our Nebraska primary elec
tion law by which a name may be
placed upon the official ballot as a
candidate for office on petition signed
by twenty-five electors, or as a candi
date for convention delegate by peti
tion carrying from 500 to 3,000
signatures, a tremendous boom Is
given to the autograph collecting
The purpose of the lawmakers in
requiring these qualifying petitions
doubtless was to prevent overloading
the ballot with indiscriminately pro
posed names. Hut, as everyone
knows, It Is merely a question of an
Industrious person taking the time
and going to the trouble to get the
autographs for a nominating petition
In almost any number, so that the
requirement of a petition may not
be expected to keep anyone out of
the running who wants to get In.
The dlfflculty seems to be precisely
the reverse how to keep over
zealous autograph collectors from
putting names of men on the ballot
as candidates for nominations with
out their roquest or consent. For
example, "Drother Charley" Hryan Is
said to be much exercised over the
circulation of a petition to submit
tbe name of William J. Bryan to a
presidential preference vote, and is
quoted In an Interview as saying that
he hopes by persuasion to prevent
tho filing of the petition. Inasmuch
us there la doubt whether, once filed,
any legal authority exists for with
drawal, prevention seems to be the
only way. That waa what was done
by the Uryans two yeara ago, when
a petition, after belug signed up, pro
posing Mr. Uryan for the United
States senate, waa sidetracked and
Hut the fact must not be over
looked that the law makes It tncum
oent upon everyone who procures a
nominating! petition to see to It that
it is properly filed, and prescribes a
penalty for failure to do so. The
autograph collector, aa the law views
hlra, is a trustee for the signers with
the self-assumed duty of perfecting
the nomination, and fullure Is rec
reancy to the trust, no matter
whether pursuant to the wishes of
tho nominee or not. It Is hard to
belie) e that either Mr.. Uryan or
"Brother Charley" would knowingly
usk the eutodlan of n nomluatinE
petition to invite the penalty of fine
or imprisonment In any such briaoue
fashion. Tbe wise autograph collector
will not run unnecessary risks.
Value or" Tresk Air to Children.
The Survey Is authority for the
statement that results of the open
air schools in Chicago show that
their pupils accomplish In two-thirds
of the regular time its much as nor
mal children ordinarily accomplish
when they put In full time under the
usual unsatisfactory ventilation con
ditions of school rooms and when
their habits outside of tbe school
room are without supervision.
Tbe idea of the open-air school
originally was to benefit children of
tubercular tendencies and It has
vindicated itself, evidently. If It
has done ns much as the Survey's
teport indicates, then It has done
enough to emphasize again the
necessity of better veutllation in the
average public school. It a aub
Jet that has been much discussed
and not wholly without results. In
Omaha and other titles especial at
teutioiris being paid to the principle
of ventilation in tbe construction of
tchool buildings. There Is uo need
to have school rooms poorly ven
tilated. The open-air school Is not
feasible or desirable entirely as a
aubstltute for the enclosed achool
properly heated and ventilated. And
with increasing skill In the building
of a hoo's the demand for tbe open
air class room will diminish.
This is one of the things which
the present age of intensive effort
will take car of. It baa already
most beneficially modified the sys
tem of Juvenile education and train
ing, though, to be sure, much more
remains to be done. Fresh air Is an
invaluable asset to the child, as well
as the adult, and at home and at
school car should be taken to see
that children get all that la good for
them. It Is not quite right to say,
however, that all school children are
left without supervision out of
school hours. Many of them get
supervision who do notcome under
the tutelage of the open-air school
When Wall Street Favored Us.
Once In a while It would be a good
Idea for those In the habit of finding;
fault with everything Wall street
does to stop and take account of the
other side of the argument. People
Impressed with tho evidence adduced
nt the trial of the meat packers, must
have been interested to note the re
pressive Influence Wall street wielded
on the packers' plans at monopoly.
The request for $19.1,000,000 to form
their trust, Wall street declined. The
sum was cut to $"0, 000,000 and still
Wall street pulled out of It. The
financiers scented a panic a little way
off and under the conditions did not
care to put up the money.
Tbe promoters, evidently, had
planned to Inflate their stock to unheard-of
proportions by Wall, street
assistance and then pay dividends on
the fictitious capitalization out of the
returns reaped from their monopoly
of tho meat packing business. Noth
ing prevented this, It now appears,
but Wall streets refusal to do the
Here Is one instance in the com
mercial history of a decade where
Wall street, usually regarded as the
perpetrator of our financial wrongs,
saved us from greater burdens.
Senator Hitchcock's newspaper Is
way off when It charges The Bee
with contending that the filing of
Mr. Bryan's name for president will
keep him off the primary ballot for
delegate at large to tbe democratic
national convention. We don't be
lieve anything of the kind. Submis
sion to presidential preference vote is
not running for office, and we
doubt even whether the honor of
serving as a convention delegate
cornea properly within that category.
There is nothing In the law aa we
read It to prevent Mr. Bryan going
as a delegate and instructing him
self for Bryan for president or for
rice president, too, for that matter.
Our amiable democratic contempo
rary quotes with approval from a
democratic weekly, thla remark with
reference to the competition for the
democratic Dominations: "Dog-in-the-manger
tactics are never ap
plauded by anyone except by thoae
of the opposition who benefit by
them," Which also appllea Just aa
well to other political parties.
The advent of the noiseless type
writer is chronicled. We don't be
lieve It will rill the bill. The click
of the typewriter Is the best sign of
bustling business that we know of.
Worklna; the II a in me r.
(.hleuRo Tribune.
When tli Impartial hlatortan comes to
write the biography of the Hon. C. Fran
da Adams he will have to admit that
even that errat man had hla dutractora.
Ilia; I'rwoka Are Lucky.
WaHhlnston Poat.
The New York aet-rlrh-aulck
who cot awav with Sfi.noo.oM hiv. K..n
Hlven a year In Jail. They ahoultl con.
gratulate thrniHclvea they didn't ateul a
lour or bread.
I utilndlna; Jaallce.
Raltluuira American.
Kor the third time a pardon has been
denied to Charles V. Morse. If Juatice
wire as efficient and aa firm in all caaea
of Influential criminals, there would be
more wholesome fear of the law and leaa
frenxled finance In the land.
Nertetl fur t rials.
ft. Paul Dlapatch.
Ruitaia In an Id to be preparing to get
eyen for U abtOKatlng of the treaty of
isii.' by putting up trade barrier, of
course, If worst cornea to worst. We could
manage to wlgKle along without pony
coats and cav iar.
An insertion Well I'ouuded.
New York Tribune.
The wara In IVrsia and Tripoli were
denounced In a bishop's Clirlstmaa ser
mon as the moat unjustifiable In bletory.
That a strong and sweeping denunct
ut'on, but It would not be an easy holiday
tasU to controvert It. or. at any rate, to
point ci:t more unjuatlflable wars.
Nelithhurly Tradtaa.
r Pittsburg Ilspatch.
Canada rejected reciprocity, but It
doesn't reject American goods. IHirlng
the last fiscal year It purchased from
the t'nlted States to the amount of close
to t u,Ci) oa. an Increase of nearly
UOO.OuO over the previous year. At the
aame time It pun-bused to the amount
of only S110,jiA,t)u from the "mother
threat la I'abllf Uplalua.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Iu a little mora than a year's time the
common drinking cup lias been abollahed
by law In twenty-four states. For years
physicians and sanitarians denounced the
dangers of common drinking utensils.
Their warnings fell upon deaf ears. All
of a Hidden the people decided that they
wanted Individual drinking cups. Great
la public opinion.
tireat Krkrur, Tkla.
New York -World.
rAll.ion'a suggestion tbat price-cutting
and commercial warfare could be mopped
by the enactment of a law that no one
"be permitted to sell the products of bis
factory at Iras than cost plus the legal
rate of Interest on the Investment" la
moat excellent, provided hs can find a
means of compelling the public to buy at
that price-
1 lib Day in Omaha ;
er ,. ' 4S.'2. L-tJ
Thirty Years Ago
Here are still more announcements for
New Years receptions to be held today In
stead of yesterday which was Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. rtrownson, southeast cor
ner ChlcnRo and Twenty-second streets,
assisted by Mrs. Htowe, Mrs. Smythe,
Mrs. Touzalln. Mrs. Moyer, Mrs. Pitts.
Mrs. Unico. Mrs. Dr. fJraddy, the Misses
lierlln, Touz.Hlin, Reed, Ambrose, Sharp.
Paddock and Miss Katie Pace of Chl-
Mrs. and Miss I.lnlnkTer at their resi
lience at the northwest miner Daven
port and Kighteonth streets
Sirs. S. K. Ivocke snd daughter, Mrs.
W. C. Ives, at their residence on Twenty-fourth
street near Dodge, assisted by
Mrs. C. K. Coutant, Mrs. A. M. Klrby.
Mrs. j. r. Covrin, Mrs. Northrop. Mrs.
.Jnrvis. Mrs. YV. J. Connell and the Misses
r.Un anil Orace Wilbur.
'Ihe Misses Withnell will receive nt
If.P Howard street, assisted bv Mrs. C.
P. Meyerson. Mrs. Kills, Miss
Ilrass. Miss llelle WenKler of Pt. Ixiuls,
Ml Minnie Hauler.
At Mrs. Wilbur's. 1012 California street.
t!ip Misses Minnie Wood, Ur.zln C'nlder-
wond. Cora dimming. Fannie Wood
Lizzie Hrady, Kleanor McKelt and Susie
Van riorls.
Mrs. Windsor of Prownell Hall will 1
assisted by the Misses Franklin, Tarbell,
snd Lyman.
Mrs. n. K. Taft. at her residence,
twenty-first nnd Webster streets, with
Mrs. Augustus Pratt, assisted by Misses
Morran nnd Taft.
The regular meeting of the A. I of
11. la called for tonight over the names
of S. K. t'nhr, commander, and Prooks
K. fingers, secretary.
The official first day of the yer
rroved to be one. with a crisp, clear
atmosphere and a bright smiling sun.
Mayor Boyd did the handsome nt his
spacious residence on Nineteenth and
Chicago supported by his two charm
ing daughters. Misses Margaret and Nora
Itoyd, Mrs. D. O. Clark. Mlsa Thomp
klna and Mrs. C. T. Taylor.
Mrs. Chase, wife of ex-mayor Chase,
underwent a serlrmg surgical operation,
with all these, physicians In attendance:
Doctors Coffman, Mercer, Denlce and
Salisbury's Troubadours, the originals,
with Nate Salisbury and Nellie McIIenry,
themselves, held forth at Boyd's to
packed houses. The pieces were "Patch
work," "Hamlet on a String," and "The
Twenty Years Ago -
Owen Keating of the Cudahv Packlnir
company left for Chicago to engage In
business for himself.
Frank J. Iewis arrived from an ex
tended visit along the Pacific coast.
Mrs. James A. Sunderland was laid at
rest, the obsequies being held at the
home. 1330 South Twrentv-nlnth .ir.i
These acted aa pallbearers: Clinton N.
Powell, John Howard. Kmerv A. rohh.
C. S. Carrier, rr. W. F. Mllroy and P. W.
V andervoort.
C. K. Bnulres and P. W. Blrkhauser
met In tho northwest basement of the
court house and treated the city council
to another spirited debate of the old
time subject of street sweeping and who
had the right to do It. Both waxed
wroth If not eloquent, but blows were
The Ilev. R. N. Atkisson, pastor of the
Southwest I'resbyterlan church,
to leave the city and tendered his resig
Just as President Tom I,owry rapped
adjournment of the laat meeting of the
city council of some gallery god
chirped out: "I'm the terror from the
Papplo and had rattlesnake for supper;
I'm Fighting John . but who on res n
d dT Jim Itoyd's governor of Nebraska."
The marriage licenses for the day were
issued to these couples: John M. Shaw
and Clara M. Johnson, South Omaha;
Thure Artegren and Ida Isaacson of
Hamilton county: Gust Schaunner and
Tina Ridge, Omaha; George Wilson and
Annie I'eterson. Omaha: Smith lirnvn
and Lulu Lockhait, Waterloo; Herbert
A. Nichols. Omaha and Bessie M. Allen
Cornellvllle, Pa.; Henry A. Dowa and
Cecilia K. Martin, Huberllt P. Rynor
and Nellie. M. Bayllaa, 'Omaha; John
Barnum and Etta lYague, South Omaha.
Ten Years An
Thomas J. HUkey came from St.
Joseph with the announcement that
Frank Handle hud taken charge of the
franchise of tbe American association for
a base ball team In Omaha.
Miss Florence Moore, deputy clerk In
the office of the "lilted States district
court, returned from Fremont, where ahe
spent her Christmas vacation.
Worl waa received In Omaha of the
death of John H. Coleman of consump
tion at Colorado springs. He had been
a llnotyi operator on Tbe Bee.
Commenting on Savage's pardon of Joe
Bartley, sent 'o t lie penitentiary for
twenty yens for embezxting $:.56,000 of
state money, T. J. Mahoney said: "The
action of the governor waa eminently
proper. lie had served the average time
for such offenses." Kd. P. Smith, an
other lawyer, not posing as a reformer,
said: "The pardon Is Indefensible."
The stockholders of the Pacific Kxpresa
company met and re-elected as directors
Horace O. Burt, Krastus Young of
Omaha; C. U. Warner, J. Ramsay, Jr., E.
H. Pryor, S. K. Schuyler, James Kgglea
lon of St. Irfitiia. The directors re
elected Kgglestou president, and Butt
vice president and W, S. Caller, secretary-treasurer.
The funeral of Leopold Doll was held
at hla home near Klmwjod park and be
was burled at Kvergreen cemetery. Mr.
Doll had resided In Iouglaa County for
thirty-five years. He was U.
Rev. It. M. Dillon was Installed as
pastor of Clifton illll Presbyterian
church. Dr. J. J. Unipe presided. Dr.
Wheeler of South Omaha preached the
sermon. Rev. Mr. Stevenson gave the
charge to the pastor and Rev. K. II.
Jenks to tho congregation.
Etresth Coat of l.ltUatlua,
New York Tribune.
Tbe I'nlted Statea supreme court Is go
ing to do what It can to make litigation
within Its jurisdiction less costly. The
state courts ought to follow that excel
lent example. The excessive cost of the
administration of Justice Is one more bur
den on the back of the overloaded cltl
sen. Chicago Record-Herald: A Topeka,
Kan., preacher has taken the troulrfe to
advise the girls of that town to refrain
from becoming the wives of young raen
merely because they happen to own avto
mobiies. What are the girls ot Topeka
to do If all the young men there take It
Into their heads to own automobiles?
Army Gossip
Matters of Interest ea and
Back of rtrtag Line Otoaaad
from Armj and Vary aVeflater
Appointment of Hrlaradlera.
Senator Penrose has Riven notice of bis
Intention to propose an amendment of the
army appropriation bill, now under con
sideration In the house military commit
tee, with a view to an additional condi
tion attaching to the appointment of
brigadier and major generals. At present
the law restricts tho appointment of of
fleers In those grades to those who shall
have at least one year to serve In such
rank, excepting In the case of an officer
who within that period may be retired for
disability or on account of having roiched
the age of C4 years. Mr. Penrose would
nclude in the class of those who may be
appointed officers who would be. retired
within the year on account of having at
tained forty years' service In the regular
or volunteer army.
Attacks on the Army,
The War department Is In receipt of
reports from officers on the Taclfic coast
describing whot appears to be a sys
tematlc attack on the military service.
It hasj been known for some time that
enemies of the army were conducting a
campaign by means of street harangues
and defamatory posters with a view to
prejudicing public sentiment against the
army nnd discouraging enlistment. The
latest reports have to do with dis
turbances In loa Angeles and Oakland,
Cal. At tho latter place two prominent
labor agitators were specially active. The
War department Is In possession of
photographs showing these speakers
standing on tho American flag and ad
dressing their audience. The photographs
are sent officially and are duly authenti
cated. At Ixis Angeles such a feeling
prevailed on the part of people who had
been prejudiced by the attacks on the
army that the officers on recruiting duty
there felt obliged to exercise extraor
dinary precautions against molestation.
As a matter of fact, the recruiting office
had to be placed under guard. Officers
and men attached to the office were
treated with contempt.
Ilenrlna; Down an Fort Russell.
There are Indications of a concerted
movement on the part of some members
of congress to Interfere with further sp
proprlatlons In behalf of Fort D. A. Rua
sell, Wyo. At leust a part of this antagon
ism Is Identified as proceeding from peo
ple who are Interested In the welfare of
Fort Leavenworth, Kan. In the sessions
which are being held before the house
military committee In consideration of
the army estimates It has been uulte ap
parent that several of the members are
accumulating Information to use at some
time, probably when the army bill comes
up for consideration In the house, against
Fort D. A. Russell. Calls have been made
on the War department for statistics
which shall show what led the War de
partment to continue Fort D. A. Russell
as a garrison post and the amount of
money which has been expended at that
place. There will be a hearing before the
house committee on War department ex
penditures, when questions along that line
In regard to Fort D. A. Russell' will be
asked of the quartermaster general. If
there Is any serious attempt made to In
terfere with the allotment of public funds
for the Wyoming post. It will probably
precipitate an interesting fight, since it
is likely to arouse the Ire of Senator War
ren, who takes a special Interest In Fort
D. A. Russell.
Critical Arnir Kltnatloa.
There Is considerable Indignation ex
pressed by members of the house com
mittee over what Is alleged to be an at
tempt to Interfere with the expression of
opinion qf army officers who are sum
moned before that body for Its enlighten
ment. During the lust few weeks It was
disclosed, according to the official report
of the hearings, that at least two officers
asked to be excused from answering ques
tions pertaining to subjects under con
sideration. One of these officers gave as
a reason that he had been "Instructed"
as to the policy of the War department,
which notice was evidently construed
as Imposing ellence. There are other
phases of the situation which have a
tendency to arouse the Ire of congress,
not only the politically unfriendly house
of representatives, but the senate, which
should be regarded as supporting the ad
ministration. A manifestation of this criti
cal attitude has already occurred In the
form of several resolutions which have
been Introduced In both house and sen
ate, some of which resolutions have been
adopted. These call on the War depart
ment for Information aW other similar
requests are In course of preparation. The
accumulated material will be published,
of course, as house and senate documents,
and much of It is bound to be used In
the speeches which will be delivered
when the army appropriation bill comes
up for debate In the house. This state of
affairs Is quite unprecedented and has
n.t aided the purpose of those who de
sire an amendment of the pending army
legislation. The sentiment of the house,
under the political conditions prevailing,
was bound to be sufficiently antagonistic
to the military-naval establishment, as
one means of demonstrating the virtue
of democratic economy. The Impartial ob
server of the situation now prevailing has
no dlfflculty In realizing that the un
friendliness la visibly not to say unneces
sarily Increased.
People Talked About
The specter of political famine threatens
to darken the coming Jackson day fes
tivities. President Taft recommends that
59.51S government Jobs be put under civil
service roles. If that deal goea through
life on the democratic firing line won't be
worth living.
Glancing over the whirligig of political
events In the Kmplre State In the last
twenty years, the Brooklyn Kagle Is o
perplexed by the chaos resulting that It
offers to equip a reporter with asbestos
or linen garments If tbe late Thomas
Collier Tlatt will grant an Interview and
snd his address to the Eagle office. As
an evidence of good faith the Eagle
promises. If the address Is forthcoming,
not to reveal the senator's whereabouts
to envious contemporaries.
John Blgrlow. "America's grand old
man," who died the other day at tho aga
of H. never had occasion to swear off
on New Year's. Tobacco and booze were
strangers to him. But ha had a (Teat
weakness for pie, plum pudding and simi
lar culinary confections, doted on baked
beans and buckwheat cakes smothered In
tho usual way. Two years ago last
Thanksgiving air. BigeLuw recalled and
eulogised a wonderful "forget-me-not" pie
he had oaten eighty-six years before.
Tlic BceS Lciicr Bo
Disease a Factor In l.lTlna; foat.
NEW, HAVEN. Conn., Dec. IT.'. To the
Editor of The Bee: An Associated Tress
dispatch from St. Louis, where 1 recently
spoke on the rise In the cost of living,
has been going the rounds, making the
absurd statement that I Attributed the
rise In the cost of living to "ma
laria, hookworm disease and alcohol."
Whether or not this statement appeared
In your paper I do not know.
I did not make any such statement,
but on the contrary, said that the cost
of disease had always been with us and
was not in the least responsible for the
recent rise In the cost of living or any
hardships connected with It.
I stated that the causes of the world
wide rise of prices were a matter of
dispute, and. that, therefore, there srumld
he appointed an international commission
to make an authoritative Investigation o
that subject.
I am sending you n memorandum de
scribing the purpose of such an Interna
tional commission, together with a list
of names of prominent bankers, railway
authorities, edjtors, economists, govern
ment offcials and others from the t'nlted
States and other countries who have en
dorsed the plan for such a commission.
Will you not bring to the attention of
your readers, either through editorial
comment or otherwise, the subject of this
proposed International commission for the
study of the rise In the cost of living?
Hoping that you will find it possible
to comment on this subject In your
paper, I am. Yours very sincerely!
l-'ulr Trice for the Troth.
New York Sun.
We presume there will be no objection
in the house to the appropriation in the
annual deficiency bill of fci.'AOOO to com
plete the raising of the Maine, remove the
wreck and dispose of parts of it to naval
associations, municipalities, societies and
other reputable custodians. Before the
end of the undertaking the cost will prob
ably reach l,Oo0,0O0. including KioO.000 al
ready expended, but It will be none too
much to pay for the truth and the relief
of the American people.
Troubles of the Democrnt.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
As for democratic politics, the really
disturbing element continues to be Mr.
Bryan. He plans to write the democratic
platform, cr to dictate what Is to be In It.
Remembering that In democratic conven
tions the platform Is adopted before nomi
nations are made, Mr. Bryan's tactics be
come intelligible. He proposes to have a
platform adopted that none of the candi
dates he opposes could stand upon. Let
no one assume that tribulation will bs
confined to the republican side.
Pretexts of the Wolf.
New York Sun.
So the Persian lamb has Insulted the
Russian wolf. It has the innocence to
believe that an international agreement
for the settlement of Persian finances
was Intendeu to benefit the Persian peo
pie. and the temerity to resist the force
with which Russia sought to correct that
mistaken notion. Opposition to the In
vader on I'ersian soli becomes an Insult
to the Russian flag one pretext Is as
good as another to the victim that is
about to be gobbled up.
Political Tendencies In Iowa.
Sioux City Journal.
Senator Kenyon is very much In hopes
that the Iowa delegation to the repub
lican national convention will be for Taft.
The friends of the president throughout
the state should place no interrogation
point against that statement. It is true
that the Junior senator Is rated among
the progressives, but that Is not the
same as ranking him among the Insur
gents. The republicans of Iowa are pro
gressive and so is President Taft.
Can You Deat It r
Sioux City Journal.
In the opinion of administration critics
the mere wiping out of the postal deficit
cannot be commended in itself. The Im
portant mitter to be considered Is
whether mora money could have been
spent to better advantage. The critics
are Inclined to think, on the whole, that
in smashing the deficit Postmaster Gen
eral Hitchcock has cheated us In some
way. Can you beat that kind of com
ment? Yes, you can not.
One on the Doctors.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The Irony of fate appears to have been
demonstrated In the case of the famous
surgeon who was operated on for appendi
citis when his trouble was caused by gall
o rriBT xzxz.
Here's a place where energy and ambition are rewarded
by achievement.
The "Star Brand" shoe city of IS
great factories gives employment
to over 6,000 skilled shoe makers
every work day In the year.
The one law of this city is to
make every "Star Brand" shoe hon
estly and of good leather. No sub
stitutes for leather are ever used.
These people love their work be
cause they have the best of every
thing machinery and materials
for EVERY PART of their work.
Their ambition to excel In shoe
making is constantly being realized.
"Star Prand" slices are sold by good merchants nearly every
where. If your regular dealer does not sell them it will pay you
to change dealers.
Ask for and It sist t.pcn having "Star Brand" shoes. The Star
on tbe beel guarantee! they are honestly made ot pure leather.
Mads only by
tfooEitTs, Johnson AAnd ShobCo.
IS Factories
Cblcagt) Tribune: Mr. 1a Follette's in
cessant activities almost load us to sus
pect that he would like to be the ne.xl
St. Ixiuis Globe-Democrat: Again it
our old friend, Thomas Taggart of In
dianapolis, under susHclon of playing a
double game in the democratic presi
dential politics of Indiana. It Is strange
that Colonel Taggart should be thus mis
trusted after years of deceiving nobody
in politics.
Sioux City Journal: Tin not In politics,
and no one expects me to be." So it was
spoken and so It stands In the record.
"I'm not lit politics, and will not be"
would have covered the ground more
completely. "I'm not In politics, and do
not expect to be" would have been much
stronger than what was actually said.
Is this hypercrltlclsm? Well, when a
sphinx FpeaJts, one can't be blamed for
analyzing Its utterances rsther carefully.
Philadelphia Bulletin: What with
Champ Clark, Woodrow Wl!on, Oscar
I'nderwood. Alton 11. I'arker, Simeon K.
Baldwin, Joseph W. Folk, Francis U.
New-lands. Thomas It. Marshall. William
it. Hearst and Norman 13. Mack, the
great Jackson day gahfest of the demo
crats In Washington will lack no speak
ing material. Hut will the speakers ob
serve the twelve-minute limitation and
will they wear swallow-tails? And wni
they talk for democracy or only for ..-
SprlngfielAl Republican: It will gen
erally be conceded that the person who
sent President Taft a specially bound
copy of the "Life, of Job" as a Chrlstmai
present made an appropriate gift, and
that the note wMch was written on the
fly leaf, "I send you this Hfe of a gen
tleman who passetl through many trials
and tribulations before he came Into his
own," added to Its fitness. There can be
no one who will question that Mr. Taft
has had "trials and tribulations" In pecu
liar abundance, and that he has borne
them manfully.
"A guy told me I had a case of exag
gerated ego. What did ho mean?"
" vu irirrTii t ol arrn la n TtitffnH mi. T mn
speak. What did you do?"
uavo mm avnoiner. 120 ST on .tran
script. "Brother, you must battle hard with
your love for spirits."
"Oh, I battled with spirits hard
"What happened?"
"Well, I er succeeded in putting 'em
down." Baltimore American.
"You don't meet any more bunco steer
ers or gold brick men."
"No," replied Farmer Corntossel; "when
a man Is after your money now lio doesn't
take the trouble to be sociable an' show
you a good lime. He Jes' addresses a
few circulars an' expects you to send
him the money by mall." Washington
Silas How ye happen ter elect III Hig
glns ez fire chief?
Hank Natural qualifications. Why, he
kin break-more windows in less time than
any volunteer in this county. Chicago
She So it's all up with your engagement
to Kitty.
She What's become of the engagement
He That's up, too. Buffalo Express.
"I know a man who can get up an at
tachment for anybody, If he's asked to."
"What sort of a man is he? A lunatic?"
"No; he's a sheriff." Baltimore Ameri
can. Maud Jack Is so forgetful.
Ethel Yes; It keeps me busy reminding
htm that It's you he's engaged to and not
me. Boston Transcript.
National Magazine.
There's never a place on the whole wide
There's never an hour or minute,
But something happens for grief or for
There's always a mother In it.
Oh, maybe a Little Boy Blue has died,
Or maybe fledging linnet.
Somebody's darling and somebody's
There's always a mother In It.
There's always a crown or coveted seat
Some one stands to lose or win It;
VVhate'ro the issue be, or sour or sweet.
There's always a mother In It.
Whether a wedding dress or whether
There's always a band to spin It.
Sighing and sad or radiant and proud,
There's always a mother In it.
Oh. maybe it's just a bonnet or cap
That's needing a bin to Din it:
Oh, maybe a cry for cookie or snap.
mere s always a mother in It.
Oh. maybe a lesson no hard to learn.
Curly-locks fears to begin It.
Wherever you go, wherever you turn,
There's always a mother in it.
For everywhere In the round of this life V
And In every day and minute.
Come joy or pain, or come peace or come
There's always n. mother In It
Oh, maybe, a little Christ Child Is born.
or maybe nestling linnet
Some one is happy at night and at morn,
There's always a mother in it
A City of 5000
Expert Shoe Makers
Each season "Star Brand" shoes
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than other shoes sold at tho same
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proves it.
In only IS years we have become
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ence. Our shipments for tho past
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Tho larger tho production, the
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