Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Tuesday., Jam
radflimg SaH:yirday9 Jan. SUh
..F-i A LAa
This store stands in deadly opposition to "Sales" as generally conducted. A sale that misleads is not a sale, merely an imposition. Such sales are of almost weekly occurrence, but not in this store.
No store can exist by selling goods below cost all the time, as some would have you believe. A sale, to be a benefit to costumers, must have a reason back of it, not an excuse. Our reason is easily ex
plained. We start every season with a new stock, when the season is practically over we offer 20 per cent discount on our stock (except contracted goods) and all broken lines and odd lots at Va Price.
25 & $30 Ladies' Suits at $14.50 $17.50 & $20 Ladies' Suits at 11.5
Lot Ladies' Silk Dresses at $10.00
A great opportunity for the economical housewife to save some money on Silks, Dress Goods, Table and Fancy Linens, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bedding, etc.
Great Savings in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings
20 to 50 per cent Off on Men's and Boys' Clothing
13 OU
Mail Orders Received During Sale Will Be Filled at Sale Prices
ft.WilllU-imMii'l JImMKllHIWBBMPfcfclifriMfftfl HM1mri 1i
' tm .in tit
Elaborate Preparations for the Day
in Every Household.
Festivities Unchanged br Chance
In the Calendar Occidental
Custom of Friendly
In each household throughout the em
pire of Japan, whether the family Is rich
or poor, high or low, preparations are
made for the welcome to the New Year.
The shojl, or sliding doors, are freshly
jiapered; the mattings of the floor are re
newed; the family shrine Is dusted and
the tablets of the ancestors cleansed. Be
fore the Bhrine are placed new paper or
naments (gohel) and straw hangings
(shlme-nawa), while the small articles
used In family worship are made clean.
At the end of the year the housewife
goi'S forth to a tiny table, lac
quered bowls and porcelain dishes, that
a new start In the household may be
made. Kach member, of the family must
have a new suit of clothing, called the
hinnen no haregl or dress of the New
Year. Not only Is there a thorough
hiuse-cleanlng, but the New Year to the
Japanese mind means a renewal of both
mind and body.
New Year's festivities In Japan corre
spond with those of occidental nations,
in that It Is a time set aside for greetings
to friends and relatives, but in other re
spects they are quite different and more
eluburate. Although the Uregorlan calen
dar has been adopted, and the ancient
system of chronology discarded, few
changes have been made in the festivities
connected with the New Year, and many
customs are Mill In existence that have
been handed down since the age of myth
According to the former Japanese cal
endar, the New Year heralded the spring
time and was a celebration of the re
juvenation of nature after the bleak, cold
winter. So - the New Year's festivities
meant not only the beginning of new life.
but a new heart and mind und fresh
Calculating Ages.
The custom of calculating ages In Japan
was formerly different from that of west
tin countries. In the west the age Is
counted by years and the number of
months. While In Japan, a person be
came one year older with the advent ot
the New Year, and a child was t years
nf age whether born early or late In the
previous year. Thus a youth of 14 at
tained his majority at 15 and an old man
of 69 became 70. The fact that a year
was added to the age was a matter of
congratulation on the New Year.
liecoratlons play a large part In the
New Year's celebratioa, and each article
In use has a particular meaning. These
articles of decoration axe offsred for sals
at the shl no lchl, or street fair at the
end of the year, and are to be found in
many different parts ot the cities. The
most Important of the decorations Is the
kadomatsu (gate-pine), the branches of
the pine used on either side of the gate
or porch of a house. Custom ordains that
these shall be kept intact for the first
week of the New Year. This period is
called Matsu no uchl (within the days
of pine). The branches of these ever
greens aa sold at the street fairs bear a
marked slmillarity to the Tannenbaum on
sale in Germany for Christmas decora
tions. There are also offered for decorations
straw cables (shlmenawa) that are hung
to the kadomastsu, or gate pine. This
simple straw decoration Is a contrast to
the glittering ornamentation of gold and
silver paper as seen upon the Christmas
trees of Europe and America. Sometimes
other ornaments are used, such as the
leaves of the urajiro or udurlba, and
often pieces of bamboo are combined with
the pine branches. Such articles as trays
and receptacles for offerings to the gods,
and departed spirits, are made ot pure
unornamented wood, and can be secured
at the street fairs. .
Household Decorations.
The room Into which the guests are
invited on New Year's day is especially
decorated. On the walls of the elevated
dais, or tokonoma, of the parlor is'hung
a kakemono appropriate to New Year,
either representing pine, bamboo and
plum, called sho chlku bal, a picture of
TenJIn Sama, the patron saint of Japanese
literature; or an artistic rendering of the
subject given forth by the Imperial court
for the composition of a New Year's
On this dais is also placed a tray made
of pure white wood on whlrh is placed
circular pieces of mochi. or rice dump
lings, one upon the other, forming tiers,
not unlike the western Christmas or wed
ding cake. These lire dumplings are
called kagamt mochi or mirror dumplings,
from their fancied resemblance to a
mirror. The Bizes of these dumplings are,
of course, not uniform, but differ ac
cording to the household.
I'nderneath the dumpling It Is also
customary to place leaves of urajiro and
yudsuriba, mematsu or pine, and yoro
kombu or sea weed, while It Is adorned
on top with a lobster and daidai or bitter
There Is also a special arrangement of
flowers in the vases, and pine, bumboo
and plum branches, or the plant, fukujuso,
are the most used, all having the signifi
cance ot lung life and happiness. The
pine and bamboo are held in great esteem
in Japan, since they are perpetually
green. The bitter orange, daidai, signifies
from generation to generation. I'rajlo
means succession, or Inheritance. The
lobster, used as an ornament for the
pieces of dumplings, implies that the
membeis may live to the age when they
are bent as it is. Kachlgurl, or dried
I chestnuts, mean victory, while nlmame
and gomane, kinds of boiled beans, refer
I to god beaUa; the Japanese phrase, "ma-
mede kurase," meaning, "May you have
good health."
In every household a quantity of the
rice dumplings, or mochi, is prepared, al-'
though the quality and quantity may
vary according to the social status of the
family. These dumplings are eaten the
first three days of the new year Instead
of the ordinary rlco diet of the people.
When the dumpling Is boiled in soup and
mixed with vegetables and poultry, it Is
called aonl, a very popular New Year's
Dressed In Their Beat.
On New Year'a day the family rises ear
lier than usual, and clad In their best gar
ments, assemble together and offer a
prayer to the spirits of their departed
ancestors, after which they partake of
breakfast. The food Is previously pre
pared because It is not customary to pur
form any cooking during the first days
of the holiday season.
Another custom is the exchange ot sake
mixed with a fragrant condiment, called
toso, a kind of spice, the flavor resem
bling vermouth. The master of the house
goes out for a round of calls on his
friends, while the lady stays at home to
receive callers, and the younger members
of the family attend their respective
schools, where exercises are held before
the portrait, of his Imperial majesty.
Whenever a relative or friend comes
on a congratulatory call, the Invariable
greeting exchanged Is, "I beg to thank
you for your kindness during the lust
year, and ask for a continuance of the
same In the future." Spiced ..oso Is of
fered first, and later ordinary sake.
There are many New Year's games,
and one ot the most popular in vogue in
all parts of the country is utakarutakal,
or card playing, which forms a favorite
pastime In- the holidays. lioth young men
and women are Invited to take part in the
utakarutakal, or card playing party. The
cards consist of 100 pieces, and on them
are printed short classical poems'. There
Is also another 100 cards neld In the hand
of a reader. The cards are distributed lo
the players and as the reader shuffl
and reads the poems, the corresponding
ones are taken from the piles in fron". of
the players. Aa soon as a player has laid
aside all his cards he becomes the wl.inr
of the game.
Kite flying Is popular at New Year's
time, and over the roofs of the rltb-s
many gaily ornamented ones, ot various
designs anil sizes, are to be seen. The
shops am full of them during the I oil
days, and they make suitable lfis to
One of the most characteristic game of
the holiday season Is that of batthlore
and shuttlecock. Although It Is a western
game, it has received a special adaptation
In Japan. The battledores are decorated
with representations of mythological or
historical characters, and some of them
are rich and costly. The most prlrel gift
to a young lady or girl is one of these
battledores. The young people In their
bright kimonos, may be seen along the
streets playing this graceful :,s.n.
The first ssven days of the New Ytar
are known as matsu no uchl, and from
the Sth work at the school begins. On
the morning of the Tth It Is the custom
to have for breakfast, nanakusa no gal,
boiled rice with seven vegetables. On the
15th boiled rice called komame no kat,
small beans mixed with rice, are eaten.
All these customs have a significance
that connects them with health and hap
piness. After January 7 the ladles go
out for their congratulatory visit. Jan
uary 16 Is the day reserved as a holi
day for workmen and domestic servants
so that they may enjoy themselves and
visit their relatives or friends. On Jan
uary 20 the New Year's festivities end,
and It is called hatsuka shogaisu.
Old Customs Linger,
With the introduction of west urn civili
zation Into Japan many of the quaint
customs of former days have gone out of
use. Yet there are many old ores that ore
still popular among the people. An In
teresting custom Is hatsu yume, or first
dream. A picture, takarabune, or treasure
ship, in which is seen personifications of
happiness and long life. Is placed under
tho pillow on the night of January 2, as
It Is thought to bring a good dream. It
Is sold by vendors In the streets who call
out ''Otakara! Otakara!" "liny our treas
ure boats!" This Is done more often for
fun than for profit.
Husiness begins on January 2. And on
this duy Is seen the ceremony of hatxunl.
when mercantile firms transport their
goods through the streets in ornamcu'al
cars, attended by men clud In g.iy aulic.
At the Imperial court them are special
New Year ceremonies. That of Shlhohal
Is un offering to the gods of heaven and
earth for the peace of the universe rnd
the safety ot the people. ills majesty
personally takes part in tills ceremony,
rising long before sunrise, and praying to
the four quarters of the globe.
Kor the fit Ht threu days of thu New
Year their majesties receive congratula
tions of officials, both civil and,
members of the aristocracy, and orps
diplomatique. On the Mil the mpi ror
gives a New Year dinner, to which hii-'h
officials are Invited. Among other cere
monies at the Imperial court there Is the
Oenjlsal on January B, when the emperor
makes offerings to his ancestors. On
January 4 state officials and mender it
the cabinet are summoned to Lie ciurt,
first reporting the sttfety of the imperial
shrines at ise, and then the various af
fairs of state, tin January 7 Is hell the
ceremony of the KoehohaJIme, when the
court lectureis are given the first nu
dlenco ot the New Year, ami on Januury
H a report on military matters is made.
In the middle of January the O-uta ha
Jline, or poet ceremony, is held ut the
court. On this occasion poems by their
majesties are read first, follow d by those
of the people. Tho subject for the poem
Is given fortli by the Imperli.l court, and
compositions are submitted b;,' th lie.
Sometimes there are 'more than i'loijo of
these poems presented, but only a half
dozen or so sis chosen as the bet, so
that It Is considered a great honor to be
numbered anung those selected. I'rof.
I Yalchl liaga In Japan Magazins,
Rains Late in Year and Heavy Snows
Will Bring Fine Crops.
In Ksatrrs Part of Ktate ltalna Come
In Time to Save Corn, l'otatoes,
and Flax Outlook la
8IOLX VAIAH, 8. L., Jan. l.-(8pe( laJ.)
Husiness men and other residents of
Houth Dakota are looking forward to a
return to normal conditions during the
new year, and It Is the general expecta
tion that this year will be one of the
most prosrous In the history of the
state, and that the state, at lurge .and
Its cities und towns will make wonderful
strldca during the course of the year.
Conditions are vastly different from a
year ago. During the fall of 1010 there
were no regular fall rains and winter
set in with the ground absolutely without
moisture, a condition which hud not pre
vailed for years. During the winter
there wus very little snow, and when
spring opened there was scarcely any
spring rainfall, having tho ground with
out sufficient moisture to give crops the
proper kind ot a start. Then camu the
excessively hot weather, commencing the
latter part of lat May and continuing
with scarcely any Inter mission until
about July 8, the rulnfull during this
period hardly being sufficient ut any
time to lay tho dust. For several weeks
during this hot and dry period there were
a number of days when tho temperature
registered above 100 degrees in tlie shade.
In some parts of the statu hot winds
added to the unfavorable conditions, and
crops generally were given a backset,
from which some did not recover to any
appreciable extent.
rSmall grain especially was b.ully dam
aged during this period, but com, pota
toes and flax in particular stood the
i-traln remurkubly well. After a hot and
dry spell such as the slate hail not ex
perienced slnct the early '!, about July
h or 9. rain commenced to fall, and con
tinued at Intervals during tho remaiiideer
of tho growing season, saving the corn,
potato and flax crops ami making a fair
yield ill many localities of many fields of
small grain. liecause of the opportunt
rains tho corn and potato crops were
among the largest ever raised In Houth
Dakota. The saving of the corn, potat'j
und flax crops changed conditions very
materially, and left the farmers of the
statt In much better londlticn that those
of other states which the year beorfe suf
fered from a lack of moisture.
Ylie rainfall from the time the rains
commenced about July 8 or up to the
tune winter set In aggregated In the
eastern part of the state about tweiitV
four Inches. Western Hoiith Dakota,
uliich had fell ti effect of the lack of
rainfall morn severely than the eastern
half, because the country Is newer, also
received abundant rainfall and th ground
was thoroughly soaked. Every drop ot
this two feet of water went Into the
ground, and placed it In the best possible
condition for the opening of spring. The
snowfall thus far this winter also has
been heavier than during the correspond
ing period last winter. Even should there
not be a drop of rain during April which
is very unlikely there now Is ample mois
ture In tho grounu to carry crops well
into the growing season,
Notwithstanding the unfavorable condi
tions during the department of his
tory, in a report made public a day or
two ago, places the production of new
wealth In .South Dakota during the year
hill at IKO.liM.MO. Houth Iakota enters
the new year In the expectation that the
production of, new wealth this year will
reach the magnificent total of 1300,000,000,
und It Is generally believed this mark
will be reached.
Final Awards aMde in
St. Mary's Land Cases
fiP.ANn RAPIDS, Mich., Jan. 1-In
L'niled Htates court Judge Arthur S. Den-
ison has made the final awards In the
cuso of the federal government brought to
condemn fur lock and canal purposes all
the land and the rapids at ftuult ftc.
Marie, north of the present canal to the
International boundary. The result of this
case deprives all of the power companies
of ownership In St. Mary's river at tho
fulls and places the I'nlted States In full
control to regulate navigation and use
i the water for power as it sees fit.
The total award Is $:73,312. Ot this the
Chandler-Dunbar company gets J.VJO.OflO
for its water power and $102,312 for Its
shore lands and islands.N'o. I and No. 2,
part of vulue conceded by tho govern
ment. The Edison Eault Hte. Mario Electric
company gets fciOO.OiiO fur Its power plunt
ami electrical accessoiies north of the
cana, value conceded by the government.
The award for water power of :M.M
probably will he appealed by both the
government and the power companies,
the former contending It does not have to
pay anything for water power and that
the river Is a public highway of Interstate
and International commerce at this point.
on July 4, and only recently learned that
the fellow was alive and well.
Following is the mortgage report for
Gage county for the month of Decem
ber: Number of farm mortgages filed,
Irt; nmourU, $16,277; number of farm
mortgages released. S3; amount. $37,921;
number of city mortgages filed. 22;
amount, $25,798.89; number of city mort-
" releasee,, l; amount, $10,171).
Edward C. Wllle, living north of the
city, reports that wolves are plentiful
In his neighborhood. Two came to his
barn yesterday In search of food.
CALLAWAY, Jan. 1. fSpecial.)-Not-wlthstandlng
the severe cold weather tho
bridge gang which Is working on the
extension of the railroad from this place
to near Gandy In Logan county con
tlnues steadlhy at work. The bridge work
Is now almost completed to Arnold, a
town twenty miles northwest of Calls I
way, and it Is reported that as aoon as
the bridge work Is completed to that
point the work on the laying of the
steel will begin. The cltlxens of Arnold
are making great preparations for a
barbecue and big rally on the day the
first train reaches that point, and have
extended Invitations all over the coun
try to people to be thero and help them
celehrute the event.
Xotw From Table Hock.
TABLE HOCK, Neb.. Jan. l.-(Bpeclal )
Mrs. E. 8. Kinney, who resided for
many years on ;tlBsIon Creek in this
county, and later moved to a farm some
six miles southwest of here, died at the
family home near Eldorado, Kan., after
an Illness of two weeks, and the body
was brought to the old home at Mission
Creek, and funeral services were con
ducted by the Hev. Calhoun of Bummer-
field, Kan., and the Interment was at
the Mission Creek cemutury.
A deal has recently been closed by
which Will S. I'otts comes Into the nns.
session of the Svhenek Johnson ele
vator, located on the Huols Island tracks
at l'awnee City.
Many farmers In tlds vicinity are ex
periencing heavy of stock, tlo
cause being supposedly due to the poison
ous effects of corn stalks by overeating
the same. The los have been both
of cattle and horses.
Harry llaudley, W ho Dlaupueared In
July, Is at Home of Brother In
Ktrele 1 Ity.
liE.YTHK'E. Neb., Jan. 1 -(Special.)
Harry Hamlley, who disappeared from
his home at Da Hon, Neb., on July 5. has
turned up at the home ot his brother,
Noah J. Hundley at Steele City, safe
and sound, lie explains his disappear
ance by saying that he thought he had
killed a nan with whom he had a fight
Dcpiiuw Otti Gift From Joliu. I.
flKEEN CA8TIJ3, Ind.. Jan. l.-Sub-srriptlons
to the endowment fund ut
Depauw university exceed the $4u0.iii
stipulated by John IX Rockefeller in his
offer of $100,UUJ, It was announced today.
Most of the mousy was raised anionic
the seven hundred Methodist churches of
Churcli llurned at Witch Service.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Jan. 1 -On,
thorn-and persons aecuped with difficulty
from the tint Presbyterian church of
this city early today when the church
a burned. The congregation had as
sembled to hold special watch services,
when the flames burst forth.
Key to the BltuaOon-Bee AdverUsia.