Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Professional Jealousy is a Terrible Thing
By "Bud" Fisher
lJ ! "mT rw THfc UmV.6 . 1 - .V tmc cer ruY t WBcT TH FUNNIEST N THE
B. "P
jHO DO 1 THE p EXCUSE fAG s Qvr WHO DO 1 f JPFP ' LiTfiM. VIHO 0 VOU "
GW - OH.mTU JSFP! you Think A Th PvNNit, . r. T
, C '--
Wini Decision Over Eedmond in
Twenty-Round Fight.
Battler Alton g(, Iaol Man to Have
It Ills Owi War Darin Early
Roanda, bat Hrrtnn Con
dition Thereafter.
NEW ORLEANS. La.. Jan. l.-Bat.
tllng Nelson won the decision over Jack
ILedmond of St. Faul at the end of a
twenty-round bout at the West Hide Ath
lrtlc club yesterday.
The fight wi nearly all Redmond'! up
to the ninth round, when Nelson opened
up, ftr which there waa little doubt
a to the outcome. In the seventh and
elfhth rounde Iledrnond battered Nalaon'l
fare almoat at will, hammering hla nose
and eara with right and left and nllp
plng in ahort Jabs to the stomach that
appeared to dusn Nelson.
Itedmond camu back confident at the
beginning of the ninth, trying for a
knockout, but Nelson took a brace and
hot In a hard right and then a left to
Redmond's stomach and rights and le(t
to the face that brought the big crowd
to Ita feet.
From the ninth until the end of the
fight Nelaon bad Redmond backing away
and hanging on. There waa much clinch
ing and wrestling, Increasing toward the
.Jilose. . . -
Redmond tried to come back In "the
twentieth, but Nelson's blows on Ids
siomach had taken most of the Tight out
of him. though be got In two hard lefts
to the face In this round. Nelaon t then
shot In rights and lefts to the stomach
and ribs repeatedly. Nelson was going
alrong when the flnaigong Bounded. 1
ETA M PES, France, ' Jan. " 1,Mme.
Helena Dutcu tod.Ay made a flight of 2S4
kilometres (13 miles) in two hours and
fifty-eight minutes, thereby winning the
Femlna cup and beating all - women's
records for distance. The Femlna cup Is
offered for the lonceet 'continuous flight
made by a woman durlns th year. It
waa won last yeur by Mme. Dutcu, who
In that competition covered If! kllomotres.
At t'omplemia Mine. Jiann llervcu, In
competition for the lVtnlra cup, covered
US kilometre (154 mllec) In two hours
and forty-one minutes.
I.OS AXCSEUIS, Jan. l.-Outide the
some light work today Joe Rivera and
Frankle Cotiley, ho are to meet to
morrow afternoon at Vernon arena, rested
in anticipation of their contest. Conley'a
handlers said tliclr charge was In as
good condition as when he got a twenty
round draw verdict against Ktvcrs several
weeka ago.
Rivers said today: "I am going In at
my best weight and I urn trained to a
line point."
Conley is confident of victory.
Ksstkoat U roil ii Matrhed.
OAKI-ANIJ. I'al., J n. -C'Mchko
Knockout" Brown in.rt Hull.n- Ivm-iIcv
of this city will mo fn rounds before the
Oakland H liwimui t cluh loinorrnw
nftrrnooii. The men .ur inl.MIK elxlitii
and liiown ruii-n u ten lo -mia tuoiiln
on u'cuunt of his uYiUl'iri our M.ilmiiJ
here reventlv. -i h lm.. r will iI.-ihhiuI
a match hUIi Fiank i-au if imuIiui mi.
DETROIT. Mich.. Jan. i.-Eeualur Rob
ert M. la Follette of Wla.unsln ieachd
rvetrolt tonight from Ciii'lnnatl. whe-rw
last blftht be concluded a speaking tour
of Ohio. Ho appeared only slightly fa
tigued after his trip and aalde from a
buoklneM In hla voice h's vocal cliords
aeemed to have recovered from the utra'.n
of the last week. The acntor went at
once to hla hotel, receiving no visitors
tonight. Tomorrow be will begin a three
Cays' trip through JJlclilgaa.
Marksmen From
the World to Gather
at Camp Perry, 0.
IOWA CITV, la., Jan. l.-(Hpeolal.)
Captain Morton C. Mumms, commandant
of the t'nlverslty of Iowa, and a member
of the board of directors of the National
Rifle association of America arid of the
natlona) board In charge of small arms
practice, today told of plans that the
national board was making to celebrate
In 1913 the centennial of Commodore
Perry's great victory over the lirltlsh
on Lake Krle which Is to be held at
Camp Terry, O., and promises to be the
greatest gathering of marksmen to one
spot that the world has ever known,
Tito big centennial anniversary celebra
tion is to take pluce during the summer
months of that year and will Include In
competition every known sort of weapon
In the world. The affair Is to be Inters
national in Ha acopa and every kind of
arm from a ow and arrow to the latest
Invention of international warfare will
be represented In the tournament.
The tournament will be In the hands
of committees appointed by the United
eutQs war dspartment acting in con
junction with the various boards of rifle
and small arms praottce now In exist
ence, together with representative com
mittees from every formidable power of
the world. Just how long the tourna
ment wll last Is not yet known, but
some of the details of the affair will be
talked over at the meeting of the two
rifle boards to be held In Washington, D.
C, January 8. Teams from every state
In the union, representing national guard
companies, private rifle associations,
archery clubs and the like will be In
competition from the United Htates while
tha war department will tend the best
that the United States service possesses
In Its various branches of mark shooting.
Captain Mumms will attend the meet
ing of the two boards in Washington, D.
C. January 8. jt ( to be decided at
this meeting whether or not a national
shoot will be held In 1011 and If so to
what point It shall be taken. The honor
In the later case will lie between Camp
Perry, O., and Bparta, Wis.
WASHINGTON. . Jan. J.-The ensct
ment of a law to compensate all postal
employes. . Including letter carriers, for
Injuries sustained In the line of duty, -but
not attributable to their own negligence.
Is urged in the annual report of C. P.
Grandrield, first assistant postmaster
general, submitted to Postmaster General
Hitchcock today.
There were in operation June 30 laat
(n,:37 poetofflces of all classes in the
United States. The postal city delivery
service is now In operation In 1.M1 cities,
serving more than 44.U00.000 people, and
on the 42.010 rural routes 30.000,000 people
receive mall. This leaves a considerable
portlna of the American people, most of
whom reside In towns and villages, the
report declares, "without any form of
free delivery service, and under the pres
ent laws there Is no way by which the
de,attment can relieve this Inequality."
The cost of free delivery in cities, in
rliiilr.g collection expenses, was nearly
I 3.U .(;?, or more than It per cent of the
gr.w revenue of the city delivery offices.
Mr. Grand 0c Id calla special attention
tv the fact that during the last fiscal
year, "the triaj revenue of the depart
ment more titan equalled the expenditures
and the postal service Is now self-sustaining
for the first time since 133."
' i
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Jim Corbett, former heavyweight cham
pion, who declares that he expects soon
to forsake the stage to open a boxing
club somewhero." Fompadaur Jim" re
fuses to say where the club will be, but
It la said he has his eye on both. New
York and Ban Francisco.
WASHINGTON. Jun. 1. Several thou
sand rural free delivery curriers are
barred from active participation in poli
tics by an order tlgned by 1'res.dent Taft
today. The order foibids the carriers
from engaging In pernicious activity In
politics and empowers the Civil Service
commission to d:sm:is those found so en
sstcd. The rural csrrieis. like other
postatflce eirp'.oycs, aro not to be denied
the right of political belief and dlaous
sion, but thslr active participation will
be stopped.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. Wintry
weather will ' be general during the
greater part of the coming week, accord
ing to a bulletin Ixsued last night by
ll.o weather bureau. Stormy weather Is
also predicted over the north Atlantic
steamship routes, the British isles and
northwestern Europe.
"A marked change to colder weather
will overspread the region east of the
MlKHlHsippI river within the next thirty-
six to forty-six hours," continues the
bulletin, "with the line of freeslng tem
perature extending southward to the gulf
and south Atlantic coasts and to northern
Florida. Unseasonably cold weather will
continue the next several days in the
middle west and southwest and the
Rocky mountain region.
'A storm that is now over the upper
lake region will move down the St. Law
rence valley during Monday, attended by
anuw In the region of the Great lakes.
the upper Ohio valley, the Interior of
New. York and New Fngland; it will be
followed by clearing wualher elsewhere
cast of the Mlsvlaslppl river during Mon
day. "The next disturbance of Importance
to cross the United States will appear in
the far went Monday or Tuesday, cross
ing the middle west Wednesday or
Thutsday and tha eastern statea about
Friday; this disturbance will be preceded
by a reaction to normal temperature, will
be attended by general snows In north
ern and rains In southern dlxtricts, and
.111 bo folio ed by decidedly colder
liable Threatened
by croup, ruugha or colds are soon re
lieved by the use of Dr. King's New
Discovery. W cents and fl.OO. For sale by
Uoktou Liug Co. '
Ksplostuu Damage I'ietere.
GENOA, Jan. 1. An explosion of gas
too caused great damage In t lie
Academy cf Fine Arte. Several pictures.
Including some which received medals
at the World a fair at Chicago. wie
burnnd The civic library, which contains
0,0o volumes, was nut injured.
Pardon Refused to
Charles W. Morse
WASHINGON. Jan. l.-It was an
nounced at the White House tonight that
the report of the army medical officers
who have examined Charles W. Morse,
convicted New York banker, serving a
sentence In the Atlanta, Ga., federal peni
tentiary, does not warrant immediate
interference by the president and the
pardon will not be granted at thin time.
The physicians made a physical ex
amination of Morse in the military hos
pital at Fort McPhernon, where the
banker Is being treated under guard. They
also atudliid his mxntal condition and
transmitted their findings to "president
Taft through Surgeon General Torncy
The physicians find that Morse Is suf
fering from artnrlo sclerosis, valvular
trouble of the heart. Rrlght's disease and
has but recently suffered from an acute
attack of congestion of the kidneys. They
found no paralysis.
The doctors pronounce Morse's condi
tion necessarily Incurable, but do not ex
pect Immediate death. Their recommend
ations are such that President Taft found
no reason to depart from tho attitude
he hus assumed In the Morse case. It
Is genrvolly understood President Taft Is
unwilling that Morse die a prisoner, but
he does not Intend to grant the pardon
until he Is convinced the prisoner Is in a
dying condition.
Elertrleltr Pat on the Job and
tlnlcklr Deliver the
The great winter problem for those of
us who .live In the northland la the
thawing out of froien water pipes. Try
as we will every now and then Jack
Frost will steal a march on us and when
we wake up In the morning the water
pipes will be frosen tight.
Applications of hot water many remove
the ice In the pipes if It happens where
the water can be applied without re
moving the piaster and spoiling the wood
work. Once In a while a hot flatlron will
do the trick but, often enough, the frost
will have a grip on the pipe in a place
where flatlrona cannot be applied. Hold
ing a lighted lamp under the frosen part
has been known to work but it la Just as
apt to set the house on fire.
It remained for an electrical genius
to rig up a small portable transformer
for thawing frosen water pipes. This
little device is connected to tha afflicted
pipe and the current turned on. . In a
few minutes the pipe begins to get ex
ceedingly warm and tha loe melts away.
The devloe wilt work no matter where
the pipes are frosen even If the trouble
Is located far under the ground. Many
central atatlons for the sale and distri
bution of electricity now have one or
more of the pipe tbawera on hand and
they will apply tho electrical remedy to
any froien pipe for a nominal sum.
Trdlea Told la Headlines.
"She Had Married Htm to Reform
"Motorcycle Collides With Street Car
Car Uninjured."
"Happened to Catch Ills Fiancee Smok
ing "
' "Tries His New Teeth oh a Restaurant
"Fat Man gneesea While Descending
Elevator station Htalrway."
"Hostess Accidentally Breaks Bottle of
Bisulphide of Carbon. Chicago Tribune.
L Answer luuat be addressed to
'laliuu kAlitor" of 'in fee, ond reaun
Xbe Um office not later tnan p. tn.
iuursuay oi eacii wee, to be considered
lor prise aaia ( tnat week.
L CoulMUUits may submit on or more
aiiswei a lor ajiy or alt of tne prises.
j. vmura to be laciwu ou by each
adverUkor on uailyuU cuutest page U(1
pruned In hla advej waeiuenl, winun m announce on tor ueat contest.
. a-auu AeJiUiu luuat be wrma on
a Mpaiaie biimI t paper aud Musi da,
iguaie tue eO.verui.oi lor witom it is la-
U V liming LatfydUs will be chosen tor
thoir ouau.aiity. wit aud humor and
prelerence will be anowu thoa pi lam.nv
to nam or bualnaa of the edvartiaar
(. vUnnar tnuai cail in parson 'for
pruua at edverur a place of buina.
I, In aadltion lo advertisers' prime, Th
Be will award tlve 1 pruM tu the fiv
nnl beat La(fydil writer and wui print
thm. togihr lth all otaera wortu
pubiiablug u Dally AU w'eutcat fag.
"V -
' T ft Wfc
r : ;' : '
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if T
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Frank Chance, "peerless leader" of the
Chicago Cubs, who says that It is entirely
possible he will get In tne game at first
base again next year. In the effort to
give an actual demonstration of the fine
points of playing the position to young
"Chick" Gandll, who has been secured by
the Chicago outfit as its 1911 flrst
sacker. The fans would surely welcome
the return of Chance to the playing
areua, even though It would be only for
a ahort time.
BUTTE. Mont., Jan. 1. Accused of
rifling Chicago, Milwaukee & iniget
Bound freight cars along tho line from
8eattle to Butte. "Fat" Wilson Is under
arrest here. According to the police, Wil
son admits having committed three such
robberies within the last few weeks.
The alleged robberies were committed
In nearly every railroad yard west of
Butte and It la believed a band worked
systematically from some, central point
where they cached their loot and dis
posed of It through agents.
The Milwaukee road. It in nal.1. hi Inn
thousands of dollars through such depre
dations In the laat few weeks.
L Lrrla...
HS Ulovauul-.
, .LutUoit
Inspector Killed by Farmer.
STOCKTON, Cal., Jan. 1 John Go-
field, federal lnspt-ctor all acting a squirrel
poUonlng aquau in this county, waa shot
and killed Unlay by Harry Ashland, a
tanner. Immediately alter the shooting
Ashland surrendered at police headquar
ters 11-; t.aid his wite had been attacked
by Uofleld.
Three Kara to Death.
Sl'FFKHN, N. Y.. Jan. 1. Mr. James
Ilaker and her two children, Lillian and
hlliel. and I yeara old, lost thfir fives
here early today when fir ueotroyed
their home.
ftalrlde fart Hareeaafal.
BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. l.-Wllllam E.
Etling. &. year old. Is dead and Mr.
Olna Couch, 1M yeaiK old. 1 dying as th
rtult of what U thouxl t to have been a
suicide pact. The couple were found In
a hotel room with the gas Jot above tbeir
bed turned oa lull b.t
Lynching of Negro
Follows Crimes at
Benefactor's Home
8ALLI8AW, Okl., Jan. I.-For the
murder of George Casey, a white farmer
living near Muldrow, twelve miles east
of here, and a subsequent attack on Mrs.
Casey, a negro named Turner waa taken
this morning from the Casey home, where
he lay In a drunken stupor, and hanged.
Turner, to reach Muldrow, had stolen
an Iron Mountain railroad engine from
the round house at Van Buren, Ark., on
Baturday evening and had drlvei It to
Muldrow, Okl., where It was derailed by
the station agent, who had been advised
of Its coming.
Turner, two miles further on, reached
the Casey home, at which he applied for
admlaelon, pleading he was half froien.
Mr. Casey let him In to Bit by the fire
and returned to bed.
Later Turner, it Is declared, murdered
Casey as he lay asleep, using an ax, and
then overpowered Mrs. Casey. When the
negro fell asleep Mrs. Casey made her
way to Muldrow in her night clothing and
told of the crimes. .A posse waa formed
quickly and found the negro' asleep as
Mrs. Casey had described him.
Enormous Value of the Family
Property la New York
The total assessed valuation of the
property on Manhattan Island owned by
Colonel John Jacob Astor, his cousin,
William Waldorf Astor of England, and
the estate of William Astor, the father
of the present John Jacob, in which va
rious members of the family hold inter
ests, is 107,6,SOO. The Astor estate,
therefore. Is New York's largest tax
payer by a wide margin. Of thai enor
mous amount v of . realty scattered all
over the city, William Waldorf Astor
Is tha greatest holder, his possessions
being assessed at $60,290,000. John Jacob
Astor pays taxes, according to the pres
ent tax records, on $41,202,800, while the
holdings of the William Astor estate are
assessed -at $16,406,600. Despite the in
creased assessments In recent years, it
Is safe to say that the entire Astor hold
ings are not taxed on much more than
60 per cent of what the holdings would
bring at private or publlo sale, so that
the marketable value o? this $107,000,000
worth of property would doubtless reach
The list now prepared shows nearly
700 parcels of real estate, much of It in
the choicest parts of the city. It la dif
ficult to say at first glance whioli Is the
more surprising, the magnitude and value
of the holdings or the wide distribution
of the properties. Every section of the
city la represented, and In nearly every
section a large part of the best proper
ties bear the Imprint, as It were, of the
Astor name. The Fifth avenue holdings
are enormously valuable, so are the
Broadway portlona, many of the latter
being In the Times square district, where
values have Jumped miraculously within
the last few years. Then there are blocks
In the best apartment house district on
the west side, and the east side tenement
house area contains whole rows of
houses from which a steady income flows
Into the Astor coffers.
The Waldorf-Astoria hotel stands out
as the most valuable single piece of prop
erty held by the Astors on the tax bookk.
The Thirty-fourth street half, owned by
John Jacob Astor,' is assessed at 98.$60,
000, while the Thirty-third street half,
owned by William Waldorf, and which
has Just been transferred In trust for his
son, Waldorf, is valued at $6,150,000, or a
total of more than $11,000,0(0. The Hotel
Astor, In Ttmea square, la assessed at
The founder of the Astor fortune has
been dead but alxty-three years, and the
$30,000,000 which It waa estimated he left
has increased to many times that amount.
The flgurea from th tax books repre
sent but a portion of the real Astor for
tune. No estimate la made of the large
holdings of the affiliated members of the
family, the ChanlerS. Van Alens. Jays.
Praytona, Kanae, Langdoax, Delanos and
others, who Inherited from time to time
valuable portions . of the old Astor es
tate. ' Tho enormous growth of the es
tate is due in great measure to the mar
velous growth of New York, and Its
business and residential expansion,
which almost over night has made por
tions of the city hitherto deemed of little
value worth millions. New York' Times.
When a man and his' wife are congenial
It Is a sign that they can spend a rainy -Sunday
together without having a tiff.
The average man's ideas of the way. to
have a good time is to spend the money
he needs in his business for things he
doesn't need In his bosom. .
When a very rich man marries a very
poor girl, that's romance. When a very '
rich girl marries a very poor man, that's
This much is certain If Dame Fortune
ever knocks on our door she is going to
fret kissed, even If she looks like Lylla
As a general thing the kind of married
man who is inclined to get romantic in
the moonlight ought never to be allowed
to leave home without taking one of the
children with him.
If the statistics were available probably
It would be found that there are 98 per
cent fewer young men who want to be
an angel than who want to court one.
Dallas News.
Prizefight Postponed.
SALT LAKE CITY. Utah, Jan. 1.
The fifteen-round bout between Jlmmv
Reagan of San Francisco and Chalkey
Germain of Bt. Louis, scheduled for
tonight, has been postponed on account
of Germain's Illness. He linn a severe
case of tonflllltls. The bout probably
will be atoged next Monday night.
.ifc.'iititV - i:v.w.r--..v
iioyds "zgr
This Afternoon
Jan. 10, 11 Lawrence B'Oraay
Phone i Douglas 404 1 lad A14M
Mat. Every Bay, 8:15. Every Wight, 8:15
Nat M. Wills; La 'i'ltcoinb; Australian
Woodchoppers; World and Kingaton;
McDevltt. Kelly and Lucey; W. H. i'at
ton and Co.; Cole de Losae Trio; Klnets
;ope; Orpheum Concert Orchestra. Frlcea,
Night. 10c, 25c, 60c, 75c. Matinee, 10c,
beat seats 2f,c, except Saturdays, Sun
days and holidays
TOWIOHT, Matinee Today.
The Great Success,
Next Week "WMEBT wn vnr
w . J
As UsaaL Most Laughs la Town
BEfl WELCH Burlesquers
. WUh Vaudeville s Greatest Enter
tainer, Ben Welch, Himaelf; Lew Kellv
Vic Caainore and 24 All UlnKle Merry,
Merrya Grand Holiday Matluee Today.
....KltUQ THEATER....
pedal BTew Tar's Mat. Today 8:80,
Tonight 8:30. Best Seats aoc
Tonlrht. All w..w i -. ..
l-MaU.-W.d;-..tri5c,'aI' ;
40 GlrU. ail uaar 80, Ou Married
Meat Sunday 4 Days
Alma, Ware Do Ton Live.