Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    Till-: UKK: OMAHA. TIKSDAV, .1 ANTAKV J. I'M 'J.
f "He fiee'J np yaga z i rp afe
Harry Gets a Present from Bunk and the Boys
Copyright. 1!11, National News Awn-
By Tad
vyell- Hole. 4 a oouarfpom each
NfltDDlr' t RSiBiT- LE.TS fcS" -THCaa.'S
FEDnCK.. CUU-OCK HOt-sAfclJj Min
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fRESBHr-Wi'i (Kri TP MARP-
THiNtr NOW CAN Bow FOR. A ?tuOr
PuTTV Kcrp C0(N '' -r-' (HEU.O-M pom 6
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Married Life the Second Year
Helen is Firm in Ker Refusal to Dine at His Sister's on
New Year's.
"Why Warren, how CAN you expect
me to got"
"Why not?"
"After the way you people treated te.t
Christmas and Carrie parilcv.U- '' And
now you think I'll
; go to her house for
"It was all your
own fault You'd
no business to
I leave the room
' like that stalk
ing out 'with a
high and mighty
atr. Creating a
scene before every-
t body!"
Si .
"Warren, you
know I didn't cre
ate a scene! I
simply . HAD t o
take Winifred out
of the room be-
rause Roy persisted Vfif
in blowing that horn In her face.
"Oh, well, other people manage to get
along with Carrie's children, I don't see
why yon can't'
"Because they are always annoying
Winifred. They're always doing some
thing lo make her cry."
"She cries entirely too easily .anyway.
v You've coddled and fussed over her until
nobody can look at her without making
her cry."
"You know that isn't true. Warren.
You know Winifred Is more delicate and
more nervous than Carrie's children. And
"That's Just what I was saying and
it's your own fault. It's the way you've
raised her. Carrie brought up her chil
dren to be hardy."
"Would you want Winifred raised the
way Carrie has raised Hoy? Why I've
heard you say he's the worst boy for his
age you ever"
"Oh, I suppose Carrie should make
him mind more than she does. But at
least she hasn't made a hothouse plant
cf him!" .
"Winifred is not a hothouse plant,"
Indignantly. "She's perfectly healthy,
but her whole constitution Is more
delicate than Roy's. And I've never
coddled her. I've always tried to"
"fee here, I've no time to listen to your
method of raising Winifred. What I
want to know NOW is are you going
to that dinner or not?"
. "No, Warren, I told you I COULDN'T
"You mean you WON'T go that you're
stubbornly determined not to go. Why
don't you tell the truth about it V
"Because that isn't the truth."
"Well, I tell you right now I'm not
going to have any stir up In my family.
You're going to that dinner, and you're
going to act as though nothing had hap
pened. And you'll not pull off any more
high and mighty stunts either. It's about
time you're getting some common sense.
And right here's where you're going to
get Itl"
"Warren, I can't let you talk to me
like that."
"I'll talk to you as I blame please!"
Without a word Helen rose and quickly
Isft the room, closing the door after her.
Hhe did not cry. Her Indignation was
too great for tears. She had gone into
the bedroom and locked the door. And
now she stood with her hand still
clenched on the knob her cheeks aflame.
Would he try to follow her? Hhe
listened tensely. For several moments
everything was very still. Then came
the banging of the hall door.
So be had gone out! Well, anything
rather than a continuation of this! When
lie returned he would probably not speak
to her at ail. But she felt even such a
silence would be better than to go on
saying things that were more and more
bitter that perhaps thry could never
At 10 o'clock she wearily undressed and
went to bed. It would only irritate him
for her to wait up.
It was after 12 when he came. Al
though Helen lay very quiet and did not
turn he knew she was not asleep. But
he went to bed without speaking to her.
The next morning he ate his breakfast
in stolid silence and left without kissing
Iter good by. For Helen It was a long,
unhappy day. Before evenln she had
worried herself almovt sick. She knew
If she did not go to Carrie's dinner that
for weeks Warren would show his dis
pleasure by this scowling, sullen silence.
But how could she go? How COIXD
he-efter their treatment of her Christ
inas day? And now to give them an
other opportunity to further slight her
to let Carrie's children annoy Winifred
while the rest of the family locked com
placently on! No, no, she would not go!
It wai not often that Helen loolc so
firm a stand, but now she did not waver.
When Warren came nome for dinner
he maintained the same stolid pllence as
at breakfast. This was the way he was
punishing her. And she knew If she did
not go he would keep It up indefinitely.
It was just as' they left the table that
the telephone bell rang. Helen usually
answered the phone, and she did so now
without thinking. It wss Carrie. Helen
knew her voice with the first "Hello,
She had of course not seen or spoken to
her since the Christmas Incident, and
now there was an embarrassed pause.
Then Carrie said coldly:
"la Warren there?"
"Yes, I II call him Just hold the wire."
'Warren, Carrie wants to speak to
you," she caled into the sitting room
Warren came out and took the re
"Hello! .... Oh. at IT . , .
Well, that's sensible I loathe these noon
day dinners. No reason why you should
ruin your digestion Just because It's a
holiday. . ... That's fine. . . . Yes,
I'll be there In time to make the punch.
. . . Helen's not coming. ...
You'll have to a 3k her that, ... I
haven't the least Idea. I'm only account
ing for myself these days. . . . Yes.
.... I'll call you up tomorrow.
.' . . . Qoodby."
Warren came back Into the sitting room
and took up his paper without comment.
Helen was standing by the window,
pressing her flushed face against the
cool pane of the glass. The hall door
had been open and she could not help but
hear. .
Had Carrie asked him If she was com
ing? Or had he volunteered the informa
tion? And when he said, "You'll have to
ask her about that" it was of course. In
answer to Carrie's "Why."
' What would he have said had she not
been there had he not known she could
hear him? What would he say tomorrow
when he called Carrie up from his office?
For the first time Helen realized the
possibility of Warren "talking her over"
with his people. It Is always a painful
moment when this realization first comes
to any wife. That her husband, the one
to whom she Is nearer than to any one
In the world that he can stand apart
and discuss her In any way that Is crltl
cnl or disapproving!
And now Helen with her sensitive and
vivid Imagination tortured herself with
questions as to' what he would say and
HOW he would say It? When Carrie
pressed him for a reason for her not.
coming What reason would he give?
Of course Carrie KNKW the reason,
yet Helen felt she would pretend NOT
to know. ' That she would Ignore the
Incident of Christmas and ask Warren,
with well assumed surprise, "Why Isn't
Helen coming?" '
And then what would Warren say?
Would he refuse to discuss It and sar,
as he had tonight, "You'll hove to ask
her about that?" Or would he talk to
Carrie about het? Would they talk over
the Incident of Christmas when she hsd
so Indignantly left the room? What would
they say about It? COl'LD Warren "talk
her over" with anyone even with his
Home such torturing thoughts as these
must at some time come to every wife.
And now to Helen they came with a
sick realization that after all in many
ways she stood alone. Hhe could, never
again feel quite the same sense of "being
one" with Warren that she had before.
Pity looked out of a window and spied
Man with Ms hat in his hand;
Motionless wreck in a swift human tide
Man with hia hat In Ms hand.
Justice peered over her shoulder and said.
"Yonder's the bans of the land
"tShlftlessness claiming Its portion of
Man with his hat Inhls hand."
"Oh! he Is crippled," moaned Pity in
"Surely we must understand
Offspring of squalor thruugli llmltlesa
with hla hat In his hand."
"Close your eyes. Pity, for are wo not
Temperate, equable, bland?
Battle of life fairly fought in the dust
Man with his hst In his hand."
"Pray, you make way," spoke a calm
volca above,
"Mine Is an act to command.
Here Is my shoulder, lean on It, I'm love
Man with your hat In your hand."
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Sherlocko the Monk
The Adventure of the Quarrelling Crooks
Hjr il'9 MAGKR.
Copyright, 1911, .National News Assn.
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Twrrtw ricTiHfc tr A0U OuntD INTO THE
B"Uiwh Tvi'A IHrfelwovJS OVJ SPOILED J
V (rf ' ' Ml PLAN TO JPt CN c-- "A
How to Keep Young and Pretty
A Lesson on Walking; from the Paris Shop Girl.
I wonder If It is here with you In Amer
ica as It Is with us In Paris, that women,
and men, too, for that matter, have fash
ions In walking.
Hometlmes It Is the mode to affect the
walk of a grenadier, and In a few months
something will happen which will change
the fashion entirely, so that you have
to appear to glide tr slide over the
ground. One reason the French woman
affects tremendous vitality, even when
she lumn't got It, for It Is a mistake to
believe all French women are really vi
vacious. They aren't, but all of them
can pretend, and they do that much better
than American women do, though the
American woman really has the vitality.
But I was writing of walking and of
the fashions In walking. I do not Ilka
to walk at all, though I know I should,
because It la said to be a healthy. I
get plenty of dally exercise In the theater
and outside of that I prefer driving In
a comfortable carriage or an auto, but
when I do walk I am afraid I do not
faithfully carry out the doctor s precepts
to carry myself very straight, breathe
deeply and walk briskly.
Very few women who walk fast do It
nicely. Usually they awing their arms,
which Is odious and most ungraceful, and
a fashion which comes of your excessive
American Vitality, and which the French
woman does not have to worry about.
, notice It a great deal over here and
tli best dressed and moat elegant look
ing women are often the worst offendors,
The Parisian, even the little Mldinette,
the little shop girl, walka daintily, and
aha does not swing her arms around, nor
does she make very long steps. Of course,
our French women are not, aa a rule, as
tall as you Americans, but even the tall
ones are much more conscious of their
gait and manner In public, and a little
less conscious of their clothes.
Kven the badly paid shop girl wears
good shoes, however, and she somehow
always manages to look very neat on thi
street. I think this Is because she Is verj
rsreful about the way she doea her hair.
Most of our Mldlnettea walk about dur
ing the lunch hour at noon; that la where
they get their name from, and they don't
wear hats, even In winter.
Their heir n always beautifully shiny
and glossy, and perfectly neat.
Then they aro always very trim as to
costume. Even when It Is quite a poor
little frock. It fits well, and the bottom
of the skirt is well cut and does not sag.
As you go up the financial seal In Paris
you will find just these same character-Until-
emphasised. Daintiness In manner
and bearing, sometimes a'llttle affecta
tion, then a great deal of care given to
shoes nnd tho fit of the costume, and
carefully adjusted hat and veil, and I
may aa well a.ty hair, too, for a curl
pinned on here or there holps the general
Aa to the walk. This season It Is quite
a languid walk and one almost draga one's
feet, because of tight frocks and a bur
den of furs. Next season we may see our
women swinging along with something
very near a swagger. I remember one It
was the fashion to walk with a most con
sumptive air and every one did It even
the most robust looking women, which
was quite funny,
Here In New York most women have
a tendency to grow stout after, well
I won't say what age, because It always
Is offensive. These women ought to walk
a great deal, and the more energy they
put Into their walk the better for them,
and the thinner they will get.
But mostly you see them driving tor
riding about, and Ifa the very thin onea
who rush up and down the avenue.
That la always the way. The fatter you
are the less you are Inclined to exercise,
whllo thin people continue to lose fleati
they cannot well spare.
"The Gift of Sleep"
That Interesting person, Bolton Hall,
author of "Three Acres and Liberty" and
other books, rails his latest volume "The
Gift of Sleep." Here la some of Mr,
Hall's advice on how to quiet the mind
for sleep:
rlnmellmee we cause our own sleepless.
ners unsuspectingly, but none the less de
liberately, by the false requirements that
we lay upon ourselves. People often say,
I could not go to sleep In a room like
that.' If (here Is time and opportunity
to put the room In order, why, do it! If
there Is no time we can resolve, aa the
boys say, tu 'forget It.
"Another person Insist always on be-
ng waked up by tho Jan person lo come
home In order to be sure that the house
was rlosed up. Will another cannot go
o sleep till he has balanced up every cent
of petty rash spent that day.
'Many persons spend the most of their
thoughts and exhaust themselves over
things that are Just as trivial and incon
sequent as these; though they seem Im
portant to them. When anything has be
come such a habit, even though reason
able In itself, that you cannot sleep with
out it, you are paying too dear for It and
It is lime to change It. There is danger
even In good habits they may master us.
"it the mind has been so stimulated
that It cannot relax, there Is little likeli
hood that sleep will come quickly, but
we cannot relax by Impatience. Tossing
and turning will not quiet the mind; we
muHt either accept the condition calmly
and follow out the train of thought that
has started or deliberately sidetrack the
exciting cause. This msy be done by
setting up a counter activity In the mind
along quieting lines.
For Instance, If one lad walked the
streets late on some such Instance as a
New Year's celebration In New York, .
and had become stimulated by the crowd
and lights, he might deliberately recall
the most peaceful day In the country that
It had been his fortune ever to know. .
"In the same wayj If one has read ait
exciting book, or has seen a thrilling '
play, one must either live them over
until the feelings exhaust themselves, be
cause no longer ne-, or one may delib
erately divert one's self from thinking ". "
of them and devote the attention to mora -soothing
things. Klther course removes '
sll cause for Impatience with the fact
of wakefulness and Imvh th min
quieted. This tends to drowsiness, even
ii ii aoes not really induce sleep,
"bometlmes. It may help ua If we rise .
and read soma quieting book, not 'a
thriller.' Such a volume as Thoreau'a
'Walden,' or that more modern little
volume, 'Adventures in Contentment,' by
David Qrayaon, or we may repeat aome
soothing poem Ilk Tennyson's 'Sweet
and Low,' or Burrough's 'My Own Shall .
Come to Me,' and similar verses.
Any of these will help to relax ten
sion, and put us in a more restful frame ,
of mind, and, as minds differ, so some
persons will find books and verses of
other sorts to have the desired effect
upon them.
"When we cannot sleep, to rise, throw
bark the bedclothes so as to cool the
bed, walk about the room, go to the win
dow and fill the lungs with oxygen often
tends to quiet the body and mind. Rle
after a aleepleas spell and eat a crust of
breed, slowly chewing It, then return to
bed and sleep will sometimes come at
"We must learn to know our own needs '"
and to find out each for himself what '
meets them. To 'know thyself" Is only
the first step to control thyself."
l'neaiy looks dere face dot veara
Per only trouble abould a human crank
la dot It cannot be turned.
Mebhe It ain't such, but sometimes I
t'lnk a prude vaa a female voman dot
vlshes somebody vlll say somedlng to
make her blUHh her face.
All laughs doan'd listen alike In dls
country. Der laugh vlch you see at der
msrrlaglng altar sounds different from
der laugh vlch you vlll notice In der
dlforce court.
Vot a lot of motive power Is vested by
der peoples dot cholly udder peoples
De m in dot la alvays building caatlea
In der air is der architect of Ms own
Ven ve vant to play on der sympathy of
our friends ve sometimes find dem ould
of tune.
t'nd 1 set to 8pelgel: "Post cards la a
lot of peoples vlch vlll forget all oboud
you before dey vas born, alretty!' Und
Spiegel set, "Sure." D. DI.NKEUSPHtU