Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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wislics fop a happy and
prosperous INJcw Year
Thh store remains closed all day Monday
1'right nnl early Tursdiiy morning Logins tlw
bigpofct bargain giving
CleaFing Sale
we have ever held.
See Monday papers for complete details of this
eagerly anticipated event.
a.tern and FfmU.crn Colorado today.
At I-e Junta twelve Indies of mow
covert the (round and blanketa all feed
on th range. Severe cold no froten the
water and cattle, hor and sheep are
uttering. Secretary Whitehead of tha
Mats Humane society ha been notified.
Bo aerloua are condition. It la aald that
Jack rahbitH, quail, Wolves and coyote
are florkln; to ranch houses and settle
tnerita for fc?d. Today "the thermometer
at, La Junta reglftertd 10 degree below
From the mountains' west of Ixveland
irreat' herda of deer l.avo been driven
to tha prairie !ands to find, feed, so deep
la the mow In the hills, and It la aald
to be common to eea deer mingling with
ranch cuttle on the graalng land.
In the dlH1ct about Canon City ranch
era' -cattlo have been driven to clvl'.lsa
tion by the snows In the mountains. Sev
eral Hone have been killed In that dis
trict by ranchmen, and preparation are
being mile by ranchmen and cowboy
for a great Kr w Tear day mountain
lloa bunt In the foothill and mountains
west of Canon City.
JtaowFUU Monutala Faasee.
Immense snow drifts In th mountain
passes are dolaylng trains. Colorado St
Southern train No. 1, due here yesterday
afternoon. Is still at Toxilne. , Ranta Fa
iretne from Texas are also mow bound.
Two sections of a Union Pacific train
from Kansas City, scheduled to reach this
city at noon yesterday, ware delayed until
this morning.
Other trains Iransverslng Kansas are
arriving from two to twelve hour late.
Several tralna which are mad up bare
for' th snow, bound district dlA not at-
tumpt to depart.' i
, i-. i i) i
Kiss) nelow at ftlon City.
Sioux ctrr. tu i. ,-ni coid-
ret weather of thu winter 1 being ex
erlneed In this section. Temperature
dropped to 8 below lat. nlsht, but rose
slightly thl morning. finow Is falling.
HT. JOKBl'll, Mo., lec. SO.-Bnow and
sleet has been fulling hem all day and
etiret car and railroad truffle Is badly
interrupted. Tolephone wires ar down
In many places. ,
Trains DelayeU by "aowdrilts.
NonjroUK. Neb,. Dec. H0.-It wa 10
below aero in Norfolk today. A Union
J'aolfln paesengor train due here from
Columbus. Nob., at 130 tat night arrived
at G:S thl morning. The distance I
fifty mile. The trait; bucked snowdrift
ail night.
A mm mm.
Kerav4 ftkeltlem, I' toes at Is.
. ai 9iia( Saffers stroke of
.Jaralrs!e. ., ,
NKBRASlyA .CITY", Dec M.-tPpeclal.),
v.owam rs'.ewiiti, ope or tha pioneer
residents of tliis city 'and peihape iii
oldest commlwldri man In the state, auf.
ferwl a stroke of paralysis yesterday aft
ernoon. Ue waa about the (treat th
earn as usual and seemed In tha beat of
health and waa suddenly stricken down.
II la 71 year ot age and since th pack
ing house her dispensed with th serv
ice of th commission men and pur
chased direct from tha shippers or
raisers he ha lived a retired life with
his daughter. Mr. Bhudon waa for
many yeare a close personal friend ot the
late J. fHerl'.r.g Morton and nn one of
hi appointee whun ha was a member
of President Cleveland's cabinet. Ir.
BhsMon's condition Is quite serious.
Henry W. Zahn was married today to
Mies Matilda C. Bchacht, at tha home of
her parenta 'in Osage precinct. In the
) rceetice of a large number of relatives
an I friends. , The groom Is a well-to-do
young man and the bride the daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Louis hchacht. one of the
largest land owners and wealthiest farm
ers of that !HrlIn of the county.
Judge II. 1). 'Travis has unnounced that
during 1312 Ue will hold a Jury term In
Hill county April IS and October SI, In
f'ajis county i-Vbruary W ar.d September
Zl und In rarpy county May ST and No
veniber A.
l-AWMKNCKi. Kan., Inc. 30.-Tbe
chance remark it a friend relative to a
newspaper Item telling of the death of a
woman In Los Antilles. Cat., waa the
means of brir.glng a fortune to Mrs. Mary
Jiuroet cf this city. Today kite received
a message telling that shs will re.
reive I1S.UU9 from the. estate of the le
teased woman, who wen Mrs. Naiuie Kay
NpMvan, her stj'.er-ln law. Lawyers had
been searching nearly a year fur Mrs.
Advertisements Monday
Tlie liee Monday will pulilUh Junuury sale advertise
ments of Omaha Htores. Women will he especially inter
ested. The liee will issue no paper Monday evening. The
morning edition will bo delivered to all subscribers.
'..xm .nr
la toilette Oppoiea Application of
Sherman Law to Unions.
eaator, 1B Preeldeat Taft'e Home
Tows, Asserts Ksloreesiesl of
Measnre Tijkes Hmall arlu
aad Leave Wealth.
CINCINNATI. O.. Der. D0.-8enator L
Toilette Invaded President Tat home
city today. The progretv candidate for
tha republican nomination for president
atopped first at Hamilton. Butler county,
heralded for year aa th democratic
Gibraltar of tho state, drew together a
crowd that filled the hall in which he
spoke, and after a brier reception by the
Hamilton club entered President Taf t a
noma city In a drlssiing rsin.
In Hamilton, although arrangement
for the meeting had been made too late
to permit any extended notices, a skating
rink hastily outfitted with chairs was
well filled. Henator La. Follett, who with
watch In hand announced that he would
talk but haJg an hour warmed Into hi
speech and talked nesrlv ihm iim.
long. Hi voico had been husky and he
gav eviaenre or being fatigued by tha
first week of hi speech-making tour,
At Muslo hall her tonight he attacked
tha Judicial construction which brought
labor union combinations: tinder ths
restriction of the Sherman anti-trust law,
I?afftrcemrat Vafair.
"It I trangs," ho, ldJ 'that whett
th court goes to It fiMheit liml Is
imposing penalties on combinational f
oapltaJ, all of tha oapitmist owners got
away with tha full value of their prop.
rtr, but when th court goee to tha
am limit In enforcing Densities nn
oomblnatlona of labor. It take away the
nomea and small savings of th guilty
'Th fait la, the law wa not under,
stood by the people to apply to labor
organisations and It Is a' mistaken
Judicial construction that has made It
so apply. Tha law should be amended
oy taking out from under Its operation
all labor organizations and all emnlnves'
associations. The law should exclude
entirely from its prohibition the collective
Bargaining or le.Bor unlona and em.
"In addition to strengthening tha law
against restraint of trade, there must
he a reduction or repeal of th tariff,
where It fester unfair competition. In
stead of two or mora commlsaionera. like
tha tariff board, tho proposed board to
deal with restraint of trade and others,
each Investigating tha aame fact and
corporations, there should be. a atngle
Ituara of export, statisticians and ac
countants to. determine facta and acquire
Information for tha us ef every branch
of the government., i
BEFUJN. Iec. .-12leven more deaths
have occurred today from poisoning,
bringing tha total up to eixty-elght alnoe
I'eoember when a number of Inmates
of the Munleiial Night Shelter for the
Homeleaa were suddenly, affected. Thirty
additional casen of eickness also are re.
ported and the problem la becoming more
mysterious, aa among the victims one at
least was never In a public shelter and
soma other did not partake of the aua
peeled fish. The official experts con.
tlnue to Insist that the sickness wa
brought about by ptomaine poisoning.
Breach of PrnwitM Salt Dropped.
MARSHAI.LTOWN, I., Dec. StX-iSpe-clal.)
Tha sensational breach of promise
ult begun by Blre. Alma Clark of Hoi
ton. 111., aaalnst It, L. Pylo. a wealthy
and aged stockbuyer living near here,
ha been dismissed. Bult was brought
for llO.Ouu, Mrs. Clark, who Is a widow,
alleging that Pyla made love to her In
110. was accepted and the wedding day
waa aet When Pyle'a attorney riled a
motion that the widow, being a non-resident,
be forced to post a $1,000 bond for
the court costs she dropped the suit.
Letters written to her by Pj I were filed
by her attorney.
New rustor at Cambridge. Neb.. Dec. SO. - Special.)
lr. 1. E. McCaraer of the Kirst Metho
dlet Episcopal church of Pprlnger, N. U..
arrived here yesterday to lake up the
pastorate of tha Methodist Episcopal
church here.
-j-. j j jji.i.
!ilan Who Stirred Up Trouble at Fort
Madison Ooct Back.
Haters HarUrn e.rirrs' Quarter
nail U AitarLrrf lr Nrro look
tlrta'ae Mitlrra l Forf,
(FYom a fitsff Correspondent )
DKS MOINKfl. la.. )er. M.-(Hpcclal
Telegram.) It became known todsy that
Fonk Novak, a pardoned ex-convlcT. re
turned to Kort Mfldlran reently and go
ing to the state prison became engiiKcd
In an altercation, which resulted In his
receiving a severe' beating.
Novak Is the convict win! rec-ntly
started trouble for the warde'n and while
an Inmate sent out attack upon e
prison mansgement. After he was )
roled lie devoted himself to making ,
tacks upon Warden finder and he
supplied the newspapers with lalial
Novak went hark and entered the wa
den's house In 111' absence snd demanded
of the warden's wife thst she give him
certain rapers. which she refused. Hhe
finally entered him from the hounn and
Just then a negro cook, who was an In
mate, came up and gave Novak a s-rund
drubbing. A report has been madn to
tha board of control, which has exoner
ated th warden entirely.
Iowa Coaaty la Aresard.
Fifty citizens of lowa county Jw
rormeo: an asnoclatlon and are ,fet
mlned upun bringing action againrt mem
bers of the hoard of supervleirt a, similar
to that commenced here, to ouet them
from office and they wllf" appeal fi the
governor to direct the Action. In se'"ral
counties of the state the county affairs
ar under' Investigation largely on ac
count of bridge funds and contracts.
Tho chief rr police of Ie Moines an
nounced tndar he would commence pro-
ceedln-"ln court to secure an Injunction'
aaine n local hotel to restrain its opera
tlon for immoral purposes. The police
rlll tho place and' found a number of
persons, who later forfeited their bonds
rather than defend themselves for Im
moral conduct, hu the Justice court failed
to hold the proprietors of the hotel. Now
under a nwe law an Injunction Is to be
seemed, the first time this la whas been
made use of In the state.
DKNIUON. la.. Dee. 30.-(HDeclal Tole-
gram.)-Conductor Tlllett of 'Hoone was
Instantly killed at the station here at
11 a. m." He stepped off his way car In
front of No. 7 fast pnesenger. Jt Is
thought tha smoke and steam clouded his
sight so he did not know the train was
upon !at n. HI body wa badly mangled.
MU8CAT1NK. la.. Dec. M Thnneh In.
dlctment Involving labor leader In con
nection witn the button workers' strike
were expected here this afternoon, It waa
announced that th grand Jury' report
probably would not b made publlo until
next week, or -after arrests have been
made. .
. ! New Nates.
ALI,lRON-On January Is m. aruwiiai
tlon will be? held here to vote on the
Proposition to bond the echool district for
llS.duo, with which to build and equip a
new school building.
KLDOrtA Jamea Phelan. wanted here
for forgery. Is under arrest at Billings,
Mont., according to a telegram received
by rlherlff Waleh. The off leers I. ft i.
day to brlng Phelan here.
UNION The Church of Christ, costing
I1S.W0, will t dedlcsted here Hunday.
Hev. Charles (. rltout of Colorado
Hprlngs. t:o!o., will have charge of the
dedicatory service. Pastors of ' the
denomination from central lowa will par
ticipate, ,
(Continued from First Psge.)
Hams, If they ar able to bring forward
the noccasary security before nightfall. '
So far aa known today Clarence 8. Par-
row will not be associated In the defense
of the prisoners. One labor leader made
th definite statement that he would not
he retained.
gchmldt aad taplaa Named.
United State District Attorney A. I.
MeCormlck announced that In addition to
Tveltmoe, Johannesen and Munsey. In
dictment returned today by the federal
grand Jury named E. N. Clancy, the
MiNamara brothers, Ortlo K. McManlgal
and Schmidt and Caplan.
"And tha grand Jury ha not finished
It Investigation by any means," he
Mrs. Munsey, wife of the indicted Salt
Lake labor leader, and her aon, Alfred
Goodrich, were among the principal wit
nesses before the grand Jury. Mrs. Mun
sey's testimony wss said to have been
practically a repetition ot a publlo dec
laration aha made some time ago that
her husband had seen or had eommunlcr -tlon
with the McNamaraa both before
and after the Times explosions.
"I'm not going to talk at all," Munsey
said today.
"All I have to say will be said to the
attorney who will defend us."
Tveltmoe Prominent la Labor World
BAN FltANCISCO. Dec. 3u.-Olaf Tvelt
moe, Indicted today In I) Angeles. Is
the secretary of state and local building
trades council and prcettient of the
Asiatic exclusion league, which spresds
over the Pacific coast. He also ia editor
of the local building trades Journal,
organised labor and a member of the
executive board of the national Brother
hood of Cument Workers, which he or
ganised. Tveltmoe obtain -d bis aecretaryshlp la
the building trade council about ten
yeara ago.
Anton Johannsen served as a model
for the hero of a recent labor no vol. He
baa a mote powerful foloaliig In Chi
cagu than In 8n Kranotsoo. He was
early a Ivader In the laour movement In
Chicago, while aa officer. ot the wood
aurkers' union. His politics were then
uf a socialistic turn and he created a
sensation In the convention, of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor In Pittsburgh
by denouncing Uunipera aa a nun pro
,re salve.
V hlle In Chicago Johannsen waa noted
as the upputient ot the "slua'gere," advo
cating peaceful methods of dealing with
the mn-unlonlaia. He curr.e to Van
Francisco five jesis ago and for the last
two years baa beeu organiser of the
state building trades,
( Tveltmoe and Joliannaeii were attending
the convention of IU AuwrK Jmi.
S J,
tltin of Labor at Atlanta at the time the
McNsmaras confessed.
Mansey Harbored Mc.Naniarn.
VLT LA K E CITy, Dec. 30.-U has
i asserted repeatedly by detectives
loyed In the McNamsra caee that J
Munsey, indicted In Los Angele to
v In connection with the alleged dvna-
ite conspiracy, harbored James B. Me
Namnra in his home here after the ex
plosion that wrecked the Los Anreles
1 imes.
It Is said that Mrs. Munsey made an
affidavit to this effect to detectives after
a nuarrel with her husband.
When Munsey was summoned to ap'
pear before the federal granl Jury at
i.os Angolcs the papers, books and cor
respondence of the local Iron workers'
union were secured by Sheriff tiharp of
oait uaxe county and shipped to the
federal authorities at Los Angeles. It Is
believed here that the mysterious box
taken before tha grand Jury for examlna-
tlon eome weeks ago coutalnod these
- 'r " "s-
(Continued from Plrs Page.)
cllne to accent a lormal Invitation to at
tend the dlniit. To prevent possible dis
order the pome cimmtseloner has or
dered his "sironir ..i ..i s iuxd" to be pres
ent. President Taft was due to 'arrive at
O'clock and following his arrival will go
at once to the peace dinner, The list
of speaker are as follows: President
Taft, Andrew. Carneg., Oscar Biraus,
Henry Clewa and John Temple Clravea,
the toastmaster.
Mr. Carnegie Indicated today that he
might have something to say about the
pending arbitration treaties. It Is be
lieved here that President Taft will take
occasion to make reply to Colonel K3ose
velt'e editorial comment of the arbitra
tion treaties.
President btt for New Verk,
WAPflLN'OTON, Dec.' JO.-Prealdent
Taft left Washington at 10 o'clock for his
last trip pf the year. Ift first atop will
le at Philadelphia, where he will attend
the John Wahamaker ' fiftieth anniver
sary and Jubilee celebratlpn., i From
tfier be will proceed to New jork to at
tend the Cltlson' Peace banquet tonight.
Arrangements .were completed for the
president to spend New Year eve at
tha Whit House. Senator Penrose ac
companied the president.
President Visits Wanamaker Bolld
Insr and Ledgs-r Office. '
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 80.-Presldent
Taft spent three hour in Philadelphia
today whlla on hi way from Washington
to New York, where he will attend a
peace dinner tonight. HI purpose in
stopping here waa to deliver an address
at the dedication of the new building of
Utterly Wretched
. .' s
Nervous IVostratlon Ixnjr Endured
Before Itemedy Was Found.
Mis Minerva Remlnger, Upper Bern,
r a writ..- ' 1 LV. . I ...... . i i
. , ".." a ... new, at yearn . nttu
nervous prostration, and waa utterly
wretched. t lived on bread and beef
tea because my Stomach would not re
tain anything else. I took may rem
edies, but obtained no relief until I
took Hood's harsaparllla, when I began
to gain at once. Am now, cured."
Pure, rich blood makes good, strong
nerves, and this la why Hoods Earsa
parllla. which mi rlflea and otiplchaa th
blood, cures fo many nervous diseases, i
tlet It today In usual lluutd form or
chocolate,! tablets called Saraatab.
Laundry Resolutions
One of the beat
ways to make
1912 bring
greater success
to you is to
wear the most
1 in maculate
linens always
fresh and at
tractive so
much ao that all
your friends will
ak "Who does
your launder
ing?" If you want
to give yourself
this distinction,
January 1st is a
bully time to
iMi. I'.itm
and you'll be surprised at the
difference it will make and
greater success will naturally
follow. . s
I 3
We wish
you and
all our
a mcst
New x
the John Wansmaker store end to visit
the offices of the Philadelphia Public
The presldrnt was warmly greeted by
a largif crowd at the Broad street station
of the Pennsylvania railroad. Among
those who were with the president were
Secretary of State Knox and United Ktate
Senator Penrose. Mr. Taft was met by
Oovcrr.or Temr cf Pennsylvania and John
Wanamaker and under escort of th First
troop, Philadelphia City cavalry, the pres
idential party proceeded to the Wana
maker store.
After the exercise In th store Mr.
Wenamaker made an addres Introducing
Mr. Taft.
After the exercises the president wa
escorted to the Publlo Ledgr offices.
Mr. Tsft had been Invited to meet tho
staff of the newspaper and took the pres
ent opportunity to accept It. Tho em
ployes of all the department met the
president in the buslnes office. ;
Democrats Will Cut
Off Tariff; Board
WASHINGTON. Dec SO.-it was cred
ibly reported at the capltol today that
the democrats of the hous$ have deter
mined to eliminate from th sundry civil
appropriation bill for next year the $226.
ono estimate for tho president' trlf(
board, the $T5,onO estimate for the presi
dent' economy and efficiency commla
slon and the .Ono estimate for the prel
dent's traveling expense. Consideration
of tho bill will bo begun next month In
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. The report of
the special board of army surgeons, de
tailed by PreHldent Taft to make a physi
cal examination of Charles W. Morse, the
banker, at Atlanta penitentiary, la said
to aupport previous reports which have
boen made to he president and I under
stood therefore to be unfavorable to the
prisoner' Immediate release.
The report give a careful anaylsls of
Morse' physical condition and . la said
to hold there I no reason ta expect any
sudden development.
The report I being "kept secret and
will be transmitted to the president
through official channels.
r ri TEETH
Special Prices for
January. 1912
Any one bringing thi ad to my
office, having more than one dol
lar', worth of work done, this ad
Is worth 60c, and Jf more than
flvo 'dollars' worth of work, this
ad is worth $1.00 on the adver
tised price. ,
All my work is guaranteed for
10 years and to be perfectly sat
isfactory. . ... . , , ,
Ketof Teeth ......... .1 . .'$3.00
Very Beat Set of Teeth .... $8.00
Aluminum riatea, very best made.
at .$10
Cold Plates $23.00 and up
Gold Crowns $4.00 and up
Porcelain Crowns, like your own
teeth , .$3.0O
Gold Fillings $1.00 and up
Silver FllllnKS , ......50c
Porcelain Fillings ,, .$1.00
Bridge Work, per tooth ..$4.00
201 raxton Clock
Office Hours, 8 to ft Evenings, 0
to 8; Sundays, la to 4.
You work, prob
ably, more for your
family and depend
ents than for your
' self. A man would
be selfish if he did
You liave defi
nitely In mind to
whom you want
your property and
Life Insurance to
go when you are
taken away.
K v a r y day wa
have exemplified
to us the uncer
tainty and sudden
ending of Life.
We draw your
Will without
charge If named
Executor or Trus
tee. ttrrj!.
Hiif i ,saTfclaTaaa,awaMaiasaaeslallsMsaa, S
by starting at the Moaher
Umpman College. ''The most
successful people arelhoge who
have been traiaed for business.
Attend the
and it will prepare you for a
good position.
We have a Complete Com
mercial Course; a Complete
Shorthand Course: and a Com
plete Course In Salesmanship.
Winter term begins Tuesday,
January td.
ISIS Far nam St.. Omaha, Nmm.
Silver for Wedding Presents
You tan give nothing more appropriate than splen
did sterling silverware. It is beautiful and remains so
for generations certainly a practical side to consider.
There is such a wealth of items to select from hero
that individual gifts are quickly chosen, or, a group of
donois may unite in selecting more pretentious gifts. .
Tea sets, coffee sets, bon-bon and fruit dishes, mar
malade 'jars and sandwich trays. Knives, forks, spoons,
in sets or chests, fancy pieces, etc.
A Special Handsome Sterling silvei sugar and
creamer a wonderful value at $12.00 the pair. ,
Don't Merely Buy Invest.
Sixteenth and Harney.
, '
Start the Hew Year night by Keeping
Your Money. Life Insurance PoliciesTax Receipts,,
Contracts.- Deeds, Abstracts, ! Donds, Jewelry and other
valuables in a '
In the American Safe 'Deposit Uaults
In the Bee Building.; 216 South 17th Street,
Boxes rent $3 a Vear.or fl'for three months Call and
see thorn. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P, M. every day and
until 9 P. M. Saturday nights.
pram . i ' -t.i.l"
."V. .T A a ...
orandeis stores
Respectfully Invite You to Attend an Interesting
Special Exhibition of the New Models in !..;
1& .
The triplicate tops of the hose supporters, which give thred
distinct "pulls' downward, oblique and horizontal.
A-Ii"" L
Nye Turner Go. i
I R . . aa w.a. -w V
I ' 11 1
K RE taking advantage of investments
oft'ered by bonds for small amounts.
These are as safe, yield as much,
and are as. readily realized upon as the larger
demoninations. We have them for $250 and
$500. No legal dpinion of abstract, no
search for unpaid taxes, no insurance to be
kept up, no trouble collecting the interest
just cut the coupons.
These bonds can be bought by monthly
payments, thereby securing to the purchaser .
the best income. . '
Beginning on
Tuesday, Jan. 2d
Miss Virginia Meyer, well
known at an expert corsetlere,
will be present to explain the
anrift1 f AA ll rm rf t Vi aaaaa rrrn
'lar corsets, and to aid you la
solving this most Important of
present fashion problems the f t
correct corset. f
Newly Patented Special (
Features Make the
More Practical Than Ever.
The elastic bands of Laetl
kops Webbing (on Inside of
corset) perfectly supports the"
abdomen from underneath.
The new form of Nemo Self
Reducing Straps (on outside of
corset) gently . reduces the
1 "..!. 11111 !"-! IX
ff I. ft VsnklAU CT
in i I r fi ii m M