Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 13

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Five Holiday Debutantes
Ccminj of Kew Tear'i Eve on Sun
day Will Not Frevent Partieg.
Maa frlnl Rrtati far Ike Harvard
Mastral f "labs fartles at
Omaha Coaatrr flubs
Taalajht Maadai,
aortal Calendar.
SCNDAY-Table d'hote supper and wsti h
party at Countrv ciuh; mus.ral ni
watch party at Omaha club; Mr, and
Mrs. Lynn Kfmr, watch party; hour
party at h'eemer fur Fred leuh
tty; Mr. and Mr. T. M. Orr. ws'ch
li ty, wedding of Miss Moslna Mendel
I'pia and ir. Edward Freedman fnl
lned by dinner-dance lor wedding
:iMAY-Mr. and Mr. Henry XV. Yates,
open noun? at Hillside; M". J. J, Mu
. Mullen, afternoon coffee for Mian NX
ne Half: Mrs. John 'l'. "trwart, dance
et the Ortitid hotel. Council p,hiffs: Mis
Charlotte C'allanan. boa patty at the
Hoys'; J mourn club, mstlnee. party at
the Hoyrt; Vain alumni, annual dinner
nt 1'nlvereitv club.
: TI'KSDAY Mm. Ovorge A. Jolyn and
, .Mm. J. K. Hcobie. Mini Violet Joelvn
niiA Mlra H. ohle, at home at l.ynhuret;
l:hop and Mi. A. I.. AVIlllams, at
Imme; Mra. I.loyd Hlngham. lea for
Mr. tieorge Marples of ''hicago.
Wr:iNK"DAY-Brwneil Hull seniors,
thoalrr party at the Kojd.
'J 1 I I'HSDA V-Mn, John N. Uatdwln.
luncheon: Ml co Haael rpdike, after
noon party; l.'nlvetaliy club, luncheon
I'H rrtHicient isunoia 01 wariniomn
olwrlln tilee club, concert at First
t.'oncrricatlon Church: High school, mid
term )eic at Chamber'; Fiiscllla
Alden society of the High arhool, en-t-i
i.irtmrnt at the home f Miss Ltic.ll
I'M DA V Mra. Jo.iyn anil Mra. ). nble.
Miss Joi-lyn and Mi.s at home
at l.ynhurat: t ort Crook Undue club.
meeting: Mr. John n. WeWster, Dinner
at i nivrrsitr cluu.
SATt'RUA Y Mi . J. J. Carson, I'pan
imo club. .... .
: The fact that this, lh last day of Ui
t l year 1911, falla on Sunday, hat not
birred tha customary festivities to wel-
ma in tha new year. Although tha par.
; tip win ba of a mora qulat. naturs than
usual. , at lent until midnight, society
lll be out In force to hall 1612.
- Tha party at the Country club thta
' evening will ba tha la r teat of tha celebra
' i lona. Many email parties mill ba given,
j numbering about a hundred member and
i KUiata, for tha table d'hote supper, which
; will be preceded by a mimical and fol
1 lorn ,) by a dance after midnight.
Mr. and Mra. Howard H. Baldrtg will
( have a party of aixteen thla evening for
M . and Mra. Joaeph F-aldrlg In cele
. bratlon of the latter' first wedding an
I nlversary.
With Mr. and Mi. Westbrook will be
Mr. ani Mra. Herbert Wheeler, Mr. and
; .Mr. Edwin fwobe. Mr. and Mra. A. V.
Kliwler and Mr. nj Mra. H. L. Huntley.
Lieutenant and Jfta. lid fenbtrlck will
have a table for Un; Mr. Alfred Millard,
' tlv; Mr, J. U. George, alxt Mr. and Mr.
Jerome Magee, four, and. Mr. and Mra.
John T. Ktewart twelve.
Miis Dorothy (iuven nlll be hoaleai
at one of the partial, which will include
Mlsa Mildred Kuiier. Mlsa Katherin Uee
mi. i. Mla rtutlt Hammer, Mia Ull-iabeth
I'avla. Mlaa Menle Uavla, Ml porothr
Mutgan, Mica Dinning, Mr. Hal Brady,
Mil Ben Wood. Mr. Jack Webster,- Mr.
Haj-old rrltohett, Mr. Cuthberl Potter.
M., aerald Wharton. Mr. Ned Mlllan, Mr.
Jubn Paugherly and Mr. and Mr. Ed
ward OUrlcn.
At the Omaha club titer will be muslo
and watch parties till evening. ,
Onn of the moat Intarestlng " et th
watch jwiUeln Pilvat liomeM'Will '.b
that of Mr, and Mra. T. M. Orr. for a
Jon year Mr. and Mr. Orr hav
"watched the going of the old year and
Ut coming of the iiew wtlh aimoitt tli
Uame frlanda, WUh tlmm thla evening
will n Colonel and Mr Tliama Bwobe.
JM: and ' Mra. A. O. Hoffman, Mr. and
Mra. A. M. ttorglum,. Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Wakefield. Mra Klla Kqulrea, Mr and
Mr. Hoxle Claris of et. Loula, Mr. 'and
lira. Dtvlght 8wob and Dr. Jamea Ooeta.
' Mr. ami Mra. Lynn Kemper will bavt
n watch party at their home for a few
f their intimate friend.
A wutcU party of young people Will be
t hat fur Fred Daugherty at Roeamer,
the countiy home of Dr. and Mra, C, C.
AlllMon. The following young people ar
il wd Satutday and will remain over
, Monday:. Miss Htella Thummel, Mliw tier
'trudo Met. Mlit Fraucea Ilochatetler,
, .Ml Marlon Kuhn, Mlaa Marie Ptewart
' of CouDvil Wuffs. Mlaa Genie Patteraon,
:lla EllsabjtU n?ed. Mis Josephine
Cunrdon, Hugh Millard. Franc! Qalnes,
Tad Forbes. Clifford Wolfe, fhlllp Mets,
'Orrlt Kort, jr., ami Malcolm Ualdrige.
' ew ear'a I'artlea.
; Now Year's day and night will b one
i round of gaiety. Th largest of th at
home will e that of Mr. and Mr,
llftiry XV. Yaicn, who, according to thetr
cuatuni of many , year, will keep open
house to their Mend from 4 to S o'clock
In the afternoon. Mr. J. J. McMullen
will give au afternoon coffee for her
niece, Mix Nrllla Hale of Denver.
There will ha dinners, large and small,
Hnd many theater partita. ,
Following the military custom, there
will ba open buuse at th commanding
officers quarter at both Fort Crook
and r'ort Omaha. At noon th officer
of Fort Crook in full dress uniform will
tail al tha quarters of Colonel t.ltr
t v.lli wtill their superior officer, Th
Coil Omaha officers will pay their re-xi-tcts
to Captala Clark at Fort Omaha
Vi the same way, Th wive of tha off),
i era will analst Mia. Laaalier and Mr.
Clark al tilt posts.
Fur llsnsra Maaleal t lab.
. All of the large auvlal evinta of 'Hatur.
day wer In honor of th Harvard
tiiunUai club.
In the afternoon a 'delightful tea was
B'van by Mr. and Mra. Arthur" Crittenden
Hiiutli at their home for tha vuiH(
when g number of young women were'
invited to meet the visitors. Each of the
guesta was given a ribbon on which was
pi lined tha name of th wearer, there
would not be any confusion In names ai.d
the dance program of the visitors wen.
artlt.;iy filled for the ball following the
concert.!ng Mia. Smith were:
MexJamet Mesdames
arren Koaera, fv. rt. r'oppleton.
t'lment Cliaae
Myron Ltarntd,
ard Hurnm.
Frank H,
Uilured Hoaers,
txaniite Pase,
Elisabeth I'avla,
I-eta Holdrege.
hlluUlh bruce,
('4thei1n bon,
Vjilher Kyrne,
I' rauoea Todd.
W uliam Cowin,
Ix.roihy Morgan.
Helen flcobte,
Violet Joelyn,
Ruth Hammer,
Mildred Hnlur,
Nina Diets.
Mary Hlngwalt.
, The concert by the Harvard Mialcal
clubs at the Boyd last evening brought
ut aiaty In large numbers. Numeruux
ullego were repreaented and tb boxoa
were draped with the college colors.
Ut. aad Mis. Arthur C. Smith and
faouily ooCuptcd tb Harvard bos. wtui
fh Yale bc was occupied by Mlaa Mar
garet McPberaon, Ml Helen Forbes. Mlaa
Alice Cudahy, Mi Florence Cudahy, Mr.
Ted Millard, Mr. John Caldwell, Mr. Vic-
W !. ' f ;''' daaa ' . . iff U U jf LT MldmV
JTdlJred Butler
tor Caldwell, Jr.. ami Mr.' Will Mcrher
on. In the Mlchisun box tvrro Mr. a:id Mis.
John It. Webster, Mr. Offiat, Jarvis
Offmt, Jack Webster. Mr. Yoft. Mlf
Virginia Offult, and John Dougherty.
In the Cornell box wer Mr. and Mrs.
John XV. Towle, Mr. and Mrs. James
Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. XV. 1.. Pelby
and Dr, and Mis. (Jlfford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelly. 'Mr. ami
Mrs. Plerpont, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Field
and Dr, and Mjis. Pollard occupied the
Dartmouth box.
Tha upper east boxos represented the
Boston "Tech." and Included Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur 8. Rogers, Mr. and Mr. T. L.
Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Capen,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holdredge, Mr. and
Mrs. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. flchoentgen
of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge
Prlns. Mis May Hamilton, Mlrs Doano,
Mr. Wilson Ixw and Mr. Earl Gannett.
Tit other -three upper boxes wer oc
'cupled by member of the Crelghton
university le club.
Mi. Boyd and Mis. Werbower had a
guest In their boa Mr. and Mrs. Victor
V Id well and Mr. Jay Boyd. j.
Following the concert there was a ball
at tha Hotel Rome In honor of tha vis
itors. The reception commute Included
Messrs. Arthur C. Hmlth. Charles H.
HroWit, Arthur Keellne, Kir Millard, W.
i. Poppleton. H. .XV. Yates, jr., Oeorge
Flack and T. H. Matters, Jr.
About tW gueata were present to meet
tha Harvard men. Tha clubs left 'about
midnight for Buffalo, N. Y., wher they
will give the next concert.
Wedding Bells
.' Tli wedding of Mlsa Lurlla at. Brenner
of Minneapolis and Mr. E. ft. Bausman
of thin city took piac December M In
Minneapolis. , After a short wedding trip
Mi. and Mr, Bausman will reside In
Mr, and Mr. August Munson announce
tli ngsgement of their daughter Mnml
to Oeorg W. Armstrong of Kansas. City,
formerly of Omaha. ,Th . wedding; will
take place In the spring. ... I
With tha new year com announce
ment of engagement and , redding.
Mr, and Mr, lieecher Higby 'announce
the-engagement of Ihelr daughter, Mlsa
Helen Mar Higby, to Mr. XV. II. C. Horn.
Mis Mildred McAllister, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. McAllister, will he
married Wednesday, January IS, at high
noon to Mr.' Dana Ttunsel Mutt of I'tlea,
IV ell. i Miss McAllister Is a araduat m
tha Omaha Utah school, 'OS, Mr. Muta
attended th University of Nebrssku.
On of the event of New Year's e'
will be th wedding or Miss lioslna Man
delbcrr. daughter of Mr. and Mr. A.
Mandelbcrg, and Mr. Hdward Freedman
of fprlngflcld, Mjn., which will take
place at o'clock this evening nt the
home of th brldo'a parenta and will ba
followed by a dinner and dance for the
wedding party. Dr. Frederick Cnhn will
perform the marriage ceremony. . Mra.
Hldney Mandelbcrg will bo matron of
honor, and Mlsa Orena ' Morse of Dea
Moines will be maid of honor. -
Mr. and Mrs. Hldney Mandelbetg at
Hved Saturday from their home In l.n.
trull. Those who arrived tills morning
for the wedding are Mr. Kugene l.ucha
and Mr. Joseph Uoglo of New York, Mr.
Irving U Hlrachman of Detroit and M'.ea
Babette Well of Lincoln.
The wedding of MIhs A Helta II. Men art.
daughter of Mr, .auj Mn, Robert A.
Stewart, to Mr. Clinton Brume was tele
brated Saturday evening at 8: at the
homo of the bride' parents, Hew Fred,
rick T. llDUe officiating.
The brldo 'w gowned In an tiiUHirted
robe of Japanese crepe, hand embrold
vied, over messallnr. Hhe carried a
ahower of llle of the alley und roses.
Mlaa Geiirudo Muttson played the Men
delssohn wedding march. Mb- F.lixa
both Stewart Was maid of donor and Miss
May Homers bridesmaid. They wera
gowned in pink maxsallne trimmed with
crystal and carried pink roses. Mr. Wit.
Ham Q. Ktewart of Denver was best man.
After a wedding tilp Mr. and Mr.
Brome will reside In Omaha.
The out-of-town guest were Mr. and
Mrs. John It. Hays, Mrs. Mary MacMII-
Two to Be Brides in 1912
) "
V . ' - . 7 ZlizahefJi Bruce
, v , . ; yy i
Eailryn .BgcsoA q)
i, ;
ten or Norfolk. Mrs. Presuott Heald of
Peoria, 111.; Mrs. Stewart and Miss Mar
gareths Frankcl of Met car. Pa.; Mr.
Cordon Adama of Denver.
. Pleasures Past
The ll. I.' club attended the American
theater Friday evening. Sixteen member
of the club were ptesent.
Mr. Ieo Meyer, manager of "The Spring
Maid," and Mr. Leo Meyer gave a box
party at the American theater Saturday
afternoon. '
.Mrs, Fi . ' F.aaiman entertained . at
luncheon aturdu,y at her horn for her
daughLer, Mis fusan Eastman. , Twenty-
two guest wera present. i
I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flynn inter
laired at dinner Thursday evening at
thalr home lit celebration of tlmlr fif
teenth wedding annlvorsury. Pink rosea
formed the decoration end covers were
placed for twenty-four.
Mr. and Mra. Adolph .Stora eiitcrtulnnd
at dinner last evening. Ked rones formed
tlio renterplecrs for tho tables anil coveia
were placed for thirty. Following dinner
the guests attended the concert and
dancing party given In honor of the Har
vard musical clubs.
Mrs. David A. flaunt entertained at a
beautifully appointed luncheon Saturday
at the Omaha club for tho debutantes ana
members of the school set. Holly and
mistletoe formed th decorations ana
tho present were;
Kuzabeth Bruc,'.
Memo i'avlM.
Keiherlnc. Heexon,
Mary Hlngwalt,
v jomyn.
iter tha Die hey i
Klixauctli Davis, '
Mildred Holler.
Kuth Hammer,
l-eia Holriruge, .
Helen HtHible,
Daphne Haters,
Katherlne Thuninicl, I'oiotny Hall,
Janet Hall. Fiances Todd, ,
FlMie Kiiiikliouw r, MurKaret HiaoKwell,
tsenie Hale, Helen Forbes o( j
Ixwothy Miller of Kvanaton, ill.
I.atayette. Ind.; HUrabeth Hstct,
Margaret Mcpherson,
A isity was given In honor of Mr.
Charles lloln of Klgln, Neb., nt the home
ef Mr. and Mra. M, M. Hhitley of fouth
Omaha. Those present were:
hih wurtzlundtr,
(Vii f urlung.
Katliertne Hrmigard,
Ktta Borentseg,
Kuth Shirley.
of I Jni uln,
l at dry n Huhafer MednieH
Meiidaiiies M. M. f-lililey, '
hsfei, . H. Morton. ,
Ault. A. F. Klnnvlt,
I Meiwrs. ' Messrs.
Vtsltcr Fuj IOna, John Rice.
Ault. ..- .M. M. Hhiilev ,
Hoekman. ' 8. Mattox..
Charles tluln,
l.ea lltbuuv ciub of tlu- X)mtih H'gh
achool gave Its sixth -.tnnual dance at
Chambera last evening. Tho hull was
attractively decorated In black and gray,
the club color, and many mhool pen
nanU. As n oat of th nonresident mem
ber of the fMub are now home for the
holidays, the dance was a reunion affair.
The following commute wer In charge:
IrvJ ''- '
lew -n
Violet, ;Josfyn
Herbert Itj an, 'Oft; Chester Arnold, '11;
Everett Burke., -ll; John 8.' Bewen,
and Arthur Jilopp. '11 The patrons and
patrorioasea tveie Jlr, and Mrs. Oeotge
XV. nyn,:rr, and Mrs. Walter U Scjby,
Mr. and. Mrs; Charles Bulk and Mr. and
Mra. Oeorge. H- Payris-. ' .;
Mr. -B.'& Biroth and little Mlwes Flor
enc and Mildred Booth gave a children'
party Seitucday afternoon for Master
Harry , Vailcy of Kansaa 'City.'.r Thoga
present (were Misses Mary Marrils. Iluth
Hattroth, Mabel Etchison. Marion C6b)e,
Dorothy C-anan,, Marjory Smithy Dorotn
Trlford. Marie Muxen. Puiillne vllahloko,
Phyilla Cole, Florence . Boom, Mildred
Booth; Master William Nicholson,' Ualph
Sutton, Herbert Fetrman, Qeorge Good
land, Arthur Hawton.' Arthur Crew, Wen
dell Hattroth, Walion Hanloke. Bethal
. lly G.BV DESLYS.
I must toll you frankly that the more"
I sea, or rather feci, of your climate the
morti I dislike it, and the more my ad
miration growa for the American women
who can Htand It and even bloom In thla
constant change.
Yesterday we froae; today Is like spring;
tomorrow It will rain, a warm, surnnw
like, sticky rain, vet von can all ma riaht
on enjoying yoursetvea regardless of th
weather and the depressing affect which
the unnatural warmth has un the dis
position or th equally distressing effect
of sudden cold on the health.
Frankly, then, 1 do not like it. Also
it perplexes ma to know just how to ad-
Just myself to th constant change, for
t homo I have an ordered and systematic
way of caring fur my health and lookts
In rummer and an entirely different
regime for winter weather. Here I hav
to use one rystem one day and the other
one the next., '.
I do not use water on my faoo in winter
at all.. Nothing txit cold creams, akin
.odd and unguent of various hinds.
Here I do th same on co'.d days. On
the contrary, however, In summer I uao
eultet a good deal of water, very little
of the creama an1 much Ice water on
iiy face - ! r-
Now that I find rummer suddenly trans
posed Into winter like Ice cresm In an
"omelette surprise," I hav to accommo-
Sate myself to your lOlmatlc conditions.
but neither I nor my maid seem able
in get u?d to It. .
. When the 'Weather. Is .ohilly, especially
jowadaya with the light clothiug which
.ashlon makes u adopt, the" skin feels
,ne effect immediately, and even If one s
hand and face don't chap, which they
nould never be allowed to do, a slight
oughness appear on the skin, which
;eel dry and Unelastlo. It Is then that'
jou inuirt avoid using water of any kind.
4vn rain water, which la auppoaed to be
o soft and soot Id ng to tha akin.
I'se your cold cream ' Instead. If you
,i e none, or if you prefer it, use milk.
Milk I delightful for washing th fao
and Is not a fad. but a sensible and car
;lnly a aimple cosmetic. I don't Ilk the
odor of it Ilk. and when I uaa It I have
le wash it oft In turn with pcrrur.igd
water, so it ha little affect One should
.rally allow the milk to dry o.i th akin,
you know, especially If onu has frecUl.
Fcr freckle a buttermilk wash la even
belter, and I can recommend that par.
licu.arly In tho spring, when on should
guard agalnat a new crap of thes
.ik.ilng iot.
lit t!.a meantline. at this tlrr.a of yr.
when we should be having' winter, and
iirotably will bo Vhllled through before
il.ia la printed, I recommend cold rrcam
lor all purpoaea of cleaning. Hub a small
quantity over th face and wlpa It off
carefully with a cloth or a towel which
la very aoft. Cheesecloth, or buttarcloth,
ua they call It In Ixndon, 1 good tt It
haa baen washed out. but I think I it
very fcard and rough before tha stiffening,
or wl-.atevor that finish la which cheese
cloth ha. !a boiled out of It.
After yoi have wiped yaur fate ff with
tho rloth put en tirars cream and wlpa It
all ott oaa:n. While you are putting tha
i ca n and, af,er the fliel few tlmea begin
to mtui er rub th far, and by th
tlr-.c yem hav wiped ff all th dust you
-318-320 South 16th. St."
-v ""..
Our final clearing will be a memorable event.
The most astonishing values ever offered.
Tailored Suite, Evening Gowns, After
noon and Street DrosGOS, Evening
Coats, Street Coats, Fur Coats, Fur
Sets, etc., etc.
Store opens Tuesday morning promptly at 8.
our ad vertisement in Monday papers.
Hanloke. George Brandt, Harry Maggey,
Harry Varley. ',"'".
For the Future
, Mr. and M.i. E. Buckingham will give
a watch party New Year'e eve at their
Mr. John N. Baldwin will entertain
at luncheon Thursday for Mrs. Granville
Parker of New York. 1 ,
Bishop and Mr. Arthur L Williams
w-ill be at home Tuesday afternoon,' Jan
uary :d. from 4 till 0. i " 1
Miss , Vivian Smith will entertain mem
bers of tho Sigma Phi at a Watch party
thla evening at her - home, . fiM North
Portyfh't avenue. .
Th Tom Moore . club will give It
next dancing party at Turner hail, Thir
teenth and Martha streets, on Thuraday
evening. January i.
Ml Gertrude Miller will entertain at a
mualcale at her horn. '3309 Davenport
street, III honor of Mra. A. N. Miller of
to :Keep Young
Rules for Changeable Weather
:;:':;';?';Vr;;''i:-V'''?!V-'' ' j
' ',- ..t', ("! ' - . , 'Iff
.v'i. 4;,' -vL 5 m
J -' " ' V - .ft Ji
-V -' ' VV Jf
' V ", v . , , v X ; ? TV
,1 t-- .?.'. - . . O .X , ,Vi
will have givn yourelf a tcry good fac
treatment, and you will be surprised tj
see how refraahed you akin looks and how
brlUlaiit your complexion.
When I am through t take a little
Ct cologne or pui alcohol and wipe away
tha greaa nar tb root of th hair.
behind th ears and at the aid of the
nose, also around th eyes '
"cilaiiHary ISoaraiiieg
immi ieL!sssuiE mm u
man is
Ottumw a. Miss ' Marie r.omao w ill as
sist. . .
Mr. -and Mr. Thomas H. Fell will en
tertain ' at dinner ' Monday when their
guest will bo Mr. and Mr?. T. E.
Cavln, Mr... and Mr. Homer II. . Field.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge F; Camp.
Mr. George Marplc of Chicago,1, for
merly of Qmaha., is upending a few flaya
her and, will be honor Ruest at .feveral
social affairs next wck. Monday, Mrs.
W. Norman of! Dundee will give a lunoh
eon: Tuesday. Mrs. ; Uoyd B. Bingham,
Informal tea; Wedncrday, Mrs. A. W.
Jeffciis, luncheon at Hotel Loyal, and
Thursday, the member of tlie Hanscom
park Kensington of the First Congrega
tional church will give a luncheon at the
home of Jd. George Loomis.
The cla.-s of 1911-12 of tho Omaha High
schooS- w'hlch graduate tho last week of
next month, will give an informal dano
ing party at Chamber' Thursday even
ing. Arthur Hoblnson and Miss Ethel
Padmore have charge of tho arrange
ments. The hall will be attractively
and Pretty
Now I am ready for a little lice powder,
and the cleansing treutmoyit fur winter
days In flushed. My tkln uevir chap
and always feels soft and ftwsh.
loe water will mako your cheek very
; rony and id very refreshing- usej on the
face. Fumctlnua I use It on these warn)
Docembt r day and pretend it Is
winter weather
E n
J uu
7 J
decorated In maroon and white, tha clcs
colors, and many achool pen ant.
80 far the affairs given by th Uni
versity club, wtrioh was organised last
tall, have been only for the member. It ,
la now announced that January 17 will be
ladles' night, at which time tha women ,
relatives and friend of th college men
will be guests. The attraction for that i
evening will bo a rtereoprlcon lecture by
Edward II. Hume, M. D., secretary oft
Yale college In China, with residence at j
Changvea, who will be In Omaha next j
month and will be tntma!:ied while here
by Yale alumni. Dr. Hume's lecture will
be on "The Revolution in China."
Personal Gossip
Mis Helen Davts, who has been1 11
tor two week. In improving.
Mr. K. Ring et Des Moines is vial ting
his parents, Mr. and Mr. Thomas Ring.
Mr, Malcomb Baldrlge I around again
after having bean laid up by an injured
A Fon waa bos n yesterday to Mr. and.
Mrs. Henry Roeejitha! of South Thirtieth
. Mr, and Mr. Hugo Brandels at lit
Chicago celebrating tb coming of tha
new year.
Mr. Fred .Ackert Vent to Chicago for
Chrlstma and will actum the middle of
Mr. and Mr. Arth.'ir Keellne have
moved Into their new home, 111 South
Thirty-ninth street. . 1
IJe.utenant John Scott ha returned
from a short visit with liis mother and
sister in Kansas City.
Lieutenant Frank MoCuno of Fort.D.
A. RutKoll in cpending- the hoIUays with
his parents in Omaha.
Miss Richardson of EHe, Pa., arrives
next week to be tho guct of Mr. and
Mrs. Jocromo Magee. '
Erie Campbell of Cleveland la spending
trie holidays with his parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. John Campbell.
Mrs. A. I.. Mohler tnd Miss Mohlo:-,
will leave Tuesday for New York and
sail shortly for Paris.
Mr. and Mra. C. E. Hunter hav taken
tho bouse at Ciltl Poppleton avenue for '
the rest of tho winter.
Miss Florence Hhoadcs. who attends
Barnard collego in New York, la spend
ing, tha holidays In Boston.
Mr. and Sirs. J. R. Scoblo expect to
go to New York and from there south
about the middle of January.
Tho Mlaaea Louisa and Katbryn Kunkel
of Milwaukee are tliovguosts of Mrs. A.
L. UuikIo, 4230 Hsrney street.
Mr, and Mre. W. U. Ilowcn, who have
been visiting their parents, left Friday
for their homo in Ixs Angole. Col.
Mr. Arthur McNarcara of North Platte
haa been the truest of his Mister, Mrs.
D. Barlialow, for the lost week.
ft. K. Campbell of Cleveland, O.. has
arrived to spend New Year's with his
parents. Mr. and Mrc. John Campbell.
Mr. David Wells and daughter, Irma
have gono to Louisville. Ky., to spend two
weeks with Mr. Wells' father, Mr. Leo
Miss Dorothy Miller, who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell,
returned this morning to her home in
Lieutenant and Mrs. W. N. Haskell
left Fort Omaha last week and will tail
Friday from Kan Francisco for tho
Lieutenant Edward Taylor of Fort
Logan H. Root, who spent part of tha
holidays In Omaha, returned to bJ sta
tion last evening.
Mr. Bert Blanchard and) children, Mark
and Pauline, and Mrs. Anne Murphy,
have returned from a three months' visit
to the Pacific coast.
Mr. Samuel Burns and his daughters.
Mrs. Osgood Eastman and Mrs. Charles
Kountxe, will leave Tuesday for Ulloxl,
Mlaa., to spend a month.
Mr. and Mrs. P.. 8. McGrew of Fort
Steel, Wyo., who spent ttiei holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGrew, will
leave Monday for Denver.
Mrs. M. Graoeuian. her daughter, Mies
M. Graceman. and her sister. Miss LI boy
Kaplan, have gone to Oklahoma tor a
month's visit witb relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mets. Miss Ger
trude Met and Mrs. Anna Porny Gray
of Chicugo wit! sail January 27 on the
"Clndnatl" for Naples, to be gone until
Mr. and Mrs. Ed B. William will
leav the first of the week for rnia
Diego, Cal wher they will occupy
their winter home the remainder of th
st asoa.
Mrs. Mary 11. Newton, who ha bees
traveling abroad for tha last year, re
turned Katurday aornlng. the stopped,
on her way to visit her brother in Phlla
See Q