Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 11

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The Great Bargains Advertised
' Here Are
All for Tuesday.
In Now English designs thousands of fresh crisp
All Our $1.00 and $1.25
- The majority of them a yard
and a half wide in plain
goods and novelties. ' 4r
Front bargain square, JfJ I
Clearing Sale Price v v
yards on immense bargain squares greatest at
Also embroidered allovers, waist frontings; choice
tractions of the January sales;
worth up to 40c a yard
at, yard
designs, in English eyelet, floral and
blind effects. Actually worth up
to $1.00 a yard; at, yard
o - "
A Week off Woimdeirral Bargains EegMs Tuesday
Fine Embroidered
Nainsook and cambric, end
less variety of neat new
designs, thousands of yards
values up to 12o P
a yard; at, yard 3C
Heavy Crochet Knit
Shawls and Scarfs
Good, heavy, warm, all wool
some are hand crochet, whits,
black and colon; IVi to 2 yrds.
long; worth up to QQ
11.00, at, each OVC
Fine French and German
Val. Laces and Insertions
French torchons, platt vals,
cluny effects, etc.; r
values to 15c; at, yd.. .3 v
Children's Knitted
Silk finished mercerized
all colors, 35c qual
ity; at, each
Boys', Girls and Children's
Heavy Fleeced
Excellent quality, worth up
to 75c main floor, Oft-
at, suit.
Hisses', Children's, Boys'
Underwaists, Pants and
Drawers , .
In silver gray, fleecy lined,'
all sizes from 4 to 14 years
25c quality at, a 4 4 1'
garment. ......... . IXC
Thousands of Yards Fancy
Wash Laces and Insertions
French Vals., Flatt Vals.,
Torchons, etc; to 2 ins.
wide, worth up to 10c yard
bargain square, ft i
yard............... 2 L
Up-to-date Tailored Suits
new styles, medjium and
heavy worth up?E AO
to $17.50, at Vtf.JO
Women's $10 Cloaks at $5
"Warm Winter Cloaks well
made, good styles, 4r
second floor, at. . . . .vw
Vi $15 Cloaks, 3.03
Well tailored, practical and
stylish , winter cloaks
worth np to $15, Jjr
I'.'omen'e and men's all pura
linen handkerchiefs, plain hera
t.'.tched,. hand embroidered Ini
tials, hand embroidered cor
nera; odd lot; some slightly
mussed, worth up to 4 OX
35c, at, each 1C
Fleece Lined Wool Hose .
Woraen'a and children's Hose,
also fin cotton and lisle finish,
double heels and toea, black
and colors, worth tni
25e, at pair IZC
All Our Fur Coats, Fur
Scarfs and Fur Muffs
at i3 to yt Off.
Any King or Herald Square
Tailored Linen Waist
at ys Off the Regrdar Prices
We Continue the 111 Kle
Shirts, Hosiery. Neckwear, Etc.,
At Greatest Bargains Ever
ttffered la Oiuaha.
Our annual sacrifice tf.even vard-and' nit f
- 7 7 7 --v,,vN e'ia wuwrru'9. aw vvvr me weBiern country Jjranaiis
Annual Clearance Sale is known as the ary biggest montsavinj, event IlunJreds of thousands fdellara worth of the finest and mist fashion
able merchandise in the greatest store tn.thwest will be soljAatjusl a fraction of the prices of a few weeks age. '
If. f Art
fl , 611 .
nil mm
'in.. . a. a. r r 11 t r-4 my m -w . .
I p - . jauuary.wK! ot linens cannot dupliwited anywhere else' in ;the United States.
ak mo luwusi prices ever Kiiawu. xnousanus ot yards shipped direct in bond from Europo and -opened
w 1 "" v" AA.uuouiiun vl jiuua Dm ijjw umvi ju uuuuiioiu iuioiH! ana onenou bv customs n u
Omah... aavlng the great expense and profit p f the' mlddletU.iTru8thworthy linens of a quality that will make you think ot Branllel. whenever you think ot buylTs line
They are linens of tho
by customs offjjfers in
Pattern-Table Cloth:
WOETH UP TO $20, at $5 and $5.98
Exquisite Hand Loom Banquet
Cloths of tho rich Flemish linen
with those exclusive and artistic
French patterns 2x3 to 2125
yard -sizes; $18 to $20 are the
regular prices for these elegant
cloths. Extra special at
$5 and 5.98
$io Satin Damask
AFKINS-at, dozen, $5,
One of the genuine bargains that
makes this January sale the bar
gain event of the year. Think of
buying the regular $10 value, 27
inch double satin damask dinner
napkins beautiful fi psj
range of pat- CP Uv
terns, at, a JJ
$10 Pattern Tabic
' . j. GO! AT; $3.98. .
Xo such value as this in a table
cloth has ever, been known in the
city. Tlie cloths are the finest
grade of hand loom linen made
of pure Irish flax and never sold
over any counter in SN p
America for less V VO
than $10 Special
40c Towels at
Eonnd Scalloped Tablecloths, selling regularly at $4.50 for $2.98 Beauti
. fully embroidered edge, satin damask, tablecloths, 2x2 V yards a wouder
,ful variety to select from; extra special January Sale " Qc AO
offer of...., ...$aVJ8
High Quality Irish Linen,, Satin Damask, Tablecloths, worth $4.C0 at $1.98
-These are pure linen, extra weight, tablecloths, are . 2x2-yard sizes.
They have never sold anywhere less vtfinn $4.00 each. " 1 HQ
Special at $let0
Fine Hemstitched Tablecloths; worth $3.00, at $1.69 These high quality
cloths are 2x2y2 yards and are made of 'extra find Austrian $4 fin
' damask, all pure linen; regular $3.00 values, at. : t)l.0tl
8x10 beautiful quality satin damask tablecloths, full bleached, pure linen of
. extra weights; a $7.50 value .. am rA
Special at ; ; u 4e 5 0
Very Fine, Snow AVhito Irish Linon Pattern .qlothd made x double satin
damask, 2x2 yards squarej sold everywhere at $4.25 (?1 rA
Special, at ...............,..........;... ... .............. $Zet)U
No-storctin 'the United States ever
made this offer before. Extra size
all pure linen pin huck towels
hemstitched or scalloped borders.
all guaranteed perfect. Often sold
at 50c never sold
less than 40c
at. each
15 c
Hundreds of the Very Finest Imported Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads, plain,
hemstitched, scalloped or fringed borJer in all sizes; positively the same bed
ppreaa wnicn you usually pay up to $15.00 for, in
inis sate at.
v we v vy
Extra Weight and Extra Quality, Imported, Satin. Marseilles Bed Spreads,
12-4 size, fringed or hemmed, in rich, - beautiful patterns, $4.00 fr 4 An
values; very special at . '
69c Ladies' Cloth at 29c
Also repliant cloth in navy
blue, browns, tans and
gray mixtures, one and a
half yards wide; clearing
sale price, main Ofl
floor 4iC
Crepes and Granite Cloths
25c quality, cream only,
part wool; clear- 4 A
ing sale price. . . . '. .'.IvL
In Lining Department
Main floor we will offer one
hundred pieces. Princess
satin in all colors; fl A
clearing sale price. .-.AwL .
SILKS at 29o
All the 60c to 69c all-Bilk'.' mea
alillnes, chiffon taffetaa, foul
ards and Ottoman , silks, Jn
light, medium and darlt ahadee,
including black .and 'cream,
clearing salo )Q
price jQ.
Largest Size, Scalloped or Crochet Bed Spreads with cut corners; fine Mar
seilles patterns; regular $3.50 ' 60 9(1
spreads, at. .... .... 4 ... ? . , . . ; ' vedt
lxtra Size, Heavy Quality $1.50 Bed Spreads, nicely hemmed,
opreaas, nicely nemmed, 95fi
$1.00 Quality, Full Size Crochet Bed spreads, good weight, ' r a n .
' vrr.r. vC
Bed Sets, containing spread and bolster coyer; fine grade of satin Marseilles,'
' largest size in dainty patterns; a regular $8.00 - r CA
value, at..... jDetfW
All the Highest Class . Fancy Linens at One-Half the Regular Prices
j ... 7 ZT ; , ; , W""J xvnui&s,uuce:iuncn cioms, uresser scans,- la Dieclotns, centerpieces and stand
. daintiest of hand needlework, at one-half price. - v - ','"' " ,
Prettr Tenerltfe Dollies,
'which usually , sell up to
10c, for... ...,1c
Dainty Tenerlf fe Center
Pieces, which sold at. 89c,
for . . .. .IDc
Scalloped Dresser Scarfs, em
broidered in fine designs,'
worth up to 89c at 43c
Austrian Drawn Work Dresspr
rarfs and Hquaren to Match,
large eUe, 6c Value
at ,.S6e
Beautiful Hand Mads Batten
bur Dresser ScarfB, 30-lnch
round or square center pieces
to match, 1.S raluea. at TSo
Fine Hand Made Battenburg
Center Pieces that have
buen selling to $1.25, at 40c
Fine Linen Table Damask
71-ln. double satin, full bleached, damask:
in a beautiful range of patterns that is
retrularljr worth $1.69 a yard, will go in
tula sale, per yard at SI. 10
-inch doble satin, full bleached, damask;
an excellent quality, worth $1.50
per yam at
a yard,
78-lnch All pure linen, silver bleached, da
mask adapted for hotels, boarding houses,
etc.; $1.00 value, per yard at. . ,.. .f$f)
Best Quality, 66-inch, Imported, mercerized,
satin damask; worth 75c, per yard,
64-inch, full bleached, table damask; our
regular 30o values, per yard at.... 10
Special Prices on Fine Napkins
popular grade, will go
24-inch Crepe de Chines,
All the 59c to 85c all-silk crepe
de chines, plain, floral effects,
and bordered effects in Pers
ian and Egyptian designs, suit
able for party dresses, Bcarfa,
. fancy waists etc., at, on
yard OVC
75 pieces in medium and dark
shades, - suitable for entire
dresses, petticoats and lining
purposes; also for waists. The
best values ever offered lu
taffetas, worth 60c; ig
. clearing sale price, yd. IOC
$1.25 Messalines at 79c Yd.
All the- 3 8-inch, double-fold, all
' silk messalines, in street and
evening shades, clear-. 7Q
lng, sale price iUC
' m$2.QQ VELVETsTtloT8
All the 20-Inch and 30-inch
black and colored silk Paon
velvets, Corduroys, Crolse and
erect pile velvet, including
fancy velvets worth up to $2,
clearing sale 4? ft
price OVC
t-xtra large, pure linen, double satin da
mask napkins; regular $4.50 quality, will
go in this January Bale, per dozen, $3.08
Very fine quality, pure linen, satin damask,
good size; worth up to $3.00 a dozen, per
dozen at SI. GO
Regular $2.00, quality, mercerized napkins,
n very popular grade, will go at per
dozen 05c
All pure linen, silver bleached, napkins
..that sell regularly up to $1.75 4 dozen,
will go at per dozen 08c
Choicest patterns of mercerized napkins of
good quality; worth'$1.00 per dozen, per
dozen at . 49
Special Prices on Fine Huck Towels
Extra large size Irish or-Austrlan lluck Towels, fine weave and first
quality, you regularly pay $1.00 to $1.25 for the same m -
towel. You buy here Tuesday for i ........
Scalloped or Hemstitched Huck Towels, large also, beautiful o -borders,
usually sell for 50c and 76c each, extra special at ... ZiC
Choice of thousands ot fine Huck or Damask Towels, worth up
to $2.50, each at
lluck Hand Towels, good slie, white and red border, worth up to 12 Ho,
l ;
10x40 Union Hock Hand Towels, good grade, worth 19, at...... 10
Beautiful Scalloped Lunch Cloth. 64' In. square with napkins to match,
. $5.00 yalue. at per set... 82.08
Crashes .
18-Inch all linen brown crash, extra
weight, blue border. 80
grade, per yard at 3Vsc
17- Inch linen huck toweling, extra
weight soft finish huck, 16c
grade, at per yard QV4
18- lnch extra fine pure linen gloss
toweling, & 19c quality, 1A
per yard at....... .Ave
18-lnch extra fine crash, worth up
to 25c a yard, 19lr
per yard at.... Ifiv
Mill ends of linen crash, worth r.
up to 15c yard, per yard at . . . vC
January Sale' of Bath Towels
Thousands of double thread, long nap, white fleece bath towels, plain
white or red border,-fringed or hemmed, usually sells at 25c to 50c.
each at 15
The largest Blae, full bleached, double thread Turkish towels,, a' large
assortment to select from, 50c values, each at y 25
,$10 Bath Tewels, extra size from triple yarn, special at 40c
Large size double thread, full bleached, 15c bath towels, at....k.g
Extra size Turkish
Bath Rugs, white or
colors. 98c quality.
t 40c
Beautiful assortment
of large Bath Rugs,
worth up to $1.60,
t 75C
Any Bath Rug in the
Linen Section, worth
up to $3.00
t 08c
SG-inch White French Pique, a ma
terial that will be a decided favorite
this coming season for skirts, suits,
coats, children's wear, tailored
waists, etc; worth $1.25, at yd. 59c
45-inch Whits and Cream Ramie
Dress Linen water shrunk and ab
solutely puro linen; worth 65o u
yard., A wonderful bargain, at per
yard 35c
15-inch Belfast Irish Dress Linen,
our own importation Extra good
weight pure linen and grass
bleached; C9o values, at yard. .47c
200 Pieces White Pique If bought in
- a rogular way would sell at 30o a
yard. Ideal material for children's
frocks, skirts, nurses' uniforms, etc.,
27 inches wide, at yard. ..... ,15c
Fine Quality Pure White Irish Linen
Cambric, 3G inches wide; 29o value,
at yard , 18c
50o White Dress Linen, heavy weight
anil snowy white, at yard....29c
Fine White English Cotton Crepe
for waists, undermuslins, etc. It re
quires no ironing; 27 inches wide, at
yard He
3G-inch Real Applique White Dress
Swiss, fine, sheer quality, in dots
and cross-barred effects; 35o value,
at yard 15c
40-Inch wide White English" Voile, S5c'
value, per yard at 10c
45-inch White Mercerized Batiste, 40c
value, per yard at.... 10c
42-inch Chimoza Japanese Nainsook, made
from the best selected cotton, soft and
silky; launders perfectly and is guaranteed
not to turn yellow. Box of 10 yar?s,
t S2.SO
Fine quality Nainsook, absolutely free from
starch, light weight. 10-yard bolts. Sl)c
Extremely fine quality. 42-lnch English
Long Cloth, made from the best selected
cotton, soft finish for undermuslins; 10
yard bolts, at ...-Sl.US
French Nainsook, made from the genuine
Egyptian combed yarn; contains no dress
ing; 4 0 Inches wide. 10 yard bolts, SI. 40
36-iuch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts,
at Q5e
36-luch Imperial Long Cloth. 12-yard bolts.
at ,". 1 f)
1 6-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts.
at .". . . gj oq
$6-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts.
at b;- 4Q
S 6-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts,
v; 'a: : si.50
vv-iuiu jiufcriai ing tiotn, 13-yard bolts,
One hundred pieces silk Btrlpe
voiles and marquUettes In
most exquisite designs and
newest colors, made to retell
at 59c, clearing sale
60c B line Glace, 24-in. wide,
in. all street combinations; al
so evening tints coral, new
blues, champagne, resedas,'
Nile, pinks and cream, Qfj"
clearing sale price .. 4 DC
Curly bearskin, velvet,
plush, silk and broadcloth
all sizes, worth
. to $1.25, at,
z-incn imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts.
: R1 RO
45-inch Imperial Long Cloth, 12-yard bolts.
at ..... ......... ........... g2 (J)
All the new weaves In white and colored
dess linens for 1912.
An assorted lot of white
goods in mill lengths, in
cluding long cloth, nain-
sook, fancy barred and
checked white watsUng, fine
lawns and India Linon, doded
Bwlssea and lingerie r
lawn; to I6e values, yd. DC
New Goods in Basement at January Price Sales Tuesday
New aDl beautiful part
silk, tissues and part
silk voiles, new novelty
stripes and fancy checks,
very attractive colorings.
Actual 2 So wash fabrics from
the bolt at, per 1 r
yard IOC
New Zephyrs The 'neat.
new stripes and plaids
are more attractive than
ever colorings are ab
solutely fast. Perfect
mill lengths, at (j
per yard. vl
Scotch and Chambray
ginghams so much in de
mand. They wash and
- wear better than any other
cloth of this nature for skirts
and children's wear stripes.
checks and solid col
ors, at per yard .
No 666 Long Cloth is well
known in some localities.
It is better known than
Lemsdale or Fruit of the
Loom Muslin. Bolt of
10 yards at, per
bolt ,
Blue aprosi ginghams,
even and broken checks
In all sizes, desirable
lengtua, yard at a Vic
Yard wide bleached mus-k
ln, perfect mill lengths,
free from starch, nice?
oft finish, yard at 5c
Whits cambrics for mak
ing the finest undermus
lln. yard wide. An ex
tra fine lot, yard 10
Rlppelette, well known
18o whit fabric, the
krlnkle will not wash
out Mill lengths, yd. 5c
The beet sutlng flannel,
pretty patterns, rem
nants and bolts.' per
jard at 7H
Uercorizel Cesheen, us
ually sold and adver
tised as a bargain at 15c
yd.. Tuesday, yd., 7c
Women's Wool Skirts
Plain and mixture cloths
well tailored; JQ (JQ
second floor, at. . .VWetld
Women's Dress Skirts
Fine dress skirts, in late
styles, worth up to $15.00;
second floor, $ 11 n
at. I $6.1)8
$1 Kid Gloves at 59c a Pair.
Two-clasp kid gloves in
black, white and colors
bargain square, CQp
at, pair 3tL
Women's 50c Chamoisette
and Cashmere Gloves at 25c
Black, gray, brown and
navy, 2-clasp, all sizes, 25c
pwihsmiiih ni ' " " " r
Women's and Children's
. Wool Gloves and Mittens
All wool, in black, gray,
brown, navy and red ; reg
ular 25o quality, 4r
at, pair. XtPt
V 'A