Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    - ' J ' THK HKE: OMAHA, SATCKDAY. PECEMHKli 30,1911.
Meal Clearance Sale
Begins Here Tuesday Morning,
January 2d
Every offering: is this season's fresh, clean mer
chandise. The j-tyles are the very latest, und every item
possesses the reliable, dependable quality which
daily makes many new friends for this store.
Each price reduction is h decided having und you
will be well repaid by waiting for this splendid bar
go in-giving event.
TTf yotm rrmrs
Admit Violating Baffle Law and it
Iowa Trirkrra1 Association ( hnoiri
De Melin for Mffllit Place
1f lotrmhrr llrpilillcua
Committee to Mfft,
University Students Are to Have
New Flase to Eat.
I.larola Police Heart Testa Irrn
Wllaeaa stand aad Mia la ('
vlete4 Ilia Declaration,
lhat It Beer.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. .-.Bpeclal Tele
gram) The propound cafeteria at the
university in -to be a g0 and In a few
tlays work will ! commenced
Pushing Him for President Keeps
. Him Off Ballot as Delegate.
Primary Law, a l Helate to Pref.
erentlal Petitions, Ufrr front
Other Provisions of I.avr -Peter
Janaea Files.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IE8 MOLNKA, U, Dec. .-Speclal
Telegram.) Representing the De Moines
Retail Orooera' sssoclstion. Attorney W.
A. Graliain pleaded guilty to the charge
of gambling made scalne the ciatlnn
In an Indictment returned by the Polk
county grand Jury. Judge Bradshaw of
the criminal court Imposed a fin of lino.
The Indictment a sal tint the alleged
trust grew out of -lis conducting a candy
raffling machine at the recent pure food
how In the Coliseum. According tt the
county attorney tie will now take the cane
up to Attorney. General George Cosson,
with the request that the charter of the
aaaoclation be revoked and that article
of Incorporation be act aside.
Teacher Meet In flea Molars.
Lea Moines waa aelrcted strain Mnv
as the place for tho annual meeting of
the Iowa State Teacher1 assoc Istlon for
I91J, the date to be November 7, two daya
after the election.
Repablleaa Committee to Meet.
The republican state committed la
called to meet here January 11 to fix a
date for the republican state convention.
mm mm
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
i:JL,r.. ticc. 29.-Speclal.)-The
propoaal In Omaha to file the name of
w. J. Bryan aa a nrrreniii .i,4..,.
remodel-I for nresident o. ih. ,i .i- .
lug the baaement of the Temple at the . atlrred m m.,,.m....i - "" nan
university for that purpuae. Th. purpose "haV. a. 1"!" "i"!
- vi tin? trillion.
la to give atudenta the noon meal at
reasonable price. It probably will be run
by the university Yoking Men's Chrlatlan
Hanger Teata Beer. '
Chief Hunger of the police department,
who la of German extraction, waa
brought Into police, court today s an ex
pert wltneaa to testify whether som bev
erage aold by William Sharp., colored,
waa beer or not. The chief tapped the
bottle and testified that the beverage waa
beer. The verdict of the court waa guilty,
as charged.
Rawrll Held for Perjury.
John F. Rowel!, the Lincoln mining pro
moter .arrested In Milwaukee In conhee
tlon with the sudden death of Mrs. Nel
on, la being held at Chat place on th
charge of perjury, at present. , H U al
leged to bav testified at th Inquest that
the dead woman waa hl wife, which la
not the fact. Arthur Ncleon, th womaus
son. left today tor Milwaukee.'
M. I. Meat Make Hort.
W. D. Mcllufih of Omaha, attorney for
the Missouri l"elflc Railroad company,
was before th Mate Railway commission
today and attempted to Convince th
member that It should not enforce an
order made last June, but waa unaucemta
ful. la June th commission permitted
the road to laue W,(W.QU0 worth of new
securities under condition the company
should report what th securities wore
sold for and what waa dona with th
money. The company had not made such
report, but at the conclusion of th con
ference Mr. Mi Hugh Informed the mem
ber th report would b forthcoming.
(Continued from First Page.)
on. their hands." the wltneaa Bald, "ami
wero at a lose what to do with them.
Three plana were considered In regard
to disponing of the recently acquired
"On waa to divide tliem mung th
promoter Armour, Pwlft and Morris.
Th second was to operate them under a
partnership agreement, and the third waa
to put the concern Into a new organ
Itatlon. Th last plan wa adopted and
the. National Packing company waa f
ffed March 11. IKS, with a capital of
The percent its of stock of th National
I'aektng company wa divided a follows:
Hwlft Co.. W.TO; Armour & Co., W.1I
ilorrl A Co., 13.19. ' i r : '
DHUloa, of Cttaatrr.
Th younger Veeder described the geo'
KisplUcal UlctNton of th Country used by
the packer as follows: ',. . .
Territory A-All'rast of the 'Mississippi
im"".'"1 ?or.,h f ,h ob, lv'. except
iillnoia aad W set Virginia, s . v
irrltor B-Ail eouin of the Ohio' and
lotonmc rtter and east' c the Mia:.,
ippt nver. except Wt Virginia.
Irrritory C Chlago.;
7,'yirm- nJ ",or Illinois
except im.w Ci.unty. and all of Iowa e"
cept Council bUilfs. , . , " r
irrntory K Colorado. ,
Other aectiona vt the country were not
mciuuea in tae alphabetical ;ist
The Drlmarvlaw
aa It relalea to filing of preferential
petition for president differ from other
provision of th law.
In the first plar no fee 1 charged.
Where it Is done on petition of th re
quired number of voter, the person him
self doe not have to accept the filing, aa
Is the case with all other offleea. Ftr
thla reason if the proposed candidate for
ny other office doe not dealre to run
he can nealect to accept the filing. In
tha case f presidential preference, how.
vr. th filing, once made, atanda unless
tha party who actually file th petition
withdraw It. Und.r the construction of
tha law neither Mr. Roosevelt in the case
of th Yelasr filing, nor Br. Bryan In that
of hi Omaha' admirer a. could withdraw
from th race of hi own motion.
In th Bryan matter another compli
cation corpa out. It t generally under
stood that the Falrvlew statesman desires
to be a candidate for delegate-et-lerg to
th national convention. Vnder the
primary law, however, his name cannot
appear twice on th same ticket and n'
case th filing for president Is mad first
ho will b barred from competing for A
place on tha delegation to th national
convention. Thla back action result prob
ably has not been contemplated by th
Lincoln man's admirers,
I. P. Kvans of Kenesaw. who has been
here attending th meeting of the La
Follttte executive committee and also of
th employer liability commission, left
today for horn without making a filing
for tat auditor, as some had anticipated
h would do.
The only filing made today waa that of
Peter Jansnn of Heat rice, who would
b th republican candidal for th stat
senate from the dags-Pawnee district.
Custer Candidates
Must Cast Lots
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Dec. 2.-Sp.
cial.) The county court ha been oc
eupled with an election contest of road
upervlaora In district No. t. At the last
election two candidate wc up for this
office, Clarence Miner, socialist, and K.
C. faundera, running on a combination
! ticket. The election board save Miner a
majority of twelve votes and shortly after
Saunders Instituted contest proceedings,
claiming that .the. official return were
wroug. Recount wa mad under the
supervision of County Judge Hplcomb.
After a careful canvaaa of all the votea
It waa found that Miner and Saunders
wer a tie, each receiving forty-one vote.
Julg Holcomb ruled that th candidates
would hav to decide who ia arlnner by
the usual manner of casting lot.
Commercial Clab Arreagea for
aaal Baaqaet oa Jaaaary '
BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. .-(SpeclJ.-
j The directors of th Heat rice Commercial
i clutj held a meeting last evening and
In reply to u-tlone as to lh'we'tli.a '"'nea ,0 hold the nnual banquet of
ff the old packer, pool, the wltneaa Mid 1 ! i ?" ,h' 'i1"1 of Jn"rr
-Representatlvea of Armour 7 H ,1' " nia ' ha biggest affair
niu Co., Morrl at to.. O. llaiumoiid nut-,,f.t ,-i..r. ....i .k... ...v,...
In., Cudehy A
the t'uunsrlaan
week between 193 and 14.
.... .w... , i.ieae mretlnca wera
nd others met In follow: "Tha Relation f h. -m
building about every I Club to the Cltv " w a Whin..
! tary of th IJiu-oln Commercial club:
Municipal Advertising," Henry. Oerlng.
letteie. Armour A Co.
was president of the Omaha Ad club; 'The
Menttfied by
L..n. . . .
. Armour i-acklng company s! Klectroller 8ltiu of Blreet Ughtlng."
v vuumnjr a; v.o. at C. n. ii. Ha, ,.., i i Mayor Wola of Fremont: "TrimnnM.
Lllliniin.l 1 1
v vU. H u, pi l-ouis Dreaaed Beef oom
lny aa E. Morris as F. and Swift & Co
as (i.
"In li eVhwarsschlkt tt Sulrberger
Joined tne meeting and were designated
by the letter U, and Slft C. Co. became
known under tbe letter 11.
TUe meeting, were held on th sixth
floor of the Couneelmao building, There
were nine or tea rooms used for these
meetings. There wer no signs on the
door. These meeting, wer. not held be
tween May im and May ism, but were
then resumed.
I letted the meeting rooms under the
uirei-tton tif either Oueatavus tewlft D
Jartwtll vt Bwift Co.. or K. J. Mar
tin tit Armour Co.." continued Mr
Veeder. -All th firm, wh( .Uende, th.
mating pld then proportional amount
ft rent and other xpenas. which was
iternnned by the volume of bualneaa
ivne In fresh beef In territory A."
and the Extension of the Missouri pacific
Railroad. AV. O. Wilson, transportation
commissioner of the Kansas City Com
mercial club. ,
Mia. Amanda Clausseu.' an old resident
of th Fllley vicinity, died yesterday,
aged 61 years. The funeral was held
today and the body waa taken to Omaha
for Interment.
The boom tor th renomlnatlon if Hon.
Peter Jansen for atate senator from Oao
county has been formally launched by
the circulating of a petition asking Ms
nam to be placed upon the primary bal
lot. I'p to the present time no candidate
lis entered th ret against Mr. Jaiuwn.
Two brothers, i. C. and F. H, Moore,
ho hav Just finished serving four year
In the 1'nlteJ States navy on tha battle
ships Maryland, West Virginia and
Charleston, hav arrived In ,!h city to
spend the winter at home.
Key to the tfltuai'oii-iiee AdrUslug-
Ualy (lit i'Iikuiiu til'tM t'.'1
That Is Laxattv Drumii QuinUie, Look fee
tlia signaiuie of tl. W. Urove. Lm1 tbe
world ever Ui vur a void la on Uy. sm.
Many Rumors Are
Afloat in Muscatine
MC8CATINK, 1., Dec. 29.-Kchoe of
labor difficulties In the button factories
were current today when the work of
the grnd Jury, which has been In ses
sion for mort than a month, drew to a
With nothing more definite ' than
rumors it was whispered dlsclosurea
would be contained In the reports '
County officials were nllent on the cub
Ject of tha grand Jury activity.
One of the rumor was that a iiuatitlty
of dynamite had been found and that tho
purpoae for which It wss Intended wus
being Invextlxated by the grand Jury.
A commission composed of members of
the-most prominent sociologies and social
workers In the country. apMlntecI at a
meeting of the Federal Council of
Churches of America held at Pittsburgh,
December 12, to Investigate conditions
sociological and Industrial, arrived In
Muscatine today and began Its work.
IOWA CITT. Ia Dec. 2.-(Spclal.)-Plans
are under way among the Knights
of Columbus lodges of this section of
the state for th organisation, of a six
club Knights of Columbus base ball cir
cuit. The league 1s to be known as the
"K. C. League" and will be composed
of teams from the towns In this district
of. th lodge. The cities in this district
are Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Marshall
town and Victor, and to make the or
ganisation a six-circuit affair, promoters
would add Davenport and Muscatine.
rie Thousand-Dollar Fire.
TORT pODOn, la .'Dec, a.-MSpeclal.)
Fire was discovered at 4 a. ni. in three
6 tw.U'JIn l Clartv , which, .were . all
Waxing merrily by tha time- the dis
covery waa made. The volunteer brigade
composed of very man In town fought
valiantly and aves a large Implement
house next door and confined the losses
to 12,000. A blacksmith shop, a barber,
shop and a butcher shop, wer burned. .
As a Fitting Climax to the Ending of a Very
Successful Year weill close out a lot of garments in
our Ready-to-Wear sections at One-Half Price and Less.
SUITS: Lot 1 Suits which sold un to $33.00. .$12. Kft I nRFSSHR. T.nt ii w,, i.i,.i, i.i d-o-. c-se? w
... , . ' . . . . . lsicoov wmiu BUIU IU fP,W,W, r 1,1. IMF
Lot 2 Dresses which sold to $20.00, $10.00
a a aX -av a . - .
Lot 'i .Suits which sold un to $50.00. SIR K(
, Lot 3 Suits wliich sold up to $75.00. .$27.50
$2.50 for alteration will be charged in every instance
COATS Colored CoatsPlush
Coats Black Coats
$20.00 Coats at . ...$0.75
4$1K.0() Coats at $12.50
$30.00 Coats at $14.75
.$.J..(0 Coats at $m.F.n
Lot 3 Dresses which sold to $12.50.. .$3.95
on sale garments.
Priced to clean out every single waist.
$12.50 "Waists as low as $2.95; choice $4.50 waists $1.98;
the $2.00 ones at ' ' Ogt
$8.50 Women's Sweaters
$5.00 Women's Sweaters
ne-Third U All Prices on Furs
Misses', Juniors', Children's and Infants
of all kinds cut to the QUICK.
Children's Coats Ages 2, 3, 4, 5, ( and 8
$5.00 Coats at $2.98 $8.50 Coats at. . .
$12.50 Coats at $6.98 $15.00 Coats at. .
Little Misses and Big Misses Ages 10, 12 and 14.
Those which were $10.00 at $5 00
$12.50 at $0.98 ' $15.00 at $9.75 $22.50 at $14.75
Hats at V Price-One lot was $2.50, at 50c
Coats for 13, 15, 17 and 19 years.
$10.00 and $12.50 Coats at $6.50
. tfio.w coa.s at
$18.00 and $20.00 Coats at
$22.50 and $25.00 Coats at
Suite 10 to 17 years-$15.00 Suits at
$18.00 Suits at. .$9.50 $25 to $35 Suits at.
'Pi-,!,. ...... 1 i OA 1 r ,1
a ma ,-in3 Mai is at o a. on. promptly.
Wool Dresses reter Thompson, trimmed and plain
ages 6 to 10 years.
$6.00 Dresses $3.50 $8.50 Dresses ...... $4.90
$12.50 Dresses. $7.45 ' ;
Ages 12 to 17 years.
$10.00 Dresses $7.45 $15.00 DresseR . $H .7K
$3.40 I $18.00 Dresses. . . .$12.75 $25.00 Dresses. . . .$17.65
3 C
1 C
(Continued front first Pane.) '-. ' '
Taft Writes to IOnglneer.
FORT JXIXJ1S, la., Dec. 2.-(Speclal.)-Horrver
Rhodes, a veteran llllonols Cen
tral engineer, is proudly displaying to
his friends a letter from President Taft
wishing, him and his family a Merry
Christmas. The occasion of the letter
was Taft's desire to thank the engineer
for ls part In carrying the Taft special
throughout the entire recent trip with
out mishap. Engineer Rhodes carried
the train from Omaha to Fort lodge.
own Mews Notes.
BAXTBR-Qeorge Deal, aged 47, tha
manage!1 of the Haxter Implement com
pany, committed suicide this morning by
hanging himself In the company's waro
house. No cause for the act Is known.
A widow and small son survive lilm.
yon of Fort Dodge, the Junior sens tor
from Iowa, Is to speak before the mem
bers of the Marslialltown club on Tuea.
day, January . Arrangements are being
made to hav him also address an after
noon meeting.
NORTH BEND. Neb.. Dec. .-Follow-
Ing the death of Michael Oorey. tha
saloon keeper, who was shot In a brawl
St his place of business on Christmas
day, an Inquest was held last night. After
hearing ' extended evidence the Jury re
turned 'the verdict thst Oorey cam to
hi daath from gunshot wounds received
at the ha ml of Al'Pruyn. An Important
witness for the defense was the father
of Pruyn, who witnessed ths brawl. Th
elder Pruyn testified that his son fired
in eelf-J'fense after he had been shot at
twice. He asserted that his son took
refuge behind a stove at the ' first shot
and only returned the fire In self-defense.
firm name was Llnebarger ft Co.;, a 30
per cant Interest In the Manhattan and
for a short time a 20 per cent Interest
In the Blue Ribbon, but took no part In
ti e management of the places with the
exception of supplying th money.
He told of the frecment reports from all
of the houses of the presenoe of unde
sirable men In the city, which he collected
and took to police headquarters. He said
It was done for self-protection.
Richmond's Testimony Confirmed.
Other witnesses for the defense during
the day were Desk fciorpeant. Nlcoll of the
police department,- who confirmed Major
Richmond's testimony concerning the
methoOn of keeping dally reports of
officers, and' he flatly ' contradicted the
two former policemen who had testified
that they reorted Mabray Incidents to
him during 1!W8; United States Deputy
Marshal W. A. Oroneweg, who waa a
deputy sheriff while ths "big store" was
running and who confirmed the 'testimony
of Sheriff MnCaffery and former Poerlff
Canning, and Attorney Oecrge H. Mayne.
Mr. Mayne, as member of the firm of
Mayne & Ilaxleton, occupied offices In
the Merrlam block for twenty years, and
he was called to tell of the secrecy that
governed Mubray's operations, conducted
for two years In the same block, but he
was not permitted to testify upon objec
tions of Mr. Cosson. -A.
W. Askwlth and Kmile 8churc, local
attorneys, .testified, to the declaration: Ma
bray had made to them that Marks had
nothing to do with the business at any
time, and that Mabray eatd, It was lime
for him to get. under cover, with twenty
six lndlcmenta against him.
A Life Problem Solved
by that great health tonic. Electric Bit
ters, is tha enrichment -of poor, thin
blood, and strengthening tbe wesk. 50o.
for sale, by Beaton Drug Co
The key to suoeesa In businasa Js the
Judicious and persistent use of newspaper
ad vet tiling.
The Fam
Js sis
Th Ryo Lamp U lh best and most servicciLle lamp you can find
lor ny part of your home.
It it ia Use la nulliont of families. Iu ilrong while light hat r.itle
it famous. Aad it never flickers.
h th aiawg-roem or the parlor the Ryo gi'tes just t) ligkl lhat is am etec.
v-. " U 1P iue aad to yo. Just the luap, toe, (or beiroai
1 library, where a clear, stead bht is seeded.
t i1 r ,? U, T rW "" suclal-plalaa i aU (a aumeroe. other siyle sad
kanhca. t-tuiy bghtad withoai reamviag thaoa or tWaey ; easy to daa aad rewick.
rs emlsr le aWw m ka am l Rare Imbm i r wraf JmmimcacaWlssaaaaair IiL
. Standard Oil Company
' (Incorporated) - -
Auto Hood
' real
' , I Tailored Finn- 1
L98c Tnelli98c
CUteeaU) an, raraam.
Over McCrorey's New 5c and tOc Store
SATITKBAT'S One-Hal T Price Sale on -all
our Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts and
Millinery. Our prices were always the
lowest in th City. This one-half price '
sale meana much more to you than any
ordinary sale. For the reason. The Fam
ous Suits and CoaU nre Brand New, and
oniy in aays in tne House.
All our $10 and $15
Coats and Suits. . .
All our $15 and $18
Coats and Suits. ..
All our $30 and $35
Coats and Suits
All our $5 and $6
. Skirts:
All our $7 and $10
. Skirts
All our $10 and $15
Wa cannot sell goods in the ad, no
tak th elevator and come up to
Omaha's New and Bright Daylight
Cloak and ult Store, and see the great
values wa offer you.
r4& II
7- ?
ms Mi
'' -II
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
413-15-17 South 16th Street.
Our greatest annual furniture
sale begins at 8 o'clock,
Tuesday ' morning January 1 2 '.
tO Saturday
w Ti t 21) ttmm
"i w r
Tickets 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2
On Mala at Boyd's Bos Offlo.
.Jit mi.iimi ifi.i.iwissaaiwe
Bsst Beats 50c '
rmal Wrestling Matah for th
Heavyweight Championship af tne
World, between Miss OU1 Martin,
Champion Heavyweight of Amerlea,
and Eatsll Sedal, Champion Welter
weight of Mew Tork.
Electric Lighted Sleeper
Omaha to
and Fort Worth
Leaving Omaha Daily at 5 P. M.
Through train daily, Omaha to Fort
Worth, Texas, via Lincoln, Ikslleville,
MeFarland, Kansas, and Oklahoma points,
providing splendid service.
Low liomeseeker's fares to all points
South and Southwest first and third Tues
days, and Winter Tourist tickets on sale
, daily to all points in Teja.. . f
Close connections at El lieuo for Ok
lahoma City, Amarillo and intermediate
For detailed information address
J. S. McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agent,
1322 Farnam Street.
Tonight atuxday Mat. and aright
The Fascinating Opera
Company of M
Blr Aogumeswd Oreheatra
unday Matinee, "SCHOOL BATS."
Tharsaay, Jan. ia, aT IOHui.
$lXX&tJEtti ,,r'- 18-8-0-75o
Sr D"r atat, i8-a6-6oo
Oi. r ciassy Christinas week offering.
K;tK The Massing Parade.
icf kataoamsa asto TiuirrnLi
j l. icqulultely conceived musical euaembles
: ivoat elaborately Oowned Chorus tills
beacon, (Superb hcenlo Investiture.
, i, new iuiu
tey Ladles' Dime MatUee kifwy WU Say.
V A I o
lien Welch's Eurlesquer
AiiUl. rhoa
Note: Early Curtain Saturdav
Night 8:15 Sharp.
TOHX0KT, Mats. Thursday, Satnrday
a-rivM, uur.
V700iwasli gTucx CchtrafT
Next Wek Th Olrl aa tha Judge.
bpecial Matins New Vear a Lay.
lie B
gg for All the km
la hakeepeartaa BUpertoU-
Beau Vow (tUlag.