JlIK OMAHA SlJNDAV )VA. DKCKMHEK 2i..J9U. SOCIETY IS TO STAY AT HOME January Bride and Attendants m .m . e5r. Family Reunions to Mark the Ob terrance of Chriitmai Day. OBEHLIN SISOIES ABE COMISG II 1 1(1 -I' nan Fort ( rook I lilldren Arc te 1lxt a Christmas Trrc and a iay Time at tp fts-itiBsalam at hp rait. 318-320 South 16th. St. .r. '7 u .V I i ftoelal f'alrndar, MONDAY Junior club. 'an M Cham bers'; Mr. Chrlc ,ft. dance at uii Mrrtorx l.tan Kr Al ui-iiiun- Aiet. Tl'KfliAY Alia tJeoige A. Julyn and Mrs. J. R 8' oble, a. ft ,11011 rrc ,"t"on and evening dam at i.inlnirM fur M.s Violet J"Mn ana M as iteieii ro.n.c, Lou Mihonx ctit. sn.iuai banquet hi the Heni-haw; Mis. t.. t.. Lai., i.aii: at the-Grand hotel, ( uiitii' I ImuIi); jti huHinen, ita iv.' Mi, i aiker in nun c.l Hi ul i a : Mix ii luarJ. tea. W F.DN KbUAY i.r. mi Air, joseph M. Xaldrige, pink dum.iii) dance at . iibiii brri : Umi Kulli Gould and M as MdU ird Marr, aftemno.i brluge tor .i.k Giace Oilmore; hri. R. C. How. Iun.il pon for Min Marion howe; iir. an 1 Mr. C. C. Alilai.n, house party lur M s Orao Allison and Matr (.haries Al lison; t hi Kappa Psl. diiinvr and theater party; omeral irt Mm. Gicii villa M. Dorige. rtutptlnn In Cjuncil Bluff; Oir.ain Hig.i h liool Ulee tint), con-.ert at nrnt Christian rhurvh; Mr. M. C. Peters, brlK? lor M n luphne Pteri; M m Blannie Welch, Orpi.cii.u paitv for All-n ui. tn Klnsler. TMCKSHAY-Mi. Myron Lentiied. luncheon for Sllsse Helen Foibes, iviarearet Mct'hciaon and Harriet Smith; Mm. Kalph W. Connell, luncheon for Mis Keg na Connell; Mr. I). A. Baum, lime tiron. Omikron ciub, dnce al Cnanibers'; Mr. and Mn. A. H. McConnell, dancing party, etna; banquet at the Home; Mr. and Mr. D. J. O'Brien, orphetim paitv: Umaha high school clsr of 19U. reunion al I'nl veritv of Omaha: Mr. J. C. Hans ford, Clover Leaf Card club; Mr and Mr. Loin TS'aah, Mr. an I Mr. Vlcl.ir Caldwell. Mr. and tin. r M. orr, box part e at th Brandets; Mr. aril Mr. K. W. Judxon, theater part of tli Brandeis; Mr. and Mr. A. C. Fmlth. dlnnar and theater party j Nebraska alumni, banquet at University rlub. RID AY Mr. and Mrr A. (J. Beeann. Mr. and Mr, i. II. Butler and Mr. K. R Bruce, dar.ee at tli Metropolitan tr: Mkse Kstherlne p.eoon. Mildred Hut ler and Elisabeth Bruce: Mr W. It. McCord. luncheon for M. Margery McCord; MIh Oretchen Mrfunnell, afternoon brldu; Ml B!on and Maater Robert Btor. dance; Tun Uel en'n luncheon at the New Hamilton. SATURDAY Harvard Ulee club, ron cert at tho Boyd; Mr. Artltur frit ten den bmlth, tea for v!ltln Harvard men: danco at the Rmn f"r Harvard men; luncheon and aventnt banquet at 0,naha tlub for Harvard men: lr Hlbout, dance at rhantier" s Mr. and Mra. D. V. fiholee. brldat d'nm-t-; Beta Theta PU banquet at Un'.vcra.ty club. Omaha society will rpend Chrltma In tru home faahlon. Moat of the dlnnnra will be family attain with the tnveier at home and the boy and flrla back from colter and (ohool. An excrptlon will be Mr. E. W. Nash, who with her daughter. Mil France Kath, will upend rhrlxtma In Dubuque with her daugMor. Mr. Ueors Myer, and Mr. Myetr. Mm. J. M. Metcalf and Mrs. Ata Hertnch will hprr.d Chrlitma In Lincoln with their brother, Judxe Cornlnh. At Fort ymnha. the officer famlllf will alno hale home dinners at their dif ferent quarter. ChrlHtmaa morning Torn lulik and Mi. Clark will hold open haunt lor the officer families to enjoy the Chrlstmaa tree, which they have (or thclr eon, James Clark. At Fort Croolt the children of the offi cer and tioldlers will have a it a 7 Chrtatinas eve. In the post sjymnaatum. 1 here will ba a matnoth Christina tree with a present for each boy and ah I thete, nd Eanta Clau will be on hand to dlatilbute the tilft. There will be a lroe:ani of mtKlc and recitations also for the children and groan-up. Mr. and Mi, a. V. Wattles will hive a family reunion. Their gueats will be Mi. Vi'au'.f' aliler, Mra. John Moiluch. Mr, McHugh and Mlis Dorothy McHugh of fcloUK city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tukey will have a Christmas tree celebration at their home i n Diunuay inoiinna iioee preceni vfm be: Mr. ar.d Mrs. i:lwln Mjir:on of Kan saa I'lty. Mr. and Mr. Ci. P. Moorhecd, Mr. arid Mra. A. 1'. 'I ukey. Mm. Wullin of (i in nil Rapid. Mich.; Mr. and Mi. Ilailey Mooihevd, lieutenant and Mr. Allen Reed of tun Kraiulno. Mta Katheilnc Moorhead. Mlra lUhol Tukey, . Mlaa Katnrrlne Vukey, l Maater Moorhead Tuky, ilarley Moorlicud, Jr. Mr. and Mra. Fiank Fowler of Fre mont aio having a family reunion, moat of the guexta being either Irom Omaha or formerly of thl city. Those present will hv: Judge and Mr. W. It. Munger. Mr. und Mra. P. H. Hell. Mr. and Mr. Kamert. Jackson Of Del ia, 8. U. Mr. and Mra. H. Fowler. Mr. and Mia. Frank Fowler. Miaa Ruth Fowler, Mine Jean rowler. Mlaa Mollis VYIlluughby. Mrurs.T Mesara Munger H. II, V. II. Munger, Jr.; 1. Hit WIT Jr. One of the large family dinner given Christmas day will be that of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Phllllppt. Among the out-of-town gueet will be Mr. end Mr. El wool Ralley and small daughter, Ruth Elolse, of Dixon, 111.; Dr. and Mr. 8. O. Spar ling and children, riilllp and Margaret, if r!aakacoon. Canada, and Mlaa Taylor of Mount Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. HoaUnd will en tertain at a family dinner Chrlatmas day lor: Mr. and Mra. I'd P. Coyer. -Mi. and Mr. W. R. Wood. Mia Marjurla How Und. Mr. and Mr. F. H. Davis will g'.v a S o'clock dinner at their home Monday, when thote I'tcscnt will be: Mr. and Mr. John B.1 Brady. .Mr. and Mr. T. 1.. Dsvlh, Master John Kreoerlvk Ddvla, Mr. Haliock Biody, M aa Helen Dvl. Miaa LiUabcih Davis. Mlaa Malon.i Davl. wlio U a atudent at RoKeniary Hall, tiieetiwlc Ii, Conn. A Christmas tree paitv haa been V aimed by Dr. and Mr. Robert Hoillator. They will have a large tree at their home, 4-I2 Ceaa etieet. Monday morning, in honor of Mlaa Emily and Maaiera George and Churles lloldrega. children of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Holdrege. The other j ietent will be: Mre. T. I- Klmbell. Mr. Arabella Kimball, Miita lreta Holdrege. Mr. and Mra. T. R. Kimball. Mr. and Mi. Harry A. liuldrcge. Mr. and Mre. F. P. Klrkendall a 111 en tertain at a family dinner at home Chrlat mas day. The guests will be: Mr. and Mis. Uienn Wharton, Mr and Mrs. John Wharton. Mr. and Mra. H. P. iluctiateller, Mra. M. i. Baiter, Mtaa France Hochatetler. ' Metan. ' Meaara. . Gerald Wharton. Rurdette Klrkendall. I Maater Myron Hinchete-ulerw One of the partita planned for C.irUt I mn evening la a dinner to be given by Mr. and Mr. E. W. Dixon at their home, 1 when those present will be: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield. Ur. and Mrs. John T. ttemart Id.; I Ml KILDHED EOfiEHi :r. and Mr. K. W. Dixon, Mr. Victor Corfinun, MlH Roa Coff man. Mr. Jaiifirld of New York City. Mr. Rtockton Hetli, Mr. C. W. Hull, Mr, Luther Drulte. ' Mr. 4nd Mrs. W. C. Ross will entertain at dinner Christmas day, whsn thane present will be Mr. and Mra. B. A. Mao Allaster of Oakland, Cm.; Mr. and Mre. Turner MacAllater, Mr, and Mrs. A. a. Kdwaids, Mr. Denjnmln MacAllaiter, Mra. V. It. Smith, Alia Ros and Mr. and M.rs. Rosa. Dr. and Mra. A. S. Mattsnn will give a Chrlstmaa family teunlon dinner at their home, when those present will bo: tr. and Mrs. A. B. Mattaori. Mis. Preicott Hrald, 1'eurla, 111, MUg Gertrude MatWon. Lloyd Mattson. Donald Muttaun, C. L. Mattsun. Mr. and Mrs. Clmrlei O. McDonald will have as their guests at Chrlatmas dinner Mr. and Mr. Robert Bridge. Mlaa Laura Bridge and Mia Nona Bridge, formerly i,t Fremont, now of Omoha. Mr. Everett I). Clark of Wilfred, Conn., and Mlaa Urec Urtdge of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Doxler will have as their gucat at Chrlstmaa dinner! Mr. and Mra. William McKlroy of Kansas City. Mrs. D. IS. McKlroy. Mra. M. W. Small and Ml Nellie Bmall, ail of Dun lap, la, , Oberlln alnajrers Come. The local plans for the convert to be given by the Oberlln Olco club at the First Congregational church at Nine teenth and Davenport street, January 4. nre progressing. Tho patronnesse have been chosen and liicturio mothers, wives, sisters and friends of Oberlln men. The twenty-five singers composing the Oberlln club will arrive from Kanaa City In their private") ar on the morning of the 4lh. An automobile trip will be taken In the forenoon. At noon they will be e tit retailed at luncheon at the t'nl varsity club, when they will share honors with Dr. Earnest V. Nichols, president of Dartmouth colletc. who will alve a short address. A recniitlon for the .-luh ...... . ... . . I win oe neia in tne p.uiors 01 tn cnurcn after the concert, when alumni and friends of the members will have an ou- portunlty to meet the rlub singers. . Thy . ciuo win icave tor tne eaac at U' liJ o ciock after the reception. At the concert, Wllllum H. Hmalla of Omaha, a former member of the glee club, will aialat In their program. Mr. nariey u. Mooincaii, Who was also a member of Hie Olerlln club when In col lege will be among the alumni present. The' club, whUli U th!a year on Ita twenty-thlrd annual tour, la known ranking A No. 1 In amateur glee club music. It la afforded an exceptional op- portunitv Li the Oh..rlln ron.erv.,tnr ..t .. . ' 1 ii.uv.v. urn afiiem aiiev ij appearance In Omaha mark It third vlelt in thla city, the last one being In the winter of i;nX!-. The program of the club Include the bei claic end folk sons as well as collegia 1 a Ira The patronesses are: Vesde me C.eor Barktr. Jr.; I"red Cnatle. J. C. DaUell. Mcsdainea Hailey Moorhead. I. W. Noble 1 J. P. P.i liner. M. C. Petri,., U. C. Petrm, Fdr.cn Rich. Homer f arl, W illiam t. Hiieldon, H. K Small of Fremont. Neb.; Itleorge F. Uilmore. ' C. B. Jlayward. 1 I'reeeotl Heald I of I eoi'. 111.; I J. A. Jenkina, . A. C. Kennedv, Frederic k P. Looml. A. 6. MuMsnn, n. m. 1 rest. Charles O. McDonald J. F. Wilhelmy. Mtanes M:iea Kate Mi Huih. ! R. Lttv's, Llliabeth Mlichell. Ada F. Wright. riab Mea to Be Pcted. Th men of the Harvard Glee rlub who will he here In concert Saturday will be kept busy that day going from one entertainment to another planned by the local alumni In their honor. Th vis iting men will be met at the train and shown the town In automobile. Lunch ou at th Omaha club, tea at lb home i m i m BZSEiffiEIlI?raEESCM at Mr, Arthur Crittenden Hmlth, ban quet gt the Omaha club and dance ai the Rome- after the ooncert at Boyd will follow In quick succession'. The reception committee to conduct the young men from one festivity to the next are: Ueorge Flack, Allan McDonald. T. II. Matter, Jr., Hal Yatoa and J. Bradford. t ... Neolor from. The Omaha High school senior prom, the big social event of the school year, was hold Friday evening at Chambers, febout 175 couple being present. Lea Hlboux and Lural clubs, to of the boy' social club at the school, had attractive cosy corners. Lei Hlboux corner was In tho shape of a little col tuue. being; made realistic by Interwoven trips of gray and black, tho club colors. A decorated Christmas tree was lighted up inside the outtnge, The Laral club corner was. a red and blue canopy decorated with many school pennants and severul handuume high school pillows. The grand march was led v by Kdwln tjuidale, the cluna prealdent, and Mlsa I-auru Zimmerman. Voyle Rector, th llill president, who lead the march last year, arrived home from 'Dartmouth Friday afternoon and attended the 1SU class danca. The programs were attractive with th class seal and color on tho front cover. During the Intermission a trio of Christ man sereuaders antusad the dancer by rendering some appropriate selection for the occasion. ; Beverul nirnilioio oil the high school faculty actod as p.u.... and patronesses. Ray Gould and Harold Thomas had charge of Ilia aftalr. Those present were: Mlfrae MlHses Iiuia -! miner man, Katheiina Oould, Clalie paticison, ti.trriet Pai melee, Altco Jaqulin, Clem Dickey, Katherlue Davenport Marguerite Prentiss, Adeline Wood, iuuiu i-Vufon. Loia Howell, 1 Hen;a Ratmusaen, Luclle l acon. Lou. Huwaid, Ada. aide Fuiikhnuswituth Fltigerald, Florence Heggb.aoe, i..o,u iSievenaon, Nell Ryan. Lillian I'arsons, I'luh Rnner. hetli Aliteison, Lulu Muo Coe. Helen Howe, Margharetta Burke, Maurtnt. Kant man, Helen Weeks, Mildred Collins, !Uigti( tnomua. cisia Kiiigen. Hortcnso Bhlpman. Ama Neble, Ruth Hunslker. loia Hiiarman, HusmI JohiiBon, Henrietta Bergman, Label Jones. 'Roth Koch, W. nit red Donahue. Katherlne Croker, May lleixler. Helen Strelght, Killth RuHtin. Dorothy Mover, Ruth Henrlcka, (eitrudo Mullory, Mary Carrier, lKiruthy Dale, Lola Uyrd. Adeline Wykoff, Anna Tale. IiuHiih Lumry. Kisle Rogers, Marlon McCaffrey, Lillian Johnson Willi" .nson, Carpenter, Naomi Towlti. Minnie Malclilen, Beulali Hyrd. Helen Ullh. Helen I an lor. t orrlne Kle'n, Ailene Maythuiu, Alice McCuiluugh. r iio vnee Oaliaguer, Huxrl Dtgan. mil mill son. 1 , - 1 -. .... . . 1 i";,"tcV. Lillian Calloway, ttcaiuu Mai le Freeland, aamineriierraocn,ypa vunioiiss, Muiis! iiaiuwin, Kutn Mover, Mi't io Kuw ley, Iieah Jarvie. laullne Mullen. Ruth Mcdparen, liorothy t arns. Rose eh h, Bei nlco hltney, Marie Johnson, Kyhll Nelson. Msttio Roliertson. June Ureevy, Ksthro Lusk, .Mint Jensen, Florence Cole. .Maud Ixmastreet, Manere Weaver, Marjorte Howtandl Mary CUrk. Harrlut Blake. Iiura Aldrich, tiertruda Dickinson. Floreiie 1 ak. tertrude Aiken, Ornevleve Kller, Doris Llndley. Margaret tie! tell. 1 Jiura Fisher. Helen Keating. I'anna Kouatd. Kathryn Murtevant. M.irl gmllh, Ilianehe Brotherton, Marin Harrpton. Mae Kellev. Bertha JClklne. I.ltrrtie nu ll', ln I. el Hliokrrt. Nell'e K'gutler, Mabel Ilea lou. Acele Cullen, Mai y '1 J lor, ii anon l aiaons. l.l Kubetli I'oud, Helen Harte, Mario Donahue, elvel n Miller. A nne hobertson. Margatet Hurke. Agnes Snlleis. H. Krevn.botg, Mll.trvd Bacon, Milorei' Rileh. Helen Cheeney, illadys Kohfrtaun, blllsatetU Flnley. Ito.o halen. Helen luaersen, Louise Bed well, Ruth LI of, lev, Mabel Conklln, M ry Johnson, Mary Mcponaugh, Pansy Willi una. Myra Lumrv. Lilian Tuffleld. Blanche Busk, Biss Heaton. Mary l.atenver. liorothy Carlisle, Clara Barnes. Mildred Over. Jenny l.eea. fli o, vmt, Mae Oetaler, Helen Pi.4;ue, r.niabetii Raluey, The one great annual sale that the Omaha and vicinity have learned Opens Tuesday Horning, Dec. 26, at 0 O'Glock niw M'mh 8ass StoeEi a Tailored Suite, Evening Coats, Street Coats, Evening Gowns, Afternoon and Street Dresses, Fur Coats, Fur Sots, Separate Furs, ate. hT OWE See Monday paper for further announcement Eunice Williams, Man Yeats, MeNsrs. Edwin Landalc, Beryl Crocker, Slevers Kusmann, Vergil Rector, William Noble, George Howell, . Ralph Bcdweli, Roy Gould, Messrs. ' Guy iiecaet, anorrie, Muney JVieye,-, i. .i.v nintoi, Lvibna vvraine, i.a.pli Lcuueu, ioca,,ood, IAiU.U ft.oi z, Wm.uni liamptcn, Cool k MeicuUe, laio.a i.cir, i..M Lumry. Ru jiwuu v .sher, w. v . Longren Max Levy, Herman ilarie, . Aiyion Coiu tiuugh, Itwrold McKlnney, Rut-sell jui ael, Vv alter Klupp, Raymond haggard, . carles Ciaruiner, Raymond iiov lilnne Kcward L'ndorlund, Ralph Carney, Joseph Cicedon, Cluude Bertrand, Hpe-ncer Flint, Miller Nichols, Warren Howard, Gilbert Bowes, C. F..Fangerr.an, , Donald Muff lit, Irving Hughes. Benjamin Tales, W atkln Wolfe, Hurts,) enks, Paul Friday, Phillip Chose. Kenneth Norton, Guy K.ldrklge. Arthur Kiopp, John Gideon, Jack Benton, . Newton Benson, Robert Allen. Jrvln; Benolken, Warren Carey, Albert Talltnage, Homer Phillips, Ioxter Corson. Kalnh Doud, Joe' McLafferty. .. Wa lace McDonald, Phillip Payne. Donald Kipllnger. Howard Wilson, -Harold Thompson, Vernon Schloh, Lee Iariron, Norman Potter, George Grimex, Harold AndniH. Ildward PtrkliiH, Milton Petersen, Gilbert Shirley, V'1 V'-n" noil, ' James Durkee, , Mv.d MuCoimlck, les I Cummings, I 'of lisle Allyn. Maurice Loom!, Harold Rogers, Chester Nleman, ISO. I parsons, Rouer McCullc.ugh, Morrln Johmori, Mao Parkinson, K.bert Burnett, Etarncst Hammond, niidoll Moore, George Buehart, wytnan Beebo, Gordon Mill. Tad Forbes, Loslle Burketiroau, Frank Jones, Kenneth Cialtf, Claire Moore, Ted Nelson, Morton Kngleman, Ray Kelley, I tou Nelson, Jainer. Gal diner, Paul Beisel. Harold Iangdon. Robert Wood, Max Block, Warren Nelson. John Drexel, Frank Folsey, John FHxpatrlck, Harold baetian, George Jacobs, Wsyne Helbv. Coe Buchsuan, F.ex Houlton, P-lchard Jones, Leo Methane, Harold Thomas, , Fred Klellt, Doyo Crane. Fred Rucholx. Harold Johnson, Ralph Welrlch. Pr;ik Hlxenbangh, Fhll McCullougti, Harry P.iggs. F07 Porter, W. Brando, Fid win Carson, Kdwlrt Buscli, Horace Blake. Walter Loomla, B. Howell. Kverett Burke, Vovle Rector, Park Lamion. Ie Larmon, Deyo Crane, miuart Gould. Hrnry Howes. Herman .'oust. Douglas Burnt. Louis Waverln. Leonard Marshall, Donald Howe, Lvnn Sackett. lln.rv .lnktns. R. M. Griffin. Clark Carnaby, Mark Hughes, Harry Maish, Walter Hixenbaugh, Horace Blake, Ralph Campbell. Forrest Byrd, Wajter Jonts, Carl Shook. Richard Ballman, Robert Edwards, Albert May, Ray Luche, Fred Heyn. C. F. Golden. Carl 8tor. Hawson White, Perry Singles. R. Hamford, C. tcCanje, Hugh Mills. Flnley Jenkins, F.' Parker. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Reed Prof. Nathan Bernstein. I'rof. J. F. Woolery. Laura Bridge, Marv Sullivan. Wedding Bells Colonel 11 W. M. MacDanlcl announce the engagement of hi daughter. Ml Frances F.'lsabeth VacDaritel, " to Mr. Frank R. Ci eedoh. Mr. and Mrs. leorgo L. Woas announce the engagement of their daughter, Jessie, to Mr, Frank C. Duff of Clartnda. la. The wedding will tal-e place In the spring. The wedding of Mies Mathilda von Stein, daughter of Mr. Paul von Stein, to Mr. Harvey A. Bltkford of Kansas City will Miss be celebrated Christmas morning. Ruth von Stein will be maid of honor. After a wedding trip Mr. Blck foifl and his brldo will reside In Kansas City. A wedding of much local Interest will be that of Mlaa Helen Forbes, daughter of Mr. r.d Mrs. John Forber of Evans ton, formerly of Omaha, and Mr. William MePhercn, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. McPherson, January 17. Two Omaha young women. Miss Margaret McPherson sod Mlts Mildred Rcgerj will be brides maid f. The wedding of Miss Nan Miller, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J J. Miller, to Mr. Morrison Castle ws celebrated Wednes day evening at the home of th brtde' l.arents, Rev. Edwin II. Jenk officiating. The bride wore her traveling suit of royal purple and white beaver hat trim med In velvet to match. ho carried an arm bouquet of bride's rose and swan sonla. Her only ornament was a gold rtin'.n Willi pendant watch, a girt of the groom. M il Ethel Beard of lies Moines was maid if honor and wore gray broadcloth trimmed lu purple velvet and steel, t'he - HALF carried white roses and swansonla. Lit tle Mtt Fern Deomer was flower girl and Master Frederick Caatle ling bearer. Frank O. Broglnnl of Cleveland, O., acted a best man. Mis Oladys Chandler sang "For You Alone." Mr. Fred Dixon played the ac companiment and also the wedding march. Assisting Mrs. Miller were Mr. Deerr-er, Mr. W. 8. Miller, Miss Mildred Brenner and Mis Fannie Livingston- . Pink Kllarney roses and smtlax decor ated the rooms and. about Liu guests were present at tho ceremony' and reception. Mr. and Mrs. Castle went east and will be at home at the Her Grand hotel after February 1. For the Future Mrs. David A. Baum will give a lunch eon Thursday at the Omaha club for the debutantes and the girls horn from aohoot. Miss Julia and Miss Agnea Byrne, who had Manned to give a Chrlatmas eve party, have postponed It until New Year's eve, owing to illnos In th fam ily. Air. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith will entertain at dinner at home Thursday evening, followed by a theater party at' th Er&ndei for . their daughter. Mis Harriet Smith. Invitations have been Is sued to twenty guest. The 1911 class of th Omaha High school will hold It first annual reception and danco Thursday evening at th University of Omaha. The committee in charge In clude Mis Loa Howard, chairman; Miss Harriet Parmelee, Henry Howe and Park Larmen. , The Omlkron Chrlatmas party will be held at Chamber' on Thursday, Decem ber 28. In addition to th regular dancing program a number - of cotillion figure will be Introduced during the evening. Little sterling silver mementoes will ba the Chrlstma gift for all present Th Omaha Country club ha issued an nouncement for New Year eve. At U o'clock a table d'hote supper will b served. Th house committee add the mysterious eentence, "Tuxedo and L. 8." Among those planning to entertain ar Mr. E. 8. Weetbrook, who will have eight guest; Mr. J. E. George, six, and Mis Dorothy Steven will entertain mem ber of the Debutante Bridge club and an equal number of men. Pleasures Past The young women of the Delta Kappa Phi sorority of Brownell hall entertained at a dancing party last evening at Aloha, the country home of Mr. and Mr. A. L. Reed. Supper was served the latter pdrt of the evening. Those present were: Misses Misses Stella Thummell. Jorephlne Congdon, Frances Hochatetler Gertrude Meta. Kllxabeth Reed, Eugenie Tatterson, r.ieanur JilJ, sicncne uueu. Marlon Kuhn, Merer Francis Galnee, Fred Daughe.-ty, Philip Mets. Clifford Wolfe. Ewlng Forbes, Messrs Casper Offutt. Robert Cannell, Jiugn Ml Hard. Oerrltt Fort, Jr., John Looml, A. L. Reed. Mr. and Mrs, An informal subscription dance was ONE OF THE STARS THAT SHINE AT THE KEUG. f C N women of to wait for "PRI Ef fmmM FT-TTf given at the University club Friday even ing. The dance hall was decorated with holly and those present were: -Messrs. . - Messrs. ' .1. H. VV'arnlck, E. M. Burnett. Wm. N. Anderson, Fred Crelgh, F. W. Bcott. J. M. Harding, u. . cogeriy, t rank Hullta, A'ho Thomas, J. Lowe. a. n. itosa, George C. Flack, Mlsnes Charles E. Foster, Stanley Rosewater. Misses Marie Sherman. Nell Carpenter, - Evrna VVeidemann. Hose Smyth. raids Hcoet, Marian Funkhouser, Henrietta Renedlct, Agnes Rurkley. Blanche Wheeler, Olive Tammond, Florence Clark, Grace Callan. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. fihotwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Orev. Mr. and Mis. Samuel Rees, Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Fnlmer, iir. ana Mrs. w. c ita amaey. The Fellowship club held Its annual Chrlstma party Friday evening at the home of Mlsa Carrie Nagle. Thirty-five were present and were entertained by the antics) of a Jolly Santa Clau. Mis Portia Swett gave a dancing re cital Saturday afternoon at S o'clock at Chamber., Mlsa Swett gave three aes thetic dance and a Polish dance. Solo dance were given by Mis May Rlngwalt, Misa Haxel .Fowler and Miss Mildred House. Other 'dances were given by Mies Marlon Hows and Mis Erna Reed, and duet dance by Mis Helena Chaae and Miss ' Elisabeth Rlngwalt. Mr. and. Mrs. Augustus P.'Durke en tertained at dinner Friday evening in celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Melvher, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McUrath, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Sage, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sag-, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Howland, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hturrock, Mr. and Mrs. John dibble, Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Lett, Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Barnhart, Mrs. JeSKle Caughey, Mrs. Grace Cannell. Personal Gossip Mis Iran Schupp 1 visiting friends and relative In Incaster. Pa. Mr., and Mr. D. M. Shrank left Satur day for Chicago to apend th holidays. Mr. Robert Lj Rlngwalt returned Saturday aXter spending several day in Chicago. 1 Mra. E. J. Rohrbough of Keokuk, la., ta spending the holiday with her daugh ter, Mr. S. K. Spalding. 1 Lieutenant Alexander Wilson- of Fort Crook I spending ten days with hi par ent In southern Missouri. Lieutenant John ' Scott of Fort Crook will pnd Chrlitma with his mother and alstar lit Kansas City. Mr. Jam E. Kelby haa gone to Loa Angeles. Cat., where he will apend the holiday with hi family. Robert Fisher, who attends the Uni versity of Michigan, will spend Chrlst maa with relative In Detroit. Mra. F.dwln Piatt of Colorado, formerly Mlsa Florence McHugh. Is spending th holiday with her sisters, the Mlssea Mo Hugh. Mr. Thoma D. Cran wa called to Lincoln thl wek on account of th ! Mpinna ninMB nf tier father. CantaJn C. X. Balrd. Mis Helen E. Robinson, who i attend ing Smith college at Hampton. Mass., will pend her holiday with friend In Allen town. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Crane have closed their country home floseraere, near Florence, and have taken an apart ment at tbe Colonial. Mr. James Woodard. Mr. Edward Rous neail and Mr. Windsor Megeath. all of Roundup, Wryo., are In Omaha to spond the holidays with relatives. Mm. Robert R. Rlngwalt, who has been vlHlUng in Seattle, has gone to Port Town send to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Harry De M. Hopkins. Miss Graoe Bridge haa arrived from Chicago, where she teaches In one of the high schools, to sp:nd Christmas with her listers. Miss Laura and Mis Nona Bridge. Mr. Albert Cahn, Jr., will return from Dartmouth college 8unday morning to spend th holiday with hi father. Mr. Albert Cahn, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hartman. Mr. and Mr. W. S. Edmlaton of Chey enne paid a visit to th parents of Mrs. Edmlstcn, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Swanson. last wk. Mr. and Mra. Edmlaton ar on a tour of th world. M. and Mrs. C. C. Wright and Mis Helen Wright, f ormerly of Omaha, are here from Chicago to apend Christmas with Mr. Wright brother, Mr. C. W. Ruvsell and sirs. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Swcbe and baby are here from California to spend lie holidays with Colonel and Mra. ThomaM gwobe. In M:a. Dwlght Swobe's honor V 5- J w " IN i ' n w f f B Mrs. Edwin Swobe gave a tea Thursday afternoon. Mr Ralph E. Sunderland returned from Minneapolis Saturday evening, where she haa visited her sister, Miss rl. Alta Page, for several weeks: Miss Page will spend the holidays In Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. Sunderland. A number of bachelors will be away from Omaha over Christmas,. Lieutenant Watson leaving yesterday to spend the holidays In New York, Mr. Samuel Dlgh ton and Mr. Lord go to the former' home nt Montlcello, III., but expect to return by the 28th, as will also Mr. Elmer Cope, who goes to spend Christmas w'lth his mother in Chicago. General F. A. Smith, accompanied by hi son. Lieutenant Raymond D. Smith, left Friday for Chicago to spend the holi day with General Smith' daughter, a resident of that city. They will be ab sent about a week. Mrs. Bmlth Is visit ing another daughter, Mrs. Christie, at Monterey, Cal., and Is expected to return to Omaha some time tn January. What Women Are Doing in the World HE women' club of the second T district of the Nebraska Fed eration of Women'B clubs hold their annual meeting Jan uary 29 and 30 with the Woman' Club of th Rail- way 'Mall Service a hostess club. The meeting wan to have been held In April and .-has been pushed for ward In order that the delegates may at tend the sessions of the Nebraska As sociation of Charities and Corrections convention which will be held In Omaha the last of January. Arrangements for the change in time were made Wednesday at the meeting of the Woman's Club of the Railway Mail Service at the home of Mrs. Curtis Cook, at which Mrs. W. G. Whitmore of Valley, vice president of the district, was a guest. It was also decided to Invite the officer and executive board of the state feder ation to be present at the district meet. This will be the first time that the RallWay Mall Service club has enter tained a district meeting. The club was organised In 1899, Joined the state feder ation In 1902 and ha 87 members. Th district numbers eleven federated clubs lu Omaha and nearby towns. The Omaha Woman' club will omit the reception acheduled for New Year' day, owing partly to th fact that on large reception has been given this year that for delegates to the Natlonul Prison con gress here in October. Th Chrlstma mail of Mrs. F. II. Cole, chairman of the board of trustees of the scholarship fund of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs consists largely of applications fur the scholar ship offered by the federation ut the Kearney Military academy. Applications are pouring In from youths all over the state. The time limit has been extonded from December 2J to January 5. 'fSf Hotel Loyal WILL SERVE Two Special Dinners ON CHRISTMAS At 12 to 2 p. m.-At 6 to I p.m. At $1.50 Per Plate Tables may fce reserved in advance 6j4 W