Tin-: hi:k: omaiia. kijidav. m:n;Mn.:i: 5 GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1503 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM . GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM : GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM ; GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN :1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS" THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN k 506 FARNAM t, 'GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN .1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM, GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1508 FARNAM i GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS -THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN J 506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM Knowledge of Vast Importance in1 Buying Cigars rr To Get the Best of Anything. Go to a Store That Makes a Specialty CZX Jt is ill advised to purchase cigars anywhere but at a cigar store, and then only in the best, (leorge Hogers' cigar store is the acme of perfection. It is the largest, most modern and most completely equipped cigar store in the west and carries the greatest line of standard brand cigars ever offered bv any dealer. WHY PRESENT AN UN KNOWN BRAND OF CIOARS WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE WELL KNOWN STANDARD BRANDS, MADE BY NATIONALLY uiiam.MiKii mam F.O l hkiun, koh TIIK mmk I ll U K, AT THIS STOKE. In presenting cigars one cannot make a greater mistake than to give an un known brand. Every cigar In this store Is a make that Is standard the country over, and every smoker recognizes its quality on sight. Ituy.your cigars here and the recipient will know you purchased the finest that money could buy. Mail Orders Choose your cigars from this page and we will mail them Ladies will find it as pleasant to shop here as at any ladies' store. Right now is a good time to select a present. You will be waited upon by courteous salesmen, who will deem it a pleasure to show goods, and whose suggestions will be found valuable. La Preferencia This brand of cigars is positively the greatest selling cigar in the world. It is recognized and prefered by thous ands of men here in Oniaha. It is not only the best known but KNOWN AS THE BEST $1.00 PER BOX AND UP. El Principe de Gales King of Havana Cigars Preeminently the standard brand of all Havana cigars for oer 50 years. Special attention is directed to the quality, selection and workmanship of this famous brand and the increased size and weight of the popular shapes as now being made. $2.50 PER BOX AND UP. Dealers To men familiar with the cigar business, a glance at this pago is aston ishing. Here is represented the greatest lines of standard brand cigars the coun try produces. (Jeo. lingers is solo dis tributer for western Towa and Nebraska for all of these standard brands. They are positively the greatest sellers on tho market and you should write at onco for wholcsalo price lists to dealers. (pi tiiz tIayajaCigars jS) GARCIA CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS The name "Garcia" is synonomous of Quality. Both in Imported and Key West Cigars F. Garcia and Bros., have for the last Sixty years maintained a reputation for making high quality all Havana Cigars until now their goods are in favor with every critical smoker. Packed in Suitable Xmas Pack ages at Prices from $4.00 Up. Pipe Racks In unique Indian de signs, to hold one or a dozen pipes. Very much In demand for setting off smokers' dens. Cigar and Cigarette Cases 25c to $50 A complete line of cigar and cigarette cases, comprising all the latest 1911 novel ties In leather, metal, sterling silver and gold. The assortment is so beautiful that, we know you will be pleased after seeing it. "Fours' Spcial" Cigar This perfect cigar is sold 60 in a glass Jar and each jar is a humidor lasting for all time and keeping the cigars In perfect con dition. 50 In the Jar $2.00. 1 J Here's how HERE'S how the joy smoke comes across. Four classy packages Rrl cloth ba wrapr4 htMt and ntiiwrft llti wtalbr-Pof paper. Manjy ( it" Mf rotttri. Srti yon bath: V Tt tidy tf4 tin you . fvtry man carrying in hi. awchrl. Linf4 wth watrr-Hoot auptr, tor. Hall-pounal tra hin4i and pound humidor of crrttal flaM whit pale it kUmp and tponie rrrtptattt In lop Ttir. humidor. are M liiidMMn. that cvfn Iht flnkkr "MrV will b lad h ha ' rourQ tnt nouw. Nothing', loo good lor Fringe Albert to national Joy $moko The tobacco (tut produce everything you hanker for In moke and ha never a umg. No ftir, smoke P. K In your old (Immv pipe tt II the cows comt home and if cm f mi ymmr fnw. ProdtKcd by exclusive, patented pmcf mat takes oui me one and leaves It rkh and mellow. All live dealer sell P. A. .. worn mm ma LmmmltiW . : London Made Pipes Here you will find by for the greatest assortment of pipes of the west, includ ing such, world-famous makes as Peterson, B. B. B., Cecil, Strand & Ke gent, "E. & K." PRICE, $1 TO $20 Smokers1 Novelties A larger lino than is found anywhere In the west of such nov elties and essentials as Sterling sliver cigar cutters, match boxes, cigar lighters, pipe covers and such things as pertain to the needs of a critical smoker. EC .VALLEY COP3 i I i T?A.(!GERS- GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS ' GEO. ROGERS GEO R0GEPS T,HcLClr-GAR ?AN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN 1505 FARNAM 150S FARNAM 1505 FARNAM 1506 FARNAM 1505 FARNAM 1505 FARNAM 1505 FARNAM 1505 FARNAM 1505 FARNAM 1506 FARNAM 1506 FARNAM 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS. THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 150&FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN ' 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GE0R0GERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1505 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1505 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR .MAN 1506 FARNAM TO ALL SltOKBM Or JTIWH CXOASg XM OHlKii or experimental effort and pro, J .yftE by Ih. h2-t"f!i;."ir,,,.an?.,,,,m,l,r produce' ' I! " 1 c'rle In Havana. r-..i,- w ,he Un',Hl te branch of the I Klor da C uba Havana factory I. producing aVf, Vlaara Teaf ?h JTaAVT 1V.t0.ry ln "'Vina. The cT " p. uin .uVn-.b.boi,,"ht ,m" ,ben red In nuantl !k u;"P'ent to Inaure uniformity In the run of thev dltarj, for two yeara to come. When you connlder that at leant one-third nf ,. Tub. iy-Lr,"y thatTre0"mpnrd0ffr;. Mml ub'v i ..0,;,t.h..5'U",0,"" du,.' yu " 1 Ui . i? y " th,Ll "'e Kraile of clirarii. made of the aame material, and by the me clana of Ubo? but not paying- thla cuetonm duty 'an be eobl at a aubatantlal reduction below the prices charsed for claTara Imported from Havana. t.iarseu e have recently received frenh elilnmnm. r evcral .I.e. of theee l.a Klor de Cuba cliw "which are Sivlnjr complete eatlafactlon to all .nioker. of Imported" clitar. who have tried them TheTare quality of lear a. the .arr.e .lie. made In the Havana factory, and w. deem thm he hlirheet IntrinVl" h! U? rL '"t! pr,ce' rr them that can I nail In fine Havana cla-ara. OBOXOJB BOOIKI Is oU Kaprea.ntativa of rior de Cuba raotory In Xortkwe.tern Staua. ;y-if' .':-:-.--V.'t , . . . Humidors Keep Cigars Always in Perfect Condition Every Smoker Needs One Z,c '. .it. r . v v -m S We have them in oak, ma ' hogany, brass and cojij)er, . aluminum and copper lined. They Hold 25 to 200 Cigars ill V i1 7 'I! T .T' if, Mrs mpf Hoffman House Bouquet Perfecto size The highest grade cigar for the 'money in America. Everyone knows them and everyone likes them. $2.00 ier box of 50.' , Pittshurg Smokes These are the world famous stogies and for smokers who prefer stogies there Is nothing better. 91.50 for box of 100 Smokers Club A popular high grade mild cigar. 50 hi liox for 91.no. ijcDIrllinsiom- Kote the Borlnr of the Wall B(ia tared Cool Smoke Easily Cleaned THE WELLINGTON PZPB offera two Important ad vantuKex: The well of the bowl collect, the aallva and therehj leaven the tobacco dry to the laat. The peculiar Hliaped niutithpiece permiu the tongrue to rett easily un derneath the curve, and the upward boring of the draught hole i-ompelH the .moke to pan. over the tongue .and thereby doeri not Irritate any part of the ainoker'a mouth, w hli li drawback Ih initially experienced In an ordinary pipe. The Wellington Pipe smokes oool and pleasant, becauae of the above mentioned advantage.. The pipe, are made by tho mo.t skilled workmen, the wood la of the beet .elected briar root und the mouthpiece is of the finest quality KOlld vulcanite. La Demanda The mildest all Havana cigar sold in the west. Every smoker enjoys its per fect, even quality and true to its n.nue it IS in great demand.. $1.75 per box and up. . 3 Perfa(osb-gg 1 f Perfecto9Ui'e--'-'ir. Boxes of 25 $2.25 Boxes of 50 $4.50 Portlna A 25-Ccnt Cigar for 10 Cents Hefore Torto Illco Joined the United State. we aold this cigar for 25 cents straight. 1'orto Rico grows ju.t as fine a grade of tobacco a. the fmnoua Vuelta Abajo dlatrlct of Havana and when this cigar .old for 15 cent. It wa. the equal of any tent cigar on the market. Now, .Inc. the Import duty hue been removed from all goou. coining from Porto Hlco, thl. aame former 25 cent ulnar maIU fur It la the moat remarkabla rla.r v.iii. n the market today. The man who receive a box of thene cigar, for Xmaa baa. in deed, a preaent of much enjoyir.ent. El Toro. The Imported cigar UiHt pays no duty. This Is tho brand that made Porto Rican Cigars Famous Since the annexation of Porto Rico this cigar also Is admitted without duty. Hefore this it sold for 16o now It's Do. CHRISTMAS BOXES, $1.00 and $2.00. 7 tr(fY'Z Thls ls an a" IIavana fl"ed cigar selling rlLUUUI C for only 5 cents, and-Is one of the most enjoyable smokes to be had, we recommend It as excellent value at 91.00 I'er IU of 23. v J Ml 7WS i cents Haskette A truly fine cigar selling for only 5 cents and the only Java wrapped ci gar selling at this price. . In boxes at $1.00 and $2.00 Chancellor Cigars Better Than Ever Chancellor cigars are now and for more than twenty years have been, the standard of perfection among domestic cigars. Positively no better . domestic cigar can be purchased for 10 cents. $1 PER BOX AND UP IS THE PRICE MI REY All Havana. Cigars BOXES OF 25, $2.00 AND UP BOXES OF 50, $1.00 AND UP No matter ln what part of the country you may travel, you will find the fa mous Ml Key brand of cigars ou sale, which emphasizes its widespread popu larity. Made of Cuban tobacco and packed and sealed at Key West, the place famous for fine cigars. GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1505 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1505 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS GEO. ROGERS' THE CIGAR MAN THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM r- GE0. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM GEO. ROGERS THE CIGAR MAN 1506 FARNAM