"US BOYS" - PLEASE CAM I str You AIjOHE I foR. A MiAtuTE, i ) A SECRET tpuESMONj TAFT LEAGUE RESOLUTIONS Kfport Adopted at Meeting Held in : Lincoln Auditorium. WHY PRESIDENT 18 FAVORED da rr ('ontlimaiir ( Baalaraa tar Jtlr, mu tlrttrrrn All Cltl , Hud for prvaratlOB o( niarallr of tloa. ... 'From a Ktoff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Deo. .-flpecll.) Tha committee on reaolutlona of the Ne brukt; Tft league )at nlht reported M follow, and the report mi unanl roomly adopted: Ba It Resolved. F.y the membera of the republican party In the eta to of Nebraska, assembled In masa convention this, the nineteenth day of December, 1011, that we heartily, earnestly and .sincerely are In favor of the renomltiatlon and re-election cf William Howard Taft as president of the United States. "We are In favor of hla renomtnatlon and re-electton because ha has demon strated by his administration that ha la American In all his Ideaa and ha has be come recoKnlsed as one of the big and brainy presidents of the United Htatea. In his Rraap of public affalra and In the exercise of hla matured. Judgment ha la - equal to any, and the superior of many of his predecessors. He exercises that hleh degree of wisdom which best con serves the Interests of all the people and a broad atatesmanshlp which protests the American rights In all International nego tiations and controversies. "We are for the renomlnatlon and re election of William Howard Taft because the benevolent Christian people of civil tsrd nations everywhere have been look Ins for many years for a great leader tn the advocacy of world peace, and they have ound him In our president, t'phttlds Men roe Doctrine,' "We are for the denomination and re eleotlon of William Howard Taft because he believes n that broad conception of the practical construction and operation ) of . the Monroe doctrine, which forbids the occupation of our territory by the soldiers of any other country,- or the ac quiring of porta or harbor on the eoasta of either North or South America by any foreign naUon. He was actuated by this hlgo sens of Amerloanisnu in hla advo cacy of reciprocal trad relation between the United Bute and our neighbor upon th American continent ao as to create between th American countries a greater degre of personal friendship and a closer bond of American unionism In trad and commerce. ataada for Justice. "Wa are for the renomlnatlon and r atlecttoa. of William Howard Taft because he ta a man of Judicial temperament. 11 Invest) gate before he acts; he i willing to near both aide of every controversy auiA after proper deliberation decides tU question In harmony with th great principle of Justlc and right Ma 1 not awerved. from til sense of duty by an excitement' of h. fccur. and under too circumstance ' Is ita lorgetrul of th responelblllty of his high, and exalted position as th ruler 4t m Kilkl nation, lie la a atateemait who live a4 act in that atmosphere of g-enuine Improvement and progreea which evidences true greatness. "W are for th renomlnatlon and re elect lun oT William Howard T.ft dent of to United State because hi ad- .ministration ha carried on to a suocess lul finality a prosecution against the ,Biiaara Ull company and th tobacco company and other creat truata. and h. ivaaa thee Interests abuse him th (nor 1 adrolr him. tratetr of Baelaeea. "I'Pun the other hand wa eoua'.lv mt uilre him becauee he protects and does nut aesu-oy the legitimate business In Uresis of the country. We recognise that at Unas inauy pt-ople have severely crlt- mse sums acts of his administration but It Is to be remembered that Urorg, Washington, during the last terra of bli adniuUsUatlou ws also crlUuised and aUused, and that Abraham Lincoln dui- ii li the flret turn of his administration um alsu bitterly and vehemently crlt Ivisrd by many men wh should hav ltfn his firm tuupoiter. Nevertheless .Wasblngtun aad Lincoln each remained IW-in in their purpose to administer th uverniiu in lbs spirit of wisdom an. laU-aminship, and as time has gone it; lAe raviuoHes of Washlnston and I Jnrv li iiare grown brighter lu pases of hl.inrr twnlle the names of their detractors have been burled in the oblivion at ih it will be with William Howaid Taft ills remarkable personality I attaining stronger place la th lovable hearta of Uie American people and their afteotlon for him will continue, to grow stronger m th names cf bl cilUc pass out ol uiemory. ( "Wa are for the renomlnatlon and re lectlo-j of William Howard Taft ts piesident of th United Hat because ais Judicial wisdom compel him ta shun and put aslds all controversial quastlurt ' wher not baaed upon th great piln. tple on which our government wa created and ha prospered for mor than century- " "Ha believe In th ronstltutlert of the 1 Vnlted States as It wa wilt ten by lt ( fismers. as It was Interpreted by t'hlrt : Justice Marshall gad as It ha been 4- W v& :.v I 1 - m & r .. T2 .f La -rvl. -aEZ3Es cD S. arsiipfH V J Vf $lVff A .;. J MOW MARY A wiMtwuE fVOU HAO S f CA8 I -1 Leave It to Mary, She'd Spoil' WHY CERTAIN OT SM?IMP r -Tv (vill 1' ? MART. T" CvV 1 C0E I VV LufM i PImaED Hri TAii mf jat IJoTwu&d qm AHorSTOvE ME 1 J I . I i" su V a- a-. I -p "V 7 II 1 1. BMl-U V 1 1 fWl S-U J I W V I Js I niVlll US 11 VW aW IkJl rf 1 ) IN aw-anax, n . I X-s? U w VV 1 none or K.V; Crol L1'HM and also me conoui L.., sat li y ? - ('ii ' " Vr-' If , Qy ' I te -a miiirl V'-:' ?: i ' iL "" uIIlI "''"' ; f lil ' ' i j , -vv -v-A uj 11 , , y ? . , "f Aft . t . -sv,..,x rvxA k l J1 ';: r ffl -4A- x?e. i YCXyA mKj, A ' .Vn l ... . - f;', (jS L,. , , V ir . ?'isi&AGr Y h' " ' j - I L '',v "1' V7 .quarters from one Jurisdiction to an- ministered by hi 'predecessor ' In office. He has no desire to rewrite that, con stitution, nor to put. upon It new In terpretations, neither would he give up th rich heritage of th past for new creed or new notions' of civil policy until It ha first been demonstrated that that which la newly offered ta better than that which ha gone on before. "Wherefor th renomlnatlon and re election Ot William Howard Taft a president of the United States, because h I the friend of all our people and th protector of their Interests, and the morning of th day Is dawning when th consensu of opinion of th American people will recognise him as one of th best presidents we ever had and the world will reoognlse In him on of th aafeat and most Judicious rulers of th United State bf America. For these reaaona and for many other equally cogent we hereby pledge our selves to use our esrnest and loyal en dcavors to secure th renomlnatlon and re-election of William Howard Taft as president of the United Btates." . to consider tha matter and no Came ha been suggested as Mr. Pollard's successor 3tockmen Will File Suit Against Illinois Central Railroad FORT DOUCB. Iu.. Dec, Ki.-t Special V Joseph Hobbs, R. H. French and Chester Demar of Marcus and twity-two other prominent stockmen of that vicinity were arrested her Sunday and are now out on le bond each until a hearing of th charge preferred against them by the Illinois Central Railroad company can be heard Wednesday morning in police court. Holibs Is now at a local hotel with serious injuries. Internal aa well as external, resulting frcm a fall from, a car platform when he waa being arrested by apeclal agenta of th road. Th othei two men named remained her wltit him. but the other went on to Chicago to dis pose of live stock they were accompany ing to market. The trouble arose, th stockmen say, be cause though they had three tralnloads of stock they were given only on caboose In which to rneke th trip to ChL-aga. Tal. being Inadequate they left It at For-. Dodge, determining to continue by regu lar train. Boarding th train th con ductor refueed to recognise their etoci. passe and they allege would not acocp money fares. Thsy feared to leave ta train to buy ticket for fear cf gettlni left and th conductor called th apacla officers to eject them forcibly and arrest them, Th itockmrn today asserted they would tart suit against th company a soon as th polie court matter la settled, Tea-Maa) far 9rrr, TL'IK11H. H. D.. Deo. M--8imh1 Tl gram.) Hharlff Collin rft ton.gbt lo Hons Ka'.la with William tfiwrry. Bperrj i.esfso guilty te a statutory charg In clr t T7TE BKK: OMAHA. mow t-Mcf hoo ad w-e r TKor along n Some of the Lively Little Fellows ; I - : . cult court and was sentenced today by Judge Rlc to ten month In the state penitentiary. . . A B, Allen Wins Out . io Succeed Perkins (From a fluff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. .-(Speclal Tel egram.) Th ritat Railway commission today appointed Arthur B. Allen, secre tary of the, commission to succeed Clark Perkins, who resigned to look after his business at Aurora. Mr. Ferkin and Mr. Allen will work together In th office until the annual report of th commis sion Is compiled and divide th (alary of the position between them and then Mr. Allen la to assume th duties of th office and th commission will fix his salary. Th snlary cannot be under th law, mor than S2.W0. Th report of th commission Is supposed to be filed De cember l, but It 1 not yet completed. Mr, Allen wa secretary to Ouvsrnor Mickey and oil Inspector under Oovernor Sheldon. Previous to that he wa a news paper man at Tecumseh. Commissioner Kail deeirod to give th appointment to E. L. Ripley of Lincoln, who managed Mr, Hall s campaign, but the other two members outvoted him and lie finally do rkl'.'d to make th election unanimous. No Sweaters for High School Athletes The High School Athletic Hoard of Con trol yesterday afternoon decided not tn award sweater to th elxteen letter men of thi season' foot ball team. Th report of receipts, and expenditures for th Isst foot ball season showed that foot ball scarcely jald Ita own ex penses this year, as ths fcMO now on lisud rrpreent Just about th Collection taken nun the school at ths beginning of the year. IOWA'S WHITE HOPE TO BOX HERE TOMORROW Interest In the mete between Bob leller, th big Iowa boxer, and Al flray, )mah'a premier negro heavyweight, hlch will occur Thursday evening at he Lrrlo theater. Increases dslty. Heller a working In this city and ha with him ;Uy Buckles and Jack Withers. II reigns around th 100 tr.ark ami ha hovn plenty of form and hopes ta win he cot.i'n bottt ail rhallrng Carl iorrls, th Oklahoma giant Cray 1 being bandied by good me nd will keu; the "ahlte lupa" busy alt he time. He hes for n-rr a well xnown Omaha real estate dealer, who Jec lares th big fellow will glv a full accounting for Id nisei f Thursday night Few contests have evuked more Im'al ntereet than this one. With it goes a itx-rvund match twtwtcn Uuy Buckles THUKSDAY, DECEMBER Anything IJtfhtweluhts v. ho uie thrown much Into the limelight ty the Incapacity of Ad. Wolgast: From left t rlKht Rat tling Not no n, former champion; Packey McFarland, One-round Hogan and Knockout Brown. and Walter McCarthy, two old-time rivals. A rattling preliminary will precede th main events. Trratow Wis Tug (iamrs. TRENTON. Ntb . Deo. .--;8petUI.) Trenton High school basket bail teum was victorious in two games on baturiiay last playing eitiattcn HiKli school boys in the afternoon here, winning W to 0. In the evening It played Culoertsoti High school at Culbcrtsou Indojrs, with a score of 17 to 7. Squabs Defeat Havens. Squabs, a boys' department uam, heat the Havens at basket ball Tuettday tilxht. at the Toting Men's Christian Sumx-iatlon. Ths game was rough at times, resulting In a number of fouls on both teams. TWO HORSES ARE BURNED WHEN BARN IS ABLAZE Two horses were burned to death at t O'clock last nlht In a barn fire at th rear of L. Morgan' reaidenco. Twenty seventh and Parker streets. The animate belonged to L. J. Byrn and wer valued at UK). The barn waa ot valuable. Mor gan said he believed neighbor had set th place afire, a complaint liad come to him against th barn being located there. A small fir la'B: Shaftcn' second hand store, ins Douglas street, did, .IpO dsmnge about f :30 o'clocy. ' Fir In th bakoty .'on. tha third floor of th Courtney grocery etore. Seven teenth and Douglas street, frightened tha ownsra of adjacent store at 10 O'clock. Tha fir department extinguished th blazes, which sprung from some mouldetlng rags. ' ' TWO THOUSAND PERSONS TRY TO GET LITTLE TREES l , Approximately 1.600 persona, mad a p el trip down town last night t pur rt.aas on or more of th tetty Rller-ije-k Christmas trees whlrb. wer Im ported Isst week from Germany by J. L. Uiandels A rns and the sal on them U-h waa adverttaed to oren at T o'clock a forced to slsrt at i 21, 1911. r.eglstr-red, I'nlted Btats PatTit Office. IT ? LIVED NEAR DYNAMITE CACHE Witnesses Tell of McJifanigal Sent- inf Empty House. CHILDREN SKATE OVER FLOOR Hoaso at Mystery Tsrai Oat to Do torag Floe Ised by Coafeesed Dynamiter for Hiding; Rsploalre INDIANAFOL1S, Ind.. Deo. fO.-Fer-on who for week unknowingly have lived near to enoLth dynamlt to b.o up the ccishborhood and whos children skated over the floors of a vacant hOu In which, nitroglycerin had been spilled testified In th government' investiga tion of th dynamite conspiracy befois th fedaral grand Jury today. Witnesses frcm ilunole, In'd., wsr questioned concerning what thsy knew of tho renting of a house In Munol to OrtI McManlgal In December, 1H0. After pay Ing rent for several month In advance McManlgal stored It with boxss and saw dust In which he parked nitroglycerin. The fact that th rant had been paid and tha house, always In darkness, was visited periodically by a strangsr. created an element of mystery which still waa unolvtd svsit aftsi th place, again du scrt'J. was tin own open and school children skatsd tves the floor upon which appeared grets spou. Latsr It was found th spot wer caused by nitroglycerin and expert wer called to dtetroy their explosive power. Among th witness from Muriel war Mrs. . r.iiiabeth Hlne. Isaae Crant and a manufacturer who told bexc to Mc Manlgal. Th evidence wa traced by th Investi gators, not only to confirm McManlgal confession, which Implicate John J. and James B. McNar.iira, but also to bring' ouf who asslotod than. , Kept Drssaill la Bin, Ot'icr sxprtssioos of horror at d.scorer Ing they had boon living near explosive come from member of th family of D. Janes, a farmer nigr Indianapolis. For a long tlm prior to hla arrest on April ft, Ml, J. J. McNamara, secretary-treasurer of th International Aaaootatlon of Brldg and Structural Iron Workers, on th pretext that h wa storing old records, kept In Jon Lara a piano boa filled with dynamlt from whleh Mo Manlgal replenished hla supply whan go lag cn dynamiting expeditions. Th plana bos mil had twntyflv peHiad ( dl-aamlt In it whn Jon, dig flnff on hi farm, wag apprised ol th faet by dtetlM who Vlciwd th place th day John J. wa a created. ' II im teamed mat the wltn ii will ingly a!4 ef th repranUUri under wniak they rnt4 their placed aad wUa I (em one paid IhetM taoney, fiv far In Irunworkem' gMoldlU w anaaeraed, tut oppdititidn will be mad berea'ier agatnat tt removal of book and papers Lakes from th bead By Tom Young Fireman Dies 1-1 X T- 1 r rom injury on uuty WATERLOO, la.. Dee. 20. (SpeoUl Telegram.) ClKirles Herman Elchtr, aired .12. member of the fire department, dle this morning from an accident met while fighting fire. He fell from the roof to the basement, seven floors, and died two hours later. Fire loss, $9,000 to shoe more of U. W. Hesalford. SIDNEY BASKET BALL TEAM WINS AT SCHUYLER SCHUYLER. Neb., Dec. 20. Special.) Sidney high school defeated Schuyler high at basnet ball Monday evening by a Boor of 32 to 13. The game wa an ex hibition of the very best typo of basket ball, clean and hard fought battle be tween two squads who could pass the ball bard and fast. Sidney has made an unusual record on the present tour ami has won five cousecutive victories against some of the best secondary school teams of the state.. C DAITYDI1 CONTEST RULES 1. Answers must be addrecbed to "Datfydll Kilitor" of The Lea. ud reach The Bee office not later than 0 p. m. Thursday ot each week to be considered lor prixe award of that week, t Contestants may submit one or more answers for any or all of the prizes. . i. Winners to be selected one by each advertiser on Dutfydii contest- page and printed in hl advertisement, which vviu ainp announce pnxe for next -contest. 4. Kach Dafrydill must be written on a sepej-ate sheet vt paner and must des ignate the advertiser for whom it is in tended b. Winning Dafrydils wlil be chosen for their originality, wit and humor and preference will be shown those pertaining to name or business nf the advertiser. 6. Winners must call in person for prises al advertiser's place of business. T. In addition to advertisers' pnse3 The Bee will award five $1 pr:xea tu the five next beet Daffydll writers and will print then), together with all others worth publishing on Daffydll Contest Page. ircaBsasxziCE&sss It's Summer in Texas When Winter is Here lou can tak th fmlly and escape cold, blustry day for surprisingly llttlo money If you run down To Beautiful San Antone Tropic plant Moore when wintry day ar blowing up here. Let in tell you detail of th X v McNamara Women Carry Home $25,000 Gold from Subtreasury Vault LOS ANGELES, CaJ., Dec. 20. Mrs. C. I E. Duhordieu, to whom the city of Los Angeles owed some $.000 dropped In at' the i ;ty treasury today and got her money. Fifteen neighbor women helped to cairy it home. Mrs. Dubordieu presented a warrant foe : $-'l,S73 duo her for property which, tha j city had condemned. "I'll take thUs In money. If you please,' , nho aaiJ. Chief Deputy Treasurer N. T." Powell i detailed two men to drag sacks of gold from the vault. Each sack bore th seal I of the United States sub-treasury, with a certificate of the contens of th bag. 1 "Vou see, there'll 15,000 In each bag," Fowell explained politely. 1 . "How do I know?" asked Mr. Dubord-' hu. I wsnt tn count it." 1 I Tables were provlsed and th counting wan apportioned among th neighbor. When It was determined that the sub treasury had counted correotly, Sire. Dubordieu split the place Into piles : appropriate to tha strength of aclt' woman. It wis scooped Into shopping j baskets and the procession trailed forth toward the Dubordieu home. Tho key to success In business Is thej Judicious and persistent use of newspaper advertising. tt. NgJi-XJa an KRCWIN) 0,UtCeMM,VMe. LEEC3 A TAN SANDT, Di&trlslara 111 South ink. St, OMAHA, NB3. aeaaat IWu HT.At$T$ Something HE Likes it Isn't a difficult matter to decld "what" to give a man, but It Isn't alwuys easy to get Just the right kind. Hundreds of ladle buy men' present at Kelley's because they ar aure they will have a good selection of articles of apparel that ar In good taste and that a man will be fclad to get and WEAK, such a airjrtmCTarii-jiij-,ijw wmtimm Gloves Cravats Muffler Silk Sox .Shirts Hath Robes lUndker- chiefs Jewelry ' Hats Taney Vest TOM KELLEY CO. 31SS. 16th St. TOM KEUZT. JACK aTQVXXiX.ZaT. Low Rates Via the Mitionri Pacific Tho.. F. Godfrey, rMien,6r Md Tltktt Agent 1423 rABXaiC ITUZT, or VBIOBT 8TATI0V I. t