Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1911, Image 12

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Wheat Trade is Considerably Puj
tied Over Argentine News.
"Wfce,, Wheat Market Tom. Weak
Cora Trader Are laellaed lo
Take rreflta on tic
OMAHA, Dec 20, 1911.
The wheat trade wan very much pus
sled over the Argentina nrwi, aJlhnuKh
the market at Humo Ayros wa eteatl y
today. Nevertheless the trade In general
was slow to buy in (ace of the bearish
domestic situation.
Itesardless of the price and forelxn
news there Is a stronger rash and mlllina
situation. based on light farm reserves
na ine smaller total crop Indicated by
the official reort. Home advice from
the southwest and northwest are bullish.
When the wheat market turned weak
corn trader were Inclined to take profit
t.n the advance and till gave the market
an appearance of betna heavy. The coun
try In roIiik slow tn selling the crop, and
altogether there In a confident feeling su
ionic a the movement Is light nd cult
price hold firm.
Vheui opened a little tame there beJnit
nothing tn the newn thin morning to en
courage the bull and nellera had the
beet of the argument today.
'orn U holding very firm , and union
receipt and country selling Increase
price will work higher. Cash corn wa
Primary whant receipt were Md.nno
bushels and alilpmentn were SM.OtJO bush
els. a trains t receipts last year of &W.0U0
vuKiiei ana snipmr-nl of ZM.MQ bushel.
Frlmary corn receipt were fvet.OuO bush
el and shlnrr.nnt were f.4 oral huahia
ngalnxt - receipt st year of l.Pfi.tiiO
uuoiiein and shipments of ira.flOQ bushel.
f'learanee were 64.900 bunheln of corn.
I.inO bushel of oat and wheat and flour
eual to 2(4, WO bushels.
Liverpool cJoned unchanred to t,d
higher on wheat and V,d higher on corn.
The following canh nalea were reported:
Wheat. No.. II hard: 1 car. 11.01; 1 car,
!"c; No. I mixed: 1 car. WSc
Corn. No. I white: cars. 6HMrO. No.
4 white, 1 cam, Mc; 1 car, Mr; No. I
no grade: 1 car, llc; 1 car. Ko.
Oat, atandard: 1 car, 4P.c; No. I
white: 1 car, c t car, 4c. No. 4
white: J car, 4Sc. No grade: 1 car, 4Dc.
Omaha Cask frlces.
WHEAT-No. I hard. c&$101; No. 1
liard. sxcCtt.OO; No. 4 hard, tii'awr.
CORN No. I white, catcaVkc; No. 4
white, 67Mj-58e; No. color, WVliMc;
N.. S yellow, bsiytiMc; No. 4 yellow, f,?'.
1-:c; No. 2, ttt'yuSlc; No. S, MMiO'Wo; No.
4, &7Vitie; no grade, 6ftfS7Hc.
OATS No. 3 white. 4S4ftf-4;'y i standard.
46ty4tiCi No. t white, 4f,tj4tc; No. 4
white. 4LtMo; No. I yellow, 4Vj4oHc:
No. 4 yellow, 46X440 .
BARLK V Malting, $t.l4V1.20; No. 1
feed, 70w)c.
KYIS No. Z. MtfMc; No. 3, WffMo.
Carlo! Hrcetafs.
Wheat. Corn. Oatn.
Chicago 80 .. lt& . 107
Minneapolis 2T2 ... .
Omaha 44
Duluth , 120 . ... . ...
Feat are of the Trading and rioslna;
Price on Board of Trad.
CHICAOO. Dec. M. Assertions that the
alleged damage to the Argentina crop
had ben made, too much of put the wheat
market today on the clown grade. Clos
ing prices liowed a decline of M,o to
',u net. Corn Untitled at H'bu to He
advance: oatn, unchanged to a sixteenth
up, and hog product varying from 60 off
to a Ilka amount Increase In coat.
Selling ot wheat waa largely dona by
local professional speculator. Their cue
was taken from the fact that Argentina
weather reports appeared greatly Inv
proved, but a mora powerful influence
waa an expert opinion that the effect of
rain would not ba as aerlou as prevtou
statement Indicated, and that the key
to the situation wa south Argentina,
where the outlook at present waa mot
promising. Fairly liberal receipts north
went of Chicago, and fin rain and snow
lell over the entire hard winter wheat
country west and southwest added to
the force of bear sentiment. Toward the
end of the day, however, buying on the
part of cautious shorts led to the re
covery of nni of the lost ground.
n During the session May ranged from
SSo to 9iic, closing firm but Vu"ac
, uown at MUa,
An official prediction of unsettled
weather forced the core market to a
Mttber level. It was noticed that even
without such a further handicap the
cuuntry movement waa light and that
roads were bad generally throughout the
belt. May fluctuated between 114 and
t.V closing steady Wiio net higher at
tHitVo. ( ash grades were In anly fair
demand. No. S yellow was not quoted.
Notwithstanding that the oats market
wa alow and heavy most of the day,
valuea In the end responded a little to
the strength of -urn. The hardening waa
due partly to a desire by shorts to se
cure profits. High and low limits reached
for Hay were y,c and 4hWo, with the
close se, exactly the) ait me as lant night.
Mont of ths day's tnid In provisions
consisted of changing January holding
to May, warehousemen taking the carry
ing: side. When the pit was cleared th
market atood virtually unaltered, within
a nickel either way from twenty-tour
hours before.
Cash quotations wrre a follows:
Artlc ll Open. High. LowTT Close. Yea y.
Wheat I III
Iec.. 9G4S M4 K
May. Sj4 x mVJ
Corn. I I
leo..jiS'J6SH (4 C4
May. 4VsAi '4 46M!WU.
J uly . M W HtiVS
Deo.. 4T4 4T 44S 4S
May. 4s 4KH 4N 4V.
July. 4bW 4M
Jan.. u o urn urn is ssu
May. 1 16 16 1 Ji 7V 1 07
Jan.. tir tn U aiTH
Mar. TVi S
July. IU 0 SMV4 StfcQ-
SUbs. I
Jan.. IH SIS IK t t6
May. IN IN KiSi
S 0
July. I ST;1 S 74) S cv. tit,
4s r;1 41 6 1
4540 S
IS 7Vj
I ,
S i
S S74
KbOl'lt Firm; wliUer itanta, ti-Tini
4SK. winter straights. 3.6u-4i-4.i; spring
patents I j.TOrni.'t; spring stralKta, $4
l lo; baiters,; spring patents held
at M Aio for best hard.
ItV hi No 2,2'giWc.
tlAKLKY Feed or mixing, 103960; fair
to choice malting, W.lvul-
SKKI'A-'ntnothy, ii.6o 18.00. Clover.
!3 ;o".2i.
HltOV'l.SlONS Pork, mess, per bbl.
S14.:al&.uj. iMrd, per 100 lbs., i 10. Short
riha, sides (loose), S7.W.
v. " iiour
were equal to 4iuu0 bu. rVlmary receipts
weie LM.UuO bu., compared wun SJS.Ouo bu,
the correnpondlng day a year ago.
Kstiiuated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat. U cars; corn, 101 cars; oats, 7S
cars; hogs, 3u.0i4 bead.
Chicago Casn i'rlcea Wheat: No.
red. m.-.tiWc; No. Z red, Wtfxic; No.
hard. KVvaJl.0-2; No. S hard, vicjS1.00; No.
1 northern, 10jl.; No. S northern,
) W4il.i; No. t northern. Il.oirfl U7; No.
t soi ins-, m-11 ; No. ( spring. IMctlOl;
No. 4 spring. Im-viSI.u; velvet chaff,
J:.oi; durum, tvey tl.Ca, Corn: No. 1. old,
!'; No. S. m,'ulc; No. I white, Sm4
6-'c; No. I yellow, SltiiJc; Nu. 4, &,f
'.c; No. 4 white, SjVt:; No. 4 yellow
Oatn: No. t, c; No. 1
wt.ite. 4,ti-4sc; No. t, 40Hd4,e: No. I
wtilie, 4.4i4itc; No. 4 slilK, 4bu47c;
standard, 47V?48Sjo. liye: No. j,
fi'io. llarley: etKitill.a. Timothy: 112 iu
bl't Clover: liaWuJOti
itLiTTElWtiaady; creameries, tftflSJc;
llslrles. 2.i(iilc.
KttUo Meady; receipt. 7,471 cases; at
maik, cases Included. 222c; firsts,
2ic: ordinary firsts, 2osllc.
I'lltKHIi-Irregular; aaisiea.;
tvmis. 1(.011;; youny Americas, 144
Ur; long horns, lyiHc.
I-uTATOKj btroiiK; reelpt. 24 carf;
tholce lo fancy, Wisconsin. 7fcUic; fair
1-OLLTKY bieady; turks, live. 4o;
iirKu, m, ciucsviis, nve juwc; arasaed
VEAl-btraty at 'mjCo for U to S0
pound Welgllls.
C-j-lot Receipts Wheat, 30 cars, with
I of contract grade: corn, 1j6 car, with
",jw iwiuri araae; oats, ivi car
'iuial recclvts cf aheat at Chicago, kiln-
IHStwlls nnd Iliiluth torlav were 451 cam.
compered with i'.J cam lnit week and 441
cars the corresponding clay a year ago.
Maotatlon of the Day on Varloa
Com mod It lea.
NEW TORK. Ieo M.-FlXltR-FIrm;
rprlng pntents K.iW't : winter straight.
14 10,4.2ii. winter nafntn. I4.X.M4 70: nrrlni
fleirn. 4 lfi4.!tS; wlnfrr extra No. 1. n.70
ti.l sO: winter extra No. 2, SSTwilW; Kan
fa strnlKhtn, S4.WK14.7li. llect-lpts, M.fW
bu.; shipments. 21. W2 bu. Rye flour,
steady; fair to good. 4.7fi46; choice to
lancy, g.,.(s!,f,.. Hiickweat flour, quiet.
S2V:ci ter Inmdred pound.
CoK.NMrtAI, Firm; fine white and
Vellow, Sl.fll.i; coarse, $1.S51;1.60; kiln
drl-rt, $3 Ktti.-.b,
UYE-steady; No. 2, 7c, c. I. f. Buffalo
to arrive.
llARLEV-Meady; malting, l.lStJ12's
c. I. f. Huffnlo.
WJIKAT Hpot market IrreguUr: No. I
red, KVc, elevator, export basis, and "Sc.
f. o. b. afloat. Futures market declined
during the morning on more favorkbl
weather In the Argentine and easier out
Side markets, but rallied late on cover
ing and a bullish estimate ot the Argen
tine exportable surplus, closing So net
lower. I ecember closed nt JTiSe; May,
ll.onvai.m!, closed at SI 03. Ueeelpts,
141. mm bu t shipment, 96.447 bu.
CORN Hpot market easy; export, new,
70c, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market nom
inal. Iwcember closed st 74c. Receipts,
222,',: A bu.; shipments, 2fl,6&! bu.
OATH- Hpot market easy; atnMard
white, M'tc. In elevator; No. 2. f4c; Nos.
i and 4, (.3 He; natural white and white
clipped, u2jMv. on track. Futures mar
ket wan nominal. Hecelpln, 70,1j0 bu.;
shipments. J.U0 bu. . .
HAY Finn; prime, nominal; No.' 1,
S1.2f7l.Sf: No. t 1.H8I.H; No. S, InVfcSl 00.
HOI'8 Firm; steady, common to cholra.
1911, StynWc; 110, nominal; Pacific, coast
11)11, tf.fifiOr; Hi 10. nominal.
IIIOKH-Mtesdy; Central America, 22c;
Kngntn, ll'UIV.
UA i lti-,rl wulet; hemlock flmtn, iU!
27c; seconds, 242c; third, 21tj22o; re-
lects 1V.
I'ROVIHIONH Pork, steady; mess. Sl'.td
filV.fcfi; famllv, IIS ontiau.oo; snort rifam,
Si7.2fiil8 2.". Iteef. firm. me:. SL3.0v 13.6;
family, $I4.8O'iI5.O0; beeves, hams, I'-D OOtt
Sl.on. Cut meats, steady: pickled bci!;,
10U14 pounds, '; pickled ham. ll'tJllc.
iMti, stpady; middle west prime, tv.H'it
Hc); refined, barely titdy; continent,
t00; Month America, lu.i; compound,
TA I, Low Hull: prima city, hlids.,
fir; country, S'1WHc
HUTTKIl Receipts, S.I19 tubs. Market
firm; creamery specials S)c; extras. 3C;
firsts, WM'W, necondn, 32fi34o;, cream
ery, held. sieclals, .ViWMc; extras. 4
9lc; firsts, 8ii:i3o; setonda, S0tr31o; state,
dairy, tubs, rinent, abiamc; gooa to prime,
KtiOM Receipts, 4,0 canes. Market un
settled; fresh gathered, extras. 44c;
extra firsts, 41u42c flmtn, KKbtOa; sen
ondn, I4i .'He; thirds and poorer, 2tfS2o;
held, fresh, poor to fair, 22i2c; fresh
gathered, dirties, No. 1, 24c; No. 2, S02!lc;
fresh gathered, checks, prime, 210 ; poor
to fair, Ply 20o.
POULTRY Alive. steady: western
chickens. 105JUV; fowls, 12H013o; tur-
cevs. 14o. Dressed steady;. Western
chickens 68 16c; fowls, Wife; turkeys, 1.10
Kansas City CJraln and Provlalona.
KANHAM CITY. Dec. 20-WIIEAT-tTnchaimed:
No. 2 hard. 9-ff !.(: No J.
D7cDji.4; No. S red, WMyUTc; No. 3, 64(ulc;
May, t-;lbHbfic.
COKN-Steadyj No. 8 mixed, ."t4c;
No. 1. 6IVvuiw!c: No. 2 white. W.'IOoc; No.
J, 2c; Itecetnber, c; July, sr.Vic.
OATS Unchanged: No. 2 white. 4SM2
fH'"'; No. 2 mixed, 47l4fJl,lHc.
R Y K SlfiWc.
HAY Unchanged: choice timothy.
$19.ri(ii!r.ti0: choice prairie, JIA!!ffi
RIITTKH Creamerj', S-'-c; firsts, S3c;
Herondn, 81c; packing stock, 24c.
KUiiH-extras, iwc: firsts, sue; scconas,
Keceipts. unipmeni.
Wheat, bu IH.OUO S.OI0
Com. bu 41,0(10
Oats, bu 12.000 S.000
Liverpool Grain Market.
I.IVEKPOOU Dee. 20, WHKAT foot
eteady: No. I Manitoba unquoted: No. I
Manitoba, 7 KHd; futures steady; De
cember, i M; March, 7s Ud; May, 7
ixirn-spot nrm: .American mtxeo, si
7d; futures firm; January ts Sd; Feb-
ruary, ds su.
Tha corn exchange her win t closed
December 26 and 24 and January 1,
Poorla Market.
rrOOItlA. Dec. 20.-CORN-Steady: No.
S white, 61c; No. 4 white, 69o; No. 8 yel
low, ttlc; No, 4 yellow, WW; No. I mixed,
Slo; No, 4 mixed, bite; sample, &2o. I
oats Kasy; no. I white, 47c: stan
dard, 47Vic; No. S white, 47 c.
rtololh Oraln Market.
HfUrnt. Deo. 20. WHEiAT No. 1
hard. 11.05; No. 1 northern, J1.0I; No. S
northern, S101H; No. 8 northern, H.OlUj;
Pecember,, nominal: May. ii.ob; July.
1107. nominal.
OATH 46c.
Cotfeo Market.
urea opened ey at a decline ot 7 to IS
point In sympathy with lower Kuronean
market and reports that cost and offers
from Rraall were easier. , There seemed
to be considerable scattering liquidation
both of December and March. Foreign
houses were selling here and after hold
ing around th opening figures until the
middle of tha afternoon prices broke fur
ther owing to-easier closing cables from
Ilavre. with the close barely steady at a
net loss ot 18 to 1 points. Sales, KJ.M)
bags. December, 13.71c; January, 18(c;
iJ.ruary. I8.IS0; March, 18 40; April,
UWc; May, U.wc; July, 12.6c; June,
12S7cf August, September, October and
November, 12.RGC. Havre waa to
1 franc lower. Hamburg was pfg.
lower. Rio, SO tela higher at WW!; San
tos, unchanged; 4a, sju0; 7s, 70. Re
ceipts at the two Rrealllan ports, 88,vO0
bags, against 3a,o00 last year. Rain was
reported in all districts of Rao Paulo.
New York warehouse deliveries yester
day, ,' bags, against ls,01 bags last
year. Today s special cable irom Santos
reported the market barely steady with
4s unohanged. Sao Paulo receipts, SO.IuO
baas, aaalnst 2UU0 base yesterday. Spot.
quiet: lUo No. i. HVoUVsc; Hantoa No,
4. 1640. MUd, dull; Cordova. l'-,4jHi'-0,
Metal Market.
Btandard cupper, strong; spot. tlS.KT Vij'9
14.10; December. SlJ-HiH-U'M.Ou; January,
MO04fl4.2f: February, March and April,
l.UU4 J,'i. Indun inaj'kat, excited;
spot, tbl 10s; futures. tt4 U. Custom
house returna show exports ot 14,tiS tons
so far this month, lako copper, $14
14 50; ele'trolvtlc, 814 2ixd'U.37V: raatlng,
18.7!rl4 0U. Tin, easy: spot, $44 STVi; , ;
Deceuibcr, 8.4JSiH(( 00; January, ti bit
46 On: February. 3 NKpM.tS; March, H2.&0
ti-t3 X; April, $t2.0iJr43 00. lxndon mar
ket, steady; spot. tJo 6a lOd; futures, IIS
S lOd. lAcal sales, five tun spot tin at
S46.U); five tons spot at St, five ton
pot at 844 60; 2d tons December at 844.75.
Dead, steady, 84.40n4 60. New York;
tt J.'H. Fast St. lxxils. London, 16 Us
... ..... .,11 M U. H A.-... 1 . .
86 00941. 20. Kant St. Umls Ix.ndon. Ili
l.'s sl. Antimony, aun; cooason s, 17 74,
Iron. Cleveland warrants, 60 In London.
Locally Iron was steady. No. 1 foundry
northern, U .76uJ16 00; No. 8. SM SotfU 76;
No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft,
Evaporated Apples and Dried Prnlts
ArVUKS vuiet and steady; on th Sst,
fancy. 100 HHc; choice, (jVtC; prime,
DRltD FRUITS Prune continue
firm, with a good demand; quotations
range from tH.dlc for Cailfornlus up to
40-(.e, and from lOWWlSo for Oregon
Apricots, quiet but steady; oholce. I,vj
ItWc; extra, IClSHc; fancy, HtflHc.
Frachea, dull but steady; choice, llrt
11V; extra choice, HValic; fancy, llvi
lle. Raisins, quirt, but there la little
pressui-e to sell and price are eteady;
loose Muscatel. tVo7c; choice to fancy
seeded, ")it'-,c; seedless, Cttfic; Ixmdoii
layers, 1 tvul 45.
lry Uood Market.
Fruit of th loom 4 bleached cotton
have advanced to 87 6a. at which price
future shipment order will not be ac
cepted. Cotton domestic are firmer;
trade Is steady but light Worsted yarn
have advanced 2Vc per pound. Cotton
yams are steady. Jobber are doing a
moderate nous trad.
Omaha Star Market.
OMAHA. De 24-HAY-No. 1. Sli.OO;
No. 2, $1(1.60; coarse, 89 00; parking stock
87.00; alfalfa, $14 Ou. Straw; Wheat. $i,.UO;
r and vats, 84.60.
Insistent Demand of German Banks
for Funds Feature of Day.
Heavy Bnylns of ftterl Prodnet Ri
pected from Eallroads and Oea
rrally Favorable Conditions
Are Reported.
NF.W YORK, Deo. 20.-The insistent de
mand of Herman hank for "over-year"
fund wa the significant fenture on
what otherwise was a dull day In Wall
street. Large amount already have
been loaned to Germany, Seven per cent
was paid for the greater part of this
money, and offers at "4 to a, per cent
advance of this rat were reported. The
amount of American credits In tlermany
Is, of course, unknown but It I believed
not less than 1 120, ft 10,0110.
Cable advices were that an acute strin
gency prevailed In the Oerman money
market, an wa Implied by the urgency
of the demand for funds. The present
Ituntlon wan nald by International bank
ers to be the result of over speculation
In Germany, over expansion of credits
snd the withdrawal of fund by France
In the fall, at the lime of the Moroccan
care. Unusual Interest attache to this
situation because of the fact that a large
f'art of the loan contracted here by Her
In Interests In the course of the Moroc
can dispute, mature at the end of the
next month. Unless these loan are ex
tended, Germany's financial reaources
will be put to a severe tax.
. In th stock market buniness fell oft
sharply. With no new Impetus sufficient
to a decided trend, prices moved In an
Irregular, aimless way. Some appear
ance of strength wa lent by a two point
advance In Union Pacific and a continua
tion of the upward movement In special
ties which have been prominent recently.
The electric shares, International Har
vester, American lleet Sugar, Central
leather and American Linseed common
and preferred scored the best gains. I-e-hl"h
Valley, after an early advance, fell
back sharply and on the announcement
that the director hud taken no action In
regard to an extra distribution.
Amalgamated Copper rone In response
to ths advance In price of the metal to
14'4, th lilghent price for nearly three
Favorable conditions In the steel trade
also were reported, Heavy buying from
the railroads In expected and It waa esti
mated that contract tor 6u0.000 ton of
rails would be Placed within the next
Jew week.
Pond were unusually active. Quota
tions wer Irregular. American Tobacco
and related Issues were strong at record
prices. Wabash 4's became heavy after
an early advance. Total sales par value
Jd. 007.000. United States bonds wer un
changed on call.
Numner of sales and leading quotation
of stocks wer as follows:
('a. Hich. low. Clou.
AUIa-Chaliasr pit lmi 1 1
ml(anaU4 Toppor ... 40. 0W M t'.'-i M
Amsrirsn Agricultural... m U tit MS
Am. Ileet Sugar l'0 (714 H
A mar loan Cm na) lux, io-t
Amarlran '. 4k V !M Ml h H4
Am. Cotton OH 1,600 47 41 ' 444
Affisrhan H. A I. p!4 U
Am. tee Ctefurltls lot lilt )H "S
Amarlesa Unu,il' l.too II 10'j
Amarlran Lorumotlv ... 174 H't M
Amsrlcsn S. at K i.low 74 71H '
Am. t. ft. pM lOfi
Am. Htesil Koundrtaa S3
Am. Busar Raflnlng too 111 '4 lilt
Amarlran T. A T l.aoo 1414 l.KS IMH
Amsruaa Tnbairo ptd... l.toa 101)4 iot 10
Amerliis Wonlan 2ft4j
Anaeonda Mining Cb.... 7, too ts (4 87i
AlrMaon t.KO lm 04's 1M4
Atrhlana fli ( 1044 I04a 104
Atlanlle CMat Una 40 lMVt ltt4 IMI4
ttaltlmor Ohio too 10114 1014 IMI4
Bathlaham Sisal , uo 311 0 to
Braoklrn RspM Tr too 77 Si T7U rT
nadlan l-arlllo 1.7U0 I41H 340V4 24014
Csolral Lsathsr 1,109 US sou, II
Central lathar ptd 400 M US at
Control ot Now Jersey Ill
fhaaapaaJt A Ohio 4.100 76 . 74 '4 74 '4
Chlcasn Alton W
4 lilrago O. W.. now too lis It 1S
('hloaao O W ptd HS4
Chleaso N. W too HIS 1S 141
i-nioag. m. a si. r.... i.rie ins no 110s
C. V., C. A St. L. i
Cfelnraoo r. A t 17 S
Colorsoo A Routbarn 4t
rianaollilatad Oat 10 11114 HIS It's
Itorn Produett Its
IMtlawar A Hudson too 141s 17S 14
txorar A Klo Orasdo.... too 11 it MS
D. A It. O. PM too 44 44 43 S
DIMIIIors geeurttlss .... too US IIS
Krio l.ncK) !, SIS S
Krl lat Pfd to US IIS MS
Krlo Id ptd 41
O.noral Bloetrlo 1.IM 111 m Ht4
Prut NortKora ptd 1"0 131 W IMS
(IfT.t Nortlior Or rtta.. 400 MS m U
llllnnla Contral loo 141 141 141
Intorboroufh Mot. 4.M) lis II lS
int. Mot. prd too 4fS 4ns 41
tnternaimnsl anootHar.. I.10 1IS H0S HO
Intar-Marlno ptd ,. 700 U US ITS
lutarnatlonal Papar .... 100 t
Intamatlonsl Pump 85
Iowa- Canlrsl 100 14 S US S
Kanasa City nouthorn i
K C. to. ptd .4t
Laolod Oaa 1 100 l(s 1A4S 1M
Loulavills A Nashvlll.. 1,000 Ul 17H V
Minn. A It. Inula 14
M . tt. P. A B. S. M... f0 1M 111 118
Miaanurt. K. A T 700 1S US S
M . K. A X ptd Its
Miasourt rscltia I. mo i'S S SH
National Blarult too 140 140 1
National 1I aoo 64 S I4S Its
N. It. Ft. ot M. M ptd.. l.ouo Dts lS I4S
N. Y. Ootral. ox-dlv... 100 loos loos ius
f. Y.. O. A W S
Norfolk A Westara l.K'O 1"S IMS 101
NoHh Amarlrait too 7IS 71 73 S
Northern Pacltlo 1,100 11H lias H'S
Parltla Mall too 90S S "S
ponaarlvsnl tvO ni IMS 1?'S
Pooplo'a Gas 10.114
r . , . A t, L M0 T MS MS
Plttaburfh CVal H
Proaeod steal Cur 1 K3
Pullman Palace Car TOO ul 1 167i
Railway Stool Spring.... 100 IIS 'S US
Hoodln IMS 'IMS 15S
.HapuhlTo ' Rtaol I 100 t 17 S "S
Paoubllo Staal pfd I.l lS 4S
Muck laland Co too II 14 its
Hook laland Co. ptd n 44 " 44 4SS
St. U A r 84 ptd... 10 41S 4IS 41
1. Louis H W 11
St. U W pfd 71
loas-nhofftald S. A 1 4IS
Soutsora Paotns 1.I00 lt 11?S 117V
outttorn Railway "0 M s 1S
a. ttallwsr pfd 100 TtH 'S Tl
Tannooao Opoor ....... 100 17 s 17 s ITS
taaaa A Paritlr .. it4 M 11
T., II L W 400 ir. 16S II
T. St. U A W. pfd.... " ITS 14 14
Vslsn fvHie 17.00.) i7iS I73S 174S
t'slna Parlfla pfd loo MS :' t
t'nitad States Itoalty al
Vnttsd Ktatos Rubhor.... 1 100 4S 4744 44
t'nltet Statoa Stool 14 Duo ?s 4s 'S
t' t. Steal pfd 1000 llt4 11IS Kl'4
ftah Connor In I44 MS US
Va -Crollsa Cltoraleal .. 1 6IS Wi lfS
Wahaah I 'no is l Is
WalMih pM M"0 INS Its H
Wottarn Maryland 400 1S al m
Watln(hoM Klortrle .. 1.401 70S t a
wetrrn t'nlon. o-dlv.. t"0 7S TsH 7
WhMlIn A L. K W4 4S 4 4
thlll Vallor 4 ' t', 1IH I4IH
(ltluo Cwpper 1 " ni US S
Control I "0 II 174 Its
Total sale tor the day. 171.100 sanroa.
New York Bloney Market.
NEW YOHK, Dec. I0.-.H1N KT On
call steady at 5 Wit per rent; ruling rate,
4 per rent; closing bid. i per cent;
offered at it's per cent. Time loan
tronger; sixty days, 4's per cent; ninety
days, 4ji4S lwr cent; six months, Iuh'h
per cent.
4'4i4 per cent.
8TKHL1NO KXCHA..Or:-Steady, with
actual business In bankers' lulls at It.M.'i
for stxty-day bills and at 84.u0 for de
mand: commercial bills, Il.tC'S.
ISlLiVEK lar, M4c; Mexican dollars,
HONHS Oovernnient, steady; railroad,
Closing quotation on bonds today wer
as follows-
V. . nt. I. rog ..l lst. M U. 4S.... US
ds coupon luo Japan 4s al .
U. A la. rag WIS do 4Sa IIS
4o eoupon IIS1C. C. so. lat la .. TlS
t! 4a. rog i.ius L, g. eUl. a lu.. US
do eoupon IKS L. A N. uul. 4a ... its
Allla-Cbal. lat 4--- 4M. K. A T. lat 4s.. IT
Am.r. A I la 1'S do ton. 4Sa l
aA. T. A T. a. ts.-l'-SSio Pscllia 4s....tlJ
Am. Tobacc 4 N. R R. ot M. 4Sa US
so ta USN. V C. ISa... r.Z
Armour A Cs. 4S. US do dob. ta. ti
Atrhlaos son. 4s.... MSN. Y. N. H. A H
do ev. a 1'S er. t ijiu
do ea. ta 10SN. A W. lot ,. , t;w
A. O. L. lat 4a...'... MS do cv. 4a l
Hal. A Obi 4a MSN's. Pscltls 4a .' S
ad ISa 'S do la J
ao S W. IS-.-. MSO. g. L rfdg. 4a... M
Rrook. tr ev. 4a .- MsPona. . ISa Itll.. MS
ttan. of Os. la lot a oa. 4a lut-J
Con. LMthor ta MSflaadtss on M tJ
. o N i a..U)SS. U A T. tg ta uZ
U.oa. A Ohio tsa. lolS do son. I....."... t!
do it. IS SSt u s. w. c. ta.. tI
aochtcaao A A. IS US o lat r"ld 4a tl-4
I! at. A Q 1 ta... Msg. A U sd. ta u
do os. ta MSSo Pmc eol. .
t'. VI A P. . 4s MS do cv. 4 ST
C ft. I. A P. t. ta IIS do 1st est. 4, K
do rfs ta mssa. Kstlwajr te Iot
Col. Is4. tt 7S 4a as
H R. O. 4 t'. B ul.hsr IS4
In ft M M I' Sl"l M .. Il
Mxillsra' U Tl't'V -'sr. 1ini. Is. .If p t, 4s UHt'lM l M IIH
Ho n. 1I0 lit si. 4a... '1
lo c. 4. r. A. Md. 4s
n rls Ft 74iWt. cv ta.. K'4
fn. f.tro. r 8S...IM Wlf. r'sntrsl 4a .... J
III i.rn. 1st f 41.. M Mo Pc cv. Is 7
n'- M'l 4H 7srinm la 101
Ul4. Ottwt.
London Stock Market.
I)NImN, I)ec. 20 American securities
were quiet and steady during the early
trading today. At noon prices ranged
from unchanged to '4 higher than yea
terday'a New York closing.
tendon closing prices on slocks:
Cosaota. money.. 77 1-iaiyiulavlllo A N ICS
do sreonnt 77 1-lrM., K. A T MS
Anial. Copper IISN. Y Central no
Ana'on'ta I Norfolk A W Ills
AKklaon 10IS do ptd M
n pfd I"7 Ontario A W 40S
fttltlmore A Ohle. . I04S Pfnoajlanla 414
C'ana haa rarlflr . .. 141 Hand Mines ,
( heaapoaka A O 7Keadlnt 71s
rtilraro U. W 24 southern Br M
Chi . MM. A St. P.. IMS o pfd 74
IO Beera HSnoutharn Pacific. ... 1 ll
Drnror A Rio a ... 1141 nlon Paclfle 171
do pfd 43 do pfd Ms
Krio S1C. . Steel 7is
rlo 1st pfd 6r do pfd 1I4S
do Id pfd 44SWaherh s
Orand Trunk ti do pfd US
llllnol r entral 141
MI.VKK-riar, steady at to'id per ox.
MONEY 3W('2li per cent.
The rate f discount In the open market
for short bill Is 4 per cent; for threo
months' bills, 3VTI tfi-16 per ctnt.
Ronton Mocks and Bonds.
IWlPTON, Dec. 0. Closing quot
on siocks were .n ronows:
AIIoum 3t Mohawk
Anial. Copper MSNoToda Con
A. Z. L. A MSNIplaaln Mints .
II. A (.'. C. A g. M. IS North Putt
Hut la Coalition . . . . !1 '4 North Lko
Cal. A Arlaons ais'oid Dominion ..
Cal. A llecla 421 Oaroola
. 4
. 1
. 7S
. s
. 7
. 4
. iH
. 71
. It
. 2
. IS
. il
. KS
. 41 S
. 17S
. 64S
. 67
.. 14 Parrott g. AC...
.. 14 Qulllrr
.. US Shannon
.. ll'. Superior -
4 I II Superior A.B. M
.. HHT.marark
I l-14l 8. S. R. A M
Cop. anaa C. c.
Rant Bulla C. M
Oorlui (nn
flranhr Con. ...
Oreeno tsnanes
Isle Koyala Copper. SISrdn prd
Karr Uko lSUiah Con
Lake Copper 36St'tah Copper ...
(.a Hallo tvippar.... fS Winona
Miami t'oppar SSSWolrsrlne
Bid. K-dl.
TVew York Mining; stocks.
NKW YOTtK, Hec. 20. Clonlne; quota
tions on mining stock were;
All's too Llttla Chlat t
com. Tunnel stock. 21 Meiiran 421
do bonds II Ontario , 100
Con. ft I. A V SO ophlr ISO
Iron Mirer 120 standard 1IM
I.eafl villa On t Vallow Jacket 60
Offered. Kx-dlr.
Hank Clearings.
nM Alt A lmr V H.nlf -Urtnrr.
trwl.v Vara t'l ooi; flitt it a ,, f a, - , K
spending day last year, $2,302,049.70.
BUTTER No. 1, Mb. carton.- 35c; No.
I, In B0-lb. tube. 84 So, No. 2. 36c; packing.
CHEF.8K Imported Swiss. Ke: Ameri
can Hwlsn, 24c; block Swiss, 19c; twins.
lite; dn Isles, Wc; triplets. Wc: young Amer-
Ichs, 20c; blue label brick. lUc: iltnberger.
2-lh , lc: 1-lb.. lc.
1'OULTRY-Brollern. ftOO'rfS.OO per dos.:
springs, 12c; hens, 12c; cocks, 9c; ducks,
lc; geese. 13c: turkeys. 22c: nlgaons. uer
no., 81.20. Alive, broilers, 12Uc; hens. 6c;
old roosters snd stags, 6c; old ducks, full
reatnerea, iic; geeeso, run feathered,
10c; turkeys, 10c; guinea fowls, 16c each;
pigeons, per dos., vc: homers, per dog..
11. W: miuabn. No. 1, 81.60; No. 8, 50c.
fl.sil (Krenh frosen) Pickerel. 7c:
white, 10c: pike, 8c; trout, llo; large crap
ples, 124115c; Upaulsh mackered, lite; eel,
18: haddoks. 13c: flounders. 13c: green
catfish, 16c; roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe.
per pair, 66c; salmon. 14c; halibut. 10c:
yellow perch, 80; buffalo, 8c; bullhead, 13c.
Heer out prices: No. 1 ribs, iso; No. 3
ribs, 13',4c; No. 3 ribs, 9c. Chucks, No. 1,
8c; No, 2, IMc; No. 3. 4C. Loins No. 1,
lOVtc; No. 2. 14Hc; No. 3, 10140. Rounds,
No. 1, He; No, 2, Hc; No. 3. c. Plates.
Nn. 1. c; No. 2. Do; No. 8. 6S.C
. FRUITbV-Appis: Cooking vailetles, per
bbl., $2.76; Jonathan and Urlmea Golden,
per bbl.. Hen Davis, per bbl.. 82.76:
California liellaflower, per box, 8l.3i,-
Coiorado Jonathan, extra fancy, per
box 82.60; WSAhington Bpltsenbei g, per
bog, $2.60; Washington R. Uauty, pr box,
$2.60; Washington Staman Wlntssaps, per
box, $2.60. bananas: f ancy selected, per
bunch, $J.26!u2.60. jumbo, per bunch, $2.76(0)
3.76. Cranberries: Wlsuonaln, fancy, per
bbl.. 8ll.uU; per box. $3.26; extra large
Jumbo, per bbl., $10.60. Dates: Anchor
brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkg., In boxes, per
pox, i.ow; Dromedary 01 ana, new, ju 4-10.
pkg.. In boxes, per box. 83.00; bul In
70-ib. boxes, per lb., c. Figs. California,
per case of 12 12-ouncJ pkgg.. 6c: per
case of 36 12-ounce pkga,, Ji.jO; per case
of 60 ft-ounce pkg., a.vo; Mew xurkisb.
o-crown, In 20-11) boxes, per lb., Lo;
crown, in 20-1 1. boxes, er lb., 10c; 7
ciowu. In 3u-lb. box, per lb., J7c. urapa
bTUll: Florida. 4u-3u sixes, per crate. H.,ot
i.UO; wi-64-44 sixes, per ci ale, $C.2u. Grapes;
Malaga, 111 puis., iemona:
Dimoiielia bland, extra lancy, 300 se,
per . box, $o.2u; 3o0 slxe, per box, $o.iA);
LMtno l.nnunelra, fancy, 3ou-3o0 slsea, psr
box, $4-0u; 240 and 4d sixes, oOu 'er box
less. Granges: Calliornla tiaveU, 0-l2u
sixes, per box, l ;s 150-1 i-AA)-2'lo-260
sixes, per box, 83.4; luo-lio-ltuO-jUo-JuO
six, per bos, W.2i. i'aars: California tt.
llangtau, per 60-lb. box, 3.00.
V Js.GliTAliL.jCa Ueana: hiring and was,
per mkt. bak.., $1.0wul.i(6. Cubuage: Wis
uoniln, per lb., 2c. Cuiuiy: Mlcmgan, per
Uox.. uc;v Cailtot ula Jumbo, per uu., boo.
Cucumbers; Hot housti, per ilox., $i.uo.
tug Plant: Fancy Florida, per dos., 2.uu.
Ganic: ICxtra lancy, white, per lb., loo.
Lettuce: kxtra tuncy leaf, per dos., 40c.
Onions; California, white, per lb., 3c. Wis
consin, yellow and red, In eacks, par
lb., iWo: fcpauish. por ciaie. $i.o. Pars
ley: fancy southern, per do, bunohea,
604116c. Potatoes: Minnesota Early Ohio,
par bu., $; Wisconsin whllo stock, per
bu., $110, In 10-sauit lot. 60 lo. tlweet
potatoes: Kansaa, per bbl., IJ.uO; per bu.
bsk., 31-06. Kuiabanao: In sack, pr lb.,,
IVaC Tomatoes: Canfwrnla, per crate, $1 jo.
julisCiLLAiMOLb Alinonus: iarta
gona, per lb., lbVic; in savck lots, lo less,
bitttll nuts: Per lb.; loc; la sack lou,
lc lean. Cocoanuts: Per sack, lo.uo. FU
U.its: Per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lo less.
Peanuts: RoasTed. per lb., bo; raw, per
lb., "1V1C. Pecans: Large, per lb., lo; In
ack lots, lc less. . Walnuts: New crop,
lull. California, per lb., l'.c; In sack lots,
lo less, cider: New Nrhawka, per la-gal.
H bbl., I.I 11. per 30-gal. bbl., $6.60; New
York Molt s, per la-gel. H bbl., 83.60; per
30-gal. bb ., f.60. Honey: New, 24 frames,
$3.13. Krout: 1'er 16-gal. keg, $2. 76; per 6
gal. keg, $1.10; Ylsvunsin, per -bb!., $3.60.
CHKlrfl MAS DtX'ORA'l lONS Cht lst
tnas trees. 4 to 6 ft., 12 In bale., per dux.,
$1.60; C to 8 ft., 12 In bdle, per dwx.,;
b to 10 It., 6 ill bdle., per dox., $3.26; 11
ft., per tree 60c; 12 ft., per tree, "(0c;
IS ft., per tree, $1.25; 14 ft., per tree, $160,.
U ft., per tree, $1.7iii 2.6u; lb ft., per tree,
:.;t3..i, 20 tl., per tree, $3.6u4 60.
Wreatns, etc.: Kveigreen wreatnliiis,
natural, extra heavy, 3u yds. In coil, coil,
$100; evsrgieen wreathB, with immortal
flowers, per dox., $1.60; with holly, per
do., $1.60; holly wreaths, fancy. Dela
ware, pr dos., $1.60; extra lancy, Dela
ware, extra heavy, per dos., I:.v0; nutg
nulla wreaths, per ilvt., $l.u0;. boliy
branches, Delaware, 12 lbs. In bbl.,. per
bbl., $1.10; regular pack, slxe cases, fx
2x4 ft., case, $4.6u; kulecled florist holly,
per case, 2x2x4 ft., $3.00; mistletoe, shipped
only by express, per lb., 2uc; needle pines,
per dox.. $3.00.
Cottua Market.
NEW TORK. Deo. 91. -COTTON-Spot,
closed quiet and 16 points higher; mid
dling uplands, ID.G5; middling nulf, $y.jO;
aales, 2.K4) bale.
Cotton futures opened steady; Decem
ber, y.3uv; Januury,; February, 8 Sic;
March, 8. toe; May, 10c; July, 3 1Sc;
August, 17c; September, 8-Jjc; October,
82oc; November. 8 87c.
Futures closed steady. Closing bids:
December, 4"c; January, I.Kw-; Feb
ruary, .03c; March, lie; April. 8 13c;
May, 3 21c; June, 3.82c; Julv, .ev; Au
gesl, bic; Seiiember, 8.31c; October,
.S7c; November, .3c.
Pklladrlpkla Prodaeo Market.
Firm; western creamery, 4uc; extra, SDc;
nejftrhv tirtnts avlra. 41
F41G8 Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, rise cases, $10.80 per oases
current receipts, free cases, is 60 per
case; western firsts, free cases, $lu.20 per
rase; current receipt, free rasea, $8.M per
cHEPTSE Firm; New York full creams,
fancy, ltiS leic; New York full creams,
fair to good, liHftlOc.
Wool Market.
ST LOUIS. Iec. JO.-WOOL Quiet;
territory and western mediums, 17JUc;
flu inedluma, ltsiac; fin, Utl6o,
Cattle Quarter or More Higher Than
Last Friday.
Fat I. a ra Ha romaaaad Trlee trog
loan pa red wltk Taeadsy, W'kll
Fat ("keep Bell at rally
"teady Prices.
POUTIt OMAHA. Dee, 80. 1911.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official Mond.iy 4 & ft. 178 8.732
Official Tuesday 3.17 12'W 4.7
Letlmate Wednesday .. 2,200 10,600 .00
Three days this week t.m
fame days last we k.. 22,178
r'nme day t weekaago 14.604
fame days 3 weeks ago lo,71
Same days 4 weeks ago 19.4S3
fame days last year.. 12,042
The following tabic shows th receipts
of tattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha
for tha year to riatt, a compared with
last yer: mil. lttio. i9oo. ioe.
Cattle 1.12.W 1.704,43 41,604
Hog l.3oS.707 1,H45.7W 462,821 ......
Sheep 2. 844,082 2,f63,616 7,633
'J he following tabi slioWn th veri4
price paid for hogn at South Omaha for
ihe last few days, with comparisons:
Dale. loll. I ... ).,..,. ,, ro,. ,!:).,. lJ.
Deo. 11. .i, a I g ,- 4i, 4 4. 4 14 7s
Deo. 12. 96 7 68 I t 321 4 71 I 03 4 33
Dec, u 6 7 7 41; 8 29, (4 49 OS 4 to
Dec. 14. t 861(1 7 38; 8 Zt S 38 4 2tt 08 4 86
Dec. 15.1 noo,! 7 66 8 N 6 871 10 111 4 M
Deo. pi. C OO'.kl 7 63 ; 8 14i 301 4 23 I 4 76
Dec. 17. 7 tt 8 80 6 341 4 47 18
Dec. 18. 1 8 Wt a ( 8 ll 8 4 40! 4 81
Dec. 19.1 S o 7 67; 16 31 1 4 M 6 19 4 M
Dec. 20,f I 7 4Hj ft ZR( 4 23 6 1 4 90
Keceipts and disposition of live stock
tt the Union Htock yards, South Omaha,
tur the twenty-four hours ending at 3
o'clock yesterday:
Cattle Hogs. Sheep, ll'r's.
C, SI. ft St. P 1
Wabash 1 2 4
Missouri Pacific... t 2
Union Paciric 35 33 " ..
C. N. W., east.. 4 11 3 ..
C. A N. W., west.. 1" 4S 2
C Ht. P.. M. A O.. It 6 2
C, B. A Ul , eant.... I 2
C, B. & y., west.. 11 , 34 6
C, K. 1. & P., east 6 7 4
C. H. I. A P., west 1 4 .. 1
lillnoln Central .... 1 4
C. O. W 1 .. ..
Total receipt ..82 164
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.... 309 . l.UW 317
swift and Company.... 4"J
Cudahy Packing Co.... fun
Armour tt Co '.. 31ti
Bclnvart & Co
Morrell rt
W. B. Vansant Co 76
Hill &. Son at
F. B. Lewis t... 6
Huston Ai Co I 20
J. B. Root A Co 22
J. H. Bulla 26
L. F. Hum 10
McCreary & Kellogg.. 15
Wertheliner A Detcen.. 11
H. F. Hamilton 8
Sullivan Bros 14
Lee Rothschild tl
Alo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 49
Cline A Christie ,.. 36
Other buyers 466 1,703
Totals 2.4M 10,905 5,746
CAT l Cattle receipts . were ex
tremely light today, oniy eighty-eight
cars being reported. For th tnree davs
this week the total foots up 8,892 head, a
against 22,179 head for the same days last
week and 12,1142 head for th same period
year ago. Ths light receipts were suf
ficient In the face of a very fair demand
to advance prices, but another bull argu
ment that had no little Influence on the
market was the feeling that receipts the
remainder of the week would be very
light. As next Monday, Christmas day.
will be a hoi day. the yards not beuig
open for the sale of stock, packers were
naturally anxious to pick up . as many
killers a possible, so as to have some
thing to carry over until next TusadAy.'
Lveryone was out In the yards early
In th morning and It did. not take
buyars very long to clean up everything
in the way ot dsoent beef steers tn sight.
I-As a result practically everything In the
yards in tne way or killers was sold and
weighed at an early hour, the prices
paid were fully 10c higher than Vester-
uay, and In some cases more. This means
that the market today was safely 20c
higher than last week s close, and in
some cases more than that.
Cows and heifers showed about th
same advance as beef steers, and they,
'.00. ar xoo or more higher than - last
week's clone.
The demand for feeders has been rather
slim this week, with the result that pi lea
have eased otr. it win be remembered,
however, that last week they did not
break as much as did kiliers, hence the
are still high in comparison to tn way
tat cattle are selling.
Quotations on cattle; Good to cholct
beef steers. 3.7&ty8.00; fair to good beef
steers, $.00'ao.75; common to fair beef
steers, il.iu'uvoo; good, to choice heifers.
$4.7b46.C0; good to choice cows, It.fc'o).,
talr to good cows, iu.ouu4.Ij; common to
(air cows, J'i.Tiyj.bS; goou to choico stock
ers and (seders, to.2oi06.OO; fair to good
Blockers and feedefs, $4. 1616. 2i; common
to talr stockers and feeders, $3. frog 4.76;
stock heifers, $4.&otu4.60; veal calves, $3.26
V16O; buils, stags, etc., $3.00(6.00. .
Representative sales: ,
23,322 2X 445
29.20S 23.
22.164 22.412
21. 4M) 43.813
IK, 705 18.474
No. At. rr. No. A a. Pr.
10 4M 4 tl 11 lrtl I tt
1 711 I ot 14 lltl i uu
1 174 It I Hit I wo
t tSt I It 41 UWi I 40
11 Hi I It 71 lllll I M
10 171 t l 4 14M I to
21 1011 I 10 81 Itto I 00
ID lit I 71 It 1141 t to
I Ull I to 1 1KM1 t 0U
14 sal 04 '
A cowb.
I Ml $ 00 II 1040 4 00
4 ..10M) I W t liX4 4 10
I Il I IS 10 1110 4 It
4 Ill 40 1 714 4 lo
t 10M I to t 1 1ST 4 u '
8 140 I 60 I I1M1I 4 It
10 171 I tu I UU 4 71
1 1017 I U 4 lo0 I 00
14 Ji44 4 00 1 Mi I ou
4 10M 4 00
11 oo 4 00 U Tot 4 to
I '" 4 10 4 too 4 It
10 KO 4 II 4 1060 4 at
IU 1 4 It U ... i 0
I Il 1 ! . f 2 . 40
1 1J 4 It 1 1M0 4 to
1 110 4 II IV.11 4 so
1 U40 4 to I MIM t OU
1 M'i 4 40 1 lsjfu I 00
1 liM 4 t 1 11)0 t 10
1 ... tM I 00 1 140 S 7
1 4,4 4 10 1 1u tS
It IU 4 40 1 no J ,
I t ti I J 10 7 U
I 0 t It 1 17 t It
t 1011 I it -- Il ...
M t'U I 10 10....
I 11. I W . T....
t tit 4 0 11....
tt W ill 4....
1 4"t 4 IS I....
...'. 740 4 40 4....
II til 4 46 M ...
II til 4 tt 1....
4 70
4 U
4 at
4 so
w 4 10
:i 1 03
776 t It
71 I N
..toll llo
Oscar Beck VV yomlng.
12 steers... .MS 8 60 1 steers.... 875 4 75
10 steers. ...1218
8 25 3 steers.. ..1010 6 60
8 90 ' cows 904 4 60
3 86 10 cows 876 4 86
trad Improved slightly
3 2!'40
4 cows Ub0
unaer in innuunce 01 a broad, reason
ably active demand from packer. Price
rulod strong to a nickel higher during
most of th session, business In heavies
how lug th advance mora plainly than
sales of light and high mixed stuff, six
of supply a as generally Ignored, the aame
as recently, and ins estimate of lv.auo
head moved Into second bands wltuuui
any protracted lulls, the yards being
practically empty al 10 Jv o'clock.
tihtppere and speculator bought a mod
est 10 per ceut of th total offerings, still
favoring th strong weight grade. This
preference seems lo hav become perma
nent, a only on rar occasions lately
hav outside buyers worked down Into ths
bacon and high mixed stuff with a light
average. Possibly su per cent of current
receipt consist of load averaging under
iM pounds, so that th proportion of
really heavy hog la necessarily very
l:cpresentUv sales:
li... u...
A-' ta. f.
t at
t t
t 0
t tt
. ia
I tt
I to
I aw
I st
t to
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Ill ... IK
74 ir, ... I t
4i 174 ... IK
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74 17t ... I an
It U 40 I to
tl J04 ... I 00
14 140 ... I to
10 171 ... I to
4 1ST ... I M
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II il to I to
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71 144 ... t S
10 Ill It IIS
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II Ill ... t nt
17 rfl M IH
W Ml ... tot
14 iii mo 0;
n ut ... I to
11 11 ... I Ht4 tl .14 l IH
It ... t 71 m t nt
14 !" la I H 71 Jlo ... I ot
70 1t III IH II JW ... lot
tn mi ... I N il io in ia
It 140 ... I tl tl 141 120 t 10
11 iai ... t ", as. mi ... t 1
M Ill ... S ti 71 VI M I 10
ts -i ... lit ii i4i 120 tin
11 f ... I 18 tl 147 ... t 10
74 Ill ... I 17 71 10 t It
I 1J7 440 t 00 It 1M M0 t 19
71 IH ... I 04 It 170 ... lo
71 yi ... tot . M W 10 is
71 201 M t 10 t 4fct ... t It
4t 137 ... I M to Mil ... 1-,
0 It! ... IN t. n4 ... t IS
til tt t to it 20 in t 11
77 110 ao 1 no tt sit 4t t it
n 1st it) in 17 ... it
12 tr. ... t 00 17 in s) 111
II tot 4 t 00 II 167 ... t ITU
71 Jet ... 4 0 M 140 St I 20
J 4 120 t 00 tl 33 ... 2)
2 2t ... It
t 4l ... I W 11 2.1 ... I OS
1W Ill ... i II 4 ... t 10
1 160 ... t OS 4 Ill ... I 1
flrlEEP Conditions In the sheep and
lamb trade favored selling Interests only
nngniiy, ine general marget naving many
Phases In common with yesterday's ses
sion. Good lambs ruled strong to about
a dime higher, while medium iambs and
all kinds of sheep sold at figures steady.
or very nearly so. Packing demand cen
tered upon tnppy corn-fed Jambs, despite
an Increasing proportion of this class of
stock, and the brisk Inquiry for quality
string was plainly responsible for Im
provement. Retail orders for fancy
scored carcasses are more plentiful at
this time ot the year and In order to fill
these orders properly packers unually
show a decided partiality for plump,
corn-fed stock.
Total receipts were limited to about
S.OvO head, an estimate that served to put
additional life Into the trade, and by
10 o'clock almost everything with finish
had changed hands. Choice fed western
lambs touched 6 and near prime offer
ings, both natives and westerns, landed
at $5.90. Medium lambs moved at and
under $5.50. the full dollar range In prices
being preserved.
Matured muttons were purchased In
fairly active fashion, but did not find nn
outlet an readily as fat lambs. Ewe sales
were frequent, and business In heavy
wethers proved rather light, a fat ewe.t,
rather than wethers and yearlings, mada
up the bulk of the nheep supply. Attrac
tive ewes with more or less weluht
brought $3.40ft3.60, and Inferior grade
sold under $3.25. Something strictly choice
In the way of corn-fed ewe would prob
ably sell at $'3.66. prime wether ar
quotable up to $4.
Display of feeders had a remnant ap
pearance and nothing much happened lo
afford anything like a fair tent of val
ues. The two days' purchase on country
account, according to packers' tabs,
amounts to only ,200 head.
- Spreads showed the usual 60-cent range
between prime lard and poor light grades,
the best heavies on sale selling at 86.20
as compared with yesterday's top of $0.16.
Butcher animals moved around $6.006.05
and light averages sold from $6.00 down
to 6.$S5iffS.70. There were only a few,
small bunches ot pigs among arrivals
and values remained unchanged, ranging
from $4.26 to 86.36.
- Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, $5.&0j.00; fair to good
lambs, $5.26ruv6-60; good to cholc year
lings, ' 84.404.75; fair to good yearlings,
34.10ti4.40; good to choice wethers, $3. 769
4.00; fair to good wethers, $3. 60 3.75; good
to ohoice ewes, $3.36Q3.C5; fair to good
ewes. 3.0Off3.S6.
- Name and KrolJtnce. Age.
No. Av. Pr.
456 ted ewes 102 3 30
15 lambs, culls 63 4 60
1W fed lambs 85 6 00
213 fed lambs 81 6 90
215 fed lambs ' 70 6 60
117 fed lambs 67 6 00
231 fed yearlings, wethers 92 t 00
29 fed yearlings, wethers 87 4 35
28 nstlve ewes 121 8 00
108 fed ewes 130 8 35
88 native ewes 124 3 60
8 fed lambs 74 6 00
20 fed lambs, culls 67 4 50
200 fed lamb 74 6 75
46 fed lambs 77 6 90
182 fed ewe 124 S 40
163 fed ylcs. and lambs nn 4 75
187 fed ewes 5- 103 8 40
ice iea lamos o, w
212 fed lambs 77 5 70
Demand for . IIos Weak Skeep
StronaT Cattle Mlgrher.
CHICAGO, Dec. 20. CATTLE Receipts,
15,1)00 head; market 10c up. beeves, $4.xOfi
8.90;. Texan steers, $4.203f5.75; western
steers, $4.6016.80; stockers and feeders,
$3.26416.75: cows and heifers, $2.00$jti.&0;
calves, $6.XVitr7.50.
HOU3 Receipts 88,000 head; market
weak, at yesterday's average; light, $6.00
6.10; mixed, $6.75i!il.26: heavy, $6. &!&. 25;
rouKh, $5.S5'u.6,O0; good to choice heavy.
It) 0V)i;.2&; pigs, $4.5ou6.70; bulk of sales,
$5. 964, U 16. .
HHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25.000
head; market strong; native, $i.60it4.00;
western, $2.7o4.00. yearlings, $4.045.25;
lambs, native, $5.506.10; western, ' il&'tt
- Ht. I.00U Live Stock Market. .
ST. IX3UIS. Dec. 20. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 2,500 - head, Including 400 Tex
ans; market, 10c to 26c higher; native
shipping and export steers, $8.00ty0.36;
dressed beet and butcher steers, 35.25(ti8.00;
steers under l.Ota) pounds. 84.008.25; stock
ers and feeders, - 83.00(6.00; cows and
heifers, $3.lij7.O0; canners, $1.003.00;
bulls, $3.75Ue.2s; calves, $4.26(8.26; Texas
and Indian steers, $4.0j27.00; cows and
heifers,.- $4 50& 7.00.
HOUS ttecelpts, 12.0) head; market,
steady to strung; pigs and lights, $4-76if
6.24); mixed -and butchers, $5.7fr.tfi.30; good
heavy. $6.10(6.30.
SHEEP . AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,900
head; market, strong; native muttons,
$J.ouu3.96; lambs, $4.25(56.16; culls and
bucks, $1. 20V-'. 50; stockers, $1.50iC.&0.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 6.0V0 head, Including 600 southerns;
market, strong to 15c higher; calves, 26c
lowers; dressed beef and export steers,
$t!.6s3.l: fair to good, $i.0uU6-35; western
steers. $4.DVt,6.50: stockers and feeders,
$-I.OCM00; southern steer. $4.&O(U41.50;
southern cows, $3.0O7i 4.60 ; native cows,
$1'. 7:4)6; native lu Iters. $4.0O)j7.00; bulls,
$3.40-45 00; calves. 4.O0Vi7.00.
Ht iUS Receipt, K04l head; market,
steady; close, .weak; bulk of sales, $5. Toy
6 20; heavy, $6.15(i6.25; packers and butch
Electric Lighted Sleeper
Omaha to
aiud Fort Worth
An electric lighted drawing-room sleeping car and through
coach are operated daily from Omaha to Fort Worth, Texas,
via Lincoln, Belleville, McFarland, Kansas and Oklahoma
points, providing splendid through service.
Excellent connections maintained for Oklahoma City, Araa
rillo and intermediate points.
r For rates of fare, sleeping car reservatior
fiTiVxW illustrated literature, etc., address
lll-I'H' J I
ers. 8R9ntgr25; lights. $K.5df6.13H; pigs,
$4 (tfyn no.
SHEEP AND LA M RS Receipts. 8.o
head; market. Oe to 15c higher; muttons,
84 400 6.00; yearllnen, 34 Ootiu.00; wethers.
$3 0'a3 76; ewes. $.'.75ii3.25;' stockers and,
feeders, $3,254; 4.75.
St. Joaeph Live Stock. Market.
celptn, l.S head. Market steady tu
strong: steers, $4.50gS 25; cows and heif
ers, 3-' 6W74J.50; calves, 34.007. 60. .
HOUS- Receipts. 8.600 head. Market
steady: top. 8H.26; bulk of sales, $5.?5'ri6.15.
SHEEP AND LAMP.W Receipta, 1,0(0
head. Market uifJIOc higher; lamb. $t.60n
Stork In Sltskt.
Receipts of live stock at the fir prln
clpal western market yesterday:
Cattle. llot. Sheep.
South Omaha 2.200 JO.&iiO 5.flnrt
St- Joseph 1.3011 tt,500 l.t0
Kanasua City 6.0HO S.tKXI
St. Louis 2,500 12,100 1.9K1
Chicago 15.000 38.0.J 25.000
28.000 85.100 36,500
Triple Holiday la Wall' Street.
NEW YORK. Deo. 20.-i?hrlstma Is ta
be celebrated Jn WU1 street with a triplet
holmay. The directors of the stock ex
change voted today to close the exchange)
on Saturday, so that business win cease
from Friday afternoon until Tuesday
Saarar Market.
NEW TORK, Dec. 20. SCGAR-Raw.
steady: muscovado. 89 test, 4.23c; cen
tiifugal, 9.60c; molasses, 89 test, 3.98c. Re
fined, quiet.. t
BEATRICE, Neb.. Decs. 20. (Special.)
The Qage County Farmers' Institute)
opened here yesterday for a two days'
session with a large attendance.
O. Hull of Alma, Neb., spoke on tha
subject of growing better wheat. The
Importance of carefully selecting seed,
and - making a caving In planting by
sowing sparsely wa dwelt upon at
The question of corn cultivation and
fertility wa discussed by Prof. Pugsley
of Lincoln. Tha reason why crop should
be rotated was explained from scientific)
and practical points of view. Unvaried,
cropping of a piece of ground take away
the soil properties necessary to produce
and poisons th soil.
In the afternoon ths Question of good
roads and concrete culverts was dis
cussed. J. W. Fouts of Dlller, Neb., who
Is a leader tn tha Dlller good roads en
terprise, told how roads could b made.
Other speakers on this subject were Ft
W. Schaupp, John Dobbs and William)
Coat pie Divorced Four Years As;)
After Thirty Year Wedded
Life) Remarried.
NEBRASKA CITT, Dec. 20. (Speclal.)-4
Benjamin Coffeen and Mrs. Alice A.
Coffeenof Watson, Mo., came to this
city last evening and were united in mar
rlage. They were divorced some four
years '. ago after having been married,
thirty years. They had six children and
they got together and Influenced th old
couple' to kiss and make up and the re
sult was their visit to this city to get
a legal start in life again. They returned
to their home at Watson, Mo., last even
ing. '
George , Ingram was arrested at Omaha
a few days since and brought to this
city to answer to the charge of wife de
sertion. This is the second time he has
been arrested on the same charge. and Is
new confined in the county jail to await
his trial. ' - 1 . '
Frank H. Marnell was called to Lincoln
yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Ann Sullivan, nee McCartney who died
at that place after a lingering illness.
She was a resident of this city for some
thing like forty years.
Harry C. Prouty of Falls City and
Miss Bessie Huston of , this city were
married last evening at the Lutheran
parsonage by Rev. J. A. Koser. They
will make their home at Fall City.
Mrs. Frank P. Ireland left yesterday
for New York City to Join her daughter,
Mrs. William Hayward,. and son and be-
fore she returns home Judge Haywwurd will
take them all down to the big Panama
canal sone and will tour the southern
The body of Mrs. W. C. AlberUon was
brought here from Provo. Utah, yester.
day for ' Interment. The deceased wag
born and grew to womanhood in this
city. She was a daughter of Mr. and)
Mrs. Patrick Gorman.
Ex-Mayor L. F. Jackson has filed a.
complaint with the railroad commit,
sloner against both of the express com
panies doing business in this city, Wells
Fargo and Adams, because they have
limited the district in which they will
deliver express packages addressed to
parties residing here. There has been
considerable complaint regarding the
matter and Mr. Jackson will appear be
fore th board regarding his complaint.
Wtedntt Play to Foil Hoase.
DAVID CITY, Neb., Dec .-(8peclaI.)
Camp No. 638 of the Modern Woodmen
of America played to a full house last
evening, when they put on the comedy
drama. "The Forged Certificate." The
play was staged and under the direction
of Prof. Everette M. Hosman. From it
the local camp realized over $100, which
completes its fund for a ward in the
Modern Woodmen sanitarium In Colorado.
J. S. McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agent,
1322 Farnam Street.