Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Day in Om iha
Thirty Twanty Tea Ysan Ags
editorial Vac ot saoh Isens
Local Snows
Chinese Revolutionary Convention
Sitting at Nanking Electa Him
President of New Nation.
Five Delegates From Each Side Meet
in Shanghai City HalL
Men From Peking Say They Repre
sent Premier, Not Dynasty.
. . sansjsnBnaaBam
beaeral la Hacked to Pieces by Hla
Soldier' Wko Had Decided
that They Woold Join the
SAN FRANCISCO, Pec. 18. A cable
gram received here today report that
Dr. Sun Tat Fen has. been elected presi
dent ot the new Chinese republic by the
revolutionary convention sitting at Nan
king. The dispatch waa received by the
Chin Free Press. . -
Conference Begins at Shanghai,
SHANGHAI, China, Deo. 18.-The peace
conference between Wu Tina-fang, the
foreign secretary In -the revolutionary
cabinet, and Tang-8ho-TI. representing
Premier Yuan Shi Kai, and five delegates
elected by each aide opened . In the
town hall her tola afternoon.
The delegate wer welcomed by the
chairman of the municipal council, after
which they immediately J proceeded to
business., All except th delegate were
excluded from the building, which was
guarded by Britlsbr polio. Th public la
not even allowed on th same aide ot
th street.
On of th notable fact in connection
with th conference la that both prin
cipal personage ar native of Canton
and old friends. On their first entrance
into the room th greeting ot th dele
gates waa most friendly. ,
Declaration 1 Significant.
Tang-8hao-Yl said he does not repre
sent th throne, but Is a personal repre
sentative of Premier Yuan Shi Kai. This
declaration may be regarded as sig
nificant. Both Wu Ting-fang and Tang Shao Yl
privately expressed the hop that some
-agreement might be reached as a result
of th discussion.
Amos P. Wilder, United States consul
general here, formally called on Tang
rJhao Yl and talked with him on subjects
of general Interest without touching on
th subject of the revolution.
The strictest . precautions ' have been
taken for the protection of Tang Shao
Yl, as .an Intimation Jias reached tha
police that som among tha, more hot
headed students have been advocating
til assassination on th around that he
is supporting th Manahus.
Ther is - reason .to'hetlevo -that -this
Idea Is absolutely without foundation.. '
Tang Shao Yl' f -an advocate ot a
constitutional monarchy,' but does not
support the retention ot the Manchu dy
nasty. His sympathies ar with the
Cantonese reformers, but he does not
believe in a republic.
Taaa Fanar Killed.
PEKING, Dec. 18. Tuan Fang, former
director general ot th Hukwong rail-,
road and' at on time viceroy of th
province of Chi U, has, according to In
formation received by missionaries, at
Chung King, been killed at Ts Chow, In
Chan 81 prolvnce, by his own soldiers.
Tuan Fang, suspecting ' the disloyalty
of his officers, sought to escape with
Ms .brother, but the - soldier detected
Tuan Fang and one of them slashed him
with a sword. . . , , i, ..
"Would you kill me?" asked the-general,
and th 'chorus,' "Yes. Kneel," came
from the soldiers. To this Tuan Fang
"I shall not kneel. You 'may. kill me. If
you choose." '
The soldier then hacked his body, to
!ieces. His brother also was killed.
Ten Years for Holy
Ghost and Us Leader
PORTLAND. Me., Dec. 18. Ten years la
the federal prison at Atlanta was th
sentence imposed today on Rev. Frank
W. Sanford. leader of the Holy Ghost
and Us society of Shlloh. for causing the
deaths ot six persons op the yacht
Coronet. N
LOS ANGELES, Dec. IS. The govern
ment filed in the federal court here
today a suit to dissolve the plumbing
trust. The allegations are made in a
bill In equity that the pacific Coast
Plumbing Supply association "and others'
have conspired since IWl to restrain trade
and Interstate commerce.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 18,-The civil suit
against the 'Pacific Coast plumbing trust
la the direct reault of conferences between
officials of the Depsrtment of Justice
and representatives ot . most of th de
fendant An agreed decree likely will
be the outcome. The grand Jury Investi
gation of ths "trust" at Ix Angeles will
be suspended and probably terminated,
although th government has . not com
mitted Itself to that course.
The Weather
For Nebraska 8now.
For Iowa Snow.
Tesaoeratare at
S a. m..
a. in. .
7 a. m..
S a. m..
a. in. .
10 a. m..
11 a. m..
11 m
1 p. m..
t p. m..
S p. m. .
4 p. m..
t p. in..
p. m..
7 p. in..
5 P- in..
.... 26
.... U
.... 2i
.... M
.... to
.... II
.... 81
.... Si
.... II
.... !
.... 11
.... i
The National Capital
Monday, December IS, lftll.
The Senate.
In session at S p. m.
Foreign relations cocmlttee, with all
members present, considered abrogation
of Russian treaty, which afterward was
taken up In the senate.
President's notice to Russia regarding
abrogation made known to Individual sen
Lorlmer hearing continued, with testi
mony Intended to refute C. A. White's
r . w. Kelsay of Oranite. N. J., attrib
uted business troubles to fabulous capi
talisation of corporations In healing be
fore Interstate Commerce commission.
Foreign relations committee reported
resolution abrogating Russian treaty of
1832 on January 1. Ml
Senator Culberson spoke -on Ma resolu
tion, identical with ' that passed by the
house abrogating th treaty.-
President Taft's message announcing
abrogation of Russian treaty was read.
On objection of Senator Heyburn (Idaho)
to precipitate action the whole Russian
matter went over one day.
Adjourned at 3:12 p. m. until noon
Tuesday. -
The House.
Met at noon.
Bills considered under unanimous con
sent privilege.
Sulser, author of Russian abrogation
resolution, agreed to change phraseology
to make It leas offensive to Russia.
Steel trust Inquiry resumed.
J. B. Cotton denied padding ore railroad
figures. .
Kulea committee heard Representative!
Humphrey (WashlnKton) on his resolu
tion for investigation of foreign shipping
House adjourned at 12:29 p. , m. until
noon Tuesday.
Three Dead, Fifteen
Injured in Collision
Near Wolcott, Kan.
-KANSAS CITY, Dec. 18,-In a collision
between two trolley cars on the Kansas
Clty-Leavenwortn electric line which met
head on In a dense fog near - Wolcott,
Kan., sixteen miles north of this city,
today, three persons were killed and nine
seriously injured. A misunderstanding of
orders is believed to have caused the col
lision. The dead:
ALBERT LOWE, Wolcott. Kan., motor
man on the southbound car. -
CLYDE TAYLOR, Kansas City, Kan.,
an employe.
G. C. ROYEL, Kansas .City, a dis
patcher In th employ ot the electric com
pany. t
Th Injured;
W M. Woodland, Wolcott, Knn., an
employ.; right leg broken, injured in
ternally. Clyde Taylor, Kansas City, Kan., an
employe; Internally injured.
Ralph -Hchlagle, Wolcott, Kan.; arm
broken, back injured.
Homer Ford, Wocott, Kan., employe;
shoulder broken.
Ueorge Bradley, - Leavenworth, Kan.,
conductor on th southbound car; Inter
nally Injured.
J. W.- ltlll. Kansas City, passenger;
right 'leg broken.
II. B. Bemus, Kansas-City, passenger;
head injured.
Roscoe Agers,' Wolcott, employs; .Inter
nally Injured. v
U. B. MoAdow, Kama City, motorman
on northbound car; back Injured.
. Through a. misunderstanding, the-motorman
of th southbound car failed to
wait on th siding at Wolcott for the
other car to pass and th .two met on
tnlle south of.. Wolcott. Blinded by fog
the motormen failed to reverse their mo
tors In time to avoid th crash. The In
jured were taken to th company's car
barn at Wolcott, where they were at
tended by physicians, hurried to the scene
from Leavenworth.
Desert Basins to
Supply Fertilizer
WASHINGTON, Dec.- !. Th con-
version of desert basins into fields of
supply for the fertiliser industry Is part
of the schema of agricultural advance
ment favored by Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson and heartily endorsed by Presi
dent Taft In a-message to congress to
day. The message was. cordial letter of
transmittal of a preliminary report of the
fertiliser resources of the United States.
The report Bhowed that the use of fer
tilisers Involves an annual expenditure of
about 1130,000.000, which Is likely to be
greatly Increased as more modern agri
culture methods ar adopted.
Th report stated that there has been
soma public alarm, not only on account
of th large shipments of phosphate rock
to foreign ports, but on account of phos
phate lands passing Into the hands of
foreign owners. The report, however,
found that a greet majority of these
lands were in American hands and that
ths tendency was distinctly toward an
Increase In the direction.
From American forces an ample supply
of both classes of fertilisers csn readily
be obtained and In th case of potash
th supply may be maintained Indefinitely
If obvlou methods of control are adopted.
The annual, production of ammonium
sulphate should be approximately 40,000
tons, valued at $30,000,000. Actually 35,000
pounds at tl.S40.00O are being produced,
while about 104,000 tons, valued at about
$5,300,000, are ' annually imported.
London Banker is
' Guilty of Fraud
LONDON, Dec. IS. Alfred W. Carpen
ter, proprietor and manager of the Char
ing Croas bank, who was arrested on
April 2S last on a charge ot obtaining
'money through frsud and false pretenses,
was found guilty at the London sessions
at th Old Bailey today and sentenced
to two years' Imprisonment
Th Charing Cross bank, a private
institution, failed on October 17, 1010- Iu
headquarters were In London, but It had
lorty-flve branches.
The deposits were about $5,000,000 and
the entire liabilities were estimated at
Court House Building
in Nevada Dynamited
RENO, Dec. 18. It waa learned today
that the Lyon county court house at
Yerlngton, Nev., had been blown up by
! dynamite. Tha lots w.ll be several thou
sand dollars. The explosive was placed
under tha concrete walls of th Interior
of the building and the entire second
floor, which waa In course of construc
tion, fell through to ths ground. No
reason for th explosion is known.
President Serves Notice on Russia
that Treaty of 1832 Will Termin
ate in Year.
Present' Treaty No Longer Respon
sive to Needs of Nations.
It is Cordial in Terms and Refers to
Long Friendships.
It A meads Iloase Proposition aad ts
Not Offensive In Terms Mr.
Herbsra Objects and Actio
Goes Over.
WASHINGTON, Dec. S.-An objection
by Senator Heyburn of Idaho, who pro
tests agslnst precipitous action, prevented
the United States senate from voting to
day to approve the action of President
Taft on December 16 In notifying Russia
that the United States desired to termi
nate the treaty of 18S3 with that country.
The senate went Into session at t o'clock
this afternoon to ratify th action ot
President Taft In notifying on December
IS the Russian government of the Inten
tion of the United States to abrogate th
treaty of 1832 with that country.
President Taft sent to the senate a
message stating the' course he had pur
sued. Earlier he had advised the foreign
relations committee of the senate of th
executive steps taken. ' The senate com
mittee recommended that the senate act
with the house In carrying out the abro
gation of the pact Under the notice to
Russia and under the terms of ths treaty
Itself the abrogation - will be effective
January 1, 1913.
Lodge Presents Resolntloa.
Immediately . after the president's mes
sage had been reed Senator Lodge pre
sented the resolution agreed on by tho
foreign relations committee and offered
it as a substitute for the Sulser resolu
tion passed by the house.
The Lodge resolution recited that Presi
dent Taft l)ad en December' M caused
to be presented to the Imperial Russian
government at St. Petersburg notio that
the treaty would be abrogated. Ths reso
lution approved this action, declaring that
the treaty between the two countries no
longer waa responsible to the political
principles or ths commercial needs of
either. '
President Taft, with tr. Idea that his
message might be considered In executive
session 'of th senate,, sent no 'copies -of
It to the capltol and hone wer given out
at the .Whits House. -. . ,
Th opinmlUse resolution concluded
Therefore, be it resolved .by. tba-saaat
and the house of representative that (ii
notice given by th president or th
United Plates .to .the empire or nussta- to
terminate in sum treaty is , iisieuy
adopted and rtmea
Objection by Heyio
After the' message and the resolution
had been read Senator Hey burn. of. Idaho
moved that tb further consideration of
th matter would be In executive sessions.
He declared that It was proposed to can
cel a contract ot great commercial In
terest to th United States,, involving a
trade of many millions ot dollars, and lie
thought U should be seriously considered
and at length, it was apparent that ac
tion on the resolution terminating the
treaty would be delayed until 1st in the
House leaders. Including Chairman Bui-
ser, said today that th house Immedi
ately would accept the senate resolution.
Senator Heyburn objected to the con
sideration of the resolution today and
under th rules ot th senate It went
over until tomorrow. .....
Idaho JMss 1 Rarcaatl.
Senator Heyburn spoke at length on his
motion and seemed to crltlolse members
who had publicly expressed their opinions,
'T did not vote in the newspapers yes
terday," he said. . "I do not think the
senate should dispose of a matter of such
magnitude in an offhand manner.
"It looks too much Ilk th steam
roller process to bring Into th senate a
resolution and a message and ask - im
mediate consideration.
"The Russian government is a different
government than It wss when that treaty
was made.
"Whether or not at a moment's notice
we should deal with the question as w
would with the payment of mileage rather
staggers me. It looks too much like sen-
tlinaat Instead ot Judgment"
The senate will meet tomorrow at noon,
instead of 2 p. in. a usual, to take- up
the furthsr consideration of the matter.
Message of the President,
Th president In hla message sold;
"By instructions which 1 caused the
secretary of state to transmit to the
American ambassador at St. Petersburg
on the 15th day of December. 1911, thers
.as given the Imperial Russian govern
ment under date of the 17th day of De
cember. lll. official notification on be
half of this government ot Intention to
terminate the treaty of commerce and
navigation of December 18, 1823, between
ths United States and Russia on the ex
piration of the year commencing on the
1st of January, 1'j12. tha notification con
templated by article 12 of the existing
treaty having beea embodied In the
following i Kite addressed by th ambas
sador to tha minister for foreign affairs:
" 'Under Instructions from my govern
ment and In pursuance of the conversa
tions held by the secretary of state with
the Russian ambassador at Washington.
I have now the honor to glv to the Im
perial Russian government on behalf of
the United States the official notification
contemplated by article It of the treaty of
1832, whert by the operation of the said
treaty will terminate in accordance with
ita terms on January, lull.
"Your excellency will recall that pour
parlers between the two governments In
tha last three years have fully recognised
the fact that this ancient treaty, as is
quit natural. Is no longer fully responslvs
In various respects to th needs of th
political and material relations of the
two countries, which grow constantly
more Important - The treaty also has
given rise, from tint to time, to certain
(Continued on Second Fags.j
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Many Already on Ground at Lincoln
for Meeting.
0 1
Gx-Congressraaa talderliead ot Kan.
saa, Who is to Make the Principal
Address, Already on the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. U.-(Speclal Telegram.)
Evening trains today brought in a num
ber of men from over the state Inter
ested in the mass meeting tomorrow to
perfect an organisation of republicans
Interested In the renomlnatlon and elec
tion pf Preaident Taft.
Former Congressman E. M. Pollard of
Nehawka, secretary of, the temporary
organization formed soma tims ago, and
Captain C. A.' Adams -of Superior, selected
chairman at the same ttme, were among
th arrivals. . .
Ex-pongreWman William A. Calder
head ,Hf Kansas, who Is to ba the prin
cipal spakr. at the t, meeting, which
convanaa at Jt-o'elock fciiMasraiafteaoow
-M th euc'Uorium. also arrived this even-
last. . . ,
Messrs. Adams' and Pollard, conferred
tonight-With other stau leaders in ths
movement, arrengrng for the meeting.
They all aay that reports received from
all parts of the state Indicate hat a
representative gathering of Nebraska
republicans will be present to participate
and have 'every confidence that ' the
gateheting will result In the formation of
a strong organisation which will enthusi
astically get about the work in hand.
Beyond the fact that Mr. Adams, by
Virtue of his office as temporary chair
man of th organisation, would call the
meeting to order, and that those present
would proceed to transact the business
for which they assembled, no one would
venture an opinion as to what would
happen. There Is no set program be
sides th speech of Congressman Calder
head, but prominent republicans ar to
make speeches.
- .The fact that there has appeared no op
position to making the present temporary
officers permanent may be taken to in
dicate that such will be the outcome.
Plans for organisation will be entirely
In the hands fo th officers and commit
tee named tomorrow,, snd if the senti
ment of those present In th city tonight
Is any criterion that organisation will be
thorough and composed of men both
capable and earnest. There Is no dearth
of -material, men who inaugurated the
movement assert.
Fisher Confers with
Western Governors
ST. PACL. Minn., Dec. 1S.--Walter L,
Fisher, secretary ot the Interior, and six
of - the governors who are here In at
tendant: at th western governors' con
gress, today held a long conference . re
garding problems In conservation of
natural resources.
Can You Think
of a Daffydil?
It's easy try it.
Send it to "Daffydil Editor"
of The Bee. Jxok for rules of
contest on l'age.8.
Following are the merchants and
the prues timy oiler lor the bust
lastly ill suitiuitted to them:
vvoit Jewelry m, genuine dia
mond ring: value, $tu.
Omaha r.levtrio 1.1-lit & Power
Co., electric toaster; value, ti.ib.
hunueiland iiura. Coal Co., $1
credit on an orurr of on or more
tuna i-r coal. ,
Alamltu Creamery Co., first
prise, $4 iniiK Heart; second prion,
l in I in ticket; thlru 4rle, II
milk ticket.
'lallur lt-k. $6 due bill on a suit
Krug Brewing Co., on tan
Luiun beer.
Hlller L.lquor Co., on quart best
port wine.
Kerrel I Syrup Co., on rase as
sorted syrup.
Iten biscuit Co., S3 assortment
of Hep package goods.
Stephens' "tuops for Men," a $2
tlayden Bros., iputno d --t-nimtl
a" handsome lady's um
brella. Tracy llroa. Co., a "Trary" sani
tary silver mounted briar pipe or
a box of twenty-five "Ts-Bn-t.'e."
Dybell'a f anduy tfhop, on large
boa of candy.
In addition to the above The He
will award five $1 prtsos to th
flv next best Daffydil writers.
''Do you see that badge?"
John D.'s Lawyer
Is Reprimanded by
Chairman Stanley
WASHINGTON. Dec. 18. Chairman
Stanley of the house Investigating' com
mltteo at today's session sharply repri
manded John D. Rockefeller's counsel,
Mr. Murray, fur interrupting a witness,
J. H. Cotton of Duluth, former counsel
for th Duluth, Mtssabo & Northern rail
road. Mr. Stanley also In Introducing Mr.
Cotton said, "that Mr. Rockefeller cour
teously declined the Invitation extended"
to appear before the committee, but that
Rov. Mr. Gates, Mr. Rockefeller's al
moner, "declined and forgot to be cour
teous." "Mr. Cotton, .whose name was In
volved," he added, "asked to be heard."
Mr. Cotton branded as a falsehood the
testimony of C. P. Mats that h (Cotton)
had ordered him "to pad th road's coat
as high as $3,000,000 in order to Justify
rate charges."
Mayor Shank Has
' New Ally in War on
High Food Prices
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 18. Mayor
Samuel I-ewls Shank's personalty con
ducted sales of potatoes and turkeys at
cut prices have Inspired the formation of
sn association to reinforce the mayor in
his "war on the middleman."
Two thousand shares of stock In the
Wage Earners' Co-operative association
were put on sale today at $5 a share. Its
organisers .plan to open a depot ' where
the ultimate consumer of food stuffs
shall meet the producer, thereby eliminat
ing the Jobber's profit.
Th campaign for Intended member
ship will be made largely through tha
Central Labor Union.
Frugal Waitress
Gets Many Letters
DENVKR, Dec. IS. Deluged with letters
and postal cards und with Christmas
gifts pouring in In goodly numbers. Miss
Ivy Cole, the waitress In a local cafe who
saved up 1,000 dimes received In tips
within two years to buy a fur coat, 1
amaxed at the attention her frugality has
She has received letters and poatal cards
from many parts of the country, and pro
posals from east, west, north and south.
The proposals are from bachelors and
widowers principally, and the most of
these proposals bear a request for her
photograph. Several ot th most ardent
suitors have sent their own photographs.
Miss Cole began saving all of the dime
tips she received two years ago last
Thanksgiving day. One day before
Thanksgiving day of the present year she
had saved exactly $100. or 1,000 dimes.
With 'the money she bought a fur coat,
for which purputo the had saved up her
Acquitted of Murder
Committed Years Ago
AJ.BI.'yCKRyCK, N. M , Dec. 1S-Wiiile-halred
and bent, with Ilia weight
of sO years, Donaclo Uspatln was today,
on the instructions of court, adjudged
Innocent of a murder which, It waa al
leged, ho committed thirty-six yeurs ago.
Kspalln was on trial In the district
court of Don Ana county, at ls Cruces.
Two eye witnesses of the alleged killing,
men who then were mere boys, wra
among those who testified.
Knialin, after the killing, went to old
Mexico, where he I err allied until a few
months ago, when he went to Valuta,
Tex., where he was arrested
The evidence, as the court declared at
thin late dut. was too IncoinpUta and
vague to Incriminato i'.apullu.
DETROIT, Mich.. Doc. lS.-ln grunting
a divorce with $.00i alimony and $4.ou0
costs and attorney fees today to Mrs.
Frank J Kellogg, wife of a wealthy
Battle Creek manufacturer, Circuit Judge
Donovan i-haructerlxeil as perjury the
testimony of two chauffeurs who gave
evidence against the woniun. The Judge
said it had been shown that the young
womon was guiltless ot wrongdoing since
her marriage to Kellogg. Both ar for
bidden to marry wltlitii (wo yeas,
Senator From Nebraska Puts in Sub
stitute to Lodge Resolution.
Latter Is Hatlafled with th Joint
Resolution, Mat Nebraska Sena -tor
Flnda Flaw In It 1 9 rain
Men Are Busy,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. IS. (Special Tele
gramsSenator Hitchcock Is not satisfied
with the terms or even the verbiage of
Senator ledge's joint resolution relating
to President Taft's action of abrogating
the treaty between Russia and United
States, concluded December IS, 1832, af
fecting passports. He expressed himself
vsry forcibly In th committee on foreign
relations of which he ts a member when
the action ot th president cam up and
was th only member of the commute
to vote against the terms of th reso
lutions as presented by . Senator Lodge.
Senator HlrrKeoch Introduced a aubatl
tuta to tha Todgs resolution toay, which
follows the Sulser raaolutam very closely
and he gave not(c that he ttr speak
on th resolution tomorrow.
In thigisonneeeion It may b said! that
President Taft ha had th question of
abrogation of th treaty of U33 under
consideration for mora than a year and
only the form of its abrogation has been
th subject of discussion. II ha been
ready to serve notice on Russia that th
treaty had outlived Its usefulness and
that a new and more up-to-date agree
ment should be made. Pulsar's resolution
accentuated tha necessity of' dealing with
th subject In a diplomatic way and th
president took advantage of the oppor
tunity to use his larger knowledgs ot
conditions rathnr than accept th point
of view as outlined by William Bulaer.
It la understood that Congressman Bul
ser will be satisfied with the Joint reso
lution as Introduced by Senator Lodge
and which will give Senator Hitchcock
an opporunlty to make a speech.
Grain Men Alert.
John A. Kuhn and Ed P. Peck, repre
senting elevator Interests In Omaha and
Its territory, with their attorney, E. P.
Hmlth, have been before the Interstate
Commerce commission fighting for th
principle laid down by the suprem court
In the Peavey case that an elevation
charge was nut in violation ot ths Inter
state Commerce commission regulation.
It appears that th Interstate Commerce
commission Is seriously considering mak
ing new regulations which will throw
Omaha elevator men out of their present
advantage, especially on long haul and
stoppage In transit. And this situation
brought representative gralnmen of
Omaha to Washington. They left tonight
for Omaha.
Representative Oeorge W. Norris of Ne
braska will deliver an address on the sub
ject of "Progressive Republicanism" at
the Ingram Memorial church In this city
Tuesday evening. The address will be a
repetition of his well used Chautauqua
hscture upon this subject.
Postal saving bunks will be establlsher
on January IS, as follows:
Nebraska Auburn, Peru. Waco.
Iuwa-Uloomfield, Guthrie Center, Mount
Ayr, Sloan. Westley.
Houth Dakota-Bristol, ISryant, Mellette.
Wyoming Superior.
Jacob W. Bomhock of Anamoaa, la.,
has been appointed a watchman In the
Smithsonian Institution.
Klmer V. Uregg of Story county, Iowa,
hus beon appointed ssslstant engineer In
the United States penitentiary at At
lanta, Ga,
Joseph 11: Kingsbury of Mitchell county,
la., was appointed clerk in the agricul
tural depurtment.
Moon Law Sustained
by Iowa High Court
ir-s wuiiNin, ijoc. is. The supreme
court of low today handed down .a
uocihion stunning ine aiouii law case
which had been appealed to It from the
lower court. The decision, it Is aaid
will result In the closing of more than
4U0 saloons In th state of luua.
According to the provision of th
Moon law ther cau be only one saloon
in each city for every l.OOj people. The
decision sustains the ruling of the lower
court on all points. The Moon law
became effective July 1.
Uuglnrrr lllr at Throttle,
OBKAUXSA, la., Dec. 18. Engineer
Peter Qouldcn dropped dead at the
throttle of a Burlington engine entering
Tracy, shortly before noon and the train,
running wild, crashed Into a passenger
train at the station, damaging the
voachfts, but tit Injuring any ope.
Two Sections of Columbian Special
on Milwaukee Road Collide
at Odessa, Minn.
Second Section Carrying Merchan
dise Overtakes First.
Passengers Who Are Killed Riding
in the Last Car.
Wife and Daughter of Superintend
dent of Mllnsakes ltond Among;
tha Victims Six Ilodles Are
Not let Identified.
ODKSHA, Minn., Dec. IS, Ten persons
were killed and a score Injured here early
today when the second section ut tho
Columbian flyer, from the Pacific cotist
bound for St. Paul on the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul road crahed Into
the rear end of the first section of that
The engine of the second section, which
waa hauling a special consignment of silk,
tore Its way almost to the middle of the
sleeper on the rear of the first section.
The passengers and crew members In
the sleeper, twenty-seven In all, were
hurled to the rear by the collision; then
tossed back again or to one side as ths
engine crashed its way Into the coach.
Th wreck demonstrated that even steel
cars may be telescoped.
The wiwck tore down the telegraph
wires snd there was some delay In getting .
word of the disaster to the headquarters -
of th road.
Tho seriously Injured were taken to a
hospital at Drtonvllle. Minn. Ileroio
work was done by those on board the
train In assisting the wounded and aiding
those not Injured to escspe from the
wrecked cars.
Mat ot Victims.
Among the dead are.
MRS. J. M. RICHARDS, wife of th
superintendent ot the Missouri slope di
vision of ths St. Paul road, and their
daughter. Their .home la at Mobrtdge,
8. It.
MRS. U. C. MYERS, New Castle, Ind.
MRS. C. W. Perry, Mont.
DR. R. F. WHITSTONB. Minneapolis,
dining oar.
. MRS. R. r. WHETSTONE. Minneapolis.
MISS PKTKRMON, Ureen Bay, Wia.
THOMAS ALEXANDER, second cook,
Seriously Injured :i
Miss Eilsa Clement, Boston, Mass., back
and arm. 1 i
Mrs. L. lUvior, Three Forks, . Mont.,
Slightly injured'. '1
Mrs. W. H. Perry. - Vancouver, B. C,
head, arm and shoulder. 4
hi. Leh Ian. KaatH Wash., tack. ' "
Kalph lit Brown, Levy, Mont., back;
.Dr. Shsrman. Levy, Mont., back.
Mrs. K. Leblan, Seattle, bark Injured.
Miss Leo la Kennedy, Newcastle, lud.,
back Injured.
11. Hh.rm,n. Twv MmI V.a .,W I n I . . .1
Mrs. F. J. Mather. Butte, Mont, bruised,
Ralph Amay, Aberdeen, S. D., ankle
Mrs. Adle Dentsch, Butt, Mont., anklo
Mrs. V. A. Williams, Leinmon. 8. D.,
back strained.
Mtraldus Pierce, Seattle, Wash., back
J. Alexander, sleeping car porter,
John Samuelson, Aberdeen, 8. D., head
Joseph Randall, body badly bruised.
Two sisters, unidentified.
lajared Taken to at. Panl.
ET. PAUL, Dec. is. Persons injured In
the wreck at Odessa, Minn., wer taken
to Minneapolis In a special train. Details
ot th wreck, which occurred at 4:00 a.
m., ar meager. Iteport to officials In
th Twin Cities indicate that th failure
of the operator to "block" th trains
caused th accident.
Th regular first section was In th
lead. It waa proceeding slowly when th
second section crashed Into the tall end
of th Columbian. The second section,
It Is said, was proceeding at high speed.
A sleeping car and the dining car of
the Columbian were twisted and thoc
asleep wer caught In tb wreckage.
Wrirk Dn $ Crlsane.
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec- ll.-That care
Isssness on the part of two operators and
a flagman caused the wreck on th Chi
cago, Milwaukee it St. Paul railway at
Odessa, in which ten lives wer lost and
twelve or mor Injured today, was the
statement of J. II. Foster, asalstant gen
eral superintendent of the road.
Dr. and Mrs. It K. Whetstone of Min
neapolis, who were killed, were return
ing from Erie, S. D., where they had
visited Dr. Whetstone's mother." They
formerly flved at Argyle, la.
NEW YORK, Dec. IT. John J. Oalick,
7 ytara old, son of a farmer ot Sampson,
Pa., who has been blind for three years,
will see agatn. The cause of his blindness
was a tumor behind hla skull, which
paralysed the center of vihlon. By a deli
cate operatton performed by surgeons li
this city th" tumor has been removed.
Want Ad
Christmas Gifts
By reading tho want ad vry
day, you may find your nama
among the want ada tailing you
that a gift is waiting for you.
No puxsles to solvenothing to
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Ther ar other prises than
thexe free gifts on the want ad
rages, sou may find your oppor
tunity in th way ot a situation,
a bargain or valuable lului iiiaUoo.
it Is a good habit to read th waiic
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DalzelPs Ice
Cream Bricks
Boxes of
O'Brien's Candy