the m:r.: omaiia. nnnAV. dkct:mber is. 1011. The Higher Ups Are the Guys! Yes, Indeed, the Higher Ups! By "Bud" Fisher ftoT MUTT. I TMCUfcrVT YtAB. Crve i i eHrFT T T?) feooiTN I a j fer -dsn fe.trasir .ffr-vfejr 4rQ te' tf: HNS ,1,8 ! ERUSH WRITES 10 JOmBOH j Giants' rr?;iti:t. Aikt ZxpUsatioa of Ticket tzU in Ihilad'eipai. jffATIOJiAI, EI-ZLECIS LYSCE j roklya aad Philadelphia Vole far l Bri, Loalsvlile Newspaper Man, la Opposition jtn Pre ! 0t I.eaarn Itead. j JfCW TOr.IC. Dc. M.-Th bsst wa.-.-I w-hletj txlii on piptr, between ;:t aim . iloefi and National IttguM win. en r.ier Irily tdr. but indication : piui."ul ithtt it to tt ft war of worCt only. ' Officially t'.'. National Ussu u.-n;d lvrIy to it own ;iiiri. r-l!tin irr;nt Thorns J. Lynon and I4n0r.n1 ih do;nd ytiteiday by t;( 'Ai":a 'tftsj. Unoffla.aiiy tooi'.t majot j league I .chad et Ui propel 0: a ral tnaountor between th mlllloat ot Coi !)ri kjvatud In rtch, Th worid'i . stria tlcktl (canilftl con jtlnuad t hold th ppoiliglit. PrU6nt Bruh o( t'.i Nw Tsrk Oiftnti. wlio maJ ' puoii rnriy hit rtpnrt la ih ttftvientl MnmMtn en tlx rnti. ddrtMd Uiir to Bn Jolintan ak.n( bl;n ! x ft fw tblMfi ftllcctd to I'.kv htp lp)-.4 to th ticktu In FhiJfttitlpitia. j "Why pick the Giante for the otr" 'Mr, Brush kg; omons olhfr thins, j "While d.iftUnf on the oat-ge p:pe itrftted upon the New Tork publlo through mledlreoUon and eollueloa with ticket ' epeeulfttore, why dp you not explain how 1 la riUiidelphU ten pereoni abeorbed over 1.000 ticket, an over ef (00 tech, te.:id lxy-thre others absorbed 1,000 Ucketa, s.u average ot fifty eaohT' ! 'Incidentally. Uf. Bruth'a Utter eay tat there were no atreet ticket' epee ' u'.atore In ! Tork during th world' "It being unlawful." I Letter C lrldt IraU. pert, It reei: '."Mavlitg cbarged tome official of the I Nw Tnr' club with handing out i.ow , m p.ogo t;et to tpecuiatora out or u.aoo !o lie rervd etet cepeolty, depriving 1 ike public to tun extent of an oppor i lenity tit liuying direct, why It It that j are eUant ever Vh dtepoiltion ef tick-1 j In Phliadaipiua, wher a,ia out ot a total at the reterved teet rapacity of ' l.tu were given to acvtnly-thrte popl. jaed there waa no public eale for the first : two gameat ' i "While the New Tork club report enow' that lea than HO tickttt were taken by Its player and It official, th balaneo ' being available fer th public, why te It I that you do not explain how the player j and the officiate of the Philadelphia elub appropriated MOO tlckeU out of It total 'Inaamuoh a there were no street ! tkkat pcjuatora In New Tork durlnj the world's aerie It being unlawful why do you not explain to the publlo 1 how It aa that the hotel and along I Broad mrett In Philadelphia they war j openly piylng their, trad, and tell how they obtained them? i ''la your letter to me you say: 'Oar cMef aim 1 to proteot the base ball pub llo from graft and . ahould work to gether for that purpoae,' and to this I eay ;'An.en.' I am with you eolldly, but why pick only th Kar Toik National j league elub for the tgoatT" I The! letter was tuade public two heure J after Preitdtnt Johnson had lift for Chi I tag. When a club offlcjai attention j wa called to this tact he aald Sir. John son' moveiuente had not been taken Into consideration In issuing the letter. Be far leaving New York. Mr. Johnsen de j ellned to comment on the ru.ution j adopted by the American league )tor 1 day. ( ( Row Vuiaaacd. The National league meeting this aft ernoon gave no dtve'-opraentt in th row ! ret wean th organization. Secretary ) Hrydler told rcpoiteri that neither Presl ! dent Iynch nor the National league bad I ret-elved a copy of the American league resolution. To this Preeldrnt Lynci added ' that Inasmuch a it had oot couie before ! tbo league It certainly could aut be 41 euaned. Th National Irague will m'ft tomor row and It was predicted tonight that it will frame Its answer to the Ame.l an league tlirn If thre I lit lx any icply. With Brooklyn and l'hlladtlphla op puelng, I'leMdefit l.yn h s rc-eleoted, th loelng candidate being Rohcrl V. Brown, a Louisville newspaper man. Jamea E. Qaitney. who decided ever night to buy th Boeton club, and did o, eat In the council, which also Included a woman, for the first time In Its his toryMrs. Helen Hathaway Brltton. owner of the St. lul club. Th board ot director wae re-elected and Joaeph O'Brien and William tocke appointed comroiiteee of one on trans portation and ho tela, respectively. The ' remainder of the meeting waa given over to formal dtculon of varioue toplcc and I th adoption of a resolution Instructing i th four club playing on horn ground ' oa Jun 1 to observe Flag day wlin flt ( ting decoration of th ground. Announcement alao was made that th j Pittsburgh club. In annual aeaaloa at ! Jereey City, had re-elected off'.crre and I e vector a. adding John P. Harris 10 th I board. ! ! Be Kejaveaai. 1 la abort talka to the reportere Mr. j CiLffney and hie new business tnsnsger, j John a. Ward, promised to revive the roeua club. Energy and money to ao ; c.mplUh thl would not be lacking, they 4 tMy eapect to met tb tlub a Eastern Kids Who Claim High Honors on the Gridiron, Q TT1 'if The Hi. Paul sc-houl eleven of Long Ixland. which clalmn the "prep" fnot ball champlonahlp of. the east. This team went through the season without Its goal line being croflsed, the only store made against It bring a safety. The outfit Is I declared to be the greatest "prep" team ever gathered together. Heading from I left to right the players In the line are: (loldthwalle. right end: Davis, right tackle; Tompkins, right guard; Ester brook, center; Galloway, left guard; Un derbill, left tackle;' Rogers, left end. The back field from left to right: Baer. right halfback; Vadnals, fullback; Chalmers, left halfback; Collins, quarterback. In power to be reckoned with ultimately the pennant race. The market In players waa brisk, com pared to the last two days, and trading was lively. The biggest 'reported deal was tho reported negotiation tor the Providence International league club, be tween Frank Kavln, owner of the Detroit American, and T., J. Crowley, J. LavU and Hugh lufr. Negotiation, It wa reported, had not been closed tonight. Navln Is reported to have offered S,000 for the club. The Newark International league , club bought First Paaeman 8walrna from Mo bile, and It waa reported that Cleveland was negotiating with Detroit to exchange Htovall fur Morlarlty. BO.iHI) A!tOf.MKJ llriC lIO Basy Hay Uevwled to llearlww t Neraae Him Hall Sabjoot. NEW VOKK. Dec. H.-Kollowlng a busy day deoted to hearing numerous base ball subjects that were prevented for arbitration, the Hoard of Arbitration to night aiiiiounced lie decisions In a num ber of eases. UwthK to the press of busi ness a night session was necessitated, while another meeting will be hold tot morrow to complete all unfinished busi ness. The devieions announced Include the following: , Clalins-U C. Thrallklll, for 1100 bonus agalnat San Antonio, Tex., allowed; D. M. Nee, agalnat T. C. llayden, formerly of Muskogee, OWL, allowed; Joseph She nan, against the Kaatein (now the Inter national league), disallowed; II. 1 Oar rett. against Clarke vllle, Tenn., allowed; J. I'. Clarke, against Johnstown. Pu. al lowed; Harry McKee. against Des Moluei", aluwed; Peoria, III., against la vld Koaan, disallowed; Jake Bauer and A. Josi, against Boier, allowed; Robert 8padu, against Newark, N. J., and agalnrt Oreenwood, Mlsr.. both disal lowed. s The dispute between Hartford. Conn., and Kewanee. 111., for the servlcca of Pllchsr William Puwera was terminated by awarding Powers to Kewanee. In the caa ot Harry Martin against I! rand lowed; of various Ironton. U., player for arreara In aalarlee allowed. Alma Disputes Claim of Beaver City Team ALMA. Neb., Dec. 14.-8peclal.)-AI-though th champlonahlp foot ball gam which waa played at Alma on Thanks giving day resulted In a tie, t to t, th Alma boy are champion ot eouthwentern Nebraska, having never been beaten by any high school team In Nebraska and only two game resulting In a tie. Th following Is a record of the game this season: Ooctober JO Alma, I. Orleans. S. October Ti Alma. it. Kloomlngton, (. November X Alma lit; Orleans. 0. November 10-AIroa, II; Franklin, 0. November IT Alms, 17; Company I . November at Alms, is; Kepubllcsn Val ley association, 0. November 30 Alma. 5: Beaver City, a. Total Mvore Alma. Ho; Opponents. 11. According to the report given by Beaver City In last Sunday's Bee they can only show 49 points for Beaver City and 21 to Its opponent. Th result Is that Alma has played more game this season than any of Ite opponents and ran still show a much belter percentage in faater com pany. Therefor the championship honor Justly belong to Alma. Much credit Is afao due "llucu ' Beltaer and Weatover for superior coaching. miss m'huShrges all athletes to study MUa Kate Mi Hugh, principal of th high school, hss mads an appeal by cir cular letter to the boy who played foot ball urging them to get to work In dead earnest and diminish the number of "fall urea" In class work. The communication I alao mad to apply to ull pupils on the ragged edge of flunking thl semester. The letter follows; "I wish to make a last appeal to the atudenl lo go to work In earnest and try to pass In all work they at now tak ing. There are but four week more of woik this term, but much may be done BILLIARD ASSOCIATION ACTS Amateur Players and Matches Will Be Supervised in Future. RECENT rHACTICES DISCUSSED Derision Hrsrked at ftoreay Meet In? of Natloaat Association In New York Effective First ot Year. NEW TORK. Dec. 11. With the advent of tho new year amateur billiard and pool players and amateur competition In" both branches of the sport will be supervised by the National Association of Amateur Billiard Players. , This decision Was reached today at a rather etormy meeting of the association, at which th majority contended that re cent practlcea had crept Into the sport which made Itiecessary for the aaaocla tlon to assert Itself and take charge or dlaband. According to a statement Issued tonight by Dr. Walter J. Douglas on behalf of WANTS TO BE AN INDOOR CHAM PION, ALSO. napiaa in ooaro aeoiaeu mat nie salary la four wv,kg. 1 tM trom tu, rt,polu bad been laid in full to June 1 and al- ut ti,e tri4l tha. m.BV hl.v. lowed his claim for compensation after that date. Pitcher "Lefty" McDonald, claimed by New Bedford, Maes., and Hamilton. Out., was awarded t New Bedford. TI Louisville club was ordered to psy the salary claim of M. F. Boucher 10 June &. after that date th claim wss disallowed. Th fight In the Virginia league was tsrmlnated by a decision that no presi dent haa been rboaen for the li13 era son, although aeveral so-called elections have been held. The board recommended Informally that an election be held early lu January, with all rluba pressnt. In case of a tie vote President William will remain In office until a successor 1 sppolnted. Among the decisions mads late tonight were : Claiiue ot Player (Jardner against To peka for Injuries, .ts). allowed; of vartou playsra of tbe Tajkorvtll. III., team fur arreara la salaries, allowed; of Player UwWUil agalust Javaswu, alia., ! gone to work with more earneetm since talking over their work In the office. I em very much Plraed with this reixirt. Will not each pupil think serioualy about this matter now, and help the leputallon of the school by diminishing the list of fsiiures by one or more? If we can make the number of failurea less than that of previous terms, when th conditions are not now In favor. It will reflect grval credit upon the school. Fach pupil can ee to it that hi nam la not In the falluio list If It la posslbl to avoid It. It our motto be, 'The Omaha High school expects every men to do his best.' Now that the foot ball eeaeon Is over ran we not form ourselves Into one large team and all work together to make om touchdown and home run In scholar ship? In this gain, a In foot ball, glory la given the 000 who turns Into victory what came near being defeat." I'eraistent Advsrturu ftelurua, la the Uoad to T ililiUbV V 1 r J . Alf,,' f r" 1 r - ' ( ?)'. -a' v' Jim McKntee, crack mlddio-d'danc sprinter of the Wert bide Young Men' Christian association of New York who will go after the quarter-mil Indoor rtc otd at the national Indoor champlonahlp ot the American Athletic union In New York on lecember itt. McEntee. who won the national champlonahlp outducra when competing (or the New York Athletic club In li. la In bttter form than ever at present, and It is not unlikely that either he or one ot bis rival Itosenbrrgrr. HhepparxJ. Kivlat or Davenport will ex ceed tbe world a fastest tun for this tisrdcH of all race. , th association, on and after January 1 th organisation will assume control ot and give sanction for amateur tourna ments In all forms of billiards and pool, and also will assume control ot all con testants. Cluba holding- unsanctioned con testa and all player competing therein will be disqualified. Th rule of eligibility as amateur play er provide that no person may be ranged as an amateur who hast played In open to all contests, who haa received pecuni ary benefits from such contests or who has owned or worked In a billiard room or been connected with the billiard trad as a means of livelihood. Zbyscko Wishes to Wrestle in Omaha Manager Olllan of the Auditorium ha received word from Stanislaus Zytitcko, the Polish wrestler .to tho effect Oiat he will come to Omaha on January 6 and wrestle If a good opponent can be secured for htm. Mr. Olllan has several good men In mind whom he will try to get. BUD LATTA IS AWARDED CONTESTED MALVERN RACE Bectu th free-for-all pace at Mal vern, la., on August 13 was stopped by th Judge at the end of the fifth heat. In violation of th rule of th American Trotting association, the pacing mar Lou Chrtety hra been awarded first p'ac In the race by the board of n Price's ot that organization. When that rac wa declared ended by th Judge Castlewood stood beet In tbe summale and waa announced th win ner. Budd ft. Latta of -Trksurmh, who own Lou Clsrtety, pretexted tm the groend that th preet rules ct th parent aiocUUloa do not alow a rac summarily to be esed at the tad of r.vo heat. Lou Chrusty was th last two hu errtcb were paced sac'. su.-eot ij'ng to tb rvklesir of baiwnn who were cm-went, vrs aM t wrta ;.! deck; trig. heat. 3e decitol cf r- rreird til aypoxl 111 srasds at Its recent meeting la CbW 1470. The jtUks Cexsrty! sa tiety ot Starecra waa & tm cxty-l- cwt cxsltoesu sArf.lca oC te rJts tte tixcttng cKc-'a.-.Kws. mmUE BILL OF FOOT BALL AT FORT QIIVUl Tb Belmont foot ball team wCU plrnf th Exeelalor eleven Bunday afternoon at Fort Omaha. Thta I th first nam In which th two team have plkrd to gether for the leet three years. A preliminary gam will be played be tween the.Athletlo eleven of Omaha and the South Otnaba Ramblera. Following ta tbe lineup for the Belmont- Excelalor game: BELMONT8. Weetergard C. Walt R. O. Harvey U O. J. McAndrewa K. T Bohan K. Xmlth McDermott.... Manlgan ii't'oiinor MHreary lidvll ... C U O A. K. G....M. I- T U T I K. T R. F..IU E. ...U K. R- g.iw l 11. B.IU II. B.... It. H. "i K. II. B.... ....". B F. B EXCKLSIORS. Paul Hchulhky tkhulaky , I Mneen . M oraii .. Foran .. tiloder .Klmmell Moore OuUiane Shibe Denies Any Scandal in World's Series Ticket Sale PHILADELPHIA, Dec H.-A denial that any scandal attached to the selling of world's series tickets here was made today by John D. Shibe, secretary of the Philadelphia American club. It was made In answer to a statement given out by the New York National club. "There Is no truth in the assertion that wo handed out tickets to friends, or that 5,000 tickets were given to seventy-three persons," nul.l Mr. Slilbe. "On November It we received a letter from the National commission requesting that we send a list of all the persons who received tickets. We complied with the request and, furthermore, Joseph B. Ohl was sent to New York with addi tional Information to give the commis sion. This they declined to take. "We are rer.dy to produce at any time copies of the list of those receiving tickets from us. They were regular sup porters of the club." Mrtiimrir and Ramsey Klaht. riTTSBCKOll. Dec. I4.-Eddie Mc Ooorty of Ohkosh, Wis., una Harry Kamscy of Philadelphia, aspirants for leadership of the middleweight fighters, went alx rounds tonight, with the popular decision giving Mctloorty a shade the better of the fiht. The mill was marked by clever work by botb men In spots. BOY CHAMPION WINS FIGHT Carpentier Defeats Lewis in Twenty Bounds in Paris. SOCIETY WOMEN IN ATTENDANCE French Weltr rweijcb t Given Decision, un Points Alter Flcbt does to l.lmti Jack Johnson Is Introduced. PARIS, Dec. H. George S. Carpenter the 17-year-old French welterweight champion, wen the decision over Harry Lewis, the American pugilist, and welter weight champion of England, In a twenty-round flsht at the Clque De Paris to night. The fight went the limit and Car pentier won on points. Parisian society, including hundreds ot women in evening gowns, saw the contest and applauded tne decision of the judges, which waa unanimous. During tho early rounds Carpentier had all the better of the bout. He succeeded In closing Lewis' eye and in the tenth round punished the American severely. After some stalling, Lewis came up fresh for the fifteenth. He jabbed Carpentier repeatedly, and held his own until the end, but the Frenchman had shown bel ter form throughout. Jack Johnson,' the world's champion, was present and wa introduced to the spectators. The fight was for a stake of Si.OOO. of which 3,0W went to tb winner. Noted Architect Gets Gold Medal WASHINGTON. Dec. H.-ln the pres ence of a company which included Preal dent Taft. the French ambassador and scores of men eminent In the profession to which he has devoted more than fifty years of his life, George B. Post of Nw York tonight waa presented with the gold medal of the American Institute of Ar chitectsthe highest gift in its bestowal. President Taft, In extending congratu latlona to the venerable architect, ap plauded the idealism which has consti tuted his long time devotion to the ad vancement of architecture in this coun try. Mr. Taft said he would not make a speech, but he came merely to lend such sanction as the office "which I tempora rily hold" might lend to the occasion. With the Bowlers PERMITS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Rice 18 . 178 1H0 006 H. Howley l&l HO 173 tM Rondo H7 " 147 J. Howley 153 1S. ... 30s Saunders t... 13a 187 104 - till Doherty 14 1.'7 15j 4 JO Totals 771 787 7M J,Sa ST. JAMES. ' 1st. 2d. St'. Total. Bauer 1: 99 W -J2 Haster ISO l:7 4v:l D. Moyne ltfi lt5 loj 4u J. Moyne lt7 13t 16:1 4,ti Hansen ItiJ 177 211 Oil Totals 778 724 7ie RUMOUR S fcPOUTS. lt 2d. 3d. Total. Condon 1PI 170 19-j 5.',:t Pohler 172 11 17 4W Bilk 167 133 luO bio Totals 630 614 18 SPECIALS. 1st. 2d. ' 8d. Totsl. Cobry 123 113 1JS 2tf) Kefregier 74 ' 175 211 4ia Anderson 139 IIS 173 4 Totals 840 436 609 1,28 ujn)au Sia o) poa eiu l SaianjaApv luetsisjaj i i 1TIIE CEC.TVITII'A;$IIAPTO IT. eWaSjT 4fy urn i g7 OUt SiyU Lteer it th br tbat b brw4 Just right MmaiWnr enttiehjr ditfsrarK In tho ml br Kne jnst as good at vrr ooukl not ho mad Wetter. i C tlOLXMAJI tU WWa COMPANY, U Cmn,' Wk", LERCH 4 VAN SANDT, DUtrlbutor S 1 1 aMstSs 1 7tl St, CM4AHA. NCS. I 'O "52-;"- 1 Self-Fittinf Emerfency OTerslioeforHonei. Prevent aiipping or balling when streets or roads ar icy or slippery. A VKS keepag your horse rough shod, a the ahoes can be put oa or t&kea off in tea mtuutes. bA VK.-i time and muoey. aecommendecl by limuaa flocielua larywiutf. foe bale by Alfred.Cornish&CoMKSw