Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    Till. P.KE: OMAHA. FKIPAV. nr.CKMT.KR 1.".. 1011,
Maa Soot Print n.
Omaha Otanil Hospital, Sony. tU.
Zryptlaa Chooolrt 30o. Myers-Mllon
Qaa, Kite, riataraa, Bnrra-arand
ur rutmr, om. ruttng co. D-asas.
Olcthlnr and Jwlry BtsUn The rear
soor to the home of J. F. Kelly, 711 North
Twenty-second street, was forced open
by burglars Wednesday nltiht and ahout
$f0 worth of clothing and Jewelry stolen.
Council Btaffa Chf Battar John Mo
reaux, the Council Muffs cook who was
mysteriously Phot Monday nlKht. Is re
ported to be slightly Improved. The po
lice have failed to solve the mystery of
the shooting yet and the victim refuses
to talk on the matter.
Will Take Morria to Lincoln United
States Marshal Snow of Cheyenne, Wyo.;
has arrived In Omaha with C. a. Morris
of this city, who was Indicted last month
at IJncoln upon the charge of securing
mall by fraud and forging on endorse
ment to a postal money order. Morris
will be taken to Lincoln at once, where
lie will have his trial.
Waw Car on Los Anrelea Limited Ow
ing to the heavy travel to the south Pa
cific coast, Saturday the lnlon Pacific
will increase the efficiency of Its service
by placing an additional standard Pull
man on its No. 7. the Los Angeles Lim
ited. This car will be attached at Omaha
and will run through to the coast, leaving
the Union station at 12.45 p. m. each day.
Stokes' Wife Takes
Stand in Girls' Trial
NEW YORK, Dec. ll.-The case of the
atate against Lillian Graham and Ethel
Conrad, on the charge of attempting to
murder W. E. D. Stokes, probably will
be In the hands of the Jury by tomor
row night.
The trial of the "shooting show girls"
held interest today through the reap
pearance of the spirited Miss Conrad
for cross examination and the unex
pected calling of Stokes' young wife late
in the afternoon.
There was sharp contrast in the appear
ance and demeanor of these witnesses
in all respects but age. The Conrad girl
has sworn her age to be 19, and the mil
lionaire's bride scarcely looked older.
Each Is pretty. Miss Conrad of the bru
nette type, while Mrs. Stokes Is a tall
blonde, with Titlan-hued hair.
The calling of Mrs. Stokes as a witness
for the state came as a surprise to the
defense and to the spectators. Her tes
timony was brief. She said she had mar
ried Htokes last February 11, but had
lived at stokes' hotel for four or five
months previous to that date.
The main feature of her testimony was
the contradiction of Miss Conrad's dec
laration that the defendant had met
Stokes at the Hotel An.ionla on the morn
ing of May 29.
Mrs. Stokes said her husband and her
self were away that morning.
Relates Story of
' Kaufman Shooting
CHICAGO, Deo. 14.-"Blg Fred'' Bone
liam, arrested today at Oakland, III., to
night confessed, the police say, that he
was one of the automobile bandits who
killed Mrs. Hattle Kaufman on the north
side on the night of December 2.
"You've got me." Bonehatn is said to
have confessed to the detectives who
brought him into Chicago;
"I was with the party that did the
killing, but I did not fire the shot.
"Rabneau fired the butlet that killed
Mrs. Kaufman and I had nothing to do
with the murder, except to take part In
the hold up. There was no intention to
till auybody Just robbery that waa all.
"The four of us, Stacey, Rabenau,
' Channel! and myself, were In the auto
mobile and we were out to rob some
body. Kateiiau saw the Kaufmans and
said: 'Thar goes a couple; let get
them.' Clu nnell stayed In the machine
and we held up the man and the
" 'The towhead,' that's what we called
ltabenau, waa to hold the gun and scare
'them while we went through them. The
woman screamed and I guess 'Towhead'
got nervous and pressed the trigger too
hard. Then we ran to the automobile
and got away from the ' neighborhood.
Afterward the gasoline gave out and we
abandoned the car."
Spotlight on Holdup
Stops Bold Robbery
' Light from a motorcycle circumvented
the holdup and robbery of V. L. McClan
ahan, a niotqrman, si Twenty-fourth
stref. and Grand avenue early last night.
A negro pointed a revolver In the car
.man's face as he started across the rail
road crosslug at that place, with the de
mand "Hands up." As McC'.ariuhan was
preparing to bid his wallet adieu a motor
cycle popped in at the psychological mo
ment, throwing a brilliant spotlight on
the negro and his victim. The light Im
mediately dispelled the shadow the negro
ran. The motorman hurried to his home,
416 North Twenty-fourth street, and re
ported by telephone to the police.
William Parker, former Young Men's
Christian association man and truant of
ficer in Omaha, is walking a 2.500-mlle
journey through California. Oregon and
Washington. Recently he addressed a
meeting at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation in Oakland and was heralded as
one of the most forceful speakers ever
heard there. He showed many pictures
taken by him during his long hikes.
Parker went from Omaha to Hastings,
organised tlie Young Men'a Christian as
sociation there and put it on a sound
basis. Then, although tempted by good
offers from Hastings men, he left on his
long walk to the Pacific coast. "Our
Young Men," an Oakland publication,
tavs of hlmy
"WUiam Parker, the noted Young Men's
Christian association hiker from Hast
ings, Neb., who Is on a J.jOO-mlle walking
trip through California, 'Oregon and
Washington, gave an Illustrated lecture
on 'Outdoor Life' on the night of Novem
ber 14 at the Oakland Young Men's Chris
tian association building. Parker waa
general secretary of the Young Men'a
, Christian association at Hastings and was
also with the Omaha organization. H
has tramped all over the country and
comes to this coast with a collection of
Interesting photographs taken by him
self lashed with a Hasor,
wounded with a gun, or pierced by
rusty nail, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve aoon
heals the injured part. Guaranteed. ISc.
or sal by Beaton Drug Co.
Secure Three-Fourths of Memhen of
State Legislature.
State Chairman of Democratic Party
Claim Klrrtlon of Candidates by
Sabttantlal Majorities- Two
Coantles Itrpaliltran.
PHOENIX. Arli. Dec. ll.-The demo
crats of Arizona will place two members
In the United Stales senate and one mem
ber in the house of representatives, a
governor In the stats capital at Phoenix,
and unless present Indications are ma
terially changed, will make a clean sweep
of the state ticket as a result of the
first stste election.
The state legislature from present in
dications will be more than three-fourths
democratic, insuring the election of
Henry F. Ashhurst of Prescott and
Murk A. Smith of Tucson io the Vnited
Slates senate.
Carl llayden of Phoenix was elected to
George W. P. Hunt of Globe was
elected governor.
There Is but one chance that a clean
sweep will j4)t be the democratic portion
of t!.l3 election, and that Is for the office
of secretary of state. Cleveland, repub
lican. Is running very strongly and may
yet defeat Osborn of rhoenlx for this
place. (
Democratic State Chairman J. B.
Blrdno issued a statement today claim
ing the election of the democratlo can
didates by majorities ranging from 1,600
to 2,500. He also claimed every county
In the state except two would return
democratlo majorities. Apache and Pima
are conceded to the republicans by small
"The people of Arizona simply refused
to endorse Taft's dictation as to what
kind of a constitution Arizona should
have," said Mr. Blrdno, "and while they
voted to eliminate the recall from the
constitution as they were obliged to do
in order to gain statehood, they showed
at the same time the recall would be
placed back In the constitution as soon
as it possibly could be done.
Secretary Hayes of the republican state
committee conceded victory to the dem
ocrats, claiming, however, that Cleve
land still has a chance to win.
Upturns from none of the thirteen
counties are yet complete and it may
be tomorrow before the exact vote can
be given.
Veteran Found Not
Guilty of Murder
FULTON, Mo., Dec. 14. After a little
more .than an hour's deliberation the
jury In the case of Richard M. Johnson,
a civil war veteran, charged with the
murder of John Griggs, at 6 o'clook to
day returned a verdict of acquittal. The
verdict was reached on the third ballot.
The first vote taken was ten to two for
conviction. On the second ballot only one
man held out for conviction.
Johnson said he would return to lila
former home in Jewell, la., as aoon as
his wife is able to travel.
This probably will be in several weeks.
Johnson was called home from Iowa
September last by the newa that his wife
was thought to be dying. Arriving at bis
home near Boydsvllle, he received from
her a confession of misconduct with
Griggs, and when Griggs appeared at the
Johnson home a ahort time later Johnson
shot him.
Champion Steers of
Country Shown Here
Prince of Viewpoint and Blubeard, the
University of Nebraska's winners of big
prizes at the recent International Live
Stock show at Chicago, are now on exhibi
tion at the Sheep show In the Auditorium.
Prince of Viewpoint was made reserve
grand champion at the Chicago show, and
as the grand champion has since been
slaughtered, Prince Is now the best Bteer
In America, any age or breed. Prince
was champion of the Angus breed as a
calf last year. He has won 400 In prizes,
about four times his original cost to the
university, which bought him as a small
calf In Missouri. He has been fed on a
mixed ration of corn, oats, bran and lin
seed meal, with alfalfa and corn silage
for roughage In winter and grass In
Bluebeard was first prize grade calf at
Chicago last year and first prize yearling
this year. He was born and reared on
the university farm, his mother being a
sister of Challenger, the grand champion
Bteer of a few years ago.
Kaniest Workers of the First Chris
tian t barm Announce
The Karnest Workers society of ih.
First Christian church. Twenty-sixth and
Harney streets, nave secured the . Blind
Rnone Concert company for a one-nlitht
engagement for Friday, December 15. Mr.
Buone is aasisieu uy oiiss jessie Brosius,
mezzo soprano, and Miss Emma Smith
soprano. This organization has been wel
comed for thirty seasons. An excellent
program in expected.
WINONA. Minn.. Dec. H.-Not a wheel
is turning on the Winona street railway
system tonight as a result of a strike
which was started by the inotormen this
morning. There was no violence.
yi he receivership management an
i... ...
nounced tonight that several cars would
be in operation tomorrow and it is lu
mored that men to take the places of the
strikers will tome here from the Twin
Cities in the morning.
Bids for decorating tlie new county
building were rejected by the Board of
County Commissioners after It had spent
eight hours in consideration of tha pro
petals. The board voted to readvertlse
for bids, the bids to be submitted nut
later than noon of December 31. and to
be opened at that time. Tha biddora wera
Fuchs, Son ft Blind and M. L. Kndrss,
each of whom bid IliOuu.
gjlp u Xq JOji .( o)
;s pus )usd s j tm pus 'uodu
pvpudp s.. uj ) spioa pus
sinoo jo imu u isi ll jo ia sip U
juidx Suo uiojj muuh XU,X ''f
-ujU hiioj s.uijwq.ujvu,a jo a isds
JSL(MJ(JA B)ilSIUP rem pu 111 noi
persistent .overusing is the Road to
Big Return.
Mrs. Phillip Wareham
Taken Critically 111
It was announced hist 'evening that
Mrs. Philip Wareham. who has been liv
ing at the young women's home In con
nection with Mercy hospital, was critic,
ally III and was not expected to survive
until morning. Mrs. Wareham has been
In falling health for a year or more, and
never recovered the shock of her hus
band's tragic death. Mrs. Wareham has
been a resident of Council Muffs for more
than thirty years and Is related by mar
riage to several of the prominent families
of Omaha. Count Cretshton and .lames
Creighton were married to sisters of Mt
Nebraska Senators Take Up Question
with Government.
Ictor llfwlfr, After Spending;
Busy Par In Washing-tost, (joes
to Ilaltlniorr Will Visit
Sn 1 ork.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-tSpeclal Tele-
gram.) The following telegram was sent
to W, 1 Minor of Morrill, Neb., today
signed Jointly by Senators Brown, Hitch
cock and Congressman M. I. Klnkald:
"We took up the seepage trouble at
Morrill with the department at length
and are assured that the government will
proceed at once to construct the drain
age ditch on condition that the citizens
execute a bond to stand one-half the cost
or to build the lat half of the ditch.
It appears that the town of Morrill is
even now greatly annoyed by water seep-
ng from the Sheep creek ditch. Cellars
are flooded, some roads leading to the
town are rendered Impassable and a great
deal of destruction of property Impends
unless an immediate relief Is applied.
A condition somewhat similar exists at
Mitchell, where seepage is causing dam
age. In this Instance the ditches com
plained of are not owned by the govern
ment, but they are trlstate or farmers'
ditches, and hence the general govern
ment does not feel that it can be held re
sponsible for seepage in these cases.
Hosrtrater to llaltlmore.
Victor Rosewatar spent today in con
ferences with his associates on the re
publican national committee and In dis
cussing matters In relation to preliminary
preparations for the convention. He
called on President Taft, Attorney Gen
eral Wickersham and Postmaster General
Hitchcok'k between times with Secretary
1 lay ward of the national committee and
David Mulvane, national committeeman
from Kansas. The day was an extremely
busy yone for the national committeeman
from 'Nebraska. Mr. Rosewater left to
night for Baltimore. He will go to New
York in a day or two, returning to Wash
ington aome time next week.
Dakotans at Banquet.
Senators Robert J. Gamble and Coe I.
Crawford of South' Dakota were the prin
cipal speakers at the banquet of the
South Dakota association, held last night.
Congressman Eben W. Martin of South
Dakota, Congressman John A. Magulre
of Nebraska, Congressman James Mc
Laughlin of Michigan and Thomas Thor-
son, a member of the republican national
committee, also made short speeches.
W. G. Ruggles of Huron, S. D., has been
appointed a railway mall clerk.
Low Bidder Accuses
Board of Violating
Its Duty to Public
Legal action to force the Board of
Cuunty Commissioners to reconsider the
lotting of the new county building Jail
work contract to the Paull Jail Kulldlng
company is Intimated by R. C. Stewart,
head of the Stewart Iron Works company
of Cincinnati, one of the unsuccessful bid
ders, in an acrimonious letter addressed
to the county commissioners and received
by the county clerk's office today.
The letter closes with the sentence:
"We are entitled to an explanation and
if not received we will take such steps as
are open to any bidder on public work."
In the coutse of his letter Mr. Stewart
declares his company did not receive fair
consideration at the hands of the commis
sioners; he asserts they rejected his bid
in the face of the facts that It was the
lowest and came from a responsible bid
der and offered material 25 per cent su
perior to that offered by any other bidder.
We believe you have violated your obli
gations to your constituents" is another
pungent sentence in the letter.
The Jail contract was let to the Paull
company at XM.QW. The Stewart com
pany's bid was several thousand dollars
lower. The commissioners have not yet
seen the Stewart letter.
BOSTON, Dec. II. "Holy smoke!" Colo
nel Theodore Roosevelt exclaimed today
is he looked down from a State street
building where he was attending the reg.
ulur monthly meeting of the board of
overseers of Harvard college, upon a
crowd of 5.000 enthusiasts who had left
their business to catch a glimpse of the
former president. A few minutes later
as the colonel was leaving the structure.
there was a din or cheers.
As the former president entered an au
tomobile he acknowledged the greetings,
but requests for a speech met with a de
cisive negative.
I have absolutely nothing to say of
any sort whatever, colonel Koo.evelt de
Later, after a conference witii several
progressive republicans, the colonel sane
tloned the issuance of a statement an
nouncing he had urged Governor Robert
P. Bass of New Hampshire to apeak at
a progressiva republican meeting here
next Saturday.
- r
jTtT yTT ..t J' J
Entire Boys' Stock at 25 deduction
A Mighty EYioney Saving Opportunity
to purchase boys' suits and overcoats, all of this season's make
and style. Suits consist of cheviot, cassimere and fancy worsteds.
Overcoats in all styles and fabrics. - SIZES 3 to 17 years.
Overstocked is our reason for this reduction.
Inventory is near and our stock must be lessened.
Original prices arc on each suit and overcoat. If you bought a suit or overcoat this season
you will find the same or similar garments in stock at the same price you paid. But now you get
These suits ami overcoats hne always sold for less
duction how low priced these
portunity to buy the boy a
Hoys' shirts and blouses, TjOc, quality;
special UwC
Hoys' shirts and blouses, 75e quality; Cft
special U5fcG
Hoys' shirts, $l.U0 quality; special 79c
Brandeii Stores Buy Entire Stock of
La Book & Yost, Furriers.
Far Coals, For dels, Separate Pieces
and Pelts Will Go at Jut One
Half Former Prices Kale
negrlns Next Monday.
Braudels Stores have Just bought the
entire stock ol La Book & Yost, Omaha
exclusive furriers. They will place it ail
on sale next Monday at Just one-half the
prices ha Book & Yost asked a few wei-ks
ago. They also bought the entire over
stock of furs from Hall & Arbes. 40 West
27th St., New York, and will sell those
furs at the same time at bargains equally
as great. The high character of L book
&. Yost furs is well known to Onialut
women, and every coat, set and separate
piece In this big sale next Monday will
be thoroughly reliable in every particu
lar. We also Include In this salo all the
skins and pelts (ready to be made up) of
mink, sable, Persian lamb, otter and
pony. See the window displays. I
Superintendent E. U. CI raff has not se
cured a mid-term high school commence
ment speaker, but an Omaha man may
be asked to perform the task. It has bi on
several years since local talent was util
ised for the oration at the mid-term com
mencement exercises. Iast year Cicorge
Vincent delivered the address and teach
ers who heard him are culling for him
again this year, but it Is not likely he
can be secured.
makes pare, wholesome Christ
mas candies for the children
dainty gifts for your friends.
With a package or two of Knox
Gelatine sod a little spare time you can
make tlie most delicious Christmas
candles for your children and friends,
Juit try these
Knox Marshm&llows
H boi Kdos OcUtia. 2 nipt rdnul.trl wu, flew
fiaint Mil und flvoring to uuc.
&uk g'Ltinr in 10 Lhlc.ponolul. rold tw. Heat
miftt with 14 t.t:Uhpoootul. .tr till diuolvprl.
aT1 g.Utlne to tvritp; Wt tunri till twtl.lly ,.ool.l.
Ald tell and N..u(iiif. tt wllti whip till to attrl,
th'a with Utk hMKin till unly nit anuugli to Mill
Uto Otcct. butt gr.Bitc p.n thliklv with iirjUc
tiuoer'. tugAT I pour In cjnilv slvut li.ll Int h d.fpi
ort m tool pUu. till well i Turn out, rut In
(nor, toll in lontctuoaer'. .ug.r. M.kot wet 100
I-very Knot . k.r roouin. 2 m'lopM ol gel.
oUDO. tll i m.klAg tall HUAlt. Oi J.llT.
Ottief d.inty curly rei.ipM In our Rttipt
OWA trot r. lor your gin. .r'kn.aio. Pint
htiuphi tor 2t tump oad grocer
Cku. H.KmiCs.. 400 mi A?.. Joksftews. N. T.
Doug. 494.
Ind. A-1494.
Matinee every (lav. L':IG: every nlL'lit.
8:16. Advanced Vaudeville' Lily Lena;
Kdwlu Me vena, aided by Tina Marshall;
JiiIIkii Tuiinen: laliilly: The Avon
i Comedy l our; The Four Kiles; Arniaiil
Hros. ; Kiueiost'oite, urivtuui . uuci
Orchestra Prices: Nignt lUc. 25c, inift
7&c. Matinee, 10c, best suats iiic, except
hatiinluy and MniKlay.
Tonight, rrl., Sat. trices. 8&o, 60c,
76C-S1-O0. lat. Mat., 35o, 60 o.
Tbe Musical Plar. HIWIT
WEDS aad Their Baby. 60 '-g
Jeopla 75 "i Oil Is.
Comlug-"(t Blob Quick Wallinrford
Dally ., 16-SJ-Siva
1U1 DliriUW"! V V,. . BI1V .
beautiful liailet of Flowers, Top Notch
I olio: Just the Miow for tiheep Kilow
Wnek Choius of Bprlng Iiiiibs.
Laalas' .Suua Matins Cvcry Wk Pay.
Boys' Suit and
garments are. They are the
useful Christmas present for
Scores of heads of homes who had THOUGHT of
buying OTHER gifts are BUYING PIANOS HRE
as Christmas Gifts, at Maker's COST, for CAaH
mild mnmrn
i j
Send for List of
Christmas Presents
t OTV r.K18 l'KItM MfcK.
Among all the Perfumes of 1'arls
the products of Coty are perhaps
rated the lilKhest. We carry In
stock the principal Items made
by this firm.
1OrUnn foty lioltla ..13.00
MtiRiiet Coty bottle . .fa.BO
l.a Knse Jacqueminot Coty
hot tie 13.50
Hacliet I'owder, I .a Rose Jacq.
Coty bottle $1.85
Toilet Water, l.a Violet I'ourprn,
bottle $4.75
Toilet Water, Muguet Coty
bottle $4.76
Toilet Water Jacqueminot Hose
Coty bottles $4.70
We also have an an.fl" Mock
of Hlgaud'a Alary Garden Kxtract,
In satin boxes, bottle $4.85
lleautlful ones in ebouy, cocoa
bola and satin-wood
pair $1 .50 to $7
A complete atmortment $3 97
HO.V UKIilXU rAl'Fll
We have the beautiful line,
as manufactured by lierlln &
Jones Co.
2." to ff i.QQ P'- bo-
Notice to Drug and Prescription Customers
During all the rush, incldeut to Christmas business, the service In our Prescription Department will
be normally prompt and efficient: as this department Is quite separate from tbe bustle of the selling end
of thlB store, l'llOMIT DUMVF.HV.
SHERMAN & iTScCOnriELL DRUG CO., 16th and Dodge
n aa a a sssa sm a ga at a mm a
uvul uttuu cu., loin ana narney
Matinee loday 8:30, Xlrbt 8:30
Mast Beats 60o
"Tha raat Show"
L'tautlful tiouVMitrn to the Ladle
at 1 1 . i I v IjIiiih Matlne.
A MATE UK CONTEST, rridsy Hlfbt.
Tonight- Mats. Tuts., Tburs., Bat.
rrlces, Sfto Only.
MISS EVA Lisa and tba
est Wssk Tba Laughing 8 aces as,
"HELLO, BIi.1.."
v J
Blind Doone Concert
Friday night. Iieremher 16, t o'clocK
Twenty-sixth and Harney ts tree la.
Tickets on Kul Slyera-DUlon & Jlospa
Admission Only 25c
money here than elsewhere, so
biggest bargains iu boys' suits
little money.
Omaha's Largest and Best Equipped Clothing Store
an tm amt tm
y vj sp- w
1,000 Pianos Sacrificed for Cash
IN A 1)111 U HTOJti; A stock of nifty, attractive articles highly ap
propriate and acceptable aa Christinas gifts which we offer, cannot
be BurpaHsod In Omaha Read our Hat.
firm Junior .
Ever Heady .
Auto Strap .
! 1 1.00
$5.00 to MM.OO
Duplex &5.00
All the latent stropping devices.
Ves, for Christmas presents.
We sold hundreds last year, and
are doing the same this yesr.
They carry the true 'Christ
mas Spirit."
A fine assortment f0 SHI-B0
lliiylcr'a & LiKKett's Fine
-lb., 1-lb.. 2-lb. and B-lb.
boxes. Fresh Twice a Week.
j,oH kinds ri;m iMK.s
Our assortment Is more at
tractive than ever this year,
and comprises all the popular
odors in Htandard brands.
Ivory-celluloid sets fffl to $12
I f-Taw jCTsamr-v-
National Mid-Winter Sheep Show
Come and (see them put the pretty ribbous on the win
ners. The biiby Karakulo "Omaha" is proving a great at
traction to the ladies. "Persian Lamb" coats are mado
from the skins of young Karakulo lambs.
The (splendid band and moving pictures are enjoyed
by everyone.
ADMISSION Adults, 25c; Children 10c
lest Sport News in The Bee
you can see that with this re
and overcoats. Take this op- v
Any buyer with a sense of
commercial fitness, would con
cludo to buy a piano here, now,
if he EVElt entertained the
idea of buying a piano. ABSO
goinK at as low as $121 cash;
excellent "used" instruments
are here at as little as $59 cash;
player pianos in the samo pro
portion of reduction. (Please
note that Bennett's regular
lines of pianos are still being
sold on easy terms. It is only
the "Syndicate Sale" instru
ments that must be sold for
16th and
Weary shoppers will find our
beautiful downstairs lunch and
aoda water room (tiodoasls), at
16th and lodice, altogether tha
most attractive place In Omaha
to set a cup of hot coffee, cocoa
or Ceylon tea. or a dainty sand
wich or other light luncheon.
Try our "Dainty" Tld Hit" Com
bination Sandwich, 15c, or Oyster
Cocktail 1.I60
Hame service mentioned shove
at our new and handsome "Harv
ard Pharmacy," 24th and Farnam
and a thousand delightful concoc
tions, hot and cold, at tha Owl
liriiK Co., lttn and Harney.
Xonbtraat, and other French
Perfumes A lartfe assortment
HOT CHSAJP Fountain Pens but
the old reliable WATSSaCAK
the kind to write with.
Our Una Is too great to tell
about here, and comprises about
luO brands of standard, domeatiu
and clear Havana cigars, at
wholesale prices when taken by
hrm. Inquire st flxar Counter.
For ladles and gentlenven. Our
assortment is a moat beautiful
one, in ebony, cocoa bola and
satin-wood. "