TI1K HKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DKCKMl.KIt 15. 15)11. t V f. i j The Omaha Daily Hkk r yT"7nKTr"T'Trp km koskwatmi T(TOU hiTii'KVV A T K H. W'lTi lt Jif'K ilT 1 1 Ml. V A UNA .TX ni i.tii F.ntered at Omaha tif floe as ne und r'aaa matter. TFhMr ! IM ; Hrt 'HI FTIuN. Piindey Hee, one year Faturrtav Hee. one e 3 raturoav Hee. one ear ll Dally 8m (Without Hundav). one yesr 4W f Dally lee and riiindav. one year t.00 pkuvkhkii ny i-a nitiK.it. J Evening IV twlth Kurwt.iy'. r mo...2- Dally Hen (including Sunday). rr mo.IV lsllv Hm (without S'.inila). lr mo . . 4f-' AoMreaa all rompln'ntt nr Irreitiiliiritles 'i In dcllery to Cltv circulation Dent. ItKMITTAMi:.". f Remit by draft, exprrva nr postal order. I payable to The lice I'nhll-hinK company. J Only i-rent etamr M-celvei! In payment of arnall account l'crannnl check, ex- . rept on Omaha anil eastern exchange, nut )JP pcfpten. t I iKKt" r :s. Omaha-Tim lice in iicitTi t. Pouth Omh-r. N. M j Council nillffs. 1', KcnM St. Lincoln V, I.lttle Hmliline. I ('h)raa-n l."i4s Mrn.nrtt intiMiti?. Kansas Cltv-J(rtl;nire Huli.l'ne New York-14 Vet Tlilrtv-lhlrd. Washington-7:Ti I'onri c nl li St., N. W. cnnrtrfriiMiKVi:. i Communications i elating t pew and editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee. Frlitnrl.il lepartmrnt. i NOVKMUKTt CIUCVI ATION. 50,573 rtate of N'el.raska. Conntf of Douglas es: Dwlght Williams, circulation manager 'r ft lh Bee rtihllahitig company, being v duly mrorn, says that the avcraRS rlally circulation. Icja spoiled, unused and re- turned roplea, for the month of Nuvetn I bor. 191 1. was W.57S. V DWIOHT WILLIAMS. t Circulation Mansger. 8uhcr1hed In mv rreaepce and sworn to before ma this tth rlav of Irmbr, 1911. i. tSinl) jltntKItT HCNTKH. Notary I'ul.llo. abarrlkvera learlna; (lie city temporarily ahll have Tin Dee mailed ia them. Addreas will be rkaatrd aa often aa reqarsted. If jou haven't already, there la Kill plenty of time to do It. Uncle Sam may appear ridiculous by being too rareful of Russia's feel ings. , But Arizona, under the clreum atanres, was expected to go demo cratic. i What will congress do adjourn -1-lf Mr. Bryan prolongs hla vlult In touth America? Hankow la called the Chicago of China, but we doubt If It can produce a real Chicago statesman. Kiotous old New lork would as oon hoot down Andrew Carnegie as n Irish "playboy" actor. The wool growers are now learn ing why Omaha is considered the center of the banana belt It Is fortunate for St. Louis that last St. Louis Is In Illinois some body might annex it to the big town. ;" Little Joe Brown seems to be the lest little, governor Georgia can And When big Hoke Smith is not on the Job. ' How gratifying it must be to King George to find upon his arrival that he la acceptable to India as its em peror. An exchange reminds us that we (: are . close to Christmas. Yes, and r that reminds us that Christmas is & tery close to us. j If those Indiana republicans will C atop disputing over whether Taft r can carry their state, he probably . will carry it easily enough. fc '. ... If former Mayor Schmidt does not hurry up, Abe Reuf will get his fourteen-year sentence served and over With before the mayor gets started. , The Atlanta Constitution says Washington is Just now filled with ?; jockeys. ,And every now and then p we seem to hear the bray of a don ti key.- New Orleans is being advertised &s "Crescent City and Gateway to the Panama Canal.'" Now, San Fran cisco, take your old exposition and go to. The wool growers are getting down to but-inens without any preliminary flourishes. They know what they want, and they are going after it. Reform is a relative term alter all. What strikes us as reform today, probably woujd hit the next generatlou as the most radical tou tervatisrn. Mayor "Jim" got back from Texas better satisfied than ever that be cast his lot with Nebraska. A fact the Lono Star state, boosters should not allow to escape them. The Baltimore American says Bal timore showed the weatern governors the time of their lives." That is going some, for some of those gov ernors have had some times in their lives. The headlight of a motorcycle In f ttrrupted a highwayman and saved his victim, thus proving these con- traptlons have a use beyond disturb f log the peace and frightening pedes- i trians. Our friendly correspondents are gradually getting the Adam and Eve controversy settled, ' shoving the blame off by degrees onto old Adam's boulders, where it. doubtless, be longs. But, as man to man, do you Dane A dam I . No Mincing of Words with Raisin. The paasane by the house by tru tit ally n unanimous" vote of the joint rraolution revoking the 1832 treaty with Ruasla with the declara tion that RueMa lias "vloliited" the compart, j n fairly accurate index to the temper of the American people on the subject of Rtioaia's Inaolent disregard of her obllgutiors and our rlchts, find ought to bo very solemn notice to that country to this effect. The more diplomatically inclined In the houao objected to saying that Russian liRd ' violated" the treaty, preferring to put It that Russia had not "construed" it as we had, but the majority insisted on mincing no wordH and staling fhe facts In the plainest language. There tomes a time when comity cannot claim precedent over all other consideration", and that time cer tainly has come In the history of this treaty. The I'nlted States has waited ncnrly eighty years for Russia to observe the. treaty; why wait any longer? Talk of war, of course, is folly. There is no thought or need of that. It would be a fine come-off If a nation could not take steps to respect Itself, to Invite the respect and confidence, of all Its own citizens. to say nothing of the outside world, for fear of war. As President Schur ii) mi of Cornell has said, it is no longer a question of commanding respect from Russia so much as it is first of commanding respect from our own people and keeping faith with them. We, the United States, are on trial, not Russia. Russia has had Its trial and stands convicted before the bar of universal civilization of de liberate disregard of solemn treaty obligations. It Is more a time for action than arbitration. What is there to arbitrate, when Russia for eighty years' has refused even to en tertain seriously the terms of this treaty? We' wish t,he friendship, of Russia, certainly, but not at the ex pense, surely, of our own honor and self-respect. This -resolution, of. course, must have the concurrent approval of both houses to become effective. ' If it gets that, as it evidently will, it ought Xo have a very steadying influence on Russia's i: general . .foreign., pqllcjr, which has needed steadying for a long time, ' Ceniorihip for Theaters. The agitation for a board of.cen sors' whose duty it shall be to pass upon plays and spectacles being presented at the Omaha theaters, has not yet reached a point where it may be said to bo a public demand Maybe It never will reach that point It is being put forward by a body of young men whojiave devcHed a por tlon, at least, of, their tlmeto.thg effort of advancing the general cusJ .fr-JFT ...... , , . u - , , ?i .t . ntnaTrne had tried to look upon the v uiuiwftiiv aiuuR nun iuo.k aeeu-i aujtt rect to them. This will be the great est obstacle in the way of public censorship: all men do not see things from the same point of view, and one may consider perfectly proper what another will look upon as pernicious, if not actually meretricious, and each from his own standpoint will be right. Demands for censorship of the stage have arisen many times. The history of the theater is a continual repetition of the outcry against it It is to the credit of the managers, and particularly those of Omaha, that they have sedulously endeavored to prevent the presentation of any thing that will give offense at thel? houses. Omaha theaters are clean, as will be evidenced from the fact that thousands of men and women, boys and girls, attend them each week, and the general moral tone of the city has not suffered In any way because of the plays there presented. Sufficient authority is already vested In the city's executive officers to pre vent the exhibition of any spectacle or play that tends to deprave. The general cause of public morality will hardly be better served by placing an extension of this authority in the hands of a board, unless that board Is composed of men of the broadest culture and most ' liberal views. Omaha needs a great many things more than it needs a board of censorship for the theater. Diversity of Leg-iilation. Senator Bailey takes the unpopu lar aide of another piece of popular legislation, the bill by Senator Borah to establish In the Department of Commerce and I-abor a children's bureau to safeguard and protect the intercuts of children who have to work for a living. Bailey says the bill Is "simply indefensible," when, as a matter of fact, such a statement as that and his position will, un doubtedly, strike most people as' in defensible. In the course of his attack upon tbe bill, Senator Bailey makes a point worth considering, it see ins to us, namely, tbe ever-Increasing diver Blty of subjects upon which congress Is asked to legislate and the few it refusua to legluiate upon. During the Sixty-first congress 40,000 bills were Introduced. It does not seam rea sonable to suppose that 40,000 things requiring legislation should come up from one congress to another, as Senate r Bailey suggeats, especially tn view of tbe fact that only 100 bills were Introduced into the first congress, which had upon It hand the task of putting "Into operation Ube greatest governmental expert- ment In all history." Of course, the diversity of politics and business since then naturally would increase, the diversity of legislation, but not to such an extent, surely. What Senator Bailey might have noted was this, that one of the prin cipal causes for all this hodge-podge of legislation today Is the anxiety of most members of congress to authorize a few pet measures In the effort to magnify their Importance as lawmakers in the estimation of their constituents. Kliminate that and most of these 40,000 bills would not bo Introduced. The Supremacy of King Corn. Most peoplo know that corn Is king of American farm products, but how many realize its incomparable supremacy? The south boasts of its cotton crop and it has reason to, for It supplies the American and most of the English mills, beside shipping to other countries. In fact, the south's cotton crop is three-fifths of the world's supply and It undoubtedly excites more world Interest in the market than any other single pro duct. The seed and fiber of this year's crop is considerably less than normal and yet It amounts to $775,- 000,000. The value of our last corn crop is more than twice that much. The last wheat crop In this coun try Is worth about $600,000,000, which, like cotton, Is a little below normal. The oats crop comes to about $380,000,000, which is 5-per rent above the average for five years. These staggering statistics, taken from, the government's official state ment, serve to impress us with the Immensity and importance of Ameri can agriculture. The value of our last corn crop is but slightly less than that of cotton, wheat and oats put together. ' Thus we may gather some idea of the actual supremacy of King Corn. This is all of trite interest to Ne braskans, for their state is one of the four greatest corn states. It en ables them to nppreclate Nebraska's Importance, not only in the agrlcul tural world, but In the industrial as well, for industry depends quite ex tensively on King Corn today. Thousands of people are employed in factories where corn products are manufactured and thousands of otb ers in .the transportation and mar ketlng of it.. And Nebraska, with its average yield per acre of about twen ty-flve bushels, has only begun to cultivate and produce corn. About this time twenty-one years ago, a young man in Omaha stood in front of a beautiful painting, and after studying It for a few moments, thfew n chair through the canvas, 1 jk awntalnjbrl Vi fi antlstn hv ..vln rautare Just as Christ Would view it ThaEplcture, restored, today hangs M' tWIargest collection of works of art in this part of the world at the Llninger gallery, and is viewed by thousands, no one of whom has ever been heard to repeat the remark made by the young man. Devotion to the cause of Christ led him to such an extreme of violence. As Captain Cuttle would say, the moral of this lies In the application. The World-Herald having con ceded the electoral vote of Indiana, New York and Ohio to the democrats in 1912, it seems useless to proceed any farther with preparations for the election. But why did the World-Herald stop there? be Jusy as easy to make mous. It would it unanl- Tbe Real Estate exchange has a proposal in connection with the Audi torium purchase by the city that is sound, and reasonable. An Inquiry Into the financial affairs of the. com pany ahould be made before any definite steps are taken to acquire the property for public ownership. The Arizona experiment in gov ernment is now well under way. Wonder how long It will be before the newly elected democratic state officials are caught in some one of the pitfalls spread for the unwary foot of officeholders by tbe patent back-action, double-geared constitu tion of the new state. In the campaign to build the Audi torium the chief slogan was, "Make Omaha the Convention City," and, of course, that never could be done without a convention ball. Haa Omaha any cltlsen who cares to go back a dozen years or drag his city back that far? Almoat $9,000,000 expended dur ing the year for public schools in Nebraska Is what keeps this state In the front rank as having the lowest percentage of Illiteracy In the coun try. It is concrete proof of tbe pro greaslveness of Nebraska along right lines. Tbe democratic county commis sioners have succeeded In getting the affairs of the unfinished county court houae In a sadly muddled condition. A thorough Investigation would seem to be In order. If moral . suasion ia more potent than corporal punishment, as tbe old time debaters had it, why wouldn't women make better policemen than meat Booking Backward llilsDnv fnOmnlin s v , r COMPILED rilOM DU FILC9 fc-&3J DEC. 13. Tlilrtr Years Agi The second bp r man of the Entr Nous club wit alven at tbe realdance of Mrs. William Chamber. The favors. Imported from Ciunther'a In Chicago, were un usually rk h and el -mnt. and tn addition ear-h member and hla lady was presented with a aneHal favor by Mrs. S. N. Jones and Mr. Mlltnn Barlow, cona'stlne of at in Tiecktlea for tbe gentlemen iind cachet bans for the ladlea. A number of new flg'irea were danced, one of which, the brick and cabbago head, was a de cided innovation. The following- were prcaent: Charles McCormlck, V. N. Craxy, W. It- Wilbur, A. Remington, Robert C.iirllcha, Moae Barkalow, Colonel Hharp, George Jewett. K. P. Peck, the Mlaaes Grace Char.ibera. Carrie Blahop, Mary Knight, Carrie IJama. Ixui I jama, lioyt. Mora Balcombe, Lottie Congdon and Mrs. Peck. Th t.'nlty club gave another pleasant pnrty at Htandard hall. Mr a. Herman Kountie entertained a large number of her friends at aladlna' lunch, the table sat for seventy, was ele gantly embellished with flowers, each of tba guests receiving a handsome bouquet. Universal opinion concedes the lunch the moat elegant ever given In the city. August Arendt was arrested by United Ktatea Marahal Blerbower on a warrant charging threatening Judge Dundy's life. Humor had It that ha was also suspected of knowing: something of the Wataon B. fr-mlth murder, but nothing came of it beyond arousing temporary excitement. The ladles of the Ft rat Methodist Epis copal church gave a aociable at the resi dence of Mrs. C. II. Dewey on Twentieth street. The Saratoga lyceum debated the ques tion, "Resolved, That the Jury system should' be abolished." Affirmative, Prof. McPherson; negative, Mr. Llttlefield. An Omaha crockery firm received twenty-nine cases of crockery from a Liverpool firm Imported direct. F. J. McShane is offering a reward for the return of a large silk neck hand kerohicf lost between Pleasant street and Nineteenth and Farnam. Twenty Years Ago Colonel H. , H. Horst, a prominent mining man of Butte, Mont., came to town with some ore for the smelter, re porting great prosperity in "the great est mining camp In tbe world." The body' of Mrs. Max Meyer was laid at rest at Pleasant Hill cemetery. The obsequies were conducted at tbe home of Rabbi Rosenau. The pallbearers were Benjamin Newman, I. Oberfelder, S. Katx, M. Ooldamlth, A. Pollack, . Sellg sohn. Rome Miller, a hotel man of Norfolk, with h's daughter and niece, waa reg istered at the Paxton. Mrs. Oenevra Johnson Bishop of Chi cago arrived to sing for the Apollo club. Manager William Lawler of the Eden Mueee and bride returned from their wed ding trip and were at the Dellone. F. C. Parsons of Washington, V. C, In the employ of the Department of. Agri culture, was making a thorough examina tion) of the. system of meat Inspection at the South Omaha packing plants. 11. C. Miller, the well known grain man of the Board of Trade, visited every local raUroad freight office for informa tion as to when the car famine blockede would be raised, but trot no information. Ten Years Ago The Cay waa Sunday, but It afforded little or no rest for the coat man, who was kept buay trying to fill the bins that the cold wave had emptied. The poor of the city were being cared for for tba first time on the basis of a door-to-door canvass, practically. Harry B. HuaXon of Keokuk, la., travel ing aaleaman for the Bradford-Klnsler Lumber company, returning from a trip over Nebraska, reported much building in progress. . The weekly meeting of the Boer league was largely attended at the Pax ton hotel. These were elected a board of directors: Frank T. Ransom, Ed P. Smith, J. F. Coad, Ed J. Cornish. Edward Roaewater, W. F. Qurley, R. I Metcalfe, John A. Crelghton, Carl C. Wright. W. 8. Shoe maker. Ernest Stunt, Dr. White, Captain Parkhurst, . Dr. McCrann, " Richard O'Keete, Judge Breen, Baltas Jetter. I. W. Carpenter returned from Chicago. Hon. Joseph Oberfelder managed to wade- in through the ; anow". and against the cold wind from Sidney. Mrs. C. r. Southard, who has been dangerously. I1U was reported to have come through the crtaia aafely. The Presbyterian church at Dundee was dedicated. Dr. J. J. Lamps of the sem inary related the history of tbe church; Rev. T. V. Moore, pastor of Weatnilnater church, prealded; Dr. Allison of Caatel lar Street church, pronounced the open ing prayer and Rev. E. H. Jenks of First church preached the dedicatory sermon. I People Talked About The county clerk of Casa county, In diana, as a means of boosting business offers Christmas boxes to applicants for marriage license. The coat of tba prises la deftly attached to the license fee. One hundred dollars a day for accom modations at hotels In Delhi and 10 a day for a three weeks' stay suggests that ha dunbar bonl faces are working a good thing on both aides as well as In the middle of the street. Dr. Wiley's pronouncement against whiskers aa a menace to health is not taken seriously by Honorable J. Ham Lewis, democratic candidate for senator In Illinois. J. Ham aterllises his n every day and parts 'em In the middle. The activity of rival publicity bureaus Is spreading the news of Governor Wood- row Wilson's application for an educa tional pension prompts the doctor's friends to file an appeal to the society for the suppression of unnecessary solace. Oeorge Turner, former L'nlted Slates senator from the state of Washington, haa been rescued from the "lame duck" flock and placed on the International waterways eommlaelon, a 17,600 a year Jab held down by the late Senator Carter of Montana. Participants in the tar party shindy at Shady Bend, Kan., are Juat beginning to pay Uie price. Beatdee a Jail sentence for. tour, those having visible property are seeking a compromise on damage suits, er hypothecate attachable aaaesta Tha community, too, feels the blight of hu miliating publicity and talk of changing the aaai ef the village. 1 life Bee's Ldlcr Box IT eera aad 1'ailna. OMAHA, Dec. 11-To tha Editor of The Bee: Do yrm not think that before the city paya contractors for the Burt street sower they should replace tha pave ment In a pasalble' condition? In many places It la hardly safe for a person to walk over and Is surely not for a wagon or automobile. But this Is In keeping with all other contract work done for the city of Omaha. Look at the sink holea In the new paving on Harney and many other streets. The city paya for good work and It should be done. This Is from a taxpayer. J. B. BCOTT. t afalr (a rloslneaa Men. OMAHA. Dec. 12. -To the Editor of The Bee: Each and every year the merchants of Omaha receive a printed notice In forming them that there Is due at the city treasurer's office taxes which are supposed to be paid on er before a cer tain date. Wo do that year after year, at least the most of us do. This money la supposed to be for tho purpose of paying the running expenses of the city of Omaha. You will note that I soy-year after year we do this. Now. I think as a taxpayer and a mer chant of Omaha, that It is radically wrong and unjust to these merchants, who do business In Omaha, live here, pay rent, buy their clothes, pay their grocery bills and In fact practically spend their entire Income In the city of Omaha, to permit the practice of allowing what they call Kike Houses to open up a temporary es tablishment during the Christmas holi days for the purpose of selling what is known as Kike goods, or In other words, fake merchandise to an unsuspecting pub lic. Competition of this sort to the lcgitl mate merchant is manlfestedly unfair. It Is unfair for the city authorities to permit It. I don't care what license they pay, or now legal It may be. There Is no line of merchandise where the publlo can be deceived In so easily as furs, consequently It Is a difficult proposi iu convince tne average fur-buying public that they are buying nothing but the cheapest of merchandise and paying tne most exorbitant prices for the same. nu i iriuai rmpnaiicai v wish tn mmv again that It is unjust to the merchants of Omaha to permit this practice. A TAXPATER, Defends Mevlnar Pictures. OMAHA, Dee. 11. To tbe Editor of The Bee: Will you please publish the follow ing: "OMAHA, Dec. 11, 18U.-Ch.lef of Police, City of Omaha, and the Elite Theater: Gentlemen-Iii our day much la attempted In the way of proper police regulation of publlo amusements. I note In the daily press the Issuance of a recent order on the part of the police department pro hlblting further exhibitions of pictures of the Italian-Turkish war, as shown In various theaters of this city and more particularly the Elite theater. Thla was done at the solicitation of a number of Italians of this city. Inasmuch as the act governs and affects many I am moved to publicly enter protest to this regula tion. "To any one who Is willing to In vestigate the matter It must soon become apparent that there was never to this date any objectionable feature In the war pictures as secured by Pathe Freree. In fact, if ever there was any redeeming feature about the animated pictures the lnovatlon of this current toplo film Is decidedly proper. I fall to see on what ground our police department granted the delegation of Italians the wish desired, Certainly the great mass of Interested moving picture goers was never taken Into account. I believe there are many who feel exactly as I do In the premises and if their sentiments were conveyed It would swamp the chief of our police department. j "Press dispatches have hlntes at times at Italian atrocities In the present con flict contrary to civilised warfare. Is It fear . of possible, though Improbable, revelation of the camera that these gen tlemen were moved to deprive others the right of giving the Italian nation Its proper valuation? As It seems that there la an Insistent demand for theater censorship, why not place such matters for decision In compe tent hands T We have, among others, capable men In our Journalistic field. Why not secure such men to pass upon the merits of dramas? In passing It may be stated that several of our newspapers perform this very function If only people would read and be guided by the better ones. It would seem fitting to have removed this ban upon the pictures referred to." Very truly yours. OliOUUE WEIDENFELD. ew Jersey Wilson. NEWARK, N. J., Dec. 11. To the Editor of The Bee: We of New Jersey liuvo gained the impression that the people of the middle west ere demanding our gov ernor for the next president and we can not understand it. Ho has been our gov ernor but one year and has spent so much of that time out of the state push ing a candidacy of his own that our peo ple have been asking themselves whether we have a governor or not. The writer has no candidate, to urge, but as a devoted democrat for many years and pleased with the outlook for democratic success, he wonders If the democrats really Intend to keep fulfilling the deserved proverb, to make fools of themselves whenever they get the chance. Let your people make Inquiries and satisfy themselves that they are not being led on by honeyed speech la direc tions where they will find sorrow. To be a candidate for president we want something more than words; something In a man besides backbiting In his own state; something In himself besides mere theory and words. JERSEY DEMOCRAT. Not T Is Cayaay. HOT SPRINGS, 8. D., Dec. I.-TO the Editor of. The. Bee: In a recent Issue of your paper, your correspondent at Hot Springs, 8. D., stated that the caute of suicide of one of its cltisens was the result of hiat having made Investment In some Industrial enterprise. Inasmuch aa your correspondent did not state the nam of the company, I beg to state that It was nor the Hot Springs Oypaum com pany, and that the gsntlernan In question was not interested tn any way In this company. As we are putting In a large gypsum plant at this place, I tnust ask yeu In all fairness to us to Insert this dis claimer la aa early Isua of your paper. F. U. I'EiUtr. President. POLITICS IN NEBRASKA, reatrlce Run: Not much Is heard there days of Bryan's Influence. He may have some Influence In some parts of the coun try, but Jt Isn't f-ared as it used to be. Pawnee Republican: it's the notion of a numner of political observers In this neck of the woods that only the first half of Senator llrown"a name will be heard In the next t'nited States senate. Hastings Tribune: Hastings hss not been slow about organising a Taft club, and the Indications are that It is go'.nR to be right up ami coming with the largest and most enthusiastic clubs of the state. Plattsmouth JournHl: Ernest Pollard posing as a progressive. Wouldn't that cork a wooden man? Wbv. there never was a more complete standpatter In the land than Pollard. Such politics as he Is endeavoring to play is too braxen. Beatrice Sunr W. II. Thompson, the "Little Giant" of Oramt Island, has de clared hla Intention of taking the demo cratic nomination for t'nited Slates sena tor to succeed Norris Brown. Mr. Thompson has been a leceptlve candidate for a good many years and his trusty lightning rod Is still dolus business. IIatingft Tribune: A. PhallenberRer will have to get up and hustle it ho ha any serious Intentions of making tbe race for tha United States senate next yenr. The way XV. 11. Thompson Is "swinging around tba circle'' and lining things up Is anything but elow. and the chances are getting much brighter for his nomination every day. Alma Record: Tbe fact that W. It. Thompson of Grand Island, who haa filed as a candidate for the democratic nom ination for United States senator, has come out for W. J. Bryan and says he Is the greatest living advocate of democratic doctrines. Is causing considerable com ment In this locality as to the probable effect the declaration will have on A. C. Shallenberger's candidacy. Oaklund Independent: Hon. C. It. Gustabon of Mead,, Neb., representative from Saunders county In the last legisla ture, has been mentioned as a probable candidate as lieutenant governor on the republican ticket. He has the backing of a number of prominent republicans In the state. He Is taking the attitude of a receptive candidate but does not wish to force himself forward In the primary. Oustafson Is the author, In conjunction with another member of the legislature, of the preeent closed primary law and his record in the legislature Is very cred itable. The Independent will look with favor upon Mr. Qustafson's candidacy. 'Central City Republican and Record: Clark Perkins, secretary of the State Railway commission and lately Installed editor of the Aurora Republican, arises with an air of finality and superior wis dom, and formally christens the chief supporters of La Follette in Nebraska as "lame ducks." We don't know, however, but that It Is Just as well to be a lame duck as one of the tribe of tame ducks to which Mr. Perkins belongs.. At worst the lame duck is one of the transitory stages toward the development of the tame duck. It Is only after the wild duck has been lamed And maimed that he can be cap tured, and domesticated, and made to an swer to his roaster's voice. There was a time when Clark's resonant "quack, quack," shrilled out over the sandhills up tn tbe neighborhood of St. Paul, giving his fellows warning of approaching po The Delights In Baking With (SMJ3JJ To fall r appreciate the real pleasure of baking, bay a can o Calumet and aa a teat bake a batch of bisouilfc See hew light sod wonderfi&r rala they con: froia the oven. Than break one of them open and sot how thoroughly, evenly and f.uffilr the dough has rises. Aad the final test the on that ccunts fcotter asd taste. This test wfli prove tn you that Calumet U the iact depend able Bkiog Powder lor evary sweets. It will prove its economy over the hlg'a-srlce treat brand and its great superiority over tha cheap and big caa k.r.dt. Por Calumet It highest in quality and moderate tn eo' Received Higheat Award Wurid'a Pur tW CspeaiUoau The Favorite Rye ol Six Generations" Each the U. Its ace is guaranteed by the U. S. Government. Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company. Its quality speaks for itself. When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealer. Schenley Distilling Cox, Lucesco, Pa. litical dangers and leading them to places of safety. Later Clark was 'iamed" and gathered In by the bait of a good office, and he haa been fed and petted until he la thoroughly domesticated. Now he Is being put out as a decoy In hopes of lead ing real progressives Into the Stand rat blind. The warm sheltered haunts of captivity have given a different timbre to Clark's voice since the time that he roosted free and Independent on the blent sandbars, and It Is not likely that many of his former companions will be deceived by his call. WHITTLED TO A POINT. "Yes." says the owner of the auto. "I'll sell you the machine Just as It stands for five thousand each." . "Is that your upset price?" asks the prospective buyer. "Ves," Interjects the small m of tbe owner. "That's Just why pa wants to sell it. It upsets every time It turns a cor tier." Chlt'aeo Post. "Nature lias a strenuous wav of doinj with the twenty-four hours, hasn't she.' Mow so?" "Doesn't she make the day-break, ti e nlR-htffl.il and the noon full?" Baltimore American. "Are you going to make any New Tear resolutions this year?'' "I ought to do it," ld Mr. Ditstin Stnx, "hut I'm so tremendously busv 1 Buess I'll have to turn the Job over to'my clerks." Washington Star. ".Madam," remarked the weary wav. rarer with the bandaged eye, "I was not always as you nee me now." "I know It," replied the stem-visAged woman at the bsck door. "The last time you were here you had on a deaf and dumb sign." Puck. "I understand that there was a lament able auto accident at this corner last nlht?'' "You were misinformed." "Why, I heard that a Joy rider was killed." "There was." Houston Post. Mrs. Hourekeep (to tramp) Why don't yon look around for work? Tramp-l'm troubled wid a stiff neck, mum. Boston Transcript. With a sudden lunge Count Boylon de Pakkovlsnek tore a small hole In his ad versary's shirt front. "Honor-r-r las satisfied!" he exclaimed, sheathing his sword. The surgeons concurring, the affair was declared settled. Chicago Tribune. AS TO QUEER NAMES. Baltimore American. The man from Punxsutawney and the man rrom Kokomo Discussed the Chinese troubles, and the first said "Don't you know. I think these Chinese names are queer enough to stop a clock." "That's right!" replied another man from fair Caucumgomoc. The man from Kokomo observed, "By Ringer! that's a fac'I That's what my brother says he lives down here in Hackensack." And still another stranger said the man's comment waa true; And added, with a smile of pride, "My home's In Kal'maxoo." Another man took tip the strain, "Now, down Skowhegan way And up at Ypsilantl we speak It every day. ) The names are ell uncivilized and heathen In their ring. That's what I told my uncle yesterday in - Ishpemlng." . "Hohokus Is my native town." another stranger said; "And I think all these Chinese names the worst I ever read." "Quite true." agreed a quiet man; they're certainly uncanny. That's what my neighbors all assert In Tall Holt, Indianny." is absolutely pure. 1 It ought to be because it is distilled 4 times in copper. (Ordinary wnlsfcsy not mora than twice) Bottled i, in Bond bottle is sealed with S. Government Stamp. S O '". , 3 laftil