Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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He Hid Sufftred for Five Yean with
Nervous Debility.
: atere t This Malady Oftta Mia
tkf for Something Else
by ThOM M ho Are Suffer
ina- with It.
I feel like n entirely different man,'
said Morris Davis of W North Twenty
fifth avenue recently to one of the ape
clalists now in this city for the purpose
of Introducing liera tha remarkable new
tonic, "Tona Vita," which has . benefited
a great number of local people.
tontinulng Mr. Davis aald: "For the
last five year I have been a sufferer
from a continuous, rundown, nervous
ondltlon and stomach trouble. I also
suffered from chronic constipation. My
condition grew constantly worse and my
' entlra system seemed to be affected.
could hardly eat anything at all and my
sleep gave me no benefit. Rheumatism
bothed me a great deal, the pain being
almost unbearable at times.
uruiu i me gooa tins tonic was
doing in Omaha and secured a treatment.
j Degan to improve from the first dose
nd am now like a new man. The rheu
niausm, nervousness, stomach trouble are
all gone and I eat and sleep better than
for years. It seems wonderful to note
such a change lit so short a time. I give
m credit to 'Tona Vita." "
ITi.n.l I a t
, uuni wi umani people are now
taking -Tona Vita" and scores of teatl-
monlals of the same kind are being re
ceivea oy tne specialists who are here
explaining the nature of thfa new prepara
,11011 ana oemonstratlng ita remarkable
value as a vegetable tonic.
I AT,y rnsn r woman In Omaha who is
a victim of nervous debility Is making
a great mistake if they do not try this
(medicine," said one of these specialists
i recently. -In the first place, if it does
not restore thein to health," continued
.the specialist, "It Is certainly worth the
lirouoie to corae and get tha tonlo when
I it means constant poor health If
don't." i
I The symptoms of nervous debility are
often taken for something else by those
who do not know the nature of this
sadly prevalent condition, but there is
J no mistaking1 debility for anything el a.
by those who understand It. The follow
lng symptoms are characterstlo of this
: trouble: Lassitude, nervousness, timidity,
I depression of spirits, little vitality, poor
I circulation, cold feet, headaches, weak
back, poor digestion and bowel trouble.
, These are unmistakable symptoms of ner
vous debility and there are thousands of
I people, especially in the larger cities, who
are afflicted. "Tona Vita" acts like a true
specific and Trom the very first moment
the medicine is taken Improvement Is
The specialists may be found each day
between the hours of 9 a. m. and t p. m.
at Brandels drug department, Sixteenth
and Douglas streets, south side, main
floor, where they will meet all callers and
explain tne nature of the new prepara
Hon. Adv.
Missing Page Supposed to Tell Cause
of Schroeder's Death.
Jest Before MU Heath Pla ttdeatrher
erl Flaanelat Secretary Mas
. Have Made an treoiat
lag te Official..
Till: HKK; OMAHA, TIU'KSDAV. li:T.Mni:K 14. 1011.
Mine Workers Vote
The myterlous theft of t,.ir.r.
the account book kept by the late August
Schroeder as financial ......I.-.,
riattdeutsrher Vereln came to light In
Judge Willi, a. Hears' court In the trial
or the suit of Mrs. Cmniin R..h,i,
the Widow, who demands that ths Wood.'
men of tha World and the Koyal Achates
vr ner l,QTO each on policies carried by
her husband. Onlv bv i,.in. .,..
Schroeder committed auiclde-as he
commonly is supposed to have done-can
ne insurance orders MriM navment
nd the missing halt page Is supposed to
have borne a note from Bchroeder that
Proved he took his life.
"When and by whom was this half
Psge removed?" asked At tnmev Tlrn in
for the defense.
'I can tell when, but not bv whom."
answered P. c. Schroeder. "The morn
Ir.g after the death of August Schroeder
tooK the book to the Qermnn hnm.
where we keep all the books, and laid
It on a table in the committee room.
Wheg I came back the half page had
been taken out. There was nobody there
'd the book down and nobody
mere wnen I came back. I don't know
wno tore the page out."
Attorneys for tha defense succeeded In
getting hefore the Jury the Schroeder
count book, showing the finance commit
tees checking and corrections, and
i.unaKo oi They will attempt to
get before the Jury testimony that when
aenroeder shot himself the night of No
vrmDer iv, ne was facing an order of
the finance committee to meet It the nest
day and bring with him S871. Schroeder
was nnanclal secretary both for the
verem and for Its Insurance densrtment
his duties consisting mainly In collecting
tne aues and insurance premiums.
for Chief Officers
INDIANAPOLIS, lad, Dec. U-Mlne
Workers of the lnlted States and Canada,
members ot the fnlted Mlna Workers of
America, today balloted for terional of
ficers and It Is rsld a heavy vote was
polled. i
The most important coatest as over
the orriee of president. John !. White of
Oskaloosa. la., being opposed for re-election
by Thomas L. Lewi of Bridgeport.
O., a former president of the organisation.
Kdwln II. Terry of Iowa had no op.
ponent for re-election as secretary-treasurer,
but there were a large number of
canmaatea ror the other offices.
The tellers will meet here tomorrow to
begin the count of the votes.
Electric Light Company Asks for
New Franchise From City.
Reajaeete far Itlaat U se Streets far
Maltreat Tracks llrlnaa a Sharp
Debate, Hat Com
pany WUi,
High School Girls
Play Basket Ball
High school girl, who are basket ball
enthusiasts are planning to organise class
teams ror this season and with plenty of
inaioriei on nana some feat oulntets
ougnt to be turned out. There will be a
senior. Junior, sophomore and freshman
miss uesa Dumont, the Klrl's physical
training Instructor, is well pleased with
the interest that has been taken in tha
Popular gymnasium floor game and be
lleves it to be a good healthful form of
A good deal of satisfaction,
Isn't it. to ease two cents a
pound in rib roasts or ten cents
ft bushel on potatoes. Thesa
small items count up so rapidly.
But you never think of the bodtlv
wear and tear that vou mio-ht
bv retting? an ensv aininr
f Be careful in the future always to select
aad yauH save work and get longer service for
tne sane price. One trial ei a Uttle Peliy will
. u.,iul. ru iu uwi ! iruin in wrii we say.
The reason It the material ot Uttle Polly Breeess,
1 M
.1 sl u
n i w
" .J
Look (or that name "The Little PaUV m the
caaary or rose color handle, that caa t attck to
your beads. At your dealer's, if aot. write
Harrfth & Stewart Mfg. Co.
Des Moines, Iowa
Barker Secures the
Orpheum Property
George Barker has closed the deal for
the purchase ot that part of the Orpheum
theater property lying between the the
ater proper and Harney street, and the
deed haa been recorded. The property, M S
on Fifteenth street and 123 feet on liar
ney, U covered by a two story store
building. The consideration given Is 1129,
OOS. Mr. Barker says the only Improve
ments he will make will be some change.
in store windows.
Prof. Buffum Here
for the Sheep Show
rroi. b. c. Bulfum, of emmer fame, of
Worland, wyo., Is in Omaha to attend
the sheep show. Prof. Buffum Is an ex-
pert on sheep, having conducted an ex
perlmental farm in Wyoming for the gov
ernment, lor the creation of a new breed
of range sheep, especially adapted to
climbing tha mountain ranges ot Wyom
1. 1 .
Driving away a horse. This is the
unique misdemeanor to which Thomas
Robertson pleaded guilty. The original
charge waa horse stealing, Nels Nielaon
of Benson being the complaining witness.
John A. MacFarland. attoraey, showed
his client took the horse when he waa
drunk. Nielsen was willing that Robert
son be let off with a Jail sentence. It
was agreed that Robertson should plead
guilty of "driving away a horse,, for
which the penalty is ninety days, and
sentence should be deferred until he haa
spent ninety days In Jail; then lie will be
given a ninety-day sentence so that his
entire penslty will be sU months.
If your rocer does not supply Lit
tle Polly l:roum, send a post card to
the timna again, Julia tseck, Bli Ave.
P, CouiKil Hluffs, Iowa, who will
aupply ona 'hrough your grocer. Ut
ile Polly I. rooms "last twli e as Ions."
Good Leather Goods
Uppers (or Vse lu roilmaa Cars.
Art Coloaial Bhaea Skins.
Traveling Begs with Toilet get Inside.
belles' Shopping Bags.
Oxford Bags- Salt Oaaes.
Toilet Bats.
Mea'g Card Oases aod BUI Voids.
Medicine Cases. Masle Bolls.
Lawyer's Brief Cases
Wardrobe Trunks our swa saake,
at Trunks sHeaae Trunks.
From the Cheapest That'a
Uuod to the Best Made.
Freling 0. Steinle
Trunks n''
1803 Farnam Street
How he "called down" Judge Ltirtoo
of the supreme court' of the United
States, the governor of Alabama and Gov
ernor Tentr of Pennsylvania, was told
by 1J. C. Patterson at the Heal Kstate
exchange. During the recent Army and
Navy foot ball game at Philadelphia, he
several times asked the men ahead ot
him to ait down so he could see the game.
Iter, thiuugh newspaper pictures, ' he
learned tliey were the men mentioned
Mr. Paltersun said the spectators stoed
up and yelled until they were hoarse
when Pat baltou of Broken Bow, Neb.,
of the Navy team won the game.
At the annual meeting of the Missouri
Valley Alumni association Tuesday soon
at the University club officers for (he
coming yesr were elected. It was decided
to oouei tor trie annual 1001 tail game
between Michigan and Nebraska. The
uew officers sre:
George h. Fisher, president.
John It. Webster, clem Kimball of
Council Bluffs and It. B. Windham of
Plattsmoulh, vice presidents.
Kay M. t'roasman, secretary.
Lyman Brysoa, treasurer.
. R. C, Peters, Casper E. Yoat, J. p.
The electric light company has asked
to be allowed to Install flaming arc
lamps and for an extension of franchise.
The request was made to the city council
last night and referred to the rnmmt.
on lighting.
The appointment of Ralph Ulchardson,
white, to serve under Jol.n Grant regg,
inspector of weights and measures, wan
noi approved, although recommended by
we committee or the whole. A letter waa
reaa rrom Mr. Pegg objecting to the ap
puinimeni or a white man and asking for
a coiorea assistant "Bridges questioned
the necessity of any assistant, and upon
motion of McOorern the appointment was
recommitted. Pegg's requeat was placed
an me, .
A resolution was submitted from the le
gal department outlining the duties and
powers of the special commlttses ap
pointed to investigate light and telephone
rates. The resolution was referred to
ine committee of the whole. Mr. Funk
uvuwmr, cnairman or the electric llaht
probing committee, said all Investlgstlons
wouw tte conducted In the council cham
her and would be public.
The proposition to purchase the Audi
torlum was referred to the Judiciary com
An ordinance granting the Missouri Pa
cific railroad right-of-way on Pacific and
TWrty-ninth was read and referred.
Councilman clashed over the reauest of
the Missouri Paclfio for right-of-way on
Boyu stroet at the Belt Line eroeslna:. and
after the ordinance had been taken from
the flies, an amendment limited the length
ot me rignt-or-way killed and discussion
held for several minutes, the ordinance
was passed.
Taxes for the year 1911 on BU Peter's
church were cancelled.
" nsiionn oanK, in a com
munlcatlon, expressed a desire to qualify
as a city depository. The communication
was referred to the committee on finance
ana claims. ,
An ordinance Instructing the mayor and
elty clerk to concur In the execution ef
the Omaha water bonds was passed. No
delay has been occasioned by tbe suit
brought to enjoin the Issuing of the bonds
and the preparations for placing them on
trie market will continue.
ne city engineer was given disncisal
of $1,500 for the Improvement of the sewer
on Burt street.
A resolution to grant the city electrician
leave of absence to go to a meetlna- of
eiectricai engineers at Milwaukee and pay
ms expenses, not to exceed 170, was lost
by a vote of to 6, seven affirmative
votes being required for its passage.
Senator Brown for
Direct Primaries
(From a Staff Correspondent.) i
WASHINGTON, Dec. U.-Htecla! Tele-!
gfam.) In discussing the resolution now I
in the hands ot the conference committee
proposing to amend the constitution t
tsenaior Brown today expressed confl
uence inai ine conference commit..
would reach an agreement at thla aessioe
of congress. The senator s attention was
canea to me tact that In Nebraska there
Is already a provision In the primary law
which, if followed, would result in ,.
olecilon of a asnator la that at.t. .
uurcv voio. senator Hrown expresses
t..w upiimin i ui. me provisions la ti
primary law or iseDraska should be recog
nised by the parties and by all candidates
for the legislature. Tha an....
I have no desire to be re-elected a.i.I
for a aecond term If the people on election
day by direct vote shall declare their
preference for another man. I hope all
me iBDuiuaiea xor the legislature will
a oios oy tue popular vote. 1 think thai
people have a right to choose their public
ervaiiia, wntmtr iney serve as governor.
vUM.'Ti"inu, vr senator, or In
ther capacity."
Palmer, U. U. McDonald
Rosewater, directors.
and Stanley
Births ss Deaths.
Births-Lodger W. and Kate Sadie, J3
Mal'le etreet, boy: William aad l.i.
fclirpler. lew South Thirteenth atreet, boy;
Asel and Amelia JTrcderlckson. f u
street, girl; Prsnk and Gertrude Bliss,
lull k'arnam street, girl.
Deaths Misa Laura A. Turaer, it years,
Twenir-fouitn anil Hjrney street'
Qsorge Lewis, 4) years. Centralis. Mo. '
The key to suooeas in bualniss Is the
judicious and persistent use of newspaper
Young Bank Clerk
Rapidly Recovering
Ezme a. Greene, clerk of the i:ni. i
States National bank, who accidentally
shot himself a week ago, has Improved so
Chat his attending physicians at the
Omaha General hospital think ha will be
SDie to return home In a few days.
Hint, viewpuim, rnampion reserve!
sieer at the recent International Live
atock snow at Chicago, will arrive In
Omaha this morning and will be placed
en exhibition at th (Sheep show in the
Auaiionum. j-nnce viewpoint is owned
by ths state experiment atatlon at Lin.
coin and since the winner of the Chicago
contest has been disposed of for beef
Prluoe Viewpoint is the beet steer In toe
Vnitea states.
rui lour
Gifts In Holiday Doxes
It will add grently to the nppenr
a nee of your grift. We linve nn
endless assortment, nt, each
5c. 10c and 15c
-sar aT 1
Sak ii ill
Christmas Stationery
15enutiful Linen Papers put up in
Holly lioxen are always acceptable
gifts. We liave all the newest col
ors nionojrrained if desired, box,
50c up to $2.00
!lnri: l,00rS1'.plu,0,;S' laVi: a;.U'.r tHbJ ni-tho new and the old-for all sorts of people and all sorts of tastes-for every
condition of life-fine pift .editions for those with well filled purses-inexpensive editions for those with a limited amount
to spend, and such splendid books, too, can be had here with very little expenditure.
Our book department haa been greatly enlarged for the Christmas book sale and is a com
fortable place to trade in.
Come and enjoy looking over the new tilings of the year.
Wm ' ghisTT I
SI. 18
Radiant with loveliness of beauti
ful women. The work of an art
ist whose "girls'' have made him
famous Harrison Klsher. I,ev
Ishly decorated, exquls
ltely bound, in box. , . .
Also in similar style.
A Book of Sweethearts
With illustrations by 1 "is her,
Christy, Grefe, Underwood and
othera In
New and Beautiful Gift Books
Ooze Leather Bindings
Of dainty little gift books, a great
variety of titles and styles, at
25c, 35c and 50c
The Girl I Left Behind Me
A beaujlful gift book Illus
trated by John Hae; In box
Containing teachers' helps, maps,
concordance and referencea, etc.
Bound with overlapping cover.
Red edges. A great bargain.
Catholic Prayer Books
Leather bound editions of Kev of
Heaven. Child's Prayer Hook
ami vest i'ocKet Manuel,
An Immense Has of
Splendid editions for the money.
By Mayne Held, by Kdward H.
Kills, by James Otis, by Chas. t
Coffin, by t A. Stephen, Han
Rrlnker, Begged Dick, by O. A.
Heiity, by Horatio Alger, by J.
T. Trowbridge, by Oliver Optic,
by Harry Castletnan. Boy Scout
Series, Hob Ranger Series, Dare
Boys Series.
Motor Boat Series. Submarine
Boys Horlee, Circus Hoys Herlee,
r'ony Klder Hoys, High School
joy.j, oy Aviator rlerlea.
"he Loves Me" Dainty
love poems set In IihimI
smne decorations n mil
color. lMi-tiire In full
color ly Henry Hutt. In
box, $1 .60.
The. 'Prlncssa Tennyson,
lllustrsted by Howard
l 'handler Christy'. 1J
paxes In full color; mar
ginal Illustration In two
colors throiiKhout the
hook. lioxed, 13.00
Three Klley Books -".V
Summers lav." "Down
Around tha ttlver" and
"Whmt tho Frost la on
the I'timpkln;" Illustrated
by Will Vawter. Printed
In two colors, i'ictures
In full color on each
rover. too each.
"Whea She Was Aboat
lateen" The new Chrta-ty-lllley
hook, with pict
ures by Mr. Christy that
surpass any that he lis a
in a. l for a lilley post!.
12. OS.
Joyoe of the Jasralaea"
italpli Henry Itarhour. A
holiday story. Illustrated
by Underwood. Boxed
Aa Aeoideatal Konsjrmooa
David lJotter. Illus
trated inanrUial decora
tlona on each page. II. SI.
"The Boy Lives on Onr
rarra" and "SI Ton Don't
Watch Out" Two new
Riley hooka: wonderfully
beautiful for children. Il
lustrated by i:the Ketls.
J 1.00 each.
Bong of the Kiebelungen
Arthur ICiickliam, Tllim
trsted with new trunelu
tlous of the text. tf 00.
On Chrlsmaa Day In the
Rvanlng, On Ohrlatmaa
rsv tu tre Morning
UiHi-e S. iilclunoiiil.
Leather bound. Illus
trated. each.
Daye With Oreat Compos
ere J'latea In colors. $1 1.0
Oays With the Snglleh
Coeta Colored Illustra
tions in cloth, vro.
The reset of MX. mend
Arnold Hennet A Christ
mas book. ?rc.
Amsrloaa Belles The new
Harrison I'isher book for
ill I. Beautifully repro
duced hi four colors.
Boxed, J.fe.
Tae Money Moon .Isffrey
Karnol. RQ Illustration
In color and black and
white by Keller. Boxed,
The Blae Bird Maurice
Maeterlinck. Illiietrated
by Caplev Robinson.
Boxed, 14.60.
A Gallery of CMrls Cole
i'hlllpi. 40
Htuillns In full olor of
American girls. I J. 00.
The Boaary and Tha Mia-
trsse of Bhenstone Flor
ence 1 Barclay. Illustrat
ed by K H. Townxenii.
liesutlful holiday edition.
t?.M) each.
The Myrtle meed Tear Book
Handsomely printed
and bound, $ 1.50.
Fair Anterleaas By Har
rison 1'lMher. A hand
anine collection, cnntaln
Ina ST full paaa II hint ra
tions of American girl
hood. Boswl, IJ.00.
Treasure Island Robert
liOins bteveneon. It full
paae lllustrattona by
Wysth. II. US.
"Bow John Morton, the
.Trapper, Kept Xla Christ-
'ins" W. if. II. Murray.
Illustrated by 'rank Mr
rll. c.
Our Bow Boms t low ws
plan to build It Has
departments for writing
In plane. Ideas. etiKKaa
Hons. etc. Boxed, 1.0.
The , MOBsekeepera' Borap
book tn which to record
all aorta of . data about 'be
bonne; de'orate1 on vacli
page. Boxed, $ 1.2&.
cowabsios .oovm
By George B. McCutcli
eon. llluHt rated oy
Harrison Klsher. Cfl,
I'rice, boxed WB
Joe M. Chappie's famous
collection of sent!
tt ents. Kpeciat g-a
at this sals
A pretty story In nl ft
book style. llluatratel
by Will Ureve. Kfift
In box "
A pretty story In sift
book style. Illustrated
by Will Ureve. Ch
in box
C, corse i:llnt'a exquisite
nnein, beautifully II-
lustrated by
11. C. Christy.
A charming automobile
atory. Illustrated and
put up in boa in tt 1 ft.
book style. CAa
Kach at 8
. -j Kk4Asi:.Sia.-. : ' .'cTtsag
TIB -. .- V ' I
Ileautirully lllufrlrslrd In Col
ore, with types of air women
a only Harrison Klsher ran
draw them, and handaomnlv
nnuna with colored
repoductlona on cover
and box
Also In similar etvle
Dream of Fair Women
l'oems with types of beautiful accompanying 4 4 O
thoin, drawn by . a,,,- I I H
sun Klahor, boxed
Who's Who on the Stage
leience book aud
dictionary of the Is A
theater. Fully nlu- lIlJ
tratsX lrge slxn .. .."WW
Tho Loading New Novels
The Iron Woman Murg.
Dsland. 1135.
O o m m o a In- Robert
Chambers. 11.40.
The Harvester Oene Btrat-
ton-Forter. 11.16.
Travelers TIts Annls Fel
lows Johnston. Use.
rollewlng of the Star
Florence Barclay. 1 1. 31V.
Winning of Barbara Worth
Harold Bell Wright.
Mary Midtborn George B,
McCutcheon. II.2A.
Queed Henry Huyder Har
rison. 1. S5.
BebeUloa Joseph Medlll
I'atterson. tl.iS.
My Xady of Doubt Ran- ,
call Fsrlsh. l.D&.
eeret Oardea Trances
Hodgson Burnett. 61. JG
Weaver of praams My rtls
Heed. 1100
Mother Oary's Cbiokeas
Kate uougias wiggnt.
Dawn O'Xarra Edna Fer-
her. I1.2&.
Miss Billy i Kleanor Tor-
tsr. 11.18.
Sr. Darld ' 1 larjorlo U.
Cooke. il8J'f
Beaaon Why lCllnor Glyn.
II. 80.
Kennedy Square V. Hop
klnson Smith. SI. IS.
Bs'er-Do-WeU Ilex Beach.
II .26.
Money Moon Jeffrey Far-
mil. Il.itti.
Life Everlasting Maria
Corelll. l.3b.
rrultful Tins Robert
Hkhens. l.40.
Broad Highway Jeffrey
Karnol. l.ft.
Inaocesee ef rather Brown
(lllbert K, Chesterton
Voter aad - Wendy J. M.
Ilarrle. 11.60,
Cap'av Warrsa's Wards
Lincoln. $1,110.
Carpet rrom Bagdad Mao
tiiath. 1. Hb.
A m a s 1 a g ASventares of
Lstitla Carberry Mary
Itouerla Vtlnehart. II. 75
Olory of Clementina Wm.
J. Locke. II.H0.
Kavoo K 1'hllllps Oppen-
hslm. 1. ns.
rrodigal Judge VaugHtn
Keeter. $1.25.
Conflict David O. Phllllpa
Aa the Bparka Tly Vpwaed
Cyrus T. Brady. M.3&.
New Boye' and Girls' Booko
Motor Boys Series, Rover Hoys
8erles, Putnam Hall Herlts, Areo
plane Boys Wertea, Frontier Uoya
Series, Comrades Eeries, Flying
Boys Series, uta series, . L,ng
Cabin Merles, Heerfoot Herles,
Btratemeyer Books.
With wonderful pictures. In fn.
colors "B
The Harvard Halfback, by
Geo. 11 Band
Cbassd Across the ampaa
Kdward Htratemeyer.
Illustrated. 88c.
On the Cinder Vath Arthur
Duffey. DSc.
Larry Burke, Bephomore
Frank I. Udell. Hc.
Wivniag the Juniotr Oug
Norman liralnard. Sc.
Borotby Valaty at the
Mountain Amy Brooks.
Chatterbox for 1SU tlKc
Betty Wales Decides Mai- Wards. 88a
Vsggy Owea at torktewa
-.Aicy rosier MtuJison.
MVODlKi The Btory of a
Bey Anna Chapiu IUy.
l. II.
Tae Captain of ths B. Z.
O's Utta Anthony Baker.
Live Dolls la Talryland
Josephine Hcrlbner Gates.
Billy Whiskers' Twins
K i antes 'lrcge Montgom
ery. 75c.
The Young Lloa Hunter
yane iry. sec
Orlmm's Talry Tales New
edition. Illustrated ly
Aruiur HacKtiam. i.uv
Old Ben James Otis. ii:.
rrlaesss Polly's Vlayiaatss
Amy Brooks. 8c.
The Boy Who Brought
Christmas Alice Morgan.
nowadays Fairy Book An
na Alice Chapln. Hlue. by
Jeaaie Wilcox Hiiilth. 1.00.
Fatty's Car Carolyn Well
Msrjorle'e Maytlme Caro
line Welts. 8c.
Boy Boouts on Lake Cham-
flala Percy Kltxhugh.
Areoplaae at Silver To
Isria James oils. 1.18
Boy Boouts in the Mains
Woods Jamva Oil". Ko.
Just ratty Jean Webater.
Team Matee Ralph He.iry
Harbour. 11.18.
freshman Dora, ritohar
l.ealle W. ynlrk. I18.
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ror Yardley R. II. Bar
bour. 11.18.
Elinor's Junior Hop
urace Cody. 11.18.
Bartley, rreahmaa, n to her
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Hour. v8o.
Bea retries U Frank
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Inner Shrine
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r reek Us
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Danger Mark
Old Veabody raw ....
Intruatons of Jlmmj
, , . .Connor
. ..l'orter
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. . . Wlstfln
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fnuoe of I aula
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OarOea of Allah . . .
Ooose Ulrl
lw in the Sapphire
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Sy akerttaaee .. ..
. . . Wallace
. . .Ilichen
. .McOrath
, . . . Hnyder
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. . .Thanet
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Kingdom of Slender Bworda
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Mualo Mastsr
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, ..Man-
. . . . Klein
. .Connor
unniiiuf saTiiiart ox vralg....
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Culled from the Wire
j ne iiwubb vi iaiui rejeotea tha nevAl
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ur. tnaries w. Kllot. president
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""""i ivui iu ujjciauon jor eppeudl-
Greetings from the states of the north.
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the new stale capitol by the delegation of
ine cumruuiee or me Uernian Aero
club has decided that the international
balloon race for the James (, u
nett trophy is to be bsld si Stuttgart tint
y ear.
Cases involving the constitute,,. in ..
the oew law In Miaaeurl reouirina rail
roada In the state to day tliair ,....i...
every fifteen days reached the unrm
Celebration f the twenty-fifth anniver
sary of the organisation ul fet. Mark's
Lutheran church. Twentieth snd Burdetts
streets, ended with a social In the church
asaembly hall last night. The social was
preceded by services In the chutvb. J.
F. WUhelmy,' historian and first superln.
Undent of the Hundsy school, read a his
tory of Ihe growth of the church, end
members related Incidents In the errly
years. The church building cost 819 (JoT
and the maintenance espeiise of the
church for tstnty-flve ytars hss besn
847.40t Kev, Adolph Hull of the Swedish
Lutheran church congratulated the 0011-
regaUuo on its (rest growth. Rev. Mr.
gchnur, first pastor of tho church, and
C. B. Pbults, the oldest member, re
eouuted Important event lu the hlbtory
of the organization.
J. H. Arthur, who has bci-n with the
Chicago, Milwaukee & Ht. i'aul Hallway
company In Ita Omaha offlcea for more
than thirty ysara. hss been appointed
general contracting aerit for tho com
pany with headquarters In Council Bluffs.
All this I linn Mi. Ai'thui' lived In
Council Blurts. y
The position U a nevily created one.
Mr, Arthur's appointment becomes effec
tive December li.
kl Tourury l'laitnrd.
BLLOl'l. Wis., Dec. 13 flans are being
mado by the Beluit Ski club fur one of
the blKKest ski tournaments ever held In
this part of the Vnltcd States. The date
haa been set for January 31. following
clone after the Chippewa Kails tourna
ment on January 21, the StouKhton tour
nament on January 21 and the Chicago
National on January 7 and
Christmas Furs
Reduced Price
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