Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Eoyal and Select Masters Hold An
nual Election of Officers.
'la Kvrnlpg nt )lannlr Temple!
llrllevae l.lBf it,p iu.
l"t Complimentary to
1 isltlnir Members.
Tlio crand council of the Uoyal and
"Select Muster Masons of Nebraska met
it Masonic temple yesterday, 1,10 ieln In
attendance. Officers were elected as
Oconee. 8. Powell, erand master,
Chaunrey U Wattles, deputy grand
master, Xeligh.
Lewis K. Smith, grand principal con
ductor of the work, 1onn Pine.
John 6. llarnian, grand treasurer, Te
cumseh. Francis K. White, grand recorder,
John J. Mercer, grand chaplain, Omaha.
I.eonidiis II. llradlcy, grand cantalu of
the iftiard, Oiuuha.
Charles I. Fhllbrick, grand conductor
of Iho council, Wymore.
AiiKuct J. Allx'is, grand steward, Fre
mont. John X. iccly, grand sentinel, Thcdford.
Among the prominent Masons that these
mi-cllngs have brought to the city are:
C. L,. Wattles. Xeligh; Dr. Evonn, Co
lumbus; W. II. Hunt. U:oomfield; Alfred
Morgan. Hroken How; .1. AV. Mitchell,
Superior; I.. C. Finilh. Long Pine; James
Tyler, Lincoln; C. J. Phelps, Schuyler; 8.
J. Davidson, Tecumseli; V. II. Young,
Uroken How; 1,. 1. Richards, Fremont;
John P. Ihirmaii. Tecumseli; Ooorgo J.
ipalin, Superior; Francis McUibhon, Fre
inont; John Harper, lavld City; .1. J.
Wilson, Broken Bow and scores of others.
Reports showed a gain of seventy-eight
members during the year.
Will Investigate
the Finances of
' the Auditorium
On motion of W. T. Graham the Real
Kstate exchange decided to Investigate
the present status of Auditorium finances
.and the financial possibility of its pur
chase by the city. President Morton ap- !
pointed Mr. Graham chairman of a com
mittee of two, the second member to be
named later, to look Into the matter and
report next Wednesday.
Privately the opinljn was expressed by
several at the exchange meeting that the
Auditorium should not be sold to any
one except the city, as It la generally
understood that the building Is paying
all running expenses and Interest on its
bonded debt.
Triple Elopement
Feared by Parents
.Three boys and three girls, all living
In the North Bherman avenue district,
are mussing from their homes, and par
ents believe that they accomplished a
triple elopment.
The facta have been reported to the po-
.lice by Anton l.ange, 8124 North Seven
teenth street. His daughter. Bertha, aged
4 Hi, left home last Sunday, supposedly In
the company of Caroline and Catherine
Mclntyre, aged 16 and 18, who are also
The missing boys are Edward Norton,
. Thirty-first and Lindsay streets; John
l-'avis, Thirty-third and Lincoln boule
vard, and Harry Hammond, S110 Lind
say street. The boys are each about 18
yeais old.
Savidge Has Bags
Instead of Stockings
Rev. Charles W. Bavldge has a new
scheme for providing many a home with
Christmas cheer. He has been presented
-with 1,000 bags by one of the large firms
of the city and these he Is now dlstil
buling among his many friends when he
knows are glad to help out at Yule Tide
Mr. Savidge nay a he will have some extra
hags and will be glad to send one to any
who might wish to fill one for the good
cause. It these parties will telephone him
, he will se that the bag is delivered.
Fire Warden Says
Use Mineral Wool
Use mineral wool for decorating Christ
matt tries and shop windows Is the ad
vice of hire Warden Ed. T. Morris. And
don't wrap cotton batting around elec
tric fixtures. Mr. Morris has started a
careful Inspection of shop windows and
will order decorations removed or re
vised If the. danger from fire is evident.
The city electrician issued the warning
which Mr. Morris Is carrying out.
Thirty Old People
in House of Hope
Thirty old people are now housed In the
o;c of Hope, and the old Drlucoll homo
l the nwth of t lie House of Hope, on I
Vw tit v-:;i-i elit h avcniu Is i-riiMIv l,lit.r 1
lit ted up to take care of the overflow,
lit v. C. W. fc'avldge, who hu charge of
i I.e. home; t;i his fininiej pro running
: hort for this w jrk. as old i.copls ntc-
i nt .iiuutiy U-li-s .taken lino the huim
and he will bo glad to rccejved contribu
tors iu the way of t'hiiwtinas gifts to
t.cip la the wuik.
Elaborate Dinner
for U. P. President
Tin tl'iiars a plate is the prKe f.xcd
for i he I.umiutt to be given l,y the Com
mercial ilub to l'lcsldent Mohli-r of the
I'n'.cii Pacific on the evening of Decem
ber HI. This will I the fitst time that an man ha been pre: I Jen t oi u ral!-' ai:J the Commercial chili dmites1
that II. c i.ailvc u ahull be. duly honored. I
T!w Laniuti nhl be u formal a"air.
The Gift To Delight Every Woman
The housewife who appreciates the rich qualities and
deep pile of a good oriental rug will be delighted with one
of these beautiful floor coverings for a Christmas gift. The
soft texture and fascinating
designs of the oriental rugs
we are selling at way-down
concessions are unexcelled
in Omaha. We are show
ing several hundred of these
choicest rugs, and are all
priced very low. We invite
inspection of goods and prices and challenge comparison for quality and fig
ures. They are the best we have in stock, and the prices are brought down
very low that we may move the goods before beginning our annual inven
tory. The Christmas shoppers who wish to give gifts of enduring service
will reap the benefit of this great sale. Here are a few of the rugs and prices:
$20 Bokahra Rug SS.2-7 .
$25 Beloochistan 3x3-8 . . .
$15 Anatolian-2-8xl-9
$16 Cabistan 2-Gx2
$22.50 Karmanshah
2-6xM0 . ......
$18 Karmanshah 2 (5x2 . . .
$28 Daghestan 3x2-G
$20 Beloochistan 2-3x3-11
$24 Bokhara, 3-6x2-7
$30 Daghestan 2-10x4-5 . .
$35 Kazak 1x3-2
$20 Kazak 2-6x3-7 . .
$28 Kazak2-10x4-3
$50 Beloochistan 5-4x3-1 .
$23 Beloochistan 1-3x2-9 .
$30 Daghestan 3-1x2-10 . .
$14 Cabistan- 2-4x2-2
$48 Daghestan 3-3x2-8 . . .
$25 Beloochistan, 27x3-9 .
$36 Daghestan 3-5x4-7 . . .
$25 Daghestan 2-10x3-8 . .
$35 Shirvan 4-3x3-11
$65 Mosoul 6-10x4-5 .
$110 Farghan 9x4-10
$32 Beloochistan 4-4x2-11
$62 Bokahra 4-7x3 3
$25.50 Beloochistan
3-7x2-11 ,
$54 Daghestan 5-10x3-5 . .
$34 Beloochistan 5x3-4 . . .
$46 Shirvan 1-6x3-2
$45 Mosoul 4-6x3-2
$34 Beloochistan
$30 Daghestan 3-5x2-10 . .
$36 Daghestan 5x3-3
$40 Daghestan 5-1x3 3 . . .
$34 Daghestan 4-3x3-5 . . .
$29.50 Daghestan 4-10x3-6
$25 Beloochistan 1-2x3 . . .
$45 Shirvan 5-0x3-4
$34- Daghestan 5-2x3-5 . . .
$27 Beloochistan 1-4x2-10.
$34 Daghestan 4-2x2-10 . .
$29.50 Daghestan -4-1 0x3-6.
$40 Daghestan (5-1x3 6
$30 Kazak 5-1x3-3
$34 Daghestan 5-3x3-5
$28 Daghestan 3-2x4-8
$35 Kazak 7-6x4-7
$34 Daghestan 4-10x3 3 . . .
$29.50 Daghestan 5 I x.; 3 . .
$56 Daghestan 5-6x4-3
$44 Daghestan 3-(5x5-(
$50 Kazak (5-5x3-11
$34 Daghestan I 5x3-7
$50 Kazak 7-5x3-2
$35 Ouenje 7x3 5
$36 Beloochistan 3-3x4-9 . .
$45 Kazak 6-7x3 6
$35 Ouenje 6-3x3-5
$60 Bokahra 4-3x4-1
$25 Kazak 1-3x3-3
$40 Guenje 7x3-11
$36 Guonje 6-10x3-9 .
$34 Daghestan 5-1x3-7
$40 Kazak 4-6x3 6
Shirt-Waist Boxes
Ir-rs-S- -a. I
mm ml -
Cretonne. Covered Boxes Finished in birch on
all edges, two sizes at. . $6.00
Solid Red Cedar Box Covered with finest
quality Japanese matting, nil edges of box and
lid finished in mahogany, size 40 inches . . ... . .$16.00
Solid Red Cedar Box Same style as above, size
40 inches .$13.00
Shirt-waist Box Sixe 25 inches, matting covered
good, substantial, well made box $2.70
Shirt-waist Box Same style as above, size 34
ilK'he $4.80
Matting Covered Box With sanitary base, size
31 inches , $5$0
Matting Covered Box With tray, finished '.'on :
outside with ornamental oxodized nails, size 39
inches ; $7.30
Solid Red Cedar Box With Tray Covered with
matting, size 40 inches. ...... $11.00
Utility Box Covered With Matting-Finished
on outside in very ornamental manner, and with
arms at ends, suitable for window seat, size 43
Cedar Chests
Solid Cedar Chests On castors, hand-rubbed exterior fin
ish, size D4 Inches ' ,
Solid Cedar Chests Hand, finished trundle box, made to
slip under the bed, size 4C Inches ' '.
Solid Cedar llox Hand finished, with copper band and
trimmings, lock and 'castors, size 4 5 inches
Solid Cedar Chest Hand finished, with dust proof lid,
plain outside finish, slue 40 inches
Solid Ked Cedar Hub bed Chest With dust proof lid,
ornametal corners, size 4 3 inches
Solid Cedar Chest Hand Rubbed finish, copper trim
mings, lock and castors, -size 38 Inches
Table Covers
TiiiHel-t bread Tapestry Piano Scaif For parlor table cov
er, 18x.'4 inches $18 00
Table Cover Imported tinsel-thread tapestry, 26x13 inches JRlll
luble Cover 30x18 Inches, tame as above, much heavier
ork $8.75
Table .l overs Same as above, 35 inches, square .... Tr-ft
elour Table Cover 40x67 incheB, fine copy of antique
Oriental rug . .SIO OO
Mbiaiy Table Hunner 25x64 inches, plain centers, bord
ers all around
Velour Table Covers Copies of the Oriental' prayer 'rugs! .' $3.'J0
Lamp Shades
Two-Toned Italia a Marblo Hunt 23 inches high
"Mother's, Love" t
Italian Marblo PedestalFor "Mother's l.ove"
Italian Marble Bust 25 Inches high, "Coquette"
Italian Marble Ifcixt 19 inches high, "Holland Lass" ..
Italian Marble Pedestal For "Holland Lass"
Italian Marble Ilust 20 Inches high, "Prlseilla"
Italian Marble Pedestal For "Prlscilla"
Two-Toned Italian Marble. Ilust 8 inches high, "Laura"
Italian Mm bio IttiKt 16 Inches high, "Devotiou"
Two-Toned Italian Marble Figure 25 inches high, "Iris''
Italian Marble Ilust 13 inches high, "Joan of Arc" ....
Similar Busts of many familiar figures, from 10 to 1C
laches high, at from -$7.50 t
Small Silk Shades Oold lace and gilt bead fringe, cbani-
jiagne colors ;
French La nip Shades All colors, 14-inch diameter,' fin-
ished with beautiful Bilk braids and fringe .... nn
French Silk Lamp Shades Hose color with medallion's' in
paueis, scsnopea uoiioms, irmged with gilt beads
French Shades Plain silk, trimmed with plain braids and
silk fringe, IC-lnch, champagne and rose colors ....
Florentine Electric Lamps
n Parlor Lamps Beautiful designs 2 n
1 Brass Lamp Beautiful design
wrved Italian Portable Lamii SJU'if
Bric-a-Brac Department
Our Brie-a-Brac Department contain a large selection Novelty Brass Goods, audi as Smoker Sets, Desk Sets Ink
Stands, Calendar Pails Score Pads, JJru-s Clock and Note Pads, at a great variety of prices and selections Tliev are
jut the, thing for Christinas presents. y
Remember--Good furniture may be cheap, but "cheap' furniture cannot be good.
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
Established 1884
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
decoratingcoDrt HOUSE
lliil-i for yiocorMliir.' tl,e n-w rounly
'.u;l.liir .: ie-iid l,v ihe l;.jurl of
ort- '"..I. hu h iji.i-tK after It Imtl k't-i)t
I 'lilliMo Jt t it 1 1 of till? ia
muU. Tin- h. ur.l v-Jt.ii Iu i -tilvertle
Sr, the t. l.e knmltte'l not
lii!t-r thuii nu n of 1m. ralx r IT. a:irt to
Iu o)iiit-J ri Uiul time, 'i ho UlUUvis wire
I'm hi. Son i Ulimt mid Al. l x Un lr-,
iKli of Ubuiu LiJ Jl..,iAii. y
Motorman is Victim
of Holdup Man
,. M lula. llarnvy ;ieet, a
inulorii.uii In the employ .of the meet
lallway coniiun. h-hj Ui ut the
point of tk gun by a nnmo on Ninth
ttreet ot'lween Paclfli: and Plice Htrcel,
ttbuut li o'clock Tufeday night and robbed
of )1.6K. I'avl had Juat finished his work
fur th day and ai on tils way bom
when the holdup man Jumptd out from
behind a tree and pushed a su In hla
Kark-Mri Mar.
Stiaa- Lunlce i;. McCune, daughter of
Ed w u rd AlcCune and Sir. Vernon
E. Hark. both of Jreham. Neb.,
wtie mauled by Rev. Chaiiea V. Bavldge
Tuesday noon at tho Millard. The at
UndanU were the bride's eouxln, Mlu
limu Mi t.'une. nd Mr. Owen M. Howe
bvlb of Sbclb)-, Neb.
Mrs. K. Kiahcr w sentenced to fifteen
days In ti n coMnty Jul! by Judge Craw
ford In police court on a charge of ob
taining money under fultte lo-etenxes. Mrs.
Finder, who U a police court character
with a atrlntf of alius, drew up a docu
ment, supitosed to have been written by
a Dr. A. Kandars of Council Uluffs, In
which she Is portrayed ai heln destitute
with three children on her hands who are
supposed to be In a starving coudillun.
Armed with this pape-r, Mr Fisher
t. ade the rounds of t!ie business houxes
In Omaha and managed to collect quite
a sum of money.
Halldlu Permits.
W. Karnam Bnilth. 1210 Karnam street,
frame mu,-e. W; Itoine Hogard, lxti-2H
North Thlrty-llilrd atrecl, frame dwelling.
i.'.X; John Kelley, 374 North Fortieth
tfret, frame dwelling, I'J.hM; tirove
W'harton 'onatructlon company, five cot
tagea on South Twelfth street, $2,uo0 u'li;
Marry (irons. Twenty-first and Faul
utreets. frame shop. 1U0; J. T. Mclionahl,
Uti Kuiith KlKhternth street, addition to
frame building. iuu.
' -FOR
New Invention New Action . New Results
Ksrnla Spread Ope a.
Kerala ronj'ht Closer Tofethsr
i:xpi..vtohv OF
"A" Is tlio point of contact wltli
the abdominal wall.
"U" Is the resultant of the linen
of force front "A" to "R." It will
be readily seen that the truBs imd
with a convex surface spreads the
rupture apart, while that of a
concave surface brings the hernial
walla together.
Patent Applied For
This truss has been highly recommended by all phyglclant and
surgeons who have seen It. It merits the attention of the profession
as It does w hnt no other truss, appliance, .plasters,, salves, lotions or
ncedje pricking can do.
In a short time It will be approved by the .Vnlted States Rtvern
incut. It Is far better In scientific mechanical principle than the Hoods
model, Howton Water Pad, New York Elastic or the trusa as wan fitted
to the 'ar of Itunsla or recommended by Sir Andrew Clarke, late phy
sician to the queen or thofo used by the Nw York Hospital for the
ruptured nor do we claim to t'l'HE A lU'ITl'HE IN TEN DAYS.
1 Diminish the sis of the rupture,
t which can l demonstrated by
an apparatus built especially for
the purpose by an export fitter.)
2 1'iiNltlvrly hold any rase of hernia
by enoapsulatlnf It (which others
fall to do, the minute thoy are
3 ItrlnK In apposition the walls of
the hernial rlnsr, therefore alvina
nature a chance to brlns; shout
PADS CAHKOT do, because they
spread tho hernia apart.
4 will cause a aentle friction, there
by hrlii it a greater blood supply to
Die part and, according to nature's
law, n reparative process will be
thereby Induced.
What This Truss Will NOT Do
1 Induce a cure In a case of hernia
In ten minutes; If you expect this,
please do not take up an expert's
S There are only TWO HITIODI
known whereby, a rupture can lie
relieved.' That Is, cither wear a
sensible truss or have a true surgi
cal operation.
a This truss WIX.I. HOT take the
place of a con petent surcreon, w ho
builds up an artificial wall which
nature cuant to have done.
Injeotlons of any Rind are not
only dangerous, hut never will nor
never have CVBXO a hernia.
Xlie Tyrrell Truss Co.
37SO Hroadway, New York City
Write for descriptive booklet.
Daily demonstrations beld in Omaha by an expert truss
man at
Schafer' Cut-Pricc Drug Store
Tao0iBo,pMM. Only at 16th tnd Chicago Sts.
Copyright, 1011, by J. II. Thorosen.
To Do
It you iosa your pocketboolc,
umbrella, watch or soma other
article ot value, 'tha thins to
do is to follow the example of
many other people and adver
tise without delay In tha Lost
and Found column ot Tha Bee.
That ia what moat people do
when they lose articles of value.
Telephone us and tell your loss
to all Omaha In a atafls afternoon.
Put It
The Bed
National Mid-Winter Sheep Show
their "wool" in a braid. , , ' .7 .
The Snow White ones and Dusky PeiMans. . .
The (J rent White. Llamas and the Collie Dogs.
ADMISSION Adults, 25c; Children 10c
Vlula Uheldon, Coloratura Uuprano; The
lie.iutlful Uullet of Flowers. Top NuUh
(illo: JumI the Hhow ror rineep rihow
Week C'ho;'us ot tprlnic I.snius.
Ladlss' Slue Kat'.nee Evtrr Week Day.
today t"30, xriffHt
Ssst Beats BOo
The Tast Show"
rtcautlful Souvenirs to the Ladles
at Dally Uiiiio Matinee.
Wed. Hlg-bt Chorus Olrls' Contest
Violin Recital
BAKEL HATXX,E0K, Tlolln Virtuoso.
Assisted by Miss I.oalse Ormsby, so
prano; Mme. A. Sorg-lum at the piano.
Thursday, Deo. 14th. 8:15 V. M.
First Baptist Church, 89th Harney.
Tickets, (1.00 and 7 Bo, at Moaye'e.
Blind Poone Concert
Vrlduy nlsht, Dei-emher 15. 8 o'clock
Twenty-sixth and Harney Htreets,
Tickets on Bale Myers-Dillon Ilospe
Admission Only 25c
That Merry, Musical Mlxuo
BO People 60. Ulg Beauty Chorus.
Matinee. 85-60 Tonight, 85 to (1.00
'om I ii g-H f. A N ' t K itlNl'
Matinee every day, X:U: every night,
:lu. Advanced Vaudeville LJly Lena;
Kitwln rltevena, aided by Tina Nlarohall ;
Julien Tannen; itlank ramily; The Avon
Comedy I-our; The b'our tOlies; Arnianl
Bros.; Ktnetosrupe; Hrpheuiu Concert
Orchestra Prices: Niuht 10c. l&c. SOc.
75c. Matinee, luc, best seats Xic, except
Haturday and Hunday.
Tonifht Mats. Tuea., Thure., Bat.
rrloea, 8 So Only.
MISS ETA I. A HO and tha
Meat Week The X,aufhlD( Saoceae,
'KEI.I.O, BII.Ik'r
Tonight, Trl Sat. frtoes. 8 So, (SOo,
T&o, Sat. MatM SSo, 6O0.
The Musloal riay, Til IBWLT
WEDS and Their Baby.
Fsople 73 Olrls.
Cowing Uet mioh Quick Walling ford
That's the way
Our Warriea are delicious.
Home Made (Sausage and
Dut'kwheat rakes that torn
ot our patrons come a long
way to get.
lie . Tempted ' '
Belmont Restaurant
1516 Dodge St. C. N. Ball Iop.
Open All Night.