Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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    Till: HKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. PF,CKMHKU 14. 1911.
he g
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Court Convenes for the Day
By Tad
T0( UIVOMC rtAi ?6CN SOKr CHWW MVC .THAT OCP I V Tn .v , I 1 v , s
JSisSSSSS l,irHSN ff?!y f. rf ) . FHH 13-
1 ''Nfrwns4P aV;4J - , . ".
' . .. - - - . J:
Girl Scouts a Successful Organization Jgfr n(J jti'TSSr ' ( A Ten Million-Dollar Widow j-
rtvHtP J
r I . . . . . I . ' . . .............. :H
"When I first heard the nam of girli
Scout for an organisation It did not ap-
peal to me.
In fact, it repelled mo.
The, word "aoout" suggests war, danger,
physical and men-
: -v" ;
tal daring, expoa
tir to all kinds of
unpleasant experi
ences, and these
thing do not aeem
to ba a part of the
Ufa nature intended
for woman.
To my mind, wo
man's real sphere
la wholly apart from
that of man. And
so are her a porta
and recreations
apart from his
rougher ways.
It la far more
beautiful, for more
attractive than
the sphere of the
It la the wonderful world of the home,
away from the shop, the office, the fac
tory, the lawyers' or Judges' or doctors'
or politicians' domain.
It la a world of busy activities, of care
ful detail, or Infinite possibilities and of
undeveloped mines of pleasure and profit
to the individual and the race.
Tet, under existing conditions, the only
way to have a home for a large majority
of women IB to go out of the home and
work for It.
And once working eut of the home, it
Is Imperative that woman should have a
voice la th making of the country's
But to return to our girl scouts.
Investigation proved that the-erganlaa-llon
was only adventurous and- masculine
in name.
Its - ideals are Wholly feminine and
This organisation was founded at Des
Moines, la., late In the summer of 1910 by
Clara Adella Lasetor-Lane, daughter of
Colonel and Mra. William n. Llselor
Iane. Inasmuch a it was the first or
ganisation Of the kind for girls in the
United States, it created great interest
from ' the first, and has been eagerly
watched by persons Interested in pro
moting the good of the girl.
The work embraces cooking, sowing,
housekeeping, first aid, nursing, nature
study and the doing of good turns. There
are out-door sports, of course, but these
are of such a nature that they will not
detract from the refinement or woman
liness of the girl. A strict ban Is put on
an lorms or rowayism.
The work Is destined to create a
revolution In drees, too, for the girl
scout may not lace. Not only that, but
they are asked to discard all forms of
artificiality, as rats, rogue, paint, powder,
false hair, pads and the numerous other
things that comprise such an important
part of the make-up of the woman to
day. Girl scout work provides" the moans of
learning the way to attain, and helps in
i attainment. It give the girl what she
needs to round out her life and make her
self-supporting. It doe not take her
from her home, but, rather, gives her
Interest that place a new phase on
home life and make It desirable.
The work Is conducted In a manner
similar to the boy scout work. Troops
are formed, consisting of one or more
patrols; each patrol consists of eight or
more girls, from 11 to IS years of age.
Troops meet at times and places deter
mined by themselves, for instruction.
They are under the direct supervision of
a suout master, who teaches the require
ment or secure some other person com
petent to do so.'
Honor are given for work well done
In any one line that will make the girl
rt-.i-uijijui iiiiu, wruie special honor are
given for werk in any line that will place
a girl in a position of trust and honor.
ino work started with one troop, and
trsw until now troops are organised or
in the process of organisation In twenty
two different states. Possibly one of the
greatest recommendatloiiM Which it Do.
eertts is the fact that a large number
of schools have arranged to give the
work, either entirely or In port, in their
acaools during the coming year. This
plan waa first adopted in the western
states, but lately has been taken up in
the east also.
A national council has charge of the
work. This council is composed of many
persons or national, And even Interna
tiunal. prominence, all lntvrestod In seek-
lug the highest good of the girt
I da not kaow of anything which seems
to effer better results for the race In the
w ay of employment of the tWne ot young
girl tmta this organisation of the girl
America is tbs home of Independence
nd freedom for woman, and In the carry
Ing out of these naUoual ideas He great
oung girls are net properly guarded,
nut properly guided. They are allowed
w e.'4 thlc tnvn plevrJl cr!. tb-r'f 00
companions, of both aexe. and to enjoy
themselves aa they see fit, while their
tniftlng and unwise parents imagine they
will find only normal and moral outlets
for their youthful vitality and only think
or talk along healthful lines. It would
appall the parents of America were they
to gather together the girls of the public
and high schools from the ges of 7 to 17
years and put them through a third de
gree of Investigation regarding their
knowledge of modern life, modern society,
modern Immorals and ancient sins.
Not one girl In one score receives any
wise Instruction from her mother or
guardian before she goes into the public
schools; Instruction which if rightly and
delicately given acts as a safeguard
against evil. Little girls of lamb-like In
nocence are sent into the wolf's den of
the public school to learn every sacred
and beautiful fact of life in a vile and
vulgar' manner.
And there Is no one to protect ana guard
them from such experience because par
ents have not made them feel that they
can come to them In search of knowledge
on these subjects, and so the white mind
becomes soiled and dangers thicken about
the child aa she grow Into young woman
hood and Is given leisure antf liberty to
onjoy herself aa she will. The girl scout
movement offer a protection, -It offers
guardianship, It offers direction' and wise
Instruction .. , - t
All success to It. .
jAwaj a courxT-rv i-AJx.
Hv. wAitsto 6 MoeirMi iT no
ANi VaETt Cam e. He HAD &JC
TtML HBJ rvA"7i Or TM Hr4
fruit, one oav A,.irrnu
CAL. iTMtJr Oa FRof HCft ..
ca-F Iti THE Am NOUlp
OOT OF- AW CO fV I S H c t
IT fit Fli-L. TON .
rfA-MA.-1'M ATHAlMne,
0. A WCVCt-fST mow
I 3i-SEerV A COT ev TUC
CMgRV TIME. Hk'j Off
Much othu AtROf lank.
rois o n a y l hat voifr tAL.C
Mbf fc.:$M.DieopaAi we
r-oK-5TTDmfc cujYeKienu
Tiottt.THffN TIBHnO1 back, hs
Cr4irT"0r 0v TrVC VA-.
CU R ATD ft OlTM Aft
j5 HfJ
Uf HIS Mepu-J, PA
7VT7:ftS Of, MAfceW
Hi GUNK ano nwatlw
AS. A BuTTm"HClVf. POitf.
TOMPculah Amp
was Kfi. rjoftsr IN WITH HIS
V030Mem-li Mr FoitTM fASr
SCAiAift3ft JtOUB. BtiirtCP
joe vNHiJpernero -IF
men vtm.N um go&s
Of TAr CAWf 0r tj
rAftrNTft : Ano 00 TH
AAis-'THi 0VE AsgAirV.
courier I hothih
A rfAffWT0 0bT7U.
Her rich husband died and lert her
$10,000,000, a yacht, a country 'place, a
town house, three automobiles, all sorts
of diamond and pearls, and things, and
her freedom.
Iff "WJ
Khort sleeves, which have been so uni
versally worn for the last year or two,
have ruined our elbows and It's a painful
but frequent sight to behold two rough
and grayish Joints sticking out pointedly
through filmy lace sleeves.
The elbow fares very badly ariyhow. II
Is criticised for awkwardness and little
attention la paid to It until It Is almost
hopeless. However, there Is a way to
remedy the trouble, which will always
return unless more attention Is paid to
the elbows or we adopt long sleeves
again. ' '
In the first place, when bathing and
scrubbing the arm at night don't hold
your arm out stiff. This wrinkles up the
skin over the elbow and prevents you
from removing all the dust that Settles In
the creases. Bend the elbow and see that
you wash It very clarfully. Elbows that
are Just a little rough should be. rubbed
with a good cold cream or a little oil or
even sweet cream or sweet butter. Rub
this Into the skin after washing and dry.
ing thoroughly.
Where the elbows present a queer gray
ish appearance, with skin very much
cracked, apply the cream before waahing.
Ilub a good quantity Into the akin. 1,m,.,
It absorb as much as It can. Leave It on
for a little while and then wash off with
warm water and a bland soap. Ky bland
soap I mean one that ha very little free
malt in It, You can always test soan
by touching1 it with the tongue. If it
stings and la very sharp to the tasta
don't use it oh your face and hands, for It
ha too much alkali euid I too strong fur
use even on cracked elbows.
When the elbows are very rough, with
4 good deal of loose dead skin which can
not be wsahed off, apply soap and water
and rub the elbow with a little Powdered
pumice stone. The pumice stone should
be wet and the elbow should bo well
oaped before It Is applied. Wash It off
thoroughly and rub a little cream over
the skin a an emollllent.
Bonp water and powdered pumice wiil
rub away any dead skin which so fre
quently snows on the arm In winter
time, and small pieces of pumice stone.
aUo wet and soaped, are used for rubbing
on the arm to destroy the down or hair
on them. It Is one of the siinnlnxt mot li.
oas oi getting rid of superfluous hair.
though, of course, the hair will com
back again, and only constant use will
completely subduo the growth.
A great many girls complain of havliik
very -thin forearms or thla upper arms
arid heavy forearms. This inharmoniouj
condition ia due to an over-developmrn
of one set of muscles and the correspond
ing Jack of development In the other set.
Housework develops the arms, and I see
It frequently recommended for that pur
pose. Arter all, every movement which
ooc-ur In ordinary housework has it pro
totype In some physical culture exercise.
Only when we do housework our mind
are usually on something els and we
are In a hurry to get through, and wheu
w are exercising, especially In a class
and are paying the Instructor we are usu
ally anxious to get cur money s worth
and gtod result. Therein lies the g:ea
omorenc. ou can turn every motion
that you have to make during the day
mm a proiuaoie movement for the exer
cise of the body.
It Isn't so much what you do as how
you do It ttesX ctiwp.'ji 1 tccu'jf vlVirfi.
"But She Has a Good Heart"
Copyright, Mil. by Na
tional Mews Association
f ia if ' imm
f 1 I WWn ' 1
kt ' "
I r-L' -, '
flhe wore mourn
ing fur si months
very decorously,
and the other day
she married a long
haired man who
sinks sentimental
ballads when he
can get any one
to pay htm to do It.
He hasn't a very
good voice and he
doesn't alng very
good . songs, but.
oh! hi smile, and.
oh! the salad he
ran mix and the
Welsh "rabbit" he
can atlr up, Just as
easy, on anybody's
old rhlflug dlsrg and the eoektalls hs
can make. If some one will only buy the
materials for him! -You would never
bolleve there could be such cocktails un
less you tasted them yourself.
Poor goose!" the world Is saying about
the rich widow who la going on her
honeymoon with the longhaired man and
Ms chafing dish, a solid sliver, on this
time, and ' his guitar and hi mandolin
and hi stories and his. special IngrV
fljent for making those special rock-
Poor goose?" Not at all, I say. Kite
had a chance to get what she wanted for
once In her Life, and she bought It: why
notT You ee, I knew the man with the
ten millions, and t knew the woman he
left the money to before she wss a
WltlOW. ft' ,. .
Poor thing! I never sow her then wUhr
out wondering why she didn't run away
and earn her own living somewhere
scrubbing' floors or washing windows. It
would have been no much easier than the
way she did earn It.
Hhe belonged to the man with ten
millions belonged to him body and soul
and heart and brain and breath and
breathing and he never let her forget
It for one little minute. She was afraid
lo do this and scared to say that, and
didn't .dare think thus and. so; she
couldn't ohoose her own friend. she
couldn't read her own books', she couldn't
lift her feeble little pipe and sing the
songs she would have liked to slngt thai
man she belonged to didn't like to hap'
women alng, and she didn't even have
the comfort of her own children.
The man she belonged to had hi owrt
Ideas about raising children, and hej-v
raised hi that way. and they were all
afraid of him. and they and their molMiT'
always deceived and lied to blm when
ever they could.
The man who owned the woman hate
. . . a . a . . III., a. I . a. . rt' " '
ine inrsier, ana ne aian i iir" uw-i, (V
ho nover thought of pictures, and ha.,.;
hated stronger around the house, thev
"disturbed" him; and he waa always toV
tired or too worried or -too something to
laugh. He Just made money and mad.'1'
money and made money, like soma queer
machine that some one had started some-'' .
time and that no one could stop.". tilf!
one day something did stop the machine L
and the man died and left the woman heV
had' awned when he was alive llft.000.OOjV
and her. freedom. Fine sift, wasn't
af tor ho' was dead? '
The Ten Million Dollar Widow' branjCj'
new husband couldn't earn $1,00 In r
lump to save hi long-haired life, butl.!
how gloriously he can spend a million, i ..,:
When I saw the Ten Mllllo Dollar'
Widow the other day she wag Just stait-
ing on her brand new honeymoon with f
her brand new husband.- . His hulr wart"''
lorftfer (h'an ever the mat who. used to"
own the woman hated long hair worsq t
than he hated bad securltle-ao4 the'
brand new husband was carrying thq.'k
brand new bride's huge bunch of violet ,
In one hand and ' tipping the chauffeur
with the other, and .the brand new biid.'
looked like a happy schoolgirl running r
away from a cross teacher to hav it V
good time,
t. hee she has it: she's earned It. luC
hope; the brand new husband will helpr
hi brand new wife Pick out her brand ,
new clothe and go autolng with her,'
and theatertng with her, and
and . winter resorting with her, and Xtr.
hope he'U buy a new guitar every day-i-and
have every on of His mandolins In- i.
laid with pearl. And I believe his brand,-,
new wife will be happier with him la one
day than she was in alt the year he
lived with" the man who used to own hers j.
. Teu million dollars! That's a good price
for a dead man to pay for a brand new
husband for hi widow, isn't 1 It? X du,
hope he'll be worth the money.
Twenty World Makers
Ity lCLUKltT HtllllAlll).
This, from two littlo dasisels with their heads together, ia the worst kind of a 'knock." When
yc;i hr it you may know they have jut pulled the reit of her
j make-np wv0 little bit-..NKLL. jtlNKUir
(In a iircvlou article Mr. Hubbard dis
sented from Andrew Carnegie as to the
twenty grealeHt men, and now furnishes
a llt of hiH own.)
1. MoMes, who formulated a religion
founded on a sani
tary common sense
code, and fUHrtl re
ligion with life.
2. Pericles, who
took the treasure ot
Delos a fund raised
for war purposes-
arid used It to build
the most beautiful
city the world ha
ever seen. The In-,
fluenr of Pericles
In arc hltecture,
sculpture, oratory,
the drama, phytic!
culture, still en
dure and animates
and Inspires every
worker In the arts.
J. Aristotle, the
world firm scien
tist, to whom very
much of our scientific, terminology now
traces; the man who organixea me um
herbarium, the flrnt geological collection,
the first suolnKlcal garden, and who
taught the world that health, sanity and
happiness were to be obtained only
t hi ouch an understanding and a love of
The world hus not nearly caught up
with ArlHtotle. Besides being the world's
first sliitlut. Aristotle waa the world's
first school. teacher. HI teaching was
founded on the Idea of making all study
pleusure as all life should be. He led
the way for Kiobel.
4. Michael Angelo, a worklngman who
sanctlflod manuul labor; the first of mod
ern architects; a poet, a painter, a sculp
tor, au engineer, who lived a long, happy
and useful life. Million upon millions of
simple folk look upon his work today and
re uplifted by It.
The dome tf the Capitol at Washington
Is patterned after the dome of Ht. Peter's,
bulJt by Michael Angvlo, and all dome
trace a pedigree to Michael Angelo. Ill
work Inspire -every lover of art and
every builder who strives for the ideal.
5. (Ailumbu. who gave the world a con
tinent, even though ha died lit chain.
t Thomas ,)cffcuii, who taught tha
a if, f
principle of
. a, . a It) . .CU
eminent, lounaea our puuIIUhmMlu syst
tein, which he detilgned should be beaetlM
on the honor system; who' Introduced-
Greek architecture Into America; a mu;"v'
singularly patient, creative, loving, gen.
erotis, and with whom the world has riot
yet nearly caught up. The only democrat',
the world ha ever seen. '
I. Charlee Iarwln, discoverer nrf
teacher of evolution, who has changed, '
the comploxlon of ' every orUtodo.-
rellgloua Hect. '
$. Franklin, discoverer, inventor, biis't-)-'
ness man, financier, diplomat, phllanthrorf V
pint. :'
. Lincoln, the statesman. ,
10. ladluon, appller of electricity and-.
common iise. '!'
II. Watt, practical Inventor of the ';'
strum engine.
1.'. Outcnb(.rg, who invented printing.' - ;
I. 1. Hell, the first inventor of the tele"
U. Arkwrlght, Inventor of cotton iplnJ"
nlng machinery.
II. llargreave. Inventor of the spin ..'
nlng Jenny. -
HI. Htephcnuon. Inventor of the locomo"''
t"v. :
IT. Perry O. Holden, who, through thg
election of seed corn, has r shown th-;-world
how to double Its productive wealta '
per . acre.
IS. George Westlnghouse, Inventor
over clcctrio and mechanical
19. Frederick Frobel. through wbo4 v
teaching corporal punishment has boei
abandoned, and who gave the world a.
new aystem of education. u-
3). Adam Smith, author of "Th"
Wealth of Nations," "the first book, tha
treat economic as a science. o '
All of these twenty men I have namerl
exerted a positive beneficial Influen (j
upon mankind, which grows in extsr' j
epoch launchers and can well be eaileil.
the twenty men who were world maker.
To Coaqaer Adversity. ... -,t,
Think of adversity a a tunnel. Toa
plunge Into the gloom and smoke and
cinders. It' not pleasant, but you roil
out Into the sunshine after all. Railroad,.,
Usui's Magazlna . . '