THE BKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY, DKCKttBKR 14. 1911. 14 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET JS Reason to Expect Permanent Streng-th in Wheat Trade. COTOTRY BUYERS TAKE CORN iSltwatlea ! twlif atreaatlt Baaed est Knead Cash (oadl t lea 1 (peeelater Art Satisfied i wltfc Hlitfr Levels. ! OMAHA. Doc. 13, 1911. The early trailing today Mimed on the Liverpool cabli-a, w hlrh came lower. The aovance iru due entirely to I low larna nhort aeilera covering for prof is- l ntll condition radically change northwest receipts fall off materially or fome accident of Importance overtaken tne Argentina hlirvwt there In nn K"d reason to expect any permanent strength m tne wneat marKat The corn altuatlon In shoe, Inn (rood strength laed on round rash conditions and buying by a good clans of country nneculatorn who are satisfied of higher ievela later In the season. Korelpts are enmewhat lighter. Wheat rallied a trifle after the early meet of lower cshles. The market sup port la mostly from ahorta covering. Cash wheat waa strong at ie higher. Corn la holding firm and aine advance !i likely, aa country holder are firm and offering are light. ranh corn waa eaey. unchanged to Vc lower Primary wheat recelpta were 6111,000 MiKhela and ahlpmenta were 24:.( buali elp. attainst rerelpia last year of 'KSOOO bONheia and ahlpmenta of W1.0TO buahrla Primary corn recelpta were 1,'04,010 Dtintiela and shipments were "lK.onO bunh against recelpta laat year of V7S,00 ouahela and ahlpmenta of 4l0,0 buahela. t'learances were 14.. Opt) buahela of corn. l.tNW buahela of oata and wheat and flour equal to 3fil,000 buahela, Uverpool closed unchanged to id L'gher on wheat and 4d higher on corn The following caah aalei were reported WHEAT No. 2 hard: 2 cara. Wc; 1 ear. Mt,c. J'OHS STo. t white: 1 car, r.Tlic; 2 cara. .-o. yeuow: I cara, & cara, fo. 4 yellow. 2 cara, tt:; kec; t eara,2 Rr.c; 1 car, 55c; mljted: 1 car, Vc; 2 cara, Mc ro. i ear, tuc; 7 cara twc. No grade; l car, 65c; .car. W. OAT-Standard: cara, white: t cara. ttHic. Omaha tank rrwvi, Hi!T-No. 2 hard, 9fiV4S'c fiecember; "ij(3r; May. 2 white, ffj-fMfcc; 18 jtVff 83c; 2, BW'r; OATH-Rteatlv: No. No. 1 mixed. 17'tUISc. KYK-WiMp. 1IA Vck; choice timothy,; choice prnirie, 13 z.r4rl3.M. . Ul.'TTKH Creamery, a:; firsts. srrnnnn. lie: psrsmg atoca, aovo. K!1H Kxtrs a, y; flrata, 31c; seconds, 17c. Itecelpta. Blilpmentn Wheat, bti....r 21.000 Corn, bu 74.t woo Oata, bu 7.W0 ,000 1KW lORK OEXKfttl, MARKKT Varies a Qaolatlnas ef Ike Day I mMtlltlri. NKW YORK. Iec. 13 FLOUR-Qulet : aprlng patent. lu.urutV): winter atralghta. 4 1u4.; winter patents, $4.36JI.70; spring clears, 4.riM.3t, winter extras No. 1. Is.i'mJ.'': winter extraa No. I, n.v.v 3.. Kaneaa atralghta. M M4 70. Rve flour, steady: fair to good, $4 7MH 6; choice to fancy, 2fi.initr.V20. Buckwheat flour, quiet, 12.6 per 10U lha. rOH.NMEAI. Hteadv: fin wlilt and yellow, fl.nrktri.c5; coar.e, fl.KVbl.W; klm dried, 2n:v7S. MYK Hteaoy; No. 1, 7c, C. I. f. Buffalo to arrive. BARLKY fteadyj rnaltlng. IAVB.H e. 1. f. Uuffalo. AV11KAT Hpot market Irregular; No. 2 red, !Vc. elevator, export baala, and ;v,c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Iu- ulh, 11.12. f. o. b., afloat, ruturea mar ket waa firmer during the flrat part of the day on lighter recelpta and unfavor able Belling on prediction of larger re celpta tomorrow, cloning net unchanged. ivccinher cloned at !Pc; May, j-imj. CORN HKt market ateady; export. b., afloat; (ulurea marKet export aalea were five c, f. o. nominal; new, v aa load AT&-Bpot i."Wc: 1 car, 3 cara, No. 3 No. 4 1 car, iic; 1 44c; No. I No. 3 .hard, MittrV7Hc; No. 4 hard. ati0MKt, white, WViWc; No. 3 yellow. ktit,Xc; 4 yellow, 55m:o; No. 2, 6Hc; No. 4, uS4j;'c; no grade, bmtUte. OATH No. 2 white, 4t4iti47e; atandard. "'tnwiic; jvo. I white, 4Vuw)4c; No. 4 Willie, 4kti4UjO. HAHI.P:v-Maltlng, t.l41.20; No. 1 aefi. i.viri.4. RIt-No. 2. MM.itjfMHe; No, 3, 3$VS91c, i larlot Haeeipta. Wheat Corn, Chicago KM 3)3 WiLneapolla 3 imuha , 3i , joe iJUlutu 44. ... NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Market Become Strong and Active in Lait Honr. STEEL SHARES MOVE UPWARD Cantlaaed laaaireTemeat la Copper Metal Market Important Infla eaee la aireaathenlng tapper AtocLa. Oata. 212 11 SUrd. Jan.. k).y. Kibe. , Jan. ' May July. 4 15 M 16 7V 1 Vt I ia 15 46 market firm; atandard white, 54e, In elevator; No. 2. 54Mic; No. 3 and No. 4. Mr; natural white and white clipped, t2',9(57e, on track. Futures mar ket waa nominal. HAY Firm: prime, nominal; NO. l, tl.Z.tfal.30; No. 2, l.o1.15; No. 2, 6cilKW. IIOPH Firm; atate common to cnoica Wll, WWic; 1W10, nominal. Pacific coaat mil, 4:jhjOc; IhKi, nominal. IIIDKH Firm: Central Amenca, s.c; Bogota, ZiftHfiic. . , LEATHKlt Firm hemlocK riratn, mi 27c; geconda, 24aMc; tlilrda, SlUo; re jectn, 15c. PKtVI!lUJVn I'Ora, ateauy, innnx. l".2f,wi7.75; family, flS.rxfj'.'O 00; ahort cleara. I17.25UKI 76. Beef, firm; meaa llbti13.0ii; lainily, 14.uOol4W; beef hama, I29.W831-W. cut meate, eaay; pickled belllea, ten to tourteen pounda, aVatiKte; pickled hama, llUHn. lera. firm; mldJle weat prime, K.mxtr-w; re fined, ateady W-gTH; continent, .; Mouth America,; compound, 37.26. TALXOW yulet; ateany; prime city hhrta., t.n; country, 6'W-e. BUTTIOR steady ; creamery apeciaia, 85c; extraa. Me; flrata, lKWa!. Cllh.Knr. f irm ataie wnuie miiK- eep- temher and earlier average, fancy, lic. F.UUB Hteauy on irean; irenn garn ered extraa, . ai(S 40c; extra lirat, nitfibc; flrat. 3lSlc. Pliuiyi KY Alive ateaay io lirm: weni- ern chlckena, KWiwt lowia, j,vj'nvyr; turkeya I3'atc; drenaed dull; weatern chlckena, l&4lc; fowla, 15'14c; turkeyg, W1 ivc. St. Lenin Geaeral Market. ST. IA)U1S, "liec. 11,-WHEAT-CIH, firm; track, No. 2 red, S7c; No. 2 hard. cti1.0S; December. 93c; May, Wc. CORN Higher; track, o. , owao'c ; No. 3 white. ltj2c; December, s&'frc. OATS Higher; track. lio. ?, 4c; mo. 2 white, tc; Decembar, 4IH4C. HYK Unchanged,, inc. KlAJliR julet; red winter patenia, h.ju 4 70; extra fancy and atralghl, i.t(l.l; hard winter cieara, .n.iw. H KK I Timothy, M.uui4.iw. COHNMKAIH3.M. . BRANe-Htcady; eackea, east tracK, ii.u ei.i. ... ...... . , , L . . Aft. AX4C AA, I HAY wean;; ununu, .wf, rie, ii.mi.M. PROVIMIONH pork, joDoing, udu. Lard higher; prime ateam. aXatrrfl.W. Dry ealt mU, higher; boxed, extra ahorta, 38.26; clear rtba. IS. 24; short cleara, 3B.37S. Kaoon, nigner; ooxea exirw mom,, clear rlba. IS.2&: ahort cleara, 3.37Va. POULTRY weaa; cniCKena. 7cs aprlnga, turkeys. 14Vo; ducks, Uq; geene. to. Iltin Bill iower, creavmeiy. wuWJ. Weak. 2o. ' Receipts. Shlpmenla. Flour, bbl 7.K Wheat, bu 35.000 W.0U0 Corn, bu..... wt.000 74.0H0 Oats, bu 33,000 Z7.0V0 Mlanra veils flrata Market. MINNKAPOl.13, Dec. 13. WHEAT December, 1.0tM4j; May. 31.X-WI.V: July, i oii I 0i;k. Caah: No. 1 hard, 11.011: No. 1 northern. 31.01; No. I northern, W tC'-'ic; No. 3, tHUtc. F1AX-3.04V. BARIKY 4jfc4j31.1J. CORN No. 3 yellow, U-tgWe. OATS-No. 3 white, 6tfu4c. KYE-No. t, MiWo. W It A N 323 . ONH 23 . 60. KIjOUH-DuII; flrat patenta, 34.80fS'5.10; second patenta. 34.404(4.70; first cleara, 35.503.46; second clean, sx.zwgv.w. I,lverpol Ural a Market. I.TVPlRPOOJ Dec. IS. WHKAT-Pnot steady) No. 3 Manitoba, 7a ltd; No. 1 Manitoba. 7Sa: futures steady: Decern. ber, 7n4Wl: March. 7s3d: May, 7s 2d. vll V ilnAl firm? AmerlcAn ml.iut OliiiSattHiMc-), jad; futures Arm; January, 5aHd; Feb- NKW YORK, Dee. 13,-Ths stock mar ket became strong and active In the laat hour today. Previous to that time quota tions had barely moved, but In the final upturn the ateel and copper stocks, the Hartlman Innuea and some of the coalers rone a point or more above the final prlcea of yesterday. United States hteel waa the backbone of the market. Although the early trend of prlcea waa downward the ateel shares defeated all efforts to depress them. The quotation rose ateedlly.and toward the close transactions reached an enormous scale. Buying of United States Pteel waa ascribed to better trade conditions and reports of higher prlcea. Continued Improvement In the copper metal market waa an Important Influ ence In strengthening the copper stocks. Weetera Union's recent display of strength waa referred to the quarterly report, which showed a gain of $;0(,ou0 over the previous year. The market waa Influenced by offerings of money for account of weetern hanka. There la no expectation of a further pro nounced relaxation of ratea In the Im mediate future. . The bond market was Irregular. Local traction bonds were especially strong. Total aales. par value, 34. IM.CiO. United Ptaten bonds were unchanged on call. Number ot aales and leaumg quotations of stocks were aa CHICAGO OR A It AMD PROVI8IOXI eat ares ef tke Trad In Cloalag Prices ea Hoard at Trad. cmicauu, Dec. 13. Frightened over a Big tailing off In northwestern receipts and because ot tiruietlled weather and eiriHe tnreats In Argentine, wheat short rooay covered rreeiy. in consequence the. market closed Vdc to e higher than jani nignt. All other leading ctaplea, too, maie a net gain, com So to 4c, oats J in to H?ih and hog products 10o to -"c. i ne amount of trading in wheat was unuauauy large. Aside from taollven aun. pili-d by the nurthweat and by Mouth Am erica, the livening up of cash demand In nicago had a stirring effect on spec uisuora, Ohio millers were said to be the principal purchasers of the apot grain, aald to be 4ou,tXM buahala of No. 3 red winter. Furthermore. Kansas City laid claim to shipping sales of Ito.Out bushels. inontiy io go soutn. Prices sagged ma- i. nnjiy trom top rigurea, but the clous waa atiNuiy, May ranged from To to fc. witn laat sales V7tjr7'tc, a gain vr wt an. rlnitea buying of corn futures grew oih or reports that yield and quality were proving even worse than had been expected. May fluctuated front Kl'tt) to n-i'.c, rioning strni so up at (Uio. Canh gradea were In good demand. No, 2 yellow waa quoted 701710 for car lota. Oats sympathised with the strength In corn. Pit traders were mainly on the buying side. Ton and. bottom levels touched lor the May option were 4tj 4V5 and 4!nj, with the close 4SWji4na, m net advance oi a snaae. Provtnlonn scored a sharp rise. One ex jianatlon waa that certain Chicago and .Minneapolis packers were purchasing liberally. At the close, pork was up 17tc o wc, anq oiner proqucta 100 to Wyo Artie II Open. High. Low. Cloae.Yea y. V heat! 10.. MS) May. mrty July. I at Corn. tMKJ..lIt(ll May. tVa' July. taii4, Oatn. I ; Dec..) 47 1 47U 1 47-i way. l"'0 Vi . July. I 44 JwU J4!a 1'ors. Jan. ' May M 1 MH W4I riniSTIiffl' rttilWaUUil WS 63 2 ta 15 5 14)10 07V4 to I 55 41", ruary, 5a 7d. 11 (0 US 1 15 42 U 171 11 07Vif U 37H 3 36-THI I 20-2S 116 1 42H3 3 42Wn vna 9 W 3 52S65 66 I P74 1 13 5 42 40 Milwaukee Orala Market. MILWAUKEK. Dec. tt-WHKAT-No, I northern, 31 .O&tft .Oil ; No. t northern, 31.03 tt'1.04. No. 2 hard winter, Vic: December. c; May, wc. OATH ritandard. 1ie. BAKLKY-Maltlng, Il.K01.22. Alllfi-rhalmnrt pf1 ... Amlsntnat4 Copper Amnrlran AtrUuliurnl Am. Ht Hugnr.... Anniiaa Caa Aninrknn '. A F Am. Cotton oil Amnrtraa H. A pit.. Am, Ice Becurltlon Amnrtraa Llnaned Amnrlrna Loconiotlvs ... American B. A. It Am. S. A A. pli Am. Stnnl Foundrlnn Am. Busnr Rnflnlng Amertenn T. A T Amnrlrna Tnbnceo pf4... AmnrlMn Wonlne Anacenita kilning Co.... Ah'hlaon Atrhlaos VIA Atlantln Cnant Una Raltimom A Ohio Bnlhlnhnm Htnel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Parfi ('nlrnl Lnatlur t'nntrnl Unithnr nrd (antral t Nnw Jemny,,. 4'henapnnkn A Ohio 4'hlrnso A Alton tiilrass Q. W., nnw O. W. ptd Klrano N. W Chlraco, M. A BU P.... C. C. A St. L Olorndo F. A I Colorado A Botithnrs.... Conaolldnted Una CVrn Pmducta Pnlnwnrn A Hudann..,.. tHsnvnr A Hlo Orandn.... Iwnvnr A R. U. pfd.... DUtlllars' Bnourltlas .... rle Brln lat ptd Erin Id nfd (Innnrnl Rlnntrio Oraat Northern fd Omot Northnrn Ore ctfs. Illlnoln (Antral tntnrborounh Mnt Int. Met. ntd Inurnntlnnal Harvoator. . lntnr-sfnrlnn ntd Ininrnntional Vapor lntamatlonal Pump luwa Cnntrnl Knnans city Anmharn..., '. Be. nrs Ucleda Onn Loulavllln Naahvllln.. Mlun. A Bt. Lauln M . Be p. A B. B. M... Mtanonrl. K. A T K. A T. nffl Mlaanurl Pnrtllu National Blaruit National Lnd N. R. R. at M. M Bfd.. Now York Central N, T . O. A W NnafnU. A- Wantora Korlh Amnrlrnn Northern Paclfln Pa.lllo Mali Pnnnnrlvnnln Pnopln'n Una L. I". St. It Mttahurgli Coal Prnnard Stanl Car Pullman Pnlnoa Car futlwar stnel Spring.... Handlns flnpuhllfl Btnnl (public Steal pld Rok Inland Co Rock Inland (V ptd ot. U A 8. F. 14 p'd.. St. Loula S W St. U B. W. ptd Sloao-Shnfflnld B. A I... Bunt here Pnctne ........ Bfiutharn Railway So. Rnllwny p4 Tnnnaiaia Copfwr T.laa A Pntltlc Bt. L. A W 8t. LAW. art.... 'nlon Pnelflo t'nlon Parirto prd nlted Htntaa Rubber..., United Statae Btool V. B. Stool pf4 I'Uh Coppar Va -Cnral Inn Cwomloal ., Wnhnaa Wnnnak Ptd Waatara Maryland Wnntlnshonan Kloctrlo Wantorn Union Wheeling A U E Unhigh vnuoy Total aalaa ror tae ear, follows: gajx. High. Cash gimtntlons were as follows: KLOUR-t-Hteady; winter patents, 6.08, winter atralghta, l3.7ou'4.7&: eurtiig patents. 33.70lun.Mti; apiing straights, KAi Ht w; Danern, J iuu.i. RYfcJ-Na. 2. U'40. BAKIJiY Feea or mixing, tOtfiJac; (air to cnoice mailing, i.orvrn it. PKRDU Timothy, ILiVtf 16.00; clover, PKuVlhlONft Pork. meas. per bbl.. 3t-2-jllil. lard, per 100 lba 330; short rinn. sldtm tlooae), fi.m. Total clearances of wheat and flour ; were equal to d,ouu Du. Primary relpts were 623.OU0 bu., compered with 7t.0u bu. the corresponding day a year a mo. intimated receipts lur tomorrow Wheat. 17 cars; corn, 343 cars; oata, 113 cara; hogs, 2MK head. Chicago Cash Prlcea Wheat: No. 1 red Vi7c; No. 3 red. MSc; No. 2 hard. PvSt.'u U.01. No. 3 hard. 34iMc; No. I iK.rttiern, 31.04107; No. I northern, 31.03 (Ml tin; No. 3 northern, 31.013 l ui; No. 3 n tmg, t. til.04; No. 3 spring, 1 00 No. 4 spiiiig, hoctilOO-, velvet chaff, POcy t tit; ouruin, 1 uv t orn: Mo. 3 old, W-kc; No. . Owl1:; No. 3 white, nt jc; .no. a yenow, eut'fitiic: jo. i yi low. eld. 7tlc: No. 4. borjf.W: No. 4 white, 6.4JC.SV: No. 4 yellow, bt,m!.iP. imlo: ro. z, t,'c; mo. i wnite, wm-c; .o- 1 white, 4,r,4BVic: Mo. 4, 4o'c. No 4 white, toVitctKWc; standard. 4Hii4K4c Rye: No. t p.i',0. Hariey: Timo thy: Ut(iU.00. Clover: 111-6.auAI.Iiu. Him KR Weak; creameries. 213 Sic; 4ia:nea, 2Jllc. KKib steady; recelpta. 2.1M raaea; at mark, canen Included. Vti'-i firms, ZjJ h . prune iirnta. ojiej. l'llltK Steady; daisies. lalilfic; wins, li'oliiir; young American, Utr long iiurna, Uru inc. POTA TOKSBteauy ; choice to fancy, 33 W", 'r to good. 7nMk:. POULTRY 1rm; turkeys. liflUIHc; tiucKani, iuutic; springe, IOC VKAL hleady; 7ulc. t ult Keceipla W heat, S cars, with 1 or iiontraxt grade; corn. 3)1 cara. with 1 xt ton tin. i grade; oats, all cara Total i.Mio of wheat at Chicago, Minneapolis and Duluth today were 4-2 crn coin-pau-ed with be cara laat wet k and V cars iu oorieopouding day a year ago. Peoria Market. PKORIA, Pec 13.-CORN Higher: Noi 3 yellow, 6S-V; No. 4 yellow, iTV: No. ii mod, k),-t; No. 4 uilxed, i7yu3'o; IIATH HlA.1v Kn V whlld 131'. htnifiard. toe; No. 3 while, 4ic; No. i Miute. ). , Ceffee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. COFraK-Fu turea opened steady at an advance of ztl points tn resMnse to steady Kuro- pesn cables, higher Braslllan markets and covering of aborts. Demand did not appear to be particularly active, but of tarings were light, the clonlna French cable showing a further Improvement ana tne market here cloaed firm at a net gain of Iru 14 points for the day, Bales. 43.760 bags; Peoember. 18.83c: Janu ary, 18.4Hc; February, 112o; March, 12 Wo; April. ltlc: May. 1311k-; June. 1814c: July, and August, 1113c; November,, Havre was Vul frano higher. Hamburg waa unchanged to t pfg higher. Rio, lf0 rem nigner at mow; nantos. nig her at 37o; 7s 60 rets higher at 7t-'M. Receipts at tne two ttreaiuan iMirta, u,ouo bags; against nags last year; Jundlahv re. celpts, 34.1U0 bags, again at lJ.two bags last year. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday, 3.441 bags, agaliiat tt.ttil bags last year. Today'a apecial Hantoa cable report eu as unchanged this morning and Pao Paulo receipts 2D.0U0 bairn, aunln.t Hi.tWO bags yesterday. Spot coffes steady; Hlo, No. T, HVkC, Pantos. No. 4. 14c; ntnu, tjuiet, t-urauvi, lOMtfllifcO, nominal, Metal Market NEW YORK. Dec. 12.-METAL8-atartl ard copper, firm; apot and futures, U is uiaw, tjunuun inarari, easy; spot (t&, lis., ta; futures, tbl. on., pj. lata on. per locally, 13S'tfl3!c; canting, l-ionv,; Tin, uuet,; sot and ftitarea, Ml.bOtii 44.1 lndon weak; spot, 1; futures, ClyO, ltnj ld. uulet. 34.4Uuj4M; New York. li.Si.rf nt. iouisi xtiiaon. tin. Ion, Hpelter. 3ti.2boe.9C, New York: 8t).uiii.Al. r.nst bi. iitiis, inaon, tjo, i,s., nu. An tlmony. dull: Cooknou's. 87 75. Ir..n cteveiana warrants, 4Mt. in London. Ix rally Iron waa quiet. No. 1 foundry north arn. 114.0liUO; No. 3. 314.botU.7&; No. 1 aunt hern and No. 1 southern soft, 314.26 Viiia. til. Lurid. iec quiet, at 34 .3i34.37Vs. ItLLJviM. 13. METAI.BFa. krpelter, quiet, i IfiveporateA A pales a. A Dried Kralt NKW YORK. Dec. 13. EVAPOR ATKn APPLt84Julet and steady; on the spot innry, 4u-u itDpc; cnoice, Hrvc; prims, PRUNES AND DRIED FRUITS Firm. on iisui eiucnn: noutaiiona range iron o'-aflllo for California, up to u-joa. an IijCUo for oreguns. Apricots, quet, bu nrui, cnotoe, io.'iuvpc; extra choice. la lti'tc; fancy, 17tilhc. Peaches, steady, but inactive; cnoice, UNcVUtoc: extra choice UNOlac: fancy, isviwlxo- Ratslna, quiet but pruen are rum. owing to a mall of lertnxn iron) coast: loose muacatr la I 7tu: ehulce to fancv 74. .ami... aeedleaa, e,o and Limdua layers at tl.euf 4. w. Kaaams Clly (irala a ad Prerlsloaa. KANSAS CITY. Wo., Dec. 13 WHEAT -t.uti. uj. Imr.geJ to Vjfl up; No. 3 hard, -il.o; No. , vi t al X- : No. 3 red. No. 3, Hv ! -; Dember, svHc; t wjtr.- L m hanged; No. S mixed, 61tf w.aj, o. J Wtille, HW, 3o. Uaaaka Hay Market. OMAHA. Deo. 13. II AY No. 1. 812.00; No. 2, 8U.u0: coarse. 8rtw; packing stock 3.a7.4; alfalfa, 31&-0a. Straw; Wheat, aw-w; 1 o auu oats..- ity U U fcHl0WA- f ABt AO. lt l,m l.tno l.rvo .l 1.100 100 too lot f0 104 3 eon 1IM too 900 100 too 4.200 too tun 200 b0 4,700 l.frM 100 100 l.AOO "ioo .wo tAO 1 000 "00 tos l.o m t7S H1 11 '4 HH 44 tl l'l s 17 104 iii" 140 109 104 w Wi 10m, ao 141 20H H 10 74' 10 143 111 4t 10', Low. Cloio, 'i a 4.1 u. 1M, s.;s lo-i lia 44 St . 1 n 7!V4 104 lit lOJlj '1414 105"i ist" KllH I'S T4 1.1" JOH H Ion 71 aovi 17 143'4 110-4 74 4) i:iH 10H Chl . Mil. A Bt. P.114 do pM 7IS Dt peri l'innthnrn Pi-tn ...lS Denror A Rio O ... tllnlon Pacific 11 on pfd Erin io 1,t pfd dn il pid Croud Trunk llllnnta Ontral .. PlLVEll-Rar, ounce. MONRY rfi.lti per cent. The rate of dlncount In the oieti market fcr ahort hllla In 3 IS-lSftt per cent; for three months' bills. 31, per cent. P 114 do pM ... 14'iSonthorn Pa-ina , ... ?ll nlon Pacific ... ... t do pfd ... Xt'iV. B. Htanl ... dp pfd ... 41 Wabanh ...44 do pfd ...1444 steady at to'-ad . 004 .11S, . Ti, . 1H per nostea Miork Market. HOHTON. Dec. 13. Cloning quotationji on stocks were as follown: AHonns Atnal. Copper A. Z L. An 8 Arliona Corn D. A C. C. A Hutto Coalition cal. A Arliona Cal. A Ilecln... nt'ontenntal .... Oip. Hangn C, Kent Bulla C, Franklin Glrou Con , Ornnby t'on Oroene Cannnen ... lain Rorala Opper Kerr Lnkn , Lake Copper Lo fnllo t'oppor..,. Miami t oppor K-dlvldcn4. B. M r. M. MSMohank 41 t'Narada Con li XNlplraln( Mlntn ..7 1-1 10 North llutto , 1 North lkn 4S Intild Domlnloa 444t tl oorenin loiUj 110 Parrott g. A C II 13 ftlnrr (4 tl Shannon 10 l.'HHuperlnr , zMi Hnprlar A B. M... J1, 4 Tamara-k J7't t--J,V. 8. B. R. A M... H do pfd 47ifc to"it'tnh Con lna tS't'tah Copper Ce.... H , t'.SWI'iooa , tSWolrnrtn 11 , tVi, Neve York Mlalng Atoeka. NEW Y'ORIC. Dec. 13-Cloalng quola tl'iim on mining Mocks were: Allen !00 Utile Cblnt .. com. Tonnnl ntock. 12 Mnvlean ilo bonda 11 Onlnrio Cn. cl. A Vs.. 0 Ophlr Iron ("llier 110 Ktanda.rd ladvlllo Con I Ytllow Jntket ofrerrd. Aan't pnld. .. 3 ..410 . .100 . u; ..104 OMAHA1 UVESIOCK MARKET Killing- Cattle Very Slow and Lower, with Feeder, Steady. HOQ PBICES REMAIN UNCHANGED Prices en All Klads of Sheep sstl La nabs ftkorr t omparatlvrly Lit tle C kaaae 1st tke Face of Moderate Rceelpta. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 13. 1311. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3.176 6 J&0 11. I Official Tuesday 3.053 11.211 Estimate Wednesday.. 4,W) 1Q, 7. SCO Three days this Wk.22,OZ9 W.?74 Same days laat week. .14.604 29.3U3 K1.4.-.S Same days 2 wks. ago. 10.719 2,!M 2.412 Same days 3 w ks. ago.l9Tfl4 21,40 43.218 Rame days 4 wks. ano. 20.424 2ti,2: 4fi.4S4 Same days last year.. 13.643 21, 4W 2I..1S2 The following tanic shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and nheep nt Fouth Omaha for tho year to data, as compared with lent yes: 1911. lfllO. 1909. I!". Cattle 1,137. 414 1,17:.,727 3.23 Ht'gs 2,2f.urO 1.HU.124 437.9'J4 Sheep 2,922,3ttJ 2,9W,469 ),0t. Tlio following table i-howa C.te averags ptictii paid for hog at South Omaha tor the last few days, with comparisons: .... 14.... 14.... 14.... IT.... 11... !.... II.... 11.... So. 41 M a , lit . 741 :-4 4 ts 4 to 4 70 4 71 -. 1 00 7n 4 M 71 i 11 13.., 17.. 1.. 14.. . it!! ii.. :.. 17.. .. til ..3124 ..! ..1014 ..1141 .. 04 .. 1 I li i 4 1 l.t I IS m I 7' I ;r 4 t t to WESTERNS NEBRASKA. No. tr. .9 steers.. ..1002 11 cows 840 24 cow s 8S4 Pr. i S 4 10 3 (ii Wyoming. 4 steers. ...lmS lb cows lO&d S 7a 4 k Buccennlve day, ifO Colmrado wethers 1S5 Colon ado ewes ... Jt.7 Montana wethers ...104 10 ... 93 S r,o ...Utt i.i- 10 1.300 l.ioo 300 ns tie l.lot 1.104 'i.'ioo 3.100 aos 100 45 1 TL 1 11 4IM U44 W W 'iiii 41 107 U. 41 3n, 11 41 , m in "iiii 4T 107 17 100 11 His 100 100 1,700 400 100 ' 100 'i.'ioi 400 400 3,400 100 1.400 '"iiio 400 3,nx0 too "'ioo ' l ""lOO 4.0 00 1.000 400 too too too no 1,100 100 10 too too ew poo It, poo fo t,n 111 I0 l.ono 1 l.tno l.tno n 40 105 nit; 1MS4 S04 'i 1IT tu4 11 'A 107 lot iii" il1. liSji 104 14 '17 ii ' "is" 11114 14 tsv 47 41H 'ii" 41 111 M 1I4 M 1344 U 1 171 1 474 44IH 111) 14 tl 3'4 I 11 41 104 V IMS iu4 '- "ii'ti li4k 4 IIS in 4 19 "4 10144 iii" n m 'iY'i 2 ii" lto 14 H4 SH 4 tui "ii" 40 11m Tl4 M4 !f4 JS'i 1711 S3 474 4t lot 14 to tss T 17'. IV t . ' 14.40 17IH TI MS. lot aha ran. 4S ' 14 "4 114 44 11 19 14 7;i, IMS IIS 114V, lt 101 4 "S lod't 103 i t::7Uj lzA 111 74 Vt 141 10 V " 110 74 14 20 17 1414 lti'4 4r,i 1JH 10 1H4 2IV4 41 I4r tl 41 114 131H "St 141 41 107H 17 '4 '4 M44 11 3' 7 .101 17 M HIV. 10 t it 13 H 13 '4 10414 14 MIS T3S nn'4 111 lias 10414 Pt 1714 u 17 11 ltl'4 34V, 4 '4 111 474 414 I14 1lr 41 113 S3 3744 II Mi 1"4 Mt 1744 244 474 04 11014 1114 174 , 41 i TK4, 44 1711 Rank Clearings, OMAHA, Dec. 13. Hank clearings - for today were 2.7S7,6i4.18 end for ths cor responding lay laKt year 32.5i7. tWl. 31. OMAHA GK5KBAL MARKET, BUTTKR No. 1, -lb carton. SSc1 No. 1. In w-lb. tubs, ISl'.tc; .No. 2, &c; pnek- CHKKSK Imported Swiss. 32c; Amerl- csn Hwlsa, 24c; block Bw'as, lllc: twins, lc; dalslen, 19c; triplets, 19c; young Amer icas, 2(c; blue label brick, 19c; limberger, 3-lb 19c. POFJIrRY Tlrollers, 18c; springs. 24c; hens, 12c; cocks, 9c; ducks, 10c; geene, lite; turkeys, 2"c; pigeons, per doi., 31 20. Alive, broilers, :i2;ic; hens, 1M.c; old roosters and stags. 44c; old ducks, full feathered, imc; geese, full feathered. V4c; turkeys, lc; guinea fowls, luc each; pigeons, per oos., wc; nomers, per 00s., l.oO; S'luahs,- No. 1. 31.50; No. 2. &JC. FISH l'lckerel, 11c; white, 22c; pike, irc; trout, 15c; largo crapples. lVqiltc; Hpanlnh mackerel, 19c; eel, loc; haddocks, 13c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, lie; ron shad, 31.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 05c; salmon, 13c; halibut, 12c; yellow perch. He; buffalo, 9c; bullhead. 11c. BKKB" CLiIi No. 1 ribs, Ifo; No. 3 rlba, 13Vc; No. 3 ribs. 3c; No. 1 tuins, 19'4c; No. 2 loins, 14Hc; No. 3 loins, 10c; No. 1 chucks, 8c; No. 3 chucks, 7Vo; No. 3 chucks, Ac: No. 1 rounds, He; No. 2 rounds, 94c; No. 3 rounds, gc; No. 1 plates, S'Vac. No. 3 plates. c; No. plates, 6V4C FRUIT8, ETC. Apple,, vrooklng varie ties, per bbl., $2.76; Jonatnan and Grimes Golden, per bbl.. 34L0; Ben Davis, per hhl . 12.76; California Belleflower, per box. 11.36; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy; per box. $2.60; Washington Bpltsenberg. per b;x, 32.60; Washington It- Beauty, per box, 32.50: Washington Stamen Winesapa, box, l.ou, rianeiisni -uj icwi. irr bunch, 32.2DiT2.6o. Jumbo, pr bunch, fei.75. Cranberries: Wlsoonsin rancy, per bbl., 3V.M; per IWI,, saua. n Jumbo, per bbl., 3W.60 Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. psgs. in boxes, per box, 32.60; Dromedary brand, new, w 1-lb. pkga. in boxes, per box. 33.00; bulk In iO-lb, boxea, per lb. 8c KUja: tjalltornia, per caae of U 13-ox. pkga.. ouc; per oa.o of 8 12-oa. ' pkgs. 32.50; per case of 60 J-ox pkgs., 2.ou; Now Turkish, 6-crown in 20-lb. boxes, per lb.. lc; e-crown In Ai-lb. boxes, per lb.. 16c; 7-crown In 30-lb. nn... iw,r lb.. 170. Urap fruit: Florida, ait nines, oer crate. 4.7uo.uO; IW-4-tH .1... .r crate, la. 20. Oraues: Calllor- nut fclmueror. per 4-baaket crate, 3.00- Maiaga grapes, m obis., fe6otu.w. Lemona: Umonelra brand, extra lancyr 300 also, per box, l-36; otri sire, per box. io 26: Doina Dlraoneira, fancy. -o slseo. per box, eo.60; t and 4A siaes, sOo per tox loas. Oranges; Anaoioi uaveia. po IM slses, Per bo, 35.25; ljO-no-JIW-nUa-ioO sixes, per box. .oo; California naa. tui sies, per box, 33-om. Bears: Caliiorma Li. ciangeau, per oO-lb. box, 33-00. VivUfcilAuDKa lieana. string and wax. uer nutrkol basket. l.u0iai.Ai.- Cabbage. Wisconsin, ier 10.. liiUfiMio. Celery, Micni uan. per Uoxen, 4oc; Caliiorma Jumbo, per ;oD, puc. cucumbtra, hot houje, per aoxtn, 2.0. a.ggpl"t, tancy floriua, ur d0X4in, $2.00. Oaillc, extia fancy, white, per lb., lac. Dettuce, extra luncy leaf per dosen, 40c. unions, California, white, per lb., 3c; Wisconsin, yellow aua red, in nacka, per lb., i; bpanutn per crate, l.v. lAaley, taucy aoutuern. per Ooaen bunchea, ui4ii6o. potatoes, Mia neauta ariy Ohio, per bu., tH.16; Wlsoon n.n winie sioce. per bu l.iu; in lte-sacg lots, 60 less. Sweet potatoes, luuiaaa. per bbl., U-toi Pf hu- banket, 3i.a0. rtutabagas In sacks. per lb.. 10. 'lomaloeo. Caliioinia, per craw, MlHCr-.LljAi!'v-'lJO Aiinunun, laui- gona, per lb., Joyc; in aatai iun, iu . orasii nuts, p"r vvw, ... .vw, w . . . . m s . a . t a-4 1 W .k a o .. teas, cocoanuuf, f rnwni, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lc less, peanut, roaatea, per iu., 071., a.. Beuana, large, per 10., 17c; In aack iota, 10 leva, waiiiuia, new crop, uiu. caliiorma, per lb., liVc; In aack lots, lc less. Cider, xsew itcnawaa, ii e'. ta.tiO;.per So-gal. . pdi., t.u; new ioik Mott B per W-iai. uua-uau ui" 1 ymr 30-gal. bbl., tw.6o. Honey, nsw. iramea. Kraut, per i-gai., .(; per a- gal. ag, iU-Iv, n iBLvnain, Vmt .nrui Dale. I 1911. HI4. I llmtt. i lleitt . I IMtri . iJtKnft. li:. Dec. 3.. I I Dec. 4.. 6 02 Dec. I.. I 6 SJ'i Dec. 0.. 6 MS 7 4i Dec. 7. . 6 94 I 7 41 Dec. 8.. i 9.H! 1 f- Dec. .. OI, 7 45 Dec. 10. I 7 6i4 Dec. 11. 6 9K7.I ) Dec. 12. 6 to 7 uS lec. 13. I 7 41 7 I 03 4 (V. 4 64 tl S I 8 (I ii f 69 4 03 131 4 81 7 2i 5 fc 4 67 6 12 4 84 8 121 4 71 4 1'- 4 S3 8 221 i 4'. I 4 63 21 4 92 8 22 5 421 I 6 15 4 87 8 80! o 481 4 471 4 84 8 33i 5 63 : 4 34 8 211 t k 2o 8 29 5 41 5 22 4 4 14; 6 79 4 Tl t W( 4 83 4 49 8 O.-il- 4 IPt 12 3 2 'i 41 1 2 1.. at 9 .. 0 5 24 30 0 8.. 1 4 1 1 141 39 3 Kew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Peo. 13. MONEY ON CAI.D-Bteady, Sii- per cent. RUDINU RAT Hi on per cent; closing bid. 3 pr cent; offered at 4 per cent. CALL, 1AAN meaay ; ponsy ana no- day, n(44 per cent; six months, 4944 per cent. H';t- BTIGKljlrtU ittinn-r inn, with actual business iu bankers' bills at 34.83 lor -rlay bills ana at H o ror aemand. COMMKKC1AU HILAjB t.l'4. HIL.VEK Bar, 660; Mexican dollars, tone. . . . liONDB oovtrntnent, steaay; railroad. Irregular. cioeing nuoiauons on nonas touay wers as follows- . B. rl. la. rgx.ia int. at. 1C 44a ... do ooa ...106 noinaaa 4 tut , g, la. rag 4tn I14 4 sou an n ....... W K. C. So. 1st la.... T4 ,. .lilt U A dob. 4n 1111., tlu .AHI. A N. unt. a.... P4 ... tl eept. K. A T. Ut 4a W do in. 4,a 4..Il enit. Pacific 4a. .. T4 I1SN. ft R. ot M 44 (It CHICAGO ' L VK, STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle anal Sheep Weak Hose II laker. CHICAGO. Dec. 13. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at 31,0u0 head. Market weak; beeves, 34 66o.M); Texas steers, H; weatern steers, 34.eo-ti.uV; Blockers and feedera 33.104jo.tl0: cows and belters. 31.! . 1.-,: calves. 36.60tl'8.00. MUUC4 tteceipis, esnmaieo at il.tiuu head. Market 6c to 10c up; light. 3o.6b0 .:: mixed. U.(ltt.ab; heavy. 35.9041 ti 40 rough, 3o.9Oyo.10; good to choice heavy. 36.10 tin-40; pig. u.iaUui duik ot saies, fe.wtiji 6.JS. . . HIIEKP ANU LAH1I5- iteceipts. esti mated at 46.000 head. Marten weak; na tive. f2.j04i4.0i.; weatern, 12.1M1-4 10; year lings, HMtkW l.ambs: isauve, 34.0011 (.10; western. Jl.2Uiitj.10. V. 8. a. rag... 40 eoupoo ... Allla-Chnl. 1st Aoior. ( .. A. T. A T. Am. TobMoe 4 4 Armour A t Atrhinua gon. oo c. .. So . 1 A C. U lat ... bat. A Oata ... o I So I. W. 14 .. Braua. Tr. OT 4a. . nt Ue Con. Intaor IUHN. Y. C. 44. ! 4 4ob. 4 , UV . " -Ta-.-i. i. n. ti 4a it ..1M-4 a to U14 ..loaHN. A W. lat e. 4a.. T1. .. l Sn or. a lu4a .. mSnNo. Paclllo 4a. Hi) .. 114 do 1 1114 wvytv. m. u. rrn. ta....nt 4 l-ona. c. IWa 1111. M ...loa'l 4 oa. 4a la.'-t. tMSRaadius gon. 4a MH4 V. t N. J. g- U..ltog. u ( tr l-kan. A Obis 4-.l4 to ion. tn. 4o rot. tn. n Bt. I. 8. W. n. 4 Clns A A. ln. 44 a lat fol4 4.. C. B. A M I. 4s... MSB A. U 4f 4a soe. 4 "tn. Fan. ool. 4.. -. M. A 8. r tatt tm . c u. 4 1. r. Mi oo int nr. ... C. R. 1. A f . a. tn, 1:H8o. Knlkeny ta... rfs. 4a H no gen. 4o iWa. 14 4 11 Vnloa rnrltio 4. otl. Mt4. tn 4 4o eo. a 00. A B. r A 4 M M. Irt 4 rot. 4 0. A H. et. on. A H. O 4 ml. t fMatlllor' ta gri . I. 41 ao a an. 4a Ao (v. 4. nnr. A 4U sarin A. On. ICton. v. 4.. 'V. 8. Itubbor . M I', t Btool Id to. . 4 ov.-.r. ttani. ta . 1t4Wahsak lat ta , l'4 4n lat A l a. . 1ttWaatni M4. 4a . ! Want. Kino. c. ta . Ntowi. Caul rat .. .1M M. Pa. r. ta... III. Ton lat eat ta. rt nana Int nr. Mat 4k,a T OBI4. otfannl. 4 1144 .. I 1.. T4 .. I4 ... t ...104 ... J4 ...101l ...1044 I.. 74 ...let ...10144 1.. ne ...1044 ... tit ... iT nt 74 114 Leaden Block Market. LONDON. Dec. it A inert. n securities opened steady with prices around uarhv. Itr the market advanced on light cov ering ana at noon value ranged from unuliangtMl to higher than yesterday' Closing. London closing stock quotation: Cenaouv sionoy ,.n l-ltloouirtlln A Kaik.141 4 Hrnal 114, Mo , Kan. A Teiaa 1014 AjuoI. lytr 4.44 Kaw Yarn t 'antral. a ronein m weatera.ui Atv.UUun 104 pt 1 Va e4 lot OumrW A Waatara. 414 tWltlnior A Okie.. 101,14 ruoarlvaol ; tVnnOlnn r.rlllr ..'.: fioo Utiton , CKinarailn A Out. 1rU4ln t)w .LAi, 4cn ei'WKcra. aVatvvuwa Hi ...ui h Sunday. Ret-elnta and dlsDoaitlon of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 RECEIBTS-CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. t;., ai. ne at. r s Wabash 4 Missouri Pacific ... 3 Union Pacific 20 C. & N. W., east.. 9 C. N. W., west.. 5 C, St. P., M. & O.. 2t C, B. A (J., east.. 11 C B. t (J., went.. 44 0., It, I. 4 P., east 17 t? C R. I. & P., west .. Illinois Central .... 2 C. O. W. 1 Total receipts ..200 DISPOSITION HEAD Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... 714 1,497 724 Hwlft and Company.... 1,174 2,507 3,2nd Cudahy Packing Co....L2"9 2.42S 1,9.'.2 Armour Ac Co mm 2.4K4 43 rlchwarts A Co 240 J. W. Murphy YI0 Morrell 1 35 Sinclair 60 W. B. Vsnsant Co 62 Benton, Vansant & D. 134 Hill & Son 257 K. B. Dewl 40 Huston & Co '. 104 J. B. Boot A Co 109 V J. H. Bulla 00 U F. Husx 13 U Wolf 74 McCreary & Kellogg..., 21 .... Werthelmer tfc Degen.. 128 H. P. Hamilton 41 Dehmer Bros 2 Dee Rothschild 30 Mo. 4V Kan. Calf Co.... 178 Cline & Christie 12 Other buyers 1.175 1,104 Totals .5U 8,495 7,079 CATTDK Cattle receipts at this point were moderate, only 19u cara being re ported In, but the total for the three days foots up 22.029 head, a large gain over recent weeks and larger than a year agu by 3,400 head. Docally the situa tion by no means was bad, as tne con suming demand was fully equal to the uppiy of cattle, but unfortunately aa- vlces from other Belling points, especially Chicago, were extremely unfavorable. hlcago was flooded with cattle and early advices from there Indicated a slump of lu.2oe, with the trade very slow and weak at that decline. As a result the market on killing cattle at this point opened very slow and dull. Buyers started out bidding sharply lower and ap parently did not make very much effort to buy, preferring to wait for later ad vices from other points. Thus the morn ing passed and It waa well along toward midday before enough cattle had changed antls to really establish quotations. The first cattle to sell were feeders, which were In moderate supply and very good demand. Anything In the way of de. slrable feeders sold very readily at prices generally steady with yesterday. The fact Is there has been little or no change in the feeder market this week, the trade whole being very satisfactory to the sellers of such cattle. Common and Inferior feeders closed off slow and around 10ft 15o lower. Killing rattle of all kinds were ex tremely slow and dull throughout the day, with prlcea safely lOftloo lower. It was unusually late beiore a clearance effected. Uuotatlona on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 7. 004(8.10; fair to good beef steers, 36.2647.00; common to fair beef , steers. 36.0Otf4J.25; god to choice heifers, 34.80(35.7S; good to choice cows, 34 6046.60; fair to good cows, 33.764.30: common to fair cows, 32.753.66; veal calves, 33.2607.60. - Uuotatlona on range cattle: Good to choice beef steers. 86.76tjg.ti.60; fair to good beef steers, 3,1.000.75; common to fair beef steers, 34.4Oft6.00; good to choice cows and heifers. 84.60&6.26; fair to good cows nd heifers. lJ.60iu4.6e; common to fair cows and heifers, 32.76434.60; good to choice stockers and feeders. 35.00tj4l.00; fair to good stockers and feeders, 34. 75-0 common to fair stockers and feed ers. 33.60tH4.7B; stock belters, xj.ootiH.iio; bulls, stags, etc.. la.ooyxVOu. Representative sales: 81. I.onls Live Block Market. ST. LOriS.' Dec. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.0UO head Including 600 Texas ateers celpta, 3.000, Including 600 Texas steers market steady to iunim: lower: native nhluuing and export steers. 38.00ru4.26 dreksed and butcher steers, 35.25u8.00 steers under i.vui pounos, .vuuij- stockers and feeders, 33.OUttt4i.00; cows and heifers. 33.uuta J.tio; canners. Il.ootul.oo bulls. 33.76n6.: calves. 34.00th8.25: Texan ami nteera, 3t.00V7.0o; cowa and heifers. 34.50tl7.00. HOUS Kv:elpti4. a. iuo tieaii: market, steady: bins and lights, 34 6OiiS.20; pack era. to.8ijuiti.40: butchers and best heavy 35.90tiv.40. rliEl.r' aau l,AMtJ3 Receipts, s.twu head: market, steady: native muttons. 33.uiii)3.; lambs, 14.2Mr5.75: culls and bucks, 31.SMi3.00; stockers. 11.5iu3.2o. Kanaaa City I I ve Stock Market, KANSAS CITY. Deo. IS. CATTLE R relpts. 4, two head, including 600 southerns market, steady to weak; drenaed beef and exort ateers,; lair to good a.uuu-oe; weatern steers. 1-1 , M0. 50; stock ere and feeders, 34.0Uti.00; souther steers. 34.60rijti.50; southern cow. IXOtv 4.50; native cow. 32.i5v6.26: native heif ers. Huoj7.2; bulla, 33.7545.00; calves, 44 SOU'7.7j. mUi Receipts, 14. heaa; market ateady to 6o higher: bulk of aalee, 35.75d 4.2I: heavy. t.Jbii4.3u; packers and but era. 3k.t4Hl6.26; lights, So.tu4.10; pigs. 34 50 tio.2. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.000 head; market, steady to 10c lower; mtit tons. 34 5oi4i.u0; yearling. 34 Ooti.oo; wetb ers, 3J4Uii.OO: ewe. 33.00iu'3.50; stockers and feedcis. S2.:&jM.O0. Stanrk In klgat Receipts of live stock at the five piin clpai weatern markets yesterday: Cattle. 1Iik. Sheep. South Omaha 4 WO 10 ) 7D 8t. Joseph 2.2O0 10.tu 2 Kaunas City o.OjO H.uU 18 Otw Bt. lAiuta 3.0.4) ' 8.100 S.OOi CUicagu .31.tMI 31.4MO tu.Otu JtlAll, ,17) 7:,9U 88,000 Av. Pr. No. 23 heifers... 417 6 00 J9 s 22 steers.... 94 6 00 11 r 10 cows f3 3 70 24 c 10 cows 90S 4 00 J. M. May W 54 teiB....in2 8 (4) 4 s steers, ...122S 6 25 10 c 6 cows.. ... 1012 3 bo liixi.4 or the thltd neither bu"r nor sellers claimed any sdvantsge in hog trade, prices rullne; generally stead. ine marnei was occu pied !- a rather Inrge supply, but this condition did not d'nter packers and ship pers from bnvlng rely and movement was featured bv a fat.- dejjree ot activity throughout. The were entirely cleared of a 145-loaxl run eVore 11 o'clock, shippers and specula-tors providing an outlet for fully 15 per cent of the total. Packers bought all .TVelirhV Indl cnted their preference, for i.4eavy stuff, onlv bv premiums ranging ftim a dime to 4'J,tTii)c. Common lights sold iU the bot tcm of the list, whlle good butchers lunrlcd within the middle rpread, around J6.95fltl.C5. rShlppei-a favored loads welsh ing better than 250 pounds, but td not work up very often Into the extra Jieav les. Tho bent lard animals on Jtle scorexl a top of 30.15 and Inferior bac"ui and h.'A'" mlxed stuff with a light average sold .it and near S5.C5. There wert seveil bunches of heavy pigs on sale, but the demand proved decidedly slack and It required considerable effort to phf-ce lit tle stuff at $5.00, first fifure on most sales being a "4." Iv. oo 4 M 00 Ot ' e 4 e t cm 4 OCT !00 05 4 Ot 05 $ i 45 4 0 4 00 4 OS 4 OS 8 05 4 t t OS Oil 4 05 4 05 4 05 7Vi , 4 47 4 074 10 111 4 IO 10)) lit 4 10 10 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 U'4 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 It 15 16 nu ttuue aim u ' i iw 110 147 40 3 IS 7 138 ,..' 3 00 IE i ... 4 SHEEP Moat phases of sheep antd lamb trade were Identical with those ot yeaterday, prices holding steady under a limited supply. Handy classes of stock met with the bent demand and less tlutu half of the 9,000-head estimate .consisted of good lambs and tidy sheep It required only a short session to empty the market of everything except tne medium quainy and weighty grades. These offerings were avoided by all buyers and proved slow sale throughout, ruling a little lower In spots. Good to choice fed western tamos showed a little more action than any other kind of stock earl a selling at 85.00 (65.75. Something strictly prime In this line would probably land arouna tuna. but there waa nothing available during opening rounds with which to make a test of high tops. iarnos oi natifr-or origin having quality are selling fairly well, aa Is Indicated by yesterday's 33.86 limit, but In many Instances It Is ..dif ficult to even get a bid on Inferior na tives. ...... Matured muttons cnangea nanus m e.(i,.r nnlet fashion, aood ewes selling at 33.45, aome fat wethers at 33.76 and a. I airing ot nanny jmuma. - Breaker ' wetners, moony wis, iouuu outlet at $4.35. the market m general showing no changes ot consequence. Feeders were purchased In small bunches by country buyers, but the trade ho. hAinma decidedly narrow and prices paid had an untven, scattered appearance. Not more tnat zu per cent ui ' V" ' " ceipts consist of orrenngs miu to .i,. ,, for a final finish and on most days the proportion of thin stock does not afford anytning use a it""" "".""i " from which to choose. Yesterday's buy on country account amounted to only 1,400 head. . OuotatlonB on Bheep and lamos; oooa to choice lambs. $5.50r&5.85; fair to goop. lambs. 35.25rti.60: feeder lnjh; W.-.o; fa r to choice yeariiimn. n..e'. '" yearlings. 33 65 4. 10; good to choice weth irT 33 754100: fair to good wethers. 83 oO llTlhi feeder wether.. 33.0063.35; trood to "holci ewes. U.SfntTSO: rto good ewe. 33.10r-n3.S6: feeder ewes, J2.4r&3.. Representative i". No. 2X8 shorn lamba 90 fed lamba 158 fed lamba 61 culla 144 fed lamba 98 fed lamb MS fed lambs 82 fed lamba . 473 fed ewes 122 fed ewes 3ml Fed lamba 68 fed ewes 21 fed wethera . 68 fed yearllnga No. At. Eb. Pr. No. r. gh. 61 113 ... 3 40 '5 SlO 30 30 114 ... t CO tl iX ... 88 164 ... 6 12 C.Tl 40 74 US ... llo to 2.14 180 no Ih7 ... 1 73 7t '.'31 I I. 2 163 ... 3 71 7 11 ... .... ...177 ... I 80 11 m ... M 17 ... I 10 74 !11 ... II ant ... I to Tl 211 10 72 1 In) i 13 IT 244 120 74 11 ... i r 11 321 ... (2 1U ... I It M 2M 10 7 lit 40 t 15 41 S7 440 14 203 ... 4 8) - 14 ?r-4 1 32 304 .... 1 LI 77 527 76 194 ... r, 9 11 214 120 It 1 ... t Ml 12 3111 120 23 211 ... 1 0 40 21 .-- 12 100 140 t 0 11 30& 160 10 2417 ... I tO 1 4 175 20 74 313 40 1 M 3 ir3 80 10 203 ... I 141 10 44 1M ... t M to 144 4S 16 1M ... I 10 75 7 M 21 210 ... 4 0 4S 137 10 S6 13 ... I 90 12 271 140 78 1 ... 5 !) 77 Ill ... 31 111 10 6 90 23 fS M 79 190 ... 1 90 44 171 ... ti 1..4 It 1 to 49 2o ... 74 Ut ... 3 15 10 131 ... It lt 10 1 95 10 lit 10 11 144 ... 3 15 11 12t ... 72 Ill M IN 43 M4 ... 0 10 ... I 95 41 291 SO 15.1 ... I 15 29 107 80 47 271 ... 191 J4 345 10 55 237 80 1 95 14 Ml 100 41 Ill 80 I 95 17 101 40 48 225 10 5 95 21 401 ... 15 104 ... I 95 41 M4 120 43 200 ... I 95 60 210 40 2 220 10 I 95 54 10 100 80 233 40 t 15 19 317 ... 77. 321 10 I 974 40 lt lit 73 2,10 80 4 00 11 105 ... 75 231 10 4 00 It .44 . 74 124 ... 4 00 14 .172 120 19 1.4 ... 4 00 7 314 10 77 224 ... 4 00 It. 1 10 10...., t It 1..... I.... 14.... 14... . 16.... 1.... 1.... 11.... 11.... .... 11.... 10.... to.... 16.... 3.... 1.... !.... I. .., II. ... It.... 7... At. ... ... IW ... M4 ... 4 ...loot ... 91 ... 91 ...LllT ...1117 ... 97 ,...tut4 ,...101 tat ....loot .... MM ....112 .... 417 ....1141 V t 4 11.. 4.. 11.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 4.. II.. 1.. t.. 14.. I.... I.... 1 ... 31.... 4..., tl.... 12.... 4.... 1.... t .. 11..., t-.. 1... 1... 1... 1... I. .. 3... I... 1 .. 1... It... 4... I .. I... II. .. t... 14... 4.. I... t .. 40... I .. Pr. I 14 4 14 t It t 4 I t I 41 i tl I 7 I 70 t Tt t 15 t 15 t I 90 I 90 t to t 00 t 4 M I C4 I 00 I Or) 05 I 1 3 it t It 1 24 I M t 10 1 40 1 44 I 71 4 M 4 04 4 14 4 It 4 11 4 10 4 10 No. 11 U tt It I 31 1 34 4.... 40.... 41.... 17.... 11.... .... 18.... 14.... I.... 19.... 17.... xws. 4.... tl.... 11.... 11.... 7.... 4.... 3.... 4.... 10.... II.... I. ... It..., 11..., ..., II. ... II..., I..., 1... It. I HEIFKRS. At. ..101 ..1111 ..1111 ..1171 ..1151 ..1064 ..1004 ..1121 ...1041 ...1120 ...nut ...lilt ...1161 ...1104 ...421,1 ...Ub4 ...1124 ...1241 ...1194 ...10J0 ...1045 ... to: ... in ...Hi ... tr ...124 ... 971 ...list ...1011 ... i ... 921 110 ... 14 ...1014 ,...1047 ...tit ....101 ....I2S4 ....1UM Itl IM 711 97 931 Ill 97 1011 104 1017 1104 771 Pit 101 not 1060 101 711 ..... Ill fwl , 154 , T74 ill U til 71 ...... 7M Ill 43 1 I4t 11 .til 1114 lit 1XM lo 114 1110 UT Hit lilt 114 rr 4 JO 2M U4 461 471 t1 1JS KTiX-KERS AND FEEDERS. 4o 4 11 7M 4 11 , Ill 4 II 14 I 1 lit 4 :i 14 M IN ooaana W t A H tw! t I 21 1 t It I t 4 tl 4 1 Io t 40 4 41 4 3 4 t 4 10 4 4) t. tl It 1 II 14 14 II it..;., i.... u ... BULLS. 3 tt 1 to I Ii I ti 4 00 4 0 4 4 1 ti CALVES. I.. .. 743 .. (44 .. m .. 174 .. 744 .. tm .. it; .. tot .. M7 ..101 .. 7-J1 .. til ..lout ..lit ..Itl ..173 ..164W .. Vl ..12 .. 43 ..HI Pr. 1 . 4 1 4 1 t It 14 4 14 4 M 1 11 4 It 4 11 4 40 4 441 4 10 4 M 4 71 4 It 4 71 T (0 4 14 4 M 4 M ' 4 It 4 14 4 44 4 ) 4 H 4 id 4 to 4 W 4 4 U 4 ta 4 70 4 71 4 M 4 94 I 0 8 14 4 to 4 ti 4 (5 4 7t ! t ot 3 11 t 15 t 1 I If t a i 31 4 13 4 It 4 41 4 3 4 (t 1 1 3 11 1 t 4 ft) 4 to 4 2i 4 34 4 M 4 75 l vs a o tot , in it , 10 , ia . 144 . jo , 114 4 Tt T 4 t no 7 M t ti I 2J t 14 I la St. .toneph t.lT Sttark Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. VJL CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.200 head. Martet slow; steers. $4.&M.2ri: cows and h-nftr.. $2.lf 'i.00 ; calve. SJ.5Otir7.S0. HtXlS Receipts, 10000 head. Market Bteadv top, 86.20; bulk of sales, Ii.704i.l. CHltlCr AND LAM VIS Receipts. 2,5tl head; market steady; lambs, $4.&0i.00. Olla anal Ilonla. SAVANNAH. Dec. IS -TURPENTINE -Steadv, 4M,c: sales, 10t: receipts, 10,4.r0; shipments. 160; stocks, 40.M0. ROSIN Firm; aales, 2.703 bbls; receipts. 2,730 bbls.; shipments, 2.6JR bbls: Mock", I24.0C8 hbels. Uiiote: H, $r..6:''4,1ft) 65: I), Sti.toCfiB.tV.; S. F. S&; U. t.2Vy'i4!..': H, 3rt.tS!'ii'J.67,ii: I, $S.62'4C.;.66; K. $7.kv W $6.90; N, $7.tD; W. O., $7.C0; S W.. C.75.' Philadelphia Prodqoe Market. PHILADELPliLA, Dee. 13. BUTTER Stirady; western creamery special, C4rc; extra, ttc; nearby prints, extra, 3o. EU4.1S Steady. Pennsylvania ann near bv firsts, free o-ases. 39.01) per case; cur reit receipts, free cases. I?1 W per case; western firsts, free cases, $?.t)0. CHKESE Unchanged. , Cotton Market. NEW TOR'S, Dec. 13 COTTON Snot closed quiet: middling uplands, 9.20c; niiU dllng guU, 8. 15c; sales, 1,0"0 bales. Futures cl ased steady; December. 8. ft-; January, 8.62c: February. 8.6fic; March. 8.73c; April. 8.77c; May. 8.93e; June, 8.S7c; July, 8.93c;' August, 8.96c; September, c; Octobnr, 8.07c; November, 9.10c. Dry Goods Market. NKW TDRK. Dec. 13.-DRT OOODS- t'he eottorr goods markets are quiet, with twining conditions noted In some lines of gTViy goodH oi print cioin yarn, juuueia are doing a very moderate house trade. Tarns sre In better demand. Staple cot ton, hosiery for fall Is being shown. ', ' lagar Market. NFVW TORIC. reo. 13.-SUOAR Raw. steady; muscovado, S9 test, 4.37c; centrif ugal, 96 best, 4.S7o; molasses sugar, S3 test, 4.12c; refined quiet. Wool Mrtrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 13.-WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums, 174320c; fllie mediums, 16ijl8c; fine, 11 a 15c. NEWS FROM NEBRASKA CITY Grevat Wettrrn Fire Company Elects Ovfflcern Base Iln.ll Meetlnaj to Be Held TinalBht. . Av. .. 71 .. 77 .. 91 eee4i 62 , , 87 44t44tt44ttl iW 83 80 117 Ill lMlil4lttllltt 73 113 , 120 1 Price. 4 26 6 30 6 76 4 25 6 25 5 40 t 60 40 S 60 3 00 5 60 Z 86 84 4 85 NEBRASKA. CITY. Neb.. Dec. 13. (Speclai.) The Great Western Fire com pany hie elected the following officers for the ensuing, year. Foreman, H. ft' Bart ling; secretary, F. H. Fields; treas urer, .8. H. Fields; trustee, II. F. Meyer. Delegatea to the state convention. James Kaatoer, A. Z. Johnson and William Fischer. There will be a meeting of the stocli holdeiw of the Nebraska City base ball club Thursday evening, when they will be glvsn the annual, report, showing the disbursements and expenditures. They will thtm decide If they will continue the team next season. Blair Anderson of Hamburg and Miss Frances King of Sidney were united In marriage In this city last evening. They will make' their home at Hamburg, la. County Judge Elect A. A. Blschof lias announced that lie will appoint Joy Tate, new bookkeeper for the Nebraska Tele phone company, as his deputy. County Oerk Elect Louis Stutt has announced that he will appoint Julian. Stevenson aa biff deputy. Turley Oook, the youth charged with attempting to rob the Mission Pool hall, waa arraigned) In the county court and held In the aum of $300, which waa fur nished by lib a friends. He was paroled because of htis previous good record. The thlevea who broke into the grocery store ot L. Fltchle and stole a large amount of money all , In pennies, have returned the same. They left them all In a bag at the home of Mr, Fltchle, but there is yet missing a gold watch which the officers are looking for. REPORT OK PUBLICATIONS OF COUNTRY MADE PUBLIC WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. The result of an Inquiry made by the house committee on expenditures in the Postofflce depart ment as to the volume, weight and hand ling of , the publications of the country the last fiscal year was made public to day. The 10,000 pjibll.Hiiers responding re ported an annual 'output of more than C,&00.000,000 copies weighing 1,760,000 pounds. The postal service handled 951.001,GG9 pounds and, excluding 9,600,000 pounda car ried free within counties, it received 1 cent per pound. The. publishers reported that .they delivered by their own carriers, newsboy a and news companies 840,466.574 pounds, part of which was carried to des tination by express and other rail ship ments. They dellvemd by express 203,519.710 pounds and by other rail shipments 121,. 491.748 pounds. The rata by express and rail varied from to 1 cent per pound, but the bulk ot these shipments went at a rate pf to tt cent per pound. I TheB The Best Known Office Building in Omaha. There ia great advantage in being in a building which people can find easily. No building in Omaha, or as a matter of fact, in the entire west, is as well known as ee Eniild!ng Every man, woman and child in Omaha knows where it is and everyone who has ever been here knows how to find it. This is only one of the many advantages in having an office in THE BEE BUILDING U4MM 330 Is a choice corner of ficahalng a north and wast exposure, making this space attractive at any season of the year, on account, f sod lisht and ventilation. We will arrange thia apace, lviio, suitable fur tenant, and there being a vault In the room. It afford eilra protection for valuables. Bent. ier month $40.00 Has a south and west exposure which makes a well lighted (Ice, UHilOVi feet In also. We are only asking 76c a square foot r this apace which ia very cheap rent, conwderlng location and ail iveuiencea lurnianca oy me ic suuaiug. rrice. per iiiuinu, &04M. 41 for this space w con Heeaa 61 Don't pay for deak room apace when you can rent a private office for the name amount This room is tal t. has a large window on the court, affording plenty of Ugbt and vanulatltm. i'ric per anon til tU0.0il rem HO Sit txlt-l, having a frame and glass partition across center of room making two good aised offices with every convenience, and tbe rental pi Ice only, per month . .S16.0 Soow 4M)1 This room is located near the elevator and has a total of it square feet of floor space. This 1m a very tiealrabls small office and location ia convenient. Mental, per month ,. ...$1740 gtoa 407 la llxlttt feet and has two large windows ea ths court Rental price, per n.vnth .S17.8 THE DEE BUILDING CO. Bee Business Office. 17th and Far nam Sts. )