Desperate Desmond ITirTilintf llace Between Aerial and Terrestrial Message Bearers, with Unexpected Result By Hershfield C'oprrlrst. I Hit. KsttieJ Ke Aan-iffos. . " ' " "" f?T s n ' ' '' ' i t- i x, ,t worses wijwK 5 ;.L V4 s?x ' T ? lV? i,7v r1- CAmP.loohj, E( V TT CL tT s- , i jg-n J?.,y- -1 . I : Dmini, 4k meet erarl-feearted slllale la II that Mad at rraettr. arleata trr tea en irabaril sf laatle, been, aad ItMinni aran aaaalr, la la rase at aaa 4 wal-a kc ka tkrawa avar tkaa with tka Trlaall (rvat-awaaplaaT atarklaa. I.lttla rfofi ka irat kal tna af daaart ata la dragglac Mnnct far krla agraaa tka aaaaa aa tka arr al4 af tka aaaa. It la Claada'a ackraia ta laaaii tka trattr llallaaa. WANT ADS Want ads received t any tlmo but to liiMure projter litnlficatloii mutt 1 rciii4Ml Ix-fore 12 u't'lork in.t 'or (lie evening edition and before 7:110 p. rn. fur inoriilnit and Hunday '" tloiia. Want ad revived alter buch bourt tvlll bavo their first inaertion under the beading "Too la(o to Classify." AN.VOL.NCEMIiXTS J . A. GENTLEMAN t UNVAKnu. embalmcr. 1614 Chicago Kt. 1 T!'-, U IlEAFJiY & 1LEAFEY Moveil to ?B1 1 Fmrnin, A 32l II 2Ki. ilULSE & 1UEPEN, Si ico ho. icih ct. rxu. a-kmC TTJTp'p Colored Portrait X IV 1 - wth each wcildlna or- lUTRKNt II AND HOWAIl t IIRKKTS Wa .llaS IllUnilli HEYN lKM'm,A8 I'llnttna Co, Tel. I Ml. M. K. Morrill, china paint, k.13 Hrnin1rt 1 h IIUIL.KK. sheet iron and tank Work, Omahit Mructurnl 8tee- Work. la. Neb. bead Co., IA Jones, ilotti pnonea. MRarl Van dt Htorae. I'aak, rnovn, elore iirnl iil M, H. skkI 1 )m, f42K, MOVING picture marhlnes snd supplies. Ne(ranka Flli Co., 1318 Karnam rtt. fiODOA8i8 LUNCH KB HOT In our beautiful downstair lunch and sods water room st lftth and Dodge we ara servinit , dainty lunches and hot and cold' drinks. . - Try them! 811 HUMAN ft McCONNELU vnvo co. yiv Good Drug Stores In Omaha. FAHMKK8. write us 'for prions on oil. casolln and )tibrlran!., Tho tireat Westorn Oil Co., no sits, umana. ihi-d. we pay tne trei gut. J. r". O'lyeary for shoos. 413 N. W. KoTom. . Switches from combings. 17U Leav'wth. Get your diamonds at Hrodegaard's. Van Gordon's norwe. dog nonptal. 1)10 N. E.1 ( ATTTV. ralefsumaio J f 1 VJ I f u!'- ,!- uidg. l'hona Doug. ZM. UNION tXAJ CO. biorin sash and doors. Welrlch. W S577. Thompson, distributer of adv. Smt N. 15. . H. Cola SlMn Co. D 37rih. li'.is Farnam. Uplioleteilng. piano, furn. rep. 23o4 Far. 'iwsnty per cent le than Omaha prices. HOME FU It NITURH CO., Ta-enty-foui lh and L sts . Mout li Omaha, llarpxter palmer hanging, paint'g. H-1667. ho I si rick, gravel, tar roots, lllth ft lke. Weddltig announoementa. Doug. Ptg. Co. ILEIt GRAND ST? VsZZt Turkish Baths W'a liiiuo recently Imported from Mex "''ico a beautiful assortment of Mexican Filigree work, which cannot be excelled fur nuullty or beauty. Call at our wholesale aalesroom. You can save lot per cent on Jewelry, De Long Jewelry Co., auS MoCsgue Hldg.. llh and iKHlga. NiVrfFlCATION All goods left In pawn at Frlcman's Loan Bank will be sold at public auction alter Dec. lu. Diamonds, watcbes mad clothing to be sold every day ai b.w p. ni. at i. commie oao, liank, 13th and iHiuglus. COKNKR biioe Repairing, ttel Leaven worth. KIASTiC stoi'klngs. aupporters and bandagea: stock always new, because we sell so many. Trusses fitted. Everything guaranteed. W. O. Cleveland Drug Co., the largest surgical upply bouae, 1410-12 Harney BL HAVE you decided what to get your lady friend for Christmas? There ta noth ing that would please tier better than a dainty box of O ilmen's candy. If Mra. Jan. Van Doran. dull Webster, will come to The Bee office within three daya we will give her an order for a vv-cent bos of O tirlmi i caudy. AUTOMOBILES Auto lamps rMird. Omaha Silver Co. AUTOMOBim storage, fireproof build ing, down tows; very reasonable. 1'liune lHuglas 4J4. AUTuilublLLS stored at a special rate for ilia winter. Automobiles bought and suld. OWL GARAQ1S CO. Telephone liuglas .W. 1U Harney. TMol Vnn'lf iVAuto Co., OaklaJid and "'Slearns Kulght; bargains In UMd cars. rarnam. Doug. 2. honk:ibshonk HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND ISth and Harney Hts. Murphy Did ItSsisi Wllul.r.bAl-i-- pr.cas on oil. Doug. Uut. W E Co bettar auto repairing and lislf tho pik e, rkioud ft Cu. FOliE DOORS sove'-paln: loug. CK'Z. ffeiffer Carriage Woiks. ntl iiMHI.IMj i luukuner touring car. um. wun bos In place oi rear aval will make excellent delivery car. Ill ) mnam rt. Phom-s A-am-o, iHiug. iOa. REBUILT STODDARD DAYTON'S 1. I T-Pojwengcr 70i . y. 7-Paaanngcr l.uu e, F. Llilluusllie 2,100 . A. a-Paatfciigvr yuO HICVKRAL trjHKR WAKES OF CARS AT VtKV IaW. PRICE i. J. DKRIUHT COMPANY. Ulk Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. I'll K and son are looking f ward to Inwrl time tl.ey know that yvu I oiderrd aome of Daixeil'a Ice cream. it Mis. A. M. Ulover, iUl Orand.Ave.. v.111 come tc The Bee office wun.n three uss we a lil twi her aa orucr for a uuart t;-i y( iiiui.iine Ice cream. Dramaaa klmaalf rrallaaa tkal aaat a anaaaasa far M ta kla Tarklak fallaw raaaarrla. Araardlaclr, ka faaaaa kla at lar ta rarrlar alcraas wklak kaa kaca trala4 la By direct ta Tarklak liaartqaarlara. N aialtar wkat tka Oaaaral wif ka 4 alas, kla ararra fraaa tka laltaa ara that ka ma lataraatlaaal rraak. AUTOMOIll LI'.S fllotoro clc. Kon RALE Cnll fit corner ir.lh snd Harney Hts. (Neb. Cycle Co.), and ank to Sf Wclttenhlllor'ii d h. p. 2-rlvndr 'i'hor motoriycle. I'erfect retinlr and siro harKKln. lo not tlclny, It muKt ho sold. M'SINICSS CHAXCKS TO get In or out of himlness call on GANfiKMTAI). 4'4 Heo Hldg. Tel. V. 8471. Wll.Iy fll I HO share United Wireless Telegraph preferred slock for 1100. iiox Little Hoik, Aril. MUliTGAGES, b;h ON GOOD FAKMS Ravings bonds secured by first mortgage and our capital aud surplus of etuu.ouu. NO SAFER INVESTilENT BonJs for 1100, 2V) end up, as suits your savings, llaka your money bring you a good Income. Alt for partlculuti. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 15th and Karnam Kin.. Omaha, Neb. 6uT"li"ieat tn'kt. OtTncr sick. wTlfflW. MOTION I'luluio machine and film bur al:iH. iiinsha r lltn Kxoli., 14th Ac Ooug. i'OOL, HAljfu and barber shop tor al, doing a'ood huKlneRs; price, 1,TW. Ad ilrrj t', caro liee. M.TOi IJL'VS best puylnu nuK-l In Iowa for the money. Valuation, fl.bW. Write for particular. AV. .'. n)rion. Alia Vl.iia. TEXAS LAND EXPOSITION and Northern Scttlerfc Convention HOUSTON,' TKX., Januaiy 16th to Ztith. lloiiieseekeis and investors should not iiilns tms opportunity to visit Tuxus and sso the south s iirsi great iar.u fthow. lowest railroad rati ever offirCd fioiti all sections of tho United Hiates. Klghteen lines Into Houston. More than 1 cuo exhibits of farm products and ma chinery. Many notable speakers on pro gram. Kxpusitlou open day and night, full particulars about Texas. and Texas lauds and opportunities on request. TEXAS LAND EXPOSITION l'ubllolty liept., Houston. Tex. ' estate; I" B. 1 Hl- fO"i f'-' roow 1 snd S. KA ltothery. Presldant. "UAKfc. opportunity or a small ln- estmeut. 1 can ower urorltabln par or millinery ounmcn., t... fo? eteady trade . and I ten ro;m. V?.:-1?, rallabf. ana r-mV all occuuled returns from rooms pay . all tuTlV and price to intciealed parties D. is. Bee. prices Miinciirtv"".- ..t:;: i.,,wa and reasunapie. '"'" "L"rtl. ttuni. lr:r a id K-Wrtu - toUay Masne's Auction Co. St. i-awrence. W. P. FIRST-CLASS grocery n,oal ""V,,,;..' with or without fixtures; i hood lu tl;othrJnessIOJ31 "b'UBUIIUAN "drug store. 300, gnap. 1. KtneHI, XI nra r""' Twv coniuilsHeur of confectionery win readily tell you that there are no cano es which can ouiniiini " or daintiness. IT Mrs. c. . 41.13 Underwood Ave., will coma to 1 ha M..a office within three days we will give her an order for a tiO-ccnt box of o urien candy. FOK Al.rHalf interest in !". merchandise - d..lng m.W varly. Stock will nvoica I'.'O.UOO. T. J. Hannah, Bherburn, Minn. BUSINESS PERSONAM Aoaaaeateal. Tr-irrvrin and after the show Visit the OLYMflA for Ice cream and candies. "ALWAYS want Vaud. and Amateurs for large picture ahow. 701 Onia. XMau Ilk Bldg. Arcaillecta. J. Bowell. architect. 871 Brandelg Bldg. Artesian 'Walla. T K. NF.BFROALU WH-V5Z "icd Lowe, well boring. Tel Benson 14- Attrnvs. G. W. Shields, attorney. K7 B. of Trade. "IJSTON Th ALL. UWyKK, ta Bee. w .nni, ii v at law. 611 Bee. li. Mt. A ainas and Teats. OMAHA TgNf CO. Tel 8M Douglaa Ua Manafnctnrera. BFMl"- OMAHA BAO CO.. Omaha. Nab. lsagaaae aad Taa lea la. TUB ONLY WAT. ,.k.,.ii.ii iu destination. Taxi' cabs and touring cars. Toi. Douglas Itii. Mas, aad fstkas aiansiaetnrere. Wooden Bog ft rackage Cd. 1.114 N. lMh. tarpelo. Mans Umnerlea. P0LCAR& cor." .r.r; z': carpet cleaning. Iu4t U. H. 1. Oil. A-C!4i. larpeatera aad lontractora. W. P. Deverell. contractor. Ramga Bld. fcleveneon. earpenler, cunt. Both phonaa. A. Llnboi g. carpenter, cuiaracttir. H. a71 4, klrssvilbts, DR. ROY. lSflj Famam. Douglas 4T. t Itfera and Tabaeee. THK Sanitary Crown pipe, lit B. IMh. (.let h I an- Maaalnctamra. Wear iieal dress shirts. M. K. Pmllh C. Cnnl Dealers. Powers-Heafey '.sl t.. Tel. t. .ii,r kkI at Coal Co. 1 r'ar. H. 4s. I ,om quaiiiy )d.. 46 ft H. Ul C. . juoliaoo. o. ltb Is l'4 i pliunts. COAL tlwcial pnewt by tun. 6 bu. fur li. 'tel. O. 34i: u-a. COAL by tun c.r basket, five bushels t'none u. 23Wj. iw a. E. MAlKl.a. banket coal. loug. 4tot FEEDER FL HNACE "COAL D. U.4. cbaiic A. Wui'.tilicli. A liJ. -,..fH T. UUtlNfc:.SH te ItKALi fc'l'Aiii V xCHANGIfl CO.-Hardware. grpcet a. hitii tool roohie. Usrbtr ahop. saloons. 'ot,,i...-i- ...,,; aood bargain In real It la lm. ka IPtED VI. TEJTACITT, lil'SINESS rKHSOXALS Coffee, 'Ira, blera aad Haaar. Moyune Tea Co., 40 If. 1. Both phones. Creameries, Oalries aud Bopplies. Fairmont's IHndem butter. Always good. DAVIDCOU: CKKAMI.itV COMf'ANY. Corn Ice Hal Nteel Celllaws, CAIcTKTt K1IEKT metal work. Ornaha. Umirlug Acuiluilea. Msckle'd noticing Academy, 1 S10 Harney. Dally cltuuies Mon., Thurs., Pat. evenings. MISS MAHY COLL,. WKB, Mai). 12 lessons Mon. or r'rl. p. ni., at Mo rand's. Ladles, S3; gei.tleir.on, to prlvata lessons during the day, 1. Mis Jewel rilmpson. Tel Webster 241. liemlsts, Palley. the dentist. 7 CUV Nat'l.D. VM. Msnh A Mach. 3d fl. 1'sxton. D. 1UK6. '1 eft's Dental KootnH, 1517 OoiHC. 1. Zb. Uelectlvra. Omaha secret service det. agency. Inc., bonded, 41M-raxton Blk.. V. lHI'J. A-1319. I,. VV. Longnerker, 617 Karbach block. JAMBS AI.UN, Neville lllk. Tylrr 1134 UrcMswklnf. Terry's Prassmnlclng CoIlece.'V) ft Far, UHKSSMAKINO by day. I'hone Web. HBW1NO in fumllles by day; good work guaranteed. Web. 4K43. Uraasists. nniTGS at clit prlcet: frclclit paid ' on $10 orders: catalogue free. Sherman ; & McConnell Drug Co., Omshs, Neb. rJverytslnit llvvlrleal. Hurgess-Oranden CO., 1511 Howard. D. CSV Kleotrlu lighting fix., wholesale and retail. M. J. CUHRAN. wlriiKi. D. Johnston Kleo. Co., 411 S. loth. U. 4o. SECOND-HAND KLECTKIC FANS, dynamos, igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs. U P en. 313 S V-'th Ht. Doug. Sl'.i. l'O'i'H Kleo. Co. Motor repairing. i. aH.1. Kverythlna for Women. FAMILY bundle washing. Harney 4S0S. t ,,te4 Mills anal atarea. Feed, all kinds. Olencoe Mills. 233 Isard. riortats. BF.NNKTT'H. cut flowers. Doug. 137. A. Douuliue, IU07 1-il nsiil. D. 1001. H ESS ft SWOUOOA, 1115 Farnam St. btewart's, floriMt .V xeedHmen. 11 N. Is. PAl'LSKN, llormt, 171'i Brown St. HRANDEIS FLORliS'l, llrandeis Bldg. L. HENDERSON, lbl'.i Farnam. D. 1 .'. BATH'S H.OKISTS. Boyd Theater Bldg. HHU1IAN cut flowers. Harney iM. Twenty-ninth and Dorcaa. PROSPEOi Hill llorlHt. W. 44V1. Faruace nn4 atuvn Repairs. Olaon Bros., furnace repairs. 2370 Leav. FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS to fit your atove or heater. New furnace, laundry tank heaters, gas heatera, ther inokial and combination warm air and hot water heating. Omaha Stovs Repair Work. l.VD-i Douglas St. Tel. Douaias KM. Ind. A-W21. Faendrlea, McDonald brass and bronie foundry, alu mlnuin, tin, lead caatinga. 16th ft Jackson. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Uoods. Wlchert. harness, leather goods. (30 8. 13. HARNESS, saddles and traveling goods. Alfred Cornish ft Co., LI 10 rarnam St. Hospitals. WISH MKMOR1AU 24th and Harney. BETHANY. 2ot4 Marcy. Doug. 204. Insaranve. John Dale ft Bon., Ins. 310 Ramge Blk. INSURE IN THE OLENS FALLS. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Ramge Blk. Iran ana Wire rcsclug. Anchor Fence Co.. Kl N. 17. Tel. Red 114. Jewelry, Diamonds nad Watcnee. OPEN up a charge account with us. A. Mandelberg, Jeweler, last rarnam. Laandrlea. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. II. 1824. EMERSON Laundry. !Jc4 N. K4th SU Botii phones. OU ARAN TEE Laundry. High grade work. Douglas X!7s. Curtoina laiinuered. J6o per ir. D. Llanlnlnar Rons. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. M N. 17th. i-noaber. K. Gross Lumber ft W rocking Co Rsr- fajns In lumber, plumbing, machinery and tiesin lilting. Zlal ana r'aui. web. iai. alaenrual aiaanlaetnrere. Skinner's macaroni and spaghetti. 10c pkg iieTv inrlnit anu .iennlnjf7 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Movlng, furniture packing; fireproof storage. Cuy offu7 2l S. 17tn. Doug. iSM; lna. B-U4. TMAHA- Van and Storage Co. cleans your carpets ou your . Hours; eiactriu vacuum clenurrs. v4 o. lilti, Bus e. liih. loug. 4UL Twin City Express. U14 Howard. Both Tel. Furniture uiuv.; 3 men 41 per lir. W ;,4. W.CFeirin, van, storage. Tyler Ijuu. B-l!k CALL Veruur lor moving and file proof storage. Office, A-2LW and Doug. ilb; WAREHOUSE, Tyler lilt. B-M1M. ntonnntenta nna Mnnaalanamn, J. F. Bloom ft Co., 17th and Cuming 8ta. atnala. Art nn Lnnannttva. Violin Wm. 1. leysona, experienced teacher. 1'atten. lul Locuot. Web. Jw, Orciiestra. planltt for dancea. D. U.b. oirMlk), Alice Johnson, ti- ctrandels The. Bldg. Watbeiyu Nikolas. Rraadela Thsaisr. UalU-lana, a F. Wurn. fitting at rep g. 441 Brandeia aa rarnvr yntni. aaaaaiaa; at fl7 aallva aa knar wltk lamaaa'a aaaaaaca ta tka Tarka. akaata rlikt lata a kas klta, far aartUla, kacaaaa It raa ka aaaa far tka lavel draart. Tka rara. aa yaa mmy kaa kaar kafara, la sat alwara ta tka anlft fcat at tka aama laa aaaat aaapla prr fr ta kava tkalr Uttla mm aa tka aarlftrat karaa la tka raea. lUantr, wa aaa tka anataar-llka tlaaa aadlaa; Ita raea fccra. n ysi x khh r kksox ais David Cole Oyster Co. ,Whn1eal only. Flaimbera. Omaha Plumbing Co., 3612 Sherman Ave. T. F. Ualfe. Dlumblna and heating. 1007 Howard St. Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-Z741. I'aper Com pa a lea. Western Paper Co.. 15th snd Howard. Patents. HIRAM A. BTCHOKS. nstenl lr. U. 8. and foreign Datents. trademarks and copyrights; 2j years' experience, 4I Urandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 8469. D. O. Uarnell, Paxton lllk. Tel. Hed 7U7. Wlliard Eddy U. S. attorney and solicitor. 1530 City Naf. Bk. Tyler 1630. I'honoarapas. Edison phonographs. Bhtilts Broa., 14l Par l'latlaw. OMAHA SILVER CO., 14 8. 13th. 1'hotosra phera. ninehart. photographer, lth ft Famam. hand berg's Studio. 107 H. 16th. Tske elev. l'rlntlns. Lew. W. Ruber, Printer Tou7h?0"i BEB3 BLDO. E NT RANCH ON COUnT. Phone Ind A-K20 for good pi lirtlng. Lyngstad Printing Co.. Itlth ft Capitol Ave. AM. 1'i.nring -Coj, 1!34 tHimlntf, D. 647, i . . . . . . . ltlen-lisll Hll. Uo. 1W S. 14 Ind: A-liJ4. Heataarnata. Baxter' flna quick lunch. 1615 Farnam. RAT I'iVfc' Kvarv hnHW mmtm lll. 1610 Capitol Avo.. north side postofflce. Clerk Cafe, home cooking. IB Is Dodge. OET the habit; eat at Uneeda. Chp. Ave. MOKHiS cafe, nome cooking, SIB h. 20th. , sporting: taowtls, NEW shopworn guns at low . prices. Townsend (Inn Co., 1514 Farnam. ktenoifrnpliera mill Coart Reporters Myrtle A. Kclley. 708 Bran. The. D. IWKJ. Mies Miller, loa-ctiy Na'.'l Bk. D. 47ulT Steel Tank anal Cnlvert touipnalea NKBRASKA ' and Iowa teel Tank Company, 14th and Nl.-holn. D. 3SS. gtorm llaora and iviniluna Gulou ft Leilwicli. D. 47. Ind. B-1474. Tnaldernilsts. Aulnbsiigh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 3221. 'A ruts and Annlags. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. S22 Douglaa Tnllorlnii. Dunham ft Dunham, $15 suite. 118 S. 15. R. A. Wllllama, clothes altered. 24 ft Lake. OMAHA Cleaning aud Pressing Ciub, 313 McCague Blk. Ladles' work a specialty. "fYn NET Tailoring Co., Web. 2594 'I rank nud Bait Cases. Frellua- ft Steinle. 103 Farnam St Wig Maaafaetarera. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr.. 11 Frenior Blk. Wlaea aad Lfqavrs, MAY ft CO., family liquors. 1303 Douglas. WILLOW gorillas beer, liauor. cluara. sandwlchea. Alex Jetes, 1303 Douglas. Loft loan, d-yr-old why. loo drink. 14 ft Har. Hansen . Family Liquors. 1323 Chicago. GET your Xmas wines and liquors at Griffith ft Schmidt. 1624 Capital Ave. EDUCATIONAL. THE FIRST WINTER TERM OF Boyles College . 18 NOW OPEN IX BOTH THE DAY AND NIGHT SES SIONS. Students admitted any time. Complete courses in business, bookkeeping, stenog raphy, telegraphy, civil services and salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phone for it at once. Ado reus li. H. Boylea, President. Boylea College, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGIA "BEST IN. THE WEST" Day and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. TJ I K VAN SANT SCHOOL Complete course for stenographers. Twenty yeara of success, lone C Duffy, Prop.; Ellxiibeth Van Kant. Priu. Corner 19th and Farnain Bis. TUTORING. 1st to 8tli grade, II. S.44. SHK naturally is looking for a dessert that needs but little preparation.. Tell her of Dalaell's loe cream. If Mra Geo. Swanson. 2U27 Itrlmora. will, come to The Bee office within three daya we will give her an order fur a uuart brick of this fine Ice cream. FOK CHRISTMAS ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE NOW. GALL DOUGLAS 1261 Come in any time and pick out your tree. W will tag it when ever you aay. HOLLY. MISTLETOE. WREATHS. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1G13 Howard St. Manicuring, Hairdressing, etc. FRFT1, coupo In every packag af Val- " vetiua, Crearaa and Powders purchased from our diugit.' entitling purchaser to profcaeloaat ireaiiuaoia, lr wt cuarge, at The VELVETINA SHOP Finest shop of beauty culture la middle wast, lsl Farnam., Doug. ita. A-la. Xmas Leather. Novelties. . All kinds moccaslna. all sis a Xmas candles, perfumes, cigaia, fancy packatea Aiiid, ILLlt GRAND i'llARalAC t. FOK CHRISTMAS Moving Picture's In the home. Something new. A practical moving picture machine for I he home (not a toy nor magic lantern) does prac tically the same work aa the J urge machines, throwing clear and distinct Pictures. Fasy to operate, no danger tioin fire. Prlcea from 310 to $-. Demon stration free any time. Independent Film Exchange, 1322 Douglas St. The Best Xmas Present. Is a scholarship In the MOSHER-LAMP-MAN COLLKUE. Ita great benefits last a lifetime. Send to MOSHER & LAMP MAN, NEW LOCATION, 1K15 FARNAM ST., FOR CATALOGUE. TERMS. F.TO. The Ideal Xmas gift la a bicycle or motorcycle. Reduced prices on new and used ones. VICTOR H. ROS3, 2703 Leavenworth St. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. VS0M Farnam St. Doug. 4710. Ind. A-SS3. A beautiful assortment of ' stencil out fits and sherwitt-wiliiama goods. Wa do glazing and picture framing at moderate prices. , i I .1 TYITliV and UTILITY are COM UUAUIH WN1;D in ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Everyone, men or women, young or' old, ' will be glad to receive an electrical gift for Christmas. UAS AND ELECTRIC TABLE LAMPS ara always acceptable, always appreci ated and -always used. $5 TO $83 . - BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., 1S19 Howard. LAMPS 8a the Angle oil lamp. It ajomxi. tJ throws the light directly down upon your book or table. It doubles your light at half cost. They make long evenings delightful. Douglas 1760. , . JOHNSON LAMP CO.. 621 S. 16th St. fVn ATT 'O Omaha exclusive U I U A Li J- O ,ndy "UoP-Tha w home of home made candles. Specials dally. liilX louglas. DIAMOND RINOSa.Vs0 & $90 per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas St. BRANDE1SCUT slower dept. A large aupply of holiday needs. Cut flowers, bloomlns plants and evergreen at special prices. FOR XMAS SHOPPING CALL THE ACME TAXI LIVERY rrou C. Showalter. Tel. Douglas 376. A-3M8. REDUCED prices uu ladle' suits and cloaks this month. Suits and coats modeled at reasonable cost. Anna fc.stek, ladles tailor. 21i city Nat. Bldg. D. 74i. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., dress platings, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. 200 Doug. Blk. Doug, lit; A-l. White's Loan Ofllce, 1203 Douglas; spec ial sale on overcoats left lu pawn, ti up. Special bargains in watches and diamond Woman's Exchange eltlra; lunches. 223 Bd. of Tr. 1M3 Farnam. YOUNG WOMEN wou"1 appreciate HUiUUm,, membership in the T. W. C. A. as a Christmas gift. YOU'LL always be -happy If your wed- dlag ring comes from Brodegaard's, lli s. 16th r.l. At tna sign of the crown. SP HOI AT j Xl"B8 ale- to H off JJVJ-iit-J pictures and framing. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 S. 16th. GOOD THINGS lut FaJstsff Buffet. Board of Trade Bldg. dogs. Max Oelaler Bird Co., luT7 Farnam. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE HAND- PAINTED CHINA. LILLIAN SIMPSON STUDIO. 2.1 1 6 JONES. CHINA PAINTING Wedding Cakes &av- fl&rJ FINE LINE Xmas candies, ciuais, per fumes. Crlssey Phar., 14th ft Lake. W. but. LO WNEY 'S i?r,.,x.".'a-,1 KIPLING ER'S Vn'n-., YJli ( A uiembership makes a present for every day In the year. 15- CABINET PICTURES " Bassett Studio, li s. pth. D 740. Oold lettering on books, pursts, leather goods. E. A. Tryon Co., l.nj e' J. Knox O'Neill, artist uud photography Pictures enlarged. Studio, 216 S. St. Xmas packages), candles, pertumes, ci gars. Lathtop Pharmaey, 24 ft Hamilton. DOLLS red rented. lOu up. Christmas novelties. Web. 1$I. . - iiOYER STATIONERY CO.. lttls Farnam. Christmas novelti s. cards, calendars. batet) rasora snarpened. SAI Ramge Bid. THK BOURGEOIS CO.. Iu07 FARNAM. Out-of-date garmants ex. or new. W.3U2U. Haod-palnted ouioa cheap. -'7ui Cum. H.3klg HELi WANTED FEMALE llerlcnl and Ofllce. WANTED Young. women clerks In the candy department. Appiy to R. C. Phclpo, Brandcla Stores. ' ' LADY clerk wanted till Christmas. Feel ing ft Stetnlo, 1mu3 Farnam. Factory aud Irudea. WANTED PRESSER3 IN LADIES' DEPARTMENT DRESHER BROS., 11 FARNAM. Housekeepers sal Uoaaeetiee. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired reaulta. Hi lug your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler lOuu. WANTKD-At once, vuunif trirl for Kell ers! housework. lJr4 S ikxh St. WANTED A good while cook; have housemaid and laundress. Earn man. 644 S. 40th. , Tel. Harney 4oJO. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family Harney ihm. YOUNG girl for general housework. Apply in person. 1304 So. 3th St. WANTED Good nurse girl at once; referencaa required. 4Jt N. iMh St. WANTED Young girl to assist In houaework; no waihiug. Mrs. G. C. Eagerly, 61 10 Cuming St. Tel. Harney 345.4. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral houaework; references required. 4oJ Dodge St. Wanted A white cook. Harney 47. tojd nun "WANTED Scoud girl. uo Park Ave.' tka aiaaatlaa tka aata, rrhlek arasraaa kat alawlr, kava alack ta tkalr allrl ac, 4 tka attaatlea af tka Italtaa Oaaaral la ttraetaj by tka maaaasa tkr ara 4racirlB arcr tka aaa. Tkaa wa aaa tkat taaacltr kaa trlaaiakad aver aaaed. aad tka aid aaw akaat tka raea aot fcalas alwar ta tka awl ft kaa etai trae aaaa aaara. Vka aa aat atarta (oUc It keeas rlckt aa. aa lfa It kaewa wkltkrv It la claf or aat. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics. WANED At once, a young girl for general housework In family of three adults, at 114 N. 30th St. GERMAN girl for general housework In family of three; good wages. Apply 10T.1 Oeorgla Ave. Sllscellaneoas. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers ara Invited to visit the Young Women's christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide st the Union Station. Apprentice tiii'lu to leam lialiuiei.. Oppenhelm, 2;ti City Nat l Bank. Practical Nurses' exchange. Tel. D. 113. WANTED Miuule-ancu lauies to repre sent Germun Medicine Co. 401 Ware Blk. WANTED Strong, healthy woman. firoperly educated, to take nurse's traili ng course. Apply Sup't of nurses, Wes leyan hospital, University Place, Neb. . HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen auil solicitors. Live city ft road salesman. Bee. 0-7S4. EXCHANGE man to handle real estate exchange department. Address at once, C 906, Bee. WANTED High class stock and bond salesman, excellent Issue and fine op portunity for man of selling ability; Omaha and vicinity. Addrei-s, -10 Plains Bldg., Cheyenne, Wyo. RELIABLE, energetic salesman for high-class specialty line. Established local trade and assistance In starting. Splendid proposition to right party. Char acter and energy more necesxary than ex perience. References required. Address C M, Bee. AGENTS make 320 a day selling pat ented specialties; send for free catalogue and sample; every article a gold mine. Gebaur Sales Co., 4C9 New Nelson Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. I NEED three ladies or gentlemen rep resentatives; steady position- salary and commission. This offer will not last long; experience unnecessary. Edwards, . oil North 23d, after 7, evenings. LOCAL aalesman to sell 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts and upwards of Columbia county, Florida, land. Produces splendid crops. A first clans proposition that will stand the closest investigation. Robt. C. Druesedow & Co., 860 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. A No. 1 etock salesman wanted. A go ing concern, composed of well-known Omaha business men, hus a gilt-edge proposition that is easy to sell and a large number of people right here In Omaha can be Interested. Considerable adver tising has already been done. A good stock salesman will have no trouble to make big money. Your answer will be considered confidential. F 121, Bee. Clerical mill ollloe. FULTj dress suits, evening party dresses for rent. $1 to tl.fiO a night. JOHN FELDMAN. 206 N. 17th. D. 312S. "CA NO" High srrade positions. SCO Ben Factory and Trade. Drug store fsnaps) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED At once li or 8 good orna mental plaHtertrs at V. H. postofflce! Fairbury, Neb. Apply to D. J. Phipps, Fairbury, Neb. . itl laeelta neons, GOVERNMENT position! open; list showing salaries free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 21 K. Rochester. N. Y. Reliable Emp. Agency. 1610 Davenport. WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages, of IS and b; cltlxena of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to , Re cruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts, Omaha. Neb.; 607 4th St.. Sioux City, 13U N. 10th St., Lincoln. Neb. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad if you gain your training In our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress, for particulars. .11. B. Boyles, Pies. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb.. r'aultleos Cleaners. 113 S. Uth. D. wl YOU are wanted lor government lob; ISO per month; send postal for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 2W K. Rochester. N. Y. Uf AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA, NKU N 1100 MONTH AUTOING. w Guarantees more actual repairing than any three other schools. Come see. ABLE bodied men wantea for tbe U. S. Marine Corps betweto tne ages of 13 and 36. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay, 115 to 3tt. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 years' aorvlce can re tire with 75 per cent of pay and allow ances. Service on board ship ami ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Oit'.ce. IM Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. M0 MEN, 20 to 40 yeara oid, wanted at once' for electrto railway motormen an. I conductors; fOO to 1100 a month: uo ex perience necessary; fine opportunity: ni strike. Write Immediately for aiiplicatiu blank. Addreaa Y 50, care of Boe. WANTED Experienced salesman to work the farmer trade; live wires earn ing 335 weekly above expenses; good proposition; high quality and right prices. Commission only. G 22, Bee. IF out of a position call at interna tional Motion Picture Schools. 213 Bee lijd. STOP! RHAD! Oct- lot') a paying urofesalun. Learn automobile engineering in our large training ahop. Hundreds of suc cessful graduates. Complete equipment of automobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Train Aaan.. 2s BiaudtK Theater Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. ' v WANTED Musicians for the loth InC band; must tie single. Address all let ters to Emanuel Klein, chief musician. Fort Mackensie. Wyo. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Barbers make mora money now than ever before oil account of the many added money-making facilities. Our couraa saves years of apprenticeship. Po sitions always waiting. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. WHAT is Christmas without a nice box of tha famous cojidy made by D. J. O'Brien? If. Mrs. W D. Fonda, (los Cal ifornia, will come to The Bee office with.n three days we will gle her an cider for a so-cent bos of O'Brien's candy. MEN cf Ideas and inventive ability, write Greeley ft Mclntlre. patent attor neys, Washington. D. C, for their list ot Inventions wanted, and piista offered by leading manufacturers "11a tka kar" crlci Deaaarata Dcaraaad, "aad raa dra aat kill ml" Ra ka erica ta tka Itallaa (eaeral. akt kaa rom to re'cne Ciaada aad Raaaataad frem tkelr lWla tamk aad laeldeatallr to exceata tbe crlmlaal Dee mead, wka la aatlawe-1 by all elvtllsed tloaa. We aaapose Haaamoad will kara terrible tlaae acttlBK tka aaad oat af ker kalr, bat aayway ta-aiarraw era aball rears Deeaaead'e fatf, HELP WANTED MALM Miscellaneous. MAN wanted wlth-lg to take charere ot aalo of our niedlcinea, extracts, spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet artioleH, stock Hnd poultry preparations, etc., in your county. One man made t'M one week. Steady work guaranteed. Work health ful, uleusant, very profitable. Refer ences required. Write us. We mean bust ties.". Shoiea Mueller Company, Defft. 19, 1 Tripoli, la. 1 1 LIVE STOCK lXJIt SALE Horses and Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of rood horsea, 118 H. 21st St. 'Phone Douglas 6000. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article i would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Blutfs" Street Railway company to tacertaln whether they left , it In the street cars. Muny articles each day ara turned Itt and the company Is anxious to restore ' them to the rightful owner. Call Doug laa 4a. uMAHA ft COTiNCIL BLUFFS STRKEH RAILWAY COMPANY. Il' PARTIES wiio lOHt uood VlHlOIl will call at COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. aOJ-ll So. IMh, same will ba restored. LOST Bunch of keys, one key No. 33J. Return to B. W. Christie, 418 Barker Blk. Suitable reward. LOST Suit case with snare drum and; trapn, return to Bee office, South Omaha. Reward. MEDICAL NO MATTER WHAT YOUR TROUBLE, NOR WHO SAID YOU WERE INCUR-, ABLE, BOHEMIAN ADJUSTMENTS WILL PROBABLY DO THK WORK. WHY NOT TRY? ("AM, OR WRITE! BOHEMIAN INSTITUTE." 32 NE VILLE BLOCK. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. 31 per box, prepaid, h'iiermau ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. WHY USE QUR MONEY T BECAUSE yon can Tinrrow tt on yoti HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, AUTOMOBILES. BANK BOOKS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPT REAL ESTATE and SALARIES In a few hours' time, pri vately and CHIC A PER than any other concern. NO MATTER HOW CHEAP THEY ADVERTISE. You may refund the loan In small weekly or monthly payments that soon get you out of debt. Our business is as private as a bank and your friends, relatives and employer know nothing about it. No delay. EacU application given prompt attention. Call on us for money to pay all your bills and you will find it quick and easy, RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, JOS Paxton Block. tl7 3. ISth. , 'Phones; Douglas 1411 and A-liU. $10 TO $100 i LOANED ' TO ANYONE ' He will procure a loan for any body who owns furniture, pianos, burses, wujjuns, or anyone holding a steady position at tbe moat rea sonable charges. All we ask Is your promise to pay. No red tape. No dalay. Quickly, privately, cheaply. u ' it iu liididllineiits ot et io iu liistalimeuts of 31.I& .-'J in installments if 32.4a. , it No other charges. 44 Loans mado uom one month to one year. Terms to suit yon. e GUARANTEE LOAN CO., 1 (.Small Loan Department.) 204 Wlw1111.ll Big. Over Neb. Cycle Co. It N. E. Cor. ISth and Harney. 13 Douglas 6u4o; Ind. A-13U6. M Open Every Evening Till O Clock U it tt tt 44 tt M tt tt M M tt until xnias. tt msmw5tttHJjmsMi ,rf4h-mMmt MONEY FOR EVERYBODY $1U TO $100 LOANS ON FUKMTUrtE, PIANOS. SALARIES, Ell., at charges you tun attord, and without the red tare and delay you experience wun oilier companies. ESTABLISH Ytil R CREDIT II ERE. It a HH GOOD AS A HANK ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED. NOTE THESE RATES: fi". you pay back fii.ju. H.., ou pay buck tlTuu. M. ou pay Lack -'s "0. V l. ou pay buck t.0i. NO OTHER CHARGES. Weekly or Monthly Payments. Open every nltiht till Xmas p. m. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. Si-ll Brown Bik. Opposite Bran dela S. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. Phone Doutilas 2u3ti. It U M tt tt Vi it n tt M ft tt M tt U tt tt u tt tt tt tt tt if tt tt u CHRIS 1 MAS AluNE ', YOUR CREDIT. Is as good here tut your employer la at his Lank. YOUR PLAIN NOTE Is all wa ask. no security, no Indorser. We are making SPECIAL CHRISTMAS RATES. Borrow tlo.Ou, return 40, per week. Hot row t.O uu. return too per week. Borrow tJOOO. return tl.30 per Week, lion our $, return ti.utf per w eek. Bo: row toi'.uu, return $2.u0 per wee a. ' Call an-I let us explain. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6111. DWirfc?illJINONOYV,1 GET YOUR XMAS MONEYi FROM THE CITY' LOAN COMPANY because our rates are lower, payments easier, business confidential. CITY 1)AN COMPANY. AVZ1 Douglas Block. Apposite Harlen's, fhoues Douglas Ilii lad. A-2M.