Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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    mi-; hi;i:: omaua. wkdxksday ikit,mmkw i::, in 1.
' Health Much Improved by Remark
able New Tonic in Few Days.
Kjr-r Vatnre'. I.ane Arf Jlvrr
. Apt lie Ulrmartfrd on Ac
I roant of nunh and
) Hotlr.
Mr. B. Jm-dtunn of No. I0;X) Harney St.
made the Allowing statement recently in
connection with 'Toa' Vita," the re
markuble new toiiic that 'la being Intro
duced in Omaha: .
"I have suffered, fjoni toinacli trouble
and nervousmevi for gome time past.
There were tlihej when I could eat noth
in bu' "yulxl' foods, and even these would
cause Kjs 'q,! the stomach. ' I Buffered
from extreme tpeii 0f dizxln? and Steep
Rave me,, -no benefit. I would awajten In
the mvtilng u tired and worn out as
when, I retired. I was very nervous at
llfVs. had violent "hi'-aMrhea "unit WAH
frequently constipated. My back both
ered me a great deal and 1 had palpiln
'tion of the heart. -
; "I had about lost all hope when I
heard of this new tonic Tona Vita," and
decided to fc'lve It a trial. I began to
Improve from the rry first dose. Tins
medicine ernn to tnothe my stomach
' and acts as a tonic Tor my system. Jt
' has built me up In every way. after a ten
Viays1 treatment. can now eut and Bleep
well. I certainly advite anyone suffering
sas I was to try ibis wonderful remedy."
Such a statement as the foregoing
should prove of 'unusual interest to those
ufferlnar with plmilar troubles. The spe
cialists who auw Introducing 'Tona Vita"
state that members of any family in
Omaha are Jikcly to be found suffering
'j'wlth the sane nervous debilitated condi
tion of the,' body; as It Is an all too com
I mon fcoinu.aint In the large towns, where
j kature'a, laws are more apt to be dlyre
I garded,' -
j "AlU'of this nervous debilitated trouble,"
I aidone of the specialists, "Is due prin
i Plr.klly to Imperfect digestion, which Is
Aperlnduced" by the strain of modern
i f ity Me. There Is too much hastily eaten
'Mutt people, however, are not seriously
affected -by Imperfect digestion," contln
l ued he. "They are just loggy and nerv
' ous and easily tiled. They fel 'worn
out' after a little exertion and are moody
, tiud depressed. These afe sure symptoms
if an' overworked stomach that needs
toning up and regulating. 'Tona Vita'
will positively accomplish this, toning up
and restoring the organs to their healthy
condition. Our preparation must prove
; satisfactory, or we will not take the
money for It."
The "Tona Vita" specialists will be at
lirandels' Drug Dept., 16th and Douglas
tfta., between the hours of 9 a. ni. and
6 p. m. daily to meet the public and ex
plain the nature or that modern, plague,
nervous debility, " and" ' demonstrate' the
Value of their remarkable remedy. Adv.
Brinj a Merry Christmas
5 'NS '
Red Cross Seals Provide
These Things
Public C4uction
Hospital and Sanatoria
Dispensaries and Visiting Nurses
These Prevent Tuberculosis
and spjotect Your llome
Lut Year (300,000 Worth Were Sold
This Year a Million is Needed from
- - - Red Cross Seals
Red Cross Seals Cost only Ona
Cent each, and should bo ud
oa I ha back of ail Christmas Malt
If too cannot bur . Cro t lull la your icialu,
- - Will IV ...
Slat Agent
433 City JUtioaal mi BnUalng, Omaha.
'From Maker to Wearer"
We Always Sell
Shoes of
For Less
than other stores.
"Onimod" Shoes
$2,50 and $3.50
Are tbe standard by whkh all
other shoe values are judged.
Judging by jricea at other
shoe stores we are selling at
all times a
13. SO shoe values for 2.50
$4.00 shoe values for $3.50
$5.00 shoe values for $4.00
$6.00 shoe values for $5.00
$7.00 shoe values for $0.00
$8.00 shoe values or $7.50
Shoe or:
2 CH5 k.10:3trt
"Hob'' Hauler auaJt jour jlcsure.
W. C. A. Will Use Residence Prop
erty to Care for Old People.
Aanaal Mertlaa of .iaaoclatloa Is
eld and amber of Important
Matter Are Disposed Of
Additions will bo made and other Im
provements provided from time to time
as they arc needed on the Anna Wilson
residence, 201S Wirt street, which was
bequeathed to the Women's Christian as
sociation to be used as a home for old
people. At Its twenty-eighth annual
meeting yesterday the association de
cided that some Improvements shall be
made and the place occupld during- J!U
Mrs. Tilden, the president, said that
she hoped the association may In time
aid old people outside of the home, es
pecially old married couples who would
wsnt to keep their own home, but are
unable to do so without assistance.
The association hns In addition to about
$12,000 worth of property i:i,W3.'6l leservs
and endowment fund. The donations at
Thanksgiving time from the Needlework
Guild nnd the public school!) as well n
from Individual persons made a sub
stantial store for the ' winter. If the
twenty-three Inmates of the hume, there
are three over 00 years of age and six
over 80 years of ate.
Vim. Tlldrn He-KlrcleJ.
Mrs. George Tilden. who is a charter
member of the association and who has
served as president so long that she can
not remember the' number of years, was
re-elected, and was presented with a big
bouquet of pink carnations and fern.
Mrs. Kdward Johnson was chosen first i
vice preseident. Mrs. Isaac Carpenter
second vice president, Mrs. John V. Gill
recording- secretary. Mrs. J. C. Hammond
corresponding secretary and Mrs. K. S.
Spauldlnk treasurer.
Mr: Cadet Taylor who has served on
the board of trustees for twenty-five
years, was presented with' a bouquet of
red carnations and ferns: Bhe was re
elected to the board and the following
women were chosen:' Jlasdames John
Steele, Charles Sherman. Charjea Tracy,
AT"B. Jaqnlth, R. 8. 'Wilcox. J. W. Bed
ford, K. O. I.oomis and Miss Kula Craw
ford. The honorary trusteea are Mas
dames M. K. Elliot, C. O. Coman, L. I,.
Boltz, J. J. McLaln and P. I,. Perrlne.
A trio ot banjo players and piano ac
companist from Francis ' Potter's or
chestra, played and Miss Ruth McBrlde,
accompanied by Miss Grace DoollUle,
T1uj Women's Christian association nas
organized In 18S3 and Is successor to the
Ladles' Relief society. At first It took
charge of women and children, each mem
ber caring tor those charges in her own
ward. As the Associated Charities began
to take the bulk .of the charity work of
Uie city the association specialised more
and more aa a home for old women and
had a cottage on Farnam street between
Sixteenth and Seventeenth. " The first old
woman at the home was "Grandma
Carey," whom the association promised
to care for the rest of her Ife.
Later the association bought the place
at 2718 Burt street and kept children as
well as old women there, until the work
of the Child Saving Institute and The
Cieche made this unnecessary. In lOto
the association "changed " Its, Institution
from the Old Women's home to the Old
People's home arid admitted men.
Secret Service Men
Working in Omaha
Half a dozen government secret service
operatives have been quietly at work
In Omaha during the last week In con
nection with the attempted Jail delivery
a weeK ago' at the federal penitentiary at
Leavenworth, Kan. They have finished
their Investigations and have gone else
where -In srarth of more data on clues
picked up here and In Kansas City.
That the government was making an
Investigation here was not known until
yecterday when It was learned that John
Callahan, tn whose possession twelve re
volvers, four sticks of" dynamite and. SW
cartridges were found, was formerly
known In Omaha, and has friends here
who would be likely to' assist him In
such a plot as wa hatched within the
walla of the prison. Callahan la serving
a fifteen-year sentence 'for receiving
stpien postage stamps, and la known" as
a desperate character, although his con
duet has been most exemplary while' In
The government men while here would
have nothing to do with the police de
partment, 'and the result of their Investi
gations Is not.' known. The police de
partment has received descriptions of the
guns found in the prison and efforts are
being made to find out where they were
Three weapons are said to have fur
nished the strongest clues In the posses
s!on of the government sleuths, and It Is
possible that they might have been sc
cured here.
Blair Parents Find
Their Missing Girl
Though the police were Imlincd lu
discourage Mr. and Mrs. J. II. How man
of tilair, who In fitted that their daughter
was in hiding. In Omaha, the girl has
been found In a Js'oith Twenty-fourth
street rooming house. Bhe I now In .the
hands of tho police, as Is also Fred Bur
den, a trvpeze performer, who Is accused
of en; Icing her away from her home
In Hlalr. The girl is sixteen years old.
Mr. and Mm, l)ownian declare that they
will prosecute Burden. -
Dan 13. Butler, city clerk,. Is now op-jiu.-ed
to long senslona of the city couii
ill. While the city dads were discussing
the paving deal In Omuha Monday
Dun was an InteresUd audience. Adjourn
ment was taken t a few minutes be
fore six. The city clerk's office force
had left, the office waa locked up and
Pan had left his keys In other pockets.
Jlatless. with neithrr dress coat nor over
rout, he ranged around the rotunda look
ing for a Janitor, but no Janitor waa due
till after six o'clock. It was cold weather
outside, but an was threatening to risk
it when a hard-working official appeared
with a huge' bunch if keys and one waa
found finally to open the city clerk's
Surprised Burglar
Attacks Erfling in
Louis Piatti Home
K. C. Ki fling was assaulted by a burg
lar Monday afternoon, when he came
npon a thief In the homo of Louis IMattl.
assistant prosecuting attorney, 3.-1 1
Sherman avenue. KrfllnK hud sren n
strange man enter the Tlittl rcldenco
shortly after I o'clock In the afternoon,
and, being suspicious, he set about to la
veetlKate. He found the door of the PUttl
home open, and entering came upon the
burglar rifling a denk. The Intruder
turned upon Ki fling with a ihalr. w hich
he swung viciously. Krfllmt threw up one
of his hsnds for protection and his hand
waa 'severely Injured. The burglar es
caped. Nothing of value has been missed
by Mr. Plattl.
Young Frernjlinjan from Council
Bluffs in Serious Condition.
Murro U t nable to Tell Who Shot
llliu, but Indicates si tsrant
Lot as Place of the
Mysterious circumstances surround the
shooting Monday night of John Moreo. a
French cook, who fell exhausted about
o'clock Tuesday minlng In a lest.iur-
nt at 1213 iotiglus street.. In Ills Irra
tional condition Moreo Is unable to tell u
connected story concerning the shooting.
lie Is now tn St. Joseph's hospital, and
probably will die.
Moreo, who Is a stranger, had been em
ployed as Second cook, 'during tho last
two days, at the Grand hotel In Council
Bluffs. Shortly after 6 o'clock yesterday
morning he staggered Into the Douglas
street restaurant and asked for a place
to lay down. He was refused the privilege,
but waiters In the restaurant started to
(Hist hlrn to the police- station, near
which )ie fell unconscious. .From there he
was taken to the Homu, an Italian hotel
at ICIcventh and Dodge street, and Po
lice Surgeon Peppers wus called.'
Examination dlsclosul that Moreo hud
been shot, a bullet baring penetrated his
body. Tho bullet entered the body below
the light shouluer blade, plowed through
the lungs and came out through the right
breast. Immediately upon determining'
his condition Moreo was rushed to the
The police are Investigating the circum
stances of the shooting, but owing to the
condition cf the 'victim they cannot get a
start on the case. However, It is thought
that the shooting took pluce between 3
and 4 o'clock yesterday morning, as John
Washington, a negro who runs a lunch
stand 'near Eleventh and Douglas streets,
said he was sleeping In his stand and
thought he heard a shot early iu the morn
ing, but not hearing another ono went
back to sleep without Investigating It. As
a result the police have but one theory at
present, and that being that Moreo was
held up and put up a fight and was shot
nd possibly robbed."
Dr. Harris, who Is attending Moreo, at
tempted to get the man to talk while ho
was In the hospital, but' tne' Frenchman
either cannot or will not tell his story.
He said he did hot know who it was that
shot him, but that was all that could be
gotten out of hi'qi. Pr. Harris said tho
man was in a. very serious condition and
that hip chances for recovery were slim.
Eleven head of steers and heifers, av
eraging 1,121 pounds each, brought JS a
hundred pounds on Ihn South Omaha
market, yesterday morning. This Is Xhe
record price of the year. The cuttle were
shipped to South Omaha by M. L. Knee
lands of Manning, la., and were sold by
Itosenbaum Bros.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses
granted: '
Name and Residence.
George Burt, Colon, Neb
Julia Hurt, Omaha ,
John A. Ackerman, South Omaha.,
Mary M.' Crawford, Mouth Omaha.,
Louis Kmlth, Kort Crook. Neb .,
Nannie Francis, Nashville, Tenn...,
Thus is no better medlcjjis made fur
colds then Chamberlain's Cough Jlemedy.
It acta on nature's plan, relieves the
lungs, opens the secretions, alda expec
toration, and rctors the system to a
healthy condition. For sale by aii druggists.
Your Grocer M
to Send You a L3kJ
Case of Dlatz. B5J
or order direct
i from distributing point
soa-ai smum Hmt, omnia. k
Phonai Donetas eOS
finest mm
SJ afc
est d
For father for mother for son for daughter for brother or sister
The best place to buy the best of gifts
For the Best of Reasons you will get 25 to 50. More Piano Quality for tho same
uniouut of money nud bu more suitable terms tlmn you can get elsewhere.
I Our Christmas Piano Sale
offers the of saving opportunities to gift buyer.
X r V t, irAH fC KiitrlnM n T)nvt. f am . a . . m ' 1 ' . 1 I
i, ! j ii xi uu ruu uuu uii uuyiiiu u riauu iui vuui iiume 1111
NsT" us your reason unJ wo believe we eau show to von that
that you reason wrongly. It can not be price for we are selling high graijle standard
pianos for less money than ever before. It pannot be that you feel you eumiot afford n
Piano that will be good enough for your home for we aro saving the buyers of high
grade standard Pianos from $75.00 to $100.00 on each instrument. It cannot be terms
for we will cheerfully make the terms that will be satisfactory to you.
Why we sell pianos so cheaply
We can afford to sell higher qualities of pianos for less money thun others for the
simple reason thjit we buy our pianos outright, paying spot cash aud receiving the benefit
of the. factory discounts that the other dealers do not get. Call at our piano rooms and
you will see for yourselves that our piano btock is much larger; our pianos are much more,
beautiful; our qualities are of a much higher' grade; ami if you will inquire you will find,
quality considered, that our prices are in every instauee, from 33 to 50- less than
other dealers are asking, and that our terms are so convenient and satisfactory and even
the small salaried man can well afford to install in his homo one of the world's greatest
necessities a piano.
Investigate the offerings of every other piano store iu NcL.-aska then call upon us, seo
what we have to offer and wo are assured of a sale, provided, quality, prices and terms
are what you are looking for.
Hay den Bmtker
A CIii'IhIpims present of a pair
of Ills)! prsde Slippers Is a very
correct ami Appropriate jr'ft
Tliere Is pleasure and comfort In
lli warm nt prMty fur trimmed
ltunieos and slippers for ladles,
misses and children
$1.00 to $2.00
Kvery nmn sill boy needs the
comfort of a pair of the hatid
nomo sllpppra wo shnv. at
$1.00 to $3.00
A very IiHitdf-omc gll'f. Is a ralr
of stylish dress or street shoti
$3.50 to $5.00
Tlio price, style and quality of
cur uoods will help you decide.
16tU and Douglai Streets-
Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119
Will. J. 60EIIK0FF
Retail Dealcri
Office-803 S. 7th St.
mm &ZL gyimiaii
V 'ft I
-'- fir a:trwr.-' ' iw ..-i.ti.
rr i
Your Guests Will Relish
a cold, refreshing glass of some real old German lager beer Old Fash
ioned Lager Beer. 4 .
This bee? is delicious rich and mellow because it's made in the
good old German way. No other beer can have a finer flavor.
It comes in pint bottles of dear glass, so you can see it's clean and
pure. Thertd or yellow wrapper keeps out all light, preserving the snap
and life, Order a CAe sent homeand enjoy a good, wholesome drink.
Poutlas 1148 Cackley Broi. Distributors-Ind. A-2148
" I--'" I ii iii i mill i WMwtMMhii ' - - . ... ,J &
Save the Caps
from bottles of Old Fash
ioned Lager
Beer and ex
change them
for valuable
Ask us for
our free book of premiums.
Wm If. Mmnn, Gen Sales Aflt
131 Worth Sixteenth Street
R1AJL ORDERS for "Old Foihioned Lager Beer" filled the day received. Shipped everywbxi
1 1
. ::.S
i '1