Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Rescue Parties at Briceville
Note Written on Wall.
They Had Krertd Uralllrr. Mhlrh
"blrUrd Tkrnt from 1h Itradly
i. Iillri Ml llodlea Are
HRICKVJl,!.t:. Tenn . rc. .-SirrfJ
on by last iiIr h I n illsiovery of survivors
of Paturilav's ilu.--l MsiU In. the Crnt,
Mountslir coirl mln, frcfh rwrue quuls
sent intci tlio cross-entries thl mornliiit.
harking and dinning Willi rrdoublfd
energy. Thrlr only reward, however, was
the dlsoovrry of a cornse-strewn chamber
lar bark In the mine.
FIk tiodlea wrre rcooverid. Two of th
ix Were liletitlfli-d. One win Joseph
Alc-Quecn, a widower. The othrr. Tat
Vallate', had a wife and four children, j
Additional sign tif life were discovered
In the Crus-Mountatn mine at 11 o'clock.
On the walls of the shaft wrre found In
scribed three words:
"We huve none to
Inmiedlotcly the rescuse aquod re
doubled thulr efforts to tevl) cross suc
tion No. 23 of lliu mine. It Is believed
several vt the blast victims wilt be found
Kle Men Alive.
iV'Ivs mrn allvo were brouuht from the
Croas-Mountaln rnlno at 11 o'clock last
bight and rescuers at that time were mak
ing strong efforts to readi at least three
more whom liny believe still alive.
Tha men had been prisoners In tht
Woiklnifs since Saturday inornliiK when
an rcpluslon entombed mora than I'O men,
hope for whom had beeu abandoned,
when three of the men, allv and
well were found behlml a brattice thsy
liSd erected to protect themselves frutn
noxious gases. Tha rescued men are;
William Henderson, braI 66.
Milton Henderson, aged Xi, his ion.
Jrwln Smith, aged ..
Arthur ik-otl. axed ). ..
Iore Irish, aged W.
They are all married and their wives
bad almoRt given up hope of ever sea
lag nr of them alive.
Immediately, after the explosion tha
first three men rescued rushed to cross
entry No. 19, where they quickly threw
up a brattice that kept out the black
damp, which killed many of their fellow
workmen. They -took their lunch (mils
with them and , the three subsisted for
three days and two nights on whauthey
had expected to make their Saturday
boon meal.
Mare Writ lac on Walls.
The rescue party penetrated Into cross
entry No. 14 No miners were found there,
but additional directions for their rescue
were found scrawled lirt chalk on the
walls. The men evidently were compelled
t change thrlr. vantage points on ac
count of the altering air conditions. Trie
rescue sjua4 pressed. on to I he direction
indicated by hs cbaile marks.
At noon a total of thirty bodies had
been removed.
, stricken mad, probably from fear In
spired by their plight, two miners who
ltad'been with the party rescued laxt
night are now dashing wildly In and out
of channels It) the far recesses of the
fill night long msn of the rescue squad
lisve been chasing tha maniacs, but Just
as soon as would-be rescuer got close
on their trail the madmen would daah
away acreamlng wildly. First they scurry
down the main entry, then scamper away
la to. black recesses of 'the mine at the
approach ot men from the outside.
The maddened miners are believed to
be John Duff and -John Smith. News of
their plight I being' kept front their
families, who have given- them up for
dead. . 4
... i
More Doctors 'Arrive.
I. A big squad of doctors arrived last
lit. They will lessen the tension uudar
which the entombed miners have strained
before thfly will be tken luto the open
ajr. Additional squad's of men have liee-n
aj-nt Into the mine to attempt to run
etown the t wo maddened miners before
Voy penetrati.jf Chamber ' filled , with
lethal gas fumes,,.'"
I A federal official took . charge of the
I -use this forunoon, but up to 1 o'clock
t) erased survivors of the dust blast
Shaded pursuit. Once squad traced thu
tfsen to a chamber, but before they could
be penned In they crept Into a dark
corner In the main shaft and when (he
party parsed them they scurried scream-
back Into the Inner working!
Fellows Wins Prize
Acre Corn Contest
(From a 8laff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Iev. 12. (SrMvlal.l W. Jt.
Mellnr, secretary of the Nlste lizard of
Agrirullure, lias made public the results
of th bays' aTP corn content conducted
!; the board during the iwason of 1'Jll,
s follow :
Name and Addif". ln.
Audslry Fellows, WlnnebaKO.
y I . mem, I loom
mini I"mik:uk. Ti-kumah.... M
' I1
YUllism Wiici. Weal Point CI
fWMtrire 1 loeKemryer, Hooper K
Herl.eit I. KoerH, I.yonx ko
Murvlll durum. I'ozad 7)1
Hiiro olderng. tiri'tna
Knttene riorum, 4'osad
l-.i I n Dorste. links
Klmcr Wilcox. Table Hock...
Hen Ive. Valparaiso
I ii an Ctnin, Hampton
Ivan Hess,. WalHHh
I'sul Jarrcll. Hooper
Harold Howard. Hooper
AiiKUnt KugenhHgen, Wsmni
Alfred A. ('hard, ltrock
John .lunge, Waco
Jesse. Teiiillke, lialtle t reek.
ieiKe Wenke, limiper
( liirencn Morton, t ihik
The conditions of the content rollow.
To the Nebra-xka boy under IS years
of age, growing the liirga-t leid of corn
from one aire of Neliraka Innd. In Hie
vesr mil, .; the second, Ui thinl.
ffiurth. tl; fifth, Hi. and to the sixth,
seventh. elKhth, ninth, tenth ana
eleventh, Sfi each.
The entire labor of preparing tne
ground, planting, cultivating and harvest
ing of this acre of corn to be performed
by the contestants who enter content by
recording his name In the office of W. It.
Mellnr, secretary, IJncoln, not later man
May 20, lull.
Hald acre to be measured, hiiHkel and
Welshed In the presence, of two dlMlnler-
ester freeholders. realdenUt of aald county
In which the acre of corn l loeuita. tuiii
committee to forward affidavit as to
weight and requirement of epeclflcfttlons
In this contest to the secretary of the
Htate Hoard of Agriculture not later than
Jle.elllber 1. Mil.
The contestant shall file with the sec
retary a full and detailed account of his
nethod of performing the work, lertmx-
ers used. If any; whether bottom, hill or
labia land, and the character or Ktnn oi
soil on which the crop was grown; with
sn accurate account of the cost of pro
duction, rent of ground, cnet of plowing,
harrowing, dieclng, planting, cultivation,
husking and every feature of expense In
labor, sed. fertiliser, etc., Iased on the
actual time that entered Into the produc
tion of this acre ot corn.
State Superintendent Authorizes
Them to Help Campaign.
t.aai Tear Wisconsin Made a Herord
lleranae of the ArtUlty of
tbe Ki-livol hlldren In
Ike Work.
For the first time in the history of the
Red . Cross iwal movement the chlldien
have been authorised by the stale depart
ment ft public . instruction to sell the
eals. Kiiperliitemlent Iielsell, at the re
quest of Mrs. K. It. J. r.dholin of Omahu,
has written to principals and county
uiMTlntendents of the etute flaking them
to allow their pupils to sell the seals, the
proceeds to be ued In fighting tuber
Maryluml school children are also Holi
ng the seals this year. J,Bst fear Wis
consin and Connecticut were the onlv
tales where school cbildreu were ur.
nriUcd to sell them, nnd WlHconsin dis
poned of more reals than any Mute In
he union.
Allen and Ripley
Contest for Place
(From a Waff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 12. - Special. )-The con-
est for the secretaryship of the State
Hallway commlKHion between A. U. Allen
and Flwln ft. Hipley has begun In earn
est. Allen Is secretary of tha renulillcan
lata committee ami Hlpley'g law firm
and Hallway Commissioner Thnmii I.
Iall were closely related in business rnat-
ers prior to the general election.
Tho election of Hipley would be favored
by Commissioner Hall, but Commissioners
Wlnnett and -Clarke have not yet an
nounced thflr preferences. Allen is rec
ommended by Influential republicans and
officeholders ou account ot his clerical
ability. It is said that many of the prom-
nent republicans of the state stand ready
to endorse Allen.
Former Governor's
Funeral at Lincoln
(From a Htaff Corespondent.)
I.lNCOIJvT, Dec. 12. (Hpeclul ) Without
shy unusual ceremonies the body of Al-
blnus Nance, fourth governor of Ne
braska, was laid to rest In the family plot
In the center of Wyuka cemetery this
afternoon. The funeral services began at
1 o'clock at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Walter Anderson, 21.4 Kucfld avenue.
Offices at the state hovse were closed
from 2 to S o'clock. Most ot the state
officials and many of the prominent citl
gens of this and other titles were pres
ent Ths floral offerings were profuse.
Rev. C, 11. ltodgers hud charge of the
services at the home and the Knights
Templar, of which ths deceased for a
member, conducted the funeral rites of
the order at ths grave.
Tha casket was open at the home be
tween 19 and ii o'clock this morning and
many friends viewed tha body. A guard
of honor was Installed by tlis Masons.
Ths pallbearers vera as follows: C. II
Morrill, A! 8. Tlbbets, C. O. Whedon, A.
H. Haymond. A. W. Field, J. 11. McClay,
K. K. Moore and O. C. Mickey of Os
Ttie honorary pallbearers were T. F
Kennard, Captain C. N. Uaird. Judge M.
It. Iteese. Dr. A. It. Mitchell, A. C. tShal
luuberger, C. J. Hills, Judge J. H. Harne.
Governor C. II. Aldiicu, John B. Wright,
A. J. Hawyer, Dr. C. F. Ladd. C. K. Yates
Dr. F. B. Hlghter. E. R. Hlser, J. 11. Har-
ley, S. Jt. Hurnhaan' and John. 1), Hockley
of Utronu-burg.
The Dpuglas County Republican club
received the following telegram from tho
White House yesterday afternoon In re
sponse to a message sent blm upon the
occasion of ( the club's organisation.
pledging his support:
Mr. John K Webster: I have read
with pride and satisfaction your tele
gram of the eleventh Instant,! telling me
of the organization ot . the alnmha Tuft
Republican chjb of more than 1,000 mem
bers. In accepting your-congratulations
and offer of co-operation I give you my
hearty good wishes.
Burlington Settles
:T for Fraizer's Death
" (From a Staff Correspondent )
f LINCOLN. lec. 12. (Seclal. Hy an
g reeinent entered toiUy in district court.
Mrs. Dorothy U. Fiaslcr will receive
111,000 from the Hutllnitt jii railroad for the
lleatli ot her Kineal M.
'1 iier, an expressiuaji Kho a as kUled
im the Indlanola wreck May ' lirxi.
i KKARNKV, Neb.. Dec. UtsPeclal Tel-
trm.) O. W. Kandall. state fire Inspec
tvr, and Ills deputy, F.d Williams, arrived
at noon today to ascertain whether their
instructions to demolish the buildings
hey condemned In ISvpteiubcr had been
fVllete. They found but one ot ths
(telapldated shacks still standing. The
twner was Instructed to raso It within
urty-elght hours under penalty of errent
punlfhment for contempt.
ilhrr buildings were condemned
ordered demolished by April, 1U12.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Vl'VsCpl.N,. Dec. .lj.-(ueclaj()-jesse, S
Newton, a clothing merchant of Wymore,
wrote today to the secretary of state
for an application blank tor some one
to file for governor. Newton does not
say whether he wahts the application for
himself or for another, it Is believed
he wants to run for tha office himself.
Newton Is a republican. Us la an anti
ocunty outlonlst. Newton is Known to
be a closo friend of Adam McMullen, an
other republican, tt may be that New
ton intends to indues his friend to muks
lbs race Instead of himself. ' '
1 Four ot
and orden
it tie near-natcrf treatment
for Consxuoptiwn.
The power it creates,
its purity and vhole
omeness are Nature's
greatett aid in over
coming disease.
Au. DRuaaisTtj
: , '- ' c . i -
Mst ttt rrelevles) Inventions la
Oat by aolleltor Mil
Jiend. Neb
Wlllard Eddy, solicitor of patents, has
given out the following list ot inventions
w'lsVh have been lirotectud lu the patent
office at Washington d0rlng the lust
To John C. Ilerhorst, Fort Madison, la
l,,r i.lant avtter.
To raoius M. oniivr, --pu ur, t-v.,
f.o- iw.J limit slKnalliig apparatus.
To John f. Ootiiiws.aiul w. a. wrigui,
lira N.ii, for wrench
ro tleoige r.. iiiauiier, rwi cuu-r, ta ,
fur fioiiliiuuus kiln.
T.i Mart III Hardwog ot intumwa, la.
for forming drill shanks and similar lm
' WW. ......... l.,.,u.... ,.,1.
PIMlll-ltill ftll.4.
In Jolin iiiKeniieia oi r.aiiuis, i.
fcr draft emialUer.
To John ldUigoiitein. moos i nr.
f..r oiiiia- trln for cultivator shovels.
Tu Kuus Mltcbvll and J. II. Kovran,
Oactola. la.. lor egg candling apparatus.
To Kduard J. Nelso.n Alliance, anu r
11. lo a. llavelock. Neb., for wheel.
To Kinainul tK-hille, Omalia. for com
i.lnui Ion aoiiare and Protractor,
To Krland IVlersoii, Des Moines, for
uIiom slri'tchcl.
To K.a A. IVtrrson, Vllllsca. Is., for
ik Mrioiiiu shelf for stoves
To Nathaiiicl lUiblusoii of Woolatock
la., for Iraiisiiiiaalon gearing.
T Ueorge K. Hoi'kdaacbel, cuinner, la.
f..r l.,ri,.., Itnok.
To Juuuh linn,' Fayette, la., for food
cooker. . -
To fc:lsa S. Holla, Marlon, la., for car
rTo Kilsworth Tatlman, Motley, la., for
vel.iuU tire.
To D.liah W. Wilt. I'nlveraUy l'lace,
Kcb., for tire device.
Hrakea Muvr Man tterloaslg llnrt.
yUUKh-'M HOW, Neb., Dec. It. Bpe-clal.)-l).
K. Ueaaley, a fsituer llvln.
northeast ot here, was badly Injured tu
a runaway lite yesterday afternoon, lie
was driving a spirited team of horses
Into toWu aud nearly reached the
city square when the pole to the wagon
dropped and the animals Immediately
took fribl and slarUnl to run. Mr.
I'.eoaley was thrown from the buggy a
distance of twenty feet and struck the
ceiutnt sidewalk on his face. Ills Injuries
are not necessarily fatal.
Here Is a message of hope and good
cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill,
Vs., who Is the mother of eighteen chll-'
dren. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach,
trouble and constipation by Chamber
berlaln's Tablets after five years of suf
fering, and now recommends these tablets
to the public. Bold by all druggists.
From late flsurea the hone of reenv
ery under, the nnw, emolll.-nt treatment
Mm to rm about s follows; t
In people of sixty and over results'are
quite unirorui, protiaiiiy nine-tenths re
covering. While at fifty and over a large
majority or ail rases yield to the .real
mem, below fifty aud approaching forty
the gate nivre stubborn, and be
tween thirty and forty the percentage Is
not high probably not much over half
)'4el41ng. , .... . i I
under thirty ths percentage Is leas
and in children recoveries have been
very few and moat of those were obt
tallied with the aid of skilled physicians
forcing nutrition, with alkaline treat'
Inent to prevent formation of acetones.
The new emollient treatment is known
as f niton s niatiotio compound, it can
be had of Sherman & McConnell IVruJ
Co.,' cor. 16th and Dodge. 'or. 24th and
Farnum, 107-1) N16th HL, Owl Drug Co.,
...... twlwlw wmwxtw 11.11. ...... '
w- fwffif BI1U OVI
We ilea I re every patient to write u
who is not noting the usual improved
ment by the third week. Always state
sge. literature mulled free. Jim. J.
Fulton Co., Man Francisco. Ca. We In
vite correspondence wltlt physicians
who have obstinate cases. ,
Crouching Venus
Venus Victrix
The Wrestlers
Apollo Belvedere
Italian Marbles Flake Lasting Gifts
CNOWY. Italian marbles carved into reproductions of the worlds most
cherished statuary give high and distinctive character to our choice art
selection which was imported from Florence, Italy, where the best sculp
tors fashioned the pieces. Many of them are copies of very famous classic
pieces, and a great number are marble busts and figures that are moder
ately priced. The skill of the sculptors is shown in every line, and the
marble pieces arc noble and inspiring. Any home will be made richer in
beauty, and sentiment through these treasures, .which have brought back to
us exact ideas of the originals that are now held in the museums in Europe.
Every piecq is carved in the finest marble; evpry one is a work of art
that is .thoroughlyv distinctive. They rnake a Christmas present of more
than average beauty and add amazing charm to home: So many of them
are copies in miniature that they suit the average home the average rod
and add a tone ot refinement . and culture.
The white Italian marble , pedestals shown ' here are
reproductions of the beautiful columns of ancient, fam
ous buildings. ; v : ,
Two-toned Italian Marble Bust 23 ' inches high", ' i
"Mother's Love" t , . . . . . , . $80.00
Italian Marble Pedestal-B'or.' Mother's Love"; . ,. $35.00
Italian Marble Bust 25 inches high, "Coquette";.. .$75.00
Italian Marble Bust 19 inches high, "Holland Lass" $25.00
Italian Marble Pedestal-For "Holland Lass". $12.50
Italian Marble Bust-20 inches high, "PriscUJa". . . . $00.00
Italian Marble Pedestal For "Priscilla"
Two-toned. Italian Marble Bust 8 inches high,
Italian Marble Bust 1G inches high, "Devotion",.
Two-toned Italian Marble Figure 25 inches high,
Italian Marble Bust 13 inches high, "Joan of Arc" $40.00
Similar Busts of many familiar figures, from 10 to 16 inches, at
The Fountain. from $17.50 to $13.50
The Fishers.
RemembtrGood furniture may be cheap, but "cheap" furniture cannot be good.
Beatmi Co
Established 1884
413-15-17 South sSixteenth Street
SEND us a trial order TODAY for HAYNER fine old
Bottled-in-BohdWhiskey on our positive guarantee
you will find it the richest, purest, most delicious whiskey
you ever tasted-! or it will not cost you one cent.
LET us W yoa what mapiifU
cent quality are producing. '
IjH us rMivinco y on of the great saving
LERY" plan of selling means to you. t
e-N ' " ' '
" Don't put it off. ' Use the coupon below
fill it out and mail it to our nearest
Office and Shipping Depot and we
will surprise and delight you with the
"quality of the goods we will send you.
Remembsr, tou take no chancss. WE taks all 1
ths rik. an4 to sUndall ths sxpenss if (all to
Ths key to matu lu niiainces Is tlis
ludktous a 11 J pcrsisiMit uw of ujspsr
-. .. ..... '
THAT guarantee is as fair' and
square as we know how to
make it. It means what it tay U
is a guarantee backed by our $50(1,000
capital and our 46 years reputation for
honorable business dealings.
Send us your order for four quarts of
this magnificent Hsyner Private Stock
Bottled-in-Uood Whiskey. When it
arrives, open one, two or all of the
bottles TRY the whiskey nd if you don't
find it all that we claim, and up to your
highest expectations in every way, send it
back at our expense and we will return
every cent of your money.
we must send you a quality that will win
your instant favor and we will do it.
Note ths pries only 80 ttntt a qiisit (prsspalP
for this highest gratis lxm.d-ja-buiid srhitkey
whitkey that U distilled, aped sod bottled under
U. fc. Government supervision nd every bottle
ysled with ths Government's official bottlsd-in-Ui4
sump positive assurance that it is a
SlKAlGHTwhukey luUy sed full 100
' proot sad Jull oieasuri sjid absoluuly PURK
to the ir y last drop.
irrvs.- resTen. tss. jtci!iviux.txa.
Casltal SS00. 000.00 Full Pale
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you. As letter u UHtuarjr
Ciit-Out And,Uc This Coupon
AaWeas Our Nwrnt OMiss.
IkUI f4 II I! 1.1 -.! ! m FOUK tnH usn
ksiiln vt Hi ttnut iolS ByiilfU-Su-4 Wklsr
.-M. r4- u ft rout sS.l. Il ll au.riKxrf Ik.l ll Ikl,
rkli4r ll sol losui . tK.a4 tut M'ltJactorr to la
.cr ll mtf k. msiass U llimm mt sir
u w be piummi tttumtM. B-IOS
AUnm ,
SI. rlpt rtH.S fmr I... IhMI S au.1.
0d.F, tot Annas. CIIIcsU.C-4mm, U.ko.Moalu. Nsr-4.
Kw l..ic.Oi-.. Uuk.M uniD(ios of M rvaiki .im k
UK kwi. -4 4 ito.ili toe 4.e kr kl.ieM PKBWd OI 3 Qu.ll, los .
iiis r inks ri.r.14. K .
etfke sS Skisetof sVttwtt slss at
Olstlllsry st Trey, Ohte
sr.ieus.sie. SY.rtux. hink. ent sajis. u.
tsTaiuiHi o taee
DYB ALUS 1518 Do" st-
It ou are 1 doubt to wliat Ju would like for tlirlstuuts,
buy litir taniy tsk-t of our delirioits raudte. fell will be sur
to iroUte aut'li m y.itl.
AH ut our raudits ar iwked lu fsvtuy Iksskets sul ttokes,
ni('Ully for the i'liristiuaa Inwle.
DYBALL'S 1518 Douglas St.
Ji!o Holstlnj i S;eeis!t
1010 Farnam Street
Tel. Doug. 353
'."iwiiwi"H .mi'-s-f ,- ss. f
aajJ nif liU nioonh
- 'S)S si?noa PDB niAi 'axio xaois
'03 jajuAwWx F3JJ,n!iS 3lIl
'atusdius Jduadjf j o; ajasi ue; jou fttM. 'uo
"-t?saouiep c 9J M8" MX q o uuih v uid.t j.useop
iT(f 9oijjo jead.C st snu pBj oq qji 'oa
po'juiBnboo Xnraouaa ej qt?uiQ jo new esdatsnq aqj,
-pv Jdtaiejj Tf;taig q) jo dao jiiq 6i mA. my
aatAep siq; jo esnvooq wdBd t
parrunn uo Sa)UA sc aduus to st aedud peiu uo i
: eai e'q; uo 2a;)UJi osjv "Joouds autj iBwa,iaa puu v
; oiqvuBA aq; oso sruBa oojvjddo 9ij djuo 'saoji
99X100 uibui ui pojjTjui oq aaAarj podu jdjuAv
sdil Jdiraajj Ti,m-S 9,r jo ?udnra3ip? pajjdd eqx '
"pojinbej enij 9j)
oj i)DCi3 jadsd eqj Suuq nuo noX puu qouij siqj
wwd 'qouif Huis putj iitaa no.C uaBd aqj jo pua
puBq q3ji eq; ;y -saiiBA au; uaaijaq aouujstp
eq) qSnoqj uaAa jadBd pajiu jo eui aq; uo 2a;;ii
jo sjiaudd osp? pa 'iJuj;uAvadij jo aji uaAtii iuB
rut pjoji. jo aa;;a c jjasut oi. japjo uj i juuai hoa
eauqM. ?snt ;ajod aq; siSauq aouap Eiqj4
, ouij pasaaAiun pun efqeugA aq; si ami; saABS qoiqii
aq; jo saoaaiuaAuoa Sat.(isi;BS oq; io aun
" Victory In Chemistry!"
S.t.mlrWnsWj rerf , acUo. upeB
kanr's I UMHaaUI!Ua.
A eomnouDd of Castor OIL Cas
cra. W lid Umon. tiinser, eic
maaes the eaataat, surest acting; tk.
xrr tii
Bin o K tiiii-n,
ale and tonic ever knows.
iust ears n our (visraute of ssi
isiaciiun. . -
IS doses 10c; ii doses 15a (
All eaKlst Bell These.
Ths Blur k burn Products C-
Xs lu.l. Ulilu. -
rua tiTiuzau) rut sic