j 'it's All Uitfht to Have Plenty of Sand, .but Inconvenient to Have to. Breathe It Desperate Desmond By Hershfield . ; ; . , ; i ;- . . v . . j BTl)rsAvyA ZZZZZZy! J Wswkete rr maSSi 2 'vS fcA iMSrHfR J ftt "THe? SAAAJ SOW of Tf6 2? .YN06L6" ANTS WmW-AtI X Hi5Awis.wE A eA. ofjD 3ft .vi towevowt V-r rV0, ftowN&n er -SN rfZ7rdun Ants TvaLrV6 fanning wts, OM iTvTtrb i5 Hck?! .MSSSuf'S i iS!r- v : xV?!' la the dncoBl taer nave aaase la the aaad, DawAe aaa1 RaiiiMil prepare 4e Bell their It dearly, aa laey aea the releatleae Iee saaad Baproacklag. A dugoat la aat 1he aseel eamforjalile place la the werld, resembllag a fat ealy la alaa aa arias; entirely lacklas la aark raivrilram aa raid aad Iraa raid Bchkara. Hawavvr, It la ta Beat (laurf aaa da la tka alrraaiataacea. WANT ADS Want mtl rrrcived At any tiino but to iuur-e ropT claHaiflcatlon mut lift presented bfforn 1- o'clock in.. fr the cvrntnj; edition and tMfoi 7;:0 p. hi. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ad ret-rlvcd aftci- kiich huura Mill tiavo tlitlr flint insertion under tlie heading "Tou iite tJ C'UaHlfjf." CASH IMTICS 1 Olt WANT ADS. ItUUULAJt ClASSIUCATION Oum inscrtiou 1 . cent per word and 1 Cfttt pi'r word for euli au'onwiucnt inarrllon. Koch lut'rUon mado on odd data I, cent per word. , 91.50 per Lino per month. Want ads for i'lio lU'o n.:J bo loft at any of tbo lolloping di un a tore on la your "cornrr druniht" thry are all branch of flit's for Tbo JSoo and your ad will bo LnNt-rted Jiikt aa promptly and on tlio aaino rate aa at tli main office in The lk-o buildinKi beventecnth and Farnaiu atrvt-U: Aibach, W. C, 40th and Karnnm. Ijauin Xrug Co., au.il N. ltith Bt. Beitaon Hlmrumcy, Hanson, Nob. bemia I'ark l'narniacy, &hl anl Cuming. h,eranc, rt. A., u . 1Kb St. BiaUe-KiadiBh, Saw Olierimui Ave. Uusna, H.,,tX Lavaiiworia. Cvruma. Knill. 2ot- 8. iSih M. Clirioa Jill! J'uui iiuoy , itu Military Ave. Couuey J'liajuiac, U t. lalU tit. CilMtey r'lmru.auy, idia aiid Lutku. Kbit-r Jk Co.. LeAvenworUi. 'i.nir A Arnoiui. it n. Zoiu nu t'reylac, J. J.. li)H N. 24tb Kt. Fregger Drug Co., IMS N. 16'.h BL Klumice Drug Co., V lorenca, JSali. Uraen I'harui'y, ifk Avo. and 1'aclflo. oroonougn Co., MM H. lVtli tit. liraenough & Co., loth and Hickory. Uoldumii i'hkjm'y, lUlli and leven worth Johanoon ImiK Co., UUi nrid fSiauldlng. Jutwiaon l'hai rnkoy, 3HA Karnain. li:icotn IVrk l'harm'y, ICiOI b. th Av. lliularlung Urug Co.. uikt Ave. and iar. ino!m, rfOvta, G.4 N. Hth rlt. ttuff, A. Lm, teaviiwortb. King, H. ti., Uh and Farnum. Koumaa I'laoo i'hannacy, N. 24th. 1 ailirop I'liuruia.-y, and Hamilton. Maraa, Krrd L... Sullt Cintral lilvd. Monmouth I'liarmui y. i-xi nd A met Av. I'atrlck Lrug Co., Ui N iiiti tit. faratuxa I 'rug Co, 4th and Amua Ave, rtchaervr'a Cut l'rlie. ltith and Chicago. Vachal, 1'. J., mi Flrca til. Wulioii I'hannacy. Jot n and Grace. Walnut Ilia i'ltarmtu-y, 4oth and Cuming AX XOUNCKMKNTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, uNlvKu. embalmer 1CI4 Chicago St. D !., U HM. IlEAFEY & ilEAEEY Moved to i.r.11 Karnam. A rMt, If !!H6. I1UI.SE & 1UEPEN, UNDKR. TAKK1W. 0 Ha, lflth 8t. Doug. 1I3. A-WiMi. FREE Colored Portrait with each wedding or- uvr una monm. HIXTKKNTII HEYN AND M O W A !! D DTRKDTS CCH CNii K bhue ltepaiiing, iu-J JLcavvn Worth. IOC)lt4 I'riiuiny Co. Tel. I hiug. Mi. M. K. Morrill, china paint. kXi riianUeieTh Holl.lCH. ahcet Iron and tank woTkT Omaha structural ritrvl Worka. Nvb, tieed Co.. U4 Jouea lioiu plionea. Haggard Van & Storage, Pack, move, Hove and alilp H. H. KQ'"'a. D lfi. H f4JH. MOVING lilrture muchlnra and aupplloa, KvJ'iaikj Kllm Co.. i:tm Karnam St. ' hOD'JASlS I.l'NCH r.ti HuT la our bi'Hutlful downatalra lunch and mil a water room at Kill and Dodge we are aervlng dainty' lunchca and hut and cold orinka. Viy them! olIEHMAV McCONNELU DHUO CO. Five Good Drug Store in Omaha. VAUMF.KS. write us for prlcva on oil, guaollne and I '.jbrtcant. The tlreat Weatirn (ill Co., Vox 6TU. Omaha, Nib. We pay the frelKlu. . K. O'Ltary fur aluwe. 412 N. H. So. Om. Baltchta Irum combii.ga. 1T0 Lv'wih" iit your uiunionua at linKicgaard a. Van liiniion'i boritc. tlug ni'iiul. :i io N. IS. MONEY TO LOAN lAiW rale, In aums to mil 3li Ui-e lildg. I'hona Duug. 24. IMON OAN CO. Storm exh nnd duura. Welrk-h. VV 77. Thompun. dlatrlbutvr of adv. N. 16. lill. Cole Sinn Co. 1 3.oa. l.ilb Farnaiu T"holMiiiig, piano, turn. Ivp. S.4 Kar. 'Iwwily pi r cent leaa Oiuii C'luuha piicea. lloMK Kl'KNl lUHi: CO., 'r went y-ioiii Hi anil L, Kta . South Omaha. llarpatrr pan-r hanging, palnt'g. 11-3007. Kd Harm k, aravel. tar ruola. 14th c lake. Wedding aiiiiouiicementa. loug. 1'tg. Co. ILEll GUAND ioV'ti1 'iltnu. Turkish Baths liiiv.v recently Imported from Uti , ,w j,0 a eauiuui aHaorliuaat I Mexican plltgree wurk, whu h cannot be exoilieu for i.i.ility or beauty, ( all at iur wbu.etale aaleaioom. lou can aave 2ot per rent wa Jewelry. De luug Jeweily 4 v., M Moi au lildg., 10th and Dodgu. K' T1 r'K' A i it jN All goJdalefi'kT pan at Krl man a Loan liauk will be auld at piitti1' aiit-tlin alter tiet JO. Dlamonde, watchea an I olwtlilJig to be auld every day a f. in. al r i ..-uniaii a auii ana, l.;iti and Douglua. Uri naturally la looking for a duert that needs but little preparation. Tell her of Dalzeii's le cream. if Mrs. ('. A. Aiortei.aoii. f.110 liuit St., will coma to lh lie o.'.'ic" within three days wa will (lit her su outer fur a (mart bru k of tills flue Ice (learn. Al'TOMOnilJCS l.i ts rei'aned Uuialia ailvcr Co. 'JSUmtl.iC rturane. tiieproof baud- x r i lit d-u I'm, KniiMurf. fitful Natv aaaraaokva tka rtaaarrefat, If wirkad. tt m w m mm mia anarfal iWMMri aaad fcr tka laalltr far claarias tka atraata waira aiawa la irvm ibv arwn ugr iirtfi rlraala oa)ialaalaatra kava tkrlr tranblra rritk aaaw. bat tkat'a aalf at a err limited time af rear. What weald tker da If Iber bad ta eaaa wltk aereaal alasua at aaadt Hi eaafeaa that wa la up tka aroklem. AXNOCNCKMKXTS Al'TOMUItlLKM AimiMilHII.KM Ntie at a apmlal rata for the winter. Automobiles bought and old. owl o wnais CO.. Telrphono Imtigla tlili 1S12 Harney. XI pj V'rVlJKA"lu Oakland and 1 111 'Hiini n Knlglit; bargalna In iiHrd citi a. I'Jn.t r i no in. T.)oiii;. 24M. H0NlCljH0NK HKHIJ 8 TUB r.KHT PJ.ACK IN OMAHA DRUMMOND ltith and Harru-y Hte. . Murphy Did It'Sil W llul.l.HALh. pr,ia on oil. loug. 6261. WU do bettor auto repairing and at liHlf Die pilm. Btroml A Co. X UiHi -'VVyJVO),Ul),)0vlir, pantll)g. Doug. fitt!. l'fuirfor Carriage Woika. HK(Nli-HANI 6 iHMHf)KPr touring car iiO, with box In piuoo of rrar g-at; will make excellent delivery rar. III? Karnam ft. l'lionca A-JW, Uoug. IIIHINUKS CJ1ANCE8 To gt-t In or out of tmalncaa call on GANGi!.al Al). 4tH Una Hlilg. lei. I. a?7. WILt. aoll MXI aharea L'nltod wlrelaaa Tali-giaph preferred alocg ior ZJ. ilox 75, Lime hock. Ark. - M011TGAUES, t ON GOOD PAliMS Kavinga bundg efoured by fliat niurtKkgia and our capital and aurplua of ItvO.uOu. NO SAFER INVESTMENT Honda for fluo, iJ and up, aa aulla your avinga. Make your money bring you a good Income. Auk for partlculart. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, 16th and Karnam Bia., Omaha, Neb. .OUUmcat inkt. Uwne"rafck. wTliTOM MOTION 1'iuture niachlrTtt and film bP Kama. Omah 1'llm Kicoh., 14th A Dong. fool HALL and barber ahop (or eale, doing good bualncaii; prico, K.7VU. Ad difiw V care Ilea. . " , 6J.1UU ilL' 1'ti beat bkvlnit IiqIhI in l.iwa for tha money. Valuation, li.&oo. Writ. for particulars. V. C. liriou, Alta Vlala. la. TEXAS LAND EXPOSITION and Northern Settlers'. Convention HOUSTON. TUX.. Januaiv ISih to atth 1!)-. llomeaeokora and invlora ahould nut mla thla opportunity to vl.nlt Ttiaa and aea tha aoulh'a flrat great Ui.l Sliow. Lowest railroad ralea ever ofti-rrd from all aooilona of the Unitrd states. Kigliteen Hues Into llouatoli. Mure than l.ouu eihlblta of farm producta and ma chinery. Many notablu apeakera on pro gram. Kxpuaitlon open day and night. i'ull partlculiira about Tunas and Texas lands aud opportunities on regnant. TEXAS LAND EXPOSITION Publicity Dept.. Tlutialon. Tex. I4T1I ST. riUtiiNKtiH A rtlTAirEBVf At'li EXl'llANOH CO. Hardware, 'grocers, Ittl.ul lt.Mll 1-llllniU llUI'lu.1. a ll . . n l.w.lld etc., for sale; eome good tiargxina in real state, 111 S. Hill St., Beoulid Hour, looms i huu i, ta uoinery, I'remuent. A ItAHh. opportunity lor a hmall In- veatiiieiu. I can oiler a proitperuue and prut liable parlor nil. II miry bunlneaa, well lot ated for eteady trade, and ten rooms of furniture for a very moderate prim. My bualnens Is reliable and rooms all occupied, returns from rooms pay, all expenites of hou.se and eatabllaliment. . Am leaving city only season lor selling, IXi talls and price to Interoslvd parties. It. !. Ilea. ULUl'lilVlllUL1 A I. ...A reasonable, (an also furniuh buyers and liaues ttir aiucai ui merciiaiiuiae, liaiu ware aud Impleiiieiitn. Write us togay. MaKneNM Auction Co. St. i.awrence, S. i . KoiritALKlleTrTiUcii ainlth Khopu cviuiiuere t. u. iieanoiiaoie, goou uuiimefcs. 1 in going to my farm I uiw In Dakota. Addieaa J. W. i'likiuny, Valparaiso, Neb. cur. iiuiui m . y la iwuAiiig tur a ueaaori that neetla but IlLtla nreliai Mtli.o. 1VII lir of lKiliell'a lit cream, -If Mr a. Alhln Hustrr, 41Ut Karnam St., will coma to The lieu unlets wiiiiiu inrva uaya we win give her an order tor a quart brick of thla fine Ice cream. KIKST-Cl.AS.S crucot y meat mat kt. wlih or without futurea; best neighbor hood In city; other buplnena. O tf.ll. Lies. THK largest corporation of Its klntPTn America wants a man to handle lie line of Klectrlc Vacuum cleaners In Omaiia ami vicinity; pi ices S. tn, loici, J.i'OO, J.-v,(, (luo.uo. lU'O.UU and 16(Viio; t lie il.ilU aletni maciiinea; it will pay you to In- veaiiKate, Apply- Wed. atteriHxin r'. a. MIoii. Gen t aiffr , Hotel Her Orand. Ut SIX ESS rERSONALS Anaaaemeals, BEFORK and after tha show visit the H,. M PI A for Ice cream and randiea. ALWAYS want Vaud. and Amateurs fur larga picture show. 7ul Oma. Nat. Kk Itulg. Arvkltreta. " J. Aowelt, ' architect, 671 Brandals tlldg. Arlealaa Wells. t,. E. NEBKttOAI.U 1011-13 City Kafl. Kd Kii. well boring Tel kteneon u- Altoraaa. JVBhlelds. attorney. ST! B. of Trade. lJUTt'N L HALL, I.AWYKK. 42SriilT C. K. Smith.- ait y at law, 611 Bee. D. HSS7, amalaaa aa Teata. OMAHA TKNT CO. Tel tea Douilaa. Uaa JUaaalaelarera. ItMTS OMAHA BAO CO.. Omaha. Neb. ilaggage aad Tan lea ka, TUB ONLY WAT. rtaggace checked to deatiuatlon. Taxi cabs and touring cars. T... Douglas tti. Bo aa fackaae Maa tlaatare-ra. Wooden Box A Package Co. 1M4 N. Kta. 1 tlA..lUwCW.u ,,,k p0, tiers. Mlivt aiauilif. D. L i. A-4.10, ' Bat It waa far aa aaaeefnl, alret-uleaala( araa that Dnaaaaad baa' rmplared tka THaall ataeer. Vea aea kla fall' dealca da tha, bake atarhlae bevlaia ta Hrale tha dat uti aad at eey revalatlaa .af ba treat Claude ' aad rlaaaaaoaal. Kerrkdr kaawa kaw aarawfartabla It la'ta ket'aaad dawa oaa'a aeck, bat Iteeaaaaid kaa aa area weree mmm w h Tripoli maal af tka aaad aaraoaa tkaa MaklaK c-oiaf ort akle. MLSIi;S8 1'KIU40AL- I aryentera and Coa tr Jclora. W. 1. Peverell, cfltittactor. RaniRa Bldf. Htevenaufi, cafpfriter, oont. Hoth phoruw). A. Llnliu t.';P-nler, contfaolnr. H. M71 1 ( hlroiMdlta. , 1 I . Tn. HOY. ir.i ramam. liouglaa M97. Igara aud 'I'obai-co. THR Sanitary Orbwn Pipe. IIS 8. lfith. Clothing Manalaoturera. Wear lienl rtre'aa ahlrt. M. T3. mlth Co. toal llrqler.- TViwere.Meafey Cokl fU).. Tel. D. Rffj. fcutter Keod at lloal Co. Ab4 Kar. 11. 546. Updike quality yd.. 41 at Podge. nr. H. . t 4l lealrrh. C1. 8. Jnnnann,' coal.' 18fh Izard, 3 phonea. POAI. (Special prloea by .ton. 6 bu. fur "--v"-" l Tel. 1) 4.; B-1SXU. PD M , by ton or baakat, five bunlmla VV"Xli II 00. I'lmlio l.- iWti. U-1644. I i. kl unci kindling. Wagner, ml N.'i&J H.VK. WA'I r;ltti, baeket coaL, Uoug. 4tf. ': t'EKOKH KL'HNACS .COAL. D. charlea A. Weatwflold. A-lfet Coffee 'Iru, .Splcea autl.guaar.N Moyun Tea Co., 400 H. .18. Both photlesJ Crvaiurrlra, Ualrlra aad Muppllue. Fairmont' Diadem butter. 'Alfcayi good. UA VI U OoLfcTc UtiiA M K t44LWMPAN Y. Caruleo aud steal CelUuga. CAltTKR SHKfCT ritetal work. Omaha. Daall Aradiuilti, Markle'" Danclnft Academy,' 1 'Harney. Dally olaaaea Mod., Thura ,a.t. evunlnge. MItiM MAItY COL.U WEB, 6U20. J o Ivanona Mon. or Krt.'S pv fn., at Mo. ' . rad'. Lad lea, J; gel.tlemen, private Idenonk'.d u rl rig tha day. II. Mlaa Jawul Klm"ipno7i.' Tol- W clutter . Dentists. .a1 naltey. tha dentist, 7i; City Kat'l.D. Z.V. Mach Uach,. f Ik' i'axton.. D. VMi. latt'a Ixirual itooms, 161 . Doug. D, slsd. Uvtevtlvaa. Omaha secret servlca det. agency. Inc.. bonded, 4i-lt i'axton 'Bl, D. .ll. A-lilll. c A 1J1l'' -:i1 ' t At A C K , 617 Karbaon KiaT JAM ICS AI.LANrNeviTla BikTTyler 113tt Draasniaklaat. Terry's Dressmaking College. 20 ft Kar. DHKSSMAklNtT by'oay. I'hona Web. 1.1k. SISWINU In families by day; . good work guaranteed. Web. 4S4.1. . - Uruggiaia, IUU'OS at tit prices; freight paid on $10 order; catalogue free. Sherman ac McConnoll Drug Co.. tjmaha. Nb. KverytUlnu' Kel rival. Burgesa-Oranden Co., 1MI llowari. D. Ml. Electric llgmlng fix., wholesale and retail. MTJCUKH.rNTwTllng. l. Sal. Johnston Klec. Co.i 411 S, Kith, D. HECOND-llAND TiLKClHIC K'ANS, dynamos,, Igniting dynamos, motors, re pair . Ie U en,- Uli a lith tit. Doug. 317a, t or It kleo. co. Motor repairing, u. l'-eea) .ttllla.aad Btorea. Feed, all kinds. GleiKO Mills, tit Hard. I'lurlatS. A. Donahue, ;n7 I-arnarn. D, 1001. A-1001. lTbTsS SvVOBOUA, 141a r'arliain BtT" Stewait's, flurist seedsmen. HI N. la. "PACLSKNilorlst, llia'ttrown t. littANDe.Iri Vl.iiHlaT, Itraudals Uldg. L. HKNDKKSON. Ihll Famam. D. lion. BATH'S Kl.OlilSlS Boyd Theater Bldg. lifcNNKTVii, cut llowers. Doug. 17. HHL'HAN out flowers, Twenty-ninth and Dorcas. Harney ZM. PHoSfKCV Hill flwrlst. - W. 441. . . fr'oaudrle s. McDonald btsns and bionxe foundry, alu minum, it ti. lead cant tag. 1Mb A Jackaon. Kuritaua ana stow liopalrs. Olson Bros, furnace repairs. S770 Leav, l'UKNACK AND HlUV'li ItKAllici to fit your stove or heater.' New turuaca, laundry tank heaters, gas hektsrs, ther nioaial and combinallou Warm air and hot water heating. Omaha atova Uupalr Wurki. l:vti-lJti Douglaa bt. Tel. Douglas aut). lnd. A-Sul. Karuesa, baddlery, Loatker liai4. Wlchert, harness, leatljer goods. M0 k. It. HARNESS, saddles and traveling goods? Alfred ornUb A Co., Ult Karnam at. Itoapllala. . WISE MEMORIAL. 14th and llarnty. liKTHANV. abilsiarcy. Doug. Sa4. )aaarano. JohnDalaA Bon.. Ins.- HO Hamge Blk. "lNSUKk: lNTllft GLkS'r A-Lla lthouea-Montgome.ry Co, lus. Bamge Blk. Iron aa4 Wire Ir'enclua. - . Anchor Fence Co.. f N. 17. Tel. Red 14. Jtnrlry, Ulaasttads aad Waivkaa. OPEN up a charge account with us. A Mandelberg. Jeweler, luiJ Varoaio. Laaaalrlva, FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 624. EMEKSON Laundry, liij N. S4lb bu Both photies. OUAKANTEU l-uudiy. work. Douglas S57. High grade WANTED f amily washing, also cur. talna launderetl, . Harney UjO. Cuitwins laundered 20c )ier pair. - IX USX Llgktalaar Hod a. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co 205 N. 17th. Lawket. Gross Lumber A Wrecking Cu liar- fains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and sktaiu fiti.i.g ;i.t, Vni- tt.u, iaawo a uovu. v.aa jyKvtivf, 11 1 - -- - T - I F f f is S S ' " ' ' ' L " - , Am the aaad awlrla araiiaa the dasaat It Kradeallr allra a araaad the daeaaed lavera atl It faraaa a large r'eae nhlvh eemaletelr fcldea them frm alitbt. Dremead, that flead la mare ar leaa bomaa farm, chucklea aa he thlaka af tbe war la whlrh ha baa eaded the kervle career af Claade Kplalre, tke callaat larer af tha keaatlful Raaamaad. Ah well, all meet oar fata aaaaer ar later, ad lackr If tear la abed la ear memar. tha, latere aaerelr BfSIMCSH rEKSOXALS Mdoartial Maaalautarcri, Sklnnwr'a macaroni and ipaghettl, loc pkg Movlag, Btornce aad Cleaalag. KXPRKSfMEN'IS Delivery Co.-Movlng; furniture pavlcltig; fireproof etnrage. City offk-a, aw 8. 17th. Doug. 294; lnd. B-124. OMAHA Van and Storage Co. cleans your isrpnts .on- your- floors; electric vacuum cieuner. 604 a. ltith; S09 . 17th. Doug. 41til. . . Twin City Kxpi ems. 1214 Howard. Both Tel. J' Ui nlture nmv.; 1 men 11 per nr. W ;-;4. W.C.l''urrln. van, storage. Tyler law. b-17s CALL Vernor ' for -moving and fire proof storage. Office, A-2167 nnd Duug. Jt: WAHfcHODSIfli Tyler 1118, B-611II. Mouuaueata aaa Maaeoleawe. J. F. Bloom & Co., 17th and Cuming Sts. . Ituak'i Art and LsngssfW, Violin ienxona, experienced teacher. Wm.- L. Patten, 1W1 Locust. Wet. sua. Orchestra, pianist for dances. D. 4376. 'Usteooatbr. Alice Johnaon, Brandels Tha. Bldg. Katheryu Nikolas; 6,14-6 Braiidsla Theater. .... : - . . Opticians. . BP. vVutn. fitting A rep'g. 443 Brandels. J '. Y ... 4. Oya.tare. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesala only. 1'lanskera. Omaha Plumbing c0., Kit Sherman Ave. T. V. Balfe, . plumbing and heating, 1W Howard 8t. Tel. D. 748. lnd. A-2741. " r , I'apcr Cotupaales. - Western' Paper Co., 15th and Howard. : Patents. vHlRAU A. STUBOKS, patent lawyer. -and foreign patents, trademarks and .copyrights; years' experience, 64t Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3ba. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Had 7117. ".WJllard Eddy U. 8. P.it. aiUuney anu smroitor. . iMp (ilty Nat. Bk. Tyler 1690. 1'kobpgrapka. Edison phonographs. Slmlts Bros., 14M Far t I ,. . Plallnn. - " , i i . OMAHA SILVER CO., S14 8. 13th. l'kutograpkere. " ' . i 'Rnehart, photographer. ISth Farnam. Sandberg'a ktudlo, 107 S. 16th. Take elev. Printing.. Lew.W. Baber, Printer JsJfp DEC BLfXl." KN-TRANCI3 ON COUlir Phone lnd A-36J0 for good printing. Lytigatad Printing Co.. lHth 4k Capitol Ave. AM'. Printing Co., &M4 Cuming. D. nM7. Riwe-Hall 6'tg. Co. luw 8. 14 lnd. A-iJ4. ' Meataaranla. Batter'a fln quick lunch. lttlOFarnam. EAT CAFE. Everybody eats with me. 1610 Capitol Ave., north Hide postoffice. -Clerk cafe, home cooking. Wis Dodge, GET -tbe habit; eat at Cneada. cap. Ave. MOKtU Cafe, noine cooking, ils t. Juih. Baortlno; .fiooda. NEW ahopworh guns at low prices. Townaend Oun CO., 1614 Karnam. kteuoraihrra aad Luurt Iteportera. iTLe A- Kelly- Bran. The. D 6va. Mlsa Vllller, 16M CJty JMal'l Bk. D. 47oX Bieel 'lank aad Culvert- Cvrnpaulea. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company, 14lh and Nicholas. D. 3S6. form Doors an Wlndutva. dulou & Ledwlch. D. 476. Ind. B-1474). Taaldermlata. . Aulnbaugh. 1701 Leavenworth, Doug. 1221. Teute anal Avrnlngs. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. Kl Douglaa Tailoring-. Dunham A Dunham. 1J suits, US R. 16. R, A. W'llHsms. clothes altered. Urn Lake. OMAHA Cleaning and Pressing Ciub, 31S McCague Blk. Ladies' wn'k a specialty. I raakk and Bull Caeae. Frellng Pteinte. IJ Farnam St Wig Slanulaet arvrs. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr.. Frer.nr Blk. Mines and f.fqnora. MAT A CO.. family llqiloit. 1C03 Douglas. WILLOW Bprlngs beer, uiiuor, cigars, tahdwk-hea. Alex Jeles, 1ML' Douglas. jfrnianT-yr-ola"why. loc drink. 14 at l4ar Hanaan s. Family Liquors, lilt Chicago- GET your Xmas wines ami liquors at Griffith A Schmidt, 1034 Capital Ave. EPfCATlOXAIi. the hrt wiNf ebTterm of Boyles College - - - - IB rtW UI'K.K 1 IN BOTH THE DAY AND NIGHT SElS , SIONS. Students admitted spy time. Complete courses In buttnees, bookkeeping, stenog raphy, telegraphy, civil aertU-eg and salesmanship. Tha catalogue la ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. h6yleJ, President. Buyles College. Omaha, Neb. . . OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 'BEUT LV THE WEST'' Day and evening Mo.ou.nB all tha year, khorthand. Typewriting, - Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service. Salesmanship. E A. tartiuan. Prea . lmh and Farnam. THE VAN &NT SCIIOOL- Compute copras for etenographers. Twenty years of auocess. Ions C. Duffy, Prop. ;-El Isabel h Van Sent, l'rln. Corner 16th and Farnam a is. F KltVTHINd KOU WOMKN I. - ... - ANT.l hamlly waatilng siul Irouiug. KOJt CHIU8TMA8 CHINA PAINTING nd; WeddiiiB1 Takes E- K- Ved- J51i "CUUI"S ''dKt!3LeaVn. Tyler 1226. Tlie Best Xmas Present. Is a scholarship In the MOSHER-LAMP-MAX COLLEGE. Its great benefit last a lifetime. Send to MOHHEK A LAMP-S!1-. NEW I-OCATION, 1815 KARNAM ST.. FOR. CATALOGUE. TERMS. ETC. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE NOW. CALL DOUGLAS 1261 Come In any time and pick out your tree. We will tag It when ever vou nay. HOLLY, MISTLETOE, WREATHS. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1613 Howard St. OUt-of-date garments ex. for new. inM. THE IDEAL pTJeatj NO CO., dTeH"? pleatlugH, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. 200 Doug. Blk. Doug. ISWrt; A-ltWS. Whltfc'a Loan Office, IMS Douglas; spec !S1 shIh on overcoats lett In pawn, i up. Special bargsins In wstches and diamonds. W oinan 's Exchange eltlen; lunches. 223 Bd. of Tr. l'fltH Karnam. The Ideal 'Xmas gift la a blcyolo or motorcycle. )teduced prices on new and used ones. VICTOR H. ROS8, 2703 luvcnworth St. Hand-painted ohlna cheap. 2703 Cum. H.3lu Y Af P A membership makes a present x (or every day , tn, y(tar. DY BALL'S?- Omaha exclusive andy shoo The home of hnnia- msde candles. Specials dally. 1518 Douglas. GOOD THINGS ua ralstsff Buffet. Board of Trade Bldg. FINE LINE" Xmas candies, cigars, per fumes. Crlseey Phai. i-Ub. & Lake, VV. titt. LOWNEY'S for Xmas. Saratoga Drug Co., 24 c Amos. SPECIAL 1IU1JDAV SALE HANO PALNTED CHINA, LILLIAN SIMPSON STITDIO. 251(1 JONES. Moving Pictures In the home. Houu thliiR new. A practical moving picture machine for th home (not a toy nor magic lantern) dous prac tically the sainu work as the large machines, throwing clear and distinct pictures. Easy to operate, no danger from fire. Prices froln 110 to 1-6. -Demonstration free any time. Independent Kllin cxi-uaiige, l&zj ruuaias a;. MOYER STATIONERY CO., 161 Karnam. viiiibiiiiwi iiufciii :w, i:iiiun, CUIOntlHrS. aatety rasora sharpened. Ramge Bid. YOU'LL always be happy If your wed ding ring comes from Brodegaard's, 115 8' HUl At tl! "f thtt crown- THE BOURGEOIS CO., 1S07 KARNAM? Manicuring, Hairdressing, etc. Vli W, coupon in every package of Vel j. xixjjj vetlna, , Creams and Powders purchased from our druggist, entitling purchaser to professional treatments. Ire of charge, at The VELVETTNA SHOP Finest shop of beauty culture In middle west 181 Karnam.. Doug. ISM. A-19S. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. lCoe's Farnam St. Doug. 47M. lnd. A-3S2L ' A beauuiui aosorlmcul of sluacll out fits and Slier wm- WllUauis goods. Ws do glaamg and picture tiauiui.- at inoderaia prices. 15 k -CABIN ET PICTURES $3 Hssett BlUUio. (IS 8. ISth. D 740S. IT VTTlfV nd UTILITY are COM. 1-iU.UXbX uinkd In ELLCTRlCAL. CHRISTMAS G1KTB. Everyone, men or women, young or old, will be giaq to receive an electrical gift for Christmas. )OLLS redressed. 10c up. Christmas novelties. Web. lil. YOUNG WOMEN liffifS the Y. VV. C. A. aa a Chrlatmaa gift. DIAMOND RINGS k,7l & $90 pr karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Doug. as St. BliANDElSCUT SLOWER DEPT. UiM.lV Ul lkJK ,ar(j,, gupl)y ot holiday needs. Cut flowers, blooming plants and evergreen at special prices G A S AND ELEC TrtlC 'i'Alil.E LAMI'ij are always acceptable, always appreci ated and always used. $3 TO $S5 h" 1-trlcal eufgeatluns. KCKOESS-GRANDEN CO.. lt) Howurd. J. KNOX ONE1LL, ArtUt and Photog raphy; pictures enlarged, btudio, m South lCt li St. , REDUCED pi lues ou ladlea' aulla anU cloaka thla mouth. Suits and coats modeled at reasonable cost. Anna n.aiek ladlea tailor. ZZ City Nat. Bldg. D. T4mk kIPOnger's m -'. p'pe FOR XMAS SHOPPING CALL THIS ACME TAXI LIVERY i;er'nou C. fellow aiter. Tel. Dous las 376. A-llmni I fI'S (b Angle oil lamp, a ,J throws the light directly down upon your book or table. It doubles your lUht al half coet. 1 hey make long evrnimis delightful, troubles 1 7 4 J JOHNSON LAMP CO.. ill S llh St. Mflr'S ,or Xmas; best slurs. C,.ltir-.0 lmtmm, gulj Y,h Vld a ox a Max C.elcler ilud Co., 1417 Karnam. Xmaa packages, candies, perfumes, ci gars. Lathi op Pharmacy. 24 A Hamilton. Xmas Leather Novelties. All kind inoct asina, all sixes. Xmas Candles, perfumes, cigais, fancy parkage. AUiS, 1L KR GRAND PI 1 A KM AC y. MR. Ill SUAND, if you are looking tor something to take home fur an extra fine dessert, step inio Daixell's. If Dr. Jt. R. Holllster, 4-3 Caes tit., will come to The B office within three days wa will give him an order fur a quart brick of this fine Ice cieam. Gold lettering on books, purses, leather goods. E. A. Tryon Co.. Ml l-'rliam. SIM VI Mi Xu'as sale, to t off no plcluiea and flaming, ouiaha Ar( and Fia'a Cv , u7 a. luih. Hurra! Tke lorrn are aat dead, after II. (Perhapa ra aaapeeted tber waald Bad aoaie af eerape.) Tbe aaad baa drifted aroaad a eoraer af their ducoat. aad althousb abut aut from tbe light of dar tka twa brave aeula have aat loat courage. Tker determlae ta aead a meaaage ta tke entalde world kr meaae af the active aata wklrk kauat tke aaad. Kever deaualrs doa't alv up ke aklpt while tkrre'a life there'a aametklaa; dolag aack are L'laade'a mettaea. HKL1' WAXTED FEMALK Clerical aud Office. STENOGRAPHER, fire Insurance, ex Iorlence. tf. STENOGRAPHER, commission line, 140. CO-OPKRATIVK RKKERKNCIfl CO., inir.-lii City National Bank Bldg. Kae tor y and Trades, WANTK.n-PRES.SER8 IN LA DI '&' DHPARTMENT DRESHER BROS., 2211 KARNAM. HouseUrepera and Donaratlce. THE SERVANT GIRTj PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domea tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to Tha Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Good wages. Small family. Apply Mrs. T. P. Redmond, 1021 8. 30th Ave. i eicpnnne narney wn. WANTKly-At mice, viinnii plrl 1it trn- eral housework. 1304 8 35th St. WANTED A good white cook; have housemaid and laundress. Eastman, 534 8. 0th. Tel. Harney 4XB. GIRL or woman for fceneral housework. Mrs. 11. J. Oswald, 2.'.0t D Kt., South KniHlia. Neh. Phone Houth 2IW. WANTED Cook and butler; man and wife preferred; good salary; experience, references required. Apply Colonel Al laire, Kort Crook, Neb. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family. Harney 1S14. ELDERLY woman wanted to assist in housework. 1918 Grace. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Harney G240. YOUNG girl for general housework. Apply In person. i:)04 So. &th St. WANTED Good nurse girl at once; references required. 426 N. 38th St. WANTED Young girl to assist In housework; no washing. Mrs. G. C. Edgerly. 6110 Cuming r!t. Tel. Harney 3454. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework; references required. 4651 Dodge Bt. . Wanted A white cook. Harney 47. 3tio0 Rtirt. WANTED-Second girl. 05 Park Ave. Allaeellaucoaa. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building St St. Macy's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places cr otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. Apprentice giriu to learn hairdressing. Oppenheim. 22ii City Nat'l Bank. Practical Nurses' exchange. Tel. D. 112. WANTED Aliuille-uged ladies to repre sent -German Medicine Co. 1U1 Ware Blk. WANTED Strong, healthy woman, firopeily educated, to take nurse's traln ug courne. Apply Sup't of nurses, W'es leyan hoxpltal. University Place. Neb. LAD1KS and girls wanted to decorate sofa pillows at home for holidays; good pay; experience unnecessary. Call 2307 B. 13th St. MR. HUSBAND, If you are looking for something to take home for an extra fine dessert, stop Into Daixell's. If J. W. Opper, 4M4 Cuming St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of tills fine ice cream. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, salesmeai aad Solicitors. Live city & road salesman. Bee, 0-794. WANTED Man to take half Interest In growing business. One that can devote entire timer This is a snap. No agents. Address L 935, Bee. EXCHANGE man to handle real estate exchange department. Address at once, C aod, Bee. AGENTS $1.50 to 18 a day. Investigate, New line. Kasl sellers. Repeat order getters. Samples and catalogue free. Lee Manufacturing Co., 1103 North 1-th Ave.'. Maywood, 111. WANTED High class stock and bond salesman, excellent lsue and fine op portunity for man of selling ability; Omaha and vicinity. Address. 240 Plains Bldg., Cheyenne, Wyo. WE wish to employ a few men at home or to travel. Good pay for all or part of time. Peter Desmore. 307 Powles Bldg., Seattle, Wash. AGENTS Send for free sample new article. Gets you into every home and office. Sells at sight. Big profits. J. J, Peterson, Lagley, Minn. WAN 1 ED Immediately, salesmen and solicitors for every city and town In the country; brand new llnu that will sell In every s.ore and home. Salesmen can make 75 to $tot a week; no machinery to explain; No KAKE. You demonstrate our line; everybody buys luvtantly. This Is an opportunity to get a peimanent posi tion. We can show you. Call or address Sales Manager, 407-40! Karbach block, Omaha. Clerical and oilier. BOOKKEEPER, prefer man who Is familiar with the general mdse. business, Stenographer and office clerk, young man capable of advancement. 70. t-olli iior, married man. tM and com minHion. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., m.i-lB city ivationai iank mng KL'LL dress suits, even.ug party dresses for rent. (1 to 11.50 a niglit. JOHN KKLDMAN, 2M N. 17th. D. S12S. "CANO" HiKh grade poaitiona. sow Wee. FIRST-CLASS experienced bookkeeper on eoieiii accounts by a large retail diy goods house; only those having experience need apply: answer in own handwriting, stating former portions held and salary expected. Address W M5, Bee. Factory aad 'trades. Drug store (snaps) Jobs, Knlest. Baa Bldg. Mlacrllaaeoas. GOVERNMENT posiuor. open; list showing salaries free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Rochester. N. Y. Aii-ncv. lull DavenorL w.A.wc.1-'. lor o. . aimy, auie-bodied unman led li.eu, l-eia eeii ag s of IS and ..; citixens of Culled Slates, of good character aud trim eiais habua. who en speak, read and write the Kngilah lan guage. For Information apply to Ite c. uiliujf Officer. Uui and Douglaa Sts . Otimha. Neb ; fttf 4(li bt.. Slouj. City, Ia; UQ N. lOlh tl , LUlcoill, Nvb, A team af aata, karaeaeed tagetker wltk tkread, are aaw acattllag aeraa tka deaert aada tewlag beklad tkem meaaaga ta tha world aaklag aid far tha eaitombed lerera. Little dara the black-hearted Deamand gaeaa that tJaude has aar meaaa af aommealar aid. Tbe vlllala la aTereoaddeat. aad tbla mar lead ta a complete avextkrew af kla plana, it aever daea to take too maak tea graated, Tamerraw we may aea tka vll lala'a duem. II ELI WANTEO MALE Sllacellaaeivaa. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed veil i by both Union Pacific aVid Illinois Cen-' tral railroads if you gain .your training lif our school. Practice on R.-11. wires. Ad dress, for particulars, II. B". Boylcs, Prea Boyles College. Omaha, Nelv Faultless Cleaners. 113 U. ,'uth. D. Mi. YOU are wanted -for government Jobj' JP0 per month; send postal for I'xt of post tiona open. Franklin Institute, .Dept. 216 I K. Rochester. N. Y. 1 UO AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB, 1C0 MONTH AUTOINf. Guarantees more actual repairlni than-any three other schools. Come aee.' ABLE bodied men wan tea .for tbe U. Marine Corps between tne ages of 19 anj 85. Must be native born or have flrstk papers. Monthly pay, I5 to ii. Addl-1 tlonal compensatiin possible. Food, clothing, quarters 'and medical attend-1 ance free. After 30 years' sarvlce can re' tire with 75 per cent of pay and allow-, ances. Service on board ship and ashoral In all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 140 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. . 600 MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted af once for electric railway motormen and) conductors; 60 to $100 a month; no ax perleiice necessary; fine opportunity; n strike. Write Immediately for application blank. Address Y 50. cara of Bee. WANTED Experienced salesman tur work the farmer trade: live wires earn. lng 135 weekly above expenses; gooj, proposition; high quality and right prices. Commission only. G 22. Bee. IK mil ftf nA.IIInn ,.11 . , I . tlonal Motion Picture Schools. 218 Bee Bid. STOP! READ! Get Intj I paying . proiesaion. Learn automobile , engineering: In oud large training shoe. HundrMi nf an,.: cessful graduates. Complete equipment Of automobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Train Assn., 0.4 Branded W AMTI,'I Mn.lnk.nu , . I, - iu.u T t . .. . , . . a ,ui 1 1 1 loin ml, band; must be single. Address ail let ters to Emanuel Klein, chief aiuslclati, Fort Mackensle, Wyo. . WANTED Alen to learn the barber trade. Barbers make more money now! than ever before on account of tine man added money-making - facilities. Our; course saves years of apprenticeship. Pu-. sltions always waiting. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. WE GIVE full course In auj.Omoblia operating and repairing for $10. Payabla In four Installments. For further infor mation, address Lock Box 7U7, Omaha. Neb. YOUR husband und son are looking for ward to dessert time they know that you have ordered some of Dalzeii's lite cream. If Mrs. P. R. Pease. 4125 N. 33d St., will come to The Bee office within ttrree days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. LIVE STOCK FOB SALE . Horses and Vehicles. .FOR SALE All kinds of good horaea. fl8 M. 21st St. 'Phone Douglaa 6000 GOOD, serviceable mare, 1,200 lbs., uity: broke. Tel. Webster 1515. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS' having lost some articles would do well to call up tha ofCice of tha Omaha & Council Biutis fciireet. Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned Ira and tha company la anxious to reatora them to tha rightful owner. Call Duugi laa 4s. i uMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREETS RAILWAY COMPANY. IK PARTIES who lost good vision will call at COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 209-U So. lmh, same will be restored. FOUND Last Monday, Deo. 4, in Bran dels stores, pocketbook containing sum of money. Owner can recover same by; proving Identity at accommodation desk, main floor, west end. LOST Bunch of keys, one key No. 333. Return to B. W. Christie, 418 Barker Blk. Suitable reward. LOST A black record pocketbook. be tween 30th and Harney and Clarkson hos pital or 24th and Harney; very valuable) to owner. Tel. Harney 6103. MEDICAL NO MATTER WHAT YOUR TROUBLE. NOR WHO SAID YOU WERE INCUR ABLE, BOHEMIAN ADJUSTMENTS WILL PROBABLY DO THE' WORK. WHY NOT TRY? CALL OR WHITE "BOHEMIAN INSTITUTE," 329 NE VILLE BLOCK. BEST bracer for men, Gray' a Narva Food Pills, tl per box, prepaid, t'herraaa A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. MOXEV TO LOAX Salary and Chattels. WHY USE OUR MONEY? BECAUSE you enn borrow it on you? HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS. AUTOMOBILES, BANK BOOKS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPT. REAL E STATU and SALARIES In a few hours' time, pri vately and CHEAPER than any other concern. NO MATTER HOW CHEAf THEY ADVEP.T1SE. You may refund tha loan In small weekly or monthly payments that sooa it: you out of debt- Our business Is as private as a bank and your friends, relatives and employer know nothing about It. No delay. Eaclj application given prompt attention. Call on us for money to pay all you a, bills aua you will find it tiuick and easy, RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, 308 Paxton Block. tl7 a lita, 'Phones: Douglas 1411 and A-141L DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW) GET YOUR XMAS MONEY! FROM THE CITY LOAN COMPANY heeailaa Aiir I ... I . . - ' '"-ii , ay ujcuua easier, business confidential. CITY LOAX COMPANY. -n Douglas Block. Apposita HayWg. Phones Doujiss lv-Ind. A-2J6,