0 fllK UKE: OMAHA. TUKSDAV. DECEMBER 12, 1911. TlIE OMAHA DAILY UEK fvr"MTiH v "k i v a k if V h f.-wVi kk VIlTl'mili idKVVATKH. KlUTiiH'" WKK HI II. KINO, KA'lNAM ASIMJTH. Kntereil at Omaha poMtif floe a sero'id v-lnaa matter. TKRMS OK SI Hrtl'Riri ION. fnnrtnv Hee, one year 12. M Paturdav llw, him year ' II VI fully Kn lalthout 8nn1ayi. on fwr 4 00 liallv He and Hundav. onr ver 00 HKI.IVKKKD BY OA HHI b"n. Kvenina Hm ta-ith riund . vct nin...2."io I'ally Hi-e ( inrh.dln Sunday), per mo.Kfic JhiIv Hoe (without Hundayt, prr mn... l' Addrra all t-nmplHints or Irregularities In delivery t" "ltv firrulstion lJept. HKM ITT A Nt'F.H. rtrmlt hy draft. express r postal order. 'pasrle to The Bee Puhllfhitia cnmi'any. Only t-rent stamps rerelvert In payment r.f umalt ai'mimls Personal rhrk. ex cept n Omaha and eastern exchange, not airepted. l-KICKS. . nialm The liw HulldlnK. South nmuha-iUlx N. St . (VmnrM llluffn. l.i Piott Pi. ' Lincoln 2 Utile BulMins. " 'hlcaito IMS MHrquette Hiillillna. ' Kane fltv-Hellan.'e Muild'na. NVw Tork-;14 Went Thirty-third. - Wafhlnaton-T Kouri-iitli Hi'.. N. W: ' (MRlUail'fiNliKNfti ' I'nmmilnUHtlona relating to imw and rditorlnl matter should he arlclrexstd 'Omaha Hee. KdltnMttl l nart ment. ' NOVKMHKR ririCI I.ATION. . ....... 50,573 - Plate of Nebraska. County nt Douglas. : Ltwlftht Williams, rtrculiitlon manager of the - lie ' r'ubllsMn;- rntnpsny, ' twin duly sworn., says th it the avrraite dally rlrrulnion. leee spoiled, unused snd re. turned copies, for the month of Novem ber, Ml. was M.&'X UWIOIIT Wtl.MAM. Circulation Manager. Sylierrlhed In inv presence and sworn to before ma iti la Cth dav of Deeeifiber. 1311. (Seal) ROHEHT Hl'NTKR, Notary Public. Saliaerlhers leaving the city femporarllr abonld have) The Be Mailed to them. Address lll . I.e rhaRaed, aa often aa reanrateil. If "you Haven't already do It today. I.clve 1 fre )ate shopping to be flono by. tbe other fellow. - Old MUter Nolo Contendere got an awful! knockout In that rate of the packers. The Presidential Primary. The announcement from Washlng ton that the republican national com mlttee will not undertake to pre scribe for the states the manner In which delegates to the national con vention shall be chosen, does not come ns a surprise. The committee In already on record as recognizing the fact that the manner of selecting delegates Is a matter to be deter- trms of public utility multiplied and extended, so that today It Is beyond all comparison with any period of the past. This Is the firat time since 1883 that the financial statement of the postofflce showed no deficit, but It Is the first time in the history of the country that It likewise showed so many new and additional wheels of usefulness In its machinery. Wip ing out this $18,000,000 deficit has mined by the states, and that the con- not been done, therefore, at the ex- veution, itself, will not undertuke to penve of the service, but on the other say In what way this shall be done, hand, while putting the service on a Delegates who come with credentials self-supporting basis, Postmaster showing that they were regularly se- General Hitchcock has rarrlod on lected by conformity with the legal I 3,74 4 new poitoffices. delivery of or established rules of procedure ap- mall by carriers in 186 additional plying within their states, will be cities, 2,516 new rural routes, aggre i-cated In the convention without gating 60,679 miles, and put to work question. S.000 additional postal employes, . This action of the committee is maintaining a salary roll $14,000,000 lurtber proof , of the oft repeated more than two years ago. Besides all Qjooklncf Backward 'ii . r- cJ r l limuav iiiumaimj rCOMPiLKD T ROM BE.C flLf S 12 DEC. Thirty Years Ag The Bee devotes a column to pointing out the dangerous condition of Tenth treet from Farnam to the railroad track. The Board of Trade directors' meeting recorded only theae members present: President Boyd, Secretary Allen. Thomas Gibson, John Allen and Ma Meyer. After discussion the proponed Incorporation for the erection of a Chamber of Commerce was approved. The capital stock was to be $50,onn, with memberahlp shares of $50 each, to become operative when 200 shaies are taken. In the Interval rooms In I.ytle's block are . to be engaged for one year. The Omaha social club gave a pleaaant statement that'the republican party this the administration has Instituted masquerade ball at Central hall, the Is thie real party of progress. All tha the postal savings bank, now in oper- ,lm '. The noor ninipri genuinely reformatory laws or meth- ation in 7,."0(ypregdentlal postofflcrt, ods of procedure? adopted for the gov- and has plans under way to open the eroioent of party politics in the bank in 40,000 fourth class offices. United Btstes have originated with It Is not to be supported that the the republican.' The regulation of Postofflce department, any more than panics is pari or our general scneme any omer aepanmeni or me govern- nartman school for a school on Saturdays of government, and tho clothing of ment under the present admlnlstra- and Sundays for teaching the Bohemian them wtlh leaal rlahts. and of Dro-ltlon. will cscace attack from the languaije vldlng machinery whereby these enemy, but the attack will bo badly The wtlhfr h- changed, being bright ' . t , . warm and clear. It Is very muddy under ngnts may ne secureu, can De iracea aunea wnenever me ibcib are Drougnt foot an), the ,ow , faBt aiaappearlng. were C. Cheney. J. O. Edwards, Heme and George Fleming. The school board granted an extra hol iday for January I and alao received a petition from Bohemian citizens asklna for the use of thj room on Thirteenth and William tised In connection with the back to republican sources. The matter of selecting delegates to the national convention by direct vote of the, people has not entirely passed the experimental stage. Whether It will be generally adopted by the states Is yet to be determined, into collision with it. Illnhop Hharp of the Mormon church and superintendent of the Utah & South ern railroad, also a director of the Union Pacific road, paaeed through on his special car to Florida. The bishop was accompanied by ono of his wives, a daughter and a son. John J. Willis. 1414 Dodge street, lost a bunch or keys wnicn ne wants re turned. The list of letters remaining In the Those Indian princes seem to be showing the British sovereigns a royal time. Now the) question is, will Dr. Wil son remain In the raco Since the pen sion is denied him? v "Wazlr llazrur" Is the name of a v character In a new play. Must be an Intoxlcatlugly funny play. Wilson in the Bryan Discard ! If Mr. Bryan is consistent be can not even tolerate Governor Wilson as a candidate for the presidency; he will be compelled to throw him Into but ho'argumeut will have weight to the discard with Harmon and Champ deny that the voiers should have the Clark. Dr. Wilson's unsuccessful plea right to express1 a preference for can- for a pension from Andrew Carnegie postofflce uncalled, far is promulgated yidatea, as well as to select delegates, aeeraa to settle all question of h is over the name ot inomii r. n, Pui and to do this in whatever way. will availability for the Bryan endorse ttnjt a k ( otiA ataaaft Thsm iiftl tn 1 wan I Ttl An t .u v ii. - U.W.N i .a . i!.t Twenty lears Ago long ago urn ... in rei,u w H. Dumont returned from New York convention, ana majority nas always opposes, to me principle oi tue var- 3mvnrntl t-ittte. a Union Pacific em- determined. Instructed or pledged negle endowments. His record for pioye, returned from his old home at Jslnkatlnna litiiA tiAAti enmmnnlv unt fra allvep la nn hotter Itnnwn and nn I Franklin. Tenn uuivBm.w... " ' --, , . . ' ... .4 ,, ... .v. t j...... i U.-. tn1IK1v .mn k- mtwu nunar-u pn.n. .... uu ju- i.u iw un iuw ...rn., .v.- -kv. v" hibition of the Weatern Art association places the responsibility more dl- pages of his political history. He led 0- w. t,ininger made a brief address, rectly on the individual voter. The the fight to prevent the University of saying it was the first art" eahlbttlon recognition of these rights, and, the Nebraska from Joining the list of provision of means for expressing large institutions becoming eligible to thern, serve only to emphasize the the Carnegie benefactions. He de- fact that the republican party moves, nounced the principle In his most vlg- and the others merely follow. orous and picturesque diction. He saw nothing but subserviency to the Allies for Plunder Trie Character of Ramala and Great Britain HevealeiT hr aa Amerlraaf In Perala. Boston Tranecrlpt. . In response to an Inquiry from. St. Petersburg our government declares that It has no Intention of Interfering In aup-! port of Mf. Rhuster, financial adviser of the Persian government, who. as Is well known, has Incurred the active hoatlllty of Rusala and the passive hostility of Great Britain. Mr. Shunter has a per sonal contract with the Persian' govern ment. He was hired by it as 'an expert financial administrator who had proved his capabilities In the Phllfpplnes. )Ur government gaire his efficiency Its high est endorsement when Persia solicited his services, and ha has had Its. best wishes for his success. lie is an American citizen, not an American official, . in Persia, and therefore the tTjuted States can make no other answer than it has made to the ctar's question. Wc cannot Interfere for the reason 'that we have no governmental or official Interest In Mr. Shuster'a conduct while In the service of Persia. Nevertheless, we all have our opinion , that his forced ekclunlon at the behest of Russia Is a shocking example of the oppression of the weak by the strong,' and Great Britain! cannot escape a share' of the condemnation. Mr.. Shun ter's offending Is simply this: He was endeavoring to put the finances of Persia on a baals that should make. Persia self supporting, and eventually free It from dependence on Russia and Great Britain. In a word, he was seeking to build up Persia, and so ran counter to the allied greeds ot Russia and Great Britain, which have marked out their respective "spheres of Influence," and have to all Intents and purposes agreed to partition the land between them when the opportune junc ture shall have arrived. No. list of the twenty greatest women would be complete without the name of Mrs. Wllklns Mtcawber. NOW that. .Mr, Rockefeller has re tired and is out of a Job, perhaps he became, eligible to that pension fund. Carnegie says $25 a week Is enough to get married on. Possibly, but "getting" married does not end It. " . Dear old dad, no doubt, - would rather have a fat pocketbook for his Christmas present than anything else. Omaha ever made a financial and artis tic success of. . Rev. Mr. Warfteld of Brockton, Mass., who had preached on trial at 8t. Mary's Avenue Congregational church, was rec ommended by the committee having in hand the selection df a pastor. A large number attended the meeting The McNamaraa have rooms at San Quentln In the same , row . with Abe lleuf, another good friend of W. J. Burns. The consumer has this to thank himself for, though. Mr. Bryan: There is 100 cents In every one of his dollars. v - ' " ' An exchange discusses "woman's right to smoke," but does that come under the head of the "rights" of women? - Year Closinc Stronsr. worst Influences of nlutocracy and I of the Lincoln clua in the Bee building, According to Dune Review, recent the trusts In accepting such gratu-1 Hon. A. P. opMnn. the rtor' th gains In leadlpg Industries and trades titles for an educator or an educa- -rfw.r(,'Rna.w.... called on for a have been well maintained and the tlonal Institution, though his view I speech and made one In favor of the gold year I coming .toward, its (lose with (struck rnost people as radical and standard, coinciding with Mr. Hopkins. ..' ' .i.- ..J . . ..t. j . .l ... . . Julius Otosgeans was laid at rest In e,.uem:c o .irruKui nuuo yru.u..- iar-i8icnau. wuai. men. can ua y . . r-m,,, uder the ausolces Ing for the new year. Of course, the of a democratic candidate for. the 0( the Grand Army of the Republic. He undercurrent of conservatism, that presidency, not only accepting, but was one of the first 7S,ooo to respond to ku. mo.b. K...inMJrA. mn.-n Km ..iMiu. m- . k President Lincoln's original call for sol- iiiaim uDiiiio, . niuuMia i. j bi n iiui nnu laiiiug iv jfcci. duvu 1 l.awltir .nn, nut still there and probably will con- an endowment. L .-, came to Nebraska after tlnue until, at least, after the presl- Governor Wilson stands for pout dentlal election, but that Is far from I leal reform, yet he aska a man Indicating dull times. From the mo- good In himself, of course who Is montum gained in the closing months regarded as the very Incarnation, ot of thh. -year, Industry . and" trade the trusts, to give him a pension so should plunge Into 1912 with consld- that be might be enabled to make erable force. Crppa have contributed the race for the presidency. No one their share to this Impetus and right need Question Dr. Wilson's Integrity braska Telephone company with Hastings, k.M la n.in 'alt un.ili m v..- I ii,.t t, ha. . f.i.i Beatrice. - Lincoln and Omaha, reached , - - I "- - - V" I .. ..... auaoiuteiy control tne progress oiiuryan chooses to regard it so, pub- Tm Years Ago- natural wealth. If they did condl- lllcly-or not, other people will. Gov- xhe Real 5u.te exchange descended on Hons, wonld be far worse than thev I ernor Wilson's annuo of honor mv the Board of Review and caused John W. are, '. nu( that they. do pot la evident be as keen and alert as a magnetic aU n a"d ,TVZZu in .tl i.'.t.-. .,::..!'.'- Jt. . ... . ...,.... . .. the board, who voted for a reduction In irvui u. tuft -mi,.ucuiie, n,.auorivrineeaie, utit ins political sense evi- tho Btrcet car company's assessment, to Ccroothan we had In lPLO.ur -natural dently Is badly stupefied. He can hack up and let protesting taxpayers r w I mm,.. wealth of farm products for th year never explain away the mistake he ''"ve chance to be neara beiore aenn- aijiuuuiB iu kuviu f?,vvvruvv,vuv uu iiiauv. uui lufie is nnuiutrr Blue and, our progress, while, it jiliay be to the question. The New Jersey oame Warden George B, Bimklns and thus gllghtly. retarded, .is by, no governor asked for the pension, of deputy w J. OBrien was taken as a the war and was acting aa a guara at the penitentiary at Lincoln when he was shot. It made him a life-long cripple and ha took up his residence at tne Douglas county poor farm .where he re mained until ' death. A copy of a resolution passed ty Grand Island's city council demanding that that city be placed on the circuit of the Ne- Aa Great Britain refused to meditate bewteen Persia and Russia when Russia demanded an apology for Mr. Shunter's selsure of certain property of the shah's brother, as really the property of the nation, poor Persia has been compelled to back down. Mr. Shuster's action haa been disavowed under the threat of Rus sian Invasion, and he has been deprived of his usefulness. If Persia thought that this concession, painful as it was, would end the difficulties with Ruxsla, it was mistaken. Russia now demands an In demnity for the cost of moving troops to coerce Perala into abandoning Mr. Shuster. Persia, already heavily indebted to Russia, must give its note to the gov ernment, which Is Its great and menacing creditor, and hold a mortgage on the fairest of the Persian provinces. We doubt If In modem times, or at least since the partition of Poland,' a more of fensive example of the oppression of one nation by allies bent on plunder has been exhibited to the world. Russia and Great Britain are deliberately weakening Persia to facilitate the partition. Russia does not surprise, but that Great Britain should be a party to the conspiracy, that the nation that boasts of its. constitu tional freedom should aid in blocking Persia's experiment in constitutionalism, that Great Britain Should sign an agree ment that carries with It the, possibility of suppressing Persian , Independence more than surprises; It offends, it dis gusts. Some . Britons ' have only, now realized the humiliating obligations which their country took upon Itself In the agreement qt. iwi. 'j ney set no escape from it, for, Sir Edward Grey stands to the bargain and says Mr. Sinister Is to blame and must not look to him for friendly meditation. The California orange crop 1s being harvested. If California needs any real orange, weather Nebraska tan supply lU A brand of oysters has been named after Senator Martin of Virginia and they are not cove, either, as Mr. Bryan might think. f'Tiftif ' llkrrTSbn can scarcely come out for president without butting iuto Mr. Hearst, who brought him out for mayor. . Cute Willie,. The, secretary of agriculture com ments on a "chestnut blight," but he probably has hot looked over Champ Clark's Hat of jokes recently. ,; Since the New-York election Mur pliy roust wonder Just how much of a hit he made In bringing In Norman K. Mack as his state chairman Mr. Shuster haa become the cynosure of Mm diplomatic world. Alone and ttn&lded be has compelled Russia to display Its true character. He has moved the wrath of the Russian press, which stigmatizes him aa an "American adventurer in a pea Jacket and paper collar," who Insults the '. We know not Mr. Shuster'a taste In garments. We doubt If It is accurately described by the "Novoe Vremya" ot St. Petersburg, but whatever art his clothes, they are garments of righteousness com pared with those of the czar. means stopped. course, on the ground that he had hint to poachers at the lake not to poach. nhtil c.bIai. Inn nrnmlnent in Nl. A contributing factor tor the. 1m-1 been a teacher all his life and, there- braska politlca, dropped dead on a Burl- proverneht of Industry and trade is I fore, he thought he waa entitled to ington train, while coming from Lincoln returning confidence. Confidence, share In ths teachers' fund, explain- while an Indispensable element In ing that: good times, often, In fact, the last es- A man who goes Into politics bound for sentlal, yet hanga on slender threads. the principles of honor puts his family n nk.a.L'A. lu. and all who may be dependent upon him I for support at the mercy of any Incalcul- uenco uas ueen .ir.iiBtniiru oy Bble turn of the wheel of fortune, and I recent turn ,in the discussion Of felt entirely Justified In seeking to pro- to Omaha, of heart disease. Judge Tib betts, who was In the same car with him, took the body off at Havelook. Sheriff Branson ot Lancaster county and Deputy United States Marshall Walling were also In the same ear and Walling noticed Castor, who waa sitting with one leg thrown over the arm of tha seat, gaap and fall against the window. The two men hastened to him to find him dead, The Parkvale Congregational church took the banner for having tha largest percentage of attendance at the Chris. tlan Endeavor union, which waa held at pending economic Issues." Mere talk, vldo against such risks. then, as we see, Is enough to control The governor may have been acta this sine qua non of business pros ated by the best of motives, but he Derltv. it would not be. thouslK if went into polltice voluntarily, leav there were not so much of the spec-' Ter' ood la P8ltlon H 8V Zm CT ulative spirit in our business. There d0 80 Bnd no man l,as a cr"r or Is tqo much ot It. ,It la Illogical for roonopoly on "the principles ot off-hand utterances of a prospective honor." Viewed from any angle, this or possible candidate for office to ao arholarly blunder looks like a pretty vitally Influence the pendulum of thing for even Mr. Bryan to ex business. . Wu Ting-fang .says China, has 400,000,000 democrats. But that number would probably shrink 78 per cent If au election were held. ' Portal Progress. The opposition press bad a good deal to say of the postal budget when there was a dwftclt ot nearly $18,000, 000, a good deal more than It has to say now that tula deficit has been plain away in the heat of a presi dential campaign. Will he insist on taking the chance? by his aide. Captain McCUntock, re turned from Washington, where he had been serving on a board of army officers. The McKlnley Memorial association an nounced a meeting to map out plana for Its canvass of funds In the state. The sudden death of "Mike" Whalen will be heard with sorrow by I People Talked About Having due regard for tha quality of That unrequited plea for an ante bellum pension seems to have brought no great voting reinforce ments to General Woodrow Wilson. Alfred Tennyson Dickens doubt less enjoyed hli visit In Omaha be cause it was out of the few places bis dlHttngulsbed father had not paid a left-bauded compliment. ' . L'p to the first two or three years of tbe Lorlmer tase, no doubt most newspaper readers kept well in formed of its details, but now, since It las drafted out to such length, it Is doubtful If. 10 per cent of them know much about It. Tbe Iconoclastic Panama Canal (oramUiiion explodes the myth that tha Panama railroad coat a life for every tie. But this will not deter tbe romancers, who will still find In the Jungles pf the Isthmus plenty of iii alt rial to adoru their lurid tales. ception of duty. Sergeant Whalen was an officer whose example may well be followed. record aa a faithful member ot the completely wiped out. supplemented rah P'lce force for a quarter of a by a surplus of nearly $120,000. Be fore, it was "criminal extravagance;" now it is "only a matter ot book keeping." That Is the politics of it. Ot course. the democratic newspapers and con gressmen really did not mean all they said when they were lamenting over this enormous deficit. They ware moved chiefly by political considera tions. They thought an $18,000,000 deficit In the carrying on of one branch of the government's business would be a good thing to play up to tbe oters, but now that that deficit Is supplanted by a surplus of $210,- 000, they cannot see anything to it thousands who knew him In life. His the goods a Jury In 3t. Joseph, Mo., set the value of seven kisses extracted from a woman by force at fco cents each. Tha prelected commission for the century and longer, waa that ot standardisation of pies haa been laid on steady application to and high con- the table until tho Christmaa rush sub- Tha several committees now wres tling with the problem of how to light the streets of Omaha are confronted by experience that amply proves what sides. People cannot work two good things at the same time' Eugene Debs claaaes Lincoln Steftens as a capitaiiatto eonacy. rierrens puts Dobs at the head of the list of anarehlstie fools.- When great reformers fall out they give themselves away In an unguarded moment ot lntrospec tlon a theatrical manager announced that he and other membera of tbe craft were not to do. Omaha has listened to in the business to make money. An ac a great many of these discussions, caslonal Jolt to artistic sensibilities helps and none of them definite. to ahatter day dreams. There Is enough, money circulating around tha country to give every man. woman and child I34.M. Those who America haven't their share within reach are at With a lessened area sown to win ter wheat, the farmers ot seem to be little worried over the 1 rty to tell their troubles to the auditor i-lamnr that one nnr,lv nf f d .t h " the Treasury department. except Just a detail in accounting, the i no inn,.. aufflcUnt tn meat tha A. I -n"nt JUJ19 ,r"ut ,B P" 7 . . . is no longer sumcient to meet the de- -batadaa in tha way of the eomoiete ' ""' .ivm vuo - I mand Tha mart will rfnuhtlnaa ..n.tiA. , A Whlntnn respond accordingly. court rules that while a wtfa may swipe But there Is a good deal more to , tha change found in bar husband' U than lhat. so much more. In fact. The New York Evening Post re- ' ot "" found there. What's the uaeT Commissioners of Bpokane county o aa to a lose these democratic mouths cently made Its leading editorial almost entirely on tne subject. And comment on "Colonel John O. Washington, have stopped supplies what is moat important of all ia this: Yeiser and hts project to force Theo- can towels to women Jurors, bluntly TLat while this great effaeement of dore Roosevelt Into the race for the d,clrtn' ,h4t ,h wom,n e,rTy ,m ott- deficit ha taken place, tbe depart- presidency. Who said John would mm, haa ba magnified and Us I not get results? Hereafter the woman Jurors desiring clean towel can drop a nickel la the slot and get Ik DICK METCALFE'S BOOM. Reatrlce Express: Dick Metcalfe would make a good governor, all right, but as the Kearney Huh remarks there Is noth ing In the "atmosphere" to Indicate that even lie could beat Governor Aldrlch for re-election. Bloomliiftton Advocate: The Omaha friends of Richard L. Metcalfe have etarted a boom for him fur the demo cratic nomination for governor. Metcalfe Is one of the best men In the state, fear less In his views, and while he has scores of friends he has doodles of enemies. enough of them to cause his defeat for any office to which he may aspire. Aurora Republican: Fifty-four more or less prominent democrats of Ortiaha and South Omaha have petitioned Richard L. Metcalfe to run for governor next year, but we search in vain for the name of Mayor James C. pnMman in the list. Fremont Herald: Douglas county demo crats started n gubernatorial boom last week for It. I- Metcalfe. Douglas demo crats must have been egged on to their sctlun by some smooth Omaha repub licans, who hope, out of the row which the - Metcalfe boom will precipitate among democrats, that the way will be made easier for the election of a repub lican governor next fall.. The candidacy of Metcalfe simply means the awakening of the old fight on the part of the Dahl manltes against the P.ryanltes, and the hope that there might be a unanimity ot purpose qn tho part of Nebraska demo crats during the great presidential year, easily, goes glimmering. Metcalfe bolted the democratlo homlnee for governor In 1910, and made speeches over the state In behalf of Governor Aldrlch. There Is ample time for democrats to reflect and consider the question of whether they want harmony or a. tight to a finish. Geneva Blgnal: Further light was thrown on the Omaha proposal to Mr. Metcalfe that he run for governor by a meeting held In Omaha Monday evening for the formation of a Woodrow Wilson club. The same men participated In that meeting 'who signed the letter to Mr. Metcalfe. It la evident that the Metcalfe feature Is but a part of a general move ment to keep Governor Harmon of Ohio front getting the Nebraska delegation td the democratic national convention. That means a real fight. Hastings Tribune: A gubernatorial boom has been launched f6r Richard Met calfe, associate editor of the Commoner, for tha democratic candidate In 1912. The Tribune would be pleased to see ' the democrats of Nebraska get together and hand the gubernatorial nomination to Richard L. Metcalfe on a silver platte, because such, an action would force the republicans to put up ono of their clean est and strongest men. . York Times: Those good democrats, who still hold to the halvclnatlort that decency and democracy have Joined hands, are urging jf .T Metcalfe to be come a candidate for governor next year. If the democrats should so far forget the ancient traditions ot their rarty as to . nominate" 'Met" It wou'd make It quite strenuous for tha republicans. Put we are not going to worry. The demo crats of Nebraska never did a thing like that yet. Riatrire Express: Those Poiiglss ro'inty democrats have conceived a prettv good Idea when they ask Dick Metcalfe to run for governor next rprlng. There Isn't a better man among the democrats of the State than the Lincoln man. and If we must have a democratic governor we know of no better man than Metcalfe. But. as Blxby would say, why a demo crat at all? PASSING' PLEASANT, BIES. "You can't teach women anything by experience." "Well, naturally, they object to getting any wrinkles." Baltimore American. "Theirs wu a fashionable divorce, I understand." "Very. After the judge gave her her decree she gave her former husband splendid references." Dotroit Free Press. "They say a woman can't select Christ mas cigars." "Nnnsense. I've been sounding my hue. band, and I find he likes light cigars. All you have to do Is to match trie shade." Louisville Courier-Journal. Doctor You admit that I cured you of Insomnia, then why don't you ray my bill? Patient Sorry, doc, but I sleep hi soundly now that my wife goes througii my pockets nights and takes every cent. Chicago Tribune. WHEN I WAS LITTLE. Llpplnoott's Magazine. When I was little, 'way last year (t think about It now beoauste It really seems so awful queer). " I though there was a Santa Claus! I used to think that he could come Rlgli down our chimney with his puck! I though he brought my sled and drum, AncJ then that he went climbing baxk! Why, things were dlff'rent then, because I thought, there was a Santa Claus. When' I was little, "way last year, I used to be so awful good! I though if I was bsd he'd hear About It, just as if he could! But now, when mother says to us. Be careful! What will Santy think? ' It's only bad boys make a furfs!'' Why. me 'n' Bud we laugh' and wink! It .used to scare us once because.. We thought there was a Santa Claus. When I was little 'way last year, , We used to ait up late that night: And mather'd say, "Now, If you hear The sleigh-bells, shut your eyes up tight!" But now there's only little Mime To hear those stories onue again. With me 'n' Bud It's not-tbe same. 'Cause we are almost grownup men. We used to listen once because We thought there Was a Santa Claus. 1 t . . . When I . was little 'way last year,, I used to dream about the toys He'd bring and then I seemed to hea His' reindeer and a slldy - noise. Why,, don't tell- Bud but even yet . Sometimes when It's all dark and late- I guess It must be 1 forget That (Santa story Isn't straight. I plav I'm not grown up. because I 'most believe in Santa Claus! ' SHUSTER BILES RUSSIA. Cleveland Plain Dealer: Persia defying Russia looks a bit like AJax defying the lightning but Japan looked the same way a lew years ago. And now look at It! Baltimore American: Russia seems to have ' some difficulty In detaching Mr. Bhuster from Persia. There la much to amuse tho world's sense of humor In seeing a whole nation engaged with one man in a bellicose game of tag. (Cleveland Leader: There is one thing besides Persia which England and Russia are likely to get by the ousting of Mr. Bhuster. That Is the 111 will of the peo ple of the United States. Springfield Republican: Mr. Shuster still holds the fort of Teheran against the combined Russian and British empires, and. at the present rate, he will soon ac quire popularity enough in America to make him mentioned for something within the gift of the people. Brooklyn Eagle: The eagle Isn't creaming, mi non isn t roaring, over Persia.' In the Jungle world chivalry ia unknown, and the bear may do what be pleases with his shrinking' victim. It can't resist. And international law? Non sense; why talk about the figmenta ot scholastic Imagination? What, Andy! Chicago Tribune. Our coy and ooamlc Carnegie, daft :nan a-whanglng ot hts harp up among the twluklllng stars, will shove universal peace back a couple thousand years If he gives out any more Hats of the world's greatest men. What can be done with a cosmto ex pi ore r and International pacifier whose world talks only English, and that with Scotch trill? Andy has been giving away too many libraries. He ought to keep one. Tha Oeaearatlaa mt Folk. 8loux City Journal. The democratlo national committee will meet In Washington January I. On the evening of that day a Jefferson day ban quet will be given, and the list of speak era Invited Includes the name of every candidate for the presidential nomination, so far as known, except that ot Joseph Wtngate Folk ot Missouri, ceamp Clark when advised of the omission was sur prised, as was Senator Stone, active lu support fd Mr. Clark. Old atraaair oa lieek. Indianapolis News. Following the well established prece dent, economy will once more be th watchword of congress this winter. In deed, economy haa become aa aklllful as a congressional watchword that It due&n interefere at all with liking tbe pork, . "A I A Warm Bathroom 'PEHfectioN Every mother should be careful that the children take their baths in a warm room. The chill of a cold room is dangerous after com ing out of the hot water. APerfectiori Smokeless OH Heater brings bathroom or bedroom to jut the degree of warmth you Want in five or ten minutes. All vou have to do is to touch a match. The Perfection Healer bums nine hours on one falling and is ul ways ready for use. You, can move it anywhere it is needed. There is no waste of fuel and heat warming unoccupied rooms. Just the heat you want, when and where yott want it. The Perfection is fitted with an automab'c-locLing flame spreader that prevents the wick being turned high enough to smoke and is easy to remove and drop back when cleaning. Drums finuhed either in turquoise-bine enamel or plain steel ; light and oroa Biental, yet strong and durable suitable (or aay room ia aay houw.' ' Dwlm eMrywbcrei or writa im aay aecacy of iks Standard Oil Company . (Incorporator) i ii I n -ii ii .jut . v - f- iff n l- 1 f- ':. yet Of course you are going South this winter it's just a question of the date, for the train will be the Clilcaoo-FiorMa Omited The quickest service to Florida. The latest night train from Chicago, insuring connection with trains of all other lines from the North and West. A solid througk train. Chicago to lackeonvitle, wkh out change, serving breakiaat ia the morning beiore teaching Jackaoovule, Lv. Chicago I Ar. Jacksonville Second morning to lowing. 11:555. OTi1 I! 8:30 NewYorkCentral Lines Big Four Rout In connection with the Queen & Crescent Route and Southern Railway Ask your local agent for tickets and all information, or call on or address ' Omaha Office: 323 City National Bank Bldg. 3. S. Willebrands General 4'en' Passenger lx partis cat