Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    THK T.KK:' OMAHA. TTT.STWY. lKCT.MnKT. 12. 1011.
i.'iiiLJiiijiMjjiMiMMiii tmjmnam
The Fair Store with offices in New York City and Chicago, has bought (4) large stocks of high grade Men's, Women's and Children's Clothing. One stock of the Smead Clothing Co., St. Paul, Minn.; one stock of Field Mercantile Co., Louis
ville, Ky.; one stock of Jones Dry Goods Co., Springfield, 111.; one stock of the O'Broin Clothing Co., Kansas City, Mo. The Fair Store is the largest concern of its kind in the west in buying all kinds of Bankrupt and Salvage Stocks; we
have bought these four stocks of $147,000 of the highest grade merchandise and have placed them in our salesroom, 1119-1121-1123 Farnam street, and must be disposed of in ten days, beginning Wednesday, December 13, at 9 a. m. Come
early and get first choice, everything will be sold at one-third of actual cost of the raw material.
Remember we have no branch houses in Omaha. Do nit enter until you see the large Fair signs on our building, $147,000 stock of high grade men's, women's and children's clothing, shoes, furnishings and hats. It must be sold in tea
aays, Deginmng Wednesday, uecemoer m, v a. jn. snarp.
ft. 00 Men's Heavy Sweater Coats,
Mighty Sale Price 35
60c Men's Work 8hlrts. Carhart
makes. Mighty Sale price 25?
10c Men'a Rockford Hose 4c
60c Ladies' Union Suits 1
$2.00 Men's All Wool Underwear,
great assortment of colors 74
25c Children's Black and Tan Hose. 5
$5.00 Misses All Wool Coats, solid
collor and fancy mixtures. .. .$1.08
$4.00 toadies' and Misses' Capes,
all neatly trimmed 50
60c Ladies' All Wool Knit Gloves. 15?
35 Ladles' Half Wool and Half
Cotton Gloves, Mighty Sale price. 10
1,200 Pair Men's Vtcl Box Calf, Patent.
Gun Metal and-Velour Leather Shoes,
in lace or button; every pair a Good
year welt, and actual value $4.00,
Mighty Sale price $1.09
60o Men's Dress Suspenders 17
35c Men's Police and Firemen
Suspenders, Mighty Sale price... 15
25c Boys' Suspenders 8c
15c Men's Fancy Dress Hote 5?
60c Men's Mercerized Hose, in
solid and fancy colors.. 22
$4.00 Children's, Cloth and Bear
Skin Coats, Mighty Sale price. SI. 48
$4.00 All Leather Suit Cases. . .81.98
$7.60 All Leather and Leather .
Lined Suit Cases S4.0S
$12.60 Genuine Cow Hide Suit
Cases, with its new improved
extension brass trimmings. . .86. 08
25c Men's Wool Hose
35c Men's Wool Hose .-.
60c Men's Wool Hose...
$1.60 Man's Flannel Shirts
$1.00 Men's White Stiff Bosom
Dress Shirts, laundered
$5 Bora' Suits In blue serge and
fancy mixtures, sizes 3 to 17. $1.50
$6.00 Boys' Overcoats, sizes 2 to
9. with Presto or convertible
collar. Mighty Bale Price ... 81. 08
$10.00 and $12.00 Youths' Over
coats, sizes 10 to 16, fancy mix
tures and solid colors $3.08
$1.00 Boys' Knickerbocker Trous
ers, sizes 3 to 17 300
60c Ladles' Belts 50
$1.00 Children's Sweater Coats,
everyone guaranteed, all wool.. 250
$7.60 Men's Sheepskin Lined Corduroy
Coats, Wombat collars, a
great value $3.08
$2.50 Men's All Wool Shirts, with tho
Military collar, all sizes and
Colors. Mighty Sale price 890
$2.00 Men's Corduroy Trousers. . .800
$3.60 Men's Corduroy Trousers, with
belt loops, side buckets and
heavy canvas lined pockets.. .$1.08
60c Ties, a great array of styles
and colors, all go at ...150
25c Men's Fore-in-Hand Ties... ...50
$2.00 Men's Half Wool Union
Suits, all sizes and .colors
75c Men's Fleece LI nod Shirts. .. .250
200 Men's Odd Vests, some are
cheap at $2, Mighty Sale price.. 150
600 Men's Hats. In most 'any shape
one can wish for, including Derbys;
values range from $2.00 to $3.00,
Mighty Sale price OOO
$16.00 Men's Overcoats in fancy mix
tures, plain black, velvet or
auto and Presto collars $5.08
$25.00 and $27.60 Men's Overcoats, silk
serge linings, made of Bread
cloth and fancy mixtures $0.48
$30.00 and $35.50 Men's All Wool Ker
sey Overcoats; all lined with the best
of plush and Mitur.a fur
collar. Mighty Sale Price. . .$12.08
$40.00 Men's Broadcloth Over
coats, calf skin lining $13.08
$75.00 Men's Broadcloth Overcoats, lined
with Mink, Marten, Wolf and Opos
sum Furs $20.08
$12.50 Men's Overcoats, with convert
ible or plain collars, 34
to 44. Mighty Sale .price $3.08
$25.00 Men's All Wool Suits, black and
blue serges, serge Venetian
and serge linings, 1911 styles. $8.08
$20.00 Men's Good-Year Make Cravenette.
rain proof coats, in all sizes
Mighty Sale price $6.98
$15 00 All Wool Men's Suits, in fancy
mixtures, stripes, plaids and
solid colors $4.08
$10.00 Men's Suits, two-thirds wool,
take your choice at this Mighty
Sale price .. $2.08
25c Men's Rubber Collars, all styles
and sizes. Mighty Sale price OO
10c Men's Shop Caps 30
60c Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear,
shirts and drawera, in all the
leading shades 290
$16.00 Young Men's Suits, guaranteed
all wool, cut In the styles, all
sizes and patterns $5.98
$1.50 Ladles' Fancy Colored
Tailored Waists, all size 250
$2.60 Ladles White Waists, the best
value in the United States, some open
front, some in the back, range
of sixes, 34 to 60 590
$10.00 Ladles' tang Coats, melton and
broadcloth coats, half lined, as
sorted In the leading shades. .$2.98
$1.50 Ladles' Black and Tan Silk
Hose, double at toe and heel.... 390
$2000 Silk Rubberized Rain Coals.
Indies you will appreciate
these values $0.98
$4.00 Ladles' Waists, mr-de from the
best of linens and tasty de
signs. MIghty'Sale price 890
$7.50 Ladies' Rain Proof Slip
ons, staple shades $2.98
$3.00 Ladles' All Wool aweater
Coats, Mighty Sale price .......080
$50.00 Imported Coney, Black or B:qvu
Ladles Fur Coats, fancy Sklrur's
satin lining. Chamois skin pockets,
fancy buttons, assorted
lengths, Mighty Sale price-. $23.48
75c and $1.00 Ladies' Lace Collars
Jabos, the assortment Is great,
your choice at -....100
$40.00 ladles' Tailored Suits, to ap
preciate these values, you must look
at them, but come early,
Mighty Sale price $12.98
$6.00 todies' Black Silk Waists
all the newest creations $2.21
$2000 and $25.00 ladles Tailored Suits,
This Is positively the great
est bargain In Omaha $0.98
Corset Covers, values from 76c
to $2, take your rhctce for...... 250
$45 00 Ladles' Hush Coats, quality and
workmanship like in a 60
coat. Mighty Sale prlct ....$14.98
$1.60 Ladies' Plush Hand Bags, silk
lining, strong and serviceable. . .390
$20.00 and $25.00 Caracul Coats, up-to-date
models at great values,
iiKtity Sale price $8.48
$1.00 and $1.60 Children's Hoods,
at a unheard of low prices 250
$20.00 Ladles' and Misses' Polo Coats,
reversible, fine quality, with
large shawl collar $7.98
$10.00 ladles' Voile Skirls. .... ,S.08
$10.00 Ladles Skirts $3.48
$7.00 Ladles Skirts M2.48
$5.00 I-adles' Skirts $1.48
$4.00 Ladles' Skirts OttO
75c Men's Black Sateen Shirts... 290
$2.00 Ladles' Waists 090
$1.00 Ladies Slips neatly trimmed
with laces and embroidery 390
75c ladles' Muslin Gowns 350
$5 Value Ladles' Sweater Coats. $1.48
$1.00 Men's Gray and Fancy Mix
turns Sweaters 350
76c Boys' Sweater Coats 250
$2 00 Men's Union Suits, snug tit,
In many shades 75
$1.50 Men's Flannel Shirts 590
$2.00 and $2.60 Men's All Wool Shirts,
with auto or regular plain col
lar. Mighty Sale price 080
"or Mechanics Aprons 50
2.V Boys' Blue Work Shirts 50
$2.00 Messsllne Pettleonts 740
$1.00 Flannel Petticoats 350
$2.00 Heatherbloom Petticoats in ail
leading shades, including the
Persian effect 740
60c Ladles' and Misses Flannel
Petticoats, Mighty Sale price.... 190
$1.00 ladles' Munltn Trimmed In
Kmbroldery, Mighty Salo price.. 350
Jl.00 ladles' Union Suits 350
f()c Ladles' Union Suits 190
$3.00 Pleated Lotusa Petticoats. $1.24
$5 I-adles' All Silk Petticoats.. $2. 48
$7.00 Ladies' Black Sateen and Mohair
Waists, open hack or front,
Mighty Sale price 380
$3.00 Ladles White and Invisible
Effect Tailored M'alsts 800
60c All gilk Windsor Ties and a
great range of colors ....100
60c Corset Covers 120
. Remember the date and place, Wednesday. December 13, 9 a. m., and sale will continue until the Entire Bankrupt Stock is sold out. Look for the large Fair
signs in front of our establishment; reading "$147,000 Bankrupt Stock Now on Sale," as this sale means a saving of many dollars in your pocket. There is
only one Fair Store in Omaha, and that is at the southeast corner 12th and Farnam, where we have been doing business for twolve years. We will have plenty of
salespeople to wait on you. All goods marked in plain figures, so that your shopping will be made easy. No 'phone or mail orders filled during this sale. Bring
your family and children; it will pay you to come hundreds of miles to visit this great sale. There will be a big crowd and you will be jostled by a pleased, good
natured people. Nowhere else will you ever again receive values like we offer you.
Free of Charge With Every
Man's and Boys' Suit a $2 Hat.
$15.00 ladies' ryi Q0
SUITS t&Tlu0
The Stock
for Men,
Girls, Boys
, and .
(fell) II
11 iim II
We Hivft
Store in
$2 Creps Kimonos, in all shades.. 890
60a Ladies' Head Shawls 150
50c Ladles' Children's Drawers. 150
$1.00 Ladles' Dressing Backs 35
$2 and $2.60 Flannel Kimonos. .. .890
60c Children's Hoods 1U
Ladles' Hand Bags valves up to $5.00,
a great assortment to choose
from, your choice OS'
$4.00 and $6.00 Plumes, in as
sorted shades, your choice tfbO
$1.00 Children's All Leather Hand a
""fl". "S"ij I"'" .......
16c Fine Combs .20
16c Men's Vest Pocket Cotnba .20
1? Ofl Mi'a Dress Kid Otnves Rile A
50c Men's Silk and Knit Mufflers. 24?
6c Ladles' All Wool Gloves .15
86c Men's Cashmere Gloves lOO
26c Ladles' All Wool Gloves lOO
76c Ladles' Corsets .' 450
$1.00 Ladles' Corsets 090
$1.25 ladles' Corset' 74C
$1.60 Ladies' Corsets 980
$1.76 Ladles' Corsets
$2.00 Ladtes' Corsets $1.24
$1.00 Boys' Hat, great bargains. .250
$3.00 Ladies' Hat Pins, Imported
ornaments. Mighty Sale price.... 980
16c Men's Collar Button Sets, card. 30
$2.00 Ladles' Gold rilled Watch
Chains, Mighty Sals price 480
76c Ladles' Brooches 250
$2.00 Ladies' Brooches .750
$2.60 and $3.00 Earing, pair 750
800 Men's and Ladles' 14-k Solid Gold
Filled Rings, set algaet or plain,
everyone guaranteed ten yean, values
rang from $4.00 to $5.00, all '
go at, your holes SI. 25
$1 Genu' Gold Pilled Cuff Buttons.25o
$1.00 Scarf Pins, nicely mounted
settings, Mighty Sale price 250
60e Emblem Button and Pins, repre
senting all the leading secret
societies, your choice lOO
$3.00 and $4.09 Fountain Pens, . pearl
and gold filled mountings..
your choice 750
LadlM' and Children's Gold Filled
Bracelets, values ' up to $10.
your choice $1.4 W
2kc Men'a Rubber Collars tic
$1.00 Ladles' Fur Hats .81.48
$3.00 Ladles' Plush Valour and
Velret HaU 81.24
$5.00 Ladies' Silk Kimonos ....$2.24
$4.00 Ladles' Silk Waists. In all
the leading shades 81.48
$5.00 and $6.00 Ladies Net Waists, silk
lined. In cream or eem color,
Mighty Bale price 81.24
26c Men's Boston or Paris Garters. 100
Think at Oar Fir Department Long
haired blue fox, Manchurian wolf seta,
with tails and tabs, Australian marten,
Isabella black or brown: Japanese
mink, blended . tnuskret.. China lynx,
Siberian wolf, natural raccoon, black or
brown, French Courey sable squirrel,
white Iceland fox, and Hudson seal;
also chllds' and misses' sets from 75c
and up.
Two Dynamiters Beach California
State Penitentiary.
James ll, i:xnmlnt'l for Pyrantoma
of Tuberculosis Mr Maittital 1
to lie Taken to In- .
SAN QUENTIN, Cal.. Dec. ll.-The Mo
Kamara brothers yesterday entered Bun
Quentln penitentiary, where James B. Is
condemned to spend the temainrier of his
life for his confessed crime of murder,
jand where John J., secretary of the In
. ternatlonal Association of Bridge and
Structural Iron Workers. Is sentenced to
i fifteen years' Imprisonment for.dynamlt
lln. It was James K. who blew up the Los
Angeles Times building October 1, 1K10,
I villi tho lot's of twenty-ono lives, and
jjohn J. who abetted In wrecking part of
I the Llewellyn Iron Works In Los Angeles
'the following Christmas day.
i The men entered the prison, it la fairly
authenticated believing that they had
laihieved much for the cause of union
lhbor and had been cruelly misunderstood
In their effort and the results they ob
tained. John J. McNamara, those who
have talked with him for many hours
my, donned liisycotivict garb a devoted
admirer of life's" little simple kindly deeds
and a firm believer Jn the pyschologlcal
efflca'y of uymuntie. James H. habitually
believes a good deal as his brother be
lieves. For themselves, the men would
hay nothing at nil. . .
Take Hlver Meumer.
"Whirled fiom Lots AngelrS on a fast
night train, the men were taken; fnorn It
at I'ort Costa at sunrise today, put on a
little river steamer and landed two hours
and a half later at Kan Quentln prison
wharf on the shores of Ban Pablo bay.
The shackles'whlch bound them together
tu the btal trip werv t lipped off and
they toiled Ul the prison hill beside
Kherlff William A. liammill of Los An
geles county.
As the prison clock struck 10, John J.
McNamaia, preceded by Warden John
Iloyle, stepped over the threshold of the
jail door, with his brother directly be
hind him.
In five minutes James D. McNamara
had become convict 'X.iUt and John J,
McNamara was number 3.U1". They were
measured for Jai! clothing, photographed
In two positions, given a carbolic tinctured
bath, put into stripes, shaved and cropped
and rephotographed wlth:n an hour and
.turned over to John Murray, lieutenant
of the yard, who took thei:i to cell No. U
In a stone tier looking out over the
piisoners "upper yard" a great flower
Join (be ITaef.
Further down the row. toward the other
end, la the cell cf Ab.t.hui Rttrf, who
10 tervlng a, fourteen-year secien?a for
bribery in connection the so-called
tan Krancltwo graft cates. Knef U In
cell No. I. Ceil Nj. 11 o.' the tier Is
Jlenry DaJlon. for atven-.e.'n years
assessor of Aurr.euu at.d iei.-ently
convicted of sictLiins bribe offered, ao
cording to the evluence, by a pjbilu serv
!' ccrpciatio.i i Uiuon i c.U;:cr..
Boo.i t i '.u in. rid tr.e J....,
the piiaon ... teji-n to p e .nt cjo
tuiucd UiK.l 1 ui. ii i ocljtk bundj
dinner waa Berved. The McNamaras were
furnished with a prison-made dinner card,
done In three colors and marked "Ban
Quentln Grill." The prisoners who
devised it had taken occasion to point out
the attractions of the place.
Joke of Wait In Stripes.
"Never since the opening In 185:1 has
the Ban Quentln Brill enjoyed a better
reputation or greater patronage than
under the present management," wrote
the wag In stripes. "There are at pres
ent over 1,940 regular boarders taking
their meals at the grill. The cuisine and
service are unsurpassed. Borne of the
boarders return, six, eight and even ten
times after trying other establishments.
The location and climate are the finest
in the world. Situated at the foot of
Mount Tamalpals. basked in the grand
and glorious California sunshine, fanned
by the breeres of Ban Pablo bay, the
giill Is an Ideal resort the year 'round."
A list of house rules, likewise jesting,
fills the back pae. The dinner the Mc
Namaras ate consisted of corn beef,
brown gravy, steamed potatoes, boiled
beans, stewed dried fruit, coffee cake,
bread and coffee.
The brothers passed the rest of the day
In their cells. Tomorrow they will begin
work in the Jute mill. Warden Hoyle said.
but James B , on the advice of Sheriff
Hammell. will be examined for tubercu
losis, and if he shows symptoms of it, he
will be given other work.
MrMaulual Uoea Kaal,
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 10. Ortle K.
McManigal will be taken to Indianapolis
within' a few days to tell the federal
grand Jury there what he knows of the
alleged dynamiting conspiracy, the first
chapter of which waa closed today with
the placing of James R. and John J. Mc
Namara in the Ban Quentln state prison.
Just when McManigal will leave here
has not been determined, but he will be
in Indianapolis by December 22. the fed
eral grand Jury being scheduled to begin
Its probe there December 14.
Oscar Lawler. the government's special
prosecutor, may go to Indianapolis also
to assist In handling the case.
The gram) Jury investigation may be
concluded here this week. The Investiga
tion here is aimed at lews than five peo
ple, while the Indianapolis Inquiry Is ex
pected to bring In the limelight at least
a dozen persons.
Indianapolis, therefore, will be the cen
ter of the government's investigation.
These facts were learned today by the
Associated Press after a canvass of'varl
ous people who have had much to do with
the McNamara case here and who will
continue to work on It. Purtlal confirma
tion came from McManigal himself at the
county Jail today when he said:
"III tell any grand Jury anywhere
anything that I know. I have nothing to
conceal andK I shall consider It my duty
to give the authorities nil Information In
my possession."
McLaren to o Also.
McManigal will be accompanied when
he leaves here by Malcolm McLaren, the
Burns detective who arrested him In De
troit last April and who has been with
him constantly ever since, spending whole
days with him at a time. The two men
have become good frkends. It is to Mc
Laren that McManigal has given day by
day his real confession.
McManigal simply will be lent to the
federal government by the state authori
ties here, and after his trips around the
country giving testimony he very likely
will be released, tie will spend a differ
ent Christmas, however, this time than
last year, when he placed dynamite under
a part of the Llewellyn Iron works.
For this crime, directed by John J. Mc
Namara, McManigal can be Imprisoned
for not less than a year, but his detention
by the authorities before they get through
with his testimony will be equivalent to
that, and no serious objections to his re
lease are expected from anybody.
lie will be closely guarded, however, at
ail time, and his trip across the country
will be In secret.
Twenty-five witnesses are expected to
appear before the grand Jury here this
More Persons Involved.
"There are certain persons," said an
official today, "who would willingly tell
all they knew if other persons could be
spared Implication. The government will
of cource offer no Immunity to any one,
though a confession may help the person
who makes It."
That Ortle McMar.tgal received money
from officials other than John J. McNa
mara' connected with the International
Association of Brldga and Structural Iron
Workers Is contained In his confessions.
This information came from reliable authority.
Tills phase of tno case, it Is said, is
more within the scope ot the Indianapolis
investigation and will be revealed after
McManigal arrives at Indianapolis. What
will be placed before the grand Jury here
is the matter of alleged violations of
federal statutes In transporting explosives
that eventually caused the wrecking ot
the I -on Tngeles Times building and the
Llewellyn Iron works plant. Persons on
the coast are alleged to have been chiefly
Tomorrow another angle of the McNa
mara case Is expected to be concluded
for the present. Burt If. Franklin, who
la charged wtih bribing a prospective
Juror In the McNamara case, will be ar
raigned for preliminary examination. A
few witnesses' will be put on the stand
by the state, but the defense probably
will not indulge In cross-examination. It
la believed Franklin will be bound over
for trial by a Justice of the superior
court, the trial date to be several weeks
Miller Preserves Hltencr.
INDIANAPOLIS. Hcc. 10. "I will not
say when Ortle K. AJcManlgal Is to be
brcught here. 1 will not say If lie 1h to
be brought here at all," was the state
ment tonight of United males District
Attorney Miller when informed ot the
1-os Angeles dispatch stating that Mc
Manigal would be brought to Indianapolis
within a few days.
"I refuse to make more statements In
regard to the dynamiting investigation,"
said Mr. Miller.
The report that the executive committee
of the International Association of
Bridge and Structural Iron Workers hus
been In secret conference In some pliice
other than Indianapolis since yesterday
was given credence by the fact that both
Frank M. Ryan, president of tho asso
ciation, and H. 8. llockln. Its acting sec
retary, have been out of the city. lon
M. Rappaport, attorney for the associa
tion, said President Ryan waa in Chicago,
but information regarding the where
abouts of Becretary Hockln could not be
obtained. '
The report waa further substantiated by
the fact that none of the executive com
mittee, several of whom have been here
for a week or more, could be round today.
According to the reports, the meeting
probably waa held In Chicago.
Make Trio to C htcaao.
John Klrby, Jr., of Dayton. O., president
of the National Association of Manufac
turers, went Jo Chicago today following
a conference- here with Walter Drew,
counsel for the National Erectors' asso
ciation; J. A. O. Hadorf, also of the
What Our School Children Are Doing-IV
Krectors association, and a number of de
tectives of Burns' men.
Tho conference, It Is said, had to do
with producing evidence In line with the
dynamiting Investigation to be resumed
here next Thursday by the federal grand
Jury. The evidence probably will be to
corroborate the letters and documents
now In the hands of the federal authori
ties here, which, It Is aald, go to show
that a conspiracy of nation-wide scope
Detective Burns is expected to return to
Indianapolis tomorrow and complete his
side of the case for the federal grand
Jury. It was not known tonight how long
Mr. Burns would remain.
Architect Making; Flans for Building;
at Fourteenth and Jones.
Holy Ghosters Pray
For Convicted Leader
DUltlfAM.y Me.. Dec. ll.-The members
of the flock of Rev. Frank W. Sandford,
leader of the Holy Ghost and Us society,
who la now under bonds awaiting sen
tence on the charge of being responsible
for ' the death of six of his followers,
spent the entire day In prayer for his
safety In the temple. Mr. Band ford did
not appear publicly at tihlloh.
1 1
rcpixa ojr run uiAVJCNwouu wntuix mcuoox
CHICAGO, Dec. 1L Further Impetus
was given, the faclionul fight In the
prohibition party today when W. O.
Calderwood, secretary of the prohibition
national committee, laiued an appeal to
nil prohibitionists urging them to Join
the Progressive Prohibition league in Its
efforts to unseat Charles 11. Jones, na
tional chairman.
Calderwood'a appeal reviewed the his
tory of the prohibition party since the
national campaign of imW and reiterated
charges of mismanagement previously
made against Chairman Jones. Calder
wood declared that Jones had given the
party turmoil, strife and a deficit.
Chairman Jones, when told of the
Calderwood statement said Calderwood
was actuated wholly by personal ambi
tion and not by tho good of the party.
Jones also said that Culderwond's ap
peal was In no way official and waa not
approved by the national committee.
Krn Stractare Will Be Itofne of
the Creamery owpaar anal Old
liullulnc Will lie Ponl-
try House.
David Cole has decided to build a new"
creamery on his lots recently purchased
at Fourteenth and Jones, and has en
gaged Architect John Latenscr to draft
plans, which are tu be In the hands. of
contractors for bids by January 1. . -
The structure will be 132 feet square, at
the southwest corner of Fourteenth and'
Jones. It will be of brick and two stories,
high. It will be made the home of the.
Davlo Cole Clismtry company, now lo
cated at Tenth and Howurd. . .'
Hetalna Ola Malldln .
The present building will be occupied
by Mr. Cole's wholesale poultry, oyster
and celery business - and the present
poultry' house, on Eleventh, StlfrO(0Par
nam and Harney, will be sold.
'. Bids .' will be taken on one-half the
building, to be computed by April 1. On
thai date a lease on the rest of the prop-'
erty will , expire and. the construction of
the second half will be begun. .
The property is known as tbei"Pea,body
lots." having been owned for many years
in the early history of Omaha, by Dr.'
Peabody. .
Swanson's Condition
is Regarded Serious
Hellwig Swanson. the Omaha merchant,
who was injured In an automobile wreck
near Elkhorn Friday night, la still In a.
serious condition at Clarkson hospital.
The doctor attending him said that he
put In a good night Saturday and waa
resting nicely, but by no means was lie '
out of danger. The other members of the
party who were Injured are recovering
and will be about in the next few days. ,
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