TIIK HKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, DlXEMllKK 11. 1011. MONEY TO LOAN s.nlar mill (luiiicla. )l lT ltKl I OK RFNT Houses and iollnri. r1.MONL LOANS at 2M, and 5 per cent. FLA'IAU. J i 4 Dnnao. Td Uo.l Mil SI VKN OlIcHgo. ROOM, all Tel. Doug ' Modern, V. riesf in. g MoNliY FOR K S EVERYBODY i '. $U TO $100 S: M LOANS ON n itMTI i', PIANOS ) . SALARIES, Kl'i', at cnarges you ran attirrt, and If without the red tape und ilohiv von experience with other c niphn'ea. It ESTABLISH YoUK CREDIT 31 HK11R. It as C.(HM AS A HANK M ACCOUNT IN TIME UF Ntb.U, JJ note these RATE: M you pay lurk $11.60. $ you pay, back $17.00. M S$ W 31 $ M W 33 $1 It CilKlo i .UAd .tiO.bt. YOUK CREDIT. 1a as good hers as vuur emDlnvsr's In at his baiik. iuuk rcAi.N nuiii la all we ask. no security, no Indorxer We at e making SPECIAL. CHRISTMAS RATES. Borrow $10.ou, r-tu'n 40c per week. Korrow liQ 00, return fcoo per weak. Borrow 130 00. return $1.30 per week, borrow $40 00, raturn 9i.tW per weak. Boirow lul.to. return 8i.00 per weak. Call and let us explain. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bid,;. Tel. Doug. 6111. USE OUR MONEY FUlt CHK1STMAS. We make loam on U kinds of chattel Quickly and privately. Phone Doug. U3i HOME LOAN COMPANY. J62S Farnam St. Boom .. Patterson Itlk. modern A-44t'3. lh $36.00. jl , k rooms, complete y HhII. 433 Ramge. D. 740. I t'll P.rN r hour-room cottage on th '.v l.ctwten I'oCKt Hiid Dongias streams See ryt.r 1. Thorn's 41'.' IV. HUI. Vacant rooms become tenanted when advertised in The Bee 3:3, you pay bai k $.K.'0. , yon pav bark Vv. "0. NO OTHER C11AUUES. Weekly or Monthly Payments, Open every night t.ll Xnuia 9 p. OMAHA F1NANCI A L CO., tfO-lO Brown Blk. Opposite Bran dels. S. K. Cor. 11th and Douglas. Phono Douglas 2036. i r-. owner. i-l.sler he 3 ill.'. u-lt'Jhl bang... THINK Central. cheaptat 7-room houir with bath, baiBiiiKiit, In city. Apply 22u V. Itfd. 1 rooms, k N. 27th, 3J6 O'i 1117 Park Am. Su.'i . ..10. :-'. V.tbsler 1". ROOMS, modem, except heat; conve r'.ent to car, church and schooi; modtrti u-"l range, also gas rangv and handeome Ifben cal'lntit Pratt ft. TWO fiimlehed rooms fur hniipKeep Ing: renlnl reav.mabla. Phone Ked iS;li. 41ft South 1!t!i. This nil was ordered taken out after it had run n few days. Tlie rooms were rented to desirable tenants many more were disappointed in not answering the ad nooner. For a furnished room ad a Telephone Tyler lOOO J 1 1 kau.waV timi: r.Min. Houses In all parts Cre'gh Sons a of the city. Co., Bee Bid For Rent Brick House Fmir bedrooms, bath and toilet on sec 11 J floor; targe family room, dining om, buttery-kitchen, refrlgrator room. hall and vestibule on first floor; full cement basement; furnaoe heal; every thing first-class and utrU'vy niodern. Uo- atrd at 1W1 ueorgia Ave. Beo the owner at liov Georgia Ave., or phone tlarney la09. Went 1-ttiiirtin Nw modern biucco, T-r 31 N. 38th Ave. Phone Ked S-ROOM modern bouse nearly new and Icely decoraied. Located at 2710 lJecatur St. 23.0i). Phone H. or U-lb. HOUSKHOLU UOOU3 packed, lor arded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen a Delivery Co. leu Douglas m. City ouica, lit a. ma cu Hee Hldg. Houses, ins. Klngwalt, riranoeis ru. riiug. OMAHA KXP, CO., moving storage. Trunks, baggage ovi ,. 17th. MONEY FOli CII1USTMAS. Loantd on furniture, pianus or teams at low iais and iaj' terma STATE MORTGAGE LOAN n. 12 Arlington Blk. li.il1 Dodgt t. Phones: Douglas 21C6. Indetndi-nt A U4 BTAR LOAN CO 16 TO 100 Furnished salaried people without cecur. Ity, Indnrsemeni. delay, publicity, exior tloii or deception. Tei ma 10 ult. Mi Paxton iii'NbV iua.ut.1 faianvti people. Moiuea keeping bouse and others, without se vuilty; easy paymtma. oiflcea 111 til pr.n cipal ciiiee. 'lolmun, lni Omaha Nati p.ank lntig,, foi merly N. Y. l.ifa Bidg. OH'KHEl) FXJH 1!EM Uottrtl auii Huuuii, O. M. F.. hauls trunks l (ill. A-2M1 1 urtu.a. laua.y note., -.ui Ave, aim 11 ai 1. ioi ruoiiiu aim eiL'iii-iii meats. B 2. Hi i Phone Dooslas H13S. Nil i. p.acu loi n ot. ptopie. T.1K MAD ISO. Jlst ana Chicago Sts. fl.W and up, Lnd.i n. w tiidiia - m. nt. St. Jamea, mid. H.a day; week to up riul'tli of rooms; excellent board. West Fsrnam. Call Harney 4n. ONE large attractive south room, .with board; stesm heat; walking distance. 106 orxn zm nu Furnished Kouiiii. Dewey Kuropean H 'tel. 13th & Fsrnam. li.oin.yHL.i'. tuiineaeu loo.u, pnvats family. Ki. guin. t-hone Webster b ' Li.UM&tiiv.ij room; inivaie; lei. i' T148. Ked. nouil, wun uam, in piivuie tamily, wluow pieiened: wlime there are nu ther roomers or children; In quiet neigh boihood In suburbs of Omaha or esoum Omaiia. Lock Bon 6.16, Omana pontoffice FOR RENT Two rooms with heat and furnished gas. t&S : parlor 32d Ht. bu Viai s AVr; ..illviy ' V&rm, fiont ruom. Bed SW77. iUOU.l 11, Mitxt tsi. Mary'a. :iew Uiick fiat; ale- Hotly fumltthed rooms, business people jjieinreu. ' TWO t'urulsiicd looms lor houseKeeping, ail modern:' uas furnlsned for cook.ng and IimIus; .i.6o per week. Phone Webster ,35. 27SS Parker St. , HUOM lor 17us jaiKsou, iHo; cieiun heated; modern. FURM6HBD room, private family modirn; walking; dialance. l'hone liar- mey 142d, . 2125 DOUGLAS Two newly furnished. trictly modern rooms, iiot water heat, for gentlemen. Tel. 'iyler K2S4. io LU4j siuaii 100111, mi nuca heat- gas Bice bath, plenty liui water; both tele iihnnri: rKDec table: ricrmauent peupl timy; also front parlor, with use of piano no objection to muuic or practice. tovJ M Alarv a Ave. llill Doualaa bt.-J.wo moaern, siricny up-to-date iront parlors, each suitable for two gentlemen, TWO pleasant modern rooms near good board and Hanscom Paric. -teJ nur. nwa. IXJVELY front room in modern borne private family, tan s. ntn Ave. 2fMi& Kt. Marv's Avenue, one nicely fur JBlahed front room with piano; strictly gnodern. Douglas Faraiisiicil iiuuBirk.eepiugr Huuws. TWO nicely furnished housekoeplng looms. 2U1S Davenport Bt. 3NE large front parlor, newly turn lulled, atrlctly niodern. aoo No. 35th, Bt. Itutela sail A iMtr luteals. NICELY FURNlSllbin ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 8. 13th bl Uub Hotel, tteaui-heaied. 13o Duug. bt. LHJDiik, liUitU UUi and Dodge; all eteam-heatcd rooms; special week ra,te, Lxcfclleut meals, 'Mi N. ifcl.li, B". Omaha. Tloward Hotel, elegant mis. 10U2 Howard. HOTEL Flomar, 17U and Capitol Ave, """Burlington, mce rt.oiiis 1 bloi k to depot. T pevtrtlers. WE HAVE A COMrLKTK LINK all inakea of typewriters, factory re- Ult; prices Hght; It will pay ou to see us before buying. TYrKWRlffcR INM'KCTtON AND 8UP- ' 1 . 1 V .... I&UL VI II V 1 U 1ST HKNT sn Oliver typewriter from lh Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 2:'K. HMITII I'BKMIKRS. niodele No. 2 or s. In exci'llent connuion, rentea inree nnths tor le SMITH I'KKMIEU TTPTW BITER CO., lsith and longia. Get in the Game i.leouio u.anoa. HM each; siot ma chines, athletic and peanut machines and scales, new and second-nana. v rue tor our Hat of bargains. Better still come and see us. V e also do repa.rlng. ACMK MACHINK CO., leavenworth. Phones: H ins, ina. a ... vans and D. tM. KIH.1M house, i4, k-room, .2. 11.U- ivnn paik; inoot'iii. 1 none iiai ney isuo. 271(1 DOUULAa. iter flee; open. s-iouai i-otiage, 1; MO'Dli.liN ui oein vo. iiainev 1404. buune, iiio capiwi MA-FOOi bookkeeper a desk, osk tin- sh. for sale at IKi. Apply Oeorge w. i rlgnt Hee i' iiniisniiiK KoR BALfe. New and e.!ond-liand carom and poc-Ket nuiiara taoies arm bowling alleys snd accessories; nar rix- nra nf nil uinus: easy navmenis. iiie BiunswlcK-balke-Collander Co., t7-"9 8. lth 8t. , EUJHT-ROOM house, all S ebsier 3342. strictly iiioduin. tUilli'-KOUi house at loui) N. Brica barn at M0 N. 2Jd Ht. O. C. KKDICK, Attorney, IDli Kai n.im Bt. 17 th. rnft HKNT. $20 4)-roomL all modern home. In dandy shape. 1W10 N. 2ith Bt. . HI-1H1N.HON WOLF. Phone Douglas 2418. 438 Paxton Blk. 1 1.U1U1M i.i.ii.k. modern exceot heat r: iia uo tier montn. inguin, ycu- ler 7n2. NICE 4-room cottage. Bouth 13lh St. 8 a month. 1734 11. 11 hninteM. close In. Low lent. 61 N. 2Jd Bt., 6 rooms, large, convenient; fornar-e cistern, trees, yard. 624 N. 2id rooms, one story, modern, excepi neai until re; .terms. Tel. Heo. FOUR-ROOM flat apiMtt tment, U est Farnam district; references requireu. Phone H 4&K? 8-ROOM house, modern except heat, 1413 7-rnom houxe. modern except neai. wis I'k.rlj.. Kl II!) S rooms, 2d tloor, uuo n. wo c. mi. .rn ..r.lit heat. 114. 6-room cottage, nioaern except neai, Kf HA Ht i0. 6-room house, modern except neai, uis ff,rh Ht JIM. 6-room, 1st floor, 1902 N. 2Sth St., partly mnrl.rn. tig. 6-room, Zd floor, lwa n. asm ox., xoiiei 11a - . . . . Mn. 7-room house, moaern excepi nv Uard St.. 20. 0.. CHRIS JJOIJilt., la ana uuminim B-room bouse close In. modern but heat. wtalklng distance. ,,r - . IIA I .1 .A1.I1 I., 1 AC -L0n. ifa nrandels Bldg. omana, iseo, Lnnnif hnusa not modern but In ex cellent condition. Rent reduced for winter months to ti-.iw. t;au """r -. 2u09 MaPL B'i'., s room., niouern cept furnace. 120. Han, w Kamge. 14O0; A-440S. SA D. FOR. RENT All modern, newly paper ed. 6-room cottage. Webster 4232 or call nt 3668 Ames Ave. a FIRST-CLASS 6-room cottage, clean, coxy, modern excepi xurnace, n-ii 2US6. BM ALL house for rent. Ave. ; also some furniture. 404 t. 27th 6-ROOM house In Dundee; small cash pavment, balance monthly. All Larson, 4.:i.W Burdette, BENSON The rent you pay In Omaha will build a better home In Benson. F. Ss Trullinger 'Phone Benson 122. IIOUSK FOR RENT-138 S. JSth Bt, 8ee F. J. Fltsgerald, 8:?7 Board of Trade. COTTAQlfi. 80s N. 16th. WE WILL PAY YOUK MOV1NU TT.VPF.NK 113 Nice 4-room brick apartment, mod .j.-r kul V'Al N list Bt. 17 6-rooiii cottage, mod. except heat 11331 N. 21t St. KOH1NSON & WOLF. Phone Douglaa 2418. 435 Paxton Blk tit NEW COTTAOE-110. an'S Bovd Bt., 6 rooms, all modern ex ......1 hj.t hrd wood floors. 2 block from cur. Key at 3410. Boyd. Tel. 131I2 or W. SMS. OKKKIIKI) VOli RALE Mlirrliaaiua.. FES Overstocked with second-hand nfes, all slxea and makes; bargains. nieHcan Supply Co., 1110 Krtrnain ft. S U-lvx4 4-1" pool Harney Wt. tables, good city UKAIi ICSTATK I'lllll'KHTY Kl SM.K. BENSON Tho rent you pay In Omaha will build a better home In Henstn. Phono Benson l-'-'. F. S, Trullinger WHY pay tent when Iho same money will buy you a home? I have a new vol tage of 4 rooms and bath room. Will sell on nail payinunt, balance monthly. 1'. O. Box TO. 1X)U SAI.K OH xXCJIA Nt; FOR EXCH ANtlE Five stocks 01 mer chandise for eaatern Nebraska land. Ad dress Y Kl, '-are Omsha He: "TailTKXCl IA NUhV-Nebraska farms and rsni hra for merchandise or city property. Addrcxs Y 70. caie Omaha Bee, " H A NTKl W-T t lit. NT SMALL 100111. well located Male lovalibn and rent Hee. 4 hlcaao, Itnek IslanA I'arltl KA ST. Rnckv Mountain Ltd . ,h13 2 am t'hii aso Isx al Pass. . . blO M stit Chlcaso Dav Kxprrss a 6 4A am Chicago Express a 4:10 pm Pes Moines Local Pas a 4 -7 pin Chicago-Neb. Limited a 6.08 pill WEBT. Chi. -Neb. Lmtd to Lin coln a H 01 am i Chi. -Colo. Express a 115 pm !OM. V Tc-x. Express, a R OD pm Koi'ky Mountain l.l l.alO.4. pm I hlcaau Jk Northrteaiern NORTHBOUND. Minn. -St. Paul Ex . . . .a 7 0 am Mmn.-Bt Paul L t d. .a T O) put Twin t'lty Expiesa ..a 7:4ft am Bloux I'lty Local a J C' pin Minn. v Dakota Ex.. a 3:00 pm 1ln Cltv l.lmltad ...a 84a pin Minnesota Express EA8TBOUND. CnrrolHLocal a 7 0" am Davllghi. Chicago a 7:40 am Chicago Local al2 tt pm fur gro. erlea. wanted. D. 8Utf. or small hooso for Icslrable neighbor Si Co., Mi) First Na. FOR Omaha l-;o Us U-e. MAl.tv-lwn scholarships In the t'oininerclal college and one In college. Business ouice, Omaha Av.lli-.1U1J ftlit a -I.E. Acreage Property 6 seres one-half mile outside the city limits of Bouth Omnim; good S-rootn hom-e, barns ami oiitbullilliiKs. lots of trull. If sold Immediately can be boughl at a bargain. O'Ncii's Real Estate & Ins. Agency Ji) BAh't S. PKIUtiH 1', IMS Fain nil Bt. lr.'iS Farnam oireet. Tyler 1024. Ind. A-K113. oil Norm S4tn street, eo. omana. Bouth 192. Ind. K-11M. jr'uU BALE Nood, ta in Bouth Omaha; aiso a hay. iMiutli 36-ti. a load, Uullveied tins lot of loose HEAL KSTAT15 ITtltU A tlt.M II l.l.xll FOH B.I.K ONE 1-karat white perfect lng; snap. P, 939 Bee. diamond luil BALL Sinter sewing machine cheap; call Bunday. 80S 80. 24th St. Phone inn. A-MKZ. lilM'i.i.xti, 4 lo;d. rt. UrOhS. V . Mt. t-Karat Diamond Ring. 14-Kt. Tiffany no .iiiih a. It, j.j.tw. can be seen. ku Brandels Building.' i.E and ti kaiat diamond white, perfect dinjiiond; a bargain. O, H." Bee. BECOND-HAND hard coeU stove; re. soiMible. Call Harney 8146. Brldsil ( oluui lilo. w. still have a few choice farms ler. about 1 to 6 miles from Fort George, the coming metropolis of Central British Co lumbia. . . , Over 10,000 acres of mis cnoice iana. along the line of the Orand J rung ra- clflc railroad. ao:a in uinana aiuno short notice. ' If Interested in a gsre ana proniaDie Investment,-call or write B. Meyei, ina trlot Bales Agent, 610 paxton Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FURNISHED flat month of Jamituy; hood. V. It Baldwin tlmial Hank. WANTED By lady employed, a room, nlih east or south exposure preferred, villiln leu block of Farnam and 1Mb fits Mu-t bo good room, plenty of hot water and heat. Address M-sms, i.ee. Y A NTKIV -TO 111 Y 2d-hand good-.. Kleser 1ft It pm hifl'io pm tl:s pm a 1:10 pm alM- pm a 7:47 am ilM pm a 4:oo pm all:4fi am aU.30 am a 8:00 am alO:?) pm a i w pm a 9 IN am a 7.30 am all W are 1.1 1 lwSliain Fur I Kj lioinaha. We buy all kinds of r.iw UCO Cenler. D. in, itm n . 1st 11 furs; pay high .1 prices. Ulvc us a trial. , Bee. W AN TKD SITUATIONS l it A l I li A I "V6l! NO man, tlon In netvia: KO" S("l 1 1I1I II .V.I" A '!' habits, wants poxl or I'fi'lc" work f i 1 1 li 1. on, an de and c.ean lei I . i m il.u wui k, m at a; 40. Yol NO lion In gene man. good habits, wants po 1 a I store or ouice wors. tn eouiaieu wo. '.a., euniies work In Omaha or elsewhere In ln-t tuilon or ,fam iv to assist In keeiuiia and lak.ng can of chlUl'en. Webster 317,-. ii't.N'l i.u wun vin. jai a expert nice as sten.'fciapiiti- wifchea a position In a fiim; stijurj acourding to ability ,1 .li,: Hee Colorsdo i'lilcsgo a :!' pm Chlcagn Sprnal a 6 0J pm l'ac. Coast-Chlcaga a 6 :1.1 pm Los Amteles limited.. a 8. W ptn Overland limited a 7:oo pm ( artoll Local a 4 .40 pm l ast Mall a 8.30 pm Cr. at- Kaplds. Hlotix A Omaha Centennial State l.lm. 12:40 am WESTBOUND. Long l'lne a :( am Not folk-Dallas m si am Long Plno-Llneoln....a S IS pm Hastings-Superior ....! 1:1.' pin Di a.lwoo.l-ll.'t Sp gs .a l:6n pm asir-l. antler a :i pm Kreniont-Allson b 8.30 pm 11 liash Omaha Bt. Louis Ex. .a 6: pm Mull and Express a 7.02 am Btanb'y L. tirom C.B.)b 614) ptn a 6 It pm a.10 40 pm a 18 pm a 1:28 pm a :49 am a 1 ? pm ali 0 pm a 9:l.i am aio nt am a 8:36 pm a 8 11 pm 11:16 pm all 00 am alO U pin a 6 20 pm a 8:20 pm a 6 ;H pm all 0o pm 111 1:66 pm a 9:15 am all 15 pm bio. 16 am llurllnuton SIBtton Trntk A Masen PERSONAL xi u Lnnwlu.lun nt land on unnomuleted Grand Trunk can make you quick profits. Frank Crawrord, 818 Homer street, Van couver, or Omaha." 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. Maucage, Kllleiihout e. 808 Old Boston I. Id. VtJlTNO wotun coming to Omaha strangers are Invited to visit the Yntuig Women a v;nrisiian association Duiiumg at Beventeenth and Bt. Marys Ave. where they will be dlnecteo to suitaDis hoardlnir ulaces or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Untui. station. 1 1 . , m a u 1 a .-.in i.,,;i.i 1. mil OOV 1 , will U.HUj strengthen. 80o. BELL DRUU CO. luiurudu. FOR HALRTwo homestead relinquish ments, Joining and fenced; shallow water and well on one of the places; fine prai rie land In valley. Land located 7 miles of good town and 14 miles of Sterling, Colo. We must sell these at once. Price, S4m each, (let a friend or relative and come to Blerung ana earn aav a noma vi 1H0 acres. Morton & Waldo, Die Land Men, Sterling. ColOj V iu lent and repair ail kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-1003. Douglaa mi. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., litlt and Harney Bts. JIIAOJAU- lWi jjut,,,. Ground fi Steele, luor. Florida. I HAVE Just returned from Florida; v.nt thare to look Into the land situa tion. If you want to Know anytning about tha state 1 can tell you. Write me. Isaac Allatatt. itaxara, iseo. MAoaUHV owdoikii niuvcineni; nothing better for rheumatism: ladies, i; gentle men, ll.liO. Apt. , io e ai nam, u. o. Aiia luim. intuucuring, viuratuiy in. sage treatments, it. 1, 2d floor, lutw Doogo. HAZEL LEAF PILJi CONES-Best ramedv for iU'hing. bleeding or protrud ing piles: boo postpaid; sample free. Sherman & McConneu Drug Co., umaiia. y HllnoU. vovt SAt.K Chicken ranoli. 8'A acres; plenty of fruit and peaches; good build- Ings; location central Illinois; lor par ticulars writ Laurens, juw, nuuie . Bo 11. BIIUA1K1N warned -A manager of general slots, country town; experienced. 11 till, t ee. l II .M. Ill.ill " .11114 telioi r . . ' p. 1 eoceii. liosiltoh as r.M. lire. bar- . .,0 ! ailuate, steioii-1 aohei . bookkeeping; um.xperleiicd 1 oiaii 1 clerical or l.l.l lies YVANlnNO and curtains ilone T. H. M-0 V A."i 11.I 1 o 11.011 a. liouaiave; vr I'V resiiectal'.e uiiuil.ti ar.eii lauy. 1 ihioi home w ith ehlhiieii. A. so ex erlenctd a nurse, auuicbs tis. umic "... tial dollM-iy 1 OUIICII lliuna. Hurling ton Depart Denver California. .a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Express. a 4.10 pm Nehraska points ati JOam M ack Hills a 410 pin Lincoln Mall b 1::W pm Nortlitvi-Nt Kxpi'kss... .alt:;HS inn Nebraska points. a am ' elnasKa 1 g press a 916 am Lincoln Local Schuyler tiiitlsmoulll ti 3:05 pm Lincoln Li cttl Pla tsm.'Utli-lovva a :!. am Hi liaviie-liaitstnouth al.'::'J) pm 1 lc.1-0 Special. .a ; 16 am Denver Bpvrlul sll.Xi pm Chlcag'i Express a 4 20 pm Inc. KaM Express. ...a 6:30 pm loua Local a 9 j am (.'lesion (la.l loiml....b 8..W pm St. Louis Express a 4.;-f pin K. ('. A Bt. ,inph....al0;4d pm K. C. M Bt. .1 "i'pii....a 9:16 am K. C. ai M Jo ph ... a 4..x) pm Webatir atulloa lBth and Webster. Arrive, a 8:4A pm a 3:4A pm a 6:10 pm a S 4ft pm el2:l"i pm a 7:0(1 am a 6.10 pi 11 a 0 10 pm a 9 OK a .1 blO ?0 am b h W am a 8:60 ntn n 2 10 pm all:l" pm a 7 :00 pm U 3 :.'i6 PHI a S:(x) am li:, am bpl:45 am all .60 am a :4. am a 6:10 pm uuonltbKl i.u and clerical worn evenings aim aatiudays; use ipewnii AiidresH L i4a, nee. iiiKi'.n, youii, .auivM, piano piaer and slngar wain .o 1.011 01 pi;'iii.r snow, ' perleni ed. Douglas mm. . wulllru oj coilipetuui lelerelices as to ability. PUBtiltJ. sleuoinai'iier; liBine.v M4. VV AN i H.LI A vatu lamlly or tt. Bed 6.i. position as rentainant. uook In pil 2116 Chicago MUST HAVE WOltK Young mun needs work lor board and room. Phone uougias with aales . am ......I hum il voona man and executive ability' Address H 92,1. Miasnurl Piielf It Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b 8:.0 pm bll:M am 1 l to, St. I'uol, Aliuneapolla .V O in ab a Depart. Arrive Sioux City Express.... b 2:25 pm bll:0S pm Omaha Local a 8.23 am e ft:3n pm Biottx CKy Pass... .,, b 1 pm Twin City Pass O 6:46 am Emerson Ical b 6 66 pm b 9:10 am (b) dally except Sunday. (c) Sunday only, (a) dally. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Opens High and Goes Up on Bullish Cablet and Damage. DOMESTIC CONDITIONS BEARISH Few In Corsi Tm Wbe Are Will ing- Do Take oa Llaee Hold Over gammer 1o4h F.lerators ghlyplagr. OMAHA. Dec. 10. Wheat enene rather firm and worked higher. on bullish tali. eg ii Osji.age t IMirts Ivotn Argntul ta one 10 wconi rains In that cinictry. Hot dnmeeilo con ditions continue verjt beer'.th, tha nig norlhweitnin tnnve.iient. heavy tocai stocks and the enormous visible supply have forced bulla to liquidate, i bo on.y snap the market show U on abort cov- 'TA'tt thete are few In Uie tx.iu trade who are willing te talta Ptt Una 1 nvld ever Into the aumitjer months. Country elevators CMtitlnue Mpttiu ! Pl Imver pi Ires ar.d oaah r.vkel4 h,'f,!( and luwtr axvl 'ubUewly will be so until aiur Lie early r 1 ' v', . . ... Wheat rileA. on r. tles and butl ls newt froao A-gentina Cash wui elrongari sa-u.a offerings were isI .c h gher. , Cont'nueJ netvv country ofTertnga mn the coir, n.arket heavy, Cash values were weak at 40 lower. , Prltnnty v :omt receipts were iw wi. and rhipinmia were Imj bu., against receipts last ear of iVUW bu. and slnp-melit- of l:.:1.tsj bn. Ptininiy corn receipts were 1 thi 000 hir snd shU'inents were 143,000 bu . sgulnst. reoelpls last vear of 82O.000 bu. an ship no nis of 4I6.WXJ bu. - Cleure nces wero 113.600 corn, 4.00O buahela of oats, ami wbea- n.i rin.ir e.mui to 4 7 7.00 bUA.ia'a. Liverpool closed HtPHd blgi.ar an wheat and unchanged to Via li.g'-" on corn. The following cash ralea war re ported: Wheal: No. 1 hard. .' (choice) s&'ac S cara 9 to, 1 car No. 3 ham, 1 car, mc; icjecieti. I " Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car S9c; No 3 wiiiu. 14 cara i',o; No. 4 white, r. cars tflc, 1 iar 81 lc; Nc. 3 yellow, lo car. i'4c; No. 4 yclow. 1J cara "Jlc. II tats i'4'c; No. 3 jnUod, & tnrs . ( cars Cvhc. N 4 mixed, 3 cars '.. 11 niu.,,- no iMndr. 1 car oiysc. Oats; No. 3 V'lilto. 'J eel" 4'c; No- 4 White, 6 cara 460. kIi. ioli "ei. ' . W.lir:AT No. 3 hard. 05HC98HC: - t hard, S4 ic 7 fco; No. 4 hard, bi ! '' CORN No. white, &8VsW6c; No. wlille, brt .J'67'4c; No. 4 wnite. tHi 8r; No. 3 color. f6 Ht W h ci . low. 68i'iSV4c; No. 3 yellow. No. 4 yellow, ii t DJ 64 c; N-). 8. 68 c; No. ;r, seofittc; No. 4, 64(i 64tc; no grade. 6lj 62c. ..v. UA'H No. 2 White, 46H46c; glBiidur.l, 4V446c; No J while, 49 4 Uc; No. 4 w hite, 46ia (ff46c. BARLEY Mitltmr, li nwi'.'i sw teed, 81.01tfl.15. . HUli No. 1. 2tf8lc; no. . ixJo. ( ai lot Hei elitts, , Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chicago 28 8 n Minneapolis .........4J t'niaha a? Dulutli ,....'.. NEW till iv UlCSKHAI. itlAltlvE'l Varloaa lllllAUO OKA1N illlU PHOVI8ION9 Featarea ( tho Irwdtna and Cloala Prlrea an lloarel of Trade. CHICAGO, Dfv 9.A aensatlonal ad vance Ol ISO-" at' iaoilo Ajrine. alleged lo have been cauaed by lar- tHachlng aionu oamage i wmau to gonaial covering bera today by gliorta. The close waa neivous and Ho to MfHo higher than last night. Other leading staples showed a net decline. Corn, Wo; oats, Vitlixo to sijc. " nvivi WAN i El Position as noiiKKeeper ui general accountant by young tiian, mar ried, resident of this city and man of wide experience; reliable and temperate. Call Hainey 631 tor Interview. MAGNETIC Iffl ii Broil, 71u oor. U. oJoJ. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits vaaf- off eioihlnu: in tact. anVLIl.na you do no; need. Wa colleot. repair and Bell, at 184 .s. 11th St.. tor cost ot coiiecuon, to ins worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4j and wagons will call. - MARK A fh. Bath, salt glow aromatic lUAlOCiiUij treatment. Mme. Allen Chicago, luO 8. 17th Bt.,' 1st floor. D, 7606. Iowa, THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm la to Insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of iowa, 4:1,000 oany. The Capital la read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who almply re fuse to permit any otner paper in ineir homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; 81. 2J per line per month; count alx ordinary words to the line. Address Des Moines Capital, Pea Moines, la. Ad- MaN wants position as chauffeur, dress, C 9IH, rare Bee. i.atiV ,.t ml. Idle aaa wishes a position tor general housework; experienced 000k. 1720 Dodge. W11MAN wants dav work to clean or do laundry work. Tel. Harney 8u67. Mrs. Snyder, massage, electrical treat ment. 8 Dunsany, loth Pierce, v. 48N0. LEGAL NOTICE. .To Whom It May Concern: This Is to notify the oubllo that 1 will not be responsible for any osots contraoiea oy my wue, Tessle It trier. ERNEST A. TTTNER. Dr. Burke, women's d.seaaes. 41 Doug. Ba V.TTA HOljiHUnRl. manicuring, lialr. dressing; new parlors. 802 Neville. U. 8W3. VvILL adopt good, healihy, white baby girl 8 months or 1 year. Mrs. Slrayer, m Ersklns. Web. 8677. .Mississippi. "Go South, Young Man" yourself a .10 me on tha Oulf No extremes of weather, either hot or cold. No drouth. Good, rich lands from 110 up. We ow.i them. Easiest of terms. We want farmers. Write for our booklet. COAST REALTY AND COLON X CO Pasqagoula, Miss. Build Coast. lOULTRV ASU 8'riT STOCK 1 N rliraoaka. Screenings, 81-36 per loo. Wagnar. sol N. 18. NEBRASICA and Oregon land,- 8S up. 834 Brandels Blk, Omaha, Neb. FOR BALM OR. EXCHANGE Pair of Buff Orpington cockerella. Webster 1926. 10 line laying hens. 160 each. '1A oiilck. ens. weigh 3 to 4 pounds each, 6uc. 4142 urant St. 11KAJL. ESTATK UU1LUEHS1 INFOHMAllON. Electric gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement stone Co., 17th and Cuming. cabs hot UJi'e. i"n'iL.il!f:1-?i: OXFORD and Arcade, special- w kiy rate. Elk llotel, rooms 2ju and 60c. 17 N. 16th. Qgden Hotel Kooma Apartmenls aud Flats. B-ROO.M apartment in the Uintah. Ap ply 418 Omaha Nat I Bank Blda'-. or phone Douglas lwt. ' ' " HOT water heated, best systetn lat, S-room' new flat, all hardwood finish, J42 JO. 6ta 8. 1-lrt FOR RENT O-room cottage, modern except heat. Phone Harney 86M. Fucha, Bon 6c Blind, painting, decorating. HOOFINU PAiNi, building paper, pias ter board. Amer. Bup. Co., 11s mciioia 70 ACKEH FOR BALE. Tha heirs of the late Baruti Harrier, Valtuv. Neli. are of furlluc 70 aAll'SS of the best laud In Douglas county. Neb., for sale. This Is a rare opportunity to buy first class land close In to a gooa town good high school and churches; every foot iin.ler cu tlvatlon: there is none out ter. One-half mile north ot poHtomce in Va lev. Neb. No commission to pay to anyone; you buy uire.ee irotu ine nana. For further Inlot malion can on or au- dress P. O. Hairier, Valley, Neb. HKAL ICSTATK FOR KENT 2i7 rK)UUIAS 8 rooms, modern except heat, 130 per month. Tel. Douglaa 1696. OMAHA Van and Storage Co. packs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof storage. 804 8. 16th. Branch .809 B. 17th. Tel. Douglas 4163. A-1J36. Cli V PKOPll l Y Olt BALE. 8068 Woolworth Ave., seven-room, mod ern house; norm sine ot iianscoin ievia; Ideal location; leaving cuy; snap some one. A. C. Hand. Harney .nom flat on Serman Ave. Web. 6765. BEAUTIFULLY arranged, newly decor, ated, every modem convenience, fine lo ration. 7 rooms and cement basement 4lst and Farnam. Telephone Harney 772, mornings. 3 and 4-r. mod. apartments. 816 8. FOUR-ROOM apartment, healed. The Maiiuul. 21st and Howard. $.i0. MODER. t-looai nea.eu aha.i.aeiit on West Farnam street; vtry choice. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1MI2 FAKNAM ST. FIRST-CLASS 4-room apartment in the Alma, 17th and Harney, 137.60, including heat. Harney 202H. . fr'aralahed liuaeee. NICELY furnished 4-room house. Sit per month. 'Cel. Ilenson 144. FURNISHED 1949 or call 66 house. Noi Hi 1 none Dougias 2T,lh avenue. SMALL house for rent to colored peo ple, 810 per month. Oet hey next door north or telephone Webster fOU. tU N. 18th Bt stores aad Otflees. WISH to sublet suite of five rooms in CityJlonajank Bldg. Call I 4128. OFFICE or des'k room. 404 Bee Bldg. BiORE at M) Sumlng St. Store at liog Cuming St. Store at W3 N. 24th St. New store at 1604 Harney St. Office or saieeroom at luth and Harney. Four-room office suite at 1617 Farnam. O. C. REDIOK, Attorney, 1M7 Farnam Bt Haras. EARN or garage In Bemls Park. Douglaa 2107. TsL OiFURKD FOU 8ALK r'araltart. CHEAP Excellent range. Webster 2294. CRAFTSMAN'S solid oak library tabK D4x';2; absolutely new. Douglas 1917. FaruUfce Apartuirals. 8-ROOM all modern furnished apart ment. In the Roland apartments, for s'.x inantha. Call WeQatur attar 6 o'clock. tafaratshed Hooins. 01I, LOOK. Fish has those nice lltjht unfurnished foutlieal rooms, 1914 Bur dette. Yes, It's Fish, the Piano Timer. 81aaee aad twttasva. WALL IUPEOl" framing. M on son. W13 laik Ave. H. tt-KO. Fl VE-KoJil cottage, moon n except teat. Baigaln, 1742 B. Ihtli. Douglas 9i6. BABEBURNER, f.ne own price. t Orand conuitlon, Ave. Your Musical lail'asissu, used, Mfg. at a bargain. Co., 19th and PIANO, slightly Kegerstrom piano Farnam Sts. "876 Conservatory violin, lesa than halt 1213 Martha St. M l SIC BOX, 30 17-lnch fine discs. Jb. Web. Typewriters. LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VITBLK for renL THE MONARCH TYPE. W KIII-K CO., 411 S Mb. Phone D 4os. TYPEWRITERS, ALL M AK EB For ale or rent: largest sloe, bent bargains B. F. Swansuu Ctfc, Uli iartua C, lor SEW1NO 6019. wanted Telephone Webster YOUNO man, 21 years old, desires po sition operating elevator, erne aim no- half years experience, auuom berg. 8o03 bo. 20th Ave. ""WAsTlfNO or Ironing for Mondays and Fridays. Web. 4207. isolations of the Day on torn mod I ties. NEW YORK. Deo. ,-FLOUR-J'llet J sii lug patents, 86.vou-o.So; wnilef straights, I J' uc, 8i.lvv4.4u; winter palcnis. 8(.31ku4..0; Xlvei pool shoru as well spring clears, st.itsgt.sii; winter vauh i-.". 1. 8i.itKii3.Ml: winter extras No. 2. 83.6:9 9 66. Kansas BtraigliU. 84.604 70. Rye flour, uulut: fair to good. 84.764t4.Uu; choice to fancy, td.ooiio.jo. Buckwheat Hour, unlet. 3i.ufi ner loo lbs. COKNMEAI. Steady: fins white and yeliitw, 8l.stxul.66; coarse, 81.Khu1.60; hull m le.1. Ill Uluivt t. iiuiiaio RYE-Stcady; No. I. 97c, o. 1 to arrive . BAHLEY-lteady; malting, $1.1S3'1.1 e. 1. f. Hot fa o. WHEAT Spot market, firm; No. 2 red, 9oc elevator exnort basla and 9640 E. o. u. afloutt No. 1 Northern Dulutn, ll'KU f. o. b. afloat. Futures market opened a Quarter higher on the cablua and re lost the advance on liberal rts'elpts and lower northwestern markets, but rallied LIVE STOCK MAUKKT OF WEST Biup your slock to Bouth Omaha; save mlluage and shrinkage-. our consign tuenig receive prompt and careful alien- lion. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MER CHANTS. By era Bros. A Co. Btiongand responsible. WOOD BROS., l.K-ai Exchange Bldg, Oreat West. Coin. Co., Omaha Tenver. W. it. SMITH & SON Just handie shsep. W, F. DENNY V CO.. 2.18 Kxch. Bldg. TAUO BltoB. handle catlie, hogs, sheep "('lay. Robinson Co., 20" Exoli. Bldg. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. CLIFTON Com. Co. 223 Exchange. Bldg BURK E-R1CK LY CO., 2id Exelv L. E. ROBERTS ft CO., 229 Exch. Blilg. Bldg? Cox A Jones Cum. Co.. bunch of hustlers " Farmers 1.. B. Com. Co., 2o9 Exchanges Detioslt proceeds of sliipmunls In Block Yaids Natl nana, winy oan v j ... .- Martin Bros. Co., 2'J8-4 Exch. Bldg. OMAHA. THE GRAIN MARKET. Netnanks-lo wa Plain Co.. 764 Brandels, ""WEEKS CHAIN CO., Kiain murchaiiia. consignments solicited. 7XI Branduis. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. 16 ROOMS. ALL MODERN. We have a Iwo-apartu.eut house, con taining 13 rooms, two bath rooms, seven bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen in each apartment, with tiw nlumblng and good heatlnv plant. 'irila orooerty Is too large for pereonal owner and it la a splendid proposition for some one who win buy u sua divide it into four three-room apartments, owing to the arrangement of the house this work can be dons at a very email ex- nana ana wnen oompretea ine apart- nients will rent for 836 each. The buyer can live In one apartment, rent the rest and make a Hood Investment out of your horns. . The building is wen uunt ana in gooa condition; only thirteen minutes ride to the center ot the city; one block from the Dodge street car line aud iu good resi dence district. THE NUMBER IB 2618 N. 30111 ST. It Is lust north ot Ohio on the Flor- uuw Hlvu. A aoou six or seven-room modern bouse win oe taaen in exenange at the right price. This proposition is certainly worm loosing at. IN l J It I, i 13 K WJiniin, 400 Bea Bldg. Doug. 4.1,0. A-4270. . Farm and ItuucU Laada. For Rent Farms 100 acres, 13 miles eat of Council lilulfi, 8 miles from Defiance, lo miles south of Denlsnn; 116 acres In cultivation, balance In pasture; good 8-ioom house, barn, etc. Rent, ii.m per acre. 0'Neii's Real Estate & Ins. Agency 16o6 Farnam btreet. Tyler 1024. Ind. A-I311 612 North 24th Street, Ho. Omaha. South 192. Ind. F-1192. l,i:tUI. 1UTI(K. of aViHVo lii net higher, 1.01 U 1.02 3-16; closed, 81.02. Keoulpts tioo mi.; shipments, iid.k.m pu. JOHN Spot murket, firm; export new, 6x4u f. o, b. afloat. Futures market was uinliial. Receipts, 14,63o bu.; siiipnienis, .uMf (IU. OATS Spot market, steady: standard li te. 63'a in eievator: No. 1. mc jno 634.c: No. 4. 63vtc: natural white and while clipped. 6-K(iuo'o on track. Receipts, 36,0i6 bu.; sliipmenls, 8,626 bu. Futures market, nominal. HAY firm: prime, nominal; rso. 1, ll.Z.,4i'l.U0: No. 1. 81. 1041.1.16: No. 2. 06c ir 1 1 00. HOPS-ftsy; state common io cnoice 1911, 6oru66c; 1910, nominal, puclflo coast 1911. tiii.i'Kic; in 10. nominal. HIDES Bteany; Central A mem a, j;u; llouota. r.".tnMe. LEATHER Firm hemlncg firsts, sott nc: seconds. 22u4oi thirds, lli21c; re jeels, 16c. I'lvtJV IHIOXNn I'ora, steany; mesa, in.7.-nlS.tiO; family, 819.WuJO.oO; short leara. 6l7.2;.iHK.(i. lleer, steaav mess, 812.6iKii'13.O0; f amity, 814.00rql4 60; beef hams, .n.ui(ii.uo. cut meats, uuu; plcklad bellies, tell to fourteen pounds, 'awioc: mi k lea name, ii wui ii'.-. i.aiu teady; middle went nrlnie. i. lOricD 1X; r fined, steady 86K7V; oontlnan.1, 89.6u; South America, 810.60; ctimpuunu, 8(.2. TALIJiW Barely rlendy; pntne city hhils.. '(: cuunliyt O'kl'j c. BUTTER Unsettled; cieiunory sneciglM, 37Vjc; cxtra-t, i!61,-jc; factory, current niuke, firsts, ii-.i'.v- chkebe Firm; staro wnim niiia. cur rent in.ilie. average fancy, l.V. KiKiB-UiiKettied; slightly easier; Jresn gathered, oxtraii, 44',c; extra first. Soj kc; fresh gutnereu dines, ino. i, mo, frash gatlierid checks, prime local, 20tn 21o. IDULTll Y Alive. slcany; wostcrn chickens. 124rtv'; fowls, 12iltli4c; tui-- keys, U'til's'l dressed, nuiot, western chickens, l.'iilc; lowts, joiitioc; luraeys. lva 16c BTOCIUIOLDEH- MEEl'lNO. riffi.e of l.EK-l LA SH-A N Dl t EE3 E HAKDWAItl'. It j. vi r.tiN I , tiinunii, imu- l.iasku. Dei ember , mil. rxouce IS nereiiy ,,u, .ii to the atocauoiuei s ui w;u-uiuns Andreeson nurunioe i.oiuiuu inui mo uniitiul meeting of urn stocanoiuors oi mu ciiiniiany will po ntm at nm uiuun ui i.i ni.innaiiv. corner of Ninth and Har ney Directs, in tne cuy ot winaiia, in tun state of JNeurasaa, on iucu, snusi j. a ii imiz.. at a o cioea ii. in., iur in puriose oi electing a u"ru ... u.. i.,i for the company to serve durUig the enu- ng yar, aim to ii.umi ."m wmn i,.in... m miv ue presented at sucn meeting. Atteel: W. M. Olass, Secre tary; 11. J. L. President. HAVE CHICKEN ranch or small milk dairy for lent. 13 acres; new e-room house, burn, cmcken uarn, auaua, won, springs and biook and shade, i blocks webt of car line in r lorence. utmr k. Thomas, 4il Bee Building. Both Phones. REAL ESTATE LOANS W. ALL MODEKN HOME ON EASY TERMS Two well built, new, all modern cottages finished and conveniently arranged fur home like comfort, can be bought for the next few days wun a amen payment down and the rest monthly. Beie them at 81st and Vinton streets, one block from Hanscom Park West Side car '"or If you deslra a different stylo home, we have two east front lots on same cor ner upon which we will build a house fur you after your own Ideas and on same terms aa above. MODERN HOMES CONSTRUCTION CO. 40 Paxton Blk. Douglas tUi. WANTE1 City loans and wair-mis. Farnam bmlth Co.. ISM Farnam si. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lauus. OKEEFE REAL bBiAiL cu. 1016 New omaha Natl Bank Building. FARMVxiANS near Oinaba; no tumml- alon; optional payments; cheap nioiiay. O'rln 8. Aterrlll. IM City Nat l bank Mug. "iioo to 8lo.0u0 made piomplly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. lath and Farnam. 41) acres 7 miles south of Tryun, Neb.; sod house, to acres plowed, black soil, rulUns- land. Fx) fset to watw; 86 bar aura, aea M, Le uUa. axes MONEY to loans on bui-lness or resi dence properties. 81,000 to 1j.. W. H. THOMAS. 6u3 First Nat l Bank Bldg. "wi N T ED F A R M LOANB. Kloke In vestment company, Omaha. iW'l4TTL"H71lEMll9-CARLBERU CX5. 110-312 B andels Theater Bldg. ?1A 1)VI! Hlfi l Leans. 3j0 and up LA ROB DJAN6, aiunlulp.tl bonds, moil- gages bought and sold. S1ULL t.HOU WAN'yED City loans, peraialent Advertiblag Bl KelurnaJ Peters Trust Co is tha Road lo RAILWAV TIME CARD. UNION STATION Tenth aad Mason Union Pari lie Depart. Arrive (San Fran. Overl'd L..:4Gam a 7:40 pm i hln. jti Janan F. M..a4.U6pm a 8:46 pin Atlantic Express a 6 45 am hinuiin Exoress .all 3i pin a 6:10 pu I ,os Angeiea i.imitto. .ai..su iiu . im Denver Hneelal a 7:04 am a 1 27 am Centennial State Spo'l all :30 pm aU:26am Colotado Express a 3.3u pm il:'4im Oregon-Wash. L't'd...al2:6o pin a 8:30 pin vnrih I'latte Local a 8:16 am a 4 It, pn i:n.,H isiund Local. ..a6 90piu alo:30 am Btroiusburg Locul. . .UL4.tr pm oi.jopm Mlaauurl Pat'HIr K. C, Bt. L. Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 7:40 am K. C. St. L. Ex....sll 16 Jim a 5:60 pm (klesao. 8lllaakec Jt Ml. Paol Overlai.d Limited a 7 60 pm 8 12 am Ptny laical a am ii uupm Coloradu Express .. ..a 6:00 pm 3:!o pm Colorado 8eclal a 7.42 am t: am Perrv Local b 6 1 pm U:Vb pm UlBola reatral Chicago Express a 7:00 am a :45 pm Chicago Llinlted a 6:00 pin a 8:00 am thliaao Oreat Weatera Chicago Limited a 8:86 pm Twin Cltv Limited a 8:36 pm a 7:4s ai Twin City Express. ...a 8.46 am a 8:60 Pm Chicago Express a 8.4a pw Lvual Passe ugr .a. to 8u harnly on covering, due to an advance 1 quoted local ones were active here on the buying side of wheat. Nevertheless, tne atvawiiiic of any remarkable atrengtn in t-nicago was choked by tha slowness oi nortnweat marketH to respond to the news from Bouth 'America, Winnipeg did not ad- , vauce to so great an extent aa Chicago Minneapolis was weaK inreugnoui. Bnni ttmnt was In a decidedly unsettled stats when the laat gong cleared the pit. May fluctuated from 7W497V.o lo 8gV0. Willi final sale 9iSa, a gain oi lieu, l'roane:ts that auiing ins rest oi tne month considerable coniraol Born will be turned out by the elevators here made . the markot for that oereal weajt. Primary rncelpla showed an Increase of nearly lOoO.iloO bushels over last week. May rangou in.m mwihuu, oi down at 62V8. Caah grailea were In only moderate demand. No. it yellow was not Buenos Ay res. tioalng He December closed, Buc. May, liepreaslon appeared In tha oats crowd because of tha weakness In corn. Top and bottom touched for May proved to be 48S4U and 4'(unc, wun ins ciose 4M(4vc,t a decline vi WW xtvm last b''lt' .. ... . w. . ill provisions, tne innuenco ot nigner prices at the yard was mora man outset by tha sagging of coarse grain and be. cause ot the Iujho run of hogs at western points during tne wees, rorx anowea s setback of iMiuHio and other products IPxHUC to 67 W". i Lead in g futures ranged ss follows: Artie l Open. lllgh. Low. Close.Ysa'y. Wheat i Deu.. I(B.l4j May. 97-,v.l July. 93i.! Cdrn iec..tllVi'a wlgl 9211 Muy. July. Data Doc Muy. July. fork May Lard Jun, May, Bibs Jan.., iWiasiW 62s! 4 4S sol, 16 00 3 1Mi2u, 8 :o 8 47 k 8 46 9MW 94 61, 63 -ta 4S-ik 44'i.l 15 00 0 KM 8 2 I DO 3V 97V 94 .W'.i'hvfal UJ'sjI I 61Vi61W!iH 62', IWVt tuiaicaityv 46WI 46V 481lU-.461,Hsj 4i to-4 I 13 83'. 9 in; 15 j !S 174, 8 12'4 8 15W16 8 4.'W:k 4o.-y4;3 40u4i 8 46 8 4.g 4J,8 (wi t 93 U7"i 61 Wi 62 46., 46'.'. 15 60 9 0 2-.'V 8 7',i 8 46 M. I.onls t.eurral Market. KT. LOUIH, Dec. 9. WHEAT I light r; track, No. 2 red, 9T(fc; No. i hard, bill 1HI: December. 9!lix.o. ( Oll.N-r irm; traca, r.o. a, aixj" at--, No. 3 wiitto, 6ia'ulc; imccmber, irHaC M:iv. r.:ir. OA IS sit ail v; iracg. rso. i, saw, iio. whltu, 4'c; Deoeinber, 6l0. tv l.i-Hlirher. at 96o. FIXiUR Dull; led winter patents, 94 36 fi4."fi; extra fancy and straight. 8-.o4.w; hard wlntar clears, 6.i.4ni;i.w. BIOEI Timothy, 8l4tti 14.W. I'OKNMEAL 83.S0. BRAN Firm; sacked east track. Jl.l.viJ 1.19. Hay. firm; timothy, .0tX'iu.OU; nrulrle. 3l3.0mtl7.OH. I'ltclvinitJlNr I'ora, tuwei jiiiinioa, 816.76. Lard, lower; prime steam, 3.v62o 8 72V8. Dry suit meals, unchanged; boxed shorts. x.:ii'ir, clear rius, ..u n clears, 3h 6o. Bucnn, unchanged; extra short, l''37'x; clear ribs, short cleats, 89.60. I(JI'LTRY Weak ; chickens, 8'o; springs, 9'c; turkeys, 14o, ducks. H'jO, geese, sc. t 111. 1 ir.lt l'lnn, erenieiy, .vyMWJ, 1-X111S Weak, at 2X Receipts. Fhlpments. 8.n0 9.9IO 26.0KJ 86.0H) 147,Oil 26.0110 64,000 23.000 extra short boxed 89.37H; Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. ,. Oats, bu. . Kansas ( Itv lira In anal Provisions KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 9. WHEAT Cush. unchanged; No. 2 hard. t!;UU.U2 No. 3. WuCu 81.01; no. i rei. saji':; rvp x. ik-: Mv. H7WiHc; July, nm,wni!ic. (til IN t licnangeu io uown, rxu. J mixed. 63o; No. 3. 69.yic; No. 3 white. 6ii 6.U-; No. 2. WH'u'iJ-'.c; t'ecemner, zqu'i' . OATS Unchangea; rxo. a wnite, sv l&Ur; No 2 mixed, 4"HJeSc. RYK-93tl'4c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 119.60x7 20 00; choice prairie, 313.2IVH1S.60. BUTTER Creamery, Die; firsts, 33c; aeconrta, 31c; packing atock, 21c. rXXIS Extras, 38c; firsts. 3dc; seconds, llt' Itocelrs, Shlpmenta. Wheat, bu . I" Corn, bu 77 Wirt 6S.OW Oata. kts. .liouo 9.OO0 t ash quotations were aa follows; FLOUR btcudy; winter iml.ints, ll.OOftJ 6.00; winter straights, 8J.".0. 4.7a; sprliw nutents. U.iwii, spnug tuaighta. 41.5J H,-4.uu; bukvrs, 83.7044.76. KKK NO. 2. V-tyQMC. BARIiEY Feed or inlxina. fjii'O.'.a: fall to choice mailing, ll.lO13l.2i. BEi-.DH limoiny, ciovcr. 3u.vv. PROVISIONS Pork, . mess, per bbl.. 313.60'ii'JO.OU, Lard, per loo lbs., tl6.00'i.n lj.20. biioit nos. siues iiooko;, snort clear sldus t boxed), fa. 00. Total clearances of wheat and flour wore equal to 4..U0 bu. primary receipts were 7(19,00-) bu.. compared Willi 63J.UUO bu. the coiTeapondiug uay a year ago. lliinutr.d receipts for Monday: Wheat. 37 cars; corn, 332 cars; oats, lti uuu; hog.-., 4H.0O0 head. Chicago Cash prices Wheat: No. red, u'nlsiVac; No. 8 red, giumc; No. J hard, 9n-ti31.oe; No. bard, 93.j96e; No, i iioiluern, lJ4il.0B; No. 2 iiortliera, l.U'i ill.o.'; No. 8 noitlioru. tl.Oil.06; No. 2 tipriug, 9Sccg31.tn; No. 3 spring, Socll .04 ; No 4 bpiihg. soc(Ull.o;i; velvet chaff, juci 31 t4; uiuiiiii, 9uc.g31.o6. Corn: No. 3, Wi ii'ic; No. 3 white. 6'(69c; No, ( yellow, tsj69Stc; No. 4. 66j(66c; No. 4 white, 6vii6Vjc; No. 4 yellow, 56tVi5oc; lyats. NO. i, 47c; ?o. 3 white, oi!J4JC, No. J white, 47i4Sc; No, 4 white. 40t'y 7 c; standard, HWA'ji: Rye: No. 2, 93.030. Barley, 7ncta 81.23. TlniothJ. 312. uov 16.00. Clover, 31J.jexy.-0.00. BUTTER Steady; creameries 2S737c; dairies, 36ti38u. EOUo lscelpts, 1.600 cases. Market steady ; st mark, caaes included, U2so. firsts, HVaJOc: ordinary firsts, tMto. CHEEE Steady; daisies, 164tfl6c; twins. l.iV.4vUSc; Young Americas, lbc; long horns. 16V. w 16c. POTATOES Steady ; choice to fancy, MO'Xc; fair lo good, 80fe4Sc. POULTRY Weak; turkeys, 03yiJc; chickens, luullc; springs, loo. VEAL Steady at 7dj.Ho. Carlol Receipts Wheat. 28 cars, with 3 ot contract grade; torn, 468 cars, with none ot contract grade; oats, 164) cara. Total receipts of wheat at Chicago, Min neapolis and Duluth today wars e68 cajs. compared with 4S9 cars last week, and 377 cars llis corresponding day year ajo. Philadelphia Praaae) Market. PHILADELPHIA, Deo. 9. BUTTER Quiet, but steady; western creamwry spe cial, 40c; extra, 3So; nearby piluta, ex tra, 4lc. EGOS Firm; good demand; Pennsylva nia and other nearby firsts. Ires can, 910.80 per case; currant receipts. t-e- cases. 310.20 per ease; western firsts, fixe cases, 810.60 per case; currant receipts, tree cases, 310.80 per esse. CHEESE Firm; New York lull ereama fancy, luVjaac, fair to good. U'Aaloa. HwiX 6-iouia cottage, tiu fjy 8. si. Ol-