I: THKMKK: OMAHA. AluXlUY. DKCEMUKR U. 1011. Jeff Almost "Objected" Mutt Into the Electric Chair By "Bud'' Fisher SCHMIDT T IT'" " 1 I t . . . Jm, ) TT - jr- -i . ,. . . evon6 - x vrcc n 7ooHng. ok n 000 I fD n (POOO" ok j . i P aooo r r 1 - ' 1 ' Tr ,-f r, a,. I WINNER I FAVORABLE TO SUMMER BALL St. Paul Bowlers Capture Team : Event at Mid-West. I Missouri Valley Conference Dele gates Will Modify Ruling. MULE THE MAEK OF 2,825 1 NO NEW MEMBERS GET IN FOLD 1sar of hii-ego t.el rrooil PUec. with 1I.T4 Mela hall Hlgfc for Uaiki, with 2,1480. i tE JnOIKfc. Doc. H.-Th Mtrlnnidt taeun ft at. rauJ was last night declared 1H ier In the five-tnan event of the -na-wim bowling tournsment, which Iod tonight with final single and doubl contest. Th ChaJmer team of f'hlrago captured second place, while the Alexander Star of Dee Moines tot third "ltd a score of I77t. Th Chalmer made an effort to cap. fur first patc. but failed to roll the rnwa ror tee tourney, which wa' piled D In the atrnoon by the Schmidts Th Utters snore waa 2,25. The Chalraen, however, rame aeoond to tha St rul team with ;,794. which of Itself eclipsed any record made until t dav. Tha riannart of Chicago, played In poor form, coring only 3,616. Other Ore-men wm today were: Gordon Ooepplee. Kansas atv. 2.634 Emplresj, Ka&sa City, 3,73:; Columbus! Corurebos, JS'eb., 2,Mi OaaauaeV Mr-ores. Omaha. teams rolled today, a follows; :et. M, M. . m i im . 171 - " )W HH . 1 14 147 i"W !W3 li . iw : iw fain '"hrlstianaon ..... R, Luib .., Johnson T. May than..... Total MAZKPPAB A. Vartolsoe..... i IT. VlthHuaw 14) A. Powell jut , Kte ,.mm 1T U. Tom a 17. 4 t0 9043,(11 M. IM UT m , 1H 3d. 1 1s J US Total... . MSTZ flHOB. 1st. 2d. J. .raue MM,.. hh T. Cory, a,,,,. ( f,4 K. Penman ........... lift W. Harttay 1H6 M. B. HunUfcgtiiB.... 171 t5 tn 1H.1 17ft 301 kill 107. i IVIIlInn of Una a hum ami Okla I homa 1 nlteraltlea Moth Turned j llotrn at -Mrrllnu 1lrl In I l.anrrscr, I.AWIIKNCK, Kn., VfC in .-Th Mim. souil Valley conference k now conelclr lng whether to Bliollti l,ne hall ns a coiifcrenc sport and at Its meeting; here todsy appointed a special commit ten m modify the professionalism ' clausn of the rules. . ... It Is understood the conference favors a chunge that will not I'cnnlt summer ta.a ball, but which will make It possible for men who have been guilty of profes sionalism In the past to ie reinstated. Haturday a meeting was behind closed doors and was really an extension of yesterday's Kansas C'ltv antherlna. Foat ball rules were Kone over and a resolu tion was adopted cliaiinlns; them so that no game .can be played ' lifter the lust Saturday preceding Thanksgiving, n.v thla ruling no conference, .Thanksgiving day games can be scheduled. The annual championship track meet In May will remain at Des Motnea another year. Columbia, Mo., secured the annual tennis tournament, which will be held May 16 and XT. After rejecting tha petitions of Wash. burnfind Oklahoma universities, for ad mission, tha conference adjourned to meet at rwy Moines in May, the exaot date I to Be determined later. , CORNHUSKER FIVE GETS BUSY I TEN BEST TENNIS PLAYERS Coach Stiehm Issues Call for Basket j Earned is Given Rank Over All in -Z1!!'"' ' ' America by Committee. MATERIAL IS VERY PROMISING i RECORDS FOR r.nwsmrprr, l Five eterans neuinln, I'ract tt-ally the Seine .Hen that Const!' tafeil the Team Last eaeiaj. Lynch Deprecates' Personal Feeling NKVV YORK, Use. 10,-Anent tha elec tion cf a National league president at the SUe-j.S8l annual meeting of the league here Tues- aay, rresldcnt J.nch ssld totilghtt ltd. i: n ii it Ttl ... 1 A. Clark. H. heeelia T. Bloe W. F, Webac,. U. W. o.... Total li. ...U7 ...ISA ...144 ,...11 ....113 Id. m 17 ii.r :d. m 14i i.i 141) 1.9 Frlterher "ochran ijarda HsiBinand tuna ............. T.iS X0 TRiirMptia. it. :d. ISit V.7 ..... 12 IM ..... 174 5-2, 3W l?& H7 1W 1 1 IS 3d. .'17 . li is: 167 is; Tots. !... a7 SW , Six South Dakota , Colleges' Organize ' Athletic Conference VJTCH1S1J f. D.. Te 1-HBpeilal.-A uoofsrema of the coavthea and members of ttia .faculties of. tour roltcgea .of the ut on alhletlo matters wna concluded here Raturdsv. Huron waa rapteaented by Prof. f. F. llMhstetler, Tankton by .ach H. H. l)nh and Prof. M. A. Ktuatt, Hrouhlng.i by Pr'f. U." A. Btarrlug and V.n'h F. Jl.' Joi;tiiMn and Mitchell by 1'iof. W. t Beyer atid Ca.h R. M. Doug, j 1.1s. Vermtllion and Hapld Mty.'s repia-w-nlatHea were, unable 1 y be present. -' Rulr and regtiluilons were presented , to the men present at this conference j hl' h will leaiilt In standardising cwllege . athletli s tinder a knirwn orgMilsatlon I ..'overtng ineinbeishlp, meetings, rprs ' S'titstlou, ellK biUty of athlrtea and other j details. Heretofore there baa beep 'a .; rtupiM.lt ton- to carry men on a foot ll vani fur a longer period than they are N:lc.l, and alto men have left ana txt "-"'t the summer to tain up another In to fiissxc In fm ball., A rut la l. iref-ared which .will .prevent the & ut etudunt f rum 011a .ollg " A. and wl,ll require sm attendance) jppr at a new tiieUtutlua before principal matter . tnat were dure tills n.eetlrig will be aub- the college authorities at horn lie wi nter n aaoti, and In the early "uii 111 inui a,inimica oegin, . .rti.T conference will be called to put into force the rules and retrolaUoua syhkh win place all college') In the state en !r eo fjr ji hslnf any baadlcap vvwr one another bv bringing In nesr ina for inwr speclsl ts!t!.tr . . Tbe roftferuH-e Is to ba composed' of Verridllloti, Huron. Brooktngi, Taoitsa, Kapia city aad Mttchall. - I.l. i),x, Dec. lO.-tfiptcinl-Tht cus lomary lull In Cornhueker athletics fol hiwlnur the close of the foot ball season nnd thn opening of the basket 111 cham lilonshtp seHes In' the Missouri valley lias born Interrupted only by the Initial basket Hall practice nt Nebraska under the direction of Coach "Jumbo" Btlehm. Htloluu Issued ;a tall for basket ball men last . Tuesday, jvnd the squad has gradually Increased until It. now numbers twenty. The materlsl Is Very promising ana Btienm was so encouraged by the re- turn of veterans and promising new ma terial that he prophesied that Nebraska could drag down the Missouri valley championship In basLet ball If tha men would only work. Of t ho veterans there remain Gibson, Frank. Carrier, Hlltncr and Owen, prac tically the same five that represented Ne braska last year In basket ball. 8ora r the old men will ba given, a hard rub fof their positions by the freshmen squad of last year, of f hloh' .TrtmM. an Omaha man. Is the most promising? . DEATH RECORD. . John si array. rUATT8MOUTH. Neb.4 Vc lO.-.Sp. cial.) John, Murray, formerly chief of police of Pl&ttsmouth, died suddenly at Btanton Friday afternoon and his body waa brought to Plattstnouth Sunday morning and the funeral will take place Monday at the residence of hla son, Alvln of this city. The deceased leaves a widow aim three grown children 2. M. i. T. 4. !. ft. M. . N. 1 1: t. K.. 10. W. St TnBlj.Ht Tlayera Hanked ta Three Claaaes aa Sappoanl to Be of ItelatUely Equal t Ability. NKVV TORK. Dec. 10. -The ten, best tennis players of tha country were of; ficlally rated today in the annual report mada .by the ranking committee to the United States Lawn Tennis association. The players, named in order are: 1. W . A. Iarned. K. Mclaughlin. V, Huridy. 1 F Touchard. B., Ixnr. 1L Nllea. n. Pell. I. J,lttle. H. Beht. . M. Hall. Instead of naming the other ninety Players In their numerical rank the com mittee this year ranked only twenty-fivo In three classes and announced that the men In each class were supposed to be of relatively equal ability, Thaae names are given alphabetically. Two of the three committeemen ex press donbt regarding the usefulness of ranking the players and recommend the advisability of continuing the system be brought before the next annual meet ing. The committee announced that no jilajer baa bej.i ranked unless h par ticipated , In at least three tournaments neia under the auspices of the associa tion and based Its report solely on actual records. An exception to the three- tournament rule is William A. T.arned, national champion, who' played in but one tournament. The alasHiflcatton of players below the SOLDIERS CHECK SHAMROCKS Uncle Sam's Boys Hold Irish Lads to a Tie. on Fort Gridiron. THOUSAND FANS SEE THE GAME In Kfcond quarter Shami-04-ks Plow l HeH for Forty Tarda nnd (tutKlcy Makea Touch . duns,' aurvrvlnar I firnf n Alvln of thla city, Blanche of Omaha and1 Class A-illchard Stanz a m rkk Will Lead the Sons of Eli Waww Burled la D&kwta . EAPXO C1TT, . D Tmk. KWEpcil.) ALoonipnlad by his own aoa, Ben. th boiiy of th lata Oiauooay L. Wood, dtmocrwtto caodldata for cswornor f ut-h Xjakou. in 110, arrtvad lie re from baaltJa, hr Mr. Wood died nearly a near ago, IriupoaJttao of th body could not tw mad uodl the, fight between th two aor.a by a former marrtage and the wldissr wa setUod, the aoc winning vu wfadiM'U from Jaoal mcn . which honed thai Mr, Wood In his lifetime iud eiprewed hi wish to.b burled here. J ne intmint waa mad hem Sunday udernwott uader iHaoxtla aiuptors. In lvujjtia View camatary. Mr. Wood was . sue vt (ha Uat known maa 1b tba stats . t . ' C ' 1bn',y- K. Gardner,' i. BP?"Lirnei Inman' J' V '01 A ones. Frank of th United States navy at Ran - . 1 Tj. c, . riass B C. M. Ttull, jr.. G. V. Card, to-l W. T. Haye. L. E. Mahan K"t3 :Tl It D. lverd; ... t J. O. Amea. Heath nvTorrt i,uV'-v: H"Tl. VVallaoe John- wi-ii--""'-. v. Weaver, K. H. me oest ten double teams are ranked 111 oruer: E- I!,'0"!;1"1"1 "n1 R- n- I'll I. t . Hundy and M. K. McLoughlln. 'p 11 ii.?.1"1"1? V1 F B Aloxaader. i- w ,a"1' L- K- Mahan. . H. l lf, and It. 15. Uoyle. Wr,'' n X. VV. NUcs. . M. Hull, Jr., and II. c. Martin. Otto Jllnck and It. Torranc. iW . M. Church and Ian Mat hey. The ranking committee this year Henry W. Slocum. Jlllos S. Charlock and Itaymond n. Utile, nil of New York. Mr. Charlock . dissents from the ma jority report and . favor the ranklnir system. Is CRESCENTS DEFEAT SQUABS Take Basket Ball at the Y. M. C. A. y Gymnasium Last Night. BERRIMAN STAR OF THE GAME Victors Play tlppnneata off Feet In the Flrat Half, but qaba Are Strong; lu Last Hair. On the Fort Omaha 'gridiron sesterdav afternoon about 1,000 foot ' ball devotees saw the Shamrocks of Squib, OtWha and 1110 toiuiers play a tie game, the score being 6 to d Qulgley, Ritchie. . FaKan, ' tuttle ami Callahan were colitimally "U tho lime. light. Fof the Soldiers.' Tompkins, Orols, Wllti and Cannon were the 'stars. Qulgley kicked off to Wiltj,, who ad vanced ten yards. The Soldiers were forced to kick. The Shamrocks plowed up the field 4o the ten-yard line, where the Soldiers held them.- The Soldiers kicked out of danger and the pigskin see-sawed until the expiration of th first quarter. At the opening of the second nuerter the Shamrocks had forty yards to go for a touchdown and they plowed up the field for that. , advance, Qulgley over ior a touchdown. Qulgley kicked goal. The balance of the quarter waa aDout evenly played In the second half Tompkins kicked off to Qjulgley, ,who advanced twenty-five yards. A forward pass from , Fagan to Callahan netted twenty yards more. The cjv 1 ' cuunrocKs were lorcea to. punt. The soldier failed to gain and were forced to punt. Jagger of the'Soldiera got down the field and grabbed the oval on the first bounce Just as a Shamrock was about to embrace It. He raced fifteen yru ior . a touchdown. .. Grotjs kicked goal. The officials: Wright.' referee: Kach tnaa. umpire; Daily, field judge; Dlneen, neaa linesman, ran the game In an up-to-date fashion. Next Sunday, out at Fort Omaha,' the Shamrock and Soldiers win play off this tie game Th lineup; SHAMROCKS, Fitch tlra.-Xelljr .... O' Br Ion Knnftlly ... Rltcbln Thomas ..... Theur-Cuady viuigiar Fla .....',... Tuitl Callabui Touchdowns: Qulgley, Urols. SOLDIERS. Zujewskl Wfl'l MlHI.lt ...Helallna lwr .....tUlruod .(.Ibtot ONrtl ......... .Topipklm lnli 1 Cannon Wilts Qulgley, Jagger. Goals: c. ....Ho. L.o. ....R.T. b.T. ....It J .-...ItH F. 4'". . . . R.O. . uo. . , nr. L.T. , R E. . 1E. u. 11. H. . K. ... 1H. ... Mr. A. K. Taoor of Crlder, Mo., had been troubled ' with s sick headache for about five years, when she began taking Chamberlain' Tablet. She has taken two bottles of them and they have cured her. Sick headache Is caused by a disor dered stomach for .which' these tablets are especially Intended. Try them, get well and stay well. Sold by all di-UKuists. REDSKIN LAD WHO HAS MADE THE RUNNERS SIT UP. . MID-WEST EVENTS CLOSING Omaha Bowlers Last to Go on the Alleys at Des Moines. NEXT MEET AT KANSAS CITY Nearly All nf the Officers, of the Middle Weat Ilonlln Associa tion Arc Ke-F.lrrteil . Two Change ladr. Now that the Middle West tournament Is about to pass Into history the atten tion of the bowlers will be drawn toward the coming City Championship tourna ment, which will commence on- January 8. At the election of officers of the Middle West nearly all of the present office holders were re-elected. Two changes which took place was the election of Thomas Farley, the well known Kansas City bowler, to the office of treasurer, tuning the place of G. O. Francisco of Denver, and A. C. Gadenschwager of Omaha in place of Dad Huntington on the executive board. WHllam F. Weber was re-elected secretary and he was also the recipient of a great 'deal of praise for the manner In which he conducted his office as well as the author of the first official publication of the scores mad in the last tournament held in this citv. George Stroti was finally Induced to ac cept the office of president, although It took a great deal of persuasion on th part of the bowlers to have him again at fne head of the organization. Kansas city was chosen as the next meeting place and a better city -could not have been chosen, and a big entry moum oe me result therefrom. William t.ucas win have much to do with the pre mummy arrangements, ana as Bill Is well known In the Kaw town. It Is to b understood , in . advance that . the meet win De a good one. . . Famous Kuhry ha vowed. that he will never speak to a member of to Met ieam again If they don't do better than 2,800 in the five-men. The hopes of tbe bowlers lie in tha M.t Bros., aa they are shooting better ten Pln than ever. They hold all league iciurua ao zar mis year. The Bowler" Swecnev Is much In dence at Des Moines, Just aa he was at Omaha. When It come to the bowling aaiim ii lajtee nweeney to talk about It. The Maeeppaa will try to hold the Booster league in evidence. Of nouru they don't expect to get all the firsts. to . be better than the dog 17.1 Hoatrd "rk 113 lUtekln ""rem 17a Ptrkett Anwln , r.. JobiiMm , J--W"n- ". . .... .... 172 R. Iliernwri !urk m W'lllrr Knprnii-k r,i Ftuit' .' Hmim-rtrom 170 Biennns ... , Ktiiin 1D PrmTitt .... Hnl Mil fan-ell tluntinsloa ii wtnt-mor' Moore ia Abbott Tombrlnk 167 Metropolitan I-raaar. P.- 1. W. Derby , Woolen Rumohr's Sports ... . Stor Bottle Maney'e Sunklst Drummers Beselln Mixers ...... German Homes ..... Chris Lo-cks specials , W. O. W. Individual avrraae Names. . Av. rirates Ravens tYeevent .... Tiger Cuba . Early Rlaers iuabs , t-KAOCE STAXDIXtj. 1 - o t U l 'T J Jesaa .pldil.g. t rack rlsht halfl.a. k ..I i .m.i v - - t : '.1- T" .1. runted j lJjyggd I The Cl-eeit five swooped ,lon upon the 8.uab team at the r ruing Mens . Christian assclatlon gymnasli.ni Satuvady evenlng and pulled off a Mct .iv to the , ttne of ?1 to 16. j Ucrrlman. captain and right' forwai-d ! fir the Crescents, was -.the particular i"lar or the game and brought f. rtli ap 1 Plaus from a fair rlied and euthuM ih:i, 1 gallery. Fwltman, at left forward for the jf'quab, alao played a good gsjne. , Th Creaoenta played their opponents I off their feet In th first hslf and piled , ui nia squabs come back 1 snong in th second half and allowed . th Crescents but eight colnta Enmm , featured th center for th 8o.ub flv In nan ana completely outplaved bU opponent. Llnderman, Cor.slderlnf th,fact that the Suuaha' , t It composed of r.wmbsrs f,om th 1 boy Uepartmeut nd that the Craacent ; ari mad up cf platsof the senior clitse. Ui joungsr ttaro inade a good aLowlBf. The game MhetlUlcd between tl Bow and tb Arrow was pooiv.-d bcause naithsr of Ui teams shor.ed up. 1 The lineup: ! ' CREBCINT8. - ; ila.i;;- L.F.;L.r.- Fitmn Bin-lman R.F. H.r. ..(C.) Sandber l-.nlerman C.IC Ensatr.im ! Blg R.Q 'R.O Mayes Xooaan L.O. U.O Moore Goals: Bemmen O), Koonaa (4). Full man (4). Moor (S), Ksgstrom. Paudbeig. ecor at nd of gaonai Crasceots. k2. Sviuaua, IS. Time ot halve, h) julnutu. I Person troubled with parUal nrtly: a r ofta vry much bntltd by mas. aging th affect ad part thoroughly hn applying Chamberlain' I.lnlmer.t, Thl liniment also relieve rheumatto ipalna F sal by all drugglsis. - . Ave. ! I ,' " "wl I 'si mmwl , .wui f S XJ -;sw:s 1 tK- - I but Intend anyhow. Kd SI. Tracy, the pooiilar cantain .f the McCord-Brady Advos. wUl retire frr,m active bowling after the present season. His place will be taken by Ed Tracy, Jr., who has already shown considerable class with a "bawl." Old Missouri Valley Hall of the letters was the first Omsha bowler to hit th 000 mark at Des Moines. This same Hall used to bowl with Ben Hull's grandfather. iiarney ana Huntington will shoor in the doubles today. It wss only a few years ago that these two sharks had an open challenge posted at the alleva to snoot any two men in the state, and they usuiuiy inaae good. Omaha I.raaue, Won, i rrss . , .- O'Bllctl Bug Gross Advo lloepe individual averages 172 172 1 167 nllham MnCarmlclr. . t'tt Dolin Saodera ...... Floyd Amaden ..... Pohler Baualala ... W - Hjnih D. Srhnelder Lrmon B. Schneider Silk Schoamaa ... Blerman ..... C'-ondon ...... Ortmaa Hallo 1 - Omaha .... Swift Cudahy ... Armour .. Individual averages: naoisa. Toman ., Koch ... fwiniLn a...... Hemleben Jj...., Bonnell Detbrener ...... Cooley. .....,..( Hammond W'elmer Parker Tombrlnk Shepanl ....Tl l. :-3 ....) ....S3 ....no .....10 ....33 Names. , Hanaen .., Hi(tina .. Nlppell .., Orifflih .. A- Butler- IS 1 IS J4 l:l Laird 1B7 3 Tomrklna J" H. Lauderkam 2i Andernon Barton M. Duller Albln ,H Hatr.h '? J. ' bandrrknnitl " ? Jaruxbftl , ... l.'B Pemrron , ,r' Podrosky ll8 Corby 1" ltefreEiar 3 Packers , u , r , l.M , lii , 1st , 141 , 111 141 )A !M 1.4 Pit. .t.t .; .4ir o7S . .fi4.r. .4ri .4.-4 .S'.: .IM Av. .'. I M .. lie .. i:.'. .. H4 .. lk .. 1.4 .. 1.1 . . IM . . l.M . . 1V .. 14i .. l' .. J47 .. 141 .. J41 .. t:: . . 15 . . l" t .. 133 I.eaaoe. r. W. 1.. Pet. Pin... ?4 12 .tWij. 2S.:2 ..3o 19 17 .6:18 2M4-S ..S 1(1 ) .444 27.101 3B 13 23 27,751 ai averages: f At. Nam ii. Av, ........ ll Haner , lir, f ItA Mptl , .us f 174 Beyer 6J )a Stem . IM Miller-.. , 14 Kohaatky . IM Bwlft .... 1 w nnuivr . 163 Sherwood . 1 10 Price . 1(8 Knight lt7 I'aj-laon iit Smith , k..r..,'.... 1" r.s ........ 11 , 14 . 147 , 145 , 1-17 , 117 131 High School Girls Play at Basket Bali . . . ... ....15 ....II ....13 ....13 ....HI X. St. . & 1i w . K 17 2) ret. .VJ .4r? .4TI .4S3 .-3'J "I'lain-riiaii uaia-I -.. . - .... n .. . lie tirt t I '""""l ATrlBlBg la ina luiq I . At. x.m. Hsnley I"0 d, lllkut, , -'"" l tilcrde -Nl IM J..l.nau .... lirnman IM mkeney ... i" llraelln ..... Mi-Mattln 1! M,(.,-hy .. iiuniinaiun t. t-ranclara I'lHlnaa i.J lievnuida ... 4.-lirlateaeMii ljta 4 'lrk Hli-e 14f -j r-cv t Bartrhnw 114 halr.er ...... Mavlharn : la:l Toman . i-'i-nw?lier ... 1.3 Weeka .... tnb 1 Drone .'.. , . "'"oa l'l K. Zltrmau y.imiueiiiun lit w. Xllamtu l ain Hi in.-i. 1 Lead 112 I llouatrra l,raaa. : v P. W. U I umhm Tailors ?,! m Kufl'.Hi'. THrs U J7 A. Blii.t-.iUar- It. 14 S! 21 IS Guarantei. '!. i'n ;w 19 Ginahu licddlhi,' Co..:;:) It i'i sto:s .Mali.-, :: l .Maxcpi-a.-t i li at Fan-el! Svruprt sa IS ?i Intllvidunl aveiafeu: Av. Names. Naoaee. Wart oh uv o. Johnson 1 'h'l.lar.Mu l ain S4U1 T4IU41 . . , HaiuTuon-t M.H'ailhy ( '. KIo . . . Weeka HowM . ... MatlhTr, ... . . . It l.vona ... IXS Pwi . ... 1VI daub 1, ... Ill lied wail . .. JS3 KiH-iji ... 141 J-". Kite . . let 1l.-a.1Uer ... I t 1UII .... ... I' MrLaau , . . 1W Viler ... . .. Iri ttrummy . . 374 llajnta .. At. .... Jl .... 1 .... 181 ..I. Ill .... IKi) m . ... i .... 179 .... j;i .... J7K 172 .... 173 . ... 170 .... 1 J7 . ... ;4 . ... lw) Pit. PillH. . :ti.oir .ul4 .l:k.4! .WS :tt,72li .f.i2 :.tk7 .ti7 :ii,tm .4N.' .ILltiis .410 rf-'.417 31 2"i,M3 At. 14i 141 1.4 1J 141 Ill It-I l - tt 1 167 lee The girls at the Omaha High schoof have taken up basket ball as part of their-regular work in the gymnasium classes. Every morning and afternoon they practice tossing to the baskets. Miss Bes Pumont, in charge of phvsl. cal training,' expect to pick class teams after the holidays and there will be con siderable competition for places. It is expected to schedule enouglv games be tween the four class, teams to decide the school tltl. Ko games with girls' teama from outside schools can be played thl season as there Is a strict rule In force at the high school prohibiting Inter scholastic basket ball games for girls. In addition to the regular dumb-beil and wand exercises,. Miss Dumont is teaching the girls the art of folk daoclng. She Intends to introduce Indoor base ball for. the high school girls, after the Christmas holidays. ' Tou will find that druggists everywhere speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. They know from long experience In the sale of It that In case of cough nnd-colds it can always be depended upon, and that It Is pleasant and safa to take. For sale by all dealers. Auction Said AT :80 T. K. ST11T STXJTXHCr. Diamonds, Watche. Jewelry and Cloth- , in Bold to the Highest Bidder. Friedman's Loan Bank Corner 13th ad Bougies. Christmas Furs Reduced Prices AULABAUGH 1613 Famam St. AMlEMRvrs. Phoae Doo-. 44. la. A-l -vaiiuee enry uay, i:m: every night 1:15. Advanced Vaudeville Lllv 1iia. Kdwln Stevens, sided bv Tina Marshall: Jullen Tannen; Blank Kanilly; The Avon Comedy Four; The Four Kile. Anna ml Bros.; Kiueroacope; Orphemu Concern Orchastra Prlcea: Night ltie. Hie, iOc. 7oc. Matinee, luc, best sats 25c, except Saturday ami Sunday. I .amis Tewanima, the wonderful Utile! Indian distance runtjar. who Is training' frr the flv-nille et'ent at tha National ! Indoor Champtonahlpa. to bo bald In sladtaon Pqnare Garden, New York, tn j i'tcemtwr j f";aaejf -aj f " "' t i ' ? t ' 4 . '7,i ?1 K :.L4..vjo.ala1. 1 .a.."..... . , J i Champion Phvorshlre Flock at Ohio, Indiana, New Tork arid Michigan State Fair. Owned by Geo. M.-Kerrow & Sons, Pewaukee, Wia. DOaTT AJI. TO rntional Mid-winter SHEEP SHOW OMAHA AIDITORII M, 1KC 18 TO 10 SAT AJTD ZTSSIaTO 1,000 Most Beautiful Sheep in tho World racial Kxhlbit of Interest to AU. ALL VAKIBTTEa mEPBEBEVTCO Many never Before See a la th Ualt-e Btatea BAaTD OOWCCaT EVEIST BTEaTIWO) 1.30 to 10; Alao aturtug Plctara. Urowa-Ur ra-Up BhenU Ba thla BhaWS ABKIBII0M-.ADUI.T tsc Chlldrsn, lOo. Wiaiei'rV iltiaS" f aWlaaTl f '