TllK UMAH.V SUNDAY HKK: DKCKM WAl 10, 1SH1. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska STEWART ASKS BACK PAY Former Bookkeeper at Beatrice Pushes Claim against State. GOVERNOR AtDBICH HOME AGAIN Krtnras to Lincoln 4frr li-livrrlne Address nt llnatlnu tilmlrer orldrl-h Srnils llnrnr. hoe for Portrait. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Doc. 9 .-(Special.) T. H. Stewart, whn m at one time book keeper at the Institute for feelile minded youth at Heatrice. has. through his at torney, applied to the Mate for a war rant for J100 for salary, which lit- says lie earned prior to the time' of hU dis missal from the Institution. After he 1. 1 i - jS x M "l services lor me state no was F "lrl,'d on a charge of embezzling J1.300 if' while bookkeeper at the Institution and was acquitted by the jury. He Is also alleged to have put in shorter hours at tinie.i than he was supposed to have lone, and State Accountant Tulleys Is said to have discovered a shortiiKe of JtiS a few months before Stewart left the service of the state. On these grounds I-Hnd Commissioner Oowlcs has refused to give him a warrant for the amount In uuestion. Coventor Itelurna Hume. lovernor Aldrlih returned yesterday fiom Hastings where he Inspected the state asylum and delivered a lecture in the MothoUlft Episcopal church. Trior to the time of the lecture he was the tuest of honor ut a bamiuet Riven by the brotherhood of the Methodist church of Hastings, mid whicli was attended by all classes of business men. Ono hun dred ami fifty were seated at the ban quet which wag given in Odd Fellows' kali. Ilomenhoe for Picture. A tiny liorse shoe was received by (.Jov unor Aldrich yesterday mude by Charles liorsuch of MartinsburK, Pu. It is a good luck emblem of gold and is not more than three-quarters of an inch In length. All the maker asked In return was a picture of (Jovernor Aldrich to put union;; his collection of such souv enirs. Mr. Gorsucli ulso had inclosed a 1 tter asking tho governor to accept this little work of art, and hoping it would hi lug good luck. Sniirenie Court Itulliitt. following; are rulings on motions for hearing in supreme court: Omaha Cattle Ixiun compano against Shelley. Motion for appellant for modifi cation of opinion overruled. Omaha Cattle l.can comnanv iiirainst Shelley. Motion for appellees for rehear ing overruled. j'erry against Clark. Overruled. walker ugHinst Anderson, overruled. Sneller against Hull. Overruled. Pendergast against Koyul Highlanders. Overruled. Frederick against Moran. Overruled. Hill against Hill. Overruled. Campbell against I.uebben. Overruled. GRAND ISLAND CLUB TO HAVE PAID SECRETARY CJItAND .ISLAND, Neb!, Dec. 9. (Spe cial.) A a largely attended meeting of the executive committee of the Commer cial eltib last evening reports were re ceived of the Various committees which have bfeen soliciting the members for sub scriptions for th employment, of a paid Decretal V- and rate expert' for the general business interests of the city. A com pilation of the leports showed a uf flilent amount saibsi'i lbed to provide the means for a year's work, and a com mittee consisting 4t J. Donald, L, M. Tul mage and C C. Hansen was uppolnted to receive applications and to nuike recom mendations to the club. A suite cf rooms will be secured In one of the downtown business blocks, und It Is hoped that the new offlclul will begin work with the beginning of the new year. ' Frank Gorty Found Guilty of Shooting With Intent to Kill NKPUASKA CITY. Dec. P.-Tlie Jury In the esse of the Slate vs. Frank C.ert.v, after being out for two days and two nights, found the defendant guilty of shooting hht wife with Intent to murder her and the penalty Is from two to fifteen years. Oerty will be sentenced some time In January, as Judse Travis has ad journed the present term of the court until that time. Frank Clerty came here from Oklahoma, with his wife and they went to work in a restaurant. He Inter cepted notes written by her to other men and they quarreled over them. He went home one morning after working In the restaurant ail night and got Into a quarrel with his" wife, and before her sUter, who was In the house could pre vent him had shot his wife three times, once through the right lung, and then tried to shoot lilmselO but the cartridges failed to explode. He then grabbed up forks from the table and stabbed him self in the breast a half dozen times, trying to reach his heart. When over powered there were four forks sticking In his breast. The wile recovered despite the opinion of the physicians that she would not and appeared against him and told the story of the trouble and the shooting. The attorneys for the husband entered a plea of Insanity, but failed to convince the Jury of their view of the case. The parents reside In Oklahoma on a farm and furnished what funds they could for the defense of their sou. I Wagon Box Falls Across Man's Throat V GRAND ISI-AND. Neb., Dec. 9. (Spe cial.) With the edge of a large, three deck wagonbox across his throat, Frank Klincncek, aged 27, a young farmer re siding two miles jw-thwent of Cairo, at the edge of the county, was last night found dead, In a ditch alongside the road. He had been in the village of Cairo in the evening and had started home. Wagon tracks Indicated to the coroner that the driving had been irregular and that official decided no inquest to be neces sary. The country In this section Is rolling and the Incline down which the wagon went was about ten feet deep. He was found about midnight by Karl Van Win kle who immediately summoned help. The hcrses were stil hitched to the wagon. It required the strength of three men to lift the wagonbed from the dead nin and death Is believed to have been Instantaneous. Richard L. Metcalfe Files for Governor From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Deo. 9. 'Special Tele gram.) Richard L. Metcalfe of this city filed today as candidate for the demo cratic nomination for governor. Mr. Metcalfe called upon - Governor1 Aldtlch while at the state house. "1 hope you get the nomination," said the executive. "Will you support me?" asked Mr. Met calfe. "You bet I will, up to the pri maries," replied Mr. Aldrich. nebr'askaIcTtyTwnter shot by companion Rogers Convicted of Murder in the Second Degree FIIF.MONT, Neb., Dec. 9 (Special Tel egramsThe Jury In the Rogers case brought In a sealed verdict this morning, finding the defendant guilty of murder in the second degree. The defendant did not appear much concerned. His rela tives, who have been confident of an acquittal, say the esse will be appealed to the supreme court. Funeral of Former Governor Nance Will Be Tuesday (From a Staff Correspondence LINCOLN, Neb., Deo. 9. (Special Tele gram.) According to announcement made here today the finical of Former Gover nor AtblmiB Nance will be held In this city Tuesday afternoon, with burial in Wyuka cemetery. Stale officials and many vrornlnont men from over the ctate will attend the services. A. e. cady says has no DESIRE TO BE CANDIDATE (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Dec. 9 (Spnolnl.) "I have no Intention of entering the race for gov ernor, railway commissioner or any other political office," suld A. U. Cady this morning before leaving Lincoln for his home at St. Paul. "I never sought a political office In my life. 1 have mado the race for governor, for cungress and for the legislature, but never by my own seeking. Yet somebody considers that at this time, six months before the primaries, I might be feeling around to see what my chances are. 1 suppose the report originated because 1 called on Commissioner Wlnnott of tlie State Hallway commission yesterday and had a lengthy personal conference with him. There is no secret why I was at the commissioner's office. A young friend of mine Is an applicant for the position of secretary of the commission. I wanted to tell the commission what I knew ahottt him, but finding only Mr. Wlnnett pres ent. I poured my trouble into his ear." LINCOLN IS. GRADUALLY W0RKINGUP A THIRST (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 9. (Special.) Approxi mately 600,000 gallons of beer and 39,000 gallons of whisky are consumed in Lin coln eacli year, according to a IJncoln wholesale liquor dealer. These uro the two favorite drinks In Lincoln. The amount of wine consumed is small, and will nut come within thousands of gal lons of the amount of whisky. The liquor dealer said he would estimate the amount of beer used ut each of the twenty-five saloons about two barrels daily. The amount of whisky, he esti mates at about five gallons a, day fur each of the saloons. NEMAHA REPUBLICANS OUT FOR TAFT FOR PRESIDENT AUBURN, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special Tele gram.) The TepubHcan committee of Nemaha county met this afternoon and adopted resolutions endorsing the admin istration of William Howard Tart as president of the United Statis and urging his' renomlnation and re-election. The committee was called together by E. H. Dort, chairman, who presided- at Its de liberations. No opposition developed to the'Taft resolutions. RAILROAD SETTLES WITH PLATTSMOUTH WRECK VICTIM 1'LATT.SMOUTU, Neb., Dec. 9.-(Spe-cial.) William T. Richardson, who was injured in the Missouri Pacific wreck of October lj. losing a foot and having his right arm broken, settled with the com pany Thuraday out of court. Mr. Rich ardson does not give out the amount re ceived, but says the company treated him very nicely. As lie was not required tit employ an attorney the sum received will be net to him. STATE'S SUIT AGAINST LINCOLN TRACTION IS UP vV T I (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 9. (Special.) The suit of the state against the Lincoln Traction company was argued at some length In the state fcupreme court yesterday, the suit being brought to prevent the dissolu tion of the merger of the Citizens' Hue and the local Traction cornpuny's lines. into la Hsraed I p. BK A TRICK, Neb., Dec. . tSrecial.) An International automobile Uied by the II. W. Hill company for delivering groceries, cauVht fire this evening In the alley back of Johnson A Garrison's aroceury store and iu prsx'.lcalry de stroyed, with Its load ut good. The fl.-e Li (uppuaed to have started from a UaX la da ail Una. NEBRASKA CITY, Inc. fi.-Specla!.)-Mr. 1mm of the firm of Imm & Tucker was out hunting with Marcus Sichl yes terday and whilo the latter was crawl ing through a hedge fence his gun caught and was discharged, the contents of the gun entering the calf of the right leg of Mr. Imm, making a Keripus, If not fatal wound. The physicians here removed sjme twenty or more shoth from the limb and this morning sent the Injured man to a hospital at Oniaha for treatment. TRAVELING MAN DIES SUDDENLY JN PLATTSMOUTH PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Dec. 9. (Spe cial.) Floras Ilartlett, traveling salesman for Wcstfleld (Mass.) Whip company, came from Nebraska City .Wednesday night ill with diabetes, and went to the home of August Qorder, one of his cus tomers, where he died Thursday night at 10:30. . Mr. Martlclt has made this town for the last twenty years and is well known all over the state. He was In comforta ble circumstances and leaves one brother, Silas Ilartlett of Lewlston, Me., as his only surviving relative. His brother was notified by wire, and replied that he would come to Plattsmouth and accom pany the body to LewlBton, Me., for Interment. A tx tiodleii'a llrlde a Nan, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special Tele gram.) Puul Atzpudleii, the fiction writer, who Is now ill In Milwaukee, created a sensation in Catholic circles here in May, 1900, when, he married Mary Kotster, a nun, who had not completed her novitiate. Circumstances surrounding the short courshlp were markedly ro mantic and cnused a ripple In this city. Xtzpodien at the time of his courtship here was a writer on the Lincoln Frie Presse and was In Nebraska in connec tion with his work. He gave the name Atzpodlen, as thut was his mother's maiden name. Two Wedding at ebrakm City. NEBRASKA CITY, Dec. . tSpeclul.) Joseph H. Carter of Sidney, la., was mar. Led laat evening at the home of the briilea mother, Mrs. John K. Blckel, to Mli.i Zula Hkkel by ltev. F. M. HUaun, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Fremont. The young people after a short wedding trip will make this city their home. Philip ,DeFreece of Dunbar and Miss Do I He Hall of Shubert Were married In this city yesterday. They will make their future home on a farm near Dunbar. Farmers' laatllnte Held at Sargent. SAIlCiENT. Neb., Dec. 19. (Hpecial. A farmers' Institute and exhibit was held at Sargent December 4-6. The speakers were Mr. O. Hull of Alma, Hoi. K. P. Brown of Davey and Miss ilary Parous of Fremont. The institute u la a thriv ing condition and plans are bring laid for the work the coming year. The new officers afs: M. E. Vamlenberi, frtsl dent; 8. J, Penny, vice prestJtmt; Wilbur Tobias. secretary-treasurer; executive committee. James Gibson, Carl Cole and S. T. Johnson. ' SIDNEY MASONIC LODGE CELEBRATES WITH BANQUET SIDNEY, Neb.. Dec. 9. (Special Tele gram.) Frank Welch lodge No. 75, An cient Free and Accepted Masons, raised six candidates yesterday to the sublime degree of master Masons, and in the evening a banquet was given by the lodge to Masons and their families, at which 300 people participated at Tobin opera house. The following toasts were responded to: "Fraternallsm," Judge Joseph Oberfelder; "Opportunity," Colonel Abner B. Per- slnger; "Something Worth While," U K. Pfelffer; "Wyoming." 'leorge Copcland; "Masonic History." Dan Short; "A Young Fellow's Chance." Joseph M. SwetiRon; "Frlendshjp," Robert 'W. Devoe. Bene diction, Kev. Mr. Hornaday. The toast master was Harmon Schroeder, master of .the lodge. Nebraska Administrator Files Stanisics Inventory (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dee. .-(Speclnl. )- ( '.col ;v L. DeLacv, special administrator of the estate of Throdoro Stanisics, has filed In court an Inventory of the properly of the deceased which hus come Into his hand since his appointment. The Inven tory emhiace a largo number of liens, but most of them are rtiviilnully of no value whatever. There is JlT.i'1 cash and a certified check fur $I.S.".i;.14. The nd mlnlstrator holds two notes from Abner Heater, one for $;?0 and the oilier for fnro. There ore receipts from the Lin coln Ponding and Surety company for r.'.V), deposited for a surety bond. Thus far four claims have been filed against the estate In tho county court. They are: American Safe Deposit com pany, services and cost ns trustee. $1'.C..2; Lancaster county, taxes, .V; Mr. u:id Mrs. J. T. Clark, board, I'.T IN, clerk of the supreme court, costs. $l(i.!ir. The ilnal divto for filing claims iu;aln.t tho estate has not been set by the court. The money said to be on deposit with a New York bank Is nut Included in the Inventory filed by the special administra tor, as It tins not come Into his possession. GAGE COUNTY NEWS NOTES ( orlliitid Drnaalsta Fined for lo- Intlii State Law liny Sent llrtorm School. PI'.ATltlCE. Neb., Dec. P. tSpeclul ) Joseph Evans of Haymoud. (.. and Mrs. Lorinda Miller of Cortland. Neb., were married nt tho latter place by Kev. (1. A. C lea-son. E. S. Allen & Son. who disposed of their drug stock at Cortland the oilier day to John F. Wehrll, were fined I0 and costs for- operating their Htore without the services of a registered pharmacist as required by the state law. Albert Calhoun, tho lti- car-old son of Mrs. Anna Calhoun of this clly, wa.s brought beforo Judge Walden yesterday nnd sentenced to tho reform school at Kearney on the charge of Incorrigibility. Sheriff Schick took him to that place lust evening. John Pagels, a pioneer grocery inn n of this city, yesterday purchased the (.illbert block on lower Court street and will soon occupy It with IiIh stock of goods. Gardner is Given "Another Chance" By Judge .Estelle Lyslo (iiinlner, over whom hangs n penitentiary sentence' for breaking nnd enleilng and who had been given other chance'' tlce by Judge le S. F. telle, was glven one more yesterday when the judge paroled him. "ou'vc taken advantage of me," said Judge Estelle. "1 treated you right, tried to help you make a man of your self, and ou thank tne by getting Into more trouble. I'll let you hue one more chance, though I'm not sure but what I ought to send oil to the penitentiary right now. Oct to work nnd the next time von come befnro me you'll get St least ninety days In Jail and maybe I'll send you to the penitentiary." (iardner pleaded guilty to breiiUhiK and entering more than a year ago and ili paroled. He has gut Into trouble with the authorities since then, but never lu(s committed a serious crime. Keeenlly he started nn "athletic club" under a pool hall and got Into trouble with the membeia. lie entered the club ittoms and carried off some property, claiming It as his, and the other members charged him with breaking and entering,- When paroled men get into trouble it Is the custom not to try them, but to sentence them under the first conviction or guilty Pica. (iardner told Judge Estelle lie didn't wunt to be tuit In Jail beeauso he wanted to support his sick mother. Witnesses said ho has contributed t.'.Ti to her sup poll during the Inst year. Judge Es telle (old him to really support his mother, go to work, quit being a big, worthless Juafter and do honest toll Instead of running athletic clubs under Pool hulls. otniiierelnl t lab llitnqurt. 1.1 i A K, Neb.t Dec. 9 (Hpeclal.)-A bamiuet was given last evening by tho Edgar Commercial club to Its members. This being tho first bamiuet the club has given, It was thought best tii extend in vitations only to tho individual members of the club, and, If they made good, at some oilier time Invitations to those out side of the club might lie extended. Out of n membership of eighty, sixty-two were present. An excellent three-course ban quet was served at 10 p. m., after v'.ilch the time till midnight was occupied by speeches in reply to toasts by members of the club. The Edgnr orchestra furn ished the music. Red Flyer Derailed; Passengers Injured HIOUlNtMIl HO. Mo., Dec. P.-Chicago Jfc Alton passenger train No. ". known as the "Hed Flyer," was derailed near Alma, ten miles from here, at HtCO o'clock this nfternooii. scwial passengers tvere Injured none serlounlv. The train left St. Louis at li ft; o'clock this morning and was ("hip In Kansas City at r.;yi this after noon. The cause of tho accident Is un known. E. P. Miller of Paula, Kan., W years old, who was the only passenger badiy Injured, suffered severe bruises on his shoulders, hip and buck. Engineer II. Mcf ortnai k of Slater and Fireman Wil liam Walden received slight Injuries. The train was running thirty-five miles nn hour when luddenly, on a slight curve. It left the rails, the engine mid four couches ti rnlng over on their sides. There was a mad scramble of passenger to get out of the overturned coaches. Miller was Injured Vt hen a number of the panic stricken passengers trampled over him. DEATH RECORD John II. Mnnrt. NKUUASKA CITY, Dec. 9. (Special.) John H. Swans, one of the pioneers of this section, died at the county farm and was brought to this city today for burial. He was M4 years of sgo and at one time was olio of the largest land owners of this fraction, but sold out and went south, j where he Invested lit southern land und lost his all, and then camo back to his old homo to be cared for. His daughter, Mrs. James Jarittt of Texas, enme here and looked after him during his last Ill ness. He was a member of the Masonic order and his burial B under tlulr di rection. ( t . H. Hall. Al'HlltN, Neb., Dec. 9-(Speolsl.)-Clnreneo K. Hull, on old soldier, died last evening' at his homo 1n litis city, uged about 00 years. He hhd resided hero twenty years nnd stood high In the com munity. Ho is survived by a wlnow and several children. Mr. Kilvtard Ward. AUHl'liN, Neb., Dec. P. (Special.) Mrs, Ward, wife of Edward Ward, a prominent farmer residing sevon miles northeast of this pluee, died yesterday after an Illness of considerable duration. Itnln Kstrnda Into (Its', . HEATK1CB. Neb., Dec. P. (Rpeclat.) A hesvy rsln has been falling here most of the day and the ground Is receiving a thorough soaking. The moisture will be beneficial to the winter wheat. sf? I Have your clothes READY for Christmas wear. Wouldn't It prove decid edly comnioiiBenslcRl t o gather up your clo flies, your finery, your apparel nuccsal Ucb NOW, and to Bond them to nif' for a ntaalprly dry t'leanliiB HKKOKIC the I're ('htlHlniag ruslt is actually at hand? Phone Tlor lSOil or Auto A 22 Jo. Leave work at the plant, at Dresher The Tailors, 1615 I'arnain St.. or at branch In I'oiiipiiiun Itooiu of Hrandels Stores. Expretw paid one way on out of town shipments of f3 or over. Dresher Bros. 2211-2213 Fnrnam St. The Twentieth Century Farmer la the leading ttrsrlcuUurul Jour nal of the weal. Its columns are Tilled with tho bent thought of the day in matter pertaining to the farm, the ranch and tho orchard, nnd it 1b a factor in tho development of the great west ern country. NEWS N0TEJ FROM BLAIR Firemen Are tilven llanqurt at Hotel Clifton by Committee of Business Men. BLAIR, Neb., Dec. .9. (Special.) In recognition of post services and more especially for tho hard 'fight in which the flro department of this city kept a bad fire from spreading over the entire south part of town last week, a banquet was given the fire boys at the Clifton hotel on ( Wednesday. 1 - Banker Castetter and John McQuanle Interested some of the business men In the scheme and a surprise was sprung on the firemen after their regular nicet'.nn Wednesday evening by Inviting them to lunch nt tho hotel, where, they were royally entertained. The banquet was fol lowed by an Impromptu program of speeches, sours and toasts. A feature of the evening was some specialities In Irish lig dancing by Mr. and Mrs. "Doc" Wright, proprietors of the Clifton hotel, who are 60 years of age. The Holmquist Elevator company is Just completing a 10,000-bushel elevator at DeSoto station south ut Blair on the Omaha railroad. Tho farmers in this vicinity have had to haul their grain to Calhoun or Ulalr, or load It into cars. They will appreciate this convenience. .Coroner K. C. Pierce has held the body of John O'Neill, a rullroad laborer, who died of pneumonia at Washington, this county, for ten days endeavoring to locate relatives. A brother will arrive today from Illinois to caro for the body, and a sister, Mrs. Peter Hanky was lo cated in Lincoln. ' -crr A '1 should feel guilty of In- P""njk gratitude If I did not tell of the benefits I have derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla. Five ugly and painful abscesses ' formed In the lower part of my abdomen. I was con fined to my bed thirteen weeks, and the pain was almost unbearable. A neigh bor suggested that I try Hood's Sarsa parilla, which I did. I began to Im prove Immediately, the abscesses began to heal, and I took the medicine until I was well. ' John Wallace, Field See, Y. M. C A., l'ittston. Pa. Get It today. In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called hantatalm. Persistent Advertising to Big P.tturua la the Kosd WANTED A large u.anufacturlng con cern of the middle west l de sirous of getting In touch with several high claus capable salesmen, for service January first, men who have had ex perience selling general far.i Implements and gasoline ori gin's. Experience with Utter not absolutely neresaary, but applicant absolutely inusthat'e experience selling agrloulturAl niachlDw-y. High grade .im portunity for men of ac quaintance! with the trade n Nebraska. Iowa, Kansas. WIs coustn. Illinois or Missouri. Ail replies absolutely confi dential, fitate as near as pos sible la first letter full par ticulars a to experience, eai ury expected, etc. ACdrr X 17, He, outsits. Our big light, bright basement is brim full of attractive, amusing and interest ing Toys. For little and big children." These Should Interest You. WAGONS "l.'ncle Sam"' double iwatcri wajron, room for four passeugeiB. Made with heavy sprlnfta nnd steel tires. Painted red, Price $12. ?0 Farm WuifoiiH Mado from aelect oak. AM frame body with standard. Wood seat. Price . $11.50 l'atrol YaicnM Side rail and beats. Hull at tached. Prhto 815.00 CoRNtlnv Htick lUuirds Steel braces and hoIUI Bteel rims. Price $5.00 XIAMi Toasters Can be used as express or coaster wagons. Kxtra heavy. Price $5.00 Kxpretis WntfotiK All solid oalc wheels. lOxtin heavy tire. Size 15 Inches by 30 $3.00 American Tri-Kar Combination express and coaster car. Steel axle and rubber tires. Iron brace $0.50 IMPORTED KESTNER DOLLS v ' . Tosltlvely the most complete assortment of dolls In the city. Dolls with bisque heads, natur al hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. Jointed bodietf. 18-lnth ..$3.50 22-Inch K5.50 24-lnch $0.50 lUby Dolls -.35 to $1.50 IwMly Doll $3.00 Dolls with Kid Bodies 35 to $3.00 Character llnliy Dolls, natural expression, up from 35 Kverythlng ready to wear for the doll. Wigs, shoos slippers, Btocklngs, hats, bonnets, hoods and feather boas; long baby dresses, gingham dresses, party dresses, skirts and sailor dresses. GAMES Meccano Heta Th world's me chanical wonder. Material to build trucks, windmills, bridges, aeroplanes, etc., etc. Prices S2.00 to $23.50 Turn Overs A fascinating game for everybody. , Prices 25 to 50 l'ost OfficeEverything oompleto for a postofflce. 25 to $1.25 PutzleH All the new pastimes on the market. Prices 25 to 75 Tea Bets Prices 25 50 G5 ranging $2.75 i G ift Pieces of worth and stability that please, that, are useful and ornamental You'll be surprised at the many pretty and inexpensive furniture pieces we are showing thafr would make pretty and acceptable gifts. O I. Ill WORK TiBLE . (Like illustrtilion.) Solid nuihogiuiy. Miiitlin Washing ton design. One of our most popu lar patterns, 'omes in dull finish; regular value ..'().( N)--neeial, eaeh, at "... $19.00 nerving Trays Solid Mahogany--at $3.75 to $21 Jiook IMocka Oak and mahogany at ....v $-1.50 to $12.00 Dinner Wagon h Solid mahogany with tray $30.00 to $00 LIBRARY TABLE Heavy ncroll design, dull finish; gen uine mahogany. Top is 30 inches wide, 50 inches long. An extra high table. Value $50.00, special, each, S38.00 Medicine Cabinets Oak, mahogany and white enamel. New line '"Ices ,...$3.75 to $15.00 Fluno Itenches Mahogany, Oakland Wal nut. Prices $0.75 to $22.00 Magazine J tacks Fumed golden oak and mahogany. Prices $1.50 to $12.00 HmokinK Htand Fumed oak and mahog any. Large variety I'rt'e $2.50 to $13.50 ('andleHiliks A beautiful assortment in maiiogany. Some electric, others for candles. Prices $2.75 to $-10 ROCKER (Like illustration.) Arts nnd .Crafts design. Stickley Bros., make. Soft brown fumed oak with Spanish leather seat and back. Ijargo and comfortable. Regular value $27.50. Choice either anil chair or rocker $19.00 Ollarettes Prices $13.50 to $35.00 I'ednfttaJs New line. Golden and Fumed Oak and Mahogany $2.50 to $40 ur BRie-a-BRae department offers jus-t the opportunity you want for the selection of your Christmas gifts useful and artistic traveling nov elties, small compact sewing boxes, manicure sets, necktie and handkerchief holders, nt from $1.50 to $15.00 For the Home Coalport China, English Kock Crystal Cut A?ovelti of every description Cretonne trays, smokers' articles. n , re , rp . fancy waste baskets, fern dlahos. Jardinieres, hanging flower tiiass, uresueil V oliee ana jeu rsets. baskets. Individual pieces, paper cutters, paper weights, ink wells, For the Library or Office Complete desk sets from $3 to $35 calendars, etc., etc. SPECIAL PRICES MONDAY You can save money here on Monday. A complete line of Florentine nnd bronze ware, comprising a- beautiful assortment of comports, fruit baskets, bon bon. dishes, small fancy vases, fancy fern dishes, twine boxes and hun dreds of other beautiful imported high class pieces of which the regular prices have been $3.00'tb $12.50 a piece. All marked at Special Prices from $1.75 to $8.125'each. ReHARD'& WILH'ELM eARlET 0. Jf 4