Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 19

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Women Arc
Doing in the World
CI of the Nebraska Wesleyan
I university at Lincoln will give
an luurtss on taucation ana
Environment" at tlio meeting
of the Omaha Woman'a club
Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Fol
io Ing the address the subject will be
oiK-n, for discussion by the club members.
The educational committee, of which
Mrs. Oeorge Tllden is chairman, and tha
c ivics committee, of which Mrs. TV. O.
PaWlcy Is chairman, have charge of the
i'lojiam. Miss Adelyn Wood wllr play
the following numbers arranged by Mrs.
i:dlth Wagoner, leader of the musical de
l.ait.nent of the Tlub: "Prelude" and
Serenade" from. "Carnival Mlgnon," by
Schntt; "Ml Tersita," waits, by Careno;
"R Glofrne." by Liszt N .
"The board of directors will rneet pre
ceding the program al 1 o'clock Instead
of at 1:43 as formerly. At the business
.-rsslon Mrs. M. D. Cameron, president,
III present for discussion her recommen
dations to the club,
Monday's meeting will be the last open
meeting of the club of this year.
Ideas for mrry Christmas will be ex
chnnged at the meeting of the household
("onomlcs department of the Woman's
club Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. The
members will alxo report their success
In paper bag cookery.
Mauptmann's "Sunken Bell" will b4 the
diama studied at the meeting of the or
ator? department of the Woman'a club
Tuesday at 10 a. in. In Miss Kltch'a etu
illo. Mrs. will Nlckelson will be leader
of the lesson.
M.s. KUai'U Johnson will read a pa
per on "The Origin of Greek and itoman
Comedy," and Mrs. TVUUam A. Challls
win contrast Aristophanes, Rabelais and
Ibsen at tha meeting of the literature
department of tha Woman's club Wednes
day at 10 a. m. Mrs, George C. Bnnner
will be leader of the day..
A ; department for the study of, the
nine departments of the Omaha Woman's
duly ' This new department will begin
work after the first of the year. It. will
i lien fchoose Its leader and Instructor.
Those, who have registered as members
are Mesdames L. J. Healey, Ben Baker,
.1. K. Pulver. C. H.Jtfarley. W. A. Chal
lis, B. B. Coons, T. L. Combs, N. H. Nfl--on
and MIfs Grace Conklln.
Alia. Anna Lazier Allen Is giving a
ferlea of readings In masterpieces of mod
ern drama Wednesday afternoons at 4
o'clock, at the Metropolitan, under the
auspices' of Miss Lillian Fitch and the
uratory department of the Woman's club.
The first of the series was "The Silver
Hox,"by Galsworthy, given December 6.
The other drama,of the series will be
given by Mrs. Lazier, one a week' In the
following order: "Truth," Clyde Fitch;
"Herod," Stephen Phillips; "Press Cut
tings" ithe suffrage play), Shaw; "The
l'ipeT Josephine Peabody Marks; "Tlio
Passing of the Third Floor Back,'.' Jerome;
"Kvery woman.", Browne; "Don" (from
tlio New Theater), Besler; "Shadow of
the Gten.'V Synge; "The Sunken Bell,"
Sevoiai applications for the scholarship
offered at the Kearney Military academy
by thoNebraska Federation of Women's
Clubs have been received by Mrs. b II.
Cole, chairman of the board of trustees
for the federation scholarship work. AH
applications must be sent to Mrs. Cole,
1810- Spencer street, before December 25.
The scholarship Is for a two-year course
at the academy and Is open to a Nebraska
boy over l'J years of age and under 17.
Ills application must Include his school
record, a recommendation from his last
teacher, a note from the clergyman of
his church and a- note from one business
man to whom the applicant's family Is
The board of directors of the Young
Women's Christian association will meet
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock to ar
"tango for the annual meeting In January.
nev, J. fcott . Ebersole, pastor of the
Immanuel Baptist church, will address
the Women's Christian. Association for
the Maintenance of the Old People's Home
at Its annual meeting Tuesday, at 10:30
u. m.i at the Young Women's Christian
association assembly room. Officers and
a board of trustees for the coming year
will be Detected, reports of committees
will be made and a musical program will
be given.
Christmas stories will be told by Mrs.
K. A. Holyoke, Miss Agnes McKlroy and
Miss Grace Conklln at the meeting of
the W'yche fctory Tellers' league, Thurs
day, at 4:15 p. m.
How to Keep Young and Pretty : JKoIr
Copyright. 111. Nnt'l News Aooiatlon
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Mrs. W. P. Metzger will read a paper
on "What a Child Means to the Parent"
at the meeting of the Mothers' Kclf-cul
ture club 'Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. at the
Westminster Presbyterian church.
K. Marion Crawford's book "Pletro Ghl
ert" will be studied at the meeting of
the Dundee Woman's club Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. 1L C. pe
ters. Mrs. J. 3. Dodds will lead the lebson.
Tlio current topics session will be in
charge of Mrs. F. I. Klllck.
"Sociology" will be the subject of study
ul the, meeting of the University Exten
sion club Tuesday evening In the Omaha
Commercial college building. The merit
Urn will answer the roll call with quota
Uuns from Tennyson. .Tennyson's "Locks
Icy Hall" and "I-ockaley Hall Sixty Years
Alter" will be studied, also Moore's "L'to
yla" and Thoreau's "Walden."
Christmas candies will be made and
holiday table decorations demonstrated
el the kenalngton which will be held
Tuesday afternoon by the household eco
uomlcs department of the South Omaha
Century Literary club at the home of
Mrs. It. K. Echlndel. The assisting host
esses Will be Mrs. E. B. Brown and Mrs.
T. J. Parker.
Members of the Imogens club of Flor
nee will entertain their husbands at an
evening meeting Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. Paul Haskell. The four officers of
the club Mrs. A. C. Griffin, president
Mil. Haskell, vice president; Mrs. C. C.
Crawford, treasurer, and, Mrs. F. II. Key-
oolds, secretary' will be the hostesses,
owing to the lecture of Alfred Ter.ny
ran Dickens Monday afternoon at the
Voung Women's Christian association the
regular lecture of the series being given
there by Prof. Paul A. Grummann of the
l.eetn llohlrese mid Miss Mary Rlngwslt.
Orneial I Ikp and his damhter. Mrs.
.Montgomery, have cards out for a recep
tion on the rvrnlnu of December 17 at
their home In Council Bluffs. In honor of
Mr. and Mis. Orenvllle Dodge. Montgom
ery and Mr. and Mrs. Orrn llle Tarker of
New York.
The P.araca and Phllatliea societies of
the llanscom Park Methodist Episcopal
church IU kep open house on New
Year's day at several of the young
women's homes. Last Thursday evening
these societies gave an entertainment at
the church and will give a concert nent
II V ti ll V UKULYS. ,
One of the readers of my ankks Is
not content because, she Bays,, that it Is a
simile thing for'ine to be young and
pretty when nature made me so and
when I spend all the money 1 need on ex
pensive frocks to make me s;ill prettier.
'Wait till you are over 4D." Hhe writes,
"then you will know how hard It Is to
look pretty, especially If you haven't a
lot of money to spend on yourself."
My good friend, I say to her, I expect
to he pretty at 40, at least, If I am n it.
it won't be for the lack of trying. Ueing
pretty "when you nre yoiing is not a r.reat
virtue, since, as my Irate corresiioiident
remarks, you haven't yourslf to thunk
for It; but as you grow older It is neces
sary to use more Intelligence, more cure,
more patience, and to study yourself
quite Impersonally.
"I do not know why my correspondent
writes of 40 years as old. Evidently she
thinks herself as old, which Is a dreadful
thing to do, because It should be Just the
prime of life, and la beginning to b? re
garded so by Intelligent people. How
ever, since she thinkH It is a hoary old
age, I will take her attitude, and tell her
what I will do when I am over 40.
Long before I am 40 I shall begin to!
forestall old Father Time by every means
in my power. I shall criticise my lace
as If It wero someone else'B, without any
more prejudice or sympathy. I shall say
to myself. "Little Gaby, you are not Js
young as you were, and you must be
careful. .You vued to bo ableNo stay up
late and not look any the worse for It
the next morning, but now you must get
to bod earlier, or make up for lost sleep
In the daytime, even If you. have to go
without makhiK calls, or going out for
tea. And speaking of tea, Y doubt If It Is
guod for you now, for I notice that rich
foi d. and too much of It. hurrns a wemon
of your years while It did not trouble the
avlrt of 30.. . '
When I am 50 Ishall not. try to dress
like an riifrenuo. ..jC'othins rmikps one look
co old as to dress too youiiB, . though I
notice that many women do It In the be
lief thut they are subtrartinx from their
years. No, indeed, whin 1 am jfl I shall
JiesH u little bit older than I am, then
people will say. -'Why, i-he Is still a
young woman. Why rhould she dress so
old'." Is It not-better that they should
say that than that they should remark
behind my back, 'Dear me, there Is thai
old thing trying to look like a young
girl." I shall dress with Great care. My
frocks will be simple, but all the acces
sories will be the daintiest and prettiest
1 can afford, and 1 shall wear little, caps
of tho olden time, and llttlo fichus and
plcture(ue little trifles which rightfully
belong to the older woman but which
have fallen Into the hands of young girls
ti whom they do not rightfully belong,
except as a kind of charming masquerade.
Before my fortieth birthday I shall
have studied myself carefully enough to
know Into what lines my face Is settling.
Kit I don't like the lines I will change
them. If 1 find that I have acquired a
frown I will learn to control my expres
sion, not tf) say my temper, and If I have
a deep frown I shnll out If I
have to go around all dny wit h adhesive
plaster on my face. Y'ou know. If you
have a wrinkle between tho eyes and
smooth It out with your fingern and then
put stiff, adhesive plaster over It, you
won't be able to frown while you wear
the plaster, and you can break yourself
of the habit In time. i
' I am taking care of my hair, my figure
and my face right now, so that when I
get to the .venerable ago of 40, which,"
according to mv correspondent, seems to
be the Jumplng-off place for youth and
beauty, I shall retain some semblance
and good looks- at least, I hope so. '
University of Nebraska will be postponed
one week.
Henry P. Karnes will lecture oji "The
Beginnings of Art and Its Relationship
to Music" Wednesday at 4 p. m. at the
Young Women's Christian association un
der the auspices of the Tuesday Morning
Musical club and the Society of Fine Arts.
The Benson Woman's Christian Temper
ance union will meet Friday at 2:30 p. in.
at the home of Mrs. Aldluo MunHell.
The Omaha Woman's Christian Temper
ance union will meet Wednesday ut 2:30
In the assembly room of the Young Wo
men's Christian association.
The Daughters of the Confederacy will
meet Thursday at 2:30 p. m. at tlio home
of Mrs. Carrie Livingston.
. The woman's auxiliary of St. Stephen's
mlexion will meet Thursday at the home
of Mrs. F. B. Lowe. -'
Continued from Pago Two.)
there were guessing games, dancing and
a Jack Homer pic for entertainment. As
sisting Mrs. Hunter were Misses Helen
Bllsh, Kdna L. Pickering and Hazel
Ochiltree. The guests were:
Mlssett Misses
Ann Axtell, Hwenu Chase,
Pauline Coad. Dorothy Wilcox,
Mercedes Jensen, MarKUiet Mathews,
Josephine 'i W illiams, lirru ude Koenlg,
Catherine (loss
Elizabeth Robertson,
Cutlierlue Conrad, ,
lie Weenta Conrad,
Dxrothy Hippie,
jvtlrp Mae V eiler,
Virginia Wellcr,
Mildred llungate,
Knltier McVann,
.Marlon Ochiltree.
Margaiet Hpaldlng.
Josselyn Stone,
Helen Pearce,
Lillian Head, '
Dorothy Garlow,
Klsle Schmidt,
Winifred Grant,
Hazel t'pdike.
Marjory I'pillke,
I .OS Angeles;
Virginia White.
Dorothy Jixlxon,
Charlotte' Kosewater,
Margaretha Gilmmell,
The Misses Eleanor Mai kay and Lucille
Bacon gave a dance last evening In the
ball rooui of Mlsa Bacon's home at 4-ti
North Thirty-eighth avenue. In honor of
the seniors of Brownell Hall. These
hostesses are members of the fen lor
class and the ball room was decorated In
the class colors, coral and white, and
school pennants were also used. Thuse
present were:
Btella Thummel,
Anne Gif ford,
Harriet Copley,
Stella Holmqulst,
Eleanor Johnson
of Mllford. Neb.;
Pauline Paul
of St. Paul. Neb
Frances Hochstetlef. Glrasot
I lalcyon Cotton, Lucille Baron
Messrs. Alcs-r.
Alice Duvu,
Helen Blake,
Margaret Salladln
of Mllford. Neb.;
Genevieve Brooks,
Margaret Fugit,
Kleaimr Macky,
Everard Ohllds.
Malcolm llaldiige.
Jack Bowen.
Larret Smith,
Percy Hull.
Kobert Council,
Earl Burket,.
Bernard Smyth.
Horace Blake.
W ayne Selbv.
Hugh Millard.
Kenneth lieeil,
Lloyd Smith.
Warren Howard,
Sievera Sussman.
lien Gallagher,
For the Future'
Mrs. W. H. McCord will entertain at
luncheon December 29 for her daughter,
Mrs. Hubert Howe, will entertain at
luncheon Wednesday. December 27. for
her daughter,. Miss Marion Howe.
Mrs. Luclen Stephens will give a small
and Informal tea Wednesday for Mrs. V.
G. McGlllycuddy of San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McConnell's cards
are out for a dance on the evening of
Thursday, December 28, Jn honor of their
daughter, Gertrude.
The Merrymakeis' club of Trinity cathe
dral will give a dancing party, the fourth
Of. the season, at Jacob-)' Memorial hall
next Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, George Ward Holdrege Is
sued Invitations Saturday for a dance at
the Country. club December il for Miss
Personal Gossip
Mr. V.. F. Colar Is spending Sunday In
Mrs. C. I". Fuller hss gone to Chicago
to visit relatives.
liabhl Frederick Cohn will spend Sun
day In Minneapolis.
Mr. Luther Drake has isturned from
New Orleans and New York.
Mrs. John C Cowln returned yesterday
from a two weeks' tay in Cleveland, O.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Handle, whs are on
their wedding trip, are now In Oakland,
Mr. Thomas .1. McShane. who Is spend
ing a week In St. Louis, will return
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love are expected
home Monday from Excelsior Springs and
Manias City.
Miss Mabel Balcombe. who is spending
the winter in New Y'ork, Is at 17 West
Thirty-seventh street.
Ma. and Mrs. . M. Morsman and Mlti
Harper left Friday for Hollywood, Cal.,
and later will go to Coronado.
Mrs. C. B. Kustlnjleft yesterday to
spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs.
J. II. Mcintosh of New Y'ork.
Mr. and Mr. Dwlght Swob and small
son will arrive Friday front Berkley, Cal.,
to spend the holtdas with Colonel and
Mi. Thomas Swoba.
Mr. Elmer Cope went to fit. Louis to
attend the debut ball Friday evening of
Miss Margaiet Brown, who visited Miss
Dinning last summer.
Miss Cheney, who was the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Halstead DoreV, at Fort
Crook for two weeks, has returned to
her home In tkc 'east.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith of Pturgls,
P. D.. who have been visiting Mm.
Smith's sister. Mrs. V. II. White, have
gone to Miami, Fla., for the winter.
Miss Florence Katz of Sapulpa, Okl.,
arrived last week to spend the rest of the
winter wish Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Katz.
Miss Katz will study voice while here.
Mrs. Arthur Remington and her brother,
Mr. Harry MiCormlck, leave this week
for New York to remain over the holl
ilns with Mrs. Wagar Itcmlngton of that
Mr. and Mrs. John Rouse. : who have
been to Honolulu on their wedding trip
and la California, have arrived In Omaha
and will remain here ten days on their
way to Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of Florence, Wis.,
who have been visiting their daughter,
Mrs. A. M. Pinto, and who have been
much entertained during their visit, left
last evening tor their home.
lieutenant Colonel W. B. Atkinson of
Fort Crook has been ordered to report
at Fort Leavenworth by January 1 to
take a ten weeks' course at the field
officers' school of the tine at that post.
Mrs. Harry Wllklna. who came to spend
Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Colpetzer, remained over this
week and Mr. Wllklns came from Chicago
yesterday. They go back to Chicago to
morrow. Mlsa Clara Slefkcn lias returned from
1-eon, la., where she gave two recitals.
One was given Wednesday evening and
one Thursday afternoon. Miss Slefken
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
The home of Mr. Samuel Burns, at 613
South Fortieth street, lias been bought
by Mr. James McKenna, who will build
a house south of the present house, the
latter to be occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
William K. Martin.
Mrs. Wallace J. Turnbull of Newburgh,
N. Y., together with her little daughter.
Catherine, Is making her first visit to
Omaha since her marriage. ' She Is the
guest of her pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Wallace. 3069 Redlck avenue. .
Mr. Ross Towle, accompanied by his
mother, Mrs. George C. Towle, and his
sister. Miss Bessie Towle, will leave the
middle of this week for Canon City, Colo.,
where his marriage to Miss De Weese
will take place Tuesday evening, Decem
ber 19. Mr. Elmer Cope Is to be best man.
Miss Henrietta M. Ilees will return from
Sioux City to spend the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rees. Mrs.
Samuel Reesrjr., has returned from Sioux
City, where she went to attend tha mu
sical given by Miss Rees at Mornlngslde
college, where she Is an Instructor In the
college conservatory uf music.
Thousands of Omaha Homes
r Have already been enriched by gifts and good from
Omahana know well the rareness and full worth of Combs' Wares. This year
we have outdone all our previous efforts and every one marvels at and
praises the excellence and Immensity of our btocks. All you need to do Is
Think of Giving Jewelry
. and come to COMBS' for it.
Thousand of our patrons are yet to be served as they have been for
the past , 20 years, and we have plenty of goods, plenty of 'clerks, but hmve
we plenty of time? The transient and new customer feature la also mu li
larger, to come early and get our superb engraving and superior service.
W VssSi sk
Sellers of Jewels and Wares
s( !
CO. f.
1520 Douglas Street
Vrelty Cross
Fox end '
The Famous
tHIk and
Waists and
VlooV! Second Floor McCrorey't So and lOo Stort. IS$TS5
$10 and $15
Values Up to $45
N ORDER to dispose
of our surplus stock
so that we may have
iuoro room for? our
Furs, which we shall show
:ut wo,'!c, we shall offer
you 1 Ik: choice of any suit
or auy coat or dress in our
tin? stool; priced up to
Jn tlm
s:ilc, nj".
m s 1
Special Xmas Sale
Every garment and set of furs re
duced'in price. v
This-is not a collection of unre
liable or unsatisfactory merchandise
gathered for the purpose of making
a big profitable sale. (
. . It ia our regular line of Aula
baugh made furs backed by our
Remember1 We handle furs ex
clusively, and are here day after day
--year after year. to make good
our guarantees. Visit our store be
fore purchasing and make compari
son of our prices.
1613 Farnam Strcot
rn n FT?.
rafOni&ILl ,lrTO8
Are ."Always Bigti
Ws'va had fifteen years' experience In tha Cleaning and Dyeing buat
ress In Omaha, daring which time we have mailt a careful study of tha
coat of doing tha work, and we know our prices ar aa low as first-class)
work can ba dona under present conditions. Here are some of them:
Xry Claaaaa
and rraM
Waists, plain
Waists, silk or fancy.,
ktrts, plain
klrts, plaataa
klrts, wltn drop
Jackats, short
Jackets, long, unllnsa
Jackats, long, lined ..'.
Opera Ooats
Oravanattas '
Tailor Buita
Ons-pUo Crass, plain
Ona-piaoa Drui, face?
Wrappers or Klmonas
f-lumes, Claaaad or Xyd and Oorlad. .
Willows, par Inch
Bath Bobas
Olovas, long
Olovsa, . short
. Iliypsrs '
I. .78 V
1 to 1
1 to
a. oo to 1
1.7S to
1.60 to
a. oo to
1.00 to
par Inch
Claaaad, Srod
and lrossad
81.00 to 1.60
a oo
t.oo to a. eo
. 8.60
8.60 to 3.00
8.60 to 3.00
3.00 to 3 SO
8.60 to I OO
3.00 to 4.00
1.60 to 8.60
to ' .00
Flaln skirts, sponged and ' praasad. 6O0I plaatad skirts. T6o short
jackats, 60c: long Jaok.ts, 7 6c I tailor salts, $1-00 to 91-851 vslrst suits,
stasmsd and pressed. 31.60 to 88.60.
Jackets cut off, 81.00; sleeres altered. 81.86 to 81-60; silk or valTet
collars aad cuffs, 81-60 to 62.001 shawl collars, 91.60 to 83.O01 sailor col
lars, 93.00 to 83 00. j '
Vlsters . . . .
(Moves . . . .
Micktles . .
Dry or Steam
Cleaned and
Cleaned, Sjod
83 OO
Butts, sponged and pressed. 75c I pants, 860; overcoats. 75c I now vel
vet collars, I l.oo, 81-50 and 83.60; mohair aleevo ltntaga, 81-60; silk or
satin, 93.50; overcoat body linings, rarmer satin or serge, 9S.OO to 97.00;
silk, 98 00 to 918.00, according to the ese of garment; coat aleeva lialnga,
75o to 91.85; body linings, 93.00 to M-00; veet baok, 76o; tnalde linings.
91.00; new pockets, 860 each; new buttons, 6O0 per set; heel stays, 860.
Special To South Omaha ' Residents:
We have pun-hawed th hunlnen of the South Omaha PANTOItlUM
and the rtoutli Omaha WAIll'HuHK, and the two have been combined
and moved to No. bit North Twenty-fourth street.
The business will be conducted as a South Omaha concern, the clean
ing and dyeing being dona In our modern plant In Omaha.
Vou pay the una price and get the same hlgh-olaso work and prompt
cei vloe aa those living in Omaha, Call ua up on either phono and a wagoa
will get your work and return It promptly.
"Good Cleaners and Dyers"
Omaha 1613-1517 Jones Street. Fhones Douglas 863; Xad. A-3183.
Boutb Omaha 638 Worth 84tta Street. Fhones South 1883; Xad, T-1383.
DDT LIOOZTT. President.