Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 17

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    unday Bee
PAGES 1 10 16
VOL. XU-XO. l'.j.
sixulk corv fivk cknts.
Italian Silk Vests are Underpriced
A special lot of women's Italian silk vests with low necks and
gio sleeves silk tape and hand crocheted necks-choice of sky. pink
and white; all sizes worth 12.50 each, Monday's special price, Jtl.HD.
Another lot of women's Italian silk vests, full taped and hand
embroidered in a number of neat designs; choice, of light blue, pink
and white; all slaes worth up to $3.00. Monday special price, $!.IN.
Don t Forget to Ask for
S. & H. Stamps
With All Your Christmas
' Purchases
Pyrography Sets
100 p-rourapliy setsall new
and Riiaiantccd Monday at ilO per
cent (lixcoiint. 100, 25e Sus-o
mh. Monday, I.V each. All wood,
for pyrography work, Is also re
duced In price for Monday's celling.
LLEterj thing for Everybody
everything for EveryboQ,
uM Everything for Everybody
!he Omaha
rmT M
Every Nation Contributes to Our Magnificent Holiday Displays
Not merely our own great country has supplied merchandise to
complete our beautiful assemblage of holiday goodswe look beyond
domestic resources; we also seek the best foreign achievements. Kvery
country In this wide world has contributed the best they could produce
for a Christmas trade. '
It will be interesting for you to note this fact while shopping here
interesting to speculate on which nation furnished certain articles. Gen
erally it will be easily evident.
One part, of the store 13 given up to the arts, crafts and wares of the
clover little Japanese. Germany Is best represented among the toys and
dolls because in one of the mountainous districts of Germany the people
spend their every endeavor In originating and making the things the
children love.
We could write on and on, telling about the beautiful bitsjif linen,
drawn work, handkerchiefs; how they came all the way from the Timerald
Isle, sunny France and picturesque Switzerland to make your Christmas
a merry one.
But we will leave these little mysteries for you to pleasantly solve
as you can so many of your perplexing gift problems at this store. And,
during your shopping here. Isn't It quite astonishing, even wonderrul,
howsurprlslngly low most of the prices are?
Handkerchiefs for Xmas
initial handkerchief,
to hOr.
Men's cure linen handkerchiefs with
'a. ' and 1 a -1 1 u 1 1 hemstitched herns.
Oi to .i)r each.
Women's fine Irish linen handker.
'chiefs, with embroidered vomers, Ific.
Woman's fine, sheer Irish linen
'.handkeroblefs with hand embroidered
corners. 2"j each.
Women's ex
tra fine linen
h a ndkerofclefs
with, prettily
e in b r o idered
Initial e o rners,
15c each.
nnre Irish
linen f a n o jr
mbroldered in
tlal handker
chiefs, iOc. each
sheer, pure
Irish linen
ban dkarohlef a
with hand em
broidered Ini
tials, 25c each.
Cross - barred
ban dkerohiaf
with finely embroidered Initials. fc each
rine lawn handkerchiefs, with ini
tials. Rr each.
Extra fine lawn handkerchiefs with
hand embroidered Initials, unlaundered,
10c each.
Men's pnre Irish linen handkerchiefs
with new style Frenoii initials, gener
ally found In handkerchiefs sell
ing at $1.00 each or more: our special
price, J 1.75 the box of six.
Women's and children's soft finished
grass bleached linen handkeroluefs,
wJth InltiaU, 10c each.
Men's extra fine quality Belfaet '
linen handkerchiefs with handsomely
embroidered Initials, $1.40 the box
of six.
Men's fins initial handkerchiefs
food Tallies at 0o the box of six.
Men's fine pars Irish linen handker
chiefs with neatly embroidered initials,
11.00 the box of six.
Men's extra fine quality pnre Belfast
handkerohlels with prettily embroid
ered Initials, $1.75 the box of six.
Women's fins Armenian lace edge
and hand hemmed handkerchiefs with
superior quality linen centers, $3.00 the
box of six.
Women's pnre Irish linen handker
chiefs with pretty block initials in an
embroidered circle, R5c the box of six.
Women's extra quality pnre Irish
linen handkerchiefs; three different
styles of initials to the box; $1.00 ths
box of six. '
Women's fine and Tery sheer Irish
linen handkerchiefs with plain script
Initials; extra values. $1.40 the box
of six.
Women's fine hemstitched handker
chiefs wit.l plain, block Initials, 50c
the box of six.
Women's good quality Irish linen
handkerchiefs with script Initials and
fancy embroidery work. 75c the box
of six.
Vote We are also showing excep
tionally large assortments of both ma
chine and hand embroidered handker
chiefs at 3c to $3.00 each, according to
the quality and amount of work ex
pended on 'he same.
Hosiery for Christmas
Hosiery of the hand-embroidered silk variety is much in demand
(bis Christmas season. AVe are featuring many special numbers made by
the MoCallum people, of world-wide reputation. All new stock and new
numbers showing many decidedly pretty Innovations In daintily embroid
ered instep. The prices range from $1.50 to $5.00 the pair. Here's word
of some other hosiery suitable for Christmas presents or personal use:
tops: .JC
Women's 14-inch hoot
silk hosiery with wide lisle
carter tups and double
'leels and toes; black,
white, sky. pink and tan;
SOo the pair.
Women's pnre' thread
silk hosiery with widen Bar
ter tops ami double lisle
holes: sky, pink, tan, laven
der, and black and white;
$1.00 the pair.
Extra heary silk hoss
Willi wide elastic frarter
lops and extra fine double
lisle soles; all colors and
Mack and white;. 81.50 the
Women's - extra quality,
full regular made, fast
black, gauss lisle hose
with' lavender
the pair.
Fine silk lisls hosiery
with wide garter tops and
double heels, soles and toes
all heels are hlsh spliced
and ths hose Is full regular
.nade SOo the pair. .
Women's fin mercerised,
full fashioned hosiery
with garter tops and double
heels and toes; strictly
ast color; specially priced
at 35c the pair or three
pairs lor Sl.OO.
vniiarsn's hose a very
complete stock. Including
ail or the most wanted and
best wearing; kinds lSUo
to 35o the pair, according
to the quality. .
& lvk 11 V
Gloves fdr Christmas
Glove certificates purchased at this store will . solve one of your
Christmas problems.' They are especially desirable when you do not hap
pen to know the size, kind or color the person to whom you wish to send
gloves prefers. Allow our salttsbidles to explain them to you.
Women's extra line,
2 c 1 a s p lamb skin
gloves In black, white,
tan, mode and brown;
8c the pair.
Women's 2- clasp
gloves made from spe
cially selected skins,
all the wanted colors,
$1.25 the pair.
Men's silk lined mo
fha. gloves at $1.25 and
$1.5i the pair.
Men's specially fine
cape gloves, in tan only,
$1.50 the . pair.
Women's silk lined
mocha gloves in all the
staple shades, $1.50 the
Men's fine dog skin
gloves in various shades
of tan, $1.00.
Women's extra fine,
2-clasp kid gloves in a
very large range of col
ors as well as black and
white; $1.73 the pair.
Women's 2-clasp, sup
erlor quality cape
groves in black, while
and tans; $1.50 the pair
Cut Glass for Christmas
Most women prize their pieces of pretty, flahhing eut glass
above all else tliat graces their sideboard or table. And they,
always want another bowl or pitcher, or dish.
We have a wonderful collection of perfect cut glass. Every
piece was p u r-
W chased especially
far mil ( Miristmjw
'iBl l'p ' tide you may
Ject will bring real (satisfaction to the re
ceiver. At the prices we ouote. a verv lit
tle money will purchase much' of real value.
200 fancy cut, G-incu
flower vane-, worth $1.75
k. .. ....
- Seven-piece, handsome
cut glahs water set,
worth $7.50 the set, spe
cially priced for Monday
at $1.M. "
One lot of 5-inch plain
nappies in several differ
ent patterns, OKc.
Large, finely cut
sugars and creamers,
All cut individual sta,
each, lOe.
Colonial Individual
.alu with cut top j and
bottoms, 5c.
Monday, OKc
$15.00, 8-inch footed
howl In two pieceu, Mon
day, only $7.5(.
12-iiRh IiIkIi stem
vases, worth $1.00 each,
Monday, $l.tM.
Star cut salts and pep
per with silver plated
tops, pair, 73c.
One lot of 6-in u plain
and handled nappies in
many different patterns.
I discount of 20 per cent on our entli-e litck of rock crs
t Has !wre. A most bmiMful selection of vases, etc., in
genuine Stephens & Williams' ware. Remember, the
tire line at per cent lts tuaa regular Monday only.
You Will Live Over Your Childhood
Days in Bennett's Big Toy Town)
ii i . .i i . i v
there is about the happv thrones el
Could you mingle with them, lulir their eclania-
Fur Dogs
Rattle Boxes
Rocking Horses
Grocery Stores
Black Boards
Iron Toys
Doll Carriages
Pianos f
What an enthusiasm and spirit oi good will
little folks to be seen in our Tov Town everv dav.
Hons ol delight over some particularly attractive toy or novel and ingenious mechanical device:
watch their eyes, already big. grow larger with surprise at some new revelation; you would feel
as they feel, see as Ihey see. grow enlhuaiasllc yourself and tor (ho time being forget the responsibilities) oT being
Brown up-ln spirit you would be a child tiguln. So we aak you to come and Inspect this magnificent asHcinbllBRo
in Toy Town, if for no other reason than the personal good it will do you. Specimen items arc herein described.
Touring Cars
Express Carts
One lot of trimmed wire bassinetts, wire doll
beds hnd white enameled wooden beds with
springs worth up to $1.25, Monday ... ,50c
Wooden bureaus and chink closets -of all
klnds-BOc values at 25c2Gc values at. .IOc
Grocery stores con.plete with "eatables," values
up to 1. GO. Monday, choice SOo
Kitchen Cabinets
. Roller Skates
Printing Presses
Picture Machines
Mechanical Toys
wool dolls for
of Lotto fir
white enameled suttees
Irish Mails
Teddy Bears
Toy Houses
Go-Carts .
Tool Chests
Fire Wagons
Laundry Sets
Toy Boxes
Etc., Etc.
26c Kmne
unn lot or white enameled suttees and
cnairs, worm hue. a I
One lot of Lehman's schstiintlall v made mechani
cal toys, such as Hulky Mule, llakervand
Chimney Sweep, Hue, Camels, rtmiawav Sis
ters. 7.ig ZaK, Aulobusses, etc., Monday, " while
they last 3o
7-Inch drums, with slick..
11. On keyless basket banks
7-plece toy frlasn lemonade sets
Stronitly made, varm.ihed shnoi'lies.,
tlood hand cars t he 1 4.30 kind for.,
I loneer coaster w iff .ihs
Hoys" coaster sleda at
Hoys' Ltlack Peauty coaster sleds....
Girls' high sleds. ... ,
. . . aso
. . . o
. . .490
. .(3.49
, .3.60
. . A 5c
. .SI.B0
. . .890
9 Most Every Lady
Needs a Hand Bag
and mqst every lady would like to
have one of the many beautiful
styles to be found injnir Christ
mas displays, and '"""which are
priced at ' ,
$1.00 to $50.00
We would like to have you stop in
this department some time soon and
look them over. A small deposit will
reserve them for such ttmeas you may
Leather Goods
Just because we have not mentioned
in any of our advertisements the par
ticular leather goods item you may be"
wanting, do not think we haven't got It.
This section Is more complete than ever
before, and we haven't the room to tell
about all of the good things, this la
anoiher one of the departments that
Khould have your early investigation.
For the Wee LittleOne Who
Hasn't Seen Christmas Yet
And Other Small Members of the Family
Our dcruirtiniMii fnr (ln liflln imru in Iiii'Mim) ,111
'JzP the second floor and it is provinir verv popular with
hT' those who have little babies to remember nr. ( Ihi-istm.'iM limo
' i 1i iMll kliif. Ki.'ni'fpion(u J .ill .wmJl'itlt! J.W.. .,., f,, . ,,! n. , ..r.....)
, I ' - - "''" miv v mi utUI UWVl IU1II111I3 1 II . U I I V 3 1I11UIU
uselection that will please. Txt ,us illustrate the price list. .
All the different lengths and sizes
Knitted sacqups of softest wools. In a
variety of pretty weaves. uc, 1.00, Jl.f.O
and I2.L5. .
Inlantk' and Minn II chlliireu's fur eels In white
and Kicy, light brown blrndcd squirrel, and
Imitation cliinchllla: :l.7s, A.(0, I :.: and 17. Ml wet.
The always necessary drawer lefgtnsa or lesilnss
Ir separate slyles, all aUea In white and red, &c,
73c, and fi.ii. v
Complete lines of sweaters In sixes heffinnluK
witli t lie very smHlleM: white and red ones, light
blue ami pink, with hlsrli collars or In reKUlar In
laiil's sweater stylos: HKc, II. JR. 11. ."ill and 12. 00.
In ncfi cuaes wc have drawer IpkkInK to Inaiih.
children's coats for am. two, three, four and five
years made of velvets, corduroys, broadcloths, bear,
skill and cvracul and trimmed In a neat, childish
waychoice of white, black, brown, navy, red ami
other Mauled colors, at f.'.i'i, J.jl, $5.00, 6 7j ond
$8 !)5.
of "bootees at 25c, 35c and up to 59c,
Infants' cute little knitted caps at
35c, 00c and U9c.
Men's Things
A Few Items That Will Serve to Give
You an An Idea of tec Savings .
That Can Be Effected in
Our Men's Store.
Hear in mind that ; H these items
were purchased for our Christmas trade
and aie positively the bet the market
affords at the price quoted.
Women s Blanket
Robes at $3.75,
H DO and fK.7t will please
the most fastidious a
beautiful collection to
cl.onse from. '.
Mude of soft, woolv,
light weight blankets of
various .fetterns In Unlit
and dark shades; generous
In width ami tastily
'All sizes.
The Book Store Has Been Enlarged Ito
Accommodate Increasing Crowds
, We thought, when wo announced the Christmas opening of tils splendid department, that we had
ample space to properly accommodate any. size crowd that might come. But we hadn't. So we
have arranged for additional space and tomorrow you will find us better prepared thBn ever before to
show you the greatest assortment of books ever brought to Omaha. The stink is easily accessible
nothing is hid and it is all arranged with a view to giving you the quickest and most satisfactory serv
ice. All the books on travel, biography, poetry, religion, history, classics, art, music, etc., can be found
in their respective places.
Our Mtock of juvenilm bookt, which form a vital part of th Chriitmas gift-giving to boy
y and girl, embraces all of tht leading, popular, old and new title that the variou publiih-
er bring out. Thoueand of volume arranged to you can fleet readily, quickly and eatily.
wne 101 or uoys' nooks, uy ramous authors, that are
...i n.i A. ' . A .
puonaneu to seuvai ouc a volume, Monday only, t g
One lot of girls' books, by famous authors, that are
published to sell at 50c the volume, Monday only
One lot of finely colored picture booksvery large
colored illustrations speclaly priced for Monday J0c
New edition Kiley's books-' A Summer's Day," "Down
Around the Itlver," "When the Frost U on the rf
Pumpkin." OlC
Linen and rag books for the little tots, 5c, 10c, 15c,
25c and 50c.
. A, B, C and little children's classic books, 5c, 10c, 15c,
1 9c, Hue and" up. ,
T. Frank Uaum's new book, for thp boya and girls of
1911 "The Sea Fairies," beautifully Illustrated Btc a copy.
The Klsle Dlnsmore books at 29c.
The Little Prudy books, 25c each.
The Aeroplane Hoys, a series ot six titles, 4 9c each.
The Motor Hoys, The l'utiiam Hall Boys, The Kovor Hoys, 4'Jc.
The Airship Hoys, 7Tc a volume.
Also two large sle tables ure (leveled to n Iscellaneniis juv
enile works, representing the very lest In luveiille literature,
l'rh et to suit all imrsea in both lots
Extra Stamps in the Pure
Food Store
Monday and Tuesday
2 4 -lb. sack "Queen of Pantry"
pastry flour and 4 0 stamps,
for $1.25
15 lbs. granulated sugar for ijtl.oo
H. C. baking powder and 'JO stamps,
1-lh. can ato
Solder's catsup and 10 stamps. !!-
tlo 23o
Ijt'rxe can H. C. fciinar beets and In
stamps la'jO
' cans Country Gentleman corn nd
10 stamps 83o
Bennett's Golden coffee and Z
stamps, lb 8 60
Bennetts Capitol coffee and -0
stamps, lb ; . . 30o
Assorted teas mid fit) stamps. Hi., &Bo
Assorted tens and 10 Mamps,, lb., 4Uo
Tea sit tl ni and 10 stamps, lb....l&o
Bennett's Capitol extracts and -'0
stamps, lotile ISO
2 cans Bennett's whole ton.atoea and
10 t-tumps 360
Medium bottle Caillaid'a olive oil and
t0 stump" 4 So
1 cans hiilleu biana with chicken and
uO fctdlH'iH 83o
Medium ium Kiildcr's pork and tsuun
and li 'taint' 13o
Beauty uiurai;un and 10 atainps,
can 30o
Knlder'a chile sauce ami 10 stampN,
bottle ..SI6o
yuart cau I'raiico-Aiiicrlcuu soups,
asHortcd flavors 30o
3 pkgs. Swanadov. 11 codfish and 10
stamns 35o
25c bottle (ico. Hall'let N maraschino
tberrles for 8O0
2 pkgs. seeded raisina and 10 stpa, 880
2-lh. pkgs. Bennett'a Capitol oata or
pancake flour and 10 stamps ... lOo
a- ill. 1 rea 11 1 hecsa and 10 atainps,
Heeded r a I i 11 s and 10 slumps
package lVtC
Candled ei, assorted, and 10 alps.,
lb 83o
2 pkgs. Bennett s Capitol n luce metl
and 10 ktuinpa 5o
Why Not a Plush Coat for Xmas?
Judging by the way these plusdi coats have been selling, they must be about the
most populaCat'ipareling present in the town. Many women prefer them to fur for
they are easily taken care of, warm, long-wearing and always)
stylish. Hut there is more reason than that for their nonularit v
-the famous Hennett quality is in every coat we sell!
One particular model i-i full fj-t inches lung, has a large
r-liawl collar and is lined throughout with iruaranteed-
I'or two -seasons satin. Sizes up to 44 ami the price is only ifllLjO.
know many establishments would not hesitate to
. i A. s iii is v r i i u 1
' jli I'"1' two-season;
J . WC jiositively
if'MmCiBA Choice o
V ' --i' 2; S
i l. t ... r - ."li ,U V
Jr .T.T i r T '
Y v,A V' 'iVI Think of an offer like
l Vvl''tlW( O' wanting waists to tend at C
i :U 'if f "7?.f i the finest embroidered c
T a . ., .'-Ajt' Xw n isces the lines wc have been
' iT.''"""'h.!lSv each. Don't forgef-every w
st ii iS-Vr
W!: Pi
and $'J7.'j0 for coats no better than these.
Choice of Any Waist in Our Store at $9. 75
$15.00 to $25.00 Values in the Sale.
this, in a stock like this, just wben Vou are
hrlHtma time. At ,9 75 you tun choose from
hiffon and uiessaline waiMs: headed and
alsts: and chiffon waiMs made over fine
selling all season at (15.00 to $25.00
afat 1 3 included In the sale.
I.iiiKcile VaJsfs in the newest and most advanced styles, made of
tiheer lawns aud mulls and trimmed with dainty luces and embroidery
mec'allioiis, high nocks and cither short or long sleeves, If2.3 aud $:!.fto
Far Neckwear and Muffs
The prices we quote on our reliable fur pieces
are causing them to readily find new owner?.
There's every good style and quality In the assort
mentthe kind that will make handsome and ap
preciated gifts. For example:
Genuine Mink Scarfs, each . . $14.75
Genuine Mink MuFfs, each. . $16.75
Isabella Fox Scarfs! each . . . $13.50
Isabella Fox Muffs, each . . . $13.50
Black Fox Scarfs, each. . . . $15.00
Black Fox Muffs, each .... $15.00
I ' aw
In fan. y
hd 1
Men's fine wllk
at :ifc to Lt.iiJ.
knit IniMe li
'li r ImI inn buxe.
celors. fmir piilrs ii
the box, lit $1.00 ) i s
box. Men's fa in iiliih t
rohi'M at $1 on .i f. lll
Vcn'.t t'ain v t h -Junius
at :' I. no In -.
New liecllKcr coal
shirts In nil ef tli
latest patterns and
colorings. $1.00, $1.1-0
and ,2.0".
Men's and hoys' wool
sweater coats In V
neck styles or wltu
auto or military col
lars, $1.00 to $; each.
New fancy and
lilnlu colored four-ln-hand
ties I'.'ic to $1.00.
(iOc silk foiir-ln-hsuda
In fancy boil
day boxen, :u'u: each,
i,r 'I for Ii nil
coinbinstioii sets, consisting of tie. hoHe and hand-.
Kerchief to match. In Christmas boxes, $I.U and $-.
Combination urt:', conslftliig' of tl" and hoao
maKh, In fancy boxes, $1.00 and $l..r.O.
Men's silk I'our-ln-han-ls Willi stick pin and Unit
buttons to match, In ne-.U boxes. 7:e the Net.
Hllk four-ln-hsnds with He clasp and pin to match.
Too tho set.
Three-piece combination t.rt, consist Ins or sus
penders, arm bands and aartern to inntch, Uc and 7i)c.
Men's silk n.ul'flcrs in nil colors. dOc, 75c and
$1.00 each.'
Men's Boston and furla hose supporters "
C'l.i istmaa boxes, liiic an I fiOc.
A Big Purchase of Men 's
Bath Robes
In an excellent ranee of patterns mid r-elorln!s
extra qualitiesenables .is to sell Ihent IMin this
tf 60 values at fl.5 no to $.1.00 vi.lncs at 83.93; up
to $ 00 values at $4.93; up to $T..'i0 values at $3.35.
We advise comlna tomorrow IT at ull poailble.
Honse ooats and smoking1 Jackets .In. a Kood va
riety of plain colors, neiitly trlmnied, collars and
cuffs, $4.!. $R.I5. $6.u0 mid $7.60.
Tanoy vests in all of the newest fabrics, colorings
and patterns. $1.60 to $9 60.
$1.50 Slippers at $1.00
. This one special lot ta made up of the very
bast t slipper styles in our men's nhoe section
the kind we have always sold nt $1.30 going,
Monday, at 1.00. All slees and a good variety
for your choosing.
Other men's tan ami black.
house hlljiHrs, In
various styles
arc priced
ia t 9 8c.
$.'.00 and $2.50 the pair, according lo the kind
and quullty.
There's special rack for the display ot
women's Christmas slippers In tho shoe store
among which you .will find women's fur trim
med slippers, in grey, brown and black, at
$1.25 the pair., And finest felt slippers In blue,
green and oxford grey at $1.7C the pair-tho
bluo aud green are alto fur trimmed.
1. re"r Jtf
Women's solid weathered oak writing
desk, with box seat chair to match,
exactly like the above illustration,
specially priced at $10.00.
.Solid quarter sawed irolden oak writing- desks
with two larsu drawers b low tho wrltim bed, 16.
Klrds-eyu maplo writing- desks witli only one
drawer, 98.00.
Mahoaany writing desks with one extra largo
drawer, 95.60.
olid mahogany writing desks, with one larir j
drawer, full Colonial slyl.', 918.00.
Smoking Stands
Kolld weathered oak smoking atauds, with
drawer. Iik; the illustration, 91.76.
Solid weathered oak smoknm stands complain
wish three piece smoking set of hammered brass,
Rockers Make Fine Presents
Solid golden oak rockers vil!i solid saddle beat,
$u.0ii values at 91.98.
Very heavy dolmen oaU
rockers with solid sadilli'
seal, actual $11.00 value,
lur 93.00.
$lu.oo solid quarter
ed golden oak rockers vli;i
tile fan. oils Hesto leather
upholstered scuts, 99.50.
B 1