tiii: t?i:i;.- omaha. fuidav. wxuMnKR . v.m. The McNamaras Have Nothing on Mutt--He Pleads Guilty, Too By "Bud" Fisher I , . - - - I ....-.,..... l . I i i iik.br -"ilsiJ ;not ) crALJ p J jRfr,,.LTY'l i fefemyj- 'VO few 7 IMsS Tltfcy rite s CAMP NAMES ALL-STAR TEAM 'None of Stari of Wett Appcir Among Thoe o! Pint Choice. MANY SURPRISES AP.E SPRUNG tamp Relieves Ihnl Kale Forbid ( Tari.e l)rlrr Ik ICaer shonl.l lie KJtacr Modified r Knfnirnl. BT CAM. THK-LL AMERICAN It AM : Ends-White ci' Princeton, Bum-isler of I Tale. Tack ira-Hart of Prinieton, Devor of : Went I "ni 1. uatri-rishr of Harvard, Vvtt of , lrin'ion. Onir Ketch urn of Yale. Halfback:-Wemlell of Hirvrl, Tliorve I of Carllmlr. Quaner-Ilci. of T. Kuilback-pkltun cf . tmniu'ls. sixxiND t::am. Knds Ktn'.lh ef Harvai, Very of Tenn ! Riat. Tacklec Mufik of Cornell, ImIihIIv ef I Tale. . viuaia Sqrabr of L'bitaKo. Mclvl(t af ! TaJe. 1 'wnler-Ki;thci:thal f PrUxeton. nartrl,ck-r0Hiic of liriion. j Hi If back Mwj of Dartmouth, Oaiup I f !. , j Fullback Koneowalil of Minnesota. THIRD TKAM. , KrHtaAabkauRh of Brown. Kailrtt of Tack.lr Buaar of VVlaoonaia. Brown of I Aanapnitr. UuaMarrancls of Tal. Arnold of Wmt point. ' Cr',r IVpana at Annapolli. Vviartorfcack CaprOri oC Uinnaaoia. . Halfkaraa Marrac ol Paanalvaata. "Ma!tsaf atfrttlKaa. rullback-Huduon of Trinity. Tha foot beat acatoa ot Hit so tno la Mjaory ono of m1rar'.a. In ' aet. aX4a frora Uta aoddni traMfnrtna 1 Um of tima fro loainc taama to ; Ttctortou lumi. ' ftnd vlco rtraa. etran I tha fealj f;naily Wgiti t tafco part (a th , astraordlitary hiTP'n.'nsa, and oa on I day, namely, tba day mi tba Prlnoeion- , rkartntoutii etui AndovivEaatr Katiwa, I ta eti of wbiclt gamaa tha ball per. fnaeri Th.lt would t9 ba a miracle, ' naaaely, rua.i.nj alone tha 'ground for a troaatdarabkr dka'.anra and thoa fcoJfilli ; np over thH rrobar. In tha of tha I Princeton-Darln-oul. 1 ganr.a tola baU wai tarted by a parUiily mUeed drop-aim j and thua wnt cer forty ytrii. h!Uln tha ground oooaalonatly btfair It atrtiefc I on Ua and on. axn Irrtcularlty and laapao inp ovar tha goal bar. Then. too. the. I favorite r a vary groat proanrucn of j tha Important fimM were. r:iime.I 'eTeotual'.y aa loarra; nor waa there iaoy con;iucy about that usaelf, but Itbay oam In tha moat unexpacud wayt 'acd upon itr3jd:a.-y oeeexona. Not only wera teams lncona:tent In their work, but aUo Individual Hen w4 had played tteadily througu tha anaaon until iom Imvortat gam auudenly aaemad to )" Lb air pcrtixctiva and. banco, their effactlvaneti. Thl Waa trua it aeveral 'po'loni. Tha princ'pal conteata. of tha ar war won and last through a fumble or a fluke. Nona of tha other work ! counted. Harvard loat her cam in Princeton while attempt. ng a drap-klck , under Princeton goal. Tala lot her gaae to Princeton, wljtn wall into IPrinoeton'a tairltorj. by a ailp of the bll going, tbr?ucll ,U fullback1 hnj and being picked up by the Princeton and. who ran the entire two-th:rd of tha leneth of the field fr a touc'.vlown. jNor could h! rroenre on the apot be regarded a rrovMentlal for Princeton. Ifor It ee hie haWt. Thla young man Whit naa the ram on who jraa to-tllrds ot the length of tile f'eld for Princeton a touchdown agalnet liar, wrd after a drop-ktck. Princeton de fealed Dartmouth by the kick already mentioned earlier In thla article, which ran forty -five yarle and then bounflfd the bar. Harvard ui-featml Dart taoutb by a blocked kick. Wlacomln tlrd Minnesota, ('apron scoring illnnesotai touchdown by running bavk ihe Initial klckoff. ou,l M,i Uter ruimlns hair the 1 length of the f.eld for touchdown for . Wiavonain. Ti ue It I that on trt lm jortant 8atiirJer the we;:ifi uae atrodoui ard lb lichig iq v.retc.ud iwii. U.llon. r.Uiily ft t10 i,)IUBl nunies of lata yeara the cjndinoi.g have been g'od. Th. fo ui,l pa.i ),aa uen 10 more ioinliifiit j-miiiou ti.an t,r old: l:i ft-t. In lute ganire f iial,v le. It haa leulted In rfcur on one or two occa ii In conteeia that t.,arit a good oal. It lu. n'4 been productive, of any mtifculir laya. The oarlde HoK ha bn, a always, a matter of luck, that 1. If the ball b.,undii etiuight Hie dftmalv !! atcurea im..iw., ,M 0f jt tha aide on the attack han Inet nei'eral ard 011 the tick. Tim la the dlftiiem, l-ti.eii tho long klcu ami the ahoit one. If. on the othr l.anJ. the ball perfurnia a ftk aot'o anJ iltlier Jamra eldew In ot hut on the end and bound clear er Hie d'frnrive rnln had, the lay iklt 111 a fine gain for th l.lckcr .ie, o!oiy cm lu tuii-.-.Joiu at Illtl- etJtndituie of Hti.il. But n hu u till itli 4 . the bail . !ll boundv Surely, no u-'.nn'fu1 iuiy or Uail Viactlct tan funmn tiie a'tiun of thla lllii;r i"hrc. 'J'hwa muiiw to be a idu d vt-rxily of ip!irt 011 II. 1; p.alirr of the iulr o fir a v;)ilal Injuriee ai coiurined. which oily a moie carvfal analyse at the end of the kt.iknu cen really determine. With out F!llailal Information it atrina at If !sjuri (lu ins ba id. arm, and aliouMcr "d Vvtn iok,i 'ivaleii thi jear than m x"c' -i . - ' . - - .'T-h' 4 I IL - i.'. . .. :? i:m L'i'e' N t W'; Jfv vii- ,v bafore, but lnjuriea to tk body or gplne much loa. Tho offlckala have, on tha whole, don a good Job. There waa In mld-aeaaon too great laxity In twp reenecte. namely allowing ''tha man attempting to .block tha kick ta run Into the kicker after he had gotten tha ball (way and allowing pimhlng and pulllna. chiefly puahlng of the runner after lie reached tha line, If men In trie back field follow (he run- ner . 1010 iee line ire endeavor ' to go through, nln time out of terr they muet. even if they keep their hand off him, eventually puah him, for he la atoppad when they are atlll running for- ward and they go aga'nat him. There waa also too much Interference In the aeulral aon on forward pane inn. Jt waa rather atranae that th offlclala aeemed to b trior Intent tipha thia In tha caaa of a kick than In the cane of a forward pea, for th man receiving the paaa is very apt to he bumped, not hard, but elmiily by a man putting hlmaelf In hla way, nd It wag seldom oaUed by the offlclala. All lUeee matter Improved aomewhat toward tha end of th seaaon. but need considerable emohaei yet. Maay Karetleat Pantere. Turning and drop-kicking have Wn exceptionally good, and th kicking from I'lacotnent, particularly la th cas of the inuians and In aom western lean.. haa held ita own. Conalileilnit the. fir.i mentioned, punting. It la doubtful It. there ever were In any one aosson on the gridiron ao mny good average kicker ana inea men were fcirord t kirk, many of them under moat trying con.ll! llcna of weather and fluid. Inon-klcklnj too. has been good, but has been flaky. in me t rincetnn-Haryird game, for n. stance, each team had a Unp hick H. S. Coach Has Joy Clark, the newly appalnted basket ball coat It of the timalis II lull school ..ual. In one of the Vu '.r.Co: nif d men In the wet on th popul.tr gymnasium game )ud with an abundance of material on t - 1 V - . - S . .. 1- s I r; ' ; j-h ,: -, A i ., ' I 1 i 1M m. Ill H-ltt-sg Drivers Who blocked, oiie resulting In touchdown aguiimt them and the other would have' Ksultcd In a similar disaster had the man who picked un the hall been fat enough to keep away from hla pursuers. There waa nothing between him and Ihe goal line. The drop kick made by Do Great Record hand It l expected l.e will be able to put Omaha 11111 on the map this i.moh. Clark wan captain t,f tiie cliiiniiliri)lii local h.Rli Fchoyl five lu i-ttr.". and Marred St light' fomaitl. In lj lie ilioed up menu ns a legular (oinatd on the leii er unlveia ty team. Tho erm 1MI7 and lit saw him idayhtg rlahl forward on tli rhamplooelijp rniveislty of Chicago fie. In botli tlieee ear Chicago won tliri national IntrrcolU tf'.a'.e basket bull title, tief.atlnu Peunrylvanla. who won tho eMer,i tll'e In three two years in the deciding game. ' In T'li Clark wai eifi'ttd captain of the Chicago five and lu that sear ho coach.d th team m addition to piayltiK. eijnce " en he has retlid im active participa tion In tiie gun.e. The new ns.-h will begin practice lm mediately and excreta to have tl,e squad in shape within the next three weeks for aoiue preliminary game with teams of the Voci k Mens Christian aociail.iu prior to the opening ,,f ,(le resular school a he tiule. I'lactice will lo hn.i p;1 M0I1(Uy W nine,, lac and Thureday alternoona of tveh w.eK In the Young Men's Chiiet'an afo lai:..ii gymiualum under tha dire.--lion i f ('..Hi, C'aik. The antind will .1... Piat-l'i two r.fttrnoona of each week .n the gjiij.uMuiu ai the high S. hool. . i . . ii.-;, .,i want a r!:shle nie.licln for I " " ) i i cid take Cliamlreiialn'a Cough l:en.til . I; alwe Ire depended UKn Und in p',aint and sf lo take. Kor by u'l di utjifct .. I alrtuuut Utililiinii, FA l: XI.. XT. Neb., I.ec. 7 -tSpemaH-.-the Iwiniiwu clt, banket ball team has oisa-riitd f- th j,.,on f IJli-u and would like to hear fiom any hlgn school, rolleae or . Il,er teams 0e.lm.tf game, rir Fair m. .nt team ta composed of old h'Kh a. hooj piaia 04e, Jt rank liklttV, Folimoiit, Ku I S?K T ktu Kaivr " Til Car X . 'iX , i Know No Fear Witt, which resulted in Princeton's vic tory over Datiiuouth, will pasu down into foot bull history aa th most extraor dinary slue tha Introduction of the spurt. It has already been deiji ibad and It Is tafo to fay thst no kick ever gav rls during a few hour after it had been made to so widespread, a eilscuesion. It should be stated that kicks of a similar chaiacter, although by no means so re murkable, hnv resulted in scores pie vlounly, and In fact the caeo had hen dlFi iiK.sed by tho in Ilk committee, al thtniKh no such extra ji dinar'y hapiiehlng as in thla taee has tvei- come before them. Probably a tatinfnetory solution of the difficulty will bo attained try a rule to tho effect that the ball, afier It once takea It flight, muni not again hit the ground before it panne t;ver tbu goal bar or over either post. The i canon fur not allow !u : lie lo n hlng of Ihe ball hy an opponent to vitiate th kick is the difficulty of ruling upon thla. Il would be easy enough for an official to Fee that the ball wai struck by ail uplifted hund or arm in case th ball were de flected, hut a man might easily touch the hall wltd his fincer tip and he alone he sure that he hud thus touched II. The season will certainly give rise lo a very considerable dlscUKstcti of the I present mica, mid a party that adv... cates an Increasing number of downs four instead uf throo, ull over tha field, or at leant within the twenty-five yord llnc--will gain many adherent. The rules forbidding tackling below the knee ai.ri decreeing that the ball Is tit ad when any part of a man except hla fi touches the grcund alien in the gruMi of an opponent should ba either modified oi enforced. HIGH SCHOOL SQUAD LINES UP FOR BASKET BALL Ccaeh Clark )eaterday t jok charge of th high a liool basket ball niuad for Its first piactlce in the gymnasium st the Young Men's t hrlaltan ssaoc'stlou build ing fjleiday. About thirty boys turned out (or hu (Irat ja ike snd more are expected to Join the antral next wee!. Vergil Rector, atar fallback of the (not bail team this season and last itar a forward on th five, will not get Int-) the gymnasium gam this year liecause of parental objections. Rector atlll has a weak, ankle from an Injur)-sUF-jalned In foot ball s. rlinuiaita 11 moniit. Save Failure i, t ti'V J Winning drivers who smashed all world's automobile records at the Hnvan. nah road carnival, and who ara planning extensive racing campaign for next year. Above are Frank Witt, in K. M. V., win ner of the Tledeman trophy (left), and David Bruce-Brown, In Flat, winner of th Grand Prix race: below are Ralph Mulford, who won th Vanderbllt Cup In a Iioxler car (left), .and Hugh Hughes, In Mercer car, winner of Savannah Trophy race. Pa Rourke Fixes Early Spring Dates Pa Rourke has completed arrangements for four base ball games to be played at Joplln while the Rourkes are taking their spring workout there. Th White Sox and the Rourkas will clash on April 3 and t and th St. Paul team of the American association will cunio together on April f and 7 at Joplin. Pa ba also mad tentative arrange ments . with the St. I.ouls Browns for March 1 and , which will be two days following th arrival of the Rourkes at Joplin. Negotiations are also under way for games .with tha New York Giants and tha Kansas City team of the Amer ican, association. It the American asso ciation season does not open until April IT th Omaha fans will have a chance to see some of the old Omaha player in action, as Pa will arrange for two games with ft. Paul on Saturday and Sunday, April 12 and 14. At present It is the In tention of Pa Rnurke to bring- hi team back from Joplin dn March 12. so that th Omaha fans may aee what sort of an aggregation he has perfected on the spring training trip. JESS PEDERSEN IS TO MEET JESS WESTERGAARD ON MAT Jeas Pederaen, the Danish wrestler, who la to meet Jesj Westergaard in a finish match at the Auditorium tonight, will tve In Omaha' at noon today, accord ing to a telcgiam received by Manager dllan. Jl aays he is In fit trim for a long battle mid will demonstrate to th followers of the mat game lu Omaha that he deserves a chance with Uotch. Westergaard has been lu trim for the last three weeks and Is waiting only for the rail of time. Advance .-a lea nhow that a good house will greet Pedeisen. In the preliminary line It is understood that Ptters. th Council Bluffs light weight. Is going after Zekmund with a determination to settle th dispute. Jsek Tolllfer, the Omaha barber-wrestler, li confident that he will have little oppo sition In his tul with Solomon, al though th latter la beraldad as a "comer." lark People rar Tases. YOR1C. Nsb . J)c. T-tSpclal.)-ln the last sta day County Treasurer McCittud ha i-oliaoted $t.. This I th Isrgest amount of money eir collected by any treasurer In th htetory of the county In th asm number of daye. Tha key tur'fii in busliios Is the Jtidirlou and peiasleut us of a a reaper tdviiilslir-. .1 irk , r-e , ' ? .. f . ' vf . jr1-.... y " Indoor Track Meetr is to Be Held This Spring for Locals A big Indoor track meet, similar to the one held last April at tho Auditorium, will be held next prlnc nt tha same place, according' to Raymond t.. Cams, superintendent of athletics In th grade school, and J. Trultt Maxwell, physical director at the Young Men' Christian aa. soclatlon. Kntrtes will Include the local Yo'lng Men's Christian association. Bellevue col lege, Crelghton, University of Omalia, the high echoola of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, and varlou amateur organisation of th three cities. Th Svea Athletlo club and the Bohemian Turner are also expected to enter. No definite date haa yet been set, but It will probably be held the first week of next April. DEATH RECORD Mr. Crslhls Wllklna. LYONS, Neb.. Dec. 7. (Special.) Mrs. Cynthia Wilklns, the widow of the late ZephanlsU Willkln. died last night before midnight at the home of her son, Frank Wilklns of Lyons. For a number of years the made her home near Kearney, Neb., with her son Charles and only re cently was brougnt to this place that she might paaa her last days in this county, where she and her husband lived for many years. The deceased was born in Ohio seventy-six year ago. Andrevr Williams. ABKRDEKN, S. D.. Dec. 7.-iSpeclal.) Andrew Williams, aged i9 years, died at St. Luke's hospital here following an op eratlon for the relief or an Internal ob Btructlon. Mr. Williams waa a. mono. nent business man of lyrola, S. D.. and had been active In politics In McPherson county, representing that county in the tate senate at the last session of tin South Dakota legislature, lie Was born In Ohio In lKii and cams to South Da kota In 1W He was prominent In Ma sonic circles and a member of the Meth odist church. tnlr tieorae lleary l.CMla. LONDON. Dec. 7. Sir OVorge Henry Lewis, senior member of the firm of Lew-Is Lew-Is, solicitors, died here to day, tie was horn in sxi. elevated Train Collide. - ..... ..v.. ... v v i niuc ere- vated trains of five cars each, loaded with pwaaciiKcis hi me oueiesi time oi ihe day, rail Into eaih other In comma- out ,r u system of Y trucks into the wewt sldo Irunk line. Although one coach was over turned, only' one injury of sufficient severity to be noted by the police i. suited. C. Fisher, mot or man of the over turned car. was cut and bruised severelv. Many passengers were bruised, but they were t row detl so closely ihcy cuuld not be tOF--ed about. , LEADS IN 5ALEaS DELICIOUS FLAVOR. I f f r tr: .rftZ YALLEY CONFERENCE MEETS Athletic Matters Pertaining- to Mis souri Schools Considered. SCHOOLS ASKING ADMITTANCE Oklahoma, Kansas Aggie and IVaah bnrn College Seeking; Place In Organisation Basket Ball Matter First. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 7. Representatives of all the Missouri Valley conference schools were In the city today for the purpose of discussing the basket ball rules, arranging the conference schedules and naming officials for the games. Other conference matters undoubtedly will be taken up, but the meeting called for to night and tomorrow is announced as a basket ball session. The following conference representa tives are here: C. L. Brewer, director of athletics at Minsoutl; W. O. Hamilton, manager of athletics at Kansas; Dr. R. G. Clapp, director of athletics at Nebraska; Early O. Eager, athletic manager at Ne braska; E. O. Ptlehm. foot ball coach inH assistant director at Nebraska: Ctvde Williams, director of athletics at Am! J. L. Griffith, athletic director at Drake, and F. O. Everhardt. director of thi-.iir.. at Washington university. The applications of schools d place In the Missouri Val lev rnnfrnr. probably will be considered bv the direct ors. Oklahoma nrobablv will find nnr. favor than the other applicants, although the Kansas Agricultural roll. h Washburn will have upport. The (rues- tlon of summer base hall mu h ai.- cussed and conference schools that plan to turn out base ball teams probably will arrange schedules. The representatives i will go to Lawrence Saturday for the pur pose of arranging foot ball schedules. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA BOYS WIN THEIR SWEATERS, The athletic board at the Unlveriv e Omaha has awarded the coveted -n" t fourteen members of the foot ball' squad . . t. u . . . .urn vm.ii games dur ing the last season. Those receiving let ters are: Neal Parsons, left end: Stanton Kalis. bury, left tackle; Victor Jorgenaon, left guard; Charles Frandsen, center; Peter Strehlow, right guard; John Belby, right tackle; Ray Reel, right end; George Par ish, quarterback: Andrew Dow i.n h.t and quarterback; Almet Solomon, full- Daca; paut selby, right half: Neal Doren. center and guard; Willard Flor nh. end; David Larsen, left half. Letters are given for nrttHr.n i half the intercollegiate games of the sea son, with the exceotton nf thla when letters were given for playing In two-thirds of tho games. The reason re doing this was because this season there were very lew games. The captain for next Year's team )... not been elected yet. but will b at a meeting or the letter men Saturday even ing. The minstrel show, which win .it,.- as a means of raising money to purchase sweaters for the men who earned it.r. 1h progressing nicely and is receiving the support or an the students at the Insti tution." The sale of tickets indicates that financially it, will he a bigger success than the gala day exerclsea of last' year. Aside from the student talent a number of the best amateur actors In the city have volunteered their service. Thurs day evening, December . haa been defi nitely settled upon as the date of giving the show. The membership department of the Young Men s Christian, association is o well pleased with the wdrk of th boys it will ask them to repeat th show at the association room for the benefit of the members. . SCRANTON BEGINS SERVING SENTENCE FOR TARRING GIRL LINCOLN CENTER, Kan., Deo. 7 Watson Scranton arrived here today and began serving his sentence of one v.. in jail for his part in tarring Idiss Mary Cttumberlaln. Scranton. together with E. G. Clark and Jay Fltiwater, pleaded guilty to a char.. of assault and battery and each waa sentenced to on year In Jail. Clark and Fltxwater appealed from the sentence and their motion will be argued In court hr the latter part of the month. Scranton refused to Join In the appeal. LEADjS QUALITY 'i; m.7,.";'- Cs!!r1n-M litraita AT. I hi " y-- I oth g-hoaa I