THE BKK: OMAHA. FHIIUV. nm-.MIU-.K s. 1 SH 1 . 5 Hotel Clerks Bring Their Wives to the Convention I , - I' - ( i ...J . lb, ., IP -fbuto by Hcbird-Shuwe. Omihi, tin Molnf, Lluioln. UTIOUP OF MEMBERS OF THE NEBRASKA AND IOWA HOTEL CLERK S ASSOCIATION WHO HAVE BEEN MKl.Nti IN O.MAUA THIS WEEK. ! H ST. MARKS' ANNIVERSARY Enjlish Lutheran Church Commemo rates Twcnty-Fifth Year. HAS THUEE DAYS' CELEBRATION IVrll Knonn Spcskrra Will Trll thr Sor- of thr Urolb iif the ( hnrch Dnrinar Qnar ler Ceutarr. Pt. Mark'g Enttlish Luthpinn church, Twentieth and Birdette street!), will celebrate the twenty-fifth tfnnlversary of the founding of the church with services commencing Sunday and con tinuing through Tuesday evening. The program will be as follows: Sunday, December 10 Hunday school, 0:43 p. m. Anniversary Fermon, Rev. George H. Hi-hniir. 11 a. m. Addresses, Lutheran pastors of Omaha, It p. m. Jubilee wrmoii, twenty-fifth "anni versary. Luther M. Kuhus, 7:30 p. m. Monday, 7:30 p: in. Addrewxes, visiting pastors and friends cf I he congregation. Tuesday, 7 p. m. History of Ht. Mark's. J. V. Wtlhelmy, and addrj-ssc by various members, lol loped by social. History of the Church. In the early part of the year 18S6 It was thought by residents of what was then the north part of Omaha than an English Lutheran church should be established in that purt of the city. In May of the same year an English Lutheran Sunday school was organized In a hall over a store at Twenty-fourth and Clark streets, with a membership at the beginning of : forty-six. In the same room, December I J, 1SS6, the St. Mark's Evangelical I Lutheran church, was organized with twenty-four charter members, of which number at present four remain as regular attendants. A frame chapel was built at Twenty-first and Burdctte streets, and June, 18R7i the congregation moved into this. Theso people are now located in a modern brick building, seating capacity 2-"0- at Twentieth and Hurdetto streets, into1 which they moved March, During the twenty-five years this or ganization has existed there have been enrolled 2r2 as members, twenty-four of 1 which have been taken away by death and seventy-six by removal, leaving the 'present membership 162. Five pastors liave served these people: Rev. Oeorge H. Pchnur, August, lb&s to July, lMflt. Kev. J. G. Griffith. January, 1S30, to April, I!'!:!. Kev. J. S. Detwllcr, April, 8!2, lo De cember. 1S93 Rev. W. 1 4. Rcmsberg, December, ISM, to June, lSOtj. Rev. Leonard Groh, present pastor, since June, lSihi. American Flag on Eighteenth Story of W.O.W. Building The first of the. eteel columns for the eighteenth and last story of the Woodmen of the World building is hoisted into place and as workmen fastened the rivets in the upright, an American flag broke out from the top of the great metal beam, .50 feet above the curb line. The placing of the balance of the stel for the eighteen story of the building will be completed this week. This marks a record In steel construction, not only In Omaha, but in the United States. The Koelke-Richarda company that has the contract under the Selden, Breck Con struction company, general contractors, commenced the wrecking of the old Mil ton Rogers three-story building July 11 Excavations for the foundation soon com menced and October 19, the first Pteel column was placed. Since then the work has progressed night and day. Manual Training to Begin at Park The Park school department of manual training will open for the first time thta ear Monday morning In charge of Miss Stella Flanagan, an experienced teacher. The new eight-room annex to the Wind sor school will open a manual training department, two rooms being occupied by this branch and four other rooms beluw used for regular classes. Miss Craig will Iik In charge. .Miss ( laig was prepared to open l'a manual training department at Windsor September 1, but was unahlo to do mi for lack of space. Miss Flanagan has been teaching In the seventh grade at thr Monmouth school, but will now devote her time exclusively to her duties at Ihi Wlndsor. Mc.nual training is compulsory In the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, but tin: difficulty has been to pro idc for all the children who anted lo take the work The course lias proved very attractive lo students in all giud 3 and largo 1111:11 beis have wanted to ensase In it. Expenses of City Smaller. Next Year Pursuant to the demand at the city council luads of departments of city gov ernment are preparing estimates of the expenditures necessary to maintain their offices and departments during the next year. A few officials have completed their estimates and announce that, without hindering the work of their departments, the expenses for 1P12 will be less than In 1911. More money will be demanded by some departments which have felt the burden of smaller appropriations than were needed this year, but the aggregate amount to be expended will not pass Jl.OOO.OOO, the cost of the city's govern ment each year. During the last week in December the finance committee of the council wlU meet and pass on the estimates and fine' action will be taken on them the second week in January. Abundance of Snow EXPERT GAS REPORT READY Assures Good Flow for Irrigated Lands Farmers and ranchers throughout Wyo ming, Nebraska and South Dakota and other western sections where irrigation furnishes the water supply for crops are Jubilant over the out Inert for next year. These reports Indicate that the snow fad in the mountains to the west, up to date, Is the heaviest ever known. Throughout the mountain dlstilct of Wyoming, Montana. Idaho and Colorado, as a rule, prior to January, there Is little snow. This year, however, this rule has been reversed and during November and the first few days of December there lias been an Immense quantity of snow. In portions of Wyoming It has been so heavy that wild anlnmls hnve been driven even out of the foothills to the plain. In many localities It Is 'estimated that up to this time the snowfall for Novem ber and December aggregated two feet, while the normal to this date Is less than one foot. While there has been much snow, the weather has not been as cold as usual. Railroad men report another full of snow through Illinois and over much of eastern Iowa. It Is said that at this time In central Illinois the snow Is eight Inches deep and that Weighing Is the best In years. This snow Is snld to extend as far south as Springfield and north pretty we'.l up Into Wisconsin. Four Men Arrested for Alleged Thefts Four Omaha men have been arrested on suspicion of having been connected with the recent thefts of plumbing from vacant houses. They are Harry Smith, Twenty-second and Leavenworth street.. Allan Huston, 719 North Twenty-Fecond sheet: William Firth, 123:1 South Elev enth street, and Frank Myers, 821 South Twentieth street. The three latter were arrested late yes terday afternoon by Motorcycle Officers Emery and Wheeler. A report came to the station that three men had broken Into an empty house at Twenty-first and Cuming streets and were tearing out tho plumbing. Emery and Wheeler were dis patched to the scene. ' The men had left the house before the officers arrived, but they arrested two of them later. fPP Brewed and bottled under the most modern, sanitary conditions by skilled masters, in a brewery as clean as "mother's kitchen." BLATZ COMPANY NZ 110 P,tu Stint. 0ukj. Kik. ff 1 1 MM Ell ti m tmm i st-'ui i. - j r, mm Santa is Deluged in Sea of Letters Poor old Santa Claus Is so swamped with work that he fears he will not have time to open and read all the letters that have been directed to lilm, and he lias written an appealing letter to the post- ' master asking for help. The postraster hus concluded that all the.Fanta Clans j letters shall be turned over to the As I suclated Charlies or any such organiza tion, instead of being sent to Santa's j home at the North Pjle. All of the Hants I C'luus letters mailed In the Fourteenth division of the railway mall service are tent to this office and they will be turned over to any charitable organization that dflres them. Awards Received for School Work The Iloaid of Education has received a check from Miss Anna V. Day. superin tendent of the industrial department or the Uncoln schools, covering the u: tit the prizes won by the Omaha srhoolj tit the exhibit during the recent conven tion of the State Teachers' association Omaha won In the general collection of the exhibits of arts, in the general col lection of manual training exhibits, kin dergarten exhibits, and Samuel Blacker, Btudint in the Omal.a fchools, secured a prize for the best hook bound by any student In the state. U; P. Train Makes a Fast Run to Omaha I'liiou Pacific No. hi, the Colorado ex press, made a new speed record Wednes day aftcinoori as It tame down the valley of the Platte titer, attaining and main, talulng an uveiage of almost sixty miles per hour. No. 14 left Grand Island yesterday aft ernoon one hour and seventeen minutes lute, pulling Into the I'nlon station at Omaha on time, covering the ICS miles In two hours and fifty-sevm miuutia, mak ing four stops n route. Rock Island Enters California Again Unable to patch up differences with the Western Pacific the Rock Island has entered Into a deal with the Southern Pacific by which beginning Friday It will be able to send through tourist cars from Omaha Into southern California. The cars will leave Omaha over the Rock Island every Frldny afternoon at 6 o'clock and will be carried to El Paso Tex., over the company V)nes, where they will be turned over to the Southern Pa cific, reaching Los Angeles the following Monday at 7:15 in the morning. Since tho break with the Western Pa cific the Rock Island has been com pletely shut out of California, so far ai through business has been concerned. The service that goes on Friday will be the first since the break in the previous friendly rlatlons. Motorman Injured When Cars Collide C J. Johnson, motormnn, ""lft North Nineteenth street, received several had face lacerations when a l'ai nam Rtrn I car backed into the Dodxe car In his charge at Tenth and Harney streets yes terday morning. At this corner Is an automatic switch. The Farnam street car going south on Tenth street was erroneously switched by the contrivance. Tho car was backed and struck the Dodge ttreot car, whlci was coming at a fast clip directly behind. Mr. Johnson threw 011 the brake when he saw the Farnam car begin to back up, but could not mop before it stiuck li s car. The front of tho Dod;;e street car was wrecked. Johnun v.aa taken to St. Joseph's hospital, where lie was attended by Police Surgeon Peppers. City is Ready to Show All Should Have Dollar Gai. L0NQ INVESTIGATION FINISHED It rprosm (alive of lh- l'.nalnecrlna Drimrtinriit Hate Hern Work ins with F.xprrts Ap pointed T) toinpanj. City Engineer Craig says the employes In his department who have hern niuktng an inventor)' of the Omaha Gas com pnny'a property for the last five months will be rrudy to report hv the first of th year, and that from their report deduc tions will be made to determine what an ctjullHble charge for gas should ho. The city has been paying ?1 for gas." said Mr. Craig, "and the citizens $1.2.1. The city council passed a resolution ask ing that gas furnished consumers be so done at a cost not exceeding II. The Omaha Gas company objected to this and this department wns Instructed to make an Inventory of tholr property to find out w hut a proper charge would be. "The gas company has been employing about a dozen experts to assist us. We have hud four men In the field and they have been checking up every meter, main and fixture and will know exactly what property tho company posesses. We ex pect to be able to show the experts In such matters, by the data we will pro duce, that the action of the council Is substantiated by facts. This matter has been brewing a long time and a Just set tlement will be welcomed by both I artles." McShane to Retain Foster as Deputy Sheriff Elect F. J. McShane. Jr., has announced, that when he takes office the first of next year he will reappoint W. A. Foster, republican, the present chief deputy sheriff under Sheriff Kdwln F. Ilirailey. Mrs. Jennie McPherson, matron at the county Jjii. also will be reap pointed. Other appointments have not been decided upoJi. Is usll-rousd kltrtaa aacefsfcjr It f araishn lh aiMta, f ! body to ths llli, sUtrns tht uiks and fravlm, thick? m tht ons,stvet rooslitcscy to Icec sod ic cietau, aa Is tta butt far eeuat- iMsdtllcleus des serts. Hm It Jtut oat, tot tuapla. MAPLE SPONGE a5!E5-A IVr1p tmr MmpX9 pmm: Mall tw oipt hrtm or maple fAis nd) c up hot wrr t a tmip. Both H pa, kiva ol Ki Stwfcling Cte tm lH cttpt coM i?r Met pour ht ivnip ov lht. Put In ronl rU. 1 vrira nwrlp tvt. ht m nfiy white el two or thrf eip ol Fnffiwh wotou. cut up ne. rv with rmvurA mm o4 vlk i Usfl t, I ptat Milk td $ mvlcapodJMtult tuww Fvry Kant pack cantatas 3 aavalapat at ftla Uoe, tha a makiag 4 full aaru ot iellr. Oar Tr Bl aia aav asaihrr el tactaw la ritiatv rtwwit, aakwla, at. Baal baa far fmm gaocra mm. Pint lamplt for H stmmpmnd rrwerr'j nmm. CHARLES B. KNOX CO. 400 Kmi Armii JohMtawm, N. Y. Buy Clothes of a Store With a Reputation Safest way In all tho world Is to buy from a store wlta a ropttiut ion. It tievpr hptrays a trust yon employ a man on H'P illation ynti extend credit on reputation, you loan money on rep utation. Tlie very foundation of your future 13 built on reputation. Make reputation the basis of your clothes "onying. U' a paid-up policy of clothes satisfaction. That's tha kind of clothes t-s will sell you. Clothes that have won a reputation for superiority. Tb largest makers of men's wear In America have built Into our clothes a reputation as fixed as Olbralter. And besides, our clothes cost you 20 less than other makes of unknrrn or uncertain quality. Our Suits and Overcoats at $10 to $35 have earned the reputation of out wearing and outstyling any other makes. THE OMAHA BEE Less than a penny and cleaner than any. Omaha's largest anil llrnt lOquIppcd (Nothing Store THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER l.i the. Leading Agricultural Journal of tho west. Its columns ara filled with tho best thought of the day In matters pertaining to tho farm, tho ranch and the orchard, and It. is a factor In the development of the great western country. Co-Operative Live Stock and Grain Men Coming Here J. C's'.iuday of .Minrirn, fer rclary of the Xebrat-ka Fanners Co-Operatlve I.lve Btock a, Oral ii HiippliiK association, says he expects tOO members ot the con vention of that association, which will bo held in Ornahu, January 10-14, In con Junction with the meeting of the Ne braska Karmtrs' congress nnd the N biaska Itutal Ufe commission. Mr. Canada was In (unaiia last nlKht to con fer with the publicity bureau of the I'om lneiclal club relative to arratifjements for the meeting. There are iCO co-operative hhlppinj; as sociations In tho state, all members of the state association. SUPPLY DEPOT AND SCHOOL TO BE INSPECTED Information received here in the regu lar tirmy bulletins Issued by the Depart ment of War says that Lieutenant Colonel O. P. Striven of Washington. V. C, has been detailed to make an Inspection of the signal corps Kcncral Supply depot, the signal corps school for enllited men and the pot of Tort Omaha. Colonel Kctlvcns is also ordered to do similar duty at l''ori Leavenworth. IP LH1 BAKING j POWDER I SEE 1,ow much belter It S makes the baking I SEE now much mora uni I form in quality I SEE how pure how good I SEE how economical and 1 SEE (hat you get Calumet -At your V Orooon'u K Creche Plans for Big Christmas Tr?e The thirty-two kiddlrs at tho Creche, the nursery at the corner of Kiislitecnth and Harney streets, air all well arid have been for two month past. The Creche home, however, has been In a somewhat run-down condition and iu worth of re pairing has been done lately. At the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors yesterduy plans were made for the Christmas (estivlties for the small boys and girls of the Creche. The tree and entertainment will be held at ti o'clock Christmas tvc. Mrs. A. H. Tabor of Crluer. Mo., had been troubled with lck headache for about five ers when she began taking Chamnei Isln's Tablets. Him has tuken two bottles of them and they cured her. fc'lck headache Is caused by a disor dered stomauh for which these tablets are tbpeelally Intended. Try liiem. j.,-t well and stay tli. bold by all druggists. fOTMADEBYTHETR 1 I A IT TTTTATTniHl WmS VT BAKING P0WD CHICAGO Omaha9 s Greatest Xmas Piano Display Which all Nebraska is cordially invited to inspect. Whether you pur chase or not, a visit to see the beautiful instruments displayed will pay you In Piano Selling We Lead ukcausl: oun stock 13 TUB LARGEST OUn PIANOS ARE THE BEST OUR PRICES ARB THE LOWEST OUR TERMS OF PAYMENT THE EASIEST. A Few Prices on Used Pianos CORNISH ...f 08.00 CAMP & CO. $08.00 C1I1CKERINO & SON 14.00 KIM BALL $100.00 HAINES & CO IM 00.00 M'PHAIL . . .$108.00 A. Great Line From Which to Choose a I U'L " i p. i r 1 mgn yjraae aiana ard Piano J EVERETT KNABE BROS. SOHMER ISHER CHECKERING BItO-:, WKOMAN J'RICE & TEBPi.U SCHAEFEn STARK Ll.DWICK ' JULTON ALEC IT. OTHER MAKES. , tiA YDEN BROS. Nebraska's Leading Piano House ' I - !! i I i I I J m4 mmm n J L O) 1J s5 f n?)n. tLr-xi U i lira The Christmas shopping rush will soon be on and then travel on the street cars will be attended with more or less crowd ing and discomfort, in spite of all the provisions we can make. We therefore earnestly urge .the public to Shop Early. Stocks of merchandise in the stores are noy at their best and sales-people can wait on you more satisfactorily now than they can later. Omaha&CouncilBluffsStreef RaiivvayGo, 3 0 i i i ' ! il