Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    mi: mi:i;: omaha. khidav. dkckmbkh s. ion.
The Truly
r. ..-
lor Ladies
.SrMns; PaRkels, toulainl.iK
ever) thing from needle f o
hoars. .
-Mucin Knlls.
-Air Pillow.
Manicure C'ara.
Hand Han,
SrlHFor Cases.
Jewrl Cam.
Medicine Caeos.
Toilet Cases.
Writing Eetg.
Stationery with any mono
rrara, die Uasnrl, box, 75.
nt ydum
LAUiawW". ,
Comptroller of Currency" Hakes Serf,
out Cbarre ia Animal Report.
I aa lie M1e a a laroffleieat
writ mm Crlwlaol Mk
tla la Akh4 tm ale
. the rrartlre.
W ASHINGTON. Pee. T-Tha general
kttatneaa et tb country, as reflected in
banking; operations, tu quit satisfac
tory during the year ending October 11
lar.. arcrrdijig to torn annual report of
I.amoc, O. unrray, comptroller ef ths
carrracy. futnrrltted to enngr tV!y.
Mr. Murray record a eteauiy growth In
tba Miami ef Dtutneaa and the rslabtlsh
imut "C ma hlgll fecrtrd ia tfcis tonneo-
TT atrt cntt.' however, that while
scjrtttesilag soma of tba , Important !
myait ot banking 'Burin the ytwk bus!
nesa M mot react the a rerun OT there
for tba last Un year. :
The ccmfitroder roaaea tba lartllnR
flecUmi'oai that th dlehoneat priuUca
b tffka- o( natltoai banks of raoalylna;
irncaii rrTnpeTtTuxn tr aiananaa ny
lb haj) a crnainc avll and ham ml-
trtar raaiwd u b. rrtrt,!ina a W talJ
"In tfch jpcnr. i adila, "ffther t tial
bank la entramled ofj'Uwful Interwat whk'B
It would atnerwoMi receive, or . usurious
Interest la eaactcd of a borrower by a
rorrtil officer. A' aecrat (vward to ths
offirert ta aomeUmrs a dallberata brtba
lor . obtaluing a loaa on Insufficient
curlU-.A :.-.,
Mr. Wurra urva ' triaf lha tax Ins at
tiionry ct vther valuatrtra In this uuim
tlon by bank' ofTkvr be maila an vlfeuH
ponlahabla by 'imprlwinmeut In' lk oault
tr.tlary. ' ' ' -. ..v i
1 ho agareaato aaaount ot assets Lit the
national' t-mnka IncrnaiMd lurlig the fear
apnroktmalryilUia.kMKJO, r i.W er ocnL
IxotDS and dlarount. tit biggest Item In
a bank 'a resource, inrreaaed only S.W per
rent in tba fare, of an avrac. ton-year
Increase ef IKI iter oent. InOlvldual de
!!). reareaentlng M per cent of a bank
HblMt1. reached the litaheet point In
l.Ulory Haptember t last-16.4t,eu,nil. Tbls
lilgh record, however, waa an Increase of
only a.O per rent over th prevloua Vear,
a coanpajad wltli a ten-yoar averat ot
Th banking pewerof the iilln, tn-.
eluding-' parUoaa ot every bank -
tloaaJ, state and private la eatlntatsd by
th compimller at tUl.tM.4f"W. n, ln-
creas during 4h year of JJOf.. or
over i: per cent. Th total banking capital
la estimates J CrWJ.4ll.ot and th total
Indlvidualittijostwrat tls.tl4.T3a.Sil.
The et earn.'nsr of th nat tonal banks th fiacal tear ending June J1),
laet, er front wliicu dividends
er paid te th amount of U4.A,412, or per cent on th capital, and K r
tnta tfc casnblnnl-oayltailiand surplus.
Uttly tarsa natlonst 4infc- were, placed
in th hands tf rewKnridurttia; jlm year
eildlag Octosar 31,ui ' . ., , v-
Th Vnlted .laiaa tli'e iea,te:M
luck ef gold auid silver In the srttrld. ae-1
ordlnrg e strfilstlvs' anjt-inilt'r'l. t Mr.
Murray (or t U taWtidar year Jm. . Th
iotl acgregst of gold In posftceaion of
tli brlndpal countries was Wu.rtie of
which th t.'nlted ftates helr l,Tt.ww.0u
or t per cent of the tula). The total
aupWy ot silver waa aj.iiw.ji'o.tiW Un
outintry's share l!iig tTrr.iiVtW) or m per
leiit. ,
U:-., Muraray iw-oittiueuda. liiat fetlral
"r scat Corporation holding elixk In
iiMtlanal banks be niad liatla to assees
nxut as aliartukf rs, . 11a aka con.
gree;, to eitend lo lrn ean the ntatul
wf imitations for 1ii pruewntintt of -of-feusea
under th natlbual tanking aa.
key la tne tltuallun-rei Ads
In buying tfccm on mutt tako the word of the dealer mom
.tfcaa In anytblnc el a. .If. you doat with a tuerrhant ot standing
In lb touimuiili) ott rata buy In per foe I aafcty and xvith perfect
aasxiracca that you wi'l st-t full aluo for your money. Al-
though w baN been lu the atue buislnos In the aame location
. for over lwcuty-vu year. w do not eveu aaU that you take our
-word for the IMaiuonde me may sell you, for wo alaaya give a
'written guarantee to tefutid ntne-tentha of punhaae price at
any time lth!i a ear fi-oai dale of sale. We have li anion da
S5.00 to 3650
And "III take pleasure lu showing them.'
' Will 15 4:cu Ssturdny l:vruiiiss l utit tlirUttuaa.
Useful GUI
Is f he One of Mark Cross Lcalher
IYoiii tlii; beautiful showing of
luind iiiade Untlier goods oin.' may
elect siiity)jl- :iinl serviceable gifts
for every tneiiibrr of tin family.
Every piece, from the miiillcst
seizor cast to tin- big sewing bas
ktt s which htniul L'j inches high,
shows the "careful, ik i 1 1 1'n I work of
I Im highest guide workmen in the
For Gentlemen
Kngli8li Trays, wicker tiK",
KlaM bottuin with hunting
acme. ,
Ash 'i'rti. and Cigarette Humi
dors. HmoklnjC Seta.
IU1 Knlda.
Photo Frame.
Tonarco Pouches.
Desk Be! a.
Calendar Pads.
Clarar aad Cigarette Caaca.
Collar Bags.
Fisher and Bixby
Address National
Rivers Congress
WASHINGTON. Dec. T.-fiectetary of
th Interior Fisher and General Blxby,
ehlef of army engineer, sneaking before
the National Rivers and llarbora con
grKs hera today, urged the necessity ef
considering the development of water
waya not only for Wvlgration, but also
with rerarfl to the establishment of water
power alteja and the construction Of Irrl4
gatlon reeervoira rd flcod levee.'
Mr. Fisher declared th popular Idea ft
antagonism between the atatea-and the
federal government over ths improvement
ef waterways waa unfounded.
Oenrral Blxby said that If the. recom
mendations of the army engineers . could
pas through enngreeg without amehd-'
iriemt, the United Ptatea In a few years
would iava th greatest system of Inland
waterway In the world.
,' Judge TV. r. Dland of Kaneaa City
spoke on th work of Improvement on the
MlMmurl liver. t
The western governor, on tour In th
at( war guests of th convention today.
When th speakers Included Omernor
Ifadly of Mlsenttrt and Mayor Oaynor of
'few Tork.' 1
bivorce Proctor
Scores as Lawyer;
" f or the Def endant
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. T.-lMvort'f
seekat a who yeitterday won a victory Over
W. W. W'rlght, the divorce proctor, when
he , wa. barred from participation lnm
pending ault. were routed today"' 'wrterV
th proctor appeared as the attorney" for
Ua derrndant In tha asm suit."1" The'
plaintiff attorney objected to tha proc
tor's activities on th ground that'll
had no legal connection with th c and
tha contention waa attatalned.
I Mr. Wright today discovered that -the
defendant, a woman, waa unaware that
a ault had been tiled against her. Notice
waa by publication only and, ' altho-.tgh
ah baa nut been a . from the city,
ah had not bn the lnoonaitcunii legal
publication. Whan Informed of tha. sltua-1
Hon aha employed the proctor a her
attorney and her husbsnd's application
foe divorce was denied.
Circuit Judge tluthrle announced that
although . divorce lawyeta may 'legally !
prevent the proctor from . questioning
'ttneaaea. Jit work would continue Just
th earn, as lie will be allowed to
prompt th court In 'tfgV examination.
' riUl,.VUi:i,T'i!lA. Uec. ;.-Thr.s per
sona vere burned to death or euffot-ated
itiai ntgUl In a fire which Ovatt'oyvd, tb
faslvlunable Marie apartment uoue. at
attfnth rtreet 4iear Npitice eleeetThos
a ho loat thlr Uvea wer Kimutl Oalfvur,
hi wife and -)4i.olJ daughter. TJm
bmlirs were found n the fourth loor of
the apartment, litre tlicy had ruon,is. -When
the f ames broke out Mr. and
Mrs. rtalfuurr aiid tliclr daughter n-deavt-red
to ecapo by 'leaching th rwf
Of an ndjdlning building, but It Is thought
that all thiee were oveivome by sinoke
and fell back Into the flames. Thrir
Uod'.es were badly burnej.
Mr. Italfour waa manager of a 6 and
lo-c:it ."tore here, and lita hum u in
Pateron. N. J.
PI I KS t n IX O TO 14 1141 a.
Vour dmarlst will 'refund niotiey If
rai'i ttliitment fatia tn cur anv cac of
l il. ins. Klind. ItleetlliiM !' I r.itiuding
m' m it dsys. W
low Senator Will Aid Proiecntion
in Chicago.
I'rupnaltlun to I sc liirt Mobrnra
Military Hcx-nailnn for Itnffnlo
rnl Hint l'n rri e l.tibrrk
Inlrniinrri a Hill.
lI'M-in a Staff f'm ti-: p mCr 1. 1
VAMI(;TuN. l)ec ;.-iSiwal Tile
K:h!ii I K'tiator Kr-nyon will Iravp tumor
low niajtit for Chl. ixu to ink" i:p stipe:-,
vision yf thf profi.-utluii of Hi" beef
packers. TIim Hiiator ha l i n part!'U
hirly ip.i;r!c l ,, Atturncy titntral
S Icki i Kliani . crnt'nuc In the ite unllf
Hi" rd. lie has i-unsenled mid the
I'lol.alHIIt.v Is tliat lie will lie ahsent fioin
t atliliiiit n until nflei the Iml day rec.'m.
Kf iiatur Ki-nyun will (.erve the l)cpnrt
menl of Justice In litis niHtter without
comix nsnlliiM rvrn liarin his own wr
ronal experiecs.
A Fpciliil ne-il nf Hie luiiflor depart
ment has iccently ben at work in the
Koit Nl'ihiara inliitaiy reserve Inventl
gatln IJs Kullaljilit ' at a bird and
luifiilo prrserv as etiKgrxted crlalnHlly by
furiuer president Itooeevel'. Judge Kin
kald In eixaklng of thin matter eald he
will shortly call upfm S retary Klnher to
enter a protest aKaltint rui h uae of the
Mohtart reservatloii. liepresentatlvc
Kinkaid and many of his l onstltuent arr
of the opinion that If s bird and huffal
preserve Is to be estnliili-hed In Ne'.iiasKa
the lilsmal forest jerrve In Thomas
county would be much more suitable, it
was suggested thst there Is not much
cause to worry atijtit the buffalo piesrve
as that animal Is very rare In fart almost
Representative Klnkald today escorted
Judge V. M. Wolcotl of Valentine to the
land office and Introduced him to Com.
mlssloner Dennett and other officials.
Judge Wolcutt also had some business be
fore th Indian bureau and that depart
ment waa alio visited.
('able and Nraahi Myateni. ,
HepresentatlVQ Ixiberk today Introduced
a bill carrying an appropriation of 110,000
to test Hi rah! and brush system of
controlling the channel of the Missouri
liver at or near Omaha. Th test Is to
be made xndrr supervision of the city
engineer of Omaha and representatives of
the War department.
Representative Klnkald today recom
mended the appointment of the following
postmasters, all In Cherry county: Fer
nando T. Hames, Badger Lake; Ollbert
W. Johnson, Mcfann: K. d. Walker,
Uewev Lake: Parah Mcleod, Kennedy,
and Hh hard Klchardaon, Hlg Creek.
1 ho president today nominated the fol
lowing to bo postmasters In Nebraska:
Julian K. Vaiinon. Clearwater; Ashbury
T. Rowc, Oakdale; Castillo M. Reynolds,
Hut hci land Webster I Whltla. tlatlle
Creek; (Icorge W. Anderson, llavelock;
Kdttar l- Fussctt, Arlington; Wallace T.
Murae, Krlend.
lleorge Hare of Ansley, Neb., is In
Washington and today called on Judge
Klnkald. Mr. -Hare la a great traveler
and sightseer In hla own country. It te
Ing hla ambition to ray he ha visited
leading points of Interest in every state
In the union. Mr. Hare, who hesrchl)
so years easily, tuus ralr to accomplish,
and he has not ovr half a dnsen states to
visit. Mr.- Ilgre l-a retired merchant uf
Ansiy( ....
Henry T,, Clarka waa re-r!cW -todsty
by the National rttvrrs and Harbors con
gress as vie president for Nebraska.
A. C. Miller of Lies Molnea waa elected
to th same position for Iowa. Charles
E. Peland of Tlerro was also elected vice
president for South Dakota.
American Sheep
Ribbons at Chicago
ClJlC.t!p D.eciTT-Canadlan a'uecess In
rapturing first honors In sheep judging
at th International Stock show came. to
an end' today after years of triumph and
American sheep islaers garnered most of
the blue ribbons.
Another feature of the day'a winnings
was the success of J. K. Meharry of To-
lono, .111., who won fourteen out of a pos
sible sixteen firsts In Poland-China hog
classes and also -took eight seconds and
ten thirds. .
Illinois stuck raisers fared well In the
breeding Shire class Judging.
1 Ui'prge McCrary 6f Flthtan, Finch tiros,
of Juliet fcttd Truman's farns at Bushnell
dlvjded honors.
i In tlalloway cattle judgins Ktrauh Uros.
6t Avora, Nb.," and C. S. II-htnr of
Chariton, la., carried off most ot the
VliMdr, the world champion steer, went
th way of all cattle flesh that comes to
tli attention of the packers and was
butchered after having been sold to a de
partment store for HO cents a pound.. .
'KANSAS CITY, Dec. 7 -The raiload of
fat steera that won the sweepstakes lTT'.ie
at th International Live Stock show In
(,'IiIcsko was sold tod to a pa.klnf com
pany for $15 iJ a bundled pounds. That
prte wa ij cent a hundred pounds
higher then tlie vlnueis of the., same
vent, brought last ,esr. and with the cx
deptton of 1171 paid In the highest un
reeord fur a full rat'luad.
Th steers weie yearling
Angus, bred and fed In Irwin,
aveiagnd l.-1 . pounds each
n9.47 a head.
la. . T:ev
(Continued froru -rrt I'agc.l
I heir delegate. Thsi- were eetvn caa-
dliiate In all. A long and exciting cuu-
t waa siimdily co.nmenead and ys
watched with deep Interest. I'.e t) no ii
inated and at the election won by a ma
jority of about 2.0,0.
I'ollllewl Life.
In lKTii Mr. Nance was one of the six
delegates chosen by lii.1 ret'ubllcaii state
convention to rpieieft this s'tate at the
n.itioiittl convention l Clnitiiiiati. lur
tug the tame ) rar he v nominated for
Itie It'iHtflMl nee b' c tli."f ..-IniitllAn
ami at the olenitis. trloii un clioscn
Ilcan state conxe-.t'tm m nitnaied hlai for
majority. In IV4 he was renominated ! I
aivlamuiloii and witli !KI eutliulasm,
and was le-electcd b a majofitv gratl
In excess of any otlitr caiiJk': on the i
state ticket. j
Mr. Name aim lira in to Mis.
h'Kish White, daughter ot Kgbei t and
Maiy Whit uf Faimtfi.l. la. iio leave
a widow and on dauiitr.
Huciit Hwwan r'alalty llarwed.
BtKiXK. U . Ic 7.--cS;ic. :l )-Mra It
V.. NoUn. .raiding south of tills city, the
wifexif a tcell-known farmer, was fatally
injuied lai-t ii'a. lit by the rvplo on of a
keroMriie lamp. Mf. Nolan w.t carrying I
a lamp alncli aa ligiited, going from one
room to anoihrr. a hen she slumtilcd and
full. Ti lamp tki'lodtd and la a few
&rEAKER AT TIIE banquet of
UWAJHA MAi?uACiUttI.tt9.
. X i
Moffat mol.
John m gi.i;nn
BecrclHiy of the Illinois Manufacturers'
neconiN flic as enveloped tn flames.
Hefure they could lie extinguished all
her clothing was burned and her body
wit a mass of bltntc:.". Dnctora were
suii-.monrd at ono anj aUhouiih she v. as
Ktiil livlns th'a morning thert Is little
hop r::jnrtA for. her icOve;-y.
(Continued f ra n First Page.)
tallied him to Inves'.lgste the more than
100 dynamlto outrages throughout the
"Kvr ry dynamiting which occurred since
1IK0 may le traced directly or Indirectly
to the McNamnras and the men behind
them." '.-.
I'lmvowlnir any enmity towards or
ganised lnbor and declaring that "such
conservative lenders as John Mitchell and
others havo stood behind mo and my
work." Ilurns said that "If unionism Is to
pievsll it must kick out the . dishonest
leaders and corrupt machine which Is
draaainB it down."
"Th turn the McNaniaia rase has
taken," he continued, "has been the
Rreatest blow to socialism In the history
of this country. Although 1 have re
ceived scores of threatening letters, I
believe no one, except, perhaps, a fanatic,
would n l tempt my life. They are too
careful of their own necks."
"The Iron workers are nut the " only
union men Bittlty of dynamiting," he
suld. "Ther are others, but to say, who
fould be obviously unwise."
Bums will return to Philadelphia to
morrow. Miller Kepltea to tiotupers.
INDIANAPOLIS, pec. 7-"To show
how mt:eh of the vast' sum of money
collected for . the defense of th MrNa
maraa was used legitimately and liow
much. If any, was ;ised In corrupt prac
tlcer, Samuel Compars sliouhu bring ealt
for an accounting1 of 'the "fiintls."" ' -
Tn1 waa the'erfrrfment todrty bf V'nlted
States District Attorney Charles W.
Miller, on Mr. Oompcra' atatemenf that
the dJstrlct attorney had been guilty of
a "gratuitous Importlnepce" In, crit
icising Mr. Onmpera as sn "unsafe
'Just as an evidence of good faith."
added Mr. Miller, ' let Mr. Oompers bring
an action to exhibit to the public Just
what became of the tlDO.OOJ raised among
laboring men for the McNnmara
Slight Decrease
in Acreage Sown
to Winter Wheat
WASHINGTON. Dec. T.-The December
crop report of the Department of Agri
culture Issued at 2:15 p. m. today shows
32,213,000 acres sown to winter wheat this
fall, compared with the newly revised
estimates, baaed on the census bureaus.
IW. atatement of acreage, of SJ.SAS.OOO
acres for the' crop of 1011 and 31.&3.0OO
acres for the crop of 1910. ' J '
Th condition of winter wheat on De
cember 1 waa g. per cent ot a normal.
compared with S2.B In 1910; t&.S In-lDOa,
and Rt.l, the ten-year average.
The area sown thht fafl to ry Is eall
ittated at .i).O0O acres, compared with
the revised estimated area of Z.tlS.tXO
acres for the crop of 1!U. '
i The condition of rye on December 1 we
m.S per rent of a normal, compared with
2.6 in I'.nO; ( 1 in 13UI and Kf, the ten
year average.
CRK8TON., Ja . IHm-. 7. t8pclal.)-A
sec-lit meeting of railroad men held
Wednesday evening when. It la reported,
about StM of them were present to discuss
the p'un ot operating a co-operative de
partment store herein all sort of coin
luoilltles should . lie handled provisions,
nitJ, coal, i tc. They deny ' that this
ia the fact and .say their 'meeting ' waa
to protekt against th wags scale' paid to
the drivers rf the merchants' new delivery
I) stem, iccently InaaKurated. Just why
railroad men alioyjd take tip the giievanc
of the delivery clerk In groceries and
meat markets, when the driver them
telvts are not complaining, the railroaders
have failed to make clear. .
Key t-. the Situation-He Want Adj.
tor .
im .iimr iisri stmis it nrr-in i iml)Si. i .. .. . 1
Omaha's Hen Furnace Goal
Exccllo Arkansas Grate
98.00 Per Ton
The nearest poa-ilble approach to Anthracite. Each clay biinga
new Kuello c ustomera. rerommended by tboae already ualng It.
We guarantee it to be more economical than bard coal, as
eaaily regulated, and to be free from smoke and aooU
Honieiuber Kxcollo the next time you need furnace coal. We
are bole agenu. Alto phone u about our aoft roala and ask for
our largo teal scuttle. It la yours for the aiklng.
Coal EHill Coal Company
! tj
mfxlfwUM'SX n IX I' "'l""L 1 '
Heir to Quarter Million, He Will
Draw $15 a Week and Board.
Arsxameat atertrh Pat aad tase
llwea Snl Un to Jar) Wars E
pectenl Impfesnent Ural
era t oaelodc.
(I'lom a Ktsff Correspondent.!
DM MOINES. lec. T.-l Specral Tele
gram.) John !. oik. who Inherited, with
five other heirs of lilx father. $-.0"C, ha
entered Into a contract with Ms son,,
Jeff II. Polk, that the sun will run the
business of the estate, virtually aa "at
torney In fuct," and Kivc his father tli
it week spending money and In addition
pay bills for necessaries, clothing, board,
room rent, medical attention and pernonal
tare. Join Polk is n victim of whisky
and has been on an allowance for a num
ber of y ears. I
Kelly Trlnl airelehes Oat.
The Kelly murder trial has been
Mrotched so tkjat another day ' will he
taken before thK jury gets It. The argu
ments have been unusually long and the
county attorney will take ut least two
hours tomorrow In which to close, hav
ing talked two hours late this afternoon.
Iniplemeat Dealers Close.
After electing J. R. A'auphan of
Waterloo a president and H. P.
Armknocht of DonncllKon as secretary
treasurer and reHnlviiiet to meet In De
'Moines next year, the ' sixteenth annual
convention of the Iowa Implement Deal
eis' association came to a ilos-j this
WKBSTER CITY. 1.. De-. 7.-(peclaI.)
Webster City 'police at 1 o'clock this
morning cnught a robber" red-banded In
th Chaney1 drug store.
The man Is about 30 years of age and
is believed to be one of the gang who
have . been robbing stores here and at
Judd. Wolatock. Vincent. Rlalrsburg and
Kamrar. As tha police closed In on tho
store one robber Jumped out of a window
and escaped, though several shots were
fired at Itltn. ,A'thlrd. who waa watching
the store, also escaped. The store had
been rifled, but only about 910 In cash
was found.
MOYSMsmra or ocxak itiikcm.
Tort. Arrived. Salfad.
NKW YOHK...K Pr. Wllhltn... .Campania.
Kit; MR .laronla.
. I'arp.lhH.
ANTWRKP.... Vaflerlanll.
tiNrniN Senator
Satisfaction in
Jewel Buying
Contentment in' the
poeseBBlon of diamond or
gem jewolry can eilst
only when one has posl
tlre knowledge that tha
Jewels are' abovo crttIJ'c
. tlsm, '; , .'
flur we'll-known rputa-' '
Hon aa dealer In fine Jew
elry and precious noma has
leen achieved through a
persistent adherence to the
, policy of offering only such
jewels an will hear th most
critical Inspection.
The splendid values hare
entail no Increased rost tn
your purchase, and we
know that, true values con
sidered, our prices are no
higher than thou, of others, ,
but, in . many Instances, ,
actually lower. ,
Albert Edholm
lxteeata aad Xaiaty.
Gifts that Please
Opera Glasses
Field Glasses
Fountain Fen?
We carry a carefully so
leclotl and 'well assorted
htock of these article?, (hat
will plenflo the moot dis
criminatiDj: purchaser.'
Globe Optical Co.
218 South 18th St.
Omaha ' - - -' Nebraska
TitUKt-: PHO.NtH 1. V.9.
Great Holiday Sale of Boys'
Suits and Overcoats
Children's 2-piece Suits, sizes 8 to 17 years; values jr AA
up to $t5.0iJ om' sale price VtfeUv
Juvenile Suits, sizes 5 to 9 years; sailor blouses; C AA
values up to $10:00, choice. .VW-UU
Juvenile Kussian Overcoats, values up to $10.00, A A
sizes o to 8 years; choioe vw"v
Children's Russian Suits, sizes 3 to 6 years; values ' r AA
uj to $12.50 sale price. 4t9UU
These Suits and Overcoats as Gifts
A five dollar bill could never buy that boy a more use
ful or practical Christmas gift. Many parents will do well
to follow this tip.
R.S. WILCOX, Mgr. 15th at Douglas
gWKKg, (imtkj. e3K Qiaar
oacAsXAti mux
iood osrari
Fresh ritrawberrles, box . ,3So
3 plain lettuca ic
I bunches new beets So
Katlng or cooking apples, fer
box 10
Presh mixed nuts, per lb. Oo
Hla'k walnuts, per peck ,.40o
Cooking figs, per lb 10
Christinas Holly, per lb. . 35o
11.76 t-gallon oil or gasolin
can with pump, each ..600
15c. large wall made elothvi
basket 600
ITio Imported aardines, per
tin ., So
Cluster raisins, In rartons 800
Citron, orange or lemon peel.
per lb SOo
V lute Clover c omb honey ISO
10c fresh crisp I'retxels, per
lb " 0
4 nkgs. I'needa liiucuit ..lie
aa3 tasaO vffiiuaftd Sss0
The members of the Tallies'
Shopping Club and others will
find our down stairs
lunch and koiia wafer room
Modq.isis at nth' and liodse
altogether the most attractive
place in Omaha to gel a cup of
hot coffee, cocoa r Ceylon tea
or a dainty sandwich, or other
llht luncheon.
Trv our "Dainty Tld Hit Conblna-
tion Handwlclr'' ....1S
Or ovster Cocktail ISO
Same lervica mentioned ahovo
at our new and handsome ' iar
vard Pharmacy.'; 21th au! lur
nmii. Skerman & McCcnnell Drug Co.,
five XmT Stor la Omaha.
(All Ooo4 Oa.s.)
Omaha 'a Greatest Home Paper
Tslkt and Saturday, SSo to 814)0
Saturday Mat., aay seat 2 So.
Tb Maaloal Coai4y
50 wopl fO
Suatay S parferssaac
Xa TUvaUag a Baabaad."
Friday and Saturday
Most Remarkable Savings of the
Season on Boys Apparel
Prior to taking inventory we must
rid our Boys' Clothing Dept. of all odd
jind broken lines of garments. In order
to effect the quickest possible sort of
a clearance on these high grade Suits
and Overcoats we have made the fol
lowing extra-ordinary reductions which
ore in effect for Friday and Saturday
lon-. 4M.
lad. A-14.
Mat. XTry Say 8il8. Xrtry JTLgbt tili.
Hugh Herbert Co; Six Amarlcan
Dancers; Conlin. Steele & Carr; Th
Three Lelghtons; Henry Cliv; Cum
mlnga eY. Uladylnga; lt Arenera & Vic
tor; Klnetoecop: Orpheum Concert Or
chestra. Prices, Wight, lOo, 8 So, 60c, V So.
Matin, loe, beat aeata 85o. eaeapt Sat
urday aad Sunday.
Tonight and All Week
Matt. Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday.
Price aao Only.
1188 1TA tllO
and the Woodward Stock Company
viTt--VtVlt "' AT MATClf.
Champion of th United Stat,
Chan.rlon of Europe.
Bssrr4 Saata 85 to 81.80
Sat Sale Vow ea. .
T"fn! COBVKsT FLATXgl, Tontgbt
Hon., Ta.a., Wad., , 11, 18. 13
TUB 1ED MTLt.. 8ats How.
MsUae Today 8:90, W laat :30
Beat sWat SO
aad BULK I a: A la ta
Oaao of tbe STu Tsils.
!aut:ful oouvemrs to th ijcd;
at Ikilly IMm Matinee
Aasaaaura, Friday aright.
t.'ouldn't b better at Ti a seat.
(Jordon At aVrtuin rc Birac-itttr
I North a siwir.s.1 VI lUHsUkb
!il auow loias, ulcuUins Will k ox .,..
Marry Marks Stewart. All-beauty Chorm.
liorneou Kacenir ; Entrancing Blag
I Hmrea: A 1 housand lugks.
LUa' Otsoe Maun Bvery Wk
' DODCE . .
: ... x
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